Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Floor 3, Tower of... Wait where are we?
Interacting with: Satilla, Mustela Dirus Infernii (Fiendish Dire Weasel)

Remind Thomas not to let the Bear hug him. Or Keystone for that matter. Or the ex-ex-ex-Grey Render if it wasn't completely maimed by Keystone. All in all it seemed things were winding down, and yet that was what happened the last time before a new batch of enemies appeared. But even if they were withstanding the tide of rather oddly uneventually minions, Thomas swore he saw Nor stab himself. Twice. Maybe, he wasn't too sure since the dwarf was covered in armor, and moving like he wasn't. Either way it seemed the tin-man's second attempts to defend them worked stabbing the hairy ape with a good shank. Two and a half down, six more to go. That said, Thomas had only two spells left in his repertoire, one of which was already primed to go. His plan was dangerous, but desperation did that to a man. Or in his case a boy sorcerer. Regardless, tactical positioning was key in maximizing his spells to take out as many enemies as possible. . All that remained was getting Sana..."Go Satilla!" Cheering his crush on as she rushed in there to do medic things to the perhaps not quite dead yet now getting better Sana somewhat slumped over.

Now that everyone did their part, it was time for Thomas to do his. Call it idiotic, moronic, suicidal, and yes even stupid. If he could get to the pentacle on the floor, one that seemed to be inactive at the moment, the plan was to taunt the enemies to taking him on as possible, crowding around him far from his allies before he could unleash the power of the sun. But first there was a rather large polecat skittering his direction, and being a rather bit of a road block to Thomas' direct path. The fiendish dire Weasel did not seem to relent, giving Thomas no opening as he attempted to maneuver around the ferret, he even tried to manoeuvre around the thing but there was just no luck. Thomas was stopped in his tracks by...

"Out of my way you Stinking Sulfurous Polecat!" A prime choice of insult no doubt, with Thomas staring down the beady eyed mongrel. A spell at this range would hit everyone in the area within five feet. He'd have tough out whatever attacks would come. Whatever, Whenever, Wicked Wreaking Weasel would wanting woefully wound willingly within wizard's way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago


  • HF:
    • Draws a whip from under his cloak and moves a block forward
  • FDW:
    • Crawls up Thomas, attaches to him, bites and starts draining him on the upper thigh. Thomas is drained 4 points of Constitution.
  • FSC:
    • Slithers along the ceiling and moves two spaces over
  • CLB:
    • Moves two squares
  • FB:
    • Moves two squares
  • FA:
    • Attacks Nor with its claws and does moderate damage. Nor is down to 75% total hp as of now.
  • TZ:
    • Moves over to Keystone


New Rotation:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Location: Tower 3F
Interacting with:FC

Confident that her crocodile companion had ceased breathing and did not rise as an undead in her grasp, (although knowing how tricky the necromancer could be, she wouldn't be surprised if his goal was to reanimate the slain summons as yet more pawns. She'd still be incredibly angry, but not surprised.) Cyne rose up and shook some of the excess viscera off of her before turning around to see what had happened while she was preoccupied. Holy shit, when did they get surrounded? She'd been dealing with the Fiendish Crocodile for like half a minute at most by her estimation. Was it actually that much longer than she'd anticipated. Regardless, two of the members in particular weren't in very good shape. Satilla seemed to be doing what she could for Sana, but Thomas was right fucked at the moment.

She galloped forward and tried to do what she was doing best: killing things with her massive bear strength. The fiendish Weasel was coiled around the mage, with its fangs sunk deep in the lad's thigh. That just wouldn't do. She took a swipe, partially trying to kill it, but more to knock the damned thing off, but it caught whiff of her intentions (and likely the numerous other creatures' innards she was plastered snout to tail in) before she could strike and slipped away before it could get whacked.

