A @Universorum and @smarty0114 collaborative project
Featuring: A Double and Wyatt
Location: Burntown
Interacting with: A buncha midgets
Burntown was, in Alan Alexander’s opinion, California’s best kept secret. Yes, California’s. Maybe even America’s. When he was growing up, his dad and his dad’s best friend would tell him stories about the skatepark, which was all but abandoned by that point. It had been their stomping ground, and A Double had been intent on making it his. The very second he’d learned to skateboard, he’d wanted to go to the legendary skatepark. And he had, he’d gone with his father and Davy Powers and they’d skateboarded. And it was heaven.
It was fantastic, it was amazing. No one saw it, man! A Double’s heart was almost ripped out when he saw how few people were there — it had just been him and his dad and his dad’s friend at first. In fact, the skatepark was in danger of being removed for a long time; when he’d been younger there had been no one there. Nobody understood the history behind the place, not back then. From the legendary snake run the Z-Boys had ran way back in the day, to the halfpipe where Tony Hawk had landed the first 900, the skatepark was damn near a piece of history.
As A Double grew up, and found his way… he wasn’t quite as antisocial as Davy had been. Davy was the LA local, but he’d not really brought anyone around, so it had been him who’d ran the snake run solo day in and day out. A Double, on the other hand? He had friends, and was generally a popular, well liked boy. He’d saved the park, through simply bringing people and just… skating. Forgetting everything else, and just skating. Not all of them were virtuosos like he was, but that didn’t matter! It really, truly didn’t.
It became known as Burntown as A Dubs became the king of the stoners, and it got associated with that type of people. The skaters and the stoners were almost one and the same, sure there were one or two skaters that didn’t smoke, and a couple of stoners that didn’t skate, and just liked the camaraderie of the place, but it didn’t matter to A Double. If the halls of BHHS were Hailey’s kingdom, then Burntown was his.
He was a man of the people, really more of a leader and a king than he even realized. He and his kind just hung out there, almost always. Dreamland was great, sure, but that was his parent’s Dreamland. This was his. He’d even made a few additions in his time there, including building his own little chill spot, which was really just a lean to he and Wyatt had set up with a shitty old leather couch, a crappy TV A Double had lifted from his parents, an internet connection they bummed from the library, and a minifridge filled with snacks. It may not have been perfect, but dammit it was home.
And that was where A Double found himself now. A cream soda in one hand, a joint in the other, Wyatt to his side, and We Bare Bears blasting on the TV. The others came to them sometimes, younger kids for skating advice, older kids for weed, and A Double was happy to help everyone out! He loved it here, he loved the people, the atmosphere, even the gross smell of the air. If it wasn’t for Burntown, he wouldn’t have a place to hang out, or skate, or just have friends.
Every day started here, and ended at Captain Cuddles with greasy pizza being shoved down their throats.
And honestly? It was heaven.
He passed the joint over to Wyatt and looked at his watch, tapping it. “I feel like… the others should… be here. Shouldn’t they? It seems like it’s that time.” However, on A Double’s watch screen, was not the time. A Double was staring at the weather. This new weed was good.
Wyatt couldn’t help but burst out laughing at A Double’s watch. It helped that he was already, baked, but it was also one of the funnier things that had happened to him recently, at least in his opinion. ”Dude, that’s the weather,” Wyatt said before taking a long drag off the joint and passing it back to A Double. Wow. That was good weed.
”Anyways, Raf is probably tied up with Anime Club, Rose is probably being Rose, and Quincy… well she’s your girlfriend, not mine,” Wyatt said, naming off the usual suspects. ”Hey! Speaking of Quincy, what’s the sitch with you too? Did you guys sleep together? Is that why she was over the other night? Has the V Card finally been lost?” Wyatt asked, bombarding A Double with questions.
