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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Duthguy@PrinceAlexus is the Trade going through?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Mae I'm okay with it if @PrinceAlexus is
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

@Mae I'm okay with it if @PrinceAlexus is

I'm OK. I prefer ranged to melee combat anyway.

I can swap my tibial items for thr rifle.
I've still got plenty of good ld to buy a combat blade if I want.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@PrinceAlexus sweet, I will just need @CollectorofMyst's confirmation that he's returning the feather to you, and that you accept the trade.

To confirm, are these what are being traded?

Pastor Jimmy's Black Fang Hatchet and Eagle Feather (total: 675gp value)


Dan's Repeating Rifle. (total: 550gp value)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Mae If that is the total value I'm also throwing in 135 gold
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

@PrinceAlexus sweet, I will just need @CollectorofMyst's confirmation that he's returning the feather to you, and that you accept the trade.

To confirm, are these what are being traded?

Pastor Jimmy's Black Fang Hatchet and Eagle Feather (total: 675gp value)


Dan's Repeating Rifle. (total: 550gp value)

Yeah that's the trade. Dan owes me a favour later on! OK.. Il take thr gold then...

A rifle fits my play style more than a melee weapon.
The item was given to mist on a loan basis only for thr fight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 18 days ago

@Mae Oof. There's a lot to go through for this... consider this my revenge.

>Aaron sighs, and slumps against a wall briefly, eyes closed. Then, reopening his eyes, he looks between each of the members of the posse. Spotting a glint of coin, he gathers what he can, tucking it away in a pocket which hopefully has no holes in, before pawing around to see if more lies beneath the dust and dirt. Reroll for 2 x 100G

>It's time for them to leave this cursed place. Jamie's waiting for him in the next town over. But now, there comes a choice. He checks his rifle... it seems no worse for wear, at least. The feather he tied to it not long before is similar, in that regard, but... he feels as though it helped him get through, in some way. He opens his sidebag. The papers are slightly wrinkled, but the scribbles are neither any more or less coherent. Taking a last look at the journal pages, he decides that really they're no use to him, and drops them onto the ground, near the Slasher's corpse. And then, last but not least, he looks to Father Jimmy. Sighing; though the token had its uses, he can't keep it. He returns the feather to the Preacher.

Also, since I've decided that I prefer a boss momster to a boss monster, I'm going to cast my vote towards unlocking 2 Void Creatures.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@CollectorOfMyst The new value is (1d6, 4 x 50) 200 GP.

Would you like to use any more of your determination or are you now confirming your loot amounts:
200 Gold (4/6, max 300)
1 Darkstone (1 out of a possible 3)
75 gp (3/6, max 150)
1 Darkstone (cannot reroll)

EDIT: Ahhh I'm being called, vote applied but the trade/journal pages I'll do as soon as I have time <3
EDIT EDIT: Should be okay now please check ahahahahahahaha
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 18 days ago

@Mae Confirming all that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 7 days ago

Father C is mighty fine with his loot and I vote for void monster too
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hi, everyone! I see there has been a mission success. Does this mean I'm going to be in the next mission: Defend the Bridge?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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@Leaves Hell ya my man, I also finally get to play and I am hype. Though we're going on different missions, I'm going for the idol one
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@rocketrobie2 eeee that means Void Monsters go through, I think.

@Leaves@duskshine749 Yep, I'll ping everyone when the Town Stay (buying stuff) ends and we start picking Adventures.

Adventures will be first come first serve, we have enough slots for all players, but if you want to be a specific mission and it's popular you will have to post up quick.

I know it's a pain with different time zones (not that I follow mine very well :D), it's more of if I reserve places in advance for people it might become troublesome in the future if there's a super popular mission everyone wants to go on.

But I don't see it being a problem this time, anyway, the missions seems pretty naturally split :D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Well, I would like to mention that you should probably leave room for Aaron and Jamie, since they can't go on missions with one another. Also... what happened to Majora's character?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@CollectorOfMyst I am aware that Jamie and Aaron can't go on missions together, but missions will be first come first serve nevertheless ^^.

If players want to work out positions on parties among themselves (for example, one person takes a spot early on but doesn't mind going on the other mission, and trades places with someone who really wants to go but wasn't online at the time) that's fine. But I think it's most fair doing missions first come first serve, particularly if more people decide to make multiple characters in the future. Or in a situation where we got a 12th player and then Gutshot came back, those sorts of circumstances.