With a growl, the bear swung again, but the weasel slithered out of the danger zone once more. Lucky pest. Cyne was fairly certain it wouldn't be able to take a direct hit, but it had the advantage of being very slippery in addition to its proximity to Thomas. If she was too careless, she could easily nail the person she was trying to help, and from the look of things, he wouldn't be able to stand such an attack either. All she could do was hope that perhaps her attack would be distraction enough for Thomas to be able to free himself and move somewhere less vulnerable.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Location: Deymin's Tower (3F)

The Hooded Figure looked to be striding closer to the fray. Good. Keystone didn't like wizards at a distance, he'd rather be up close and personal with them, ready with a polite nudge or significantly less polite bludgeoning, as fit the situation. The only problem was that they often held items of enchantment that made his life difficult. The itinerant brawler had a little magic on himself, as well. Minor items, granted; nothing extremely noteworthy to persons not in his field of study, and even then they were fairly personalized. But the Necromancer wasn't his immediate concern right at the moment. No, staying between the baddies and Sana, until she was better able to move about on her own, was foremost on his mind.

True to form for the baddies, one of them advanced upon him. It was an ordinarily pitiable creature, really. A deep-dwelling Troglodyte that had slipped away from the land of the living and whose corpse was given hideous animation to do its master's bidding. While the others around him had their own difficulties, the esteemed J. Illium Keystone had to exterminate a Trogzombie, while keeping Sana safe. Slice of pie. Or whatever the confectionary term was that indicated an easy task to perform in quick order.

Keystone glanced back to Sana, noting that Satilla was beginning to administer her arts upon her. It gave him enough reassurance that she would be okay, at least for the meantime. Just buy time, kill the undead prick in front of him. Unfortunately, that was easier said then done. Keystone's foot caught a bit of blood upon the floor, causing a frontward slip. The initial punishing blow went wide as the huge man attempted to maintain his balance. A split second later, he offered up a quick snapping backfist, hoping to keep the beast off of him and/or knock it back a ways. Again, his effort came for naught. Another pride-damaging miss, and out in front of people, too. Ah well, at least he was buying the Healer time to, well, heal. All the same, a change in tactic might be necessary.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago


Location: The Tower - 3rd Floor
Interacting With: Sat

It was a rather obvious thing to say that Sana had had better days than the one she was having right then. Then again she had had worse as well. Much worse. The scars that covered a large portion of her body told that tale, the ones she had inside told even more. Yet it didn't matter if she had had worse, this day wasn't exactly a walk in the park. It could have been her worst day yet if it hadn't been for Satilla rushing over to her and doing what healers do - healing her.

Sana felt the magic start to course through her, taking away the feeling of gray that had set in her veins and driving away the blackness that had threatened to take her. (Satilla heals for 16 HP. Which is good considering Sana was down to 9 HP out of nearly 100 when we started this fight.) It wasn't a complete recovery but it was enough to allow the gypsy to sit up. Breathing heavily she looked over towards Sat and nodded. "Thanks," she said as she sat there. She would have said more but she still was rather weak and it was hard to speak with a mouth laced with blood.

Turning her head she spit and splattered the floor next to her. Reaching into her bag she pulled out a healing potion and pulled the cork from the glass bottle. Drinking it down and taking another breath. She knew if she was going to get back into this fight she would need more healing than what the woman had been able to give her already. It was best to double down with this one. Granted it meant she wasn't able to do anything else this round but hey, she was alive. That was something. Especially now that the color was coming back to her cheeks and the wounds started to close.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Location: Tower 3F
Interacting with:Corrupt Chimpanzee

That Ape really didn't take kindly to being stabbed. As soon as Nor was able to extract the blade from the beast, it went into a frenzy, hollering, hooting as it came at the dwarf with a taste for revenge. Its eyes burned red with anger and bloodlust and he was pretty sure that it was starting to foam at the mouth. The Fiendish Ape began to swing its giant arms at Nor with increasing frequency and velocity, if at the expense of accuracy, per se.

However, it took Nor's full attention to simply avoid getting pummeled by the wild ape. It was a lot quicker than its size and build would indicate, and by the time he would duck out of the way of a swipe, he'd see the other arm come around to try nailing him at the top of his head, perhaps the worst way and place to get hit while wearing full plate. It was at times like these that Nor really felt the disadvantages of being a dwarf. The damned' ape's limbs were so long that in order for him to be able to try striking, he'd have to cover a considerable distance within the hominid's field of attack before he even had a chance of landing another stab.