Oh man those questions were flying at him. Zing! Zing! Zing! How was he supposed to keep up with such rapid fire bombardments of hard hitting questions? First thing first. A Double put the joint in between his lips and stared at his watch for a second, adjusting it to show the time. There. Much better, now it served a purpose! Then, he turned his attention to Wyatt and thought about things. “Okay. Do you remember the party you didn’t go to, on account of you got too high and passed out in my room? Well, at that party, I was just building a sand throne, and Q came out and was like ‘I think I’m love with you!’ and I was like ‘alright, cool.’” A Double did his best to paint a picture where he wasn’t a stuttering mess. “And then she jumped on my lap and she kissed me and she shoved her tongue in my mouth and then she turned so she could straddle me and it was real weird, but then she knocked my bong out of the bong holder that I had built for it so I dove for it and we fell in the sand… It was James Bong, dude! Double O 420. I couldn’t let him go down.”
He paused, but only for the briefest of seconds to take in a drag, and hand it over. There was a small period of coughing, before he was back into his story. “Anyway, while we laid there in the sand, I realized I really wanted McDonald’s, so I asked her if she wanted to get some McDonald’s and she was like ‘yeah, sure.’ So we went and did that. Then, to answer your second question, she was over because I was really high and really hungry and I forgot to drop her off. She slept in the same bed as me, but we were clothed. My belly was full. I was happy and sleepy. So I just went to sleep. Anyway, the only reason we never said anything, mind you, I wanted to, was she thought everyone would get all weird about it and that it might change like, the dynamic of our group. I tried telling her it wouldn’t! But she insisted. I don’t really like being a secret, though, so I’m glad that’s over… Oh, V-Card is still firmly in the wallet.”
Wyatt sat, wide eyed and attentive, as A Double recounted the beginnings of him and Q’s relationship. He was intrigued, of course. Two of his best friends, dating? Uh, yeah. Q was already his mom practically. And A Double was definitely not his dad, but like, it was still cool. ”So, are you guys good now? She seemed pretty peeved during homeroom,” Wyatt observed, hoping A Double would say yes. He was already too invested into this relationship for it to shatter so quick.
“Yeah, I kissed her and told her how I feel and it seemed okay. I think we’re good, and all public and stuff. So that’s nice. At least I’ll get snuggles when we’re all hanging out now, instead of thinking ‘man, it’d be nice to be snuggling my girlfriend.’ This is tough work! Turns out, Q is emotional. Who knew?” A Double looked up at the sky for a few seconds, before looking at Wyatt. “...wanna go get tacos?”
Wyatt gasped with excitement. ”Of fucking course I want tacos!” he shouted, jumping up from his spot on the couch. Right as he was grabbing his jacket he saw a group of four or five underclassmen, making their way towards A Double’s makeshift throne room. He squinted and saw Stephen Rhett leading the pack, nursing a black eye. ”Yo, A Double! Your bitch of a girlfriend fucking punched me! As long as she’s around, we aint!” Stephen shouted. Wyatt winced and turned to A Double. Stephen had the wrong idea of A Double if he thought any part of that was gonna work for him. This wasn’t Hailey’s turf, that kind of petty politics wouldn’t fly here.
A Double frowned as he looked at the angry, younger boy. “She really hit you? That’s not cool, I’ll talk to her about that. But if you wanna go somewhere else, I guess that’s up to you, man… I hear the skatepark on Wesley Avenue is pretty tight! Maybe you guys can go hang out there? Hey, me and Wyatt are gonna go get tacos. You guys want tacos? It won’t make your eye less swollen, but… tacos are pretty good! I’ll buy.” A Double said, and almost instantly his normal large smile was back on his face. Wyatt was right. A Dubs didn’t care, if people wanted to go elsewhere, that was up to them.
Stephen scowled and shook his head, storming off with his posse. ”Yeah that’s right, you heard the man! Beat it, midgets!” Wyatt shouted after the underclassmen, much more energy in his voice than in A Doubles. If A Double was the king, then Wyatt was his hype man. Did kings even have hype men? Wyatt didn’t care either way. ”Come on my man! Let’s get tacos!”
