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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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A CS for your perusal.

Characters you have created: Ben and Freya Dover

Alias: Greed (Ben) and Envy (Freya).

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): [color=LawnGreen][/color]: Freya [color=GoldenRod][/color]: Ben

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Known

Character Personality:


Freya revels in mischief, always ready with a snide remark or a sarcastic comment. She loves to taunt people, seeing how far she could push their buttons. She always seems to be filled with a manic energy, zipping from one project to the next, one exciting operation to the next, almost never still.

She's brains behind the Dover operations, enjoying the control she has over her own life and the lives of others. She is obsessed with learning new things, spending hours at a time surfing the internet to watch people's how-to videos, absorbing their knowledge in an instant. It's the only time she's ever still.


Ben is calmer and far more docile than his sister. He's content to read a good book, take a quiet nap, enjoy a play. He enjoys the quiet things compared to his sister, who finds peace and quiet boring and maddening. For his part in their operations his job is to follow her around, observing the proceedings with a bored look on his face, and aiding his massive size and general aura of menace to help with Freya's presence and negotiations. Particular and methodical about his movements, Ben only ever seems to move quickly whenever someone seems to be threatening Freya.


Origin Info/Details:

The Dover Twins remember very little about their lives before being taken at the ages of 3 (Freya) and 4 (Ben). Bright colored walls. A crackling fire place. Music playing throughout the home. Art all along the walls. From what they can remember, the Twins guess that they were an upper class househould. It didn't matter in the end. One day masked men entered the house and took them away from everything they ever knew.

They were taken to a lab and thrown into a shared cel. They don't know where. They do know that they weren't alone. They could hear other kids crying and panicking in the flawless cells. It was pristine, perfectly clean. White walls with white cells with white beds with white pillows. All clean and flawless. Ben and Freya weren't sure why their communal cell was so clean and white, but they hated it nonetheless. For a few hours, at least that's what it felt like, they were left alone. Then they met Dr. Cain for the first time.

He was an unassuming man, getting on in age. The type of person most people would glance at and forget the next second. Medium height, lean build, receding steel hair, brown eyes. He had a kind smile. He took them into his lab and conducted physical check ups on them, telling them of their new situation. Their old names were gone. They were now Envy and Greed respectively. Their parents had given them up for the greater good of humanity, and what they would be doing here would save the world. For a moment, one foolish moment, they believed him. They believed he actually meant them no harm.

Then he tied them down to his table and injected them with his serum. The pain was excruciating, but unique to each of them. For Freya it was a burning throughout her entire being, so hot that she thought she would melt through the table. For Ben it crushing and grasping, yanking all of his insides into one point deep within. Rather than helping them through this pain, as his kindly visage suggested he would, Dr. Cain threw the two of them in their cell and left without a word. Judging from the screams all around them, the other children were going through the same thing. They didn't know how long they spent writhing, but eventually the pain died down. Eventually they were left laying there, numb, too tired to even cry. A good amount of their compatriots died that night. They were the lucky ones.

What followed was years of tests,growth, and training. Tests to find their limits. Training to expand it. Tests to discover the nature of their powers. Training to harness it. All the while their bodies changed and grew in a direct response to the serum they had received. They were lucky. They were only cursed with excessive height. Some of their compatriots had grown extra limbs, gotten scaly skin, or any number of other mutations. Early on, Freya and Ben were declared 'flawed', simply because she got part of her brother's powers, and he didn't get all of his. They were kept around for testing, but ultimately were expected to die. They didn't. They kept going till they were one of the last two pairs of Envy and Greed. When they were 20 (Ben) and 19 (Freya) they were put into the arena (Where all the combat training of their powers was done) with the other pair. The other pair was supposed to kill them to finish their training.

Ben and Freya had other plans. Freya had managed to get a glimpse of another metahuman, one with super enhanced physical traits. She had learned how to hack and fight from more 'guests'. They had a plan to escape, to finally be free of this pristine hellhole. She made an orb and gave it to her brother. They entered the arena, and faced their opponents. Twin brothers, confident in their abilities and completely convinced by Dr. Cain that they were saving humanity.

They didn't die pretty.

It was chaos after the fight, and everything happened in a blur. Ben breaking through the walls of the arena, Freya frantically pressing at pads, other test subjects running everywhere. When they finally had a moment to stop and breathe, they were outside in Dover, Delaware. They had to leave, quickly. Selecting new names from what mythology and humor they knew/wanted, they left and trekked across the US, eventually settling down in St. Louis, Missouri. Over the next seven years, they established themselves a small mercenary/gang/war salesman empire. They offered their services to whoever was willing to pay, they ran a minor illegal organization, and they sold Freya's orbs to the highest bidder. Their contacts were spreading widely, and they were doing well for themselves. They even had a lovely base of operations with all the high tech security and comforts they could want.

At least, until they lost everything again yesterday.

Hero Type (Select one):

-Ben: Varies (Metahuman based)

-Freya: Metahuman

Power Level (Select one below):

Ben: Varies

Freya: Street Level

Powers (Be Specific):


-She can instantly and automatically learn any knowledge based skills (Hacking, arithmetic, styles of fighting, weapon use, repairing various things, languages, cooking, etc etc). If she wants to know how to do Kickboxing, she can just watch a kickboxing expert. If she wants to use the moves of kickboxing, she had better train her body to the physical condition required for that.

-Scan others and instantly have an internal list of their knowledge based skills and super powers.

-Create marble sized orbs that hold one of the powers she has scanned (If she scans superman, one orb can have his laser eyes or his invincibility, not both). It takes her five uninterrupted minutes to make basic power orbs. It takes her several days to make orbs that are a combination of two powers (if she combined the human torch's ability with Superman's to make the ability to shoot fire from one's eyes for example). Anyone other than her and her brother can swallow these orbs and gain that power for five minutes.


-Can use up to three of the orbs Freya makes and have those powers for an indefinite amount of time, and switch out orbs as he desires. He has super strength, speed, and laser eyes but wants to have the ability to breathe underwater? He gives the orb of laser eyes back to Freya and puts in the orb for breathing under water.

-Minor passive abilities based on his current set of powers. For example, if he has superman's strength he'll get a degree of invulnerability so he doesn't tear his muscles and break his bones every time he tries to use his strength. If he has the Flash's speed he'll gain a degree of invulnerability and a brain change so he doesn't tear his muscles and skin off by running and doesn't go smashing into walls because he can't process how fast he's moving.

Attributes (Select one at each category):


Ben- 8ft 3in

Freya- 7ft 2in


Ben-330 lbs (Dense Muscle Mass)

Freya- 150lbs (Muscle)

Strength Level

Ben- Varies

Freya- Peak Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level

Ben- Varies

Freya- Peak Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort

Ben- Varies

Freya- Peak Human


Ben- Varies

Freya- Peak Human


Ben- Average

Freya- Genius

Fighting Skill

Ben- Trained

Freya- Mastered

Resources: Large



Ben is wholly dependent upon the orbs his sister makes. If you take them away, he's just an average human who knows how to fight. Still a consideration, but not very much of a threat. In addition, his weakness can expand or shrink depending on what abilities he is using.

When Ben is using a new orb for the first time, he has no idea how to really use the power. If he had never had the speed of the Flash before, it would take some getting used to before he could effectively use it. Obviously, the more simple the power the less time it takes for him to use it.


Freya is entirely human. A human with a vast amount of expert knowledge that she increases daily, but a human nonetheless. She relies entirely upon Ben and technology for protection against super powered foes.

Her inner catalog merely informs her of the limits and abilities of those she scans, not their weaknesses. For example, she would know how strong superman is, and how fast the flash is, but not the weaknesses of either of Them. She could only guess based on their knowledge and abilities.

In addition, if the person she scans has more than one form she can only know the abilities of that form. A werewolf in human form she would only be able to tell you that they can transform into a werewolf.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Deleted because I want to make space on my character list.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Create a Hero RPG Application

Character you have created: Jock Sturgeon

Alias: James Stitcher, Jack Scott, Martin Sullivan, etc.

Character Alignment: -Walking the Line-

Identity: Known to some.