However, at one point the ape tried to smash Nor with a two-handed hammerfist-like strike, which seemed to leave it open just long enough for him to finally close the distance. Opportunistic as always, the merc sprang forward to seize the chance, only to find out he had been too hasty. Suddenly, in his limited peripheral, he spotted some movement before getting caught in the side with a rock-like balled up claw.

There was a distinct noise and a sensation of pain, but he couldn't be too sure what was damaged from the blow. Could have been his ribs, could have been some internal damage. Maybe it was something else entirely. But none of that really mattered, because it landing a single shot wasn't enough for the ape. It kept coming at him, seemingly intent on trying to smash him to death. Well, he wasn't going to let it get what it wanted that easily.

It seemed that just trying to dodge the ape's wild swings would never get him anywhere but dead. If he wanted to make it out of this, he'd need to go for riskier options. The ape lunged forward for another barrage of blows, but as it did so, so did Nor. If he had the time to actually think things through, he would have estimated maybe a 50/50 chance of getting hit way harder than if he had simply kept focusing on defense. But as luck would have it, instead it allowed him to slip through the beast's arms and give him the positioning to land another knife between the ribs. Now he'd just need to do a few more of those for the thing to go down. Hopefully.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Floor 3, Tower of Clusterf-
Interacting with: Cyne, Keystone, Sana, Satilla, Mustela Dirus Infernii var. Nosferatu? (Fiendish Dire Weasel)

Well the villianous varmint decided to latch on to Thomas. Taking tooth to fang as it sank treacherous teeth into Thomas' bare thigh. Yes, Thomas was still in his undergarments from the waist down after all, and this was not a pleasant experience to have a ferret of that size chomp into you. A clear scream of discomfort and agony escaped Thomas in reply, strung with a choice amount of wizardly expletives like 'Wulfric's Earwax!' Yes, the boy was bleeding pretty poorly into the licking maw of the beast, about the size of him no doubt as the slippery little furry demon curled around his leg like a bad lover and sucked on. It was a rather vampiric move, draining Thomas of his magical bloodline as the venous gash oozed to the frustration of Thomas who decide it was better not to unleash the power of the sun as right now hie allies would find themselves caught in the solar flare. Even as a rather smelly bear offended Thomas' nostrils tried to knock the thing off, and managed not to rip Thomas' leg off on the process. A good attempt but not quite fast enough for a squirrely weasel. "Stay back! Brace yourself!" Thomas screamed out at bear and team, trying warn them of his plan through the pain of being leeched upon.

It mattered not though, Thomas was intent on executing his bold gambit, weasel or not, he had to get closer into the fray, away from his teammates to work his magic. "Argh, get off me you overgrown hellrat!" Wrestling with the wriggling weasel, Thomas managed to take his strides towards the center of the fray, a ringed clearing between the forest of monsters. Cyne, Keystone, and Nor better be ready, or else take heed of Thomas's warning. "Stay away Guys!" One last warning, given for the melee combatants to leave Thomas to his mad plan. This was a bad plan, the blood-loss was getting quite drastic, and Thomas wasn't feeling all the best, in fact he was feeling a bit woozy as he struggled to remain standing and face the horde of monsters in the eye...

If Thomas miraculously survived the onslaught, he could return each blow with burning vengeance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Satilla Valen

Location: The Tower, Floor 3
Interacting With: Ancient cosmic powers of the GOOD DICE ROLLS, Sana and bad popular memes.

It at least lookedl like Sana was reacting well to the healing magic that the witch used on her. She was frankly concerned because out of her healing magic only one was left, one that could be of use provided proper situation, but in the middle of a battle was not quite said situation. As the bard pulled to a sitting position and drank a potion, Satilla let a quick sigh of relief as she pulled a potion of her own." No worries, don't move much." The witch replied, hoping their wall of bodies will hold up for hte moment as she took the potion and started pouring it on Sana's injured legs. To move she needed those legs in better condition and what's more even through the wound and skin the potion will seep into the body, causing effect.

