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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

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I agree with banning J8 to prevent him from stalling the IC. Down with the 3 months long Chunnin Exam. Reeee.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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@j8cob Yes, on the banlist.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

To those already formulating some character ideas. Please find below three nations that had been written up so far. There remains Konoha and Kumo, as well as Ame that will be introduced in the IC. This is to help you establish your character if you're interested in any of these nations. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or ask on discord.

"Death before Dishonour."

Under the vigilant gaze of the Phoenix Emperor, the Empire of Stone has known intact unity for more than half a millennia. Traditions kept alive, and customs reminiscent of times long since forgotten by history. The Empire of Stone stands as the vastest territory in the Shinobi world, and its might has caused the other superpowers to collectively fear it. Its mainland population alone dwarfs all others, without even counting the additions brought by vassaled and occupied territories. Never has there been a single, large scale rebellion against the Empire.


The First Emperor, Fukeshi Kuzen, unites the many clans under the symbol of the Rock four hundred years following the sacrifice of the Rikkudo Sennin. Inspired by Hashirama Senju's work, he sought to create something similar to the leaf. But while the leaf had a more egalitarian system, the rock quickly showed its inclination toward centralizing power as to ensure stability. While the details of history remain only clear to the royal family, it is known that it took under five years for the people of the stone to recognize Fukeshi Kuzen as their guiding light, their Emperor.

The First Shinobi Great War, caused by the very first border disputes and strong-armed by Konoha's far superior military force. Fukeshi Kuzen is in his death bed, and the five great nations had been formed, while the smaller ones were barely a nascent idea. In an effort to repulse the forces of the leaf in their rapidly inflating expansionism, Ayame Kuzen takes the roll of Empress at the place of her father. The Empire of Stone would suffer particularly high casualties, but it'd be through the faith of the people conferred to the eldest child of the Emperor that they had managed to survive.

Having the most fertile lands among the four other nations, the leaf sough to break the Empire of Stone first. It'd only be through an alliance formed with the rapidly growing Kumogakure, and the many settlements surrounding the great Waterfall of the South that Ayame Kuzen would hold out long enough for counter-measures from the Sand and Water. While the overwhelming power of the Uchiha could slaughter hundreds of soldiers with a single man, and the terror-inducing might of the Senju displaying the infinite powers of the Sennin's descendants, the might of the four opponents allowed the Empire to pull through.

The Assassination of Hikari Kuzen, would be an earth-shattering event that had the entirety of the empire up in arms. The grandson of Ayame Kuzen was found assassinated, and blame was swiftly placed onto the increasingly distrusted Kumogakure. While war was not sparked yet, tensions were high and any sort of alliance forged since the first great war had been destroyed.

The Incident of the Land of Bones, a dreadful phenomenon in which there has been no one to hold accountable for. A good century after the successful assassination of a Phoenix Emperor, the now abandoned land between the land of Lightning and the Stone Empire had been rendered devoid of any settlement or even any form of human activity. Public information remains vague in that regard, as it'd been agreed upon to be kept quiet among world leaders. The land had been independent, formed mostly of smaller settlements, but was often caught up in affairs regarding the Leaf, the Lightning and the Stone. Speculation on the nature of the phenomenon ranges between coordinated slaughter, to permanently poisoning the land, to even a discreet declaration of war with a vulnerable spot rendered inert before anything erupted.

To this day, no one lives in this big chunk of land. Very few know why, and those that have tried to invest anything in there have either failed before entering, or never returned.

The Second Great Shinobi War, a conflict that would occur three centuries after the first one, and would last for a century itself. A conflict that has had many ceasefires and treaties, but would only have known its official end in recent history. As technological innovation grew, and military qualities improved, tensions rose with the slowly impoverished land of Lightning. While the Isle of Water remained majorly neutral, and the Wind had its own issues, the leaf would find itself involved.

