Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Jest
Avatar of The Jest

The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


The party continued on the streets with everyone in town having a good time. Within the castle however, the Guard of the beautiful florescent mayor, Rosemon, was still looking down on them with suspicion. As it progressed from a classic fiesta to an outright conga line, one of the Lilymons decided to report this situation directly to the mayor herself. Said mayor was in her...well, one could say it was her office, or her throne room, but it looked much more like a green room garden, the sun shining into the circular room via a sunroof at its peak, the room itself being filled with wondrous flora across the area. In the middle of the room was the lady herself, Rosemon, using some vines to water the plants around the room and other vines to hold up some sort of giant leaves to write on.

"M'lady, A suspicious mon of some kind approached our city and caused a rousing." Lilymon told her as she flew into the room.

"As I've heard...Are they having a celebration I am not aware of." Rosemon asked, her gentle, practically motherly tone of voice calming Lilymon down as she takes a deep breath to properly explain herself.

"Yes, M'lady. A mysterious mon entered Blossomtown on a some sort of bizarre vehicle, declared himself as some kind of ruler of another country, then started dancing. Next thing we knew, everyone in town started to join in." she explained.

"I see... and what is wrong with that? In these trying times, something like that sounds like a pleasant surprise. It is not wrong for an entertainer to entertain the masses of another's town." Rosemon said with a smile on her face.

"...It was also carrying some sort of suspicious device on its wrist of a golden color." This was enough for Rosemon to stop what she was doing, the leaves she were writing on moving away from her on her own.

"A wrist device...? Were there any others like them?" Rosemon asked her.

"Umm...n-no, we didn't see anyone else like that, just him." Lilymon said in response, trying to remember the situation clearly before speaking. Rosemon got up from her chair and began walking towards the Balcony to actually see what was going on outside.

Remembering a certain conversation she had with one particular digimon not that long ago...
“I called them.”

“You called the Destined Ones?”

“They should be here soon.”

“What have you planned for them?”

“One final test.”

“Do we have time for that?”

“We have to be certain.”

“We cannot delay the inevitable for too long.”

“Trust me.”

“I don’t know if I can trust your plans, but I suppose I have no choice.”
"He was so determined to keep them in the Snowglobe to test them, so why has one of them been allowed to leave it so early?" She thought.

She walked over to the balcony and stared below towards her people below, who were now performing some orchestrated modern dance number with Ty in the front. Sure enough, as Rosemon thought, it was definitely a human, and with one of the Digivices on his wrist no less.

As relieved as she should be at the prospect of the destined ones finally arriving to save this world, something about all this felt... off. If the Digivice is attached to the wrist, then there's no doubt this is one of the Destined ones, as the Digivice essentially chooses its master. But there was no sign of the other Destined anywhere in the village, and even more off-putting, there was no sign of the Digimon tasked with assisting this human, whatever it may be. She knew each and every denizen of this town well enough to know that none of them are his partner, so its not as if it was hiding in plain sight.

Moreover, for a people who were all of a sudden up for celebration, this little dance number they were doing felt too........good, too orchestrated, to prepared in advance. The timing of the rhythm, the synchronized moves of every last denizen. Some of them she knew for a fact wouldn't be able to pull this kind of dancing off, and yet here they are.

That's when it occurred to her...They weren't dancing because they were celebrating or partying, they weren't dancing because they were happy, even though it was showing on their faces. ...This was a spell, a hex, likely done by a powerful Witchmon. They probably don't even realize what they're doing right now and how impossible their moves should be.

But why? This was definitely one of the Destined ones sent to help the world, why would he be alone and doing this?

That's when something happened, the sound of someone screaming in the distance behind her, a sudden chill was felt all over her body. She immediately turned around and spotted...

"Lilymon!" Rosemon yelled out, indeed it was Lilymon, and someone else, a large intimidating shadow, the giant cloaked individual, with a golden claw that grabbed Lilymon by the neck. The other Lilymons and Lilamons were on the floor unconscious as the golden claw threw Lilymon to the side, hitting a stone pillar and essentially knocking her out as well.

The Cloaked thing was massive, clearly humanoid with a rather bulky outline to him, its eyes glowing red under the cover of its hood.

"Hello, Mayor Rosemon...You have something we want." The being said, its voice mechanically filtered to give a robotic sound, yet an organic tone to it, and was clearly male. The being used his golden claw to pull off the black cloak and throwing it to the side in one swipe, revealing his golden armor, a cannon mounted on the forearm of the left claw, his entire right arm being replaced by a golden sickle blade, and his face being that of a golden horned skull.

"...Reapermon..." Rosemon simply said, the vines on her arms slithering down to her hands to create a thorn whip in one hand, and a sword in the other. One of the Lilamons started waking up, groaning as she looked at him.

"R-...Reapermon?" She asked.

"Explain yourself, Bounty Hunter, what is the meaning of this? I have no price upon my head."

"Everyone has a price on their heads in this world. You'd be amazed how many people would despise and want someone terminated simply for existing. The only difference between people like yourself and the scum I hunt is which price is worth the effort. ...But indeed, I'm not here for yours. You have something we want more than your head. A certain trinket, I believe you call a...crest." Reapermon said to her. This was enough to catch Rosemon off guard, needless to say. How the Dark Sea does this bounty hunter know about the Crests, moreover, how does he know she has one? Moreover, this was an odd coincidence that this digimon just so happens to come looking for a crest just as a destined human comes here and performing a hexed dance on the citizens.

"Could it be that he...No, He would never allow something like this, and he most certainly wouldn't allow this digimon to be with the Destined ones. It can't be that he's the boy's partner either..." Rosemon thought. With a wave of her hand, vines began to wrap around the Lilymons and Lilamons, pulling their damaged selves out of the area safely. If that boy is some sort of Rogue Digi-destined that's trying to use the crest for personal gain, she could not allow a Crest to enter his hands. Reapermon seemed quick to notice the change in the atmosphere of this room, before looking towards Rosemon once again.

"...So that's how this is going to be? At no point was I ordered to terminate you or your kind. So just hand over the Crest and we'll walk away without the binary of you and your guards staining the walls." Reapermon said, his eyes glowing red as if locking on a target. Rosemon simply sighed, the shown part of her face showing a look of sorrow and disappointment.

"If only it were so simple... I consider myself a tolerant womon, you should already know of our plight, the plight of this world and its people. I knew from the beginning that the destined ones would come to this world eventually and I had been awaiting their arrival to this town ever since. It does not matter to me what he called himself, nor would it have mattered if he came before in a group or alone, he is a digi-destined. If you entered this town as guests, I would have welcomed you. Had you walked into my home, I would have allowed you safe passage to my office. Had you ask for the Crest then, I may not have given it to you upon request, but I would have at least allowed you the chance to prove yourself its rightful owner. ...All of this, all of what have been done by you and your 'emperor' was so...needless. You invade my town and hex my people into a celebration by force. You barge into my home and brought harm to my guard, and now, ...Now you dare to deliver an ultimatum of the crest for the life of me and my guard, my people!? ...I know not why a Digidestined is doing this, but it does not matter now, it is clear he is not worthy of the Crest. I will not let you have it, nor will you or he hurt my people any longer!" Rosemon said, cracking her whip on the ground as it suddenly became electrified. Reapermon reacted by slowly pointing the guilty chain cannon on his claw arm towards her.

"Fine by me, I prefer to do things the fun way anyways. Alright, Flower Queen... Let's dance." Reapermon said.


"Aww, the song's almost over...Let's see we have here on the playlist...Ah, Perfect!" Ty said as he grabbed at his MP3 Player and went down a list of songs. As he found the one he was looking for, he pressed play, placed it on his waist, and took the hand of a Palmon, twirling her around as the music began playing and beginning a tango dance.

As the Music started to play, Rosemon immediately used Rose velvet, spikey thorns popping of the ground one line of them after another from Rosemon to Reapermon's location, causing Reapermon to jump back right into an Ivy hug, as a giant vine from Rosemon's office wrapped itself around Reapermon like a Python would its pray. But Reapermon was quick to use his judgement sickle to cut through the vine and freeing him, before then slashing at the other vines that Rosemon were commanding after him. As the first build up of the song began, he immediately fired a giant chain from his cannon towards Rosemon, who countered by throwing her own whip towards it, causing the two to get temporarily tangled up together. The Chain then began to reel itself back in, and pulling Rosemon towards him as well as a result. As he was about to bring down his judgement sickle on her as soon as she came within range, Rosemon blocked it with her thorn spear. The song goes silent for second...

"Forbidden Temptation!" Rosemon said during that second. Then as the music explodes back to life, so too did Rosemon seemingly explode into a storm of Rose petals. Reapermon was quick to change tactics and use his sickle to block the oncoming petals, evidently powerful enough to cut at his armor as he untangled and completely retracted his guilty chain back to himself, jumped away, then caused his own armor to set ablaze as he jumped back towards her, in a fiery tornado, his "Burning Cyclone" as it were, burning away the petals as a result. Now it was Rosemon's turn to jump back away from Reapermon as he came spinning towards her. As soon as the attack stopped, she immediately went to attack him with his whip, causing some further damage to his armor, but it was damage that was worth taking as he got Rosemon in his sight and once again shot his guilty chain at her. Rosemon jumped back once more, but Reapermon pulled back the chain this time instead of reeling it in, now using it as a whip of his own. With mid-range being the only option available at the moment, Rosemon whipped at the chain, essentially causing them to smack their whips with the agility and moves akin to a duel of swords, before both getting in close and using their close-range weapons instead. Both megas were constantly switching between being on the offensive with their respective weapons and being on the defensive with using them as shields. Rosemon had grace and agility, and her rose spear was good enough to block his Judgement whenever he tries to bring it down, but Reapermon was far more bulky, just as his sickle was, and so it wasn't hard to block her piercing blows with it. Even still, Rosemon had home-field advantage as she continued to attempt overwhelming Reapermon by attacking with vines, her Rosey Velvet thorns on the ground and her own weapons.

All the while, Ty was down where the party was going strong, lip-singing the song that was playing, and using his MP3 player as a Microphone as he did. Everyone was dancing to the music, even Rosemon and Reapermon, in a way, were doing the same.

Rosemon was starting to be pushed back towards the Balcony once again as she and Reapermon continued their assault on each other.

"Darn, this one is tougher than I thought. My attacks are hitting, but not enough damage is being done. I'll need to think of something else to try, but he's not giving me any relent to do that." Rosemon thought, Reapermon walking towards her as she did.

"What's the matter, feeling tired already? I was expecting a little more from a Rosemon. Oh well...Hand over the Crest and we can end this painlessly." He said to her as he walked. She immediately ran towards the Reapermon who moved his sickle to a defensive position, only to have his leg grabbed from under him by her whip, and given an electrical shock via Beauty shock.

"Rosy Cradle!" She yelled out as the music started to die down and come to a slow jazz. Another storm of Roses came down, but this time rather than cutting at him, the roses seemed to be letting out some kind of pollen that was making Reapermon sleepy, his glowing red eyes fading out as he became motionless. Rosemon took a few deep breaths, finally able to have some time to think about the scenario at hand. She walked towards the Balcony, and looked down once again at the human below, up on his cart still lip-singing to the music at hand. Just who was this boy? It's very clear that he is a Digidestined, there's no way he would be able to have that Digivice on his wrist if he wasn't, but he's out of the Snowglobe without his partner, and no sign of the one who brought them all there, nor any other signs of human life anywhere in town.

"The rest of them must still be in the Snowglobe. He only summoned them an hour or so ago after all, he wouldn't have allowed any of them to leave without showing themselves of those devices, and wouldn't have let one go off alone even if he proved himself earlier than the others. If he wasn't summoned by him, then who could have activated the Digivice and brought him here? ...Could it be, that a Digivice was stolen? But by who?" Rosemon thought. Even though he appeared to this village as an invader, he is still a digidestined, and is still just a child in the end. Other than Reapermon endangering her and her people, it didn't seem like he was doing this out of harm for anyone here either. She needed to be careful in how to stop this.

As she was thinking, Reapermon's eyes began to have a dim glow of red once more...

She then tried to detect or sense some form of energy from somewhere, something that could determine where these two have come from. In the distance, she could sense a large number of Digimon near the cliff off the outskirts of town.

Among them...it couldn't be...

"Lucemon...? ...But that's impossible, how could he have...?" She said to herself, utterly shocked at the unexpected surprise of sensing Lucemon in the area. It was hard to tell what the other Digimon were in such a distance, and the other human she couldn't detect at all due to said distance, but Lucemon's data was something she could recognize anywhere.

There were so many questions she now had, not the least of which being how he managed to summon a human to this world, and why would he have a Digivice to do so with. Nothing about this made any sense whatsoever!

Before she could think up on this disturbed distraction however, the Music kicked back up and she felt as shot chain from behind grazed her cheek as it flew passed her and wrapped itself around the balcony's guardrail. She turned around, only to see Reapermon reeling in the guilty chain and letting it fly him towards her.