Once that potion was done, she pulled the second one, quickly spilling it on Sana's hands as much as she can." No worries... we've got potions..." She stated with enthusiastic voice and a smile." Potions for days." The witch added in the middle of her improvisation treatment. Satilla had considered throwing potions at the enemies, but aside the troglodyte zombie and possibly the hooded figure, she doubted the others were undead. Those just appeared as absurdly horrible monsters that made you consider what manner of nonsensible situations or places can spawn such monstrocities! Still she was so going to throw a potion at that hooded bastard if he was undead. She wanted to watch him burn and squirm in absolute pain as the unlife ebs away from his wreched flesh.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago


  • FSC:
    • Slithers across the ceiling and down the wall
  • FDW:
    • Remains attached to Thomas, bite inflicts moderate damage. Thomas is now down half his hit points total. The bite also inflicts another 1 point of Con loss, he only has 3 out of 8 Con points left. (Thomas is starting to black out)
  • FA:
    • Tries to attack Nor but can't land a bite
  • HF:
    • Starts to move around and towards the stairs
  • FB:
    • Charges Thomas and gores him in the leg for minor damage
  • CLB:
    • Moves towards the stairs and stays between the HF and the rest of the fight
  • TZ:
    • Bites Keystone for minor damage


New Rotation:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Location: Tower 3F
Interacting with:Grievous Gibbon

Well things were starting to get way too cramped for Nor, which was really saying something given how little space he took up. In front he had to deal with this damn ape, behind there was that big zombie and to his side there were like three more things there, one of which he was pretty sure was the boy.There was basically no room for him to maneuver, which might have actually been a blessing in disguise. Because by that same note, neither did the ape. There were so many things nearby that it wasn't able to effectively strike at him without creating some space.

So that it tried to do, taking a couple steps backwards so its long limbs would be better able to wallop the dwarf. Problem is, the ape's body wasn't exactly built for moving directly backward, and even with his short legs, Nor was able to advance more quickly than it was about to retreat. In an instant, he was directly on top of the summoned beast, dagger mid-way through its swing. His first attack was a stab to the exposed upper abdomen followed up by a second aimed far lower.

While the blade was still embedded in its flesh, Nor gave a great heave and yanked the blade upwards, opening up the ape's stomach. The fiend gurgled and gnashed its teeth in rage, saliva falling from its mouth like the contents of a tipped over chamberpot onto an unsuspecting gnome a floor below. For a moment it looked like it was nearly about to grab the Dwarf and strangle him regardless of any injuries it might have suffered, but then the light passed from its eyes and it fell over with a wet thud.

One more down. Hopefully there wouldn't be even more surprises in store.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Floor 3, Tower of the Big Baddie.
Interacting with: Everyone within 5 foot radius of Thomas: (FA, FB, FDW, TZ, CLB & Keystone & Nor)

Thinking back, this probably was not one of the brightest ideas out Thomas had. Of course he had plenty of pretty bad ideas in the past, but most of the time the universe worked its way to keep him mostly safe, that or Master Wolfgang came in to clean up the mess. Such were the benefits of being a sorcerer's apprentice, however right now Thomas was on his own. Proving his worth not to the old master who he had thought would scry him and see his growth, but perhaps more to himself. Did he not take down a few enemies with his magics? Did he not demonstrate a good control of his spells? He was a decent spellslinger now, more than capable of making it mostly on his own to boldly go in with whatever gambit he had and hoped for the best. Although, maybe it was the slightly concerning bloodloss that made Thomas woozy, or perhaps the fact that he had reached his critical phase break, but Thomas seemed to be a bit paler than usual. His complexion drained of the light wheat into a more candle wax white, this probably wasn't the best indication of Thomas' immediate health at first glance, the color in the boy fading away rapidly as the fiercely feeding frenzied furry fiendish ferret drowned in a pool of blood it had to swallow or whatever it was doing to avoid being bloated by the latent space powers. The boy was losing consciousness fast, all it would take was about a liter of bloodloss more or less to make someone feel rather faint as Thomas was. His knees seemed to be shaking growing feeble as the struggle to remain useful to the team burned on.