Character Personality: Simply put Jock is a hustler. He'll do anything he can to make money. He has the likable and easygoing personality a conman needs in order to survive. Depending on the situation Jock can be very cocky and overbearing. As much as conning is a means of earning money for Jock, it's also a psychological aspect. The years of neglect from his mother left a chip on his shoulder. He just doesn't want to take money from you, he wants to prove that he is the smarter than you. The need to prove his intelligence has led to many cons blowing up prematurely, the mark becoming suspicious due to Jock's attitude. He avoids violence as much as possible, preferring to solve problems with his mind and not his fists.

Uniform/costume: No costume.

Origin Info/Details:

Jock Sturgeon's early life was one of hardship. His mother, Vera, gave birth to him when she was just thirteen years old. Jock's father was a low-level grifter who died a year later when he was hit by a car. Vera soon abandoned Jock and gave him to her parents, running off to Lost Haven. In Lost Haven she fell in with seedy types, men who did bad things for lots of money. She grudgingly came back when Jock was three and her father threatened to abandon the boy as well. Vera then took him to the city and half-raised him, seeing the boy as nothing more than a burden. Men came and went and Jock, as he got older, began to notice the things his mother and her friends did. He watched and quietly learned.

By the age of thirteen Jock and a group of boys from the neighborhood formed their own pickpocket gang. At fifteen he and another man ran a rigged street betting game. A year later Jock was steadily committing burglaries through Lost Haven. He made the mistake of operating too frequently in too small of an area. Soon the cops were on to him and he had to flee town and hide with old friend's of Vera. In exile, Jock's education began properly. He learned from seasoned thieves and grifters about the skill of the con, both short and long. Jock soon began to put the lessons to use.

For ten years now Jock has operated around Lost Haven as a confidence man and burglar. He has run long cons, short cons, heists, scams, and grifts. He's pulled every sort of job from the One-Armed Priest to the Serbian Stewarwd to the Brothers Corletonsia. More often than not the jobs were successful, but Jock had to occasionally pull out of the cons, just one step ahead of the authorities. A decade of running and scamming made him weary of traveling and grifting. Jock settled in as a short-term con man and has developed an interesting side job asthe underworld's version of a private eye. If a crook is in a jam, needs something recovered, or just needs a solution that doesn't involve killing then Jock is your man.

Hero Type:

Power Level:
Street Level

No powers

Height: 5'11
Weight: 195 pounds.
Strength Level: Normal Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Untrained
Resources: Average

Normal things that kill humans.

Supporting Characters:

Vesta Sturgeon - Jock's mother. Vesta works as a runner and mule for many underworld figures in Lost Haven and abroad. She only occasionally shows up into Jock's life at the most inconvenient of times.

Stan Pertovick - Local crime lord Jock pays tribute to in order to operate in his part of the city. Stan also acts as Jock's fence, paying for any stolen goods he may have to sell.

Commander Tom Norman - An LHPD who demands tribute from any crooks operating in his sector. His authoritarian nature rubs many members of the underworld, Jock among them, the wrong way.

Wallis - An old conman and thief that mentored Jock when he was younger. Wallis still travels across the world, pulling jobs when and where he can get them.

Gingy - Owner and operator of Gingy's, a pub that Jock lives above. Gingy is Jock's landlord and friend.

Monjoni - A fellow thief, Monjoni is leader of a four-man crew that performs burglaries and robberies all over the city. Jock has a tendency to run afoul with Monjoni and his boys anytime their paths cross.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post:

The Diamond District
12:01 AM

A lock is like a woman.

It's expensive?

No, that's not it.

A lock is like a woman.

It's what stands between you and money?

No, still not it.

A lock is like a woman.

It requires just the right touch.


There it is. And there it goes. The deadbolt lock was free, leaving just the single lock on the doorknob, a lock that I could have opened with just a strong look. I popped it free quicker than a high school boy pops off his girlfriends's bra. And just like the proverbial teen necking in the backseat of a car, I was in the promise land.

Through the door and down a dark corridor was Zinkman & Sons Diamond Exchange, one of the top diamond emporiums in Lost Haven and by extension the entire east coast. I am Ahab and this is my white whale, I am Javert and this is my Jean Valjean, I am the Trix Rabbit and these are my Trix. I'm at the finish line after sixteen months of prep, recon, and manipulation. I bribed bureaucrats at City Hall for copies of the building's blueprints. A hacker I know who owes me more than a few favors broke into the security company's mainframe to pull out their security schematics on the place. Hell, I dated Issac Zinkman's youngest daughter for six months just to get a feel for the family and learn any trade secrets. We just broke up two weeks ago. Oh, Cinnamon. You had the face of a horse, but the body... of a horse. And now that I think about it, was Cinnamon your real name? I thought it was your nickname... and there was that strange way you laughed at my jokes, like a neigh or something...


Did... did I date a horse for six months?

Before any more thoughts of my potential bestiality could fill my head, something hard and firm found itself resting on the back of my neck.

"Don't move," a voice said from beside my ear. "You're coming with me."

"Or what?" I whispered back.


Something sharp and painful coursed through my body. My feet fell out from under me and I slammed to the floor writhing in pain. The electricity was still working its way through me when a black sack was pulled over my head. Just for good measure, a sharp kick to the face bloomed more pain through my body and knocked me unconscious.


When the bag came off my face, I was relieved to see that I was not in a police station. That relief quickly vanished when I saw where I was. It was a large, open-ended room with high ceilings and ivory furniture that matched the ivory carpet that matched the ivory walls. Pretty much, me in my black burglar outfit now stained with my own blood stuck out in the room like a sore thumb. Even the two muscular thugs flanking both my sides were dressed in ivory shirts, slacks, and shoes.

"Did I die and wake up in the 70's?" I mumbled to myself.

"If only kid."

In the middle of the room, in a big chintz chair the color of -- What other color but Ivory -- was Rupert Roth. I didn't know Roth personally, I wasn't big time enough to, but I knew him based on the stories I'd heard about his infamous fashion sense. He looked like an extra from a bad disco movie. He wore an ivory shirt with half of it unbuttoned, a large gold necklace and medallion caught in the steely gray fur on his chest. He had on a pair of ivory pants that would have looked embarrassing on a man half his age, but made Roth look clownish.

Rupert Roth was the last great Jewish gangster in America. Now days most people associate the mob with the Italians, and it is a fair association to make given the sheer numbers involved. But back in the day Jews were the top dogs in the underworld. Guys like Arnold Rothstein, Bugsy Siegel, and Meyer Lanksy handled their business like CEOs and quietly made millions. Murder and violence were involved, sure, but not like it was with the Italians. More importantly, they got out of crime and went legit. Roth had followed that model very well. A gambling empire amassed in the 50's and 60's went major league in the 70's and he removed himself from crime altogether by the time the FBI started hitting the mobs hard. Now, the only organizations Roth belong to were the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club. But there was still that edge. He still had the juice that made him very dangerous, and had me scared shitless to be dragged into his living room in the middle of the night.

"Jock Sturgeon," he said after a moment of silence. "I've heard of you."

"Good things, I hope."

Roth waved his hand in a so-so manner.

"I hear that you're smart, I hear that you're a good thief, I hear that outside of some trouble as a kid, you ain't never been pinched. I also hear that you're the guy crooks go to when they need work done."

"Have you heard that I like long walks in the moonlight and a good '62 Bordeaux?"

"I'm questioning your smarts, kid," Roth said, ignoring my joke. "First off, I've had a tail on you for a solid week and you didn't see him, and then you're here with me making stupid jokes."

"Sorry," I said with a shrug. "It's a defense mechanism, I guess. Why have you been following me?"

"Issac Zinkman is a close and personal friend of mine. We go to the same temple, we sit on the same charity boards. He knows who I am and about my past. So, he comes to me asking about this guy dating his little girl Cindy--"

"Cindy," I said with a sigh of relief. "That's right, Cinnamon was her nickname... thank god."

Roth looked at me with contempt and a half second later, the muscled gorillas on my right slapped me across the face. My face, which was already operating at a dull painful throb, exploded in pain. My ears rang and I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying out. Roth stared at me long enough to make sure he'd gotten his point across before starting back.