"Grim Slasher!" He yelled out, going fast enough towards her to produce afterimages, aiming his blade to outright decapitate Rosemon. She immediately jump over it changed the rapier in her right arm back into another whip, which she uses to wrap around Reapermon's neck, causing her to fly off the balcony with him. With her other whip in her left hand she grabs at one of the thorn spires that were around the mansion's exterior while Reapermon's guilty chain loosens and retracts back into the cannon. She swings the both of them up with all her strength, sending the two rocketing upwards.

"Beauty shock!" Rosemon yelled, spinning around in the air as electricity started to run down the whip heading for Reapermon's head. Reapermon however was quick to cut the thorny vine and once again shot his Guilty chain out, now towards a giant spire atop and center the dome-like sunroof above Rosemon's office as she calls upon the giant ivy in her office, breaking out of the sun roof to try and attack Reapermon as he span around the spire. Rosemon jumped on one of the ivy then threw her whip around the spire as well, and as Reapermon was spinning in a clockwise motion, Rosemon jumped off the Ivy and span round the same spire in the opposite motion as the beginnings of the Trumpet Solo started to play.

At the same time, Ty looked up at the two as they fought, then pressed a button on his Digivice.

"Alright boys, commence Thunderstruck, I repeat, commence Thunderstruck." Ty said into it.

As the Trumpet Solo plays on, Reapermon and Rosemon are spinning around the top central tower, They attack each other at each collision point, with Reapermon also dodging and cutting the ivy that were attacking him as well. Eventually, near the mid-point of the trumpet solo, Reapermon uses his sickle to cut as Rosemon's whip, the momentum of her spinning causing her to fly away as a result. Reapermon, at the end of the trumpet solo, loosened the chain as he made one more spin around and retracted it at the right moment to send him flying towards Rosemon as well, the vines of the city now trying to attack him as the drum solo begins, Reapermon cutting through some of the vines, hopping on others like platforms until he made his way to Rosemon, and continue their fight standing on the collective vines that hovered to their level by Rosemon's command.

As the Drum solo begins, the bright sunny day started to darken as black clouds started to form above Blossomtown. As the drum solo progressed, The two mega-level digimon were fighting aggressively, dancing upon the rosey vines and moving about the city as they did. As the drum beat was getting faster and faster, so too was the fight between these two getting more and more aggressive, until they reached ground level. All the while, Ty took out his pair of sunglasses as he looked up at the already dark sky, the rain starting to fall and the sound of thunder started to rumble.

"Alright, it's time for the grand finale...LIGHT IT UP!" Ty yelled with his hands extended out high into the sky. The drums stop for a second as the two megas move to strike each other. At the moment of the collision of sickle and rapier, a bolt of lightning was seen in the air. Rosemon tried to look up to see what was happening, but with Reapermon being as aggressive as he was, he wasn't giving her a chance to do anything of the sort. Despite this, Reapermon saw that this wasn't getting anywhere, and time was clearly running out, and his eyes locked immediately to a by-standing Palmon. Jumping away from Rosemon and dashing towards the Palmon.

"No!" Rosemon yelled, and without hesitation she ran for the Palmon as well, and just as Reapermon went to grab at Palmon with his left claw, Rosemon pushed the Palmon out of the way, let the claw stab right through her and come out the other side. It was at this point that the music faded out, and there was silence. Looking behind her, amidst the binary data that was leaking, Reapermon noticed something floating in the middle of his claw, a very small green rectangular stone with a symbol on it. The Palmon from before awakened from her Hypnosis, and watches in sheer horror as this unfolds.

"L-...Lady Rosemon?"

"...This is the crest? I see. ...So that's why you were so resistant. I suppose that doesn't matter now, does it. ...For what it's worth, you were a worthy challenge, fought admirably. ...But this is goodbye for now."


"Hey, Pachuco!"

On that cue, he grabbed the Crest, and proceeded to tear his claw out from her right side as oppose to the gaping hole he made, and as the song makes it to its 3-second finale, Rosemon, her silhouette losing the complete right side of her torso as the rest of her body disintegrates to bits in the air, Palmon watching in horror and screaming as it happens. Reapermon, looking at the Palmon as it cries in terror and sadness for a few seconds, makes a high jump to the rooftop of one of the buildings and makes his leave.

The other citizens began to wake up from their dancing, but by the time they did, Ty made a run for it, leaving behind a Flagpole from where he stood, a flag with the imperial insignia on it left as a calling card, or perhaps as a claim to Rosemon's now former domain.

The Lightning began striking at the buildings consistently and without stop, setting the vines around the city on fire and eventually erupting the whole city in flames.

Outskirts of Blossomtown

Minutes earlier...

"...You are aware I can hear you over there, right? If you're going to talk about someone behind their backs, at least have decency to do so somewhere away from the person you are talking about...and after you complete the assignment you are ordered to do." Lucemon, still with the army possibly unknown to Mike and Wolfy. However, it seemed he had no reaction to what the two said in particular, simply seemed annoyed by the rudeness of their talk and nothing more. It could be that he didn't hear what was said, or it could be that he did hear them and simply did not care. As things started to get interesting down in Blossomtown, Mike would receive a communication from Ty.

"Alright boys, commence Thunderstruck, I repeat, commence Thunderstruck." Ty said, Lucemon overhearing as he did.

"...Mike, Wizardmon, it's time." He said as he turned to the two. Wizardmon nodded as he walk next to Mike. He then extended his wand, glowing with electricity, and pointing it towards the town.

"...Here goes nothing. Electro Squall!" Wizardmon yelled out, as he then waved around the wand, and as he did, the Black clouds formed above the city.

"...Mike, I'll need your help aiming the Lightning. We need to make sure it only hits the buildings." He said as to Mike as he concentrated on his spell. A thing orange screen would then appear in front of Mike, a touch screen that currently has digi-code running down it in all sorts of directions.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
Avatar of Mike the Bloodwolf

Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mike chuckled and said "Sorry Luce but in human cultures, another with the name or connection to Lucifer is consider bad. Hey ho, we've only known each other for 4 days so maybe you'll prove me wrong". Wolfly chuckled behind Mike where Lucemon could not see him before Mike saw the digicode appear and heard Wizardmon telling him to help out with the lightning. "Alrighty then Wizardmon" Mike said with a smirk as he began to aim the lighting so it hit only the buildings.

After all, was said and done Mike connected his computer to the flag Ty had put into the ground as he made it send a pulse into the ground that would allow him to map the Town and the area around and thanks to Agumon help, Mike was able to make a rough estiment of where the that humans were and what direction they would potentially go.

Mike then stood up, and moved away from Lucimon so he could communicate with his black ops team once again and ensure one of them could keep him up to date on the town. It was a Blossomon who would act as his spy and informative within the town.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Jest
Avatar of The Jest

The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Outskirts of Blossomtown

(Another Collab post between myself and @Mike the Bloodwolf )

Lucemon ignored the words of Mike, as he tried to explain the reasoning for his suspicion of him. The reason of why was something he already knew, and something that he didn’t need to be reminded of. Even so, he had to simply bear it, as he let Mike wander to do what he would with his spies, while Lucemon and the others watches the Spectacle that befell the town.

Wowza! Talk about a fireworks show! That was simply amazing!” Demidevimon happily said.

I must agree it was quite the spectacle. A fitting end for our visit to such a...bountiful land of flora. Combusting a town of plant life into a field of flames, if that does not greet all who look upon it with the fear of our mighty emperor, I know not what would.” Devimon then said with a sinister smile, extending one of his long arms towards the town, only to, from his perspective, crush it beneath a clenched fist.

Hmph! A good plan maybe, but you guys are overselling the actual flames a bit. This is nothing; I would have turned this place into a hill of soot and ash if he wanted.” Meramon chimed in. Renamon, on the other hand, simply had her eyes closed as she stayed silent.

...Even so, was this really necessary? Those digimon were all innocent people...” Wizardmon simply said as he stared at the blaze he helped to create. However, Witchmon suddenly placed her giant hand over his shoulder from behind.

Oh come on, don’t act all broody on us now. You two did great! You burned the place to an inferno, provided cover for his majesty to escape, and all aimed exactly as the little boss wanted. Sure they’ve lost some of…..Ok, most of their homes….potentially all of them, but hey, they still have their lives, so they can rebuild...eventually.” She said, her razor-sharp teeth showing in her silly smile, a small black cat with yellow eyes meowing in agreement of what she said.

As the Army continued their speaking with each other, Lucemon continues to stare towards the town, until he spots something from their heading straight towards them.

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!” Ty happily yelled with a smile as he rode the shopping cart back towards everyone, waving towards them as he did. As soon as he was with everyone else, he got off the cart, put his cape back on, his bat-medal back on his hat, and looked as the others were cheering their emperor for a success, Lucemon simply looking at them from where he was and smiling.

Hey now, you guys did great! The timing of everything was absolutely perfect. Especially nice work from you, Mikey. This plan wouldn’t have gone as perfectly as it did without you or Wizardmon over here.” Ty said to him.


Mike noticed Lucemon giving him the cold shoulder so Mike simply ignored him as he finished up what he was doing on his computer and closed it.

Gabumon on the other hand, was distracted by the beautiful Renamon in the army, he was curious what a beauty like her was doing here so he slip away quickly and said to the Renamon “Hello Beautiful"

Ty had returned and was congratulating Mike on a job well done. “Aww, Thanks Ty but even though we were successful here, I doubt the next encounter will be any easier. Things can travel quite quickly and I bet my bottom dollar that, someone already sent a message forward to the next town or settlement where the next crest is" Mike told him calmly.


Renamon stared in silence at the Gabumon who clearly was trying to flirt with her. Wasn’t even attempting at being subtle about it either.

...Hello.” She finally said, though closing her eyes as she did.

Hoorah, Recognition!” Ty simply said in response to Mike’s worry, a joyfully silly smile on his face. Lucemon, however, was not as amused.

That’s nothing to be excited about Ty… Michael has a point; this incident will make things difficult for us from here on out. We must be cautious...” He said to them.

...Oh, that reminds me, is Reapermon back yet?” Ty asked, seemingly ignoring Lucemon’s warning to him, resulting in Lucemon sighing and pinching the top of his nose in irritation.

As if on cue, however, a giant black shadow descended from the sky and landed in the middle of the group. It seemed Reapermon managed to make a giant jump from wherever he was in town to this area...and somehow got his cloak back on him despite leaving it on the floor of Rosemon’s manor just before the fight.

I am now...With a gift in hand.” He said, extending his only hand towards the two humans and opening it up to reveal the small green Crest of Sincerity, the entire army, even Renamon, looking at the tiny green tablet with awe. The Crests, after all, were believed to be legends, mere myths, for most of the army, this was the first time to ever witness one for themselves. Ty was quick to grab the little crest from Reapermon’s hand and held it up to the sun, as if to see it sparkle and shine.

So...This is a crest? ...You sure this is what we’re looking for Lucy? I mean, ...It’s just a tiny little slab. Actually kind of looks like one of those very very old game cartridge back in like...the 70’s I think?” Ty said, mostly to Lucemon, but seemingly turning to Mike as he mentioned what the Crest looked like.


When the Renamon said hello to him though he did notice, she had her eyes closed. “Aww come on beautiful no need to look glum, I promise to be good to you and do good to and for you" Wolfy said with a flirty wink before he was dragged away by Mike “Sorry Renamon” Mike said he dragged his partner away from a potential Diamond storm attack.

His attention shifted back to Ty as he found himself chuckling at Ty laid back attitude towards potential danger.

Though when Reapermon appeared, Mike took note that every one seemed to be watching him as he revealed the first of the crest which did in fact grab the attention of Mike and Wolfy who put aside his flirting to see the crest in awe. Mike took a chance to take a picture of Ty and the crest as he said “Looking good there Ty"

When he spoke about what they looked like Mike chuckled once more as he said “Like an Atari cartridge, guess the digiworld was not aware that Atari singlehandedly almost killed the video game market until Nintendo saved it. So that kind of cartridge would cause a lot of hate in people, still how many of these crests are they? Are all of them Guarded by powerful Digimon?”


Your random divulge of what I can only assume was game trivia is lost on me… In any case, do not let the appearance deceive you. That small stone slab is one of the single largest most complex caches of vital code and administrative data in this world.” Lucemon said, a sweatdrop falling from the back of his head with his first comment.

Really? ...Umm, What kind of code are we talking here?” Ty asked, staring at the crest as he did.

...Hmm, How to best describe this… As you may already know, we Digimon, in and of ourselves, are made up of complex programming data that make up our form and our artificial intelligence, yes? Well, to put it simply, Those crests contain foundational data that makes up fragments of our Artificial Intelligence, more specifically, emotional data. Within each crest is millions of strings of code that disperses outward and absorbed by our code, and through which, makes up the digital psychological makeup of each digimon. Each one manifests as a stone slab you see before you, and serves as the focal points for their respective emotional data. ...In other words, they are the essentially the reason we Digimon can think and feel just as you humans can. However, since the data is based on human emotions reactions and thought patterns, only Humans like you two can utilize them to their fullest potential.” Lucemon explained to the two.

Their fullest potential…? What exactly are we supposed to do with it?” Ty asked.

