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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Location: Lab Facility

As the leader's head turned into a disgusting type of confetti, Nine had no guilt or regret towards her actions. Perhaps she had done this sort of thing in her previous life - the life she had no memories of. There was something to be said for muscle memory and instinct. Yet Nine knew that it was something more basic than that - it had been for survival. Only the truly helpless and naive would have been blind to the fact that the squad was there to do anything but help them. In fact, she felt a brief swell of pride at her marksmanship.

As she saw all of the guns raised at her, Nine smirked slightly. Well, she did warn them. She wasn't going to ask them twice to lower their weapons. This wasn't the time to sit around and wait for something horrible to happen. It was time to act, not just react. A few of the others seemed to think along similar lines as she did. One of them seemed to be a bit mentally unstable, screaming about voices despite the relative quiet in the facility. Not very many people were speaking.

"I said don't try me," Nine repeated nonchalantly, before rapidly firing at as many guards as she could. It was a game of survival - and she intended to win.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

9's shots went off, and it was not a pretty sight. She managed to get 5 off before they could return fire. 2 more of them had their heads explode, and and one other went down. Another one got hit in the arm, and her last shot missed completely. In retaliation, one of them managed to shoot 9 in the right shoulder, before one of the men grabbed his gun, and lowered it to the ground. This guy knew they were outnumbered now, and clearly out skilled. "Stop it, it's over, let them go. We are outnumbered, there is no way we could win." he said, looking at the group.


7 was freaking out even more, as even more gunshots started going off. She was now being showered in even more bits of brains and blood showered her. The girl next to her had moved, so she was out of the line of it, so good for her. Her head was pounding, and she still felt like she was going to be sick. She had no idea who would be worse, the group of men who supposedly wanted to kill them, or the group of people who were just firing off guns and killing everyone else. Both seemed like horrible options.

She was not having it, and looked like she might cry or something, and she closed her eyes. There was a sudden sound, almost like a cracking noise. Soon, the area was filled with fog. It is hard to see anyone, other than the outlines of people. No one can tell who is who. The only one who could see through it was 7, when she opened her eyes, she could see something shimmering. No one knew, no one knew that the fog wasn't real.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago


Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab

Two heard a few more shots going off as she turned her head to watch as a few more of the armed men's heads were blown clean off, yanking the gun out of the closest to her. When the shots finally stopped as she turned her head to look at one of the soldiers who had the balls to actually tell the remaining armed men to stand down. She turned her head to look at the others that had been woken up in the pods like she had. Maybe these men did have some answers to who or what they were and why they were forced to wake up here in the first place.

"Just tell us who we are, why you are down here and then we can all leave in one piece." Two said calmly as she looked at Nine who ended up getting shot in the shoulder during the gunfight. Two noticed that there was smoke starting to fill the hallway as she turned her attention towards it to see that she wasn't able to see anything at all other then the figures in front of her. Two had a feeling that it could be even more armed men.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Location: Lab Facility

Nine gasped and grunted a bit as the bullet hit her shoulder. She bit down on the inside of her mouth in order to keep a scream from tearing its way out. She was lucky that the bullet hadn't exploded similarly to how it did for the others. If she hadn't been in the middle of a fire fight, maybe she would have. "That's damn right you're outnumbered," Nine hissed. Even with the bullet in her shoulder, she hadn't let go of the gun she had stolen. "Put the weapons on the ground and kick them over," Nine instructed through the pain.

She heard a female voice as smoke began to flood in, filling the hallway to the extent that she couldn't see anyone else. It could have been one of the others - there were thirteen of them - or one of their enemies. The fog made it so that way she wouldn't be able to shoot with confidence that she wouldn't hurt one of her own. She didn't know the other twelve, but she felt responsible for them. It was hard to wake up out of stasis with no memories, a number branded on your own skin, and a military force coming for you without forming some sense of camaraderie.

Yet while she could see the smoke, the air didn't feel any different to her. It could have been the shock from the bullet wound - something that she'd definitely need to take care of quickly. "Answer her question or we'll kill you all. Don't think that a little fog will keep me from securing our future," Nine threatened, glaring forward even though she had no idea if her perceived enemies were in that direction. They could have left for all she knew.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 26 days ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab

6 remained quiet as the others barked and asked questions. She felt it was idiotic and was only adding to the confusion already apparent. Still, the soldiers backed down. She was still covered in blood and she desperately wanted a shower, but that could wait. She still held the gun in her hand as she watched. When she saw a moment to speak, she grabbed it.

