Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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He didn't seem like a bad guy after all. Maybe she should open up to people more often, starting with this guy. "...Alright then. I'll take your help.Just letting you know, t-this might be a little hard." Hikari stayed where she was." Umm..I'm Hikari by the way. Sorry for giving you a hard time..it's a bad habit I have. "
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rothurage
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Rothurage 90s Kid

Member Seen 5 days ago


Adam would be standing outside the change rooms, waiting for Noru. He would finally exit them and walk up next to Adam.

"Yeah, let's get outta here already."

Adam would follow Noru as they made their way back to the dorms. He didn't feel like talking as there wasn't a lot to talk about, so he kept quiet. They would eventually make it to the dorms. Adam would see Sora trying to rally people for something.

"What's this all about?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Default
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Default Back From the Dead

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kiyoshi looked to Adam. "Oh, you're better. That was fast...Do you have accelerated healing when it comes to heart attacks? Or maybe resistance...But, about this. I decided to have a little get-together. So we can all learn about each other. Maybe we go around, introduce ourselves properly, have some snacks...You get the idea." He grinned. "We could use as many people as we can find. You in? It's gonna be fun...I even brought a Bintendo Swap if we all get bored. Y'know, just to liven everything up. That is, assuming they have a TV in the lounge..." He stroked his chin. "But they probably will. They would at least have enough common sense to give us this much." At this moment, Kiyoshi missed the freedom his parents gave him. He could always go over on weekends, but if they didn't allow it...he would sneak over. His parents wouldn't care. They never did. Too focused on being heroes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 9 days ago

By this time Charles would simply be laying out back behind the dorms still in his huge form, he would be just watching the clouds as they pass by. He'd sigh when it started to get a lot more noisy when other students started to arrive. "well looks like things are picking up" he would state shaking his head and sitting up from his position, glancing around "Will emit being this size is both useful and inconvenient greatly.. probably more so than my original size" he says almost mumbling to himself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rothurage
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Rothurage 90s Kid

Member Seen 5 days ago


Adam would see Kiyoshi walking down the stairs to the bottom floor where everyone else was.

"Yeah, I'm kinda resistant to that kind of thing a little. As for the party, sure, why not? I think that would be pretty cool. "

Adam would walk over to a seat and proceed to sit down while taking out his phone and looking through messages. He would suddenly get a call out of nowhere.

"Sorry, gotta take this. I'll be back down soon though."

He would then walk up the stairs to the male dorm area and enter his room, closing the door behind him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Koharu would be sitting next to Charles also looking up at the sky with him. She watched the clouds walk across the sky all seeming to have somewhere to go. She would then look down at Charles as he leaned up and spoke, she wouldn't look at him the whole time because her cheeks would go a little red. What is cuter than a cute boy? A small cute boy. She would chuckle a little at his comment on his current size being a mix of useful and inconvenient, "What about double that size?" she would say before letting out a soft sigh.

She'd shift in place and look back up at the sky, it made her feel small again, she liked that. She'd sit there in silence for a while before again mustering the courage to speak. "Hey Charles. I-is this what it's like having friends? A-are we friends?.. Because if we a-are, I am so lucky to finally have some." Koharu's voice would have faltered at the end and she would have started scratching her leg nervously.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Noru Nanbu

"Ah sure I'm game, but what do you think the staff would react I'm pretty sure the staff wouldn't allow students to screw around on a school day."

Noru pointed out. He looked over to Adam leaving the room to get a call, wonder who that was? The dark haired teen then leaned against the wall
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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TheMushroomLord I am me... I hope.

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

'Hang out? What could that be?'

Edith mind immediately wonders to a darker place as she imagines everyone doing a different sort of hanging, but she quickly snaps out of it after hearing Sora tell her to get changed. After a moment of wondering why she would she need to get changed, despite not breaking a sweat Edith simply shrugged, people where weird about clothes and stuff sometimes.

"Okay... Bye, bye then!"

After a moment of awkward silence Edith runs off to get changed, switching back into the first clean(ish) piece of clothing she finds before rushing back out, with a mad grin on her face, already having worked herself into a manic hype.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sora raised an eyebrow on seeing Edit return. "Well, at least you're clean now," she replied. "Can you chill a little, though? You look like you're about to pounce on someone. Why are you getting so worked up anyway?"

Sora looked around. Seeing if there were any other girls in the dorms to join the two lease god let somebody else come and talk to them! Talking to Edith alone was nerve wracking.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Default
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Default Back From the Dead

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kiyoshi looked at Noru. "Who says the staff has to know?" He went upstairs and grabbed the sodas he had talked about previously. He tossed one to Noru. As he surveyed the room, he saw Sora looking more than a little desperate to get away from the blood girl. He decided he could help her out. Kiyoshi walked over. "Hey, blood girl. I need some help. I need you to try and find some more sodas, if you can. I don't want to run out, after all." Truth be told, he thought she was creepy. "I'm Kiyoshi, by the way. You are...?" He sneaked a quick wink at Sora, and mouthed 'Go before she gets bored with me.' Kiyoshi was most likely going to try and avoid the blood girl after this interaction. At least for tonight. She freaked him out, and made him more than a little on edge.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rothurage
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Rothurage 90s Kid

Member Seen 5 days ago


Anyone close to Adam's room would be able to hear shouting coming from inside. He would then exit his room with a rather angry look on his face. Deciding to walk downstairs back to the bottom floor he would come across Kiyoshi, Sora and Edith having a conversation about something. He would listen for a bit, noticing Kiyoshi asking Edith to get some soda for the party. He looked around some more and would notice Noru leaning against a wall with a Soda already in his hand.