The Crests are focal points through which their respective emotional data would be absorbed from the human that uses it, the digivice converts it into raw data, and the raw data is shot out into their respective digital partner, amplifying their abilities to levels that could not otherwise be achieved. To put it simply: The crests are used by the Digidestines to strengthen their respective partners far beyond what the Digivice alone could achieve. ...Do you see that small glass circle just below your digivice’s monitor? That is called a Tag. It serves to synchronize the Crest data with the functions of the Digivice, allowing the Digivice to harness the Crest for new functions it couldn’t do without it. Simply slide it in, and let the digivice do the rest.” Ty listened to Lucemon, looking at the crest and then the small glass “tag” just below his digivice monitor. He then slid the Crest into the tag; immediately the Digivice turned on on its own, the words “Synchronizing...” displayed on the monitor. As Ty then began….apparently working on poses to use when he uses the Crest, Lucemon turns to Mike, as he asked about the other crests.

...Ah yes, I forgot you were not briefed yet on the basics. There are 10 crests in total: Courage, Friendship, Knowledge, Reliability, Love, Hope, Light, Patience, Kindness, and the one now possess, Sincerity. As for if they are guarded by powerful Digimon or not, I cannot say. Normally the Crests are not supposed to be even seen by Digimon let alone used, as while humans can use them to their full potential it’s not impossible for digimon to use their power without a human and that is enough reason for this. They should all have been kept away from society, locked away until humans worthy of them are found. I don’t quite understand myself as to why Rosemon would have had the Crest to begin with...” Lucemon said, his hand raised to his chin as if contemplating. Ty, meanwhile, was now waving the digivice in the air and groaning as if trying to do something but couldn’t before walking back towards the two.

...Umm...I don’t think this is working.” He said, as he showed the monitor, a big red “ERROR” on his monitor screen.

Now that’s strange...it’s not synchronizing to the Digivice?” Lucemon asked.


Mike listened to Lucemon explain the situation and the 10 crests that were in the world which made him tap his chin as he thought about it.

His trail of though fell thought when Ty mention spoke up about the digivice and the crest not synchronizing. Mike thought about it before he said “Pass me the crest and your digivice Ty, I’ll connect them to my laptop and see what's wrong with the code"

When Ty would do that, Mike would connect the digivice with the crest into his laptop as he began to go through the data and codes before he nodded and took out Ty Digivice popping out the crest as he said “The reason the crest is not synchronizing with your digivice is because you are not the true wielder of this crest. If I was to take a guess, I would say your heart is not Sincere enough to wield this crest and honestly I can tell I’m not the true wielder of the crest ether”


But if you said that honestly, doesn’t that make you sincere as well?” Ty was quick to say, tilting his head as he did.

No, it’s as Michael said. The Digivices on your wrists are programmed to correspond and synchronize with one specific crest. Within each digivice is a code that is unique to each crest, and that code is what allows a digivice to synchronize with its respective crest, a security protocol ordained by God to prevent potential abuse of the crests.


What I mean is, it was enacted to prevent any one single human like yourself from being able to wield all of the crests as oppose to one, and should any rogue digimon ever decide to lay their hands upon it somehow, this would prevent them from having that much power as well.” Lucemon explained.

Umm, so then how do we know we even can get a Crest then?” Ty asked, looking at the Crest of Sincerity once more.

Because you were chosen by the Digivice. Because each digivice has a code-link chaining them to a specific crest, it is capable of finding someone with that fits the criteria of a crest. That is why it opened the gateway to your world and brought both of you here. ...The problem is, because each crest has data existing in layers upon layers within itself, it is difficult to tell which code matches with which Crest; there is very little in the way of knowing until we find the matching crest for ourselves.” Lucemon responded. Ty looked at his digivice as Lucemon spoke, his free hand rubbing his chin.

So if it’s not one of us... It has to be one of the others….OH! That reminds me. Hey, Mike, you sent one of those spies to that snowglobe thing right? Were there any new faces in there?” Ty asked Mike.


Once again, going silent to listen to Lucemon explain and expand their mind more about the digivice and crests. Mike said “Well if it's as important as he says, I don’t think I trust you with a loose crest Ty".

With that, Mike open his laptop and attempted to put the crest data on it though his laptop began to warn him about data overloads and the works. Mike sighed but knowing how important his laptop was to both Ty empire and Mike's own spy network. He took the crest and instead place it in one of his secure pocket of his cost where it could not fall out.

Mike would then answer Ty question as he said “Well, Agumon is reporting no movement from the kids but Fridgemon did report some unusual mist gather in the snow globe which is putting Digimon in a deep sleep where nothing seems to wake them”


.”No movement from the kids? ...So they ARE here! Awesome! ...You hear that boys and girls!? The moment we’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. The real fun starts now!” Ty said, first to Mike, then turning his attention towards the army behind him, Raising his fist in the air as he makes his proclamation, the Digimon in his army roaring with a battle cry of excitement.

...My my, you’re really getting into all of this.” Lucemon said, a sly smirk on his face as he crosses his arms.

Of course! I’m the Digimon Emperor, what fun is running an empire without some challenging rebels to try and stomp?

Anyways, If they’re already here, then I’m betting they won’t be in that thing for very long, so we should probably get a move on. So, where to next, Lucy?” Ty then asked Lucemon. In response, Lucemon touched one of the holy rings on his wrists, closing his eyes as the markings in digi-code started to glow with a white light.

To the south of us appears to be a temple that’s holding the Crest of Patience. Seeing as its not that far from where we are now, that should be our next stop. I know not what resides within, so we best remain cautious once we get there.” Lucemon said.


Mike had to admit Ty enthusiasm about it was quite impressive though he though he had to bring Ty back to reality as he said “You may be excited about it all, but remember the Galactic Emperor from Star Wars? Though he could crush the rebels with ease and yet they were able to destroy both his death stars and were able to turn Vader on him which lead to his death”

“Awww look at you being all cautious Lucemon, what happened to the I’ll burn and raze everything attitude you had at the start” Mike teased the fallen angel as he mentioned about the temple and to be careful.

He then looked at the map on his laptop and said “Alright Ty, I’m going to need you to plant another flag at the base of the temple so we can see more of the digiworld and plot each of our moves carefully. After all, if these rebel as you call them have a Luke Skywalker like person among them, they’ll have the power of the light side of the force with them.”


Blossomtown and the Crest of Serenity with it was guarded only by a single Rosemon and nothing else. It’s most likely that that town was not the place it originated from and could have been found by Rosemon in a more dangerous environment. This is a temple that is dedicated to a Crest, a place specifically created to house and protect that crest from anything that could want it. We knew what was in Blossomtown and so razing it was the most straightforward answer, We know nothing about this next location nor the others with it.” Lucemon explained to Mike.

Yeah, but you know the difference between Darth Bubble-face and me? I have...1, 2, 3, ...4 Vaders, My stormtroopers aren’t nearly as pathetic, and my Death Star’s too valuable to destroy. Besides, How did that whole Light side thing work out for all the other jedi? ...Just saying, The light side might be just a tad overrated.” Ty said with a smile and a shrug, pointing towards Lucemon, Mike, Gabumon, and Reapermon as he counted.

...Will the both of you please desist comparing our situation to nonsense?” Lucemon asked.

Awww, You’re no fun, Lucy. Anyways, it’s too the south, right? Alright then, let’s get going. We’ll head for the temple to set up a nice little flag of dominion there, head in, grab the crest, and see if we get lucky with it this time. Now then, ...ATTEEEEENTION!” Ty said and then yelled, most of his army immediately standing at attention. Ty then turned around and faced South before pointing his hand in that direction.

FORWAAAARD, MARCH!” Ty said as he began walking, Lucemon using his wings to float at Ty’s side, and the rest of his army immediately following suit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
Avatar of AngelofOctober

AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Collab Post With Several People

"There is nothing coming, no cars, trucks just a lot of nothing."

Katheryn sighed slightly with the statement that Carver said. She noticed there’s no cars, or trucks, it’s common courtesy to look both ways even when there’s nothing there. ”Yeah, it seems like the only things that are around…are us and the houses we live in,” Katheryn said, with a tone of confusion. She looks down at Kei to see if he’s more or less nervous to what Carver said. She looked at Carver with a curious look and wondered why a Englishmen would be here anyway.

"The road is the last thing I worried about. I am more concerned about where is this place, and where are we. Either of you two have any ideas of where this place is?"

She heard Carver’s question and she didn’t really know where she was, it was quiet in her house and it was a bit eerie to see houses that weren’t in her neighborhood. ”Uhh, yeah I haven’t really thought of that...It feels like a video game, I guess? I only woke up awhile ago nonetheless,” Katheryn said, additionally confused tone of voice.

Kei inches a little from hiding, “We’re not really sure….where we are.” Kei pauses and fidgets with his fingers, “I’m Himura Kei…sorry...I didn’t say so earlier. You…startled me.”

Carver smiles from Kei’s response seeing how he was just coming out of hiding. Carver says in a light friendly tone, ”Yeah sorry about that little dude, I didn’t mean to be so scary.”

Carver heard Katheryn’s response about this feeling like a video game Carver comments in a confused light joking manner, “A video game? This is a very weird video game if it is one. Waking up in your house but finding out that everything outside is different might be a way to start a video game a rather bizarre weird sadistic video game that throws children and young people into an unknown area for whatever reason we are here for.” Carver looks around a bit to see if there were anyone else like Kei and Katheryn and himself not knowing where they are. Carver then asks, “Do you guys think we are the only ones here or do think there are others?” Trying to piece everything together and having little success in trying to figure out where are they or why are they were brought to where ever they are.

“...I was thinking…this was more…like a dream or Alice n Wonderland...makes it less scary than a video game,” Kei says. He slowly inches a bit more into their presence. He knew he probably was just fussing over semantics, but it felt more accurate than a video game. He didn’t know any video games with this premise, but then again he also didn’t play video games to know that answer.

He nervously holds Mistah Furafu to his chest, “Kyasarin-san and I were…just about to investigate this strange world, like...Sharokku-san and Watoson-san…but I don’t think that works any more because there are more of us…errrr you could be Detective Conan-san.” About the only other detective he knew.

Katheryn heard Carver’s response and had a bit of a scared look on her face, mostly because of the word sadistic in there. That one word, reminded her of Ex-Boyfriend Lucius and it made her clutch her left hand into a fist. She unclutched her left hand from a fist to a hand since she heard Kei’s explanation. “That makes more sense, than what I had said Kei. I have to agree with you Carver, it would be a pretty scary video game if it done that and I usually stay away from the Horror genre,” Katheryn said, with relief in her face.

Katheryn looked at Carver and heard his question and her look turned slightly worried hoped they aren’t the only ones in here. ”I hope there's others in this strange place, that only has houses and a street and a sidewalk because that wouldn’t be good otherwise,” Katheryn said. She looked at Kei who spoke about investigating places and she felt a bit more relaxed when he did said that. ”It’ll be better to investigate this place to understand it more than standing here not knowing what it is,” Katheryn said, with a want to investigate this place than not.

“Uh. Pardon me?”

Carver looked at Kei and heard him talk about investigating what is going Carver suppresses the urge to laugh or chuckle from the kid’s idea of a detective. Carver did not respond to Kei though instead he noticed that Katheryn got scared from his comment about this being a video game. Carver heard her reply and answer his question about if they were the only ones here. Then agreeing with Kei about investigating the area. Carver was going to agree too but he notices someone coming near them who has puppets on their hands. Then says, “Well that answers my last question if we are the only ones here.” Carver turns to the newcomer and greets him, “Yes, hello who are you?”

Kei noticed the other kid approaching, was it a kid? From this distance he saw three heads and someone trying to talk to them. A monster, perhaps? He was really unsure, so he completely ducked beside Kyasarin. Trying to make himself invisible and close his eyes and three headed monster came closer to them. In his mind the creature was breathing fire, “gow gow”.

Katheryn noticed the newcomer approaching them, with two puppets on his hands and had a gentle and kind smile. ”Hiya, it’s nice to meet a new person. Why do you have two puppets on your hand?” Katheryn asked, curiously at the new person. She couldn’t help but look a bit at Carver who asked that question towards the newcomer. Even though, she did forget to ask the person’s name. ”Yeah, I have to agree with Carver, who are you? My name is Mugnai D. Katheryn by the way.” Katheryn said, introducing herself.

Tristan let out an inner sigh of relief. Noticing the three kids had their attentions directed at him, the youngest still partially shielded by the older girl. While nothing more than a hunch, he couldn’t shake that they weren’t the only beings present. The puppets swaying back and forth in perpetual motion, like the were performing a ritual. He kept the smile across his face, despite feeling like a bad joke was being played on him. Getting an introduction and inquires about his identity and puppets; not that he had any credible answers. This entire surreal experience had stolen his ability to improvise.

“Tristan,” He replied with a pleasant tone, “Pleasure to make your acquaintances.”

Receiving a swift slug on the opposite shoulder from Luci’s fist. Tristan glancing at the puppets staring up at him expressing their disapproval.

“What about us?” Luci interjected in a bitter and gruff tone, turning to address the group. “I’m Luci and my slightly less talented friend on my left is Angi. We’re Tristan’s - how’d you say - right and left hand men.” Luci giving a subtle bow, while Tristan rolled his eyes. The puppets reactions and their voices made them almost seem alive, though Tristan was merely putting on show. Angi wagged its arm in a scolding manner.