"Flare..." Thomas weakly uttered. The command word was invoked. The prepared spell surged through at last, engulfing the pallid magician in a swathe of fire. A pyre burst out of his body, as if he spontaneously combusted into a burning wicker man. The flames danced their way around, solar spots as they erupted in their lashing tongues singing the praises of the sun. The light of the radiant sun itself cloaking Thomas in the fateful fire. His teammates had their warning, as much as Thomas could say despite the dreadful feeling of exsanguination. His shift to Moon Phase was also not helping his constitution loss as by the end of it he would lose another point of constitution which he desperately needed to stay afloat. If this spell didn't purge the weasel off then, Thomas was pretty much doomed wasn't he? Nevertheless he had committed to this terrible plan and how it was time he reaped the benefits.

With a pulse of an exploding nova, the harbinger of scorching death, a wave of fiery destruction emerged from the sorcerer-en-flambe. The dispersion of cosmic power a single blast of far-realm flames radiating through an expanding circle of forced inferno. Everything with a five foot radius of Thomas' location would find themselves facing the power of the sun, all the while Thomas felt the chill in the air grip him, shaking as his knees and teeth chattered. The soft gasps that escaped, his joints flexing in as his muscles tried to shiver for the warmth which left him. And even though the pallor of Moon Phase ought to disappear as Thomas moved on to Star Phase, still the bloodloss was far too much to compensate, and the cold and distant personality which dominate Thomas now was truly cold and growing distant...

Space Wizard Needs Food Badly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago


Location: The Tower - 3rd Floor
Interacting With: Sat, TZ

Apparently it was time for Sana to take a bath, or at least a potion bath. It wasn't bad, granted it wasn't as awesome as a treasure bath but it would do. Thanks to Satillas quick work being the groups healer the Gypsy Archer was feeling much more like herself and less like one of those grey skinned zombie that they had been fighting since this crap show started. The woman had been at deaths door, right then though she felt like she had only gotten her ass slightly kicked. It was good enough to get back in the game.

A game that it seemed that people were getting sick and tired of as the mage erupted in flames. She had always heard mages were a bit on the flamboyant side but this took the cake, and apparently two other creatures with it. They cindered to ash in front of her. Two more down, still plenty to go. The one closest to her was the one Keystone was working on. She was close enough though to take a shot and she took it.

Drawing the string of her bow back she let it fly and impaled the zombie in the side, thankfully missing Keystone in the process but hey, he was strong, even if she had missed he could have dealt with an arrow. It seemed to do good damage but instead of moving to put another arrow into the creature Sana moved, towards the steps. She spotted the Hooded Figure making his way towards them and she would be damned if the fucker that lead to the dead of Kyra was going to get away. She was bent on cutting him off at the pass.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Location: Deymin's Tower (3F)
Interacting With: Cyneburg (I'm so sorry)

Troglodyte. Troglodyte Zombie, to be precise. Put simply, an undead variation of a shortish, reptilian humanoid that ordinarily dwelt underground when not summoned by some power-drunk necromancer. Also, not ordinarily a zombie. This put Keystone in a foul mood. Not a massive threat for a man like Keystone, who had knuckled back to death many more powerful things of the undead variety; some of them very recently. A few months ago, he even had the pleasure of ripping the animated bones of a Death Knight out of its armor and crushing them beneath his bootheel in the middle of a bustling, major city. Good times. Perhaps this was why, when something as insignificant as a Troglodyte Zombie sunk its teeth into his arm and refused to let go, it was the last straw. Absolute last.

Kyra's extremely likely death, Ash's likewise extremely likely death (he had nothing against the pup), the repeated near demise of Sana, and now the utter indignity of wearing a reptilian dead guy as an arm bangle had turned his foul mood even fouler. From the corner of his vision, he could even see the Hooded Figure that started all of this mess making a dash for the stairs.

Something inside of Keystone gave way; a sense of what others had oft described to him as "moral outrage", though morality was rarely a thing that gave him concern. This feeling went well past pride, farther than the reaches of rage. It demanded action beyond the pull of any king or civil authority; immediate, deliberate, decisive action. It was the klaxon call of a godly or elemental power, one which Keystone was compelled to answer, nay, filled with an overwhelming potency, fueled by his willingness to waylay this monster of a person, to prevent him from escaping a fate that he so richly deserved. He would not do this to anyone else, ever.