"So Issac has this funny feeling about the guy his little girl is dating, especially after they broke up two weeks ago. So he comes to me and says 'Rothy, this putz made my little girl cry. Find out what he's got to hide and then fucking burn him.' And what do I find out, but the fact that this son of a bitch is an ace burglar, a burglar with a rep across town as reliable and smart, two things that are almost impossible to find when it comes to crooks. Not only is this guy a burglar, but he's planning on robbing my dear friend blind. You, my friend, are in for a world of hurt."

"Unless," I said cautiously, mindful of the two looming thugs on either side of me. "If you were going to hurt me, you would have done it right away with no spiel, or you would have turned me in to the cops. You did neither, so I'm waiting for the part where you give me options."

Something passed across Roth's face. It could have been a smile. It may have been a snarl, or it may have been gas. It was something of a mix between the three.

"Smart," he said. "Just like they said. Option 1. I inform Issac that you not only broke his little girl's heart, but also that you were in the middle of stealing his entire life's work when I caught you. Knowing my friend like I do, he will kindly ask me to feed your own balls."

"A cannibalistic eunuch. Not the way I wanna go out."

"Option 2. You're a thief. Steal something for me and we will call it quits."

"Steal what, and from where?"

That look again. I was now certain that pained grimace had to be Roth's version of a smile.

"The where is easy. Lost Haven PD headquarters. The what? Now, that's gonna take some explaining..."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LordDeadpool
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LordDeadpool Bug Master of RolePlay

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Create a Hero RPG Application (NPC Character)

Screen Name: Dedonus

Original Creator: Johnny Blaze

Character you have created: Kensei
Alias: Demon's Bane (alias); Hunter of the Gods (alias); The Celestial Samurai (alias); Izanagi's Chosen (alias); The Swordsman (alias); Miyamoto Musashi (true name)

Speech Color: Teal, Bold

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: His true name is known only to a select few, and his existence is debatable as most believe he is merely a legend in the same vein as Beowulf or King Arthur.

Character Personality: Kensei is a honorable warrior who puts the lives of others ahead of his own. He is a stoic figure, rarely opening up to people, save his only friends (described later in supporting characters). Kensei tends to be blunt and to the point, which can rub people the wrong way at times. Due to his training he is a respectful man, but it is difficult to gain his trust. Once gained however, you will find Kensei to be a generous, good hearted soul with, surprisingly, a decent sense of humor though he rarely lets it show.

Uniform/costume: Standard Samurai Armor

Origin Info/Details: He is the ancient Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, and his life story is the same as that of his real world self. However, he did not die as he appeared...at least not as we perceive it.
His spirit traveled to Takama-ga-hara, The High Plain of Heaven, and was met by the god, Izanagi. The Sky-Father of the Japanese pantheon was here to honor the swordsman for his deeds on the mortal plane. Though he did not die in battle, Musashi was still an honored warrior and was spared a life of eternal rot in the Yomi (the Underworld). Izanagi was going to grant Miyamoto Musashi a great honor, one never before bestowed upon a mortal.

Izanagi granted him the title of Kensei, sword saint, for his prowess in battle, and offered for Musashi to become his agent on Earth. Musashi could not say no to a god such as the Primordial Sky, and agreed to the offer. Izanagi smiled and placed his hand on Musashi's spirit form, imbuing him with the power to carry out his mission. Musashi would become Izanagi's hand on the mortal plane. He would be the Hunter of the Gods, seeking out the evils of the world and sending them back to Yomi.

Musashi's spirit was taken by Izanagi and rushed back to the material plane where it entered the young body of a recently slain samurai on a now quiet field of battle as an enemy was about to take it's head. Musashi sudden awakening upon returning to the mortal coil, caused the trophy-seeking samurai to waver and flee in terror of what he believed was a demon. Musashi payed him no heed, instead the warrior took in his surroundings and found a sword laying before him on a cloth of silk. The sword was of amazing quality and bore no signs of wear or battle damage. The weapon seemed to glow with a faint white aura as a single ray of bright sunlight beamed down upon it.

Musashi heard a voice in his head, the voice of the sun goddess, Amaterasu. She bade him to take the sword as a gift from her and the gods. The sword was the legendary Kusanagi (Grasscutter Sword), and would be a great asset to Musashi in his quest. Musashi graciously accepted the weapon and placed it in his belt. When he returned his gaze to where the sword was, he saw that the silk and sunlight were gone. The warrior did not dwell on this, in fact he did not have time to. The samurai who ran off had returned with a small band of his allies to "slay the demon". Musashi did not wish to harm them, and quickly ran away at speeds no mortal man could hope to match.

Musashi's travels took him to Echizen Province where he was taken in by a single father and his two daughters. When asked his name, Musashi thought on it and replied "Kensei", the title given to him by Izanagi. Over dinner, Kensei learned that the village he had taken refuge in was being terrorized by giant lizard-like creatures. The monsters would come in the middle of the night when the moon was high and terrorize the villagers. As they rampaged throughout the village, they would destroy crops, tear down buildings, and viciously kill any who got in their way. They were cold, remorseless creatures who came down from the mountain caves. Kensei listened to the man's tale and agreed to aid the peaceful village in it's plight. The man was grateful, but scoffed at Kensei's claim, wondering what good one warrior will be against the monsters.

Night soon came, and Musashi quickly found out the man's story had been true. A dozen lizard-men stormed into the town leaving death and destruction in their wake, but they soon found themselves face to face with Kensei. The battle was bloody, but quick. When the dust settled only Kensei still stood, peices of the lizard creatures strewn around him. He had slaughtered them all.

The man and his family along with the rest of the village slowly made their way to the site of the slaughter. Looking upon Musashi's handiwork, the villagers were both jubilant and horrified. Despite what he had done for them, none would approach Kensei out of fear. For no man could do what he had done. Finally though, the man who had took him in moved to stand before Kensei and thanked him, calling him a gift from the gods. Kensei cut him off though. It wasn't over. It wouldn't be over until he hunted down the rest of the beasts and sent their dark spirits to Yomi.

Kensei tracked the creature's path through the forest. Somehow he could sense where these things dwelled. It was as though he could feel the evil aura these creatures emitted. Soon Kensei came to a small cave, the presence of evil simply pouring from it assaulting his senses. Kensei entered, and a great battle ensued. One by one, the Hunter of the Gods stalked his prey and slew them. Soon he confronted the leader of the creatures, a great serpent demon. The demon attacked Kensei, mortally wounding him. But, to the serpent's amazement, Kensei's wounds soon healed and the samurai soon attacked once more. The battle was brutal, but Kensei finally claimed victory when he lopped off the demon's head in one, clean stroke.

Kensei returned to the village and informed them that they did not have to fear the night any longer. That night they presented him a small feast in his honor, but Kensei quietly departed when no eyes were upon him.

Kensei traveled the land of Japan, slaying all manor of Oni and monsters, and saved hundreds of lives. Musashi slaughtered the Nue that tried to take the health from the Emperor, he defeated the Ama-no-jaku after it had killed and impersonated the melon-princess, and slew the Bake-kujira which haunted the coast of the Shimane Prefecture. There was no evil too great or too minor that escaped his divine wrath. As Japan grew older and became more modern though, the hero Kensei quickly fell into obscurity and his adventures into legend. He now makes his home in Yokohama where his gathered wealth has bought for him a large property on the city's outskirts. He lives on this property in a modernized version of a large pagoda in seclusion save for visits from his only friends and allies, Hideyoshi Kenshin and Ami Kenshin, whom watches over the property when Kensei is away.

But, despite this his quest did not end.

Musashi continues his work for the god Izanagi, slaying the creatures and followers of darkness wherever he may find them. He has survived through the centuries, a ghost in the modern machine. He does not exist, and it is debatable whether he ever did. His mission is never-ending, but his methods have taken a more secretive approach due to the technology of this new age. It does not bother him though. Kensei does not seek glory or fame. All this legendary samurai wishes is to perform his task for his master and to save the innocent lives at peril.

And as long as there is evil in the world, Kensei will live on to eradicate it from existence.