"Ok, calm down everyone. We got the upper hand. Let them speak and we can decide how to deal with them after our questions are answered. So, get to talking." She spoke to the soldiers. She didn't necessarily want more bloodshed (especially if she would be showered again), but she was also curious. Where were they? Why were they numbered? What was about to happen to them?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Komo
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Komo Chill vibes MKII

Member Seen 11 days ago


Location: Lab Facility

Thirteen honestly didn't know how or what to feel. The woman with the number nine tattoo had gone on a shooting spree and fire five times before anyone else had a proper chance to react. Heads exploded as one of the girls got decorated and redecorated with blood and gore simply just being too close to the poor fools that had their heads blown to smithereens. Another one of those shots hit a guy in the arm, and the last shot missed. At the rate she was going, Thirteen didn't think that the woman was even going to miss. It didn't look like she would.

One of the soldierly-looking guy stopped his fellow comrade from escalating the conflict further by grabbing his gun down, acknowledging the fact that they were now outnumbered and out skilled. A smart move. Hell, Thirteen still didn't know what the hell was even going on.

Thirteen didn't really have much to think about anything else as a sharp crack filled the air as the girl could see what looked like fog..or what that smoke crawl its way into the narrow congested room that was now filled with both the living and the dead. As more of that fog filled the room, visibility in the room dropped rapidly and soon enough she was even having problems seeing right in front of her. All she could see was the rough outlines of the people in front of her, and the thought of getting lost in here frightened her greatly. She did not want to get lost here alone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The men in the room were just as confused as the rest of you. The fog made no sense to them, but the one knew that they had no chance to win. They might as well answer their questions, though what 9 said about the fog did make him wonder, since they weren't the ones who had caused it. "Alright, but the guy whose head first exploded was the one who knew more than me, so my information is limited." He then spoke to the other men, before speaking to you all directly once more. "Don't shoot, since you can't tell who your aiming at, don't be stupid. I'm not sure who you are, not for certain anyway. They say that you were experiments from something called the Aulid Project, but that is as far as my information goes." You all had a general idea of where he was now among the fog, though how the fog got there was a mystery. "The story is that the Aulid Project was shut down, and everything relating to it was supposedly destroyed 10 years ago. We had heard rumors that there was more here in the lab, so we were ordered to get rid of it. I was surprised when it turns out that you all were here, but from what he was saying, the other guy clearly knew you were here. That is all I know."


7 looked at the man as he spoke. She could see the expressions on everyone else's faces. The fog shimmered in front of her, but she could still see where she was. 7 edged away, a little farther away from the soldiers in front of her, being careful not to bump into anyone. Wherever the fog came from, it seemed to be doing the trick, no one was shooting at each other anymore, so that was a good thing in her books.

Everyone else had weapons in their hands, for the most part anyway. She took the time to pull bits of the guys head out of her hair. The blood was still all over her, but the least she could do was get the bits of his brain out of her hair. Hopefully she could get a shower sometime soon. The others seemed to know what they were doing, but she didn't know who to trust. The woman who had pulled the gun first still terrified her, but at least at the moment she wasn't firing the weapon. This was not going to end well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago


Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab

Two picked up a rifle that had fallen on the ground and strapped it over her shoulder as she tried to look around the smoke to her was very unsettling. She couldn't see anyone else who was in front of her, which worried her that the armed men would easily just jump her and the others if they were able to see at all. Two listened to the voice of one of the men who was among the armed group who found them in the stasis pods. She really wanted to get more answers out of them, but Nine had already killed their leader so she had the little information that the one man had.

Two mentally noted the name Alulid Project there had to be more information about it. "Well do you know who ran the project?" Two asked, even if they were shutdown ten years ago, she started to wonder if they were in those pods during that time or they were put inside it. She tried to figure out where the others were at. "What should we do with them?" Two asked, the fog she wasn't going to shoot anyone since she was unable to see anything currently.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Hello, world. It's me, Deadpool.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering how I managed to squeeze this ass into leather spandex, but that's a story for another time (and it's only really helpful with a demonstration and I don't have any olive oil left...) Instead, I have a different story to tell you. Last time I was around, it was waaaaay back in 2019. End of the world, blah blah blah, humanity going extinct, blah blah blah, teen romance, blah blah blah...It gets a little boring.

So when I found out someone was on my naughty list, I just couldn't help myself! What else is a bastard like me supposed to do all day when you're out of tissues? And I owe a lot of money to a Señor Jose Cuervo, so I can't make a trip to the store anytime soon. I may be a bad person, but I'm not a big enough piece of shit to let Walmart treat its employees like Karen from the PTA's dog's watery shits just to keep those insanely low prices!