It is unclear what exactly occurred to spark this conflict, but a murder involving a soldier from either side of the war (depends on who you talk to) in the Land of Bones would be the most commonly found answer. And thus, commenced the Empire's vehement expansion in an attempt to grow into a giant that could not be defeated. A giant that had already quite an edge against the slowly crumbling Lightning. Kusagakure, Takigakure, and official acquiring of the Land of Bones, would be the spoils of war for the Empire. All the while the land under Kumo would have itself divided more and more as the war became too taxing. Revolts, defections and anger from the hunger induced by poor land combined with weak innovation completely broke the nation.

A treaty would be signed with the leaf, as the lightning lacked any sort of official representation, to cease armed attacks on the shattered land. It'd only be due to the recent unknown attacks that the war would have finally beeen officially ended.

The Current Emperor is known as Ganryu Kuzen.


Like most great nations, there is a Tsuchikage leading the capital village, Iwagakure. However, the Emperor holds not only the power as the Daimyo, but can also potentially hold the position of Kage as well. Otherwise, it is a member of the royal family that holds the title of shadow. A tradition that has remained unchanged since the rise of Fukeshi Kuzen as the Emperor. Though, it is important to note that the Royal Family has provided some of the strongest Shinobi in history. Mostly due to their hoarding of secrets and their bloodline holding its own unique abilities. The Emperor can choose to conceded the position, or keep it until death.

The Empire's Military is considered one of the strictest and most zealous in the Shinobi world, as they are asked to pledge their lives to the well-being of the Royal Family before even the Empire of Stone itself. Ranks remain the universal ranking system, though with nuances when nobility and higher administrations in the Empire itself are involved.

Vassaled lands are to follow the same guidelines as the mainland, however under the rule of a representative of the Emperor. In most cases, it is one of the Emperor's children of siblings, though there have been cases of regions handled by nobles. These regions are officially tended to as the richer mainland would be, but that's only official. Evidently, stigmas and resentments based of tribalism come to be, especially with a population driven by an immense amount of national pride. Nonetheless, absolute poverty is frowned upon and regulated efficiently, albeit at the expense of others working.

Foreign Relations

The Land of Lightning: Once a beloved ally in the times of the first Shinobi Great War, now the Empire's biggest enemy. Though, ever since is crumbling into multiple, dysfunctional provinces, the threat has been considered neutralized. For multiple centuries, tensions had been doing nothing but rise between the two nations. Partially due to past incidents, but many agree that Kumogakure's increasing needs in resources and lack of means to keep up with world innovations have pushed it to a corner. Threatened with total collapse, radical measures had to be taken, leading to another great war.

The Land of Fire: The Leaf had once been the world's biggest inspiration, and its biggest enemy. Today, it serves more as an arbiter in foreign affairs, and because of this, has been a source of political animosity with the Stone. Constant interjections into the Empire's expansionism have prompted threats from the Emperor's legions. While relations remain certainly strained with the Fire, the threat of war remains minimal and economical relations remain relatively healthy.

Land of Wind: As a neighboring nation, the land dominated by the Sand has often sought out positive relations with Iwa rather than negative. A few instances of land coveting had occurred, but the vast difference in armies had always deterred the Wind from pushing toward a more aggressive approach. Trade of rare minerals and skilled labour (brilliant engineers, students of the old puppeteers) was what kept Sunagakure a top ally in the eyes of the Empire, and exempted them from having to be allies at war. To this day, Suna remains relatively neutral to issues regarding the Stone.

Land of Water: A Client -Business relationship mostly, considering the Water Isle's inclinations for profit and capitalizing on any world-scale opportunities. The Royal Family keeps many of its riches and artifacts in the custody of the Isle, and in turn the regime of Kiri shows unfaltering loyalty to their demands. As they would do with any paying customer.

"With Grace, we shall rise Above."