As for Majora's character Luciel, the initial art is done but not coloured yet as I haven't had time to sit down with my tablet :( I'm hoping to get a couple moments to myself today to colour it properly, but the latest it will be finished is friday. I have friends over who head home tommorrow, so we're making the most of it :D

That being said there is working art for her and what I've done in the past if the character isn't coloured is temporarily use their grayscale sprite to play.

Her items are all picked out and everything, it's just finishing the colouring ^^
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

Two new Void Monsters have been added to the game.

I'm excited, they're pretty cool :3

The Posse should now be up to date, please let me know if you notice any discrepencies~

As you leave the mine to continue your journey, some of you begin to experience firsthand the corrupting influence of the Darkstone ore...

@DeadbeatwalkingHawkeye Harold is about to take 2 Corruption damage. Spend a determination to reroll failed saves?
@ScarescrowScare, the Law Holder is about to take 4 Corruption damage. Please Note: if Scare, the Law Holder takes 4 Corruption, he will immediately gain a mutation. Spend a determination to reroll failed saves?

Dan, Father C, Pastor Jimmy and Aaron Goldfeld withstand the otherworldly influence.

The Journey to Town
Dan and Scare, the Law Holder trigger two Travel Hazards.

Traveler on the Road

During your travels, you encounter a Stranger on the road. It is none other then the legendary Vigilante Hero, The Scarlet Shadow! He is infamous for dealing with outlaws, brigands and - controversially - Mutants.

Seeing no ne'er-do-wells amongst your number, The Scarlet Shadow nods his head in approval towards your group, and vanishes into the brush as quickly as he appeared.

You all recover to your Max Determination for witnessing a living, breathing myth.

Bridge Destroyed!

The bridge across the canyon ahead has been demolished, either blown up to prevent demons from coming across, or torn apart during a skirmish! You'll have to find another way around, which will take time... time you don't have.

When the Posse get to Town, the heroes can spend no more then 2 days in town before starting the next Adventure.

A Classic, Small Town

It is not a long trip to the next town over, though the bridge collapse has set you back aways. Aaron Goldfeld directs the posse over the next ridge speaking of his fiance, while Father C checks his booze rations with satisfaction and Pastor Jimmy recalls there being alot of Entertainers in this town. Hawkeye Harold puffs on his pipe talking about the time he played Brimstone Craps with a red skinned mutant, and as the Town comes into view on the horizon, Scare, the Law Holder talks about a lady Lawman with strong leadership skills.

It is twilight. The Town is small but comfortingly predictable - unlike some horror stories you've heard of about Plague Towns and Haunted Wastelands, this seems to be just another settlement struggling to survive out here on the frontier. Smells like home.

How Does a Town Stay Work?

Time in Town: 2 Days maximum.
Whenever a character rolls for hazards, events, ect. in Town, they may spend determination to reroll unless specifically stated otherwise.

A Town Stay currently does not have any artwork attached to it. It is comprised of Day and short Night (choosing Hotel/Campsite) cycles. Before each day cycle, heroes must decide whether they are staying at the Campsite or paying 10 gold to stay at the Hotel. The Hotel is always safe to sleep at, whereas if a character stays at the Campsite they must roll for a Campsite Hazard in case something bad (or perhaps good, though this is unlikely) happens. Once all heroes have declared whether they are staying at the Campsite or Hotel and resolved any Campsite Hazards, the Day phase starts.

At the start of each day, a Town Event is drawn to see if something unusual happens during that day in town. This effects everyone.

During the day, every Hero (who has taken part in the game and travelled to the town) chooses one location to spend the day at. When they arrive at that location, each hero must roll to see if there is a Location Event happening at the time they travel there. If two heroes travel to the same location, unless specifically stated, they both roll seperately for their own location events.

Heroes may then spend the day at the location, purchasing items, doing events, ect. untill all heroes are satisfied they have done everything they wish for that day and decide to call it a night. At the end of the day, there is a chance for an additional - usually negative - Town Event to happen. This gets more likely the longer heroes stay in town.