“Tsk. Tsk. You didn’t even give these nice folks you’ll full name! Were you raised in a barn?” Angi commented, speaking through giggling that made it sound playful.

“I’m never used my full name, how was I supposed to know how people from the city talk? Certainly aren’t from around here...which begs the question why they’re around-maybe they don’t know.” Tristan thought. Looking down at younger child, along with the puppets.

“And what’s your name?” Tristan’s tone and cheerful expression pushed with an extra sense of friendliness, puppets both waving at the child.

His head was spinning right now. He wanted it away. He wanted them to stop talking right now. There names weren’t registering and what they were saying wasn’t registering in Kei’s mind either. As they began to get closer Kei backed away slightly, “Inaya! I don’t want it!” he cried out as tears begin to stream down his face. Kowai.

Much to Tristan’s chagrin, watching the boy start to cry was the opposite of what Tristan wanted. His first introduction had already gone poorly, now it was getting worse. The puppets equally having a dismayed reaction, backed away and hugged one another beside Tristan’s chest. “Don’t cry, they won’t bite…” He reassured in a calming manner, how he’d speak to his siblings when they became upset.

Katheryn heard what the boy’s name is and she was a bit freaked out that he made the puppets speak, mostly because she watched some scary movies with puppets in them. However, she wasn’t as scared of them as Kei was in what his body language and his tears coming down his face as she looked down at him. ”Uuh, I believe you Tristan… but… I am a bit tense around puppets to,” Katheryn said, with a tone of shock towards the puppets. Her posture was a bit tense and couldn’t really keep her eyes off the puppets in how they moved and everything. She wasn’t really prepared in meeting someone who was a master at puppetry in any sense of her imagination. ”I am grateful to meet you but can you please, put away the puppets for the sake of Kei? Because Kei is afraid of them,” Katheryn said, kindly towards Tristan. She hoped what she said towards Tristan helped Kei’s state of crying a lot because it was too precious to see him cry since she’s very sensitive to other people crying.

Would anyone believe that he already tried stowing them away? Probably not, but their distress from the puppets made Tristan keep a mental note of their hypersensitive behavior. Considering he was willfully controlling their actions, what would happen if previous events were manifested? It became imperative to keep that a secret. Stuffing his puppets inside his pant pockets. “I’m sorry. It’s just what I do to lighten the mood...guess it doesn’t always work.” He smiled with a sense of guilt, reflecting the apologetic tone. But looking down, not fully sure of when he pulled his hands out slowly...would they come off? ”Good…”

Rubbing his eyes only slightly noticing the puppets slowly vanishing, he grabbed onto Katheryn’s side and decided that’s where he is going to stay till he felt comfortable. He mumbles, “we….were….investigating,” he hugs Katheryn’s side tighter, “...to figure….out...what….is….going on.” he continues mumbling his weepy answers, “Torisutan-san….I’m….” he tries to regain control of his breath after crying, “I’m...Himura Kei….” still polite to give someone your name he thought, but still frightened by Torisutan’s display.

A yawn escaped her lips as Rachel walked towards where the others were at. Jeez, what a long day already. This day was already long and it barely started. Who the fuck is able to do this shit anyways? It was freaking her out. She had to be in a dream. She pulled her shoulder length brown hair downwards, causing her to feel some pain in her head. She groaned, rubbing her head in pain. Okay, not a dream. At least, it could be a lucid dream.

How does she undo anything though? Lucid dreams were weird. She didn’t even know how or what she could do to go back to her house. For fuck’s sake…

This really is real then? Nah, she hoped there were more than just her hiding around...whatever this place was.

She heard people suddenly talking in the distance, speeding herself up before looking over to see a group of kids. Some of them looked her age while there was one that looked...pretty damn young.

She didn’t like kids too much, but whatever was going on, he didn’t need to be with them. She almost took pity on him.

“Uhhh, excuse me?” She asked the others, walking a bit closer to them, “I was wondering if any of you know what’s going on? Cause I don’t know what even happened. One minute, I’m falling asleep and the next morning people are gone.” Could this be straight out of a comic book or something? Were they abducted by aliens? “I feel like my head’s gonna explode with all these questions going through my head.” She muttered to herself softly.

Carver listened in closely to Tristan when he introduced himself also watching the reaction of Kei to Tristan’s puppets and Katheryn’s reaction as well to them. Carver didn’t say much as he was trying to figure out. Carver wanted to say something back when Kei started crying but was unsure what he wanted to say. When everyone calmed down, Carver was going to introduce himself when another person spoke. Carver looked at the girl that approached them listening to what she was asking Carver then answers her, “Join the club, we don’t know what is going on either. I’m Carver and...” Carvers point at each person as he spoke, “That’s Katheryn, Kei, and Tristan and you are?” Carver introduces himself and everyone else to the newcomer to this growing group.

Judging on the girl’s questions, Carver figured she was in the same position as they were. Carver counts how many people are around, “We’ll now that makes it five by my count. We need to figure out where are we and where to go so…” Carver looks around quickly not waiting for more introductions he points at what looks like a beach resort. “There! We should go there. It looks like a beach resort maybe we will find more people there or where are we.” Carver just pointing out the first place he saw that didn't look like a normal apartment or house figuring that it didn't fit. Carver just wanted an excuse to go there because it looks interesting.

Kei from behind Katheryn slowly peaks his head out to see another individual, listen to Kaba-san speak he nods.

“It….is….in the center too, so someone...is clearly guiding us there,” he mumbles, “Only….reason why something….so large would be in the center. It grabs too much attention on it’s own….so that’s a good place.” He pauses and stares at the new girl, “You coming along? We’re investigating the mystery.”

Katheryn sighs in relief after Tristan put away his puppets since they still kinda mentally put her on edge after watching some scary movies when she was a child. She smiled at what Tristan had said. ”Thanks for putting away the puppets Tristan,” Katheryn said. She could feel Kei hug her side since he was scared almost like she was a bit. She was grateful he was able to speak to Tristan mostly for the mumbling and weepy tone, as well as polite. ”Kei, you are cute,” Katheryn said with a smile on her face.

Katheryn looked around at everyone who’s gathered here with a smile, since Kei is hiding closely behind her. She turned and noticed a female walking towards them. She heard Carver introduce them to the new girl, who talked about her experience. She looked directly at Carver and had a look of thank you in her facial expression more or less meaning of how he introduced everyone. ”I had the same thing happen to me. I was more confused at the fact there was houses everywhere from different places. So what’s your name?” Katheryn asked, kindly towards the new girl. She sighed in relief, more or less that there’s another girl in this strange place. She heard what Kei said and smiled a bit. ”It would be nice to have you come along in our investigation of this world,” Katheryn said.

One prediction met, when another girl arrived questioning the same things as everyone else. The vague consideration given as directions was still the best suggestion thus far. Tristan wasn’t a wellspring of ideas, putting a sock puppet in it felt like the wisest option. This sense of discomfort like a knife resting a few inches away from flesh; the worst part was imagining the possible outcomes. If this was some kind of simulation, where’d his siblings and father go? What if they were stuck somewhere similar, but alone? The thought made his stomach feel sore and empty like an opened wound. Oh, it might have actually been due to his increasing hunger. Tristan coming to the realization that he was starving. He was just being silly, reminding himself that nothing would go wrong.

“It’s no problem. I didn’t mean to startle you both...” Tristan reassured with an anxious laugh escaping his lips. “I agree with Carver, we should head that way together. There’s a strength in numbers, after all. And we’ll have more time to introduce ourselves once we know where we are.” Tristan added, keeping an optimistic smile. He chose to follow along with the group, leaving the questions for the aftermath...

“Well, I figured that would be my luck.” Rachel sighed, resting a hand on her hip, “My name’s Rachel Summers by the way. I would say ‘nice to meet you’, but considering our situation isn’t too nice and we have no idea where we are or what’s happening, it really doesn’t work.”

Rachel wonders what exactly did they think they would find answers on a beach? She guessed the center part did make sense though honestly, “Hmmm, that’s a valid point.” She certainly had to tag along. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t be able to find out what’s going on, “I don’t really have a choice at the moment, so I’ll go with you guys.” They should be careful; they might end up getting into some sort of trouble. Whatever this place is, it seems that someone did bring them there for a reason. She wondered who and why they were here. They would find the answer if they stayed together.

Kei poking his head out from Katheryn’s side nervously stared at the new girl, “Reicheru-san, we thought….about investigating the resort. It seems in a weird place….Noticeable. Obvious.” He pauses, “I am Himura Kei.”

Carver responses confidently, “Alright then to the beach resort thingy!” Carver points and starts to head off to the beach resort in question. Going first and is hoping everyone else follows him. With a smile on his face Carver moved. Once again not looking both ways while crossing the road seemingly overlooking doing that again. As he did so a gust of wind kicked up and a round tumbleweed flew into his face, it seemed to made of several sticks, dried leaves, and some thorny branches.

Katheryn followed Carver and the rest of the group to the Beach resort. She hoped there was some answers at the Beach Resort or more people at least to meet. ”I hope we get to the beach resort and find answers too,” Katheryn said. She had a smile on her face while following Carver to the beach resort. She was grateful to be in a group of people who were wanting to investigate with Kei, mostly because Kei was the first person she met and he was a sweet kid.

“Hmm, yeah it does seem a bit out of place.” Rachel stated, going with what she thought about everything only moments ago. She followed the others, walking along. Something told her this wasn’t going to be a really nice place honestly. Despite it being on a resort, it was pretty ironic that it was supposed to be in a place that was supposed to be relaxing and nice. It’s gotta have some kind of dark tone to it.

She crossed her arms across her chest before speaking, “How ironic, a place that seems peaceful probably isn’t.” She sighed, “This is gonna be one hell of a irony if I’m right about that place not being what it seems.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the group began to move, Mike's Aguemon spy was ready to report back to Mike only just realising that he miscounted the number of kids there so the other two must have already moved on.

Mike watched Ty and his Army move on as he carried his laptop before suddenly he felt a shock go though his body. "What the hell?" Mike said as his laptop vanished to be replaced with a new device on his wrist. There was a button that was glowing,
Mike looked up seeing himself had fallen to the back of the Army though sencing his pain, Wolfy had fallen back to him. "You ok Mike?" Wolfy asked him as Mike nodded softly.

"I am but my laptop seems to have vanished and I have this weird thing on my wrist" Mike told Wolfy as he showed him before Wolfy pressed the button for him which reviled a holographic laptop in full working order.
"Woh" Mike said as he pressed a few button using his spare hand which showed him everything he had on his laptop at the time. "Well, this will certainly make things a hella easier. Won't have to worry about charging it and I can still use it the same as my laptop" Mike said to Wolfy before he heard the familer tune and open up his video link with Aguemon.
"What's up Aguemon?" Mike asked happy with the quality of the image and the fact it did not move when he did. "Captain, The kids have all began to move towards the resort but it seems I miscounted and two of them are already there" Augemon told him which made Mike nod as he said "Well, although they not moved far, it's good to know there finally on the move. Keep watching them and report back when and if they get their digivice and partners" Mike said. "Aye aye Captsin" Aguemon said before he ended the call and followed the kids to the Resort. Mike nodded and press the button on his wrist which made the computer disappear, smiling to himself as he would inform Ty When he knew if those kids were truly digidestined.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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DarkwolfX37 Absolute L User

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Violet was somewhat shocked to see that not only was there an apartment complex in the neighborhood, but that several other out of place buildings were around as well. As someone who most often had lucid dreams and was aware of when she was dreaming, she looked at her hands in anticipation of seeing them altered in an alien way only to find that they looked perfectly normal. Deciding to try her secondary sign of dreaming she jumped into the air only to fall flat on her ass as she didn't begin floating as she'd planned. Ow...

As she stood up she decided to check her phone, if it could still be called that with all of the upgrades and alterations it had been through, and found that wherever she was there was no cellphone coverage. None on any of the carriers she payed or stole service from. Not even her home's local internet-based phone service was working, though that wasn't much of a surprise seeing as her father's computer, where the program resides, wasn't working. Luckily, coverage wasn't required for what she had planned. Violet opened her phone's mapping app, a rather complex program that she had personally made for when she traveled to new places, and quickly made a map of her surroundings. Satellite maps just didn't sit right with her, and for once it payed off.

Deciding to check out every building for other people, she went to the nearest one, a beach resort, and walked inside. "Hello?" she shouted.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 12 hrs ago



Following a couple feet ahead of the rest of the group going to the beast resort, preferable over causing fits of anxiety by having the puppets lurking behind them. Tristan strolling with hands in his pockets, keeping the two entities at bay. He was noticing more technical anomalies the closer they came, static glitches among the ground and sky that always blinked in and out of existence, vanishing in the corners of his eye. He had to question if he was even really seeing them, stopping to look behind at the others to gauge how much they were experiencing these same oddities.