Power Level: World Level

Powers: Granted powers by the Sky-Father of the Japanese pantheon, Izanagi, to become his chosen champion of the Earth: super-human physical abilities; ability to sense evil around him (30 ft radius) as well as follow the trails of evil beings (provided the trail is still fresh as after an hour it will grow cold and dissipate); a healing factor (think wolverine); wields the Kusanagi (bronze-age style sword, double-edged straight blade blessed with divine power: can cut through anything, even magical enchantments (think Marvel's Ebony Blade); bonded to Kensei's spirit allowing the samurai the ability to summon the sword to his hand as long as they are both on the same plane of existence; enables Kensei to command the winds when in his possession from a simple breeze to a hurricane-force gale)

Strength Level: Class 20

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30 Mph (but bursts of up to 50 Mph are possible over short distances, but Kensei is unable to keep this speed for long)

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours (Kensei was given super-human stamina by Izanagi to perform his task of killing otherworldly creatures)

Agility: 5X peak human

Intelligence: Average (sciences & technology); genius (supernatural myths and legends, demonology, battle tactics, leadership, and the arts of war)

Fighting Skill: Mastered (Kensei is arguably the greatest swordsman that has ever lived, and is a master in many forms of armed and unarmed combat)

Resources: Large (over the centuries Kensei has acquired enough wealth and connections to allow him to further his mission without worry along with a handful of minor mystical artifacts he has liberated throughout the centuries*)

Weaknesses: None really, but, despite being blessed with divine might, Kensei is still a human at his core. He must eat, sleep, breath the air...everything a normal man must do. Thus he is susceptible to attacks that effect his breath (suffocating, gases, etc), as well as being able to be knocked unconscious as a human would (it'd just take a lot more force to do it). He can be killed, though it is uncertain what will happen to him if his death truly does occurs...

Supporting Characters: Kensei grew tired of seeing those die around him a long time ago, so he has tried to distance himself from people to spare the pain of loss. Despite this act, Kensei has had an ally in his battle against the forces of evil in the form of a family of monks devoted to the gods of old. Through the centuries, Kensei has allied himself with the children of each generation once they come of age.

Currently, his main allies are a man in his late 20's called Hideyoshi Kenshin, and his sister, Ami Kenshin. Hideyoshi is a fully trained martial artist being taught the ways of his family's duties and history by their father, Ryo. Hideyoshi is a care-free individual in appearance, possessing a strong sense of optimism and humor. Hideyoshi is always trying to look on the bright side of things to brighten his friend's day and get him to loosen up. When the time calls for it though, Hideyoshi can become one of the most serious people you will ever meet. Like Kensei, Hideyoshi puts the lives of others above himself and will do anything to keep his sister from harm.

Ami Kenshin, while still taught the family discipline, took a different path. Instead of focusing on hand-to-hand combat, at a young age it became apparent that Ami was adept in the ways of magic. So she was given proper guidence and training in The Art, and soon became a skilled sorceress. Though not as powerful as some of the other mystics of the planet, Ami Kenshin was able to conjure many wards and enchantments to keep Kensei's place and the artifacts housed inside protected. Ami is a beautiful young women in her mid-20's with rare jade-colored eyes. When she first met Kensei she immediately felt an attraction to the noble warrior. At first Ami dismissed it as the fantasies of a young girl, but those feelings soon grew into something more. However, Ami is reluctant to tell Kensei how she feels for him, though Kensei knows. He has the same feeling towards her, but is afraid to get close to someone in a relationship. Ami is a caring person, and, like Kensei and Hideyoshi, puts the well-being of others over herself. She is a shy person, but tries to keep that from getting in the way of her duties.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character you have created: Sinclair Adams

Alias: Hound Dog

Speech Color This color, yellow?

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Public

Character Personality: He’s a man who can’t leave someone alone when they are in need, even when he lacked the use of his legs and had limited arm movement he still tried to stand up to bullies when someone called. He watched Happy Days as a child and tried to model himself after Arthur Fonzarelli or Fonzie, noting that he was worried he’d become like his drunken mother who abused him and his father always belittling him for his many failures. He’s protective of the weak, a defender who prioritizes the people over fame or money though he does make public appearances to discuss current metahuman issues. To put people at ease, he adopts a theme as a rockabilly speaking and dressing in their style, something to distract others from the troubles and to better identify how he wants to present himself as laid back and in control.

Uniform/costume: He dresses in leather jackets and jeans, and has no spandex like costume nor mask. He wants to be open and honest with a welcoming smile.

Origin Info/Details: Born of italian descent to Bianca and Dario Adams he was raised in Pacific Point and grew up rather normally until one day at the age of seven he visited his father’s work. He had been warned not to play around the docks were no place for a child but they lived close enough that he’d wander over, the accident that paralyzed him was also the fault of his father, although the report said faulty gears on the forklift Dario never forgave himself, and felt there was something anything he could do to prevent it. A fact Bianca constantly reminds him of and one she never forgave him for; slipping into alcohol under the pressure of raising a paraplegic for a son. She always felt she could have married better, a richer man.

As the tensions in the house slowly boiled over Adam hunkered down into his books, and old TV shows. He learned, and while he was bright he dedicated his young life to science, medicine and theoretical physics. Hoping that he’ll become good enough to make up for his parents mistakes, that he’ll save lives and heal the rift between them.

All through school he tried to be the good guy, the one who diffused conflict despite being wheelchair bound, all that changed in the last year of high school when domes covered cities and gave people powers. It took him a while before he could apply his powers to himself but thanks to his bookworm past he could theorize many practical applications.

Hero Type (Select one): Elemental Electricity Generation/Manipulation

Power Level (Select one below):
C. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman)

Powers (Be Specific): Electricity Generation/Manipulation

Able to produce nuclear reactor levels of electricity there is little chance he will ever be drained dry he is by far the electrical user with the most potential output allowing him to defy gravity and even lift objects from the water through electromagnetism.

He can produce a barrier that deflects physical objects as long as they can be conductive even if only slightly.

Shoot lighting bolts, and reduce the speed of his falls using electromagnetism to create a negative charge upon himself and save himself from lethal falls. And even discharging electrical pulses. That are more like orbs of lighting.

He even has incredible speed, zipping over telephone wires, or water any surface with electricity he can propel himself over increasing his speed upwards towards 300mph however aim and his own body begin to feel the stress aim is gone and if he felt pain so too would his nerves. That seems a little fast, I may reduce it, or just try to avoid using those speeds.

Enhanced vision. Being able to see the electromagnetic spectrum he can discern people’s internal nerve signals, how fast a heart beats, how a person lies and sometimes see the difference between those who are unnatural aka those who are powered or not normal.

His most famous skill is a railgun, propelling an object at mach speeds, even faster than mach 7 absolutely smashing the object into the target. He charges his arms separately creating different polarities and using the length of his arm to launch the object often a disk.

Since he cannot feel pain he also is unaffected by muscle fatigue and injuries. Although he will definitely need to see a doctor if he is shot or otherwise injured.

Unknown to Hound Dog he has a minor regenerative ability, cuts and minor wounds heal within hours further complicating things as he cannot tell if he has been injured. However he could apply his powers to more serious wounds if he was aware he could accelerate his healing through electrical stimulation. Maybe even repair his nerves.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Weight: 167lb
Strength Level: Normal Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human, 30
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, 2
Agility: Normal Human, 5X,
Fighting Skill:Highly Trained in a few years maybe he’ll master them.
Resources:Average while he does make money from his TV appearances, he donates quite a lot he doesn’t use or save. And since he doesn’t have a car he puts all his cash to savings for his College fund.

Weaknesses: He is not immune to his own powers, not yet. While his body is adapting to the voltage he outputs, the sheer potential he possess is more than his tolerance can handle. If he’s not careful he could completely fry whatever nerves he has left and turn his body to ash. Something that he is already beginning to notice. He is also unable to aim when he travels great speeds, though he can defend against some physical objects heat and drowning or many things can kill him. His barrier is activated by will and if he’s not quick or if he’s careless bullets will kill him.

His tolerance to his powers severely limits how much he can produce, while he is still more powerful than most electro masters his ability to draw from his pool is far more harmful to himself than others as the more he pulls the more his body begins to char. He theorizes that at the current timeframe and the graphs he’s made he’s unlikely to bear his true powers for decades.

