Alicia Clemens
Laid-back ♦ Impish ♦
Smug ♦ Confident
▸ ▹ ► B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N
{Name}Alice / Lady Clemens
{Age}23 years old
{Birthday}September 16
▸ ▹ ► A p p e a r a n c e
"I'm not saying I'm perfect, but if you asked me to provide you with a list of my flaws, I'd give you a blank piece of paper."Like most people would say, Alice is an incredibly beautiful woman with raven hair and fair skin. Standing at 5'8ft, she is considered fairly tall for a woman. In terms of clothing, she's always dressed in the finest silks, but she prefers to wear jewelry to a bare minimum, going for an elegant and effortless style. She walks and talks with her head held high, radiating confidence wherever she goes. You can tell from a glance that she doesn't just
look the part, she feels it in her bones.
People are naturally drawn to her because of her oozing confidence and charisma. Her curvaceous body has driven many impressive suitors to meet her, but she hasn't shown signs of interest in marriage. Alice's youthful beauty has been the talk of many women in town - more so out of envy rather than admiration.
But it all changed after a certain..
err..incident..where she tried to seduce a witch's husband. She didn't know he was married!
Out of rage and spite, the witch put a powerful hex on Alice, trapping her in a child's body. From the moment the sun rises until it sets, Alice is forced to live her life as a flimsy child. As if that weren't cruel enough; the hex also worked as a magic suppressor, witholding most of her magical power and leaving it dormant.
Alice's appearance during the day is that of a small, delicate child, with twig-like arms and legs. Her 4'10 frame often appears taller than it is, due to her tendency to hold herself up in a relatively superior manner amongst others. She doesn't do it in a purposefully condescending manner, it's just the way she is.
The hex basically works to revert Alice back to her former (younger) self, so most of her features still remain the same. She has chocolate brown eyes, a narrow facial structure, and colorful tattoos around her ankles. Being a child doesn't stop Alice from keeping up with the lastest fashion trends.
▸ ▹ ► P e r s o n a l i t y
"Don't bite off more than you can chew. Nobody looks attractive spitting it back out."People are often taken aback by Alicia's true personality. They see a responsible, hard-working woman with a strong sense of duty. Her gentle eyes and soft smile gives others the impression that she is caring and sympathetic.
But they couldn't be further from the truth.
Alice is lackadaisical. She likes to take long naps during the day, and she cant be bothered with trivial things such as chores; she won't clean and cook to save her life. Her extremely laid-back nature can be quite problematic to those around her. But when it comes to having fun, nothing is really off the table for Alice. She has always been the flow with the wind kind of girl -- wherever that may take her. It hardly makes a difference to her as long as she has the essentials: food and sleep.
The woman can be pretty smug for the most part. She knows she's good at what she does (when she decides to do it) and she never undermines herself or others. Alice is hardly ever critical and enjoys lavishing others with praises. Much truth can also be said regarding the opposite; she enjoys the lavish praises of others, maybe even a bit too much.
Alice is completely capable of handling situations, but she'd rather leave others up to the task. She also likes to tease and make witty remarks, all in the name of good fun. Alice hardly ever displays emotions of sadness and anger, so it's hard to tell what's really underneath her carefree and cordial exterior.
{Class}Summoner; the ability to summon familiars, mythological beasts, and other magical beings.
{Strengths}Before the whole ordeal with the witch and her malevolent spell, Alice was well known in Stigma as a young and talented summoner. She could summon magical beings of varying kinds, from fairies who would do her chores for her, to powerful beasts who can rip their enemies to shreds. The limit to her magical prowess isn't known, but she was powerful enough to be well-revered by other mages and sorcerers in Stigma.
{Weaknesses}When Alice reverts back to her ten-year old body, so do her powers. At the age of ten, Alice was only able to summon low-born magical creatures (maximum of three at a time) like fairies who would cook and sweep the floor, and magical birds who would deliver packages, letters, or simply keep watch.
Alice's magic is, unfortunately, suppressed even in her real form, only allowing her to summon three animal spirits at a time. There is a recovery period of about 3-4 hours, depending on the magical output. However, her magical abilities are the least of concerns, because Alice would rather relax and do nothing to help. She is lazy, after all, and she would most likely choose a nap over saving your ass.
What were you doing when the princess was kidnapped?While Alice is very fond of dressing up for festivals, she did not have the desire to attend this one — at least not in the form of a child. She was peacefully tucked in bed, sleeping, oblivious to what was happening outside the comforts of her own bedroom.