He went to sit down at a seat close by, observing his surroundings once more. He would look out the door to the dorms and see a slight glimpse of Koharu and Charles talking among themselves. He didn't look at Noru, although he was probably looking at him. Kiyoshi, Sora and Edith were still talking but it looked like the conversation was about to end. Adam took out his phone again, scrolling through his messages when he gets another call. He angrily ignores the call and turns his phone off, stuffing it into his pocket and waiting for something else to happen.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 9 days ago

Charles would chuckle at Koharu's comment on size "how about five times" he says shaking his head joking some, even though he could do it if he had enough mass like jumping in the ocean or even a lake for easy growing. he'd look back up to the sky as he listened to her he would have to get a small smile shaking his head while listening to her "I suppose so" he says to her "To be frank I've never had any real friends only fellow students" he states "I also suppose we are friends, no reason why we aren't" he sighs glancing back over to her then back to the sky. "I'm guessing you never really had any either" he'd deduce from her nervousness, "well you have many now, even if some of the others haven't reached out to you, I'm certain many of them consider you a friend" he tries to tell her before closing his eyes laying back again as he relaxes and listens.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Koharu's face was a mixture of happiness and tears at this point. Hearing Charles saying she was his friend and that he felt the others would surely be her friends as well, she was so happy. She found it hard to fully sympathized with him about the classmates thing because she'd never fully experienced that herself, but she knew what not having friends was like, perhaps it was harder when they were within reach but never came rather than never having the chance to get some. Koharu couldn't hold herself back any longer, she lunged forward and gave Charles a hug. She wasn't afraid of absorbing him because they just tested it before.

Koharu Picked Charles clean off the ground and squeezed him super tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am happy we are friends! Maybe now we can both play and have fun! As friends!" there was a childish quality to Koharu's thunderous voice she was so happy she'd forgotten that picking him up and dancing around yelling would probably have been very loud and possibly annoying. She quickly remembered this and slowed down her spinning and put Charles down. "I. U-umm sorry!" she would say in a much quieter voice than before, a look of embarrassment on her face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rothurage
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Rothurage 90s Kid

Member Seen 5 days ago


Adam would just be waiting on something else to happen. He would check his phone again out of sheer boredom and start scrolling through the random messages he had received. Still sitting down, bored out of his mind when he heard loud thunderous noises coming from outside. In a state of confusion he would quickly run up to the door of the dorms and look up to see Koharu swinging Charles around.

"What the hell is goin' on? What's up with all the noise? Scared the crap out of me and probably everyone else inside!"

He would say looking up at the two huge students as Koharu put Charles down.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 9 days ago

Charles would first start to wonder what Koharu could of been through that his words seemed to almost bring her to tears. He'd sigh as he goes to speak before suddenly his eyes widen as Koharu hugs him and starts to swing him around as she spoke. he would start to chuckle at her attitude since it was strange to him. He barely managed to hear the sound of someone else speaking from it all. When she put him down he'd straighten himself, just have a slight smile shaking his head at her "you really are an excitable person... don't worry about it" he says to her, before looking over to Adam "Sorry about that, she just got a bit excited is all" he simply says as he sits back down in his spot with a sigh and then looks back up into the sky. "this is going to some school year" he says almost mumbling to himself thinking this is going to be craziest school he'll ever go to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The sun would set after everyone would eventually go to sleep. The night would be undisturbed with nothing out of the ordinary happening and no loud sounds that would wake anyone.

The next day would have peaked over the horizon a few hours prior to the massive dorm alarm sounding off again. Again it was ludicrously loud and the button to turn it off was blinking until a student would make there way downstairs to turn it off. The students would have an hour and a half to get ready before class would start. This time Jerome wouldn't have been in the home room but instead it was Celia again. She'd patiently wait for all the students before taking them over to the changing rooms.

Celia Skink

"Now I know this is a bit different from your usual schedule but I thought this would be better. You do have a big day ahead of you after all." Celia smirked with a fairly obvious amount of cheek. "You all might want to get changed, you're in for an exhausting day. Trust me." She struggled to hide her excitement as she knew all the students hero uniforms had been stashed away in their lockers awaiting their respective owners.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Sora rose from bed, yawning. She got up, and looked at herself in the mirror. Seeing herself with her wings horns, white vest, visible arm tattoo and messy hair, she basked in the few seconds of badass she allowed herself before she took a shower, got dressed in her uniform, combed her woollen hair, and put on her glasses. Sora was a dawn riser, on account of her sheepy nature. As soon as the sun hit her window, she was wide awake.