Geeze. What kind of monsters could possibly turn down tacos? FREE. TACOS. Crazy. Though he did not voice his immediate concern, A Double wondered if people who declined free tacos were the kind of people they wanted around Burntown, anyway. “Yeah, totally. I’m feelin’ carne asada tacos, and maybe some deep fried ice cream…” A Double muttered, finally standing up and gesturing for his friend to follow him as he headed toward the exit of Burntown. A Double then pulled out his phone, and thought about texting Q. Thought about it, and then he realized that texting wasn’t the right thing to do. They were in a relationship. That meant he had to exercise a lost art. A Double pressed the call button, and for damn near the first time since he’d bought the phone, he put it to his ear and listened to the dial tone.
Q damn near threw her phone across her room before checking the caller id. At the sight of A Double sticking his tongue out like an idiot her face softened and she picked up. ”Yeah babe?” She winced. Were they at ‘babe’ level yet? Hopefully, cause she just went for it.
See, he knew calling her was the right thing to do! How exciting! A Double’s face immediately lit up with that huge smile and he excitedly spoke to Q. “I’m babe now! Cool.” You’re good, Q. Carry on. “Hey, so this guy said you punched him? Uhm, you probably shouldn’t do that I think. I didn’t say anything while he was here because I don’t like to be rude, but I bet he totally deserved it. Anyway, me and Wyatt are going to get tacos! You want tacos?”
Q couldn’t help but grin, despite the mention of Stephen. ”We can talk about that later. Of course I want tacos, pick me up in 10?” Q said. She didn’t feel the need to explain to A Double how apparently a bunch of their supposed friends hated her because she used to run with Hailey. It wasn’t like she thought A Double would have anything to say about it, because of course he wouldn’t. He was the chillest guy she knew. It was more so that she didn’t feel the need to remind herself that she’d never be one of them.
“Sure! But… where are you?” That was an important portion of picking her up for tacos… Maybe she was home? He didn’t care, really. They’d go pick her up, and then get delicious tacos, and then come back! Or something else. A Double was open to suggestions! “Also, I don’t usually call people, but I thought it was kinda like the right thing to do. Since we’re a real thing now? It works, like, in my head…”
Q shook her head, chuckling. ”I’m at home right now, the gates open though so you can drive on in. And, calling works just fine. Alright, I’ll see you in a few. Bye.” Quincy said, before hanging up the phone.
Back at Burntown, Wyatt flashed A Double a sly grin and nodded suggestively at his friend. ”Niiiiiice!”
It was fantastic, it was amazing. No one saw it, man! A Double’s heart was almost ripped out when he saw how few people were there — it had just been him and his dad and his dad’s friend at first. In fact, the skatepark was in danger of being removed for a long time; when he’d been younger there had been no one there. Nobody understood the history behind the place, not back then. From the legendary snake run the Z-Boys had ran way back in the day, to the halfpipe where Tony Hawk had landed the first 900, the skatepark was damn near a piece of history.
As A Double grew up, and found his way… he wasn’t quite as antisocial as Davy had been. Davy was the LA local, but he’d not really brought anyone around, so it had been him who’d ran the snake run solo day in and day out. A Double, on the other hand? He had friends, and was generally a popular, well liked boy. He’d saved the park, through simply bringing people and just… skating. Forgetting everything else, and just skating. Not all of them were virtuosos like he was, but that didn’t matter! It really, truly didn’t.
It became known as Burntown as A Dubs became the king of the stoners, and it got associated with that type of people. The skaters and the stoners were almost one and the same, sure there were one or two skaters that didn’t smoke, and a couple of stoners that didn’t skate, and just liked the camaraderie of the place, but it didn’t matter to A Double. If the halls of BHHS were Hailey’s kingdom, then Burntown was his.
He was a man of the people, really more of a leader and a king than he even realized. He and his kind just hung out there, almost always. Dreamland was great, sure, but that was his parent’s Dreamland. This was his. He’d even made a few additions in his time there, including building his own little chill spot, which was really just a lean to he and Wyatt had set up with a shitty old leather couch, a crappy TV A Double had lifted from his parents, an internet connection they bummed from the library, and a minifridge filled with snacks. It may not have been perfect, but dammit it was home.