“I’ll head in first, and I’ll give the signal if it’s safe to enter.” Tristan explained, his exuberant tone sounding like he was willing to carry the possibility of danger and sacrifice himself for the group. Feeling he’d be carrying the weight of the shadows cast, an underlying atmosphere that was antithetical to a typical vacation spot. Assuming they would keep their distance until he made certain that they’d all be safe. He ran up and through the automatic sliding doors swinging open fast enough that he didn’t need to slow his stride into the entrance.

The lobby seemed abandoned of life and completely dim. Tristan put both puppet back on his hands and pulled them out. “Three heads are better than one…”

He quickly scanned the room, left to right. Normal assortments of furniture, abstract paintings and fake looking plants inside pottery, with darkened hallways heading further into the building. Angi staring up at the ceiling, and Luci merely peering forward then breaking the eerie silence.

“What’s those on the table?” Luci’s voice asked, getting Tristan and Angi’s head to turn forward. He approached the counter, having Angi grab a small device from the corner. It red and black, with a few buttons and blank screen that felt weighty for looking like a plastic toy. He peered at it, while Angi continuously fiddled with the buttons.

“How do I win?” Angi inquired, glancing up at Tristan. He merely gave a shrug of his shoulders, uttering to himself. “Well, the coast is clear...better let them know.”

“Shouldn’t you at least check the hallway first? There might be a big scawy mousey that could tear that little boy’s face off.” Luci quipped. Tristan shushed it, but acknowledged the point by wandering deeper into the hallway. There was a bunch of elevators with ‘Out of Order’ messages plastered on everyone of them, putting the puppets and the device into his pockets. Hearing a unfamiliar feminine voice saying ‘Hello?’ from the entrance, not surprised after making the mental note that there were a certain number of digivices lining the countertop, walking up to the girl with a polite smile.

“Hello-I don’t know what’s happening either. I’m Tristan.” He introduces himself, attempting to quickly address the current situation. “There’s four others who found themselves here too...”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago


This was it, the Digidestin had walked into the resort as he had hoped that they would. He put a lot into this. They would be more willing to help if they had their homes and didn’t feel scared. It’s why he chose this big place to put it in the center. This was familiar to the Digidestin from their world. A big place they called a mansion.

The mansion had many rooms so many humans lived in these mansions. Humans must enjoy the company of others humans, that’s what he suspected at least. It’s why he was glad they found each other, so they could begin to grow together a big bond. Dorumon happily moves his tail side to side humming to himself, waiting for the Digidestin enter the resort. When he heard the entrance door open.

“Hello-I don’t know what’s happening either. I’m Tristan.” the digidestined speak. “There’s four others who found themselves here too...”

Tristan suddenly hears the sounds of popping. Confetti comes down from the ceiling, a banner is lowered in bright yellow letters it reads; CONGRATULATIONS. Balloons begin to soar down to the ground as the room is literally snowing glitter and confetti.

“TA-DAH!” Dorumon jumps up from his hiding place, he only notices one human, where were the others, he looks around, “Where are the others?” Dorumon looks around, “Are they hiding?” He puts his hands on his brows and moves around. He looks under a cushion, “They aren’t here. I have something important to tell them.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BeachDude7PH
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BeachDude7PH Regular Finn Hambone / #DigiDestined #TeamInstinct

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

snowglobe.dgmn // NanaZuika_Sugbu_Beach_Resort.sgf // seven.exe; max.exe

"We’re in for a long, long, summer in all this weirdness."

"Oh hey, speaking of guests..."

Before Seven continued speaking, he and Max can see the rest of the DigiDestined coming inside, and the surprise prepared for everyone. The young man from Sendai can’t believe what’s happening at his ‘place’ right now...

"Since when did I ask for a celebration set-up here?! And what’s that something important?", Seven can clearly hear the cutesy voice, as what an owner of a beach resort should have to attend to guests.

Max grinned. “Oh, cool! More people! And some cute dinosaur thing...” As if being here weren't strange enough already. Well, at least that creature was cute, and purple.

"Hello, I’m Seven, and this is Max. Beats me why the resort’s at nighttime while I can see the others at daytime... Must be the timezone. Anyway, I presume you all received the e-mail too?", Seven said. And he dropped the -sama, meaning that he’s already getting along with Max.

There was no other reason why: The e-mail he opened many hours earlier has to do with all this. But then again, it was a new experience for everyone now, nothing like a little ‘escape’ wouldn’t hurt... Yet.

“Yeah, I got a weird e-mail too. I didn't know what it was at the time… Wait a second… We were all transported to some weird place, there are adorable fantasy creatures, now we all received some weird message that possibly brought us all here?” Max’s eyes lit up.

“Oh my gosh! This kind of thing only happens in cartoons! Are we some kind of chosen ones or something?”

"Now, now, Max, it’s too early to presume that… But I wouldn’t mind at all if it is. Think of it as like, living in a dream of sorts for the moment. I’m actually picky when it comes to genres in anime or cartoons… And I’m more into memes, actually...", Seven said, giving off a chuckle of amusement.

“It would be awesome!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Huh? The flash from the lights turning on, the banner and the raining glitter and confetti descending, the pizazz from the strange dinosaur jumping out from the corner of Tristan’s eye. The cherry on top of the craziness that was his morning. The bizarre moment had flashed by like a tiny firework. He turned to the face the creature, in casual bewilderment, stuffing his hands inside his pockets, as both puppets popped their heads out.

“And I thought you lot looked weird...” Luci commented. Tristan disregarded the statement, while they awkwardly watched it fumbling around and lifting up cushions. Reminded of when he was taught that spiritual creatures lived amongst the world, but nothing quite resembled that.

“I hope you find what you're looking for.” Angi uttered. Tristan could only imagine the reaction the girl who had just entered would give, despite its innocuous behavior. Accepting the incident's absurdity, he stepped forward and grinned, before letting out a slight chuckle.

“There still outside. My name’s Tristan. Nice to meet you, what should I call you?” He introduced politely, extending his hand as it seemed to understand human body language. Nobody gained anything by stirring up commotion, wanting to pry it for answers. “So were you the one that sent us all here in the first place?”

It wasn’t long until two others appeared with the rest of group at the same time, these people also took this rather surreal situation equally unrealistically well. The more the merrier, as far as Tristan was concerned. Even though them talking about anime and memes was as alien sounding to him as the monster with little bat wings and red stone embedded in its head.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Mugnai D. Katheryn

Entering the Beach Resort’s mansion

Katheryn walked into the beach resort’s mansion a bit after Tristan walked into the building. She saw the festivities like a festival or party going on. She had a confused look on her face when she saw a purple dinosaur in the room and thought it was barney the dinosaur but a whole lot smaller. But it looked like Tristan was talking to it, and was somewhat confused. She had a chill down her spine when she saw Tristan having his puppets on his hands again. ”Uuhh, I still don’t like those puppets of Tristan’s. But I have to wonder who that dinosaur is… he’s kinda friendly if he threw this for us?” Katheryn thought to herself, with a curious look on her face mostly at the purple dinosaur.

She stopped and looked directly ahead trying to ignore the fact that Tristan had his puppets again on his hands. She had a kind smile on her face towards the purple dinosaur and wondered what she should say, but it clicked afterwards. ”Hi, my name is Mugnai D. Katheryn, what’s yours? Mr. Dinosaur,” Katheryn said, kindly towards the purple dinosaur that put this party on. She couldn’t help there would be more answers to her questions after getting the entire picture from this dinosaur.

She slowly turned her head towards Tristan and sidesteps a bit because she’s a bit frightened at the puppets on his hands. Her heart skips a beat since she couldn’t help but stare at the puppets, it reminds her of a very scary movie franchise involving puppets. She looked away, only to breath in a bit slower since she had a bit of a shock to her system. ”I should stop remembering the Puppeteer franchise of scary movies… at least, my parents got rid of them after that marathon,” Katheryn thought to herself, putting one of her hands close to her chest to calm herself down.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Torisutan-san was very brave being the first one going into the resort alone. He didn’t know if he could do it. He liked to observe the world, he wasn’t so sure how to involve himself in a world that demanded such involvement. He was never the kid who went out on adventures, but watched other kids and their adventures. He liked his books and his drawings because they were safe. He heard popping sounds inside the resort, some kind of attacker perhaps. Torisutan-san’s puppets were scary, but he didn’t think he deserved to be hurt. Clutching onto Kyasarin-san’s clothes and shielded by her back, she inches forward inside the resort.

Kei you can’t be the scared ten year old, if you do these older kids might think you’re weak. They might not think you know how to handle yourself in danger. Despite his hands shaking, despite his trembling, he let’s go of Kyasarin-san’s shirt and leaps out from her side. There is a purple looking dinosaur. He looks hungry. Perhaps he’s trying to eat them. Kei takes out his sketchbook, which he hid in his pocket. He wouldn’t let the dinosaur eat them.


Kei hits the purple dinosaur on the head with his sketchbook. The dinosaur winces for a second and looks at him. Kei looks back at the dinosaur who scratches his head after he swatted the dinosaur with his book. The creature begins to look around for a nearby object.

Dorumon hadn’t considered that these humans might have different greetings. Perhaps they didn’t want parties, but perhaps this how they said hello. Rubbing his head with a mixture of perplexity and confusion on his face, he picks up a red balloon, raises it up high, “HI-Yah!” Dorumon says hitting the boy softly on top of the head with said balloon.

“Hello, did I do that right?” Dorumon looks eager as his tail twitches side to side.

Kei stares at the creature. Uh?

“Um, nani?” Kei ask tilting his head to the side.

Dorumon mirrors the human's head movement and titles his head to the side. The both of them staring at each other.

Kei looks openly confused and nervous.

Dorumon’s tail twitches side to side.

“Do I need to hit the others too?” Dorumon ask finally raising his red balloon. Then smacking the two other humans with the red balloon on the cheek, “Hello I am Dorumon.” he looks eagerly happy and enthusiastic that perhaps he got the greeting right.

Dorumon stares at the other Digidestin. Max and Seven, he looks at the other three, “Do you have a name? And why don’t human names end in man?”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BeachDude7PH
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BeachDude7PH Regular Finn Hambone / #DigiDestined #TeamInstinct

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

snowglobe.dgmn // NanaZuika_Sugbu_Beach_Resort.sgf // seven.exe

“Do I need to hit the others too?” Dorumon ask finally raising his red balloon. Then smacking the two other humans with the red balloon on the cheek, “Hello I am Dorumon.” he looks eagerly happy and enthusiastic that perhaps he got the greeting right.

Dorumon stares at the other DigiDestined. Max and Seven, he looks at the other three, “Do you have a name? And why don’t human names end in man?”

"Good to see you too, Dorumon... I guess. And 'Seven' is just my nickname, I'm Shichirou Hamada. It means 'Seventh Son' and 'Beach Field'..."

Then Seven did something unthinkable yet humorous to play along with the 'purple dinosaur'... Lifting him up. But to no avail as the creature is about as heavy as both his parents...or more...

"You're heavy for a cute purple dino...", Seven said to Dorumon, without even a hint of struggling to even try lifting him. It must be the cute appearance, or how he plays along with him since the red balloon.

To look like he gave up, he continued, "And human names ending in man only exists on TV and the movies, they're called superheroes... Or in certain memes around the internet, if you will..."

During this conversation, Seven tries his best to hold back from laughing so hard since he and Max were 'hit'...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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DarkwolfX37 Absolute L User

Member Seen 3 mos ago

... Seconds passed as Violet decided how to respond to the boy, Tristan was it? Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but in those seconds a yellow banner unfurled with a party-popper sound while balloons and confetti fell from the ceiling.

"Ye gods, I am asleep." The not-quite familiar face of what seemed by all accounts to be a virtual pet brought to life shook her quite hard. She crouched down, shaking slightly, for a few second while the creature introduced itself to some newcomers. Realizing that her nightmares never had other humans in them, she recomposed herself and stood back up.

"Dorumon?" She watched as a young boy smacked the purple creature on the head, only for it to smack him back with a balloon. Violet began giggling. "Hehe, alright Fuzzy, you win everything." She turned back to Tristan and gave a curtsey, despite wearing shorts, to the boy. "I'm Violet."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rebthewriter


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rachel was surprised at the talking dinosaur. What the hell was with everyone? Did they seriously not question why there was a talking reptile standing there? Why did people think they could trust him? They didn't even know him. Better yet, why the hell was anyone fucking questioning this? That thing could have different intentions.

She almost snorted as she saw Kei whack Dorumon with his sketchbook. Kid's got guts, she'll give him that. However, she was still skeptical about this creature.

"Was wondering if you could tell me why your names end in 'mon'." She retorted with a heavy sigh, "You're certainly an odd one." Purple dinosaurs. Geez, this sounded fairly familiar to her. Maybe in a past life or something? She didn't know.

She still stayed cautious and narrowed her eyes at the Dorumon, "Name's Rachel." She introduced herself, "Can you tell us why we're here?" It was worth a shot, but she doubted it.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Carver Edwards

Location:Somewhere on the sidewalk Interactions: Kei @AngelofOctober Katheryn@Landaus Five-One and various others

A bit taken back from the tumbleweed Carver walked to the beach resort in silence. Once he got there with the rest of the group he traveled there. Quickly seeing others in the beach resort answering his question whether if there are others. Three more teenagers added to the group of youngsters Carver quickly hears Tristan talking to someone then as Carver walked into the resort he saw who or rather what this thing was. A purple dinosaur!