Keystone didn't beat a war tribe of Orcs in a farting contest just to lose here. No sir. It was time for action.

The arrow-drilled troglodyte still hanging onto his arm, Keystone turned to face the retreating Hooded Figure. The brightly lit, flaming magician served to mirror the inferno of his soul as the erstwhile tavern brawler with aspirations of Monk-dom felt his Chi, his very spiritual energy flow through him, bidden to his manipulation by sheer force of will and the desperation of necessity. He was going to halt this man's retreat, even if the gods tried to intervene. "Not bloody likely..." he growled, taking one, two, three steps toward the Necromancer. Keystone could not make it over to him in time to prevent his escape, but maybe, just maybe, he could hurl something to intercept the antagonist's retreat, but what? Nothing was big enough. Nothing was heavy enough. Nothing within reach could possibly harm this mad, spiteful man. Unless...

Keystone's eyes settled upon the form of a large black bear, poised over her latest kill. His pupils instantaneously dilated with raw happy, coursing in his veins like a drug. "Right then. That'll do." Of course, it was their resident Druid and respected party member, Cyneburg, but those were mere details that might slow down a less decisive man. The Greater Good was at stake here. The Greater Good. That, and the touch of mild insanity that made him, well, HIM really wanted to see if he could pull this off. With all the grace of a lightly wounded bar bouncer (which he was) and slightly off-balance by the lizardkin zombie attached to his left arm (which he also was), Keystone bounded toward Cyneburg, who was resplendently making her luxurious coat of black fur and long, hard claws into a statement of function as well as fashion. Keystone didn't even pause as he swept his powerful arm beneath the Druid's forelimb, his other reaching over Cyne's shoulder, holding on to her around his black knuckle dusters with hands strengthened by years of physical conditioning.

The invigorated Pugilist whispered a quiet, "I'll apologize later, yeah?", voice strained by effort as he immediately transferred his forward momentum, coupled with his intense brute strength, to lifting the Bear-That-Was-Cyneburg into a modified, terrifying hammer throw, spinning her about once fully and a half turn more to line up his ursine missile before releasing her in the direction of The Hooded Figure.

Cyneburg sailed through the air like a huge, shaggy falcon. Keystone almost wished he could have seen the look on his face - either of their faces - the minuscule instant that the Necromancer realized what was happening. Oh, if he ever met a genie, that's exactly what he would ask for. "Worth it." he exclaimed through clenched teeth. A relatively minor pain issued from his arm, prompting him to raise it and take a look at the source. The Troglodyte Zombie was somehow still attached.

"You still 'ere?"
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Satilla Valen

Location: The Tower, Floor 3
Interacting With: Ancient cosmic powers of the GOOD DICE ROLLS, flaming youngsters and... THE BEARFALL

Satilla had let a sigh of relief when Sana looked like she was finally going to make it. The healer was glad, but then there were other things that were redirecting her attention from her joy to a whole slew of unexpected events. First of all was the fact that Thomas had decided to just turn into the human torch and probably with the help of his magic released such a burst of fire that it charred stuff around him. She couldn't believe he would do something like that, didn't his magic hurt him too? She was just about to rush in his direction now that Sana was healed enough. She also had to deal with the dwarf, but one thing at a tim...e...” Wha...”

Then it happened. Keystone seemed to have snapped and Cyneburg was somehow tied to it or dragged to it or pulled and spun into it. Because the crazy cook/monk person just spun a god damned bear around and threw it into the air straight at the hooded douchebag. Satilla blinked a few times in disbelief. If just last night they had told her she'd see a flying bear hurled by a man, she was going to tell people they are drunk and need to sleep it off, but now she had seen nearly anything.” OHH!!” She pulled herself together in realization as she snapped to reality and dashed to Thamos... Why was he burning him clothing like that she wondered before she studied him. He was not in a good condition so there was no choice.

