Kyra Altham

Character Summary
Name: Kyra Donegal Altham
Aliases: Ki, Kukuwa
Age: 27
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Place of Origin: Latham Village
Gender: Female
Class: Ranger
Though we will not be rolling dice for feats, this will give a base line to run off of for your character. Max for any stat is 20, average is 10. You have 75 stat point to assign between the six stats.
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 9
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 14
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125lbs
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Emerald Green
Hair: Platinum
Skin Tone: Peach
Racial Abilities: N/A
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Small dove tattoo on the left side of her neck
Day To Day Attire: Fitted trousers, short sleeved tunic, tank bodice, leather boots
Strengths: Perfect Balance, Ambidexterity, Eagle Eye
Weaknesses: Low Pain Tolerance, Can't Hold Her Ale, Sensitive Digestive Track
Psychological Attributes
Leader * Boisterous * Protective * Distrusting
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Kyra is a take charge kind of person, never happy just sitting in the back row and listening. She tends to speak and act quickly and has no problem taking charge of any situation. It takes a lot for her to trust anyone but even if she does not trust someone once they are in her party she will protect them until the death.
She can seem a bit overbearing at times and thick skinned but a situation arises that is caused by one of her fears she will recoil quickly within and go silent, hoping that someone else will take point. If no one does, she will push through but the longer it goes on the more unhinged she will become and her temper will flair.
Habits: Bites her nails, Fidgets
Hobbies: Widdles
Fears: Aracnaphobic, Thunderstorms, Claustrophobic
Likes: Wolves, Winter, Moonlit Nights, Sound Of Waves Crashing, Coffee, Apples
Dislikes: Spiders, Storms, Caves, Tea, Smell of Tobacco, Dried Meats
A listing of skills, such as horseback riding, and natural abilities, such as night vision - this also includes any racial edges
- Acrobatics: Ability to flip and tumble both in and out of battle
- Alertness: Keen to pick up on noises, people, scent, etc that are out of placr
- Armor Proficiency Light: Can wear light armors without it hindering movement or weapon usage
- Endurance: Ability to continue on fighting or running past the usual drop point
- Martial Weapon Proficiency: All martial weapons such as bows, whip, flail, mace, swords, axes, etc
- Shield Proficiency: Can wield a shield well as defense
- Simple Weapon Proficiency: All simple weapons such as club, dagger, gauntlets, staff, spear, crossbow, etc
- Track(Wild): Out in the wilderness can follow animals, people, carts(this includes dirt and worn paths)
- Two Weapon Fighting: Can wield two weapons at once without penalty
- Abidexterity: Equal proficiency with both hands no matter the task
- Balance: Ability to remain sure footed when in precarious situations and while in battle.
- Climb: Can move up slopes and steep inclines without penalty
- Hide: When holding still with minimal coverage or in shadows you will go unnoticed if someone tries to spot you
- Jump: Ability to make long or high leaps
- Listen: Ablity to pick up on sounds that might otherwise go unnoticed or to pick out specific sounds in a loud area
- Move Silently: The ability to move silently in certain situations or quieter than most would in areas such as bogs, loose rock footing, over leaves and in snow
- Language(Common): Speaks, reads and writes in the day to day common tongue of humans
- Language(Elvish): Speaks, reads and writes in general above ground Elvish dialects
- Ride: Can ride standard mounts proficiently
- Spot: Ability to find and see those using the Hide skill
- Survival(wilderness, animal empathy): Knows how to start fires, make camp, find food, and so forth with minimal to live extended periods of time in the wilderness - animals do not mind said person in their territory
- First Aide: Tending to wounds, setting breaks, stitching skin and so forth
- Swim: Can swim without hindrance, including while in light armor and with pack
- Tumble: Can fall gracefully and tuck and roll lowering chance of damage from extended heights
- Use Rope: Can use grappling hook, climb rope, make knots, bind people
- Consentration: Can tune out the world and stay on task
- Fletching: Making of arrows
- Handle Animal(Wolf): Can train, befriend and handle wolves, is looked to as the Alpha
- Escape Artist: Work ones way out of tight spaces, binding spells, ropes, manacles and so forth
A listing of spells, their descriptions - casting times, elements needed to cast, expected damage, any draw packs to casting - Limit 5 for single class, limit 3 for dual class - magic classes only
- N/A
Possessions Generally On Person: Clothing, coin purse, money, etc
- Basic Clothing: Fitted trousers, short sleeve tunic, thigh high leather boots, under clothing - usually all dark shades
- Bracers: Black leather bracers with leather ties
- Belt: Simple black leather belt with steel rings
- Pouch: Simple leather belt pouch with leather draw string and toggle tie
- Coins: Handful of mixed gold, silver and copper coins
- Quiver: Belt secured waist quiver, fits 20 arrows
- Cloak: Wool cloak with mantle
- Signet Ring: Dove engraved silver ring
- Sword Sheath: Black leather sheath for long sword
Weapons: Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items
- Long Bow: Standard long bow, painted black with silver decor
- Long Sword: Simple steel long sword
- Dagger: Set of three silver throwing daggers
- Flight Arrows: Specially designed arrows for long range attacks, additional 20 yards when used with long bow - Set of 5
- Sheaf Arrows: Standard Arrows for general use - Set of 15
Armor: Base armor only, no magically enhanced items
- Bracers: Light leather bracers, black
- Leather Bodice: Light leather armor tank style bodice, black
Animals: Have a horse or bird? Limit 1 non bonded
- Grey Dire Wolf: Ash - dire wolf that Kyra found as a pup and raised. Though not bonded, Ash is like a pet and protects his Alpha Kyra with a vengeance. Ash will wander off from time to time. Ash is still young, an adolescent at best, so his mood is anything but stable.