His inability to feel pain is also dangerous, infections can sprout up more easily and if he’s not checking his body often minor wounds go unnoticed even broken bones can sustain further damage

Supporting Characters: Mother Bianca Adams and Father Dario Adams

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Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.)
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

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Indy Cooper Deity-in-training

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eventua
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EDIT: Thanks to [@LegionX51] for recommendations regarding edits to the wider political and social context of Everett's situation

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jaredthefox92
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(I forgot to post this here, so I'll post this in this tab and delete her bio in the OOC one?)


Character you have created: Lulissa Thomas
Alias: Girliath
Speech Color: Pink
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
Identity: N/A
Character Personality: Young, energetic,playful,ditzy, naive, emotional, loyal, dense, temperamental.
Origin Info/Details:

As a child Lulissa was always mocked due to her lack of intelligence. While she was quite capable of preforming minimal and routine tasks that normal people could do and was quite gifted at dance and culinary arts she was still belittled due to her inability to match up with her fellow students in terms of academia At most she would receive average grades and worst she would come home with c-‘s at best. About the only class she really excelled in was gym class, where she was known to be very athletic and one of the quickest in terms of reflexes, eventually leading her to becoming a cheerleader.

However that all changed when she accidentally inhaled a strange top secret chemical from a leak near Atlanta’s Center for Disease Control center. While many thought this was a terrorist attack, Lulissa was quickly forced into quarantined as she was forced to be tested for biological agents such as anthrax, secretly the people in charge of the CDC were working on a top secret chemical that could be used to give someone a benign and non-malicious form of super cancer that would alter the subjects’ very on DNA to turn them into what the US government believed could be considered “super soldiers”. Lulissa was cleared by the CDC to not be infected by any form of life threatening ailment and released publicly.

Once she came back to school however word had spread of this incident and people became cautious that she was still contaminated. Soon her social life dwindled and eventually she was so upset that she quit her school’s cheerleading squad. Eventually though she started to notice she had become larger and taller when angered. While at first she just thought she was still going through puberty eventually at one point she grew so large that her head broke through the roof of her house. At first she became worried but later on she was able to control it and revert herself back to normal.

An incident happened at school that would forever lead Lulissa down the path of villainy. She returned to school one day only to find that she was replaced in her position in the cheer squad by her rival, Becky. Lulissa became furious about these events transpiring that her anger fueled her new found powers to where she grew up to 13ft. Still agitated Lulissa burst through a wall of her school and stomped over towards the football field where the other cheerleaders were rehearsing. As Lulissa approached them she grew larger and larger until she was no less than 30ft tall.

The girls saw her approach and frantically tried to flee from her, however Lulissa was able to grab hold of Becky and bring her up to her face. She intimidated Becky so much that the young woman passed out in fright. Lulissa then realized what she did and looked behind her to see that she had totaled several cars from the school’s parking lot to the field and caused other damage. Worried that she would get into more trouble Lulissa put Becky down and ran away to hide from the police. Eventually this event would follow her down her life as she became more in more trouble with the law until she decided that a life of crime and villainy was her fate.

Hero Type: Brick/Muscle (even though she changes size, basically it's to become stronger and more durable.)
Power Level: City Level
Powers: Size-manipulation, growth, super strength, super endurance, concussive resistance.
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: 5,0ft-100ft (Usually around 30ft-50ft, however around 100ft she begins to strain herself and consume a lot more stored energy thus this is limited to last ditch effort.)
Weight: Varies due to power
Strength Level: 70-80 tons (I think)
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human (She can actually become slower when giant,however her legs do allow her to cover more distance.)
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours
Agility: Human (to slower when giant.)
Intelligence: Slightly below average, to around average. 90 IQ
Fighting Skill: Untrained
Resources: Minimal

.Slower in reflexes when giant
.Easily confused
.Able to be overwhelmed by multiple smaller opponents
.Her emotions tie into her power and cause her to shrink back under certain circumstances.
.She cannot dodge well when giant.
.Nearly every non-conventional attack can affect her. (Anything other than dakka)
.If her metabolism wares out she will shrink back to normal.
.Lack of planning and strategy.
.She makes poor AA, all she can do is swat at jets and helicopters as well as toss objects at them or attempt to punch them out of the sky.
Supporting Characters:
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Sample Post:

(Note: This is old and from 2015, please take into account I haven't used her in a while and also I've added her Dixie accent later on.)

Lulissa had been running all day, sweat was dripping downwards from her normally clean and dry face. She had hidden in a dank and dark alleyway for at least ten minutes now. She crouched low behind a nearby dumpster while holding her nose as she saw beams of light beaming out from the entrance to the alleyway.

“Oh, why won’t these knuckleheads just leave me alone?”

For the past several weeks Lulissa had been on the run. Ever her little ‘incident’ at her college football field, she had been away from her family and was on the lam, running away from the law. She was happy that she found a way to revert back to her normal self on her own, but she felt that she was branded for life as a criminal, or worse a monster.

Lulissa watched and waited for the flashlights to go away and for the police car to continue on its search. She could hear the rain drops drizzle. On the police and their car as they looked around. This combined with the chatter in their walkie talkies made her more and more tense. Soon however the police gave up their search and moved on to a new location. The rainy sky hovering over Atlanta started to pick up and soon the rain was pouring upon the tacky fedora she stole.

“Great, just great” Lulissa muttered.

She poked her head out to see if there was anyone nearby starring into the alleyway, fortunately the path was all clear of onlookers and she felt it was safe to move out behind the rancid dumpster. She quietly crept out of the murky alleyway while covered in the ugly and smelly trench coat and fedora she had the displeasure of acquiring.

“At least I’ll look so bad nobody will want to deal with me.” She thought to herself as she casually walked out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk.

Calmly, the young woman started to walk while putting her hands inside the coat’s damp sleeves to stay warm. It was abnormally cool that night and she always preferred nice and warm summer and spring weather over the chilling winter personally. Still she had little choice but to deal with it.

As she walked, began to notice that much to her luck others were wearing such attire, not including the fedora of course due to the weather. However they had the good fortune to own umbrellas whereas she did not.Lulissa tried not to think about it and calmly walked down the rain covered sidewalk in order to find a nice and warm place to seek shelter for the night. All the times she had complained to her parents about the thermostat or her bedroom she began to immediately regret.

However Lulissa knew she couldn’t go back now. She was now a wanted fugitive and to make matters worse, she was more than an embarrassment to her mother and father, she was now dangerous to be around them whether she wanted to be or not.

“Man I gotta find someplace to crash tonight, I’m getting really tired” she said as she let out a slight yawn.
While Lulissa continued to tread down the rain covered sidewalk she could see fewer and fewer people walking down the streets. It was past midnight and she was moving in Dekalb County, one of the most dangerous parts of Atlanta. She began to feel lonely and worried about where she would sleep. As she walked she started to dose of until something caught her attentions someone had walked up behind her, someone a little bit too close.

“Hey their hun, where you goin this time of night?”

Lulissa started to get nervous. She tried to ignore her follower, but he grabbed the side of her shoulder. She thought fast and tried to conjure up what she could make as the best male voice she could muster.

“Why um, I’m just going home to be with my family mister.”

“Heh, you ain’t foolin nobody with that silly accent girl. I can see that pretty little blonde hair you got there.”

“Darn” she said in her normal voice.

“Now why don’t we just walk over there behind that store?” The man said while pointing a pistol to her back.


“Good, now just keep walkin and don’t try any funny stuff.” The man said as he poked his gun into her back.

Lulissa complied and she slowly moved back into yet another alleyway, yet this time she was accompanied by this unsavory individual. As she moved she could feel the barrel of the gun continue to poke her in the back. She had but little choice as she wouldn’t be able to escape.

Soon she entered this alleyway. Above her the sky started to clear radiating moonlight above her. The man seemed to be able to see her clearly and was right behind her.

“Ok, now take off that coat of yours, rains gone.”

“But, I.”

“Take it off now!” He said, taking off the safety of his pistol.

“Ugh, fine.” She said, taking off her coat to revel her outfit she wore on the day before the indecent.

