The party continued on the streets with everyone in town having a good time. Within the castle however, the Guard of the beautiful florescent mayor, Rosemon, was still looking down on them with suspicion. As it progressed from a classic fiesta to an outright conga line, one of the Lilymons decided to report this situation directly to the mayor herself. Said mayor was in her...well, one could say it was her office, or her throne room, but it looked much more like a green room garden, the sun shining into the circular room via a sunroof at its peak, the room itself being filled with wondrous flora across the area. In the middle of the room was the lady herself, Rosemon, using some vines to water the plants around the room and other vines to hold up some sort of giant leaves to write on.
"M'lady, A suspicious mon of some kind approached our city and caused a rousing." Lilymon told her as she flew into the room.
"As I've heard...Are they having a celebration I am not aware of." Rosemon asked, her gentle, practically motherly tone of voice calming Lilymon down as she takes a deep breath to properly explain herself.
"Yes, M'lady. A mysterious mon entered Blossomtown on a some sort of bizarre vehicle, declared himself as some kind of ruler of another country, then started dancing. Next thing we knew, everyone in town started to join in." she explained.
"I see... and what is wrong with that? In these trying times, something like that sounds like a pleasant surprise. It is not wrong for an entertainer to entertain the masses of another's town." Rosemon said with a smile on her face.
"...It was also carrying some sort of suspicious device on its wrist of a golden color." This was enough for Rosemon to stop what she was doing, the leaves she were writing on moving away from her on her own.
"A wrist device...? Were there any others like them?" Rosemon asked her.
"Umm...n-no, we didn't see anyone else like that, just him." Lilymon said in response, trying to remember the situation clearly before speaking. Rosemon got up from her chair and began walking towards the Balcony to actually see what was going on outside.
Remembering a certain conversation she had with one particular digimon not that long ago...
“I called them.”
“You called the Destined Ones?”
“They should be here soon.”
“What have you planned for them?”
“One final test.”
“Do we have time for that?”
“We have to be certain.”
“We cannot delay the inevitable for too long.”
“Trust me.”
“I don’t know if I can trust your plans, but I suppose I have no choice.”
"He was so determined to keep them in the Snowglobe to test them, so why has one of them been allowed to leave it so early?" She thought.
She walked over to the balcony and stared below towards her people below, who were now performing some orchestrated modern dance number with Ty in the front. Sure enough, as Rosemon thought, it was definitely a human, and with one of the Digivices on his wrist no less.
As relieved as she should be at the prospect of the destined ones finally arriving to save this world, something about all this felt... off. If the Digivice is attached to the wrist, then there's no doubt this is one of the Destined ones, as the Digivice essentially chooses its master. But there was no sign of the other Destined anywhere in the village, and even more off-putting, there was no sign of the Digimon tasked with assisting this human, whatever it may be. She knew each and every denizen of this town well enough to know that none of them are his partner, so its not as if it was hiding in plain sight.
Moreover, for a people who were all of a sudden up for celebration, this little dance number they were doing felt too........good, too orchestrated, to prepared in advance. The timing of the rhythm, the synchronized moves of every last denizen. Some of them she knew for a fact wouldn't be able to pull this kind of dancing off, and yet here they are.
That's when it occurred to her...They weren't dancing because they were celebrating or partying, they weren't dancing because they were happy, even though it was showing on their faces. ...This was a spell, a hex, likely done by a powerful Witchmon. They probably don't even realize what they're doing right now and how impossible their moves should be.
But why? This was definitely one of the Destined ones sent to help the world, why would he be alone and doing this?
That's when something happened, the sound of someone screaming in the distance behind her, a sudden chill was felt all over her body. She immediately turned around and spotted...
"Lilymon!" Rosemon yelled out, indeed it was Lilymon, and someone else, a large intimidating shadow, the giant cloaked individual, with a golden claw that grabbed Lilymon by the neck. The other Lilymons and Lilamons were on the floor unconscious as the golden claw threw Lilymon to the side, hitting a stone pillar and essentially knocking her out as well.