But before we get this show on the road, shout out to Allison! You're a badass bitch and I wouldn't want to pressure you into prom sex! Killing people will definitely make you feel better. I recommend picking one of the bad guys at random, decapitating them, and making a fun little display out of it! It always works for me.

And now, here's your neighborhood pool guy, about to make some chimi-fucking-changas...

P.S. Are you guys Team Pietro? Really? I love Silver Balls (any color, really) but damn...I hate to say it, but I'm Team Lance. The chemistry is unbe-fucking-lievable!


Location: Lab Facility

The Aulid Project - the words were entirely foreign to her and brought to mind just about nothing. Yet with a name to it, along with the tattoos with numbers and the military guard, it was pretty clear that it was some form of human experimentation. She didn't regret killing the leader, though. Even if he had all the information, he was still the most dangerous one. And for now, this one's information would suffice. She contemplated for a moment killing the rest of the soldiers, just to clean house, but she noted the nervousness on one of the younger one's faces.

"Excuse me, pardon me, so sorry about this," a voice whispered in Nine's ear. "I just need to borrow this for a moment. Gosh, I can see the family resemblance by the way. Do you moisturize? You've got fantastic skin." The gun was then yanked from her hand and Nine didn't protest. The voice didn't sound to be anything like the soldiers and she could pretty clearly see where they were in the fog.

"That depends," Nine answered the voice in the fog. She wasn't going to let on that she was unarmed, given as to how she had stepped up into what seemed to be a leadership role. She didn't want them to see her weakness. "If the Aulid Project is what it seems to be - human experimentation - and for you to want to kill us...What exactly were the experiments?" Nine asked. If they were meant to be put to death, it would be in their best interest to not let there be any survivors amongst the soldiers. Any of them could betray them at one point in time. They couldn't be trusted to keep their end of the deal if they let them live.

"Okay, I need you to blink for as long as you can after this," Deadpool explained, standing directly behind Four. "You're on my naughty list, but that doesn't mean you can't help advance scientific research at the same time. So - just blink, okay? And then after this is over, I'll make myself a mean chimichanga and go steal Leo's oscar again." A second later, there was another round of gunfire. The bullet embedded itself into Four's neck and this one seemed to be one of the contact explosives. It obliterated her neck, sending blood and various bits of skin everywhere. A bit of a vocal chord even fell on Six.

"Aww shit! You aren't wearing the red pants!" Deadpool groaned. "Lemon seltzer and water! Water seltzer and lemon? Fuck it. Just get new clothes. My bad. Just tell them Wade sent you," he said. He then tapped Four's body and watched as she collapsed down to the ground. He then glanced around at the group, seemingly unimpeded from the fog. "Wow, you guys are fucked. Peace!"

And just as strangely as he appeared, the man dressed from head to toe in leather spandex walked down a hallway and disappeared from sight. Nine blinked a few times, before looking back at the others. She then looked at Seven in particular. "That was...Never mind. The Aulid Project. Who ran it and what are we?" Nine said, trying to return to business.

"Fuck! Forgot to return this, sorry!" Deadpool called out, running back to Nine and handing her back her gun. "Huge fan of your work, big big fan!" he shouted before running off again. This time, he vanished before he even hit the bend in the hallway.
4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab

6 listened as the man divulged what information they had. It seemed they would have to find out for themselves just what was going on. A pain, but she wasn't surprised. Now was the matter of dealing with them. Did they kill them or let them go? Should they kill them? What would stop them from turning on them? But were they the type of people to kill those that surrendered?

Gunshots fired. 6 pulled her gun up, aiming at no one in particular. What the hell happened? "What the hell? Who shot who?" The fog was making it hard to see exactly what occurred.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


7 glanced around as the others spoke, she could see them clearly, as if they were out in broad daylight, and tried to figure out who in the group she could trust. That number was dwindling to a very small number, but there was nothing she could do about it at the moment. Before the fog rolled in, no one seemed to be paying attention to the guards, and she could see their faces now that no one was trying to kill each other. To her, the man who was talking seemed to be nicer than those who woke up with her.

The man spoke again, in response to Two's question. "It was ran by a group of scientists known as the Dark Anarchy, the name is kind of dumb if you ask me. Anyway, we're standing in one of their labs right now. We were looking around not long before we found you lot."