It was a simple pink shirt and grey sweatpants. Nothing flashy or major, however it did still catch the attention of her captor. She turned around and starred as the man who seemed to be observing her body with somewhat of a pleased expression.

“There, happy now?”

“You bet. Now move back over to corner over there.”

“Make me jerk!”

The man then aimed his weapon at her chest. However Lulissa had had enough, her entire day and night made her miserable and she was very cranky due to the lack of sleep she was not getting. She had enough and just couldn’t take this unsavory individual having his way with her.

“Don’t make me bust a cap in you hun.” The man said with a bit more exclamation.

“Go ahead punk, see what happens next.” She said

Soon Lulissa forcefully approached her captor as if she wanted to move past him, the man in agitation fired a shot straight at her chest. She closed her eyes and heard the whizzing of the bullet as it moved closer to her right before it impacted her chest. She heard a clank and then opened her eyes.

The man was astonished as he witnessed what happened. The bullet had not only had little impact with her, but it was bent as if it hit a hard surface and ricochet onto the ground.

“What? You wearing some sort of armor or somethin under dat bra?”

“Pff you wish creep. Now’s the what happens next part!”

The man panicked and unloaded several more rounds at her. He seemed to have horrible aim as most of his shots were aimed below her head. The bullets whizzed at her and impacted her belly, her lower torso, and her sides. All had the same effect as previously however.

“Y-you ain’t human!”

“Shut up! I’m no more of a monster than you are!” She said.

The man dropped the gun and pulled out a knife in fear in order to engage her in melee
combat and then make his example, however Lulissa merely grinned. She closed her eyes and before the man could blink, she had grown larger than him! She was no less than seven feet tall!

“You freak!” The man said while swiping at her in a panicked and uncoordinated way.

Lulissa simply grabbed him by the arm and lifted him up. He started to groan in pain as his body was hoisted up by his arm. Soon he saw her as she became larger and grew another foot.

“L-let me go! Let me go!”

“Oh I’ll let you go.” Lulissa said as she grinned.

She then grabbed him by the shirt and before he could free himself, she turned around and tossed him at several trash cans at the end of the alleyway. He was flung almost effortlessly at the cans before impacting them and causing a loud clang as both of the can's lids tossed over and spewed garbage all over him.

“Hmph..horrible little man, now it’s your turn to smell like junk.” She said.

Lulissa began to shrank back to normal and proceeded to pick up and put back on her trench coat, then her fedora. She then walked outside of the alleyway while she could hear the groaning of the man. She had to get out of there before she was discovered, she knew that he wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon but the gunshots would alert anyone around her. Soon she heard sirens and she started to run in the opposite direction.

“Just my luck” Lulissa said as she sighed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character you have created: Jeremiah Crane

Alias: The Hunter

Speech Color: Dark Salmon

Character Alignment: Hero (Neutral Good)

Identity: Known(ish)

Character Personality: Jeremiah is an amiable, kind man raised by good, Christian parents in New England. While he spends his life tracking and hunting demons, you'd never know it by the way he acts. Quick with a smile or a joke, he does not let his quest burden him.

Uniform/costume: Jeremiah wears the tattered, dirty, and faded blue trench coat he wore as a Union army member during the war over a simple set of cowboy duds. He wears a leather cowboy hat made of the hide of some unknown beast that is tougher than any armor. He keeps a bandana tied around his neck, and his guns hang from holsters on his hip. He carries in his pack all manner of weapons to fight the supernatural.

Origin Info/Details:

Jeremiah's story began not with him, or his parents, but with his grandfather. Ichabod Crane is a name most knew from stories and legends passed down through the generations of America. Most believed Washington Irving made the man up, and that Sleepy Hollow was nothing more than a bedtime story. They would have been wrong. Ichabod was real, as was the story of Sleepy Hollow. While Ichabod, the frightful, over-imaginative man that he was, was chased out of Sleepy Hollow by a man dressed as the Headless Horseman.

That's not where his story ended.

Ichabod, ashamed, returned to the town after realizing he had been duped. What he found was not the derisive laughter he expected, but the butchered bodies of the townsfolk. When his rival in love had used the story of the Headless Horseman to drive Crane off, the man angered the true spirits that haunted Sleepy Hollow, who sought to teach the people a lesson.

Ichabod was shaken to the core by what he saw. This led him to throwing himself head first into study of the occult and the supernatural. He discovered America was full of supernatural threats that most were complete oblivious to. From that day on, he made it his goal to purify the country of the supernatural threats it contained.

Jeremiah was the third hunter in the Crane line. His father, Washington, and grandfather raised him to be the best of them, and he loved both men dearly. The three men and Jeremiah's mother Anne lived in Maine, near the city now known as Lost Haven. New England was a hotbed of supernatural activity. It was here where Jeremiah learned his family trade, protecting the normal civilians of America from threats they could not comprehend.

When the American Civil War broke out, Jeremiah signed up for the Union Army. Not only because he believed in what the army stood for and the freedom of all men, but because he knew that the blood of the battlefield would awaken and draw out insidious threats.

It was during the war that Jeremiah realized his crusade was more than just his family's. He found that many hunters existed, and had existed for centuries. It was also during the war that he found that he was marked. After mortally wounding a demon feeding off the dying and the wounded on the Antietam battlefield, Crane was told that his bloodline would bring about the fall of man and the time of demons. He would be the instrument of the fall of man.

Crane didn't know whether he could trust the demon, but he now has doubt in the back of his mind. After the war, he now travelled the country, cleansing it of the monsters that feed off it.

Hero Type: Normal with shades of Mystic

Power Level: Street level

Powers: Jeremiah has a basic understanding of the mystic arts, and can perform simple spells. Most of his strategy, however, revolved around his combat skills. He was a crack shot with any firearm, but he preferred his Colt revolvers. He was also a capable and trained hand-to-hand combatant.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200lbs
Strength Level: Normal human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal human
Agility: Normal human
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Trained (hand-to-hand)/Mastered (firearms)
Resources: Average

Weaknesses: He's a normal human, so plentiful

Supporting Characters:

Isaac Freeman: A former slave and Jeremiah's best friend. The two fought together in the war, and after seeing Crane kill a demon on the battlefield, Isaac asked to join his crusade. He is now a fellow hunter. The strong, silent type, Isaac is one of the most intelligent people Jeremiah has ever met.

Major John Andre: A former Redcoat spymaster during the Revolutionary War, Andre was captured and hung by the Continental Army. His spirit did not pass into the next life, however. He wandered New England, finally setting in the woods around Sleepy Hollow. He and Jeremiah met when the young hunter came to the town that made his family famous. Andre now can spy on the spirit world and assist Crane.

Toad: Jeremiah's horse

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Character you have created: Mictecacihuatl (Mictecal for short!)
Alias: Mictecal
Speech Color: Gray Brown
Character Alignment: Selfishly Evil.
Identity: Zoila Amore.

Character Personality:

Mictecal appears to be completely without mercy, taking no small pleasure in killing and in the death of others. It helps to understand that to her, all living things are in the end just realized necromantic potential. That said, she can easily make herself seem pleasant and agreeable, able to play the part of a harmless mortal, much thanks to the memories of the person who she was before she became a avatar of death. This generally manifests as a blasé and laid back persona who semingly only wants to have fun and who enjoys some less then child friendly entertainment.


Mictecal doesn’t cut a imposing figure at her 166cm. Appearing as a woman in her late 30’s - early 40’s, she is generously proportioned, with an air of confidence. Her eyes seemed to be almost constantly heavy lidded, as if she is about to fall asleep. Her hair has a strange silver tone to it, making her seem slightly older than before. Her clothes take clear inspiration from south and - central american indigenous people and seem to favor ease of movement above all else. She is almost always seen carrying around a machete like blade that glow faintly green that hangs at her back within easy reach. Her back has a scar from her mortal hosts time as a runner, when some nasty gangbangers desided to carve in her flesh for “taking from the product without paying.”