The Cloaked thing was massive, clearly humanoid with a rather bulky outline to him, its eyes glowing red under the cover of its hood.
"Hello, Mayor Rosemon...You have something we want." The being said, its voice mechanically filtered to give a robotic sound, yet an organic tone to it, and was clearly male. The being used his golden claw to pull off the black cloak and throwing it to the side in one swipe, revealing his golden armor, a cannon mounted on the forearm of the left claw, his entire right arm being replaced by a golden sickle blade, and his face being that of a golden horned skull.
"...Reapermon..." Rosemon simply said, the vines on her arms slithering down to her hands to create a thorn whip in one hand, and a sword in the other. One of the Lilamons started waking up, groaning as she looked at him.
"R-...Reapermon?" She asked.
"Explain yourself, Bounty Hunter, what is the meaning of this? I have no price upon my head."
"Everyone has a price on their heads in this world. You'd be amazed how many people would despise and want someone terminated simply for existing. The only difference between people like yourself and the scum I hunt is which price is worth the effort. ...But indeed, I'm not here for yours. You have something we want more than your head. A certain trinket, I believe you call a...crest." Reapermon said to her. This was enough to catch Rosemon off guard, needless to say. How the Dark Sea does this bounty hunter know about the Crests, moreover, how does he know she has one? Moreover, this was an odd coincidence that this digimon just so happens to come looking for a crest just as a destined human comes here and performing a hexed dance on the citizens.
"Could it be that he...No, He would never allow something like this, and he most certainly wouldn't allow this digimon to be with the Destined ones. It can't be that he's the boy's partner either..." Rosemon thought. With a wave of her hand, vines began to wrap around the Lilymons and Lilamons, pulling their damaged selves out of the area safely. If that boy is some sort of Rogue Digi-destined that's trying to use the crest for personal gain, she could not allow a Crest to enter his hands. Reapermon seemed quick to notice the change in the atmosphere of this room, before looking towards Rosemon once again.
"...So that's how this is going to be? At no point was I ordered to terminate you or your kind. So just hand over the Crest and we'll walk away without the binary of you and your guards staining the walls." Reapermon said, his eyes glowing red as if locking on a target. Rosemon simply sighed, the shown part of her face showing a look of sorrow and disappointment.
"If only it were so simple... I consider myself a tolerant womon, you should already know of our plight, the plight of this world and its people. I knew from the beginning that the destined ones would come to this world eventually and I had been awaiting their arrival to this town ever since. It does not matter to me what he called himself, nor would it have mattered if he came before in a group or alone, he is a digi-destined. If you entered this town as guests, I would have welcomed you. Had you walked into my home, I would have allowed you safe passage to my office. Had you ask for the Crest then, I may not have given it to you upon request, but I would have at least allowed you the chance to prove yourself its rightful owner. ...All of this, all of what have been done by you and your 'emperor' was so...needless. You invade my town and hex my people into a celebration by force. You barge into my home and brought harm to my guard, and now, ...Now you dare to deliver an ultimatum of the crest for the life of me and my guard, my people!? ...I know not why a Digidestined is doing this, but it does not matter now, it is clear he is not worthy of the Crest. I will not let you have it, nor will you or he hurt my people any longer!" Rosemon said, cracking her whip on the ground as it suddenly became electrified. Reapermon reacted by slowly pointing the guilty chain cannon on his claw arm towards her.
"Fine by me, I prefer to do things the fun way anyways. Alright, Flower Queen... Let's dance." Reapermon said.
"Aww, the song's almost over...Let's see we have here on the playlist...Ah, Perfect!" Ty said as he grabbed at his MP3 Player and went down a list of songs. As he found the one he was looking for, he pressed play, placed it on his waist, and took the hand of a Palmon, twirling her around as the music began playing and beginning a tango dance.