And that was where A Double found himself now. A cream soda in one hand, a joint in the other, Wyatt to his side, and We Bare Bears blasting on the TV. The others came to them sometimes, younger kids for skating advice, older kids for weed, and A Double was happy to help everyone out! He loved it here, he loved the people, the atmosphere, even the gross smell of the air. If it wasn’t for Burntown, he wouldn’t have a place to hang out, or skate, or just have friends.
Every day started here, and ended at Captain Cuddles with greasy pizza being shoved down their throats.
And honestly? It was heaven.
He passed the joint over to Wyatt and looked at his watch, tapping it. “I feel like… the others should… be here. Shouldn’t they? It seems like it’s that time.” However, on A Double’s watch screen, was not the time. A Double was staring at the weather. This new weed was good.
Wyatt couldn’t help but burst out laughing at A Double’s watch. It helped that he was already, baked, but it was also one of the funnier things that had happened to him recently, at least in his opinion. ”Dude, that’s the weather,” Wyatt said before taking a long drag off the joint and passing it back to A Double. Wow. That was good weed.
”Anyways, Raf is probably tied up with Anime Club, Rose is probably being Rose, and Quincy… well she’s your girlfriend, not mine,” Wyatt said, naming off the usual suspects. ”Hey! Speaking of Quincy, what’s the sitch with you too? Did you guys sleep together? Is that why she was over the other night? Has the V Card finally been lost?” Wyatt asked, bombarding A Double with questions.
Oh man those questions were flying at him. Zing! Zing! Zing! How was he supposed to keep up with such rapid fire bombardments of hard hitting questions? First thing first. A Double put the joint in between his lips and stared at his watch for a second, adjusting it to show the time. There. Much better, now it served a purpose! Then, he turned his attention to Wyatt and thought about things. “Okay. Do you remember the party you didn’t go to, on account of you got too high and passed out in my room? Well, at that party, I was just building a sand throne, and Q came out and was like ‘I think I’m love with you!’ and I was like ‘alright, cool.’” A Double did his best to paint a picture where he wasn’t a stuttering mess. “And then she jumped on my lap and she kissed me and she shoved her tongue in my mouth and then she turned so she could straddle me and it was real weird, but then she knocked my bong out of the bong holder that I had built for it so I dove for it and we fell in the sand… It was James Bong, dude! Double O 420. I couldn’t let him go down.”
He paused, but only for the briefest of seconds to take in a drag, and hand it over. There was a small period of coughing, before he was back into his story. “Anyway, while we laid there in the sand, I realized I really wanted McDonald’s, so I asked her if she wanted to get some McDonald’s and she was like ‘yeah, sure.’ So we went and did that. Then, to answer your second question, she was over because I was really high and really hungry and I forgot to drop her off. She slept in the same bed as me, but we were clothed. My belly was full. I was happy and sleepy. So I just went to sleep. Anyway, the only reason we never said anything, mind you, I wanted to, was she thought everyone would get all weird about it and that it might change like, the dynamic of our group. I tried telling her it wouldn’t! But she insisted. I don’t really like being a secret, though, so I’m glad that’s over… Oh, V-Card is still firmly in the wallet.”
Wyatt sat, wide eyed and attentive, as A Double recounted the beginnings of him and Q’s relationship. He was intrigued, of course. Two of his best friends, dating? Uh, yeah. Q was already his mom practically. And A Double was definitely not his dad, but like, it was still cool. ”So, are you guys good now? She seemed pretty peeved during homeroom,” Wyatt observed, hoping A Double would say yes. He was already too invested into this relationship for it to shatter so quick.
“Yeah, I kissed her and told her how I feel and it seemed okay. I think we’re good, and all public and stuff. So that’s nice. At least I’ll get snuggles when we’re all hanging out now, instead of thinking ‘man, it’d be nice to be snuggling my girlfriend.’ This is tough work! Turns out, Q is emotional. Who knew?” A Double looked up at the sky for a few seconds, before looking at Wyatt. “...wanna go get tacos?”