After running a lap around the school in the light of dusk, she returned to her dorm room and read for a while before the alarms sounded and she made her way to class, awake, refreshed and alert while her classmates still has sleep in their eyes. She couldn't help feeling smug. Though her sleeping habits of 'go to bed at dusk' did sometimes cause her to miss out on nighttime parties or events, as well as sleep a lot during winter. She, of course got to the dorm alarm first and turned it off. "Time for breakfast," she cheerily said aloud before walking past the morning zombies to the cafeteria. Morning Sora was absolutely insufferable.

After a good breakfast of a chicken salad which basically consisted of plain chicken, lettuce, watercress and lots of seeds, she was good to go! By the time she leisurely ambled to Homeroom, she was still early. It was only when other people began to arrive that class started. They were ordered to get changed. Sounded like today would be a physical day with very little in the way of academics. Good. Sora was already good at academics. It was the physical side where her weaknesses lay. She needed the practice.

What surprised Sora, however, was that in her locker, instead of the gym uniform, was a purple dress with holes in the back for her wings. She recognised it instantly. It was the hero costume she'd designed herself. Her mom must have made it for her and sent it over! Unlike the costumes of her parents, it was simple and elegant. She didn't want to be like her parents and wear elaborate costumes like her mother's cute, woolly sheep-themed one, or her father's suit of armor. Call it teenage rebellion but she wanted something more understated than those things. She happily put the costume on, and put contact lenses in. With no glasses, and her tattoo on display again, she was already starting to feel like a badass Hero.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Default
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Default Back From the Dead

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kiyoshi didn't sleep that night, preferring instead to work on his punches and endurance. By the time everyone was waking up, he had got back from a long run. It was good to get the exercise in, especially with his extra stamina. He took a quick shower and promptly got dressed. He strolled to the cafeteria as the alarm sounded, wincing when it surprised him. He had thought they'd have something...less abrupt. He ate only a little, not very hungry despite his workout. Kiyoshi's appetite was a fickle thing, and he didn't want to fight against it. As he walked into homeroom, he noted that the teacher from the other day was here. "Hm..." As she told them to change, he shrugged and walked to the lockers. His eyebrows lifted as he saw the contents, and his mouth turned upwards in a smile. He quickly donned the suit, relishing both its class and maneuverability. They didn't leave anything out. He put on his mask and gloves, noting the flexible and durable fabric. Kiyoshi smiled once more when he realized they had cut finger holes so he could use his power. He grinned underneath his mask, and stepped back into homeroom, straightening the tie that he had requested. Whoever made these costumes had gotten it right down to the very last detail. Perhaps he could meet them someday.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 10 days ago

After a good amount of sleep for the night, Mycel was ready for action. Following the teacher's instructions, or whatever she said, Mycel walked over to his locker like many other classmates did and opened it. Inside was the costume he had asked for. Yellow training suit top with a pair of moldy green pants. Both with openings here and there for unexpected mold attacks.
Mycel's face widened into a grin few minutes later, as he put on his costume and flexed his arms around. This wasn't cool like many costumes you saw-no gadgets, no unique design- but you can easily make a substitute, and it was simple and cool. And Mycel didn't like having countless tools sticking on his costume anyways.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Koharu would wake up having shrunk back down to her tiny normal size. She would let out the usual sigh of relief that mornings like this would give her. She would look up to see the sun just peaking its head over the horizon "Morning buddy!" she would say with a smile as she looked down at her clothes realizing they were pretty dirty because of sleeping on the ground outside, that couldn't be helped though. She was taller than the dorms before she went to sleep so there was no way she would fit.

So she sprung up off the floor and dusted herself off, with a quick nod of satisfaction she toddled off to check the time. She had ages to go before anything happened, so she decided to waddle around the dorms kitchen. She was small enough to not make noise and ended up deciding to hide in a cabinet and wait for someone to open it. But after ten minutes she got bored. She grumbled and ended up glaring at the alarm button waiting for it to go off. When it did she tried to reach it but couldn't she grumbled and just watched Sora turn it off, she waved and then toddled off to wave to everyone else and waste time. She ended up having to rush back up to her room and get her things to avoid being late.

She was surprised to see Celia instead of Jerome at their home room, but it didn't take her long to forget about it as they walked towards the change rooms. When they got there Celia's words were a little less than comforting, Koharu was going to have to get big again wasn't she... Koharu shook her head and huffed to herself, you gotta get over this Koharu! mind whimper. Koharu visibly curled up as she walked over to her locker, all her apprehension vanished as she saw the costume. She ripped it out of the locker and changed into it at speeds never before achieved by a tree. She would squeal in excitement as the suit went from her feet all the way up to her neck. It cut off at the shoulders and neck, she looked kinda like a mini gymnast except greens and browns in place of pinks and blues. And the to her shock it was actually the most comfortable thing she'd ever been it. And it was water proof!

After strutting her stuff in front of a mirror she would walk out of the change rooms and look up at Celia ready for what ever (or so she thought).
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