Once known as the bloodiest nation among the great five, today the Isles of Mist have becomes quite the antithesis of what it had been known for. While not a peace-mongering sanctuary, it now prospers economically and its main powers stem from its governance and world relations rather than shinobi might and tyranny. Considered one giant resort, it isn't for nothing that the average citizen is far richer than the overall demographic of the Shinobi world. It is a hub, holding an abnormal amount of banks and businesses that have an immediate hand in both internal and external politics. Vehemently neutral, the Isles of Mist's biggest attraction is the amnesty they provide to those capable of paying the right price.


Kirigakure, a village formed after the model of Hashirama and Madara's new Konohagakure. In the midst of the chaotic Islands of the Blood Mist, a group known as the 'Troupe of Eels' had taken it upon themselves to cull the many islands of any opposing force seeking to maintain the static status quo that maintained by the feuding settlements. Bloody, but ultimately seeking to achieves prosperous ends, the troupe's image was polarizing to say the least, and this level of extremes would bleed into the gang once the village would be formed. A village created by force in a land that had known almost only that. It was appropriate.

But as these founding fathers selected a leader to represent them as the equivalent of the Hokage, the Mizukage, clear disparities in opinion were formed as to how things should be managed. The initial majority remained for progress, to have Kirigakure become a uniting force like the Earth, but also rid themselves of the old ways. There remained a few, however, that saw things differently, and viewed the philosophies of the Blood Mist to be the only appropriate way to even compete with growing foreign forces.

The First Grand Civil War, an event that'd erupt no less than fifty years after the establishment of Kirigakure. Prompted by an attempted coup d'Etat by the Blood Mist sympathizers. A full six months there would be attacks on the streets, and militias occupying smaller villages affiliated to the main metropolis. Eventually, the Blood Mist sympathizers would be repulsed, and those apprehended be made an example by execution. They failed to capture the leader of the insurrection, Gorou Momochi.

The Duel of Storms, an event deemed dreadful enough to have been censored by multiple recent regimes of the Isles of the Mist. Four year following the first Grand Civil war, a new uprising occurred by the hand of Gorou Momochi. As the rebels pushed further than they had before, the leader would have challenged the current Mizukage at the time, Jin Hozuki, one of the founding fathers along with Gorou, to a duel to determine the final victor. The Mizukage was too slow to catch on that he had already surrendered his nation by accepting this method.

The Rise of the Blood Mist, Gorou Momochi would ultimately defeat Jin Hozuki in a two day battle at the outskirts of Kiri, leaving the area entirely flooded and incidentally creating the Lake of Depths. With Gorou's rise to power, the model of the Blood Mist was applied. The strong lead, the weak are culled since the academy days, and their power is up for sale to any interested nation. Of course, their own military might was gargantuan, as well as the brainwashing of the pupils. They were expendable, but also unhealthily loyal to the cause.

As the first Great Shinobi war broke out, this menacing yet fully neutral position allowed the Isles of Mist to avoid any sort of direct conflict, and instead sold a service to the highest bidder. Or simply played all sides.

The Endless Cycle of Blood, a phenomenon described by historians as the Mist's history is revisited. With the very obvious lack of any stability from the Philosophy of the Blood Mist, but also the inability to completely cull the concept from the deep seeded culture of the Mist, there would be a two century long alternation between a Kiri as intended by the founding fathers, and the blood mist. In this era of particular instability, the race for armament was particularly strong, which birthed six of the seven legendary blades of the mist. Forged from renown blacksmiths and questionable rituals around the barbaric acts of both sides, it was becoming clear that if a solution wasn't found, the Mist would be consumed one way or another.

The Legendary Yamori, a man who had come from no notable clan, nor had ever made a name for himself until one single event. Some say he came out of nowhere, others say he was a mythical bandit that took from the rich and gave to the poor. To this day, nobody knows who Yamori truly was, but there is an undeniable fact about him, and that's the blade he carried to eliminate ALL political leaders and gang heads in the entire nation. The first wielder of the Samehada, and the only one to know of its secret origins.