As the Music started to play, Rosemon immediately used Rose velvet, spikey thorns popping of the ground one line of them after another from Rosemon to Reapermon's location, causing Reapermon to jump back right into an Ivy hug, as a giant vine from Rosemon's office wrapped itself around Reapermon like a Python would its pray. But Reapermon was quick to use his judgement sickle to cut through the vine and freeing him, before then slashing at the other vines that Rosemon were commanding after him. As the first build up of the song began, he immediately fired a giant chain from his cannon towards Rosemon, who countered by throwing her own whip towards it, causing the two to get temporarily tangled up together. The Chain then began to reel itself back in, and pulling Rosemon towards him as well as a result. As he was about to bring down his judgement sickle on her as soon as she came within range, Rosemon blocked it with her thorn spear. The song goes silent for second...
"Forbidden Temptation!" Rosemon said during that second. Then as the music explodes back to life, so too did Rosemon seemingly explode into a storm of Rose petals. Reapermon was quick to change tactics and use his sickle to block the oncoming petals, evidently powerful enough to cut at his armor as he untangled and completely retracted his guilty chain back to himself, jumped away, then caused his own armor to set ablaze as he jumped back towards her, in a fiery tornado, his "Burning Cyclone" as it were, burning away the petals as a result. Now it was Rosemon's turn to jump back away from Reapermon as he came spinning towards her. As soon as the attack stopped, she immediately went to attack him with his whip, causing some further damage to his armor, but it was damage that was worth taking as he got Rosemon in his sight and once again shot his guilty chain at her. Rosemon jumped back once more, but Reapermon pulled back the chain this time instead of reeling it in, now using it as a whip of his own. With mid-range being the only option available at the moment, Rosemon whipped at the chain, essentially causing them to smack their whips with the agility and moves akin to a duel of swords, before both getting in close and using their close-range weapons instead. Both megas were constantly switching between being on the offensive with their respective weapons and being on the defensive with using them as shields. Rosemon had grace and agility, and her rose spear was good enough to block his Judgement whenever he tries to bring it down, but Reapermon was far more bulky, just as his sickle was, and so it wasn't hard to block her piercing blows with it. Even still, Rosemon had home-field advantage as she continued to attempt overwhelming Reapermon by attacking with vines, her Rosey Velvet thorns on the ground and her own weapons.
All the while, Ty was down where the party was going strong, lip-singing the song that was playing, and using his MP3 player as a Microphone as he did. Everyone was dancing to the music, even Rosemon and Reapermon, in a way, were doing the same.
Rosemon was starting to be pushed back towards the Balcony once again as she and Reapermon continued their assault on each other.
"Darn, this one is tougher than I thought. My attacks are hitting, but not enough damage is being done. I'll need to think of something else to try, but he's not giving me any relent to do that." Rosemon thought, Reapermon walking towards her as she did.
"What's the matter, feeling tired already? I was expecting a little more from a Rosemon. Oh well...Hand over the Crest and we can end this painlessly." He said to her as he walked. She immediately ran towards the Reapermon who moved his sickle to a defensive position, only to have his leg grabbed from under him by her whip, and given an electrical shock via Beauty shock.
"Rosy Cradle!" She yelled out as the music started to die down and come to a slow jazz. Another storm of Roses came down, but this time rather than cutting at him, the roses seemed to be letting out some kind of pollen that was making Reapermon sleepy, his glowing red eyes fading out as he became motionless. Rosemon took a few deep breaths, finally able to have some time to think about the scenario at hand. She walked towards the Balcony, and looked down once again at the human below, up on his cart still lip-singing to the music at hand. Just who was this boy? It's very clear that he is a Digidestined, there's no way he would be able to have that Digivice on his wrist if he wasn't, but he's out of the Snowglobe without his partner, and no sign of the one who brought them all there, nor any other signs of human life anywhere in town.
"The rest of them must still be in the Snowglobe. He only summoned them an hour or so ago after all, he wouldn't have allowed any of them to leave without showing themselves of those devices, and wouldn't have let one go off alone even if he proved himself earlier than the others. If he wasn't summoned by him, then who could have activated the Digivice and brought him here? ...