Origin Info/Details:

Mictecacihuatl is one of the many aspects of death worshiped across the world. In her case, she was the ruler of the Incan Land of Dead. After the conquistadors toppled their empire, christian missionaries were quick to condemn the old ways, and she lay forgotten. However, she was not a creature to be denied. She was death, and death is a eternal factor. When the Mexican cartels began to grow in power a few hundred years later, they brought with them a bloodbath befitting of her old stomping grounds and the saints of death, Santa Muerte became a folkloric saint. But Few understood where the Santa Muertes, the very saint of death, roots lay. They did not know who had adapted the saintly robed in order to bask in the glory of death again.

Somewhere around this time of Santa Muertes popularity boom. a child with a very peculiar set of eyes was born. Her red eyes were strange on their own, but the black lines that ran through them marked her some something strange and dangerous. Left at an orphanage, Zoila grew up one of the many lost children of the Americas. A quick runner, she became a courier for local paramilitary thugs and mobsters, always flirting with death. Her only solace was increasingly dangerous jobs, drug binges and the worship of her Patron Saint, the Santa Muerte. Santa Muetre was at this point, a patron saint for most drugrunners, and like her fellow “soldados” working for the Cartels, she prayed to her every day. One day, she had a sudden vision of a underground altar, where a statue with the same eyes as her own were. Led by the Lady of Death's own beckoning call, she stood before it. That is where the story of Zoila effectively ends and the amalgam of the two entities known as Micetan begins.

The statue was a old ritual site for the Inca goddess that had been raised by the christians. They had erased a monastery that was then visited upon death and missfortune. It was partially reconstructed during the mexican revolution to be a fort for the rebels. And after that, it had become part of the cartels massive underground tunnels, and an altar to Santa Muerte. Cutting her wrists, she fell to her knees before the altar and wrapped her arms around the statue in a morbid embrace. As her life bled onto the altar, Micetal devoured the young girls soul and wish for release from this terrible world that abandoned her again and again.

A avatar of death that is driven mainly by her lust for killing, she maintained all the memories of Zoila's normal life, and set out for a career as a hired killer and hit woman. Where she excelled and used her powers to rack up a massive killing spree. She was stopped at the American border by a massive coordinated effort made by the American and Mexican government, involving metas and magicians that managed to bind her and move her to a super max for metas where she is isolated on the deepest, most remote levels. So far removed from any life that she cant even feel the death of insects.

That is, until someone sends a team to pick her up...

Hero Type: Supernatural-Mystic
Power Level: Street when starved, Planet/Cosmic if fed enough death. (Note: We are talking genocidal level for cosmic)


Soul Siphon:
Mictcal devours necrotic energy to acquire temporary as well as lasting power. This means all death magic, ghosts and spirits that aren’t fettered to a living host is fair game to her. The more she devours, the stronger she gains in every facet of her being. The initial burst of power is far bigger then the lasting effect, granting her speed and strength that is inhuman. The more death around her, the better. When it leaves her, a small fragment of that power is permanently embedded in her until she sustains what is normally lethal damage.


Height: 166cm
Weight: 67 kilos
Strength Level: Peak Human, capable of going to extreme levels if surrounded with enough death. At her absolute peak, she has been seen lifting and tossing cars. This was at the peak of her battle at the border, at which point she was fresh off a killing spree that had left a bordertown a ghost town.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 5x is her normal speed, upon massive supercharges, she reaches around 10x.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Mictecal can survive any damage sustained as long as enough death has taken place around her. She cannot die by normal means, as she is a avatar of death. If you meet her on a a proper battlefield, chances are that not even a tank round is gonna phase her. If it’s only been a pair of people, you can possibly put her down for the count for a little while, or at least chip her power levels down to an acceptable level.

Agility: Inhuman

Intelligence: Not a genius, but not dumb by any means. It’s a case of Cunning over book smarts though.

Fighting Skill:
Extremely skilled with a blade, coupled with necromantic prowess and superhuman abilities, it makes her a terror to face. While she prefers to get up close, she is capable of marksmanship with rifle and pistols alike. Her favored gun being sixshooter she took from a famous Mexican gunsmith. The gun itself was meant to be a gift to the man's daughter, someone that Zoila had met once before becoming Micetal. Upon seeing her, gunsmith realized nothing remained of his daughters friend, and shot her. Micetal was amused by this and took the gun for her own after killing the man. Its a powerfull gun, and she is a regular gunslinger when she wants to be.


While the government have seized most of her stuff, she does posses friends on the outside who stashes guns and equipment incase she escapes. A lot of low level thug see her as the saint they long prayed to and will lay down their lives for her blessings.

Weaknesses: Sustained, long fights where she is focused fire will wear her down. If her souls are depleted or somehow exercises them out of her, she is no stronger then a average human. Certein magical tems and holy artifacts have had effect on her. Although what that effect is varies depending on origin and potency of the object.

Supporting Characters: None atm

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: I think I still doooo?

Sample Post:

“Send help!” The shout echoed through the com link as the marine backed police sting found themselves as targets. The air around them stank of death, blood made dirt into blood beneath their feet in the otherwise dry, mexican heat. The Cavarro kartel's foot soldiers lay in pieces, slaughtered very much in the same manner as they had been slaughtering their own victims. Sergeant DeRossa sweated bullets as he had to dodge actual bullets from a unknown shooter. The woman was moving to fast to be normal person, her movements graceful like a dancers. Every now and then, another poor souls comlink died.

A blur of green and black streaked across his vision suddenly, his MP5 rattled off a salvo to no avail, he was firing where the phantom had been two seconds earlier. He felt the taste of sweat on his lips, licking them out of habit as he heard another comrade, one of the mexican marines, get his cut throat. There was a ghastly laughter hanging in the air after each kill.

Then came the crack of a gunshot and the flower of fire and blood as the man next to him, Joel, stuped backwards, his brains a large splatter across the wall behind them. He raised his gun at this demon made flesh as a gorgeous, dark haired woman wearing clothes whos pattern reminded him of the murals down in Central America and south Mexico. The native patterning of red and green soaked in the blood of his friends.

“Oh no.” He fumbled for his cross. Holding it meekly before him. “Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte…” His voice trembled.

“Please, that is a title you christians gave me. I am Mictecacihuatl… Lady of the Dead…” Her voice was like velvet and he found himself lovering his gun. His heart seemed to slowly stop beating. His eyes clouded over a her entire body seemed to wrapped in a green aura of death, swirling faces of people he knew, people he had eaten with only a week prior to this.

“P-please… Spare me.” HIs voice came out hoarse, raspy. He found it hard to even breathe, his body hot and cold at once.

“Death comes for us all…” She produced a horrifically vicious looking and machete like blade. “Thank you for the meal”

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
Avatar of Liseran Thistle

Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character you have created: Eris Goodoire

Alias: E.G

Speech Color: Medium Spring Green

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Their identity is known to the public.

Character Personality: E.G is a very eccentric person, and often times they confuse the people around them so much that its hard to keep up with their odd personality. E.G is loud, obnoxious, and does things spur of the moment because they feel it is the best way to do anything. While they are a very social person, they only have a few close friends who they trust with all their heart. Most of the time, E.G is happy, and when they're in a good mood they try to make others feel happy as well. Usually with music, or their own singing, as long as it puts a smile on someone's face by the end of it, its a win for them. Music is very important to them, so important that they've literally begun to see the world in a different way. E.G will see the environment around them differently based on how the music makes them feel, and while that may be hard to describe, E.G has said that its a lot like walking through a real life, music video. E.G is not the first person to jump in when a situation is hot, or when their are baddies nearby. They have special rules for when they intervene, and for when they don't, but they always intervene in the case of abuse or bullying. Those two topics strike a cord with them, and as such they help anyone else who may also be struggling with it.

Characters Costume/Design:

(I couldn't find a suitable pic online so I drew my own, the art is definitely my own I didn't steal.)

Origin Info/Details: Eris Goodoire was born to wealthy parents in the middle of suburban Atlanta. Ever since they were a child, their parents have planned their life out for them for basically the next forty years. They were going to marry some man who they had never met before, and they were going to have two kids, and before all of that they were going to go to school as a doctor. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. They had no choice in anything, and as long as they lived under the roof of those two domineering people, they never would. One day, near their 17th birthday, they decided to finally do something about their uncontrollable life. They had a plan to escape, and a place to get to once they left. The only person in the world who they trusted with enacting this plan was the butler Charlton, an old man who wanted to help them escape just as much as they wanted to leave.