With every voice that added to the discord gone, and only his followers mesmerized by the odd sort of chaos he brought about, there was only one left to rule. As brutish as he appeared, Yamori sought to bring a balance instead of polarity. The ingrained opportunistic nature of those of Kiri would be brought to use, rendering the nation in one that valued success and strength, but ensured that the slaughter would only be brought to foreigners, for the right price. Business bloomed quickly, as many cunning minds that had been forged in a world of death and opportunism would build their own little empires of capital and wealth. The might of those stained by the Blood Mist instead rendered as assets and the mightiest found their pride rewarded, and their greed satisfied with entire islands given to them.

Today, the Isles of Mist are a hub for business and luxury. With the strongest security available. It is both a giant bank, and a giant militia for rent. With all the foreign investment going on there, it comes to no surprise that no nations has ever sought to start any sort of beef with them.

The Current Mizukage is known as Aya Gongzen, previous head of Zhichuan Security and Surveillance.


The Isles of Mist are what we can call a Plutocratic Democracy. There is a council, and the people are allowed to vote. But the electoral process heavily involves the investments made by the candidates, and how much other entities invest in them. A contrived system, one that isn't too often contested given the prosperous nature of the nation, but has known some opposition. Oddly enough, partisans of the Blood Mist archaic system have rarely voiced any concern against the system itself, as they find it to be rather rewarding to their types of cravings.

Corruption is very obvious, but has been integrated so well in the system that it may as well be considered legal. Certainly not appealing to many, but there is a saying that says 'Pay large or pay small, in the end, the system is here to give opportunity. Necktie or Overalls, you'll likely make friendly with it should you want it hard enough'.

With such huge wealth spreading about, disparities in earnings and inequalities are bound to happen. Natives born in smaller settlements with trades that involve more modest incomes live below the poverty line for the most part. Many tend to immigrate to the Land of Fire in the hopes to benefit from the more sympathetic rural life there. There also exists quite a bit of criminality as a result, though the main city of Kiri is considered the safest in the Shinobi world due to the advancements in security technologies.

While the small villages remain either obsolete in infrastructure, or modest at best, Kirigakure is seen as a marvel of the modern world. Skyscrapers, perfect roads, enforced security. The biggest difference between them and the land of Wind is the growing spread of this prosperity in the nation. The cities in the outskirts of the capital are far more advanced than many cities in the Empire for instance. One can thank the immense amount of tourism and foreign investment for all this disposable income.

Foreign Relations

The Land of Lightning: The Isles' main import comes from there. Since the nation's collapse, many settlements found themselves in miserable states, and ongoing internal conflicts led to an overwhelming amount of orphaned children. They are promptly recruited to one of the many security firms in the land of Water, and in term form valuable assets. Very little productive politics have ever stemmed between the two nations beyond that.

The Land of Fire: The Isles' closest neighboring country, and one where tensions have existed in the past. Notably with immigration from the lower class within the Isles. Nothing worthy of war, as Konoha has actually had a considerable amount of investment in Kiri as well, despite them frowning upon the disingenuous system leading the nation. No one is above any sort of moral shortcut. Trade is fairly weak between the two nations, but political exchange remains abundant due to proximity and inevitable involvements in each other's affairs.

Land of Wind: A very recent trade partner, as Sunagakure entered a phase of hyper-innovation and industrialization. Many loans and lends of workforce/security were made, making them exceptionally efficient business partners. However, there has always been a certain degree of distrust, as Suna commences to present itself as a sort of 'resort' nation similar to the Isles of Mist. Though, not enough for them to treat each other as threats. No, business is going well, and it is staying that way. A big part of Suna's success is thanks to Kiri.

Land of Earth: Their number one client, as they were involved in a recent Shinobi War. Considering the Lightning's divisiveness, the Empire was the only one to make any sort of offer. They also invested the most in the Isles, in their banks and their land, as many islands actually belong to the Royal Family. The Empire is keen on protecting its private militia and personal bank healthy, and as such they've often been offered shelter from the world conflicts as a result.

"The Desert failed to claim us, our enemies will too."