7 heard a gunshot, and watched as Four went down. The whole thing was weird, looked like some guy in red spandex shot her, but she wasn't too sure about that. After the shot, the rest of the men jumped to attention, waving their weapons around frantically. She noticed that 6 did too, though she was definitely more calm than the men, that earned her a few points in her book.

After a moment, they calmed down, and the man continued to answer questions. "It probably was, as you said. Once again, as I said before, my information is limited. They were supposedly trying to recreate supernaturals, or beings that the world didn't really consider human. The last ones who truly could be considered passing for humans were a group of people known as mutants, and they were people who had strange abilities, at least so I'm told. Supernaturals were wiped out completely years ago, so the Dark Anarchy's research was mainly done underground, to avoid any repercussions".

When he had finished this explanation, 7 decided that she trusted this man more than anyone else in the room. The group who had woken up were violent, and this guy was wanting to put an end to the shooting, wanting to spare his men. She edged towards him, hoping that no one was going to open fire if they saw her shadow moving. That would end horribly for her, and it might result in more bloodshed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago


Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab

Two jumped the instant she hard heard a gunshot going off, she tried to scan through the smoke that was around them, but she couldn't see anything still. She then could hear a slump of a body falling down to the ground, she chalked it up as one of them getting a little nervous and tried to shoot them but shot someone else. Though Two still wasn't able to see who had died before the smoke would clear up, Two kept her gun at the ready as she tried to find the others that were in the room. But still wasn't able to see anyone, but Two continued to listen to the man who had answered her question finally they had a name of the group who most likely put them into the pods in the first place.

She ran a hand through her hair as she started to mull through the information that the man was more then willing to give, crossing her arms over her chest. Two figured that the guy who was providing the answers was simply following orders and trying to do a job, she watched as a figure (7) approaching the man who was answering the questions. "So what do we do now then?" Two asked finally lowering her gun, she didn't know who exactly she could trust.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Location: Lab Facility

It seemed that Nine wasn't the only one that was angry. Twelve was a towering figure, at over six feet tall with a muscular and well defined build. He had scowled throughout the majority of the talks, clenching and unclenching his fists. His veins were throbbing and had anyone been able to see through the fog, it would have been palatable. Something strange had began to come over him and he suddenly gasped, collapsing to the ground. His heart was pounding and he couldn't quite draw in the air he needed. Blood began to trickle out of his nose as he went into a death rattle, before he stopped moving altogether.

Nine's blood chilled as she heard one of her number collapse. Had he been shot in the fray and succumbed to his injuries? Or were the results of the experiments conducted on them simply not stable? Were they lab rats, doomed to die? She had no way to confirm what the guard was saying was true - yet a thousand reasons to doubt the validity of the source. Two's question brought a vague game plan to mind for Nine. She needed to get medical attention for her shoulder wound. Yet knowing why they were in the labs wasn't enough - they needed to know who they were. They needed to remember this world if they were going to be able to survive.

"If you scouted the place, where did they keep their records on who we were?" Nine finally asked. "We'll need to find some sort of medical facility as well...Just in case someone else might be about to collapse."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Everything was happening much too quickly all at once. As soon as Ten had slipped out of his pod, small scenes had begun to flash in front of his eyes. It was as if he was living in deja vue to the extreme. Placing a hand to his head, he groaned as he tried to peak through the fog surrounding them. Various gunshots went off and he snapped his head around to place them. He could see figures falling all around him, too sudden for him to do a damn thing about it.

Soon the shots ceased, leaving only voices in their wake. The young man raised a brow before slowly making his way over towards the dark figures. He could smell the iron rich blood in the air. Opening his mouth to speak, his body stilled as yet another vision filled the forefront of his mind. Ten groaned as he came to and hopped his left foot to the side, narrowly missing a large puddle of blood on the ground. Well...At least these visions are good for something..

Several feminine voices mingled with the lone male and Ten could barely make out the words coming from their lips. His mind was cloudy and blank all at once, yet a tingling at the corner of his right temple left him with the feeling that the male voice's words were true. He couldn't quite explain what was happening and he had absolutely no clue where the hell he was. He needed to rectify that problem.

Walking closer to the ground, he cleared his throat. Before he could say a word, another feminine voice spoke up about needing a medical facility. He rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. "Don't need one, sweetheart, the doctor has arrived." His own words surprised him and his brow rose in response. How exactly did he know that information about himself? Looking down towards his feet, he noticed a faint etching on his right inner arm. Tilting his head in question, he extended his arm to see the mark better. He smirked and nodded his head. "Hey, won't you look at that- I'm a ten. Well, what do you know."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab

What did they do now? It was as good a question to ask as any and there were many factors to consider. They didn't know where they were, why they were there, and why they couldn't remember much of anything. Not only that, they were all numbered. 6 glanced down at her arm again at that thought. What the hell was going on?