Wasting no time in thinking Carver blurts out, "What are you! Are you real?" Disregarding Tristan's puppets this dinosaur thing was new and different then anything he has even seen. Carver resisting the urge to poke the purple dinosaur to see if it is real. Quickly realising he didn't introduce himself Carver quickly says, "I'm Carver Walker, Dorumon nice to meet you."

With a thousand questions going through his mind Carver having one main question that he wanted to know. Carver calms himself and then looks at the purple dinosaur Dorumon and then asks, "Where are we at now? I am pretty sure was all are in the same boat here. We are wondering where are we?" Looking at the dinosaur still rather curious of what is this thing waiting for any answers from Dorumon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max Hudson

The purple dinosaur introduced himself as Dorumon and whacked him and Seven in the face with a red balloon. Max laughed out loud, because being whacked with a balloon really doesn't hurt that much. "Oh, you're so cute!" Max gave the purple dinosaur a hug. "No, humans don't greet each other that way... Unless they're scared or feel threatened."

He then let go of the Dorumon, and approached the little boy who hit the creature with a sketchbook, prompting Dorumon to hit them with a balloon in the first place. "As for you, I know this might be a scary experience for you, but from one artist to another, please don't use your sketchbook as a weapon. These are for making art, not causing pain. K?" Max chuckled, and messed up the boy's hair.

With that out of the way, Max turned back to Dorumon. "Anyway, yes. Like the others said, can you tell us where we are? And why?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

@SleepingSilence @DarkwolfX37 @BeachDude7PH @AngelofOctober

Mugnai D. Katheryn

Inside of the Mansion

Katheryn saw Kei hit the purple dinosaur and was a bit worried what the dinosaur would do, until it hit Kei with a red balloon. She had a cute little smile on her face when seeing this because it was adorable. She heard the creature’s name and was utterly confused because this is the first time hearing of this ever. She wasn’t really allowed to play with V-pets mostly because of the fact she wanted to get good grades in school. ”It’s nice to meet you Dorumon, I guess?” Katheryn questioned with what is going on right now.

She heard the names of one of the two older boys, that got hit by the red balloon on the cheek and couldn’t stop but giggle at that. She somewhat understood what he said, but was grateful that he said his nickname of Seven. ”Seven, it’s nice to meet you.” Katheryn said. She heard what the other boy said and giggled somewhat when he addressed Kei in not using his art book as a weapon. ”I have to agree with that, Kei don’t use your art book as a weapon. So what’s your name?” Katheryn pointing towards Max. She hadn’t felt this good ever since breaking up with her ex, meeting new people that is. She clutched her fist a bit when she remembered about her ex, but unclutched it afterwards.

She looked around the room and saw Violet, who introduced herself to everyone and Dorumon. “Hi, Violet it is nice to meet you,” Katheryn said, happily with a kind smile on her face. She turned back to Seven, who was ‘trying’ to lift Dorumon and giggled cutely at that. ”Looks like you need to get stronger, Seven,” Katheryn said. She looked at Tristan’s face and tried to ignore his puppets. ”This is pretty weird isn’t it?” Katheryn asked, Tristan with a confused look on her face. She completely didn't know what was going on and this entire revelation that there's a purple dinosaur named Dorumon confused her, which equals they are somehow in a different world, her look was even more confused.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BeachDude7PH
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BeachDude7PH Regular Finn Hambone / #DigiDestined #TeamInstinct

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

snowglobe.dgmn // NanaZuika_Sugbu_Beach_Resort.sgf // seven.exe
\\@AngelofOctober\@DarkwolfX37\@SleepingSilence\@Crimson Flame\@Landaus Five-One\@rebthewriter\@BladeSS4

Like failing a 'Don't Laugh Challenge', Seven now catches his breath from laughing so hard at playing along with Dorumon and his unique 'greetings'...

"Minna-san, it's a...pleasure to have you all here...at my place, or rather the lack of it... This is our family's beach resort, the NanaZuika Sugbu...", he said, finally showing self-control over laughter.

"Mugnai-san, is it? Well, I'm into fitness myself, and Dorumon was the first time in a while that I tried to lift something up, just to check my limits..."

A short re-introduction for the rest of the group, then Seven told his side of how he and the beach resort came with him in this different world. Then...

"Hmm... An aspiring little artist. A fellow techie. A future celebrity. A happy-go-lucky guy. A kind young woman. A no-nonsense attitude girl. And an inquisitive young man."

An unlikely team with each their own differences, quirks and all things in between, Seven can see through both Kei and Tristan big potential in the arts; Max was not only a nice guest that he first met in the Digital World, but an optimist through and through; Violet was like that of his club members' love for programming; Katheryn was simply a nice girl both inside and out; Rachel seems passionate if she's given time to show it; and Carver's enthusiasm speaks for everyone's situation right now.

After giving his impressions to each one in the group, he then turns his head to Dorumon.

"We're all called here for a reason, mind if you tell us now, Dorumon?", Seven said, followed by a chuckle, as he made a rhyme.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MenacingEffect
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MenacingEffect Damaged Goods

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(The following is a Collab between myself, @The Jest and @Mike the Bloodwolf.)

The Tortoise Trail

Clutching the Digivice to his paws, Gazimon grumbled under his breath. Why wouldn’t this thing work? Shaking it, he knew it belonged to him, it called to him in someway, yet it refused to work. These devices were said to lend the user great power, yet he couldn’t figure it out. That and he was tiring from his wounds, Dorumon, curse him. Gazimon sighed under his breath, panting, he placed a paw on a rock. This seemed like a nice place to relax for a bit, till he could recover.

He couldn’t relax. They were shouting at each other again, over something benign. Just go away already. If you hate each other that much, then just go. Why are you still here? Rex groaned under his breath, getting up from the bed that he told them he was heading to early, didn’t seem all right when he could hear them screaming about nothing.

“How the hell did you not know!” his father’s voice can be heard from his room, dad’s mad about some corporate dinner, his mom was supposedly supposed to go to, if they hated each other, why did they agree to do so? He recalls his mom saying, that’s fine. When dad proposed the idea. If he said anything, he’d be on dad’s side.

“Oh here we go again, am I not tentative to your needs enough,” she likes to play the victim or bring up old things to hold it over his head. Dad likes making petty arguments. Would they both just go away?

He heads to his computer. Little does she know he snuck one of his games from her closet. He knows where she hides them. Taking out Splatter Rampage 3, at least he can pretend all the ugly demons are the both of them. Booting up his computer, he’d check his messages first, than rip into straight carnage.


Lucemon was quick to notice the other human lagging behind the crowd once more. Using his wings, he floated above the others and was ready to essentially tell Mike to hurry it up, but noticed something upon a closer glance. Why, it seemed his Laptop and his digivice merged as one…

So, the spells finally worked, took them long enough...” Lucemon thought with a sly smirk before descending back down to his Emperor in silence. Ty, however, was quick to notice Lucemon apparently in a brighter mood than usual.

What’s up with you? You look like you just saw a bunch of Digimon get crushed under an avalanche or something...” Ty said, a joyful smile on his face as he did, seemingly off-setting the disturbing nature of what was said.

...Oddly specific of you. ...In any case, it seems Mike’s Laptop and Digivice and converted and linked up into one. His digivice is now a administrative database for hacking purposes, serving the same functions as his laptop.” Lucemon responded, his narrowing at first in response to Ty’s simile before quickly reverting to a look of confidence with closed eyes and a smile.

Whoa...These Digivices can do that?” Ty then asked, looking at his own wrist-mounted Digivice in awe.

Not normally, no…The Digivice under normal circumstances should not be able to connect so easily to a computer. However, Wizardmon, Witchmon, and myself have been essentially trying to modify the computer to link up and essentially merge with the Digivice. Since the Digivice was designed to harness the numerous codes of data from a crest, a small hard drive like that one should be able to fit into it as well. ...The trouble was trying to create a user interface from scratch, but it seemed Wizardmon managed to finally set the finishing touch to it during that Blossomtown incident. With this, Mike is now capable of essentially casting spells much like us three. In theory, it’s likely possible for any digidestined of advanced technical prowess to do the same, provided they know how to use the Digivice properly.” Lucemon explained.

Huh...Is that right? ...Say, Lucemon, how long is this trail supposed to go?” Ty asked.

Well, this is the Tortoise Trail if I’m not mistaken, the main road between the temple and Blossomtown. As the temple is dedicated to patience, naturally they designed the road to be quite long, and filled with harmless but delaying obstacles in the path in respect to Patience.” Lucemon said, causing some irritated groaning to echo across the army as they walked, realizing that this trip to the temple is likely to be very annoying.

Huh...So, by obstacles, do you mean like that?” Ty asked. Lucemon opened his eyes to see Ty pointing at something, following the finger, he noticed the tired and wounded Gazimon laying on a rock by the path. ...Well this was odd, a Gazimon this far from their territory? Did it stray from a pack perhaps? Well, in any case, it didn’t matter too much; it seemed too tired and wounded to be a threat.

I more refer to the actual rocks all over. They say they took uneven fragments from a refined mountain and left them on the trail as a junkyard of stone. From what I understand, it was designed to prevent particularly fast digimon from using their speed to quickly make their way through the trail. Speed is punished here, hence, ‘tortoise trail’.” Lucemon said, blatantly ignoring the Gazimon and seemingly encouraging the others of the army to do the same. Ty, however, couldn’t stop looking at the cat-rabbit-thingie that looked like it was having a bad day in more ways than one. Upon closer inspection, he noticed something...familiar in his hands.

So is that cat...rabbit….thing, a local around here?” Ty asked.

Hmm…? Ah, no, that would be a Gazimon. You often find these in forest regions, preferably deep ones, but some have been known to travel in packs from one location to another. This one is most likely a straggler who was left behind.” Lucemon responded, looking away from the Gazimon to see if there was any sign of any others like it who could have left him there.

“...So, these...Gazimon, right? ...Do they usually have wrist-mounted -vices on hand?”

Well, none that I have-....What?” Lucemon asked, answering Ty’s constant questions until it immediately dawned on him what he just said. Lucemon then turned his gaze to the wounded Gazimon, and his eyes went wide in shock.

...That’s…...That’s impossible!” He said, utterly speechless at what he’s seeing before him. There was no doubt about it, this was definitely a Digivice in Gazimon’s hand. Was another Digivice Stolen after he was gone? But that can’t be right. Mike already confirmed that there were eight Digidestineds in the Snowglobe, and there were eight Digivices when subtracting the two he stole from him. There is no way a Digidestined would be able to come here without a Digivice summoning them here, so the fact that there were eight in the Snowglobe meant eight digivices must have been used. Could one of the Digimon escaped? That can’t be right either, it’s still too early for any of them to exit, and nothing could have went out without Mike’s spies knowing...or maybe they failed in that. Even with that possibility, this just seemed wrong. ...He was led to believe there were ten digivices for ten crests but…

Could it be? An eleventh digivice? An eleventh Crest!?

The others in the army stopped in their tracks to take a look at this odd Digimon with a digivice in its hand. Wizardmon creating a flat square of light, writing on it with his crests and see what comes up from it.

...He’s wounded, not gravely, but he’s in need of healing.” He said to Ty and Lucemon.

Get Datamon over here to repair, I want him healed immediately.” Lucemon said to Wizardmon, who nodded and walked into the crowd of digimon with them. Ty meanwhile pushed on his Digivice once again.

Mike, Get over here, you gotta see this.” Ty said into it, before looking back at Gazimon.

...Hey, Are you ok little guy? Don’t worry, we’ll get you healed right up...” He said to it.

I would advised not patronizing him.” Lucemon said, his face giving a hint of nervousness as he looked at Ty and Gazimon.

Patronizing? He’s hurt and need healing, what’s wrong with comforting him?” Ty asked.

Mike was silence during the long journey trying out the new feature on his laptop/digivice device on his wrist before he noticed everyone starting to slow down and looked at Wolfy as he said “What's happened up there?”.

Wolfy shrugged before Mike’s digivice open on Ty face as he told him to hurry up and get to the front of the line. Which he did after signing annoyed, Mike and Wolfy quickly moved to the front of the line or at least as quick as they could on the tortoise trail.

Soon, they reached the front of the line and inspected the Gazimon and the digivice as he said “Interesting, an eleventh digivice and eleventh digidestined. I guess, we should consider the possibility that this world does not play by whatever rules we’re use to. But if this is the partner of an Eleventh Digidestined, then I’m guess his human partner will show up eventually”

The scent of humans mingled with Digimon. So, is this what Dorumon had planned? Clutching onto his crimson Digivice he wouldn’t give it up to anyone. Registering what the humans was saying to him,Gazimon growled under his breath.

“I might be injured, but don’t underestimate me,” Gazimon tried to swipe at the human with his claws, though he was too tired to “You’re just a human….” Gazimon paused looking at Lucemon. Though that couldn’t have been right? This human with Lucemon? Gazimon collapsed on his knees as he tried to stand up.