The Desert of Sishio is considered to be the most hostile biome within the Shinobi world, by far. The amount of settlements there can be counted on two fingers, with the only major city being Sunagakure. A nation that had often been struck by poverty due to infertile lands and the arid climate that made way for catastrophic droughts. And yet, this nation stands tall and continues to push through slightly behind the top powers of the world. This Desert has been responsible for building the most resourceful individuals on this continent and result has been technological hegemony. No other nation is capable of competing with the academics and innovative minds of Sishio. Producer of the greatest scholars of this world, it isn't surprising that they've managed weasel out of the impossible.


Sishio and twenty six nomads, a tale known by every citizen of the nation of winds since infancy and one that has not skipped a generation for almost five hundred years. Unlike the other nations that followed shortly after Hashirama's founding of Konoha, the Desert was considered devoid of any potential and had been set aside. It would be fifty years after the civil breakthrough that a group of nomads, led by a charismatic figure known as Sishio, had settled on an oasis. An oasis said to have been the center of the grand desert and would be their home for the rest of eternity.

Mystery shrouds this legendary figure. Their gender had never been revealed, nor is there any record beyond a book left behind that recounts the existence of this person. And yet, they are known by all, with the dreadful desert that had claimed so many taking their name. Some say Sishio was a conqueror, others say they were a priest. In the end, it does not matter, for they would forever hold the position of very first Kazekage of Sunagakure.

A Ceaselessly coveted land, as it was one of the few areas that held fertile soil and abundant water. At least, enough to sustain the current population. The twenty six nomads that had followed Sishio had founded families, and quickly the numbers rose. More nomads, and even small settlements migrated within. But the promise of a better life in this still peculiar experiment couldn't be shared with all. From benevolence to judgement, the people of the immature Sunagakure eventually had to judge whether or not new entrants were worthy of this slowly rising civilization. And inevitably, many started to covet the land.

While the world tore itself apart with borders, the desert could barely overcome itself. There would be no Kazekage, but instead de-facto rulers that'd hold the throne for no more than a year before another tribe would come and attempt to pillage the oasis.

The Appearance of the Kazekage, the first true leader the Sunagakure Oasis would know nearly a century after Konohagakure's establishment. Diplomacy and tolerance had failed in a land full of opportunists that had been molded by hostile lands. A far cry from the modern scholarly lands. It took someone with true might to be able to establish order. Hence, the first true Kazekage, the one to hold the title. A foreigner, one that had actually heard of the village system in the world and thought it best to set it up in the chaotic yet still rich oasis.

Kesuna Kakariko would defeat every contender in a duel, easily so, as she would claim the throne for herself. She ruled with an iron fist, but only to restore peace. A long, tiresome process that would eventually bear its fruits. Sunagakure was truly born, as the wall rose and clearly defined the village's borders. Invasions became fewer and the rule was secured. But a new crisis rose. With prosperity came overindulgence and the finite resources of the oasis quickly became a problem. By this time, the Kazekage had become old, leaving the village elders with little options when it came to dealing with this problem. Invaders were drawing near, as rumors of a slowly withering Sunagakure spread out of the walls.

Monzaemon Chikamatsu, the great engineer was his name. An eccentric owner of a curiosity shop within the the Sunagakure Oasis. Middle-aged, considered slightly crazy. Many know him today as the sudden successor to Kesuna as the second official Kazekage, however few know why. He invented the puppet master jutsu and had shown might in the battlefield that no one would have ever expected from the weird shop owner. Monzaemon's might was not the reason for his ascension, however, but rather his ingenuity. In a time where Sunagakure was dying, the brilliant engineer came about and invented modern piping and sewage.

A lot of today's technology stems from the savant's capabilities in inventing and engineering. Water filters, robust infrastructure, security protocols, etc. He would be the one to fund the continent's center of knowledge, the Chikamatsu Grand Library, and propel the Desert of Sishio to the status of world power recognized by the other nations.