Pack Contents: What do you carry in you pack when traveling
- Bedroll: Basically a sleeping bag
- Blanket: Wool blanket with fur lining
- Flask: Small flask with whiskey
- Flint/Steel: For starting fires
- Grappling Hook: Iron hook for climbing
- Ink: glass bottle of ink for writing
- Quill: Feather with sharpened tip for writing
- Parchment: 5 scrolls of blank writing paper
- Mirror: Small silver hand mirror
- Rations: 5 days worth of nuts and dried fruits
- Rope: 20 feet of standard rope
- Soap: We must remain clean
- Linen: Used as a towel
- Brush: Horsehair wooden hairbrush
- Sealing Wax: Black wax
- Needle/Thread: Fine thread, gold needle
- First Aide Kit: Basic kit with linen strips, burn slaves, grain alcohol, herbs
- Spyglass: Collapsible brass and glass with leather case
- Tarp: 10x10 ten material sheet
- Waterskin: Standard leather skin
- Clothing: 1 change of standard clothing, two extra long sleeve thick winter tunics
Magical Items: Limit 2 low level
- Elven Rope: 20 feet of fine Elven Rope, can hold twice the weight of standard
- Elven Cloak: Thin cloak that protects well from the elements, is water proof, gives cover when hiding (melds into surroundings)
Potions: Premade or prepurchased potions - limit 5
- Moderate Healing: 5 moderate healing potions, ingest or apply to stop bleeding and heal wounds that are not critical
Creation Materials: Anything used to brew potions or for alchemy
- N/A
Parents: Crim and Mari Altham, deceased, good relationship when alive
Siblings: None
Childhood: Good childhood, happy times, Apple of her father's eye, always out in the woods, parents died of plague when she was 17
Adulthood: Has been traveling as a Ranger, keeping the peace and leading adventure parties since the death of her parents. Has a close relationship with the woodland elves
Special Moments: When her parents died, Kyra was at a loss on what to do next and went into a dark place in her mind, wandering the lands and into the domain of the Woodland Elves. They at first took her prisoner thinking she was part of a local village that was trying to encroach on their lands. It took time to convince them otherwise but once the misidentification was remedied she asked to remain and learn from them. This is where she learned Elvish and was named Kukuwa - Dove
Many years later war broke out between the Goblins and the Woodland Elves. Kyra was responsible for saving the Kings infant son and was granted nearly anything she wished. She only asked for two thing, the elven rope and cloak she has. Just wanting something to allow her to better be the Ranger she wanted to be now and follow in her father's footsteps
Current Events: Kyra has been wandering the last couple of years, taking odd jobs and adventures when not working with the Woodland Elves to keep the Goblins in check. She is out this way, following word that the Orcs in this area are wanting to team up with the Goblins and strike her secondary home once they take care of the humans
⚜ High Ranking * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ♥ Crush * ⚤ Significant Other * ☠ Enemy
You may work out several predone relations as NPCs you control. Limit one high ranking character, minimal of one sworn enemy - all npcs are limited to base information and items within the Rp. Relations can be worked out between player character before start of Rp if you wish and added to during the Rp
- ⚜ Glandur Alion: King of Woodland Elves, holds Kyra as an adoptive daughter and sister to his now toddler son Albron
- ☮ Thalion Medigur: Woodland Elf, Ranger, once captor turned friend over the years
- ☠ Zomder Xrax: Head of Goblin Army, was thwarted by Kyra when trying to kidnap Glandurs son, has sworn to end her and have her head delivered to Glandur
Character Quote: I walk the moonlit path towards tomorrow.
Theme Song: Seven Wonders - Stevie Nicks
Aura Color: Pure White
Scent: Gardinas And Pine
Anything Else: N/A