Ty was quick to jump away as the Gazimon attempted to swipe at him with rather impressive reflex timing, the army of digimon at his side, ironically excluding Lucemon himself, tensed up and prepared to defend their Emperor even against something as weak and injured as this rookie. Ty however held out his hand towards his subject without saying a word, prompting them to stand down but still be cautious. He then knelt down to the injured Gazimon’s level, almost in a curled up state as it stared blankly towards him.

Yeah, and you’re injured. Cheesy as it sounds, everyone’s gotta have some help in life, and this is one of those cases where it’s needed. Fortunately, you’re lucky we came around when we did, cause we do have a good doctor here.” Ty said, a kindly smile now on his face. While it seems genuine and feels genuine for lack of a better word, Gazimon would likely be able to detect something...off, about it, something instinctively…predatory, for lack of a better word. It was as if the boy believed he had an upper hand, yet is pretending not to. A little more subtle than Lucemon’s frankly blank and pondering expression. Ty then immediately looked towards the army, as a Datamon came by

“With respect, my Emperor, I am a scientist, not a doctor.” the Datamon said as he walked towards Gazimon.

Do you have medical knowledge.

“Of course I do, I have all sorts of knowledge.”

Then you’re a doctor, now if you could please…?” Ty asked him, a happy grin on his face as he looked towards an annoyed Datamon. His electrical fingers aimed directly towards the wounds on Gazimon’s body.

“Right...please hold still, this could sting.” He said. As he then seemed to attempt to ‘electrify’ the wounds to heal, Lucemon finally perked up.

...If I may, when did you get your hands on the Digivice?” Lucemon bluntly asked him.

Gazimon winced through the electric stinging to his wounds. He wouldn’t let Lucemon or this person think he was weak. He wasn’t. He didn’t need to rely on a human for help. He got the device himself, didn’t he? Even if he was weak here. He would have recovered. He could have recovered. Gazimon stood up straight and stubbornly glowered at the both of them with a predatory glare. Curling his lip. Angrily looking at both of them. Where did he get the device?

“I’ve always had it because it’s mine,” Gazimon replies to Lucemon.

Dorumon was the thief. This device belonged to him and he’d use it for himself. Once he figured out how it would work he would crush them both.

Ty blinked in response to what Gazimon said before looking towards Lucemon, who was staring at the metallic red device in Gazimon’s hand, holding up his chin in contemplation.

...Ey Lucy, is there anyway we could prove what he says.” Ty asked. Renamon, who was staring at the Gazimon this whole time, then stepped up.

If I may, Emperor, I don’t detect any signs of lying from him. At the very least...he seems to believe in what he says as the truth.” She told him.

Unfortunately beyond Renamon and others’ abilities to read emotions, it’s quite difficult to prove that a Digimon is indeed connected to a respective digivice. A Digivice cannot work properly without a human to interface with it and cause a digivolution. ...However, A digimon connected to a digivice usually shares a link of some sort that they alone are able to feel. There’s no way of proving this, so it’s something we have no choice but to take at face value, but there is some merit to what he says, I believe. The Digivices were hidden and activated by Dorumon in preparation for the summoning of the digidestines. The only ones who were aware of this, aware of where it was to be, are the File Lords.” Lucemon pondered.

...File-what?” Ty asked, tilting his head to the side. It was the first he’s heard of anything like that.

...I’ll explain them later. My point is, only they knew where Dorumon and the Digivices were, and the only ones who could sense their way in, beside myself, were still unhatched eggs by the time the summoning began and possibly still are eggs even now. A normal Gazimon would never have been able to find them, let alone take one for themselves.

Hmmm...maybe he found it before Dorumon could, or stole it from the original partner.

I can’t deny those possibilities, but...It’s hard to believe that Dorumon would not have found it before anyone else, and it’s even harder to believe that a Gazimon, of all digimon, would be able to steal it from a thief who managed to steal one before me.” Lucemon explained. Ty looked upwards at the sky as he posed having his chin elevated by his hand in contemplation.

Hmm… A lone Gazimon with a Digivice in hand he doesn’t seem to be lying, and everything seems to fit nicely. But how to prove this beyond doubt? …Hmmm...I got it! Mike, analyze and cross-check that Digivice with yours. If that Digivice is legit, it should have the same schematics as yours.” Ty said, talking to himself at first before snapping his fingers and looking towards Mike with a smile.

Mike and Wolfy had been talking and whispering to each other while everyone else was gathered around the Gazimon talking about the digivice and what not before they both jump when Ty snapped his fingers and looked at them.

Mike coughed briefly to compose himself and turned his attention to Gazimon and the metallic red digivice as he said to Gazimon, just to confirm it in his own mind “So you say Dorumon stole this digivice and you took it back or kinda like what Lucy did for mine and Ty digivice.” Mike then activated his digivice to scan Gazimon code and to see if it had the same frequency as the digivice, he would then use the same system for both his and Ty digivice, as well as there respected partners. Just to ensure nothing was wrong with his calculations.

After finishing all that, Mike turned to Gizamon and said “Well, you're certainly not lying, you are indeed a partner to a human". Though when he stood up and walked up to Ty, he whispered to Ty low enough so only he could hear “But I would be vigilant and keep an eye on him and whoever his partner is, my finding seem to indicate that his partner probably going to be an asshole who will try to undermine you Emperor”

“A human partner, I don’t need one,” Gazimon replies quickly.

Now that strength his strength is recovering he shot up and raised the Digivice up. He’d show them. He’d show them that he didn’t need a human to be strong. Maybe this time, maybe finally this thing would work for him.

“Ha! It’s time to level up, give me strength you stupid watch!” Gazimon shouts and waits for a good whole few seconds. Waiting for something to happen, a light, a feeling of strength, him to be bigger. To be tall enough to smoosh Lucemon and his human partner.

“That assumption regarding his potential human partner is asinine, but noted, Michael. Digivices contain various codes of data within, but nothing to completely ascertain the complete personality of the human who wields it. The human mind is not so simple that it could be so easily analyzed and coded by one. If such a thing was the case, I would have been prepared for my own partner to be as...active as he is, and for you to be as hesitant and unassertive as you are. Even so, I won’t deny the possibility.” Lucemon said, reacting towards Mike’s comment with a drop of sweat and a pinch of the top of his nose in irritation.

Well, at least we now know there’s some degree of credit to what Gazimon here is saying...wait, I thought you just said there’s no way to prove the digivice belongs to Gazimon.” Ty said to Lucemon, interrupting himself as he recalled what Lucemon was just telling him.

There isn’t. But it does not surprise me in the slightest that Michael found Gazimon’s data within its code. One of the functions of the Digivices is an analyzer, an identifier of the many digimon types in the whole of this world. In order to be able to accomplish this feat, the Digivice’s data feature an archive of trace data, codes that are unique to each and every digimon in the world, including this Gazimon. The fact that he is able to match a code in the Digivice with Gazimon does not automatically infer him to be the one that is linked with it. Only when a digivolution occurs within the partner does it show trace data that proves the digimon’s partnership.” Lucemon explained.

Huh...But, that seems like pretty important data to just leave out of the Digivice like that, right?” Ty asked, to which Datamon, finished with his healing, turned towards Mike, Ty, and the others and walked over to them.

It’s a security measure, M’Emperor. The Digivices are vital instruments of the Digidestines, and their ability to harness the Crests makes them some of the most valuable objects in the whole of the Digital World. The Knowledge of who is partnered with a human and linked to a digivice can be a powerful and dangerous thing if it is given to the wrong hands. I’m certain that whoever created the Digivices took that into consideration and kept the means of finding that information as strictly classified as humanly possible until it was too late to do anything about it.” Datamon explained.

I see...Well, I guess that makes sense. If anyone against the digidestines knew who the digimon were in advance, they’d prepare for any attacks they throw, maybe even try to take them out pre-emptively. ...But wait, you said Dorumon had the partner eggs for the Digivices, including Wolfy over here, right? How did he know?

He had help...” Lucemon replied outright.

Also, if I may just add, as someone interested in the Digivices myself, I believe there’s credence in what General Mike has said regarding the human partner for this one. It’s difficult to believe that a Digimon is chosen for each digivice in simple jest. It seems more likely to assume the digivice automatically connects a digimon with someone as close in nature as possible to the human. This is of course just a theory, and a baseless one at that, but if this Gazimon does have something that connects him to the human that is to be his partner, well...” Datamon said as they all then looked at Gazimon once again, as he said what he did, and attempted to get the Digivice activated and apparently posing in preparation for his supposed digivolution that didn’t seem to be coming.

...Point taken, Datamon.” Lucemon simply said before walking over to Gazimon. It was still hard to believe that there was an eleventh Digidestined out there. But seeing is believing, and there is no reason to doubt Mike’s diagnosis about this digivice being the genuine article...especially given how Mike doesn’t seem to want it to be the case. Assuming this was the case, then this is a third Digivice that is outside Dorumon hands, another Digidestined, another crest that could belong to them. This could prove to be quite useful for them, but only if he can convince Gazimon to have a human partner to use it properly…and he has an idea for how that could be. He then poked at Ty and whispered in his ear, Ty nodding in approval at whatever Lucemon said, and the two looked at Gazimon once again.

If I may ask, Gazimon...You seem to be under the impression that having a human partner is something to keep you down, something that will hold you back from becoming powerful, something to keep you dependant on them. ...Tell me, what exactly gave you that impression? Is it perhaps a difference in size between yourself and a human? But size means little for creature such as us. Is it perhaps because they exuberate a sense of authority over you? But what is the authority of humans to ones such as us. You know very well who I am, do you not. Do you believe me to submit to the authority of a human, a mortal such as this. What of Michael, you believe he to truly be in control of his digimon, or could it be that he is simply used by the Gabumon as a way to power? That is how this boy is to me, after all, a weapon to use as I please.” Lucemon said, Ty moving back towards Mike, ready to elbow him if he says something against what Lucemon is saying.

Through this boy, The power to wield and restrain my full might as I see fit, without the need to feed on the data of others or to remove that same data, is within my grasp. Once I take claim of the Crest that his digivice requires, I shall be able to bring order and beauty back to this chaotic and naive world of foolishness and decadence. He is my pawn, My weapon, a means by which I use to gain and achieve all that I desire, be it order, freedom...or the power to rival the God that abandoned us all! That is what these humans are to us, and that is what yours will be to you. Now, ask yourself, is that truly dependance? Is that truly sound slavery to you?” Lucemon asked him, his voice giving off the pleasant tone and an echo worthy of the voice of an Angel.

The Human was his pawn? It didn’t seem like that with the way they were speaking with each other. Still Gazimon put down his device. If he had a Human partner, they might understand his might and do as he said then? A Human he didn’t have to listen to. A Human who would listen to him. He was mighty. He could crush them. If he could get this Human than maybe he could be very powerful and then he could crush those who oppose him.

Gazimon lowers his head, his ears droop a little low looking defeated. He looks a bit disappointed. He wanted to do it all without a human. He had some feeling of power in him, and he thought this meant it meant he was more. But he couldn’t reach that power inside of him. Like he could see the light of it glimmering at the bottom of a deep sea and he kept swimming towards it, thinking he was getting closer, only for it to be deeper than he thought.

Gazimon grumbled.

“Fine, where is my Human pawn?” Gazimon asked.

With a small pleasant smile, grabbed hold of Gazimon’s Digivice.

Thank you for understanding...Now then...” Lucemon said to him, before then walking towards the other humans.

Now then, each digivice is linked to a specific human that it deems to fit the criteria necessary to be chosen for whatever crest it connects to. When properly activated it establishes that connection between worlds in order to pull in the respective human. Many measures were made to prevent digimon from using the digivices themselves, even connected ones like you. It was using my celestial sorcery that I was able to bring these two to this world, and even then it was not nearly as smoothly as it could, or should, have been.” He explained the Gazimon as he walked towards Mike and Ty, after which tossing the Digivice towards Mike.

Therefore, Michael, I would like you to try and open a proper portal to bring the Human here. Ty will then step in and bring the human to this world. Once that happens, Gazimon, you shall have your human, to do with as you please.” Lucemon said to the three.

Mike was about to say something but he noticed Ty stepping closer almost in the way he used to when it came to his parents and someone did not recognise him. He sighed defeated at that before turning his attention to Wolfy who could only shrug at the Two’s plan, though much like Mike, the two of them were not happy with the way Lucemon explained the bond.

Mike grab the digivice as it was thrown to him and listened to Lucemon explain everything to him and then handed him the digivice which Mike inspected taking into the account the metallic Red colour before he said to himself “Now how do I go about this?”

Mike brought up his laptop on his digivice before he placed Gazimon Digivice into the digivice slot where he began to work on opening the portal. He and Wolfy ended up humming a theme together before Mike nodded and said “Alright Ty, The portal should be ready"

Mike then flicked the screens and a portal appeared in front of Ty, the same colour as the digivice Gazimon had. “There you go Ty, let's see you convince another human to join your cult" Mike teased him. Though Mike knew it was not a Cult any more, it was an army.


Wooow...This looks really good. ...Nice work, Mikey! ...Alright, Wish me Luck!” Ty said to them, after which he takes a deep breath and heads inside the portal.