The Innovation Capital of the World, would be the title of the now blooming nation. Despite consistently struggling with poverty and merciless climates, the citizens of Sishio had since oriented themselves toward a more scholarly orientation. More and more, the benefits of a strong intellectual class outweighed the need to form overwhelming powerful warriors. With the right infrastructure and contraptions, conquerors would be stumped at the city's gates. This is a big reason as to why Sunagakure kept itself out of world politics, as it had its own issues to deal with, and despite its efforts remained behind in terms of overall development.

To this day, Sunagakure remains the most advanced city technologically, but perhaps the least advanced nation as Shishio. Almost every settlement outside of the capital are poor with no access to electricity.

The current Kazekage is the head of the Chikamatsu University, Feitan Misuto.


Most of the nation is desert, and settlements beyond the scope of the capital Sunagakure are mostly devoid of any modern utilities. No electricity, nothing. Living conditions are harsh, but the local populace does not appear to be diminishing. That is due to the constant support from the capital in terms of food and water. The rest is handled on their own. And they're content with that. The capital, on the other hand, is perhaps the most advanced hub in the whole continent. Skyscrapers, incessant activity, non-stop high speed connectivity. It had once been known as an oasis and it hasn't lost the connotation in five hundred years.

Social classes are not too distant, though there exist inequalities. They mostly divide those in large institutions and the common citizens, with very little under the nation's poverty line (which is lower than most). Everyone is homed, but not everyone's opinion is to be heard. No, instead the true ruling class are the academics, the intellectuals that are part of a committee known as the 'Council'. There are no elections, they simply access the seats by their own prestige or by occupying the an important role in an institution. The Kazekage is elected by this Council, though they do value the traits of what others nation consider invaluable to a 'Kage'.

Engineers and all sorts of scholars are the primary trade of the nation. Many from around the world visit the Desert of Sishio to join one of the schools and cultivate themselves from the greatest centers of learning in the world. Some even travel for the sole purpose of visiting the Chikamatsu Grand Library and absorb the infinite wisdom stored in the now highly secured facility. Some say that the answers of many secrets and myths in the world can be found in the library, though obviously out of public reach.

Foreign Relations

The Land of Lightning: Little to non-existent. Both had little to provide one another as they held the positions of poorest nations for the longest time. Plus their distance when it comes to borders never helped. On the rare occasion, there had been diplomatic exchanges concerning trade, but since the latest war, nothing came of them.

The Land of Fire: One of the greatest providers to the Sishio desert when it met some shortcomings with food and resources. The lush and fertile lands of their neighbors prompted Konoha to extend its hand and provide philanthropic aid to the desert nation. This managed to keep relations strong between the leaf and the sand, although military initiatives have been kept to a minimum. Instead, many student exchange programs were established, as to have Konoha's youths benefit from the best education system in the continent, while providing the sand with insight on Konoha's ways in the hopes to better their own customs and overcome modern societal issues.

Land of Water: Initially, there existed an abundance of resentment between the two nations, mostly due to Sunagakure provided little to interest the Isles, and the sand seeing the lack of gesture similar to Konoha as a form of disrespectful callousness. But once innovation truly boomed in Suna and provided the world with many technologies they use today, investors from the land of water did not hesitate to drop their money on the developed oasis. Sishio provided the technology the Isles desired to optimize their security measures and in exchange, cashflows were constant from the islands.

Land of Earth: Due to their proximity, diplomatic exchanges were inevitable. However, they were not as fruitful as with the land of water or fire. In actuality, apart from trade, very little emerged between the desert and the empire. This is mostly due to the stone's investment in the war against the land of lightning, and finding little benefit in the desert. Of course, the innovative minds of the wind did not go unnoticed and could only favor trade between the nations. They were just slim compared to the others.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

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Uhm. Maybe, it's just me, but does anyone else have problem reading@Savato's post on their cell phone ?^.^;
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

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Works fine on my phone. Mine's relatively new though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, the OOC is UP! Some parts are still to be finished, but I think it's about time we got this thing started.



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