Heroes then decide whether they wish to spend another day in town or end their Town Stay. If they stay another day (to a maximum of 6, usually) they then decide whether they wish to stay at the Campsite/Hotel again and then a new day starts. heroes can then choose a new Location to visit (or the same, if they wanted).

Please note that because there is a limited amount of time in town you may not be able to visit all the locations you wished to. Because of this, I am happy for heroes to trade or make deals with each other (e.g. can you pick me up some whiskey from the general store while you're there? In exchange I will give you gold/buy you this item from the blacksmith) even if they are not in the same location. We will run this as heroes either having mentioned it in the morning before setting off or passing each other in the street.

Unwanted Attention: If you have too many mutations (3+), do something shady in town, or win alot at the Saloon/Gambling Hall, you may attract Unwanted Attention. When a Hero with Unwanted Attention rolls 7 on a Town Location chart, a cowardly killer attacks from the shadows attempting to murder the Hero. That Hero must make a Luck test or incur damage from the encounter. If this happens to KO the hero, they are shot to death. All Unwanted Attention is removed at the end of a Town Stay.

There are also unique Town Types that may be rolled in future with unique rules, as well as unique Town missions that can pop up on the mission board.

The Campsite is always available to visit (unlike other locations which are chosen randomly). When visited during the day, it is exactly like any other Town Location, with it's own possible location events.

▲ C A M P S I T E ▲
F E A T U R E S:




B A N D A G E S - 50g
Gear Bandages Token

Gain 1 set of Bandages per purchase.

W H I S K E Y - 50g
Gear Whiskey Token

Gain 1 Whiskey per purchase.

• S T R E E T M A R K E T •
F E A T U R E S:







| HATS |

✯ S H E R I F F ' S O F F I C E ✯
F E A T U R E S:






⊰ S A L O O N ⊱
F E A T U R E S:






☋ G E N E R A L S T O R E ☋
F E A T U R E S:





| HATS |


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

walls of texts for days! Sorry folks.

New Players/Characters: @Leaves@CollectorOfMyst@Duskshine749@ArenaSnow@Majoras End You can't techniquely buy or interact mechanically with Town until after your first Adventure, but feel free to RP your characters and hang out if you wish. There will be another ping - Call to Adventure, if you will - when the next missions are ready to go. That will be your official jump in to the game properly and you can join which Posse you like the look of.

The Town Day won't officially start until @Scarescrow and @DeadBeatWalking have resolved their Corruption Damage. However, you can let me know what you would like to do during the night/day.

Please note you only have two days in town due to the Collapsed Bridge Travel Hazard that triggered on the journey here.

Campsite or Hotel?
The Hotel costs 10g to stay in per night but it is safer.

Hawkeye Harold: Camping like a G
Dan: Hotel
Father C: Camp
Scare, the Law Holder: Hotel
Pastor Jimmy: Hotel
Aaron Goldfeld: Hotel

Day 1 Location
Where will you visit during your first day? There are 5 locations but only 2 days to spend in town. Choose wisely.
Hawkeye Harold: Street Market
Dan: Sheriff's Office
Father C: General Store
Scare, the Law Holder:
Pastor Jimmy: Street Market
Aaron Goldfeld: Street Market

Day 2 Location
A couple of people already know they want to stay the extra day and know where they want to go. I'll ping again when it's Day 2 in case people change their mind, but here for prosterity:
Hawkeye Harold: Sheriff's Office
Dan: General Store
Father C: Street Market
Scare, the Law Holder: Sheriff's Office
Pastor Jimmy: General Store
Aaron Goldfeld: Sheriff's Office

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

>preach diabolical, debauched sermons in gibberish to unsuspecting townsfolk
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

>> stay at hotel. these old bones done ernough ground sleeping ya hear. That bandits gold can get a good use.

>>first stop. Alley to sell dark stone.
>>I gotta a feeling this stone has somthing funny about it.. And I can use the gold.

>>ya all wane anything from general store later.. This adventuring game is a dangerous one.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

*looking through places and items I can't buy, gets to the sheriff's office*

D U E L I S T 'S G U N B E L T - 5,800g
Gear ♦ Clothing ♦ Belt♦ Weight [1]

When Dual Wielding, get +1 Shot.

Oh lord do I have a mighty need

Also unlucky I wasn't there to chat with Mr. Living Legend, he may have had some good stuff.
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