β€œCome on, Thomas.” She called, pulling a potion and shoving it into his mouth, not wanting to risk the healing not doing enough. She seemed to have shoved enough to chip one of his teeth, but better that than dying. Beside a better healer than her should be ableto fix it... maybe.” Man it out... You will get a 'I'm sorry' kiss on the cheek later... you hear me? There more potions!” She called, hoping that he'd hear it and pull himself together and start chugging potions of his own accord too.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Location: Tower 3F
Interacting with:Keystone, HF and CLB

There was only so much new stimulus that Cyne was able to process at one time, especially when wildshaped in the middle of battle. She was focused on who her next target should be so that the rest of the group would be able to quickly finish up the rest of the enemies and apprehend the hooded man who had done nothing but create havoc for the past who knows how long now. Then suddenly Keystone ran up to her (she didn't react much due to his "ally" status) and grabbed her foreleg rather roughly. Before the more perverted section of her brain could even quip to itself about how he could at least take her out to dinner first, there was a sudden shift in how her weight was distributed.

The next thing that occurred was a sensation she was familiar with, but didn't make sense at all given the facts of the situation. She was hurtling through the air. She'd spent enough time as various birds that the lack of any solid support didn't set off any psychological or biological panic buttons, but she wasn't a bird. She was a big ol' bear who had dwarfed or at least been comparable in size to just about everything they'd faced so far. How was enough force even generated to put her in such a situation?

She didn't even have the time to think of that question, let alone answer it, as the weightless sensation only lasted for a few moments before it was rudely interrupted by another familiar situation. Pain. Or Falling. She wasn't entirely sure what it was, but there were a few hard thuds and her flight motion took a turn for the rotary. If she had any idea what was happening in relation to her position in time and space before, it was certainly gone now. A few more thuds and the flying became a roll that became a flop, leaving the bear lying on its stomach.

The bear slowly melted away back into the half-orc druid, who remained face down on the floor for a few moments before she pushed herself up to see what the hell just happened. She was achey, a bit cut up and bruised, but more or less okay. She looked down and saw she was absolutely plastered head to toe in all sorts of biological matter, so all that accomplished was give her stomach a turn as it sunk in how disgusting she was right then. She was now on the opposite side of the room from where she was. Cyne looked over to where she was, and in a line where the Centipede and Hooded Figure were there was... bits and pieces of flesh scattered this way and that. She looked over and found most of the necromancer's upper body laying motionless, eyes wide open. Other than the zombie and snake, all the enemies on the floor had been taken care of.

Whatever just happened seemed to work out for the best after all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago


I wish I could say there was some dramatic ending to the H.F. but when a bear comes flying at someone out of no where there isn't much of a chance for someone to say anything. There is a little bit of a thought but it mostly consists of something along the lines of a mixed up emotions. The awe of a bear being tossed to the disbelief that it is tossed to the out right holy shit factor of it barreling into you. One thing did happen though as the H.F. died. The magic faded. While the Zombie that was kicking was still "alive" the facade of a tower was not. It faded away and the broken down tower revealed itself. This place was anything but stable. Wobbling slightly now that whatever had been holding it together was giving away.

  • TZ:
    • While Keystone moves the TZ remains hooked onto the large man. And while he did make an impressive showing in the game of Toss A Bear - The TZ managed to bite into Keystones shoulder twice doing moderate damage.
  • FSC:
    • Moves over to Sana and tries to take a couple of bites out of her. Sana manages to dodge the creature both times.


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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Satilla Valen

Location: The Tower, Floor 3
Interacting With: Ancient cosmic powers of the GOOD DICE ROLLS, flaming youngsters and the less than interesting self mutilating dwarf.

Everything was working more or less great right now. Satilla couldn't believe it had all happened down quite as well right at the end. With the hooded figure dealt with, most of hte enemies charred and only 2 left, they were almost done. Actually she suddenly shook her head remembering one more entity that could prove a danger. THe one that had taken out Kyra... the centipide thing was still down there, she was going to have to mention it when they were done with this floor.

She took a deep breath as Thomas was dealt with. Having stuffed the potion into his mouth, it was all good. He should live... Now the next more intent target was Nor the dwarf! Satilla couldn't quite figure out how a person could stab himself twice with his own weapon, but stranger things had happened right? She quickly leaned away from Thomas and turned towards Nor." Hold tight, I will help you." She said with a reassuring smile and taking a pair of potions she quickly started to apply the first one externally over the wound." This should help..." She added and prepared the second one. Nor had his own potions that he could use, but using them like this was also a decent choice. It should clear the wound and affect the whole problem in a beneficial way.