On the night of the plan, Eris snuck out of the dining room where the guests were talking and discussing their future plans. While the adults haggled over who's son they would marry, they tied the curtains in the bathroom into a makeshift rope. While they discussed which college they would send them off to, they dropped the rope down the side of the house, and climbed out. And while they discussed whether they would truly make a wonderful doctor or lawyer, they were speeding away in a car with the butler on their way to greater things.

They lived in apartments rented out by somewhat close friends, and they moved frequently when the hunt for them made the front page of the newspaper's. They needed help desperately, but the only thing they could do was hide in the lower slums of Atlanta until they finally found them. And find them they did. Once they were found and returned to their parents, their parents had a lot to say for their behaviour. They said that they were crazy, and disruptive. There was only one cure for such a person's behaviour, and that was a pill. Their parents held in their possession a powerful drug said to induce a calm like state over anyone who takes it. To make sure the drug was working properly, the bottle said, you must listen to some kind of therapeutic music under its influence.

Eris' parents locked them away in their room, with nothing but food, water, the pills, and a cassette player that held a variety of different music. For days, Eris had horrible nightmares filled with the songs that their parents played on repeat. It was a single cassette called "The Many wonders of Kenny G" and it nearly drove them to insanity. On the tenth day of being locked away in their room, Eris found they had finally had enough of being trapped, and more importantly they had had enough of Kenny G and his saxophone. They wanted new music, anything else besides that man's jazzy tune. And then, seemingly at will, they played a new song from the cassette tape. They had only one tape, and it was Kenny G's, but suddenly they weren't hearing that. They were hearing the Beatles.

They closed their eyes in relief then, finally happy that they had found some kind of relief from the torture. As they laid on the floor of their room, images of beautiful panorama filled their minds eye. The world they created in their head with the beautiful shapes and sounds seemed so much nicer than the world they lived in now. They wished it were real somehow, or at least that they could make it real. They tapped on the floor to the beat of "Here comes the Sun", and unbeknownst to them little multicolored, pixel like podiums the size of a a finger rose from the ground where they tapped. They opened their eyes to find they had created a tiny version of the things in their head.

They got up, and completely lost to reason, began to dance to the song. They closed their eyes and just let the music and the images do the talking. Their room was over taken by colors and meta physical sunflowers that had popped up during the chorus. When the guitar riff played, they had made giant stairwells with each beat, and destroyed the ceiling in the process. They could distantly hear their mother's screams of terror, but it was drowned out by this point because all they could here was "Here comes the Sun, here comes the sun and I'll say...It's alright!"

They destroyed the house listening to a song they loved. And when the song finally ended, they had created what they saw in their head, and their house was now converted into a strange, colorful music video for a song over fifty years old. They smiled for the first time in days when they saw what they had made, and walked down the street a new person. With their newfound power, they decided they would help people smile a little more than they usually did with music. They moved away from their parents, got new clothing, and finally lived how they wanted to live. They work part time at an old music shop, and rent an apartment far, far away in southern New Jersey.

Hero Type (Select one): Other, they have the ability to project their feelings on a particular song to the world, and manifest it physically in the form of a colorful panorama of shapes and color.

Power Level (Select one below): Street Level

Powers (Be Specific): They have the ability to project their feelings of a particular song to the world, and manifest those feelings physically in the shape and color of a musical panorama. They can change any song on a radio or cassette player or any music playing device to whatever song they want at will, and they can make this song as loud as they can handle it. If they want other people to hear it, they can raise the volume of the song so others can hear it, but it can't be too loud or else it'll make them go deaf in the process.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: 5"8
Weight: 120 pounds
Strength Level: Normal Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Untrained
Resources: Extreme

Weaknesses: They can only handle the volume of a song like any other human can. Raising the volume too high could damage their ears and hurt them. They cannot infinitely stretch their panorama to the sky, or influence things they cannot see. The panorama can only be manifested in a song that E.G likes, so I'm afraid they can't make a music video for something like Beethovens fifth. They don't have super strength and they are not incredibly durable, a punch to the gut will hurt them the same as any other human. If they're tired it becomes a little harder to make a panorama.

Supporting Characters: Charlton the Butler, Mindy Diasco a Prodigy Doctor much like Dougie Howser, Phoenix their close friend who doesn't really talk much, Leila a girl who has her own strange abilities involving a green moth and who will regularly help them when they need it, and Max the owner of the store they work at.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: yes.

Sample Post: " 'You ain't nothing but a hound dog...!' Come on Charlton sing with me!" Charlton, the Butler shook his head.

"On the contrary, Master Goodoire, I don't think dancing before dinner to Elvis is appropriate behaviour in this..." he nodded his head to the window, where outside you could see the dirty walls of the alleyway below. "Neighborhood." E.G shook their head.

"You've gotta learn to live a little, Charlton. I mean, what's the harm in a few songs before bed time? I haven't heard anyone complain yet." And just as they said that, a rock was thrown through the window, with a nice note tied around it. The message read "Please shut the fuck up with that Elvis shit, people are trying to sleep." E.G instinctively toned the volume of the record player down. "Okay, so maybe we're a little loud." They said. "But who doesn't like Elvis?" Another rock was thrown through the the same window, completely destroying the rest of frame. This time the note read "You can miss me with that Rockabilly shit." E.G crumpled the note in a defeated gesture. "I guess he wasn't as great here as I thought, huh?" They said.

As Charlton set the table with the scanty amount of silverware they owned, and served up spaghetti, he tried to console them a little. "If it's any consolation, I believe in New Jersey it is custom to play something akin to 60s music rather than 50s, miss. They do like Elton John here." E.G scoffed.

"Everyone likes Elton John, Charlton. That's practically cheating if you say your favorite artist is Elton John." They snapped their fingers, and the record began to play a track from the Beatles first album. E.G took a seat at the table, and Charlton joined them as they listened to music while eating dinner. "Seriously though, what do these people even like?" They asked. "How can I help them with music if I don't even know what kind they like?"

"You're neighbor is not the whole of New Jersey, sir. They're ideas on what good music is doesn't speak for everyone else." He smiled, as he poured them both water in glasses. "Sometimes tastes will vary, depending upon who's listening to what at the time."

They groaned, and rocked their head back on the chair. "I guess you're right. But still, Elvis is sweet! Who doesn't like a bit of rock and roll?"

"Our neighbor, apparently. Which reminds me, one of them dropped by yesterday. He came to congratulate you on your successful moving in." Charlton said. "He brought a package as a gift, you may want to open it after-" E.G shot off from the table and straight into their room, where the present would no doubt be. Charlton sighed, and began to clear away their plate for them. Knowing E.G, they would be in their room all night, obsessing over their new toy.

The gift lay on their bed wrapped neatly in brightly colored packaging. Without waiting to read the note attached to it, E.G ripped open the package and pulled out what was inside. It was an old-fashioned walkman with headphones, and a stack of old tapes to go along with them. Excited, they plugged the headphones in, and popped a tape in the Walkman. And slowly, once they pressed play, the horrifying sounds of Kenny G's sax filled their ears, and they were transported back to that horrible room with the pills. They ripped the head phones off of their head, and flung it at at the wall. Charlton came into the room, a look of concern etched on his old face.

"Is everything all right in here?" He asked. E.G turned to him with a terrified look on their face.

"Charlton, who brought these tapes in?" They asked. Charlton peered closer at the package on the bed, and noticed the rest of the tapes still in the box.

"Why a neighbor, of course. Not the man who threw a rock through our window, but another tenant in the building. I believe he said he lives up above us." He explained. "Why? Is something wrong with the gift?" E.G stood up, and picked the shattered remains of the Walkman up from the floor. Whoever brought those tapes in was dangerously toeing the line with them.

Final Notes: Eris is Nonbinary, and prefers They/Them pronouns. When Charlton speaks to them, he will often alternate between the feminine and masculine verison of Master. I.e why he calls them both Sir and Miss in the same conversation. I'm putting this here in case anyone is confused by the wording in the sheet.
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