Once inside, goes through a familiar trail of data code, one of which seemed to manifest from the portal he came out of, the same metallic red coloring as the portal and digivice both, and went right past Ty into the distance, manifesting a trail of sorts for him.

“[url=youtu.be/THbY7EL8k5w?t=18s]~Follow the metal brick road, Follow the metal brick road, Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the metal brick road, follow the metal brick, follow the metal brick, follow the metal brick road...~[url]” He starting to sing as he walked the trail of code before him. That walk transitioned to outright skipping as he hummed the rest of the song to himself.

Back in the human world, Rex’s computer would start to glitch up like before, only this time, it wasn’t like a normal glitch, it didn’t seem like it was glitching in a way that it normally would, rather, it looked like a ripple on the screen, that paused whatever processes he was doing, as a person, the purple-haired little boy Ty, popped out of the epicenter, now looking like an actual human as opposed to an 8-bit version of himself.

Ahhh, That went so much better than last time...” He said, taking a good look at himself as he did.


“Fuck you!” Rex shouts at the screen, as his plasma shotgun melts the skull off one of the Raiders, some hybrid alien zombie demon created by some Russian scientist trying to bring back communism. He didn’t care to recall the rest of the story, all he cared about was the cool guns and the way it drowned out his parents still bickering even after they told each other they were done. First it was about the dinner his mother missed, next it was about how there wasn’t any milk and how his father skirts his responsibilities, if he’s out he should go buy milk. Blah. Blah. And it carried on.

He continued to then just allow the screen to be filled with explosions, turning the volume up on his computer speaks to listening to the rattling psycho electro metal pump through the speakers as the Raiders came running through the hallway to ambush him. Taking out his plasma SMG, he began to melt holes through their unearthly bodies until the computer began to act up.

“Piece of shit,” Rex hits his tower with a little force, “Don’t go out. I’m on the final level.” Ironically despite not caring for the story he had completed other games in the series and had become heavily invested in finishing the games. The computer continued to glitch till it the screen went black. Rex growled under his breath and dropped the controller in his hands, prepared to reset his modem. When a person began to come closer to the screen.

He must be going fucking nuts from all the screaming his parents were doing. The individual spoke, something about being better than the last time. What last time?

“Not like I am entertaining this idea or anything, but what do you want?” Rex asked the individual on the screen, “Just so you know I am going to reboot my computer and you’re going to go away. So I can go back to playing my game. Cause I don’t really want to know what your problems are.”

Yikes, Probably not a good idea, not that I’ve actually tried this before...wait, that’s exactly why it’s not a good idea!” He said waving his hands around in a panic. Indeed the idea of resetting the computer was something the little Ty did not factor into this. He could be safe for all he knows, maybe the screen just turns black and comes back on, but he didn’t want to take a chance and find out for himself. He then gave a quick look towards the guy, he’s fiery eyes leaving something of an impression on him.

This guy...There’s no doubt about it, he’s the one I’m looking for.” Ty said, remembering what Mike and Datamon both explained about the predicted personality of Gazimon’s human partner, those eyes even reminds him of Gazimon.

Alright, alright, I’ll be quick. My name is Falcon, Ty Falcon, I’m a kid from Chicago, Illinois who wound becoming Emperor of an entire world of creatures made completely out of computer data-and I just realized how crazy this all sounds… Anyways, I came here to give you an offer. I know this is going to sound about as convenient as a nigerian prince spam, but it seems you’ve been selected to enter this world as well...A world inside the internet...or computers….I still don’t really get it completely myself, but the point is, I need somebody with a sense of brute strength and a willingness to play hard...and you seem just the man for the job.” Ty explained to him.

Rex pauses listening to his parents finally stop arguing. They say nothing. His mother lets out a grumbling scream. Rex stares at his modem. Then back at the kid in the computers. When he gets back to school everything is going to change. He’s going to be with either one. His life decided for him and he wasn’t even allowed to be part of the decision until after they screamed at the top of their lungs. Just once he’d like to make them hurt. Make them worry sick.

Rex shrugs.

“I don’t have anything to do,” Rex tells him, “But I have to get back before my vacation ends, so this better not be long.”

He feigns interest. Despite the storm boiling inside of him. All night he just wanted to yell at the both of them.


Ty could also hear the sounds of grumbling outside the door, it seems the computer caught wind of its sounds, though he can’t quite tell the context behind what he was hearing. All he could tell was that someone out there was really, really pissed at something, and by the expression he’s reading off Rex, it’s not hard to figure out it’s something the guy wants no part of.

Well, I can’t promise any time limit. But I don’t think you would mind all that much if we just happen to be a little late. ...So…” Ty said, he then placed his hand through the screen, enlarging to a normal size as he extends it towards Rex. As soon as Rex takes his hand, Ty will pull him through the screen. Despite pulling him through a solid object however, he would be able to pass through it as if passing through the surface of water. As he and Ty both then get pulled back into the data stream that transitioned between the two worlds, they’d both exit out of the portal back into the Tortoise Trail where everyone would be waiting.

And here we are...Welcome to the Digital World!” Ty told Rex.

Rex looks around. Bright skies, and a lot of green. What was this a Nintendo game? He shrugged.

“Okay, so what am I doing?” Rex asked, “Because I am not made out for platforming.”

He’s taking this...unusually well.” Lucemon pointed out as he looked at the man.

Oh, this isn’t a platformer, not yet anyways. I would say this is more like….Real-Time Strategy in a conquest style.” Ty responded with a smile.

...What?” Lucemon blinked for a moment, trying to process what the hell Ty was saying.

Anyways...Long story short, This here is a Digital World, filled to the brim with Digital Monsters, Digimon for short. I am an Emperor, this army here is my Empire, and we are setting our sights on conquering this world one server at a time! But, in order to do this, me, my Partner here Lucemon, my other partner and his partner, Mike Fertar and...Gabumon I think? We just call him wolfy, anyways, we need one more extra bit of help. You look like the type of guy who’d love to get his hands dirty with stuff, but here you’re gonna need a partner, and luck would have it, we got one for you. ...That is Gazimon, you’re… ahem... partner.” He said to Rex while pointing towards Gazimon.

Gazimon snaps his head, partner. They told him the human was to do his bidding and yet he was introducing him as his partner. The Human looked sloppy, his shirt wrinkly, his hair messy and all over the place. He gave Gazimon a deep stared and Gazimon glared right back. They remained this way for a few seconds.

“He’s got it all wrong,” Gazimon finally mumbles, “You’re doing what I say. I am no one’s partner.”

What the heck was that thing? It seemed to have the ears of a rabbit, the snout of a dog, but the body of a cat. Fuck this was just as weird as Communist and Nazis experimenting on aliens to infuse them with demon, zombie powers.

“Well lucky for you I don’t take orders from talking animals, I am not four,” Rex replies.

The both of them continue to look at each other without a word.

“Yeah well, I know more about this world, so you have to listen to me,” Gazimon smirks as if he won something.

“I’ll just figure it out,” Rex tells him, “This is what like tutorial mode.”

“You will submit to me,” Gazimon demands.

Rex shrugs and waves his hand, “Pass. Why would I submit to a mutant cat rabbit?”

“Are all humans so insufferable?” Gazimon ask.

“You’re a Digimon? could ask the same question,” Rex replies.

“Well I refuse to listen to you,” Gazimon snaps.

“Whatever, I’ll just find someone with a less big mouth,”

Gazimon growls under his breath and Rex pretends not to care. How could this human not see his power? He was being undermined here. Gazimon looks at Lucemon, “You told me he would listen to me.”

I did say that humans are like pawns, ...But I don’t recall saying anything about him submitting easily. If it was that easy, Michael would be much easier to deal with. This one in particular seems...special. You may have been onto something about this one after all, Michael. ...Unfortunately for you, Gazimon, the Digivice chooses both Digimon and Human for its proper use. It has deemed this boy as its owner just as it deemed you to be the one to use its power. Once a Digivice makes a decision on the matter, there is no changing it.” Lucemon said to Gazimon, then to Mike, then back to Gazimon.

In other words, Sorry, No refunds!” The purple haired emperor added. He then looked towards Mike.

Oi, Mikey. Could you hand that device over to...umm….Oi, what’s your name?” Ty said first to Mike, then to Rex.

Gazimon stared back at the human. That’s not what the Lucemon said at all. He spoke about the Human being a Pawn and this human was going to be his pawn. Instead his human wouldn’t obey him and that irritated him. He should take the Digivice and book it, find another way. Yet, this Human there was something. Something that Gazimon couldn’t quite grasp. Like he felt drawn to the Human in some way. He’d just blame Lucemon and Ty for planting something in his head. There was nothing this human could provide him. Though that isn’t the case, in the deeper sense he knew that wasn’t true. So he simply crossed his arms.

“ Yeah give us your name,” Gazimon demanded, just so he could feel like he was on top of things.

“Rex my name is Rex,” he replies.

Rex looks over at Gazimon. So, then this was the tool. Some digital animal. This game is getting lamer and lamer. Looking over at Kid Icarus and the so called Emperor, looked more like a shit clown in a shitter costume or sad mime.

Mike silently watched all these events unfold, keeping his own opinion about Rex to himself though he did recall something his sister had said to him once. “First impression are not everything but the way someone speaks and acts is what you watch", he was clearly an asshole just as Mike said he would be.

Mike disconnected the digivice from his computer and threw it to Rex as he said “Greeting Rex; I’m Michael Fertar but everyone calls me Mike and this is my digimon partner Wolfy". Wolfy bowed as he said “Nice to meet you Human number 3 at least in our little group anyway, I believe 11th human overall though".

Indeed. ...There are eight other humans in this world, however unlike us, they are our competition. Summoned here by another for the sole purpose of defeating us.” Lucemon said, continuing Mike’s line of thought for Rex.

Yep-yep, If we’re the villainous protagonists of this game, think of them as the heroic enemies trying to put a stop to us. Our only way of fighting them or any other enemies and NPCs we come across in this world is through these devices. We still...don’t really know how they properly work yet, but apparently yours can empower Gazimon over there to fight stronger digimon in this world than he could in his current state. Just strap it on your wrist like a watch, and the Digivice’ll take care of the rest.” Ty said.

...I’ll explain the details of the situation to you another time, but for now I shall explain it to you as I did with Michael. With the might of this army, we digimon, and you humans, we aim to locate and capture specific stone tablets known as Crests. Each crest is akin to a magic stone, and are each linked to individual Digivices, meaning there is one crest for one digivice, and eleven crests in total. Simply put, the correct crest linked with the correct digivice, will result in further power granted to the digimon that’s connected to it, Gazimon in your case. We have already obtained one crest, and was on our way to take claim of another before bringing you here.” Lucemon explained to Rex, showing off the Crest of Serenity.

Uhh, didn’t Mikey have that…? Oh! We should probably check to see if that crest belonged to him as well.” Ty said, tilting his head in confusion; he could’ve sworn Mike took the Crest away for safe-keeping.

That won’t be necessary. Michael already considered that and tried to test Rex’s digivice with the crest while you were in the portal, bringing Rex here. The results were as you expected. It seemed he was having trouble taking it out despite the rejection though, potentially due to testing it while merging the digivice with his own, so I had helped take out the crest myself, and decided to take back claim of it afterwards.” Lucemon said.

Ah...Well, ok then. ...Anyways, I know how odd this seems right now, how...not your type of thing this all feels at the moment. But you and Gazimon seem the violent type, and frankly, you two look like the type who can take on the more dirty jobs, the kinds of things me and Mikey don’t have the heart to really touch upon all that much. Needless to say, we’re essentially enemies of this world, anybody who knows us deems us the villains of this story, terrors of the world, agents of chaos and destruction. Truth is, though, I don’t know if either of us could live up to that reputation on our own.” Ty said.

Reapermon and his men have a sense of honor to them, the minor mischef, wetwork, and destruction without casualty they’ll do without hesitation, as well as preventing any enemies from getting in our way, but there may come a time where that is not enough. Michael is more a chief of espionage than anything, and Ty...well, both of our plans can only go so far with the limitations we have.” Lucemon added.

So, what do you say? ...I promise we can make this worth both of your wilds.” Ty asked Rex, a sly smile on his face.

How did they figure they’d make it worth his wilds? Did they even know what that was? Rex grabbed the metallic wrist watch. What is this an early prototype smart watch?

“Want to see if this will count how many steps I take,” Rex remarks with a laugh, “Seen something like this in my science fiction games Galactic Extreme War. It monitors heartbeats and your fear levels.” Rex just laughs as he puts it on a joke. At first he feels a bit of a jolt from the thing, oh it’s just one of those lame hand shaker things someone uses as a clich non funny practical joke.

Gazimon stares at the human.

“So?” Gazimon ask, “How does it feel? Can you make me stronger?”

Rex gives Gazimon a raise of his brow.

“Oh, I thought you didn’t need my help or want to hear what I had to say just a minute ago,” Rex replies.

“I don’t,” Gazimon said.

“Good then I’m taking the zapper toy for myself, until it proves actually useful,” Rex smirks, “Kind of a lame fashion accessory for this world.” Rex tells Ty and Pit.
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