First things first, they had a group of soldiers in front of them. What did they do with them? One of the girls had a smart idea to ask about a records room, but she doubted these soldiers knew about it. Still, it didn't hurt to ask. Before she could respond, 6 heard a voice distinctly male and turned to face it. Another around their age showed up. 6 had to put the thought that he was quite the cute guy away. He said he was medical though, how did he know this? She wasn't even sure what her role is, if any. But he had a number. He was one of them.

"We should find more information about this place and us. A records room would be best, but we may have to look for it ourselves. We should also properly arm ourselves in the event there are more looking for us. Best bet is to remain together." She didn't necessarily trust the lot of them, but safety in numbers (ha!).
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


She was finally starting to calm down. The group was not exactly the best, but no one seemed to be firing their weapons anymore, which was a good thing to her. After a few deep breaths, the fog around them cleared, and everyone could see one another again. 7 had no idea what had happened, but she couldn't do much about it now. The man looked startled to see her standing closer to him, and the others raised their guns yet again. He motioned for them to keep them lowered, and they complied. The rest of the group were able to see him more clearly now.

He looked over at 9 after hearing her question. "From what I know, when the lab was originally shut down all of the records were destroyed. There was a storage room, not far from here though, it might have something that could help you," he replied.

That would be useful, but she could tell that some people didn't trust others, and if they weren't careful, it was going to lead to another shoot out. "Could you lead us there?" she asked, finally speaking up and saying something. If they tried anything, they did have them outnumbered. "It might be helpful, and even if there isn't anything there about us, there might be some things that we could use".

He gave her a smile, "Yeah, I probably could. It is only a few hallways down from here, that is, if the rest of your friends there trust at least me enough to follow," he replied, looking over at everyone else. That was a good point, she couldn't speak for everyone else, but she trusted the man more than anyone else. She was willing to follow him though, and she wasn't sure if anyone else was going to.

One thing was for sure, the others she wouldn't consider friends, she didn't know who they were, and she didn't know if she could trust them. They had shot first, and the one woman with green hair really did scare her. The other men seemed a little fidgety, almost as if they were just dying for an excuse to pull the triggers, though this guy was different.

There was another man there, someone she hadn't noticed before. He spoke up about being a doctor, which was probably a good thing. He had a number too, so he was one of them too. The group of them were in a strange place, and someone who knew anything about medical was bound to be helpful if anyone got hurt.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago


Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab

Two stood helplessly as she could hear another body drop, she wasn't sure who it was exactly it was until finally the weird smoke that covered the room was finally gone. She now got a better look at those that were before her, the man who has so far been helpful seemed to be friendly enough. As Two looked at Nine who had been injured in the fight with the rest of the armed men, she started to think if she could trust the other armed men that were there. "I think we should tend to whoever is injured first then we can all think of trying to find out who we all are after that." Two suggested, she didn't want to turn up dead like the two who had just died now, then another man approached the group who was around their age.

Two wondered how he know he had medical skills already, he also had a number on him as well just like the others did, eyeing the number that was on her. Then her attention turned to the others who were around her age and had numbers on them, then the armed men who had taken them out of their pods. "Get us to the medical supplies, then take us to the supply room or whatever the room is that could give us answers, and lead the way." Two said calmly.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Location: Lab Facility

Nine smirked slightly at Ten's words. She couldn't help but take an almost immediate liking to him. All of the others seemed to be timid or afraid - and she could hardly blame them with the circumstances they had woken up underneath. She had already taken it upon herself to make decisions and to ensure their survival. Ten was the first one to show any real sign of a personality - as rough and corny as it was. "Good. Then we'll need your expertise to determine what exactly has been done to us," Nine said.

Seven, Six, and Two seemed to had ventured out of their shells slightly. Yet even then, Nine felt the pause as the soldier waited for her agreement. She was the one that had started the shooting - and she didn't regret it. She'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. The soldiers weren't to be trusted - perhaps not even this one. Maybe it was genuine kindness towards them that motivated his actions, but she doubted it. She imagined it was fear and self preservation - which made him even more dangerous than before.

"I don't trust you," Nine said bluntly. "So lead the way - but you so much as even give me a bad feeling, you'll be dead," Nine warned him. "You came here to kill us willingly. Don't think you can earn our trust back so easily."
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