"Don't move too much until the wounds start to close up. Can't risk for any blood vessels to open up wide again." She explained and quickly poured the second potion over his wounds. She really hoped it would all work out for the best. Even held a lingering hope that Kyra could still be brought back in some way. A ressurection if you will...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Location: Tower 3F
Interacting with:N/A

Scratch what had she just thought, the tower was about to crumble any minute now from the feel of things. Her first instinct was to make a dash for the stairs, but she couldn't do such a thing in good conscience. She had to at least visually confirm that the rest of her team in the tower were at least able to make progress towards the exit before she could start worrying about her own skin. From the looks of things, Sat was thinking the same thing from how she was running around trying to heal everyone despite the evident instability of the ground she stood upon.

Cyne wasn't too concerned about her own wellbeing anyways. She could probably transform into a bird and fly and/or out if she really, really needed to. Or turn into a lizard or serpent and slip out through the cracks and crawl down the side of the building. The rest of them didn't have that kind of convenience available to them. So she simply pushed herself back to her feet and waited to see what everyone else decided to do first. She hoped they all wouldn't follow the healer's example.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago


Location: The Tower - 3rd Floor
Interacting With: FSC

A bear? Flying through the air? Sana blinked in slight disbelief of what she had just witnessed but hey it worked and she wasn't about to complain that the asshat that was causing all of this had been flattened under a big furry mass. Somethings happened in life and you just didn't question it or bitch about it. Sure she would have liked to be the one that took out the hooded figure, after putting him through a lot more pain but what was done was done. The one that has caused Kyras death was now road kill in a loose sense. It was a good outcome.

Yet the fight wasn't over and Sana still had to deal with the ankle biter - aka the snake. It had tried to take a nite out of her but had missed. Sana in turn pulled out her dagger and tried to just remove its head from its body. She didn't succeed but she did manage to drive the blade into a piece of flesh. It causes moderate damage but it was more than obvious this snake wasn't ready to be turned into boots just yet.

Killing the snake might just have to wait though as while all this is going on, the magic that had beautifully disguised just how piss poor of condition the tower was in had faded. All the running, fighting, and bear throwing was making the tower sway like a pine tree caught in a tornado. The chances of it remaining standing much longer were not well and Sana nearly lost her footing when it shifted roughly and the building seemed to drop a few feet below them. She could feel her stomach rising a bit before it crashed to a hault in midfall.

"We gotta move! Get the fuck out!" she yelled quickly, she doubted the place would stay standing much longer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Location: Tower 3F
Interacting with:N/A

Nor's attention was diverted away from the body of the ape he'd just killed by a sudden loud thud from behind him. He couldn't parse out what the Nine Hells had just happened, but the aftermath spoke for itself. The hooded man and many of the remaining members of the opposition were neutralized. He'd really wanted to be the one to off the caster, which was especially vexing given he had had his life in his hands not 15 minutes prior, but he'd have to settle for the bastard being killed in a horrifically messy way. Mission accomplished, the princess was still intact and didn't seem to be in danger of getting herself killed again any time soon, barring unforeseen complications that could crop up.

And then the magic keeping the tower started to fade, revealing the shoddy worksmanship for what it really was. Had he the time, Nor would have cursed both magicians of (almost) all stripes and their unnatural ways, twisting reality in ways that they shouldn't, (He held himself back from including all of them thanks to Satilla's intervention. Not everything produced by magic was trouble after all.) and humans for being amateur stonemasons who couldn't even construct a tower that could take a few centuries of abandonment and a bit of rough housing without falling apart.

Sana's call to get out wasn't a command he needed to hear twice. Making sure she stayed alive was good and all, but he had to make sure he didn't die first. He was tough, but "survive a tower collapse" tough? He didn't know, nor was he keen to try learning first hand. Running as fast as his short legs would allow, Nor managed to reach the entry to the stairway without incident.
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