"People do things just 'cause everyone else does and then they wonder why they feel empty all the time. I don't ever want to be one of them."
Name:Lucinda Jayde Partridge
Aliases:Lucy, Luce, anything that points out her diminutive height
Age: 24
Birthday: 18th November
Ethnicity: Irish
Birth Place: Belfast, Ireland
Place of Residency: Seattle, Washington
Gender: Female
Education: BA (honors), majoring in journalism. She completed the course two years ago
Occupation: Journalist
Languages: English, Irish (Irish Gaelic)
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 102lb
Body Type: Slim with a slight hourglass shape.
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Very dark (often mistaken as black) brown
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Lucinda
this tattoo on the inside of her left arm. She also has the outline of a small heart on the left side of her left leg just above the ankle. She has a small diagonal scar from the middle of the right side of her forehead to her right eyebrow. She also has a scar on her left wrist.
Personal Style: Lucinda isn’t one to spend a long time picking an outfit. Even just buying clothes is a no more than a simple chore for her. She tends to not bother with expensive clothes or trending fashions par a couple of dresses for special occasions. Her clothing ‘style’ is more of a case of ‘what can I throw on in seconds?’. As long as it isn’t visibly dirty, doesn’t smell too much and doesn’t look utterly mismatched, she’s happy. She wear a range of clothes from jeans to casual dresses, always topped off with her mock converse shoes. The only other consistent items on her body is a silver crucifix on a necklace. As for her hair she tends to keep out except when she's doing chores or somewhere overly physical, then sometimes she'll put it in a high ponytail. Her hair is usually choppy at best as she cuts it at home with a pair of scissors but overtime she grown to love the choppy state of her hair.

Ambitious * Doesn't know when to let go of something * Hard working * Stubbornly opinionated * Charitable * Quick to make assumptions about people
Sexuality: Hetero-romanic. She’s never been sexually attracted to anyone but isn’t yet sure if she asexual or is demisexual or something else
Relationship Status Single and although she's not actively looking she's open to date
Personality: Lucinda is a very ambitious, she often creates large wild goals that are not easily achievable, luckily, Lucinda and a very hard-working mindset. Lucinda was never one to pick up something and just naturally have skill with it but she is one to work hours upon hours to gain skill. She is more than happy to give up me-time and days out with friends to tackle a problem or study on something she doesn’t understand. She’s not one to give up either, some claim she’s a bit too persistent.
Lucinda is rather opinionated and stubborn in her opinions once she’s set on them, although, she can be swayed on some topics on uncommon occasions. Lucinda is, to her own frustration at times, one to ‘judge a book by is cover’ as far as her first impressions on people go. She tends to find herself more comfortable with those who don’t seem rich or mean and is quick to assume things upon one’s appearance, however, she does change her opinion very quickly as she gets to know a person. Her friends' opinion on a person are also very likely to sway her opinion on said person if she doesn’t know them well.
Lucinda is a rather caring soul to most people, although she finds is hard to care for the snobbish or constantly catty who are her age, those younger than her she can care for regardless of personality. She is very cheerful and energetic and is often up for a laugh. She’s a very loyal friend and will often try and fight her friend’s battles for them. Lucinda is also rather charitable and is happy to roll up her sleeves to help out a friend or for a good cause.