Wyatt gasped with excitement. ”Of fucking course I want tacos!” he shouted, jumping up from his spot on the couch. Right as he was grabbing his jacket he saw a group of four or five underclassmen, making their way towards A Double’s makeshift throne room. He squinted and saw Stephen Rhett leading the pack, nursing a black eye. ”Yo, A Double! Your bitch of a girlfriend fucking punched me! As long as she’s around, we aint!” Stephen shouted. Wyatt winced and turned to A Double. Stephen had the wrong idea of A Double if he thought any part of that was gonna work for him. This wasn’t Hailey’s turf, that kind of petty politics wouldn’t fly here.
A Double frowned as he looked at the angry, younger boy. “She really hit you? That’s not cool, I’ll talk to her about that. But if you wanna go somewhere else, I guess that’s up to you, man… I hear the skatepark on Wesley Avenue is pretty tight! Maybe you guys can go hang out there? Hey, me and Wyatt are gonna go get tacos. You guys want tacos? It won’t make your eye less swollen, but… tacos are pretty good! I’ll buy.” A Double said, and almost instantly his normal large smile was back on his face. Wyatt was right. A Dubs didn’t care, if people wanted to go elsewhere, that was up to them.
Stephen scowled and shook his head, storming off with his posse. ”Yeah that’s right, you heard the man! Beat it, midgets!” Wyatt shouted after the underclassmen, much more energy in his voice than in A Doubles. If A Double was the king, then Wyatt was his hype man. Did kings even have hype men? Wyatt didn’t care either way. ”Come on my man! Let’s get tacos!”
Geeze. What kind of monsters could possibly turn down tacos? FREE. TACOS. Crazy. Though he did not voice his immediate concern, A Double wondered if people who declined free tacos were the kind of people they wanted around Burntown, anyway. “Yeah, totally. I’m feelin’ carne asada tacos, and maybe some deep fried ice cream…” A Double muttered, finally standing up and gesturing for his friend to follow him as he headed toward the exit of Burntown. A Double then pulled out his phone, and thought about texting Q. Thought about it, and then he realized that texting wasn’t the right thing to do. They were in a relationship. That meant he had to exercise a lost art. A Double pressed the call button, and for damn near the first time since he’d bought the phone, he put it to his ear and listened to the dial tone.
Q damn near threw her phone across her room before checking the caller id. At the sight of A Double sticking his tongue out like an idiot her face softened and she picked up. ”Yeah babe?” She winced. Were they at ‘babe’ level yet? Hopefully, cause she just went for it.
See, he knew calling her was the right thing to do! How exciting! A Double’s face immediately lit up with that huge smile and he excitedly spoke to Q. “I’m babe now! Cool.” You’re good, Q. Carry on. “Hey, so this guy said you punched him? Uhm, you probably shouldn’t do that I think. I didn’t say anything while he was here because I don’t like to be rude, but I bet he totally deserved it. Anyway, me and Wyatt are going to get tacos! You want tacos?”
Q couldn’t help but grin, despite the mention of Stephen. ”We can talk about that later. Of course I want tacos, pick me up in 10?” Q said. She didn’t feel the need to explain to A Double how apparently a bunch of their supposed friends hated her because she used to run with Hailey. It wasn’t like she thought A Double would have anything to say about it, because of course he wouldn’t. He was the chillest guy she knew. It was more so that she didn’t feel the need to remind herself that she’d never be one of them.
“Sure! But… where are you?” That was an important portion of picking her up for tacos… Maybe she was home? He didn’t care, really. They’d go pick her up, and then get delicious tacos, and then come back! Or something else. A Double was open to suggestions! “Also, I don’t usually call people, but I thought it was kinda like the right thing to do. Since we’re a real thing now? It works, like, in my head…”
Q shook her head, chuckling. ”I’m at home right now, the gates open though so you can drive on in. And, calling works just fine. Alright, I’ll see you in a few. Bye.” Quincy said, before hanging up the phone.
Back at Burntown, Wyatt flashed A Double a sly grin and nodded suggestively at his friend. ”Niiiiiice!”