C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A LBronze 🐅 Tiger
"Is that all you've got?"

Benjamin 'Ben' Turner ♦ May 1st, 1992 ( 25 ) ♦ Straight Male ♦ Neutral Good

🐅 C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:
This take on DC's Bronze Tiger is changed up in a way to integrate him into the cast of Black Panther and the nation of Wakanda to add a little more flavor to the whole concept. His new origin involves Prince T'Challa being crippled, Shuri (sister of the mainstream Black Panther) taking over as the Black Panther as she's done recently in the comics, and 'Tiger trying to find his place in a world with every type of hero and villain running around. Bronze Tiger's time in the Suicide Squad will be left out however his being a brainwashed instrument of the League of Assassins will have recently happened. As well as going at it in hand to hand with Batman and besting him.
The opening arc will deal with recently being brainwashed by the League of Assassins and returning back to Wakanda. Turner will suffer from slight PTSD, and it will show in the field protecting the city as well as interacting with Shuri (the new/current Black Panther). They'll both deal with enemies such as Barricade and Carnivore. Ben's fifty shades of messed up. Things get even stranger when Baron Macabre rolls into town raising the dead.
After Shuri insists she can protect Wakanda on her own, Ben travels to China to meet an old friend when he's caught up in a fight with a man who can become seven individual versions of himself. The man known as Seven Deadly Brothers was once a hero in the late 90's and early 00's in the Chinese superteam the Great Ten. He was now washed up and resentful of modern heroes. After the Chinese superhuman puts lives at risk trying to stop a rampaging Godzilla like creature in Hong Kong, Ben challenges him to one on one combat. The man only knows seven forms of martial arts and Ben's one of the best fighters in the world.
After the adventure in China Ben Turner lands back in America. After visiting Louisiana during Mardi Gras season, he settles down in St. Roch. Famous for being the last place Hawkman settled down, it's now infamous for some of the his enemies who survived since the winged hero's demise years earlier. How will the Bronze Tiger contend with Lion-Mane, Bloque, and Hummingbird? And who else will come to town to give the hero an assist?
* Ben has roughly 4-5 years experience since coming to Wakanda. He was under the control of the League of Assassins for the last seven months and bested Batman twice before the caped crusader helped Ben break free of the League's mind controlling drug.
* Ben studied karate, kung-fu, Greco-Roman wrestling, Krav Maga, and kickboxing between the age of nine to twenty before moving to Wakanda. Since being trained by Prince T'Challa's father, King T'Chaka, Ben has studied in three forms of Wakandan martial arts including the Panther and Ape styles as well as the Tiger. During his time under the control of the League of Assassins he studied at an alarming rate at least another half dozen fighting styles.
* When deciding on a code-name for himself Ben considered White Tiger, Red Lion, Coal Tiger, and the Puma.
* The scar across his face came from the day he stepped in to save the life of Prince T'Challa. After the enemies were taken down, Shuri mistook Ben for another enemy and slashed him with a blade before he disarmed her.
* His suit is made of vibranium mesh and the retractable claws in the fingers are solid vibranium.
* Ben went to college in America for medical studies from the age of 17-20 before moving to Wakanda.