Habits: - Fidgeting with her clothes and jewellery when she she's nervous
- Chewing the inside of cheek when she’s thinking
- Taps on surfaces in front of her or on her knees with her finger when she's not using her hands
Hobbies: - Singing and listening to music
- Playing Violin
- Doing puzzle of all sorts (from jigsaws to word puzzles)
- Baking
Fears:- Snakes
- Falling to her death thus free falling from any great height, she's fine with heights though
- Losing herself
Likes: ✔ Music of all sorts
✔ Playing violin and singing
✔ Her family
✔ Trivia, puzzles and riddles
✔ Reading
✔ Pizza
✔ Red meat
✔ Tea
✔ Crime drama shows and movies
Dislikes: (What don't they like, what makes them annoyed ect)
✘ Snobs
✘ Soppy teen romance movies
✘ Heavy makeup- she reckons it feels gross
✘ Social media- it bugs her more than it amuses her
✘ Wild Parties
✘ Being seen as ‘lesser’
General Skills: - Singing and playing violin
- Baking
- Reporting
- Writing, both creative and informative
- General Home Maintenance
- Intelligent
Combat Skills: - I mean... She did a couple of years of karate as a teen... Yeah. She's small enough to hide easily though
What Do They Carry On Them:- Clothing - Green shirt, a brown cardigan, dark blue denim jeans and mock converse shoes
- Jewellery - Small silver crucifix necklace and a silver and amethyst ring on right forefinger
- Purse/Wallet - Debit card, $38.25, licence, ID, a couple of Irish coins, a 'buy 5 get one free' coffee stamp card, her blood donor card
- A small bottle of mint gum
- Bandaids
- Her laptop in it's bag (smaller items listed below in that bag)
- Notebook
- A couple of blue pens and a black pen
- Earbuds
- Unbranded Android-powered smartphone
- Keychain with keys to her car, house, parent's house and her workplace office
- Bobby pins
Possessions at Home: (What Does he or she keep at their home, this can include a car, desktop computers, laptops, TVs, video game consoles, toys, ect you don't have to have fill the entire thing, list what they would normally use at home)
- White 2014 Kia Forte 5
- Cheap flat screen
- Couches
- Bookshelves jammed with books of all sorts from novels to puzzles
- A Violin
- Double bed
- Laptop- Lenovo notebook
- A keyboard
- A neatly organised desk with a printer and a mini drawer filed with pens, paperclips and other office supplies
Biography: Lucinda is the second of 4 children to John and Leslie Partridge, and the only daughter of the couple. The family of six lived in Belfast, Ireland. Her father had the makings of a profession violinist, he even went to college to study performance in music, however, his talent got him nowhere after college. He never tried to get anywhere with it so he never achieved anything. Instead he settled down with school teacher, Leslie, and, instead, went to work at a bank despite getting a few occasional local gigs. From a young age Lucinda showed a love for music and loved watched her father play the violin, she found such magic in the music it created. Eventually her father taught her how to play and, for her tenth birthday, brought her a violin. Given, it wasn’t a top brand but it was more than decent.
Growing up the Partridge’s weren’t very moneyed, however, they had enough to survive. From a young age Lucinda learnt the importance of budgeting and saving. The family rarely did luxuries and saved what wasn’t spent on bills, groceries or the church offering was saved up for presents or to go out for dinner one night or for school camps. On top of this Lucinda parents drilled the importance of giving to the less fortunate into their children, dragging them along to soup kitchens to assist and encouraging them to partake in charity events. Much to her parents’ delight Lucinda took little convincing and soon came to partake in a lot of charity work.
Going through high school Lucinda showed a lot of promise on her studies and eventually resulted in finishing second in her grade at her school. Between her academic achievements and her exceptional violin skills big things were expected from Lucinda, however, she decided to follow journalism instead of 'living up to her intelligence' or following her love of music. Through High school she worked for the school newsletter/magazine and found herself quickly falling into the idea of working as a journalist so she followed that dream.
While in her second year of her degree she did a 6 month transfer to a sister university in Seattle and found herself falling in love with the city. Eventually she felt Seattle was where she was meant to be and moved between the end of her second year and start of her third. It was here she finished her degree before finding a job for The Seattle Times.
Discovery Of Your Power:The day was completely normal for Lucinda. She'd travelled to a few places in the city to conduct interviews before dragging herself back to her office desk. In her interviews she'd talked to an older couple, shaking their hands in the process. It was so mundane and normal at the time. The evening rolled but and most of the office had left until Lucinda was the only one alone. It was about 6pm when she felt a tingle over her body, something felt... off. She went to the bathroom to wash her face to find another face staring back at her resulting in a freak out session from her until the new face faded. Over time she learnt her limitations to her powers but hadn't told anyone.
Ability & Powers:Shapeshifting- Lucinda can take on a person's appearance to the exact detail, of whoever she had touched.
Ability & Powers Weaknesses:She would have to have hand contact with someone before she can change, she will not have the memories of the person she has taken the appearance of. The form she would take will only last to 30 minutes.
Theme Song: New Horizons ~ FlyleafExtra Information:~ Lucinda is a Christian, she's not one to shove her belief down other's throats but she's not secretive about her beliefs either
~ You're asking me to choose?! I don't know, I likes the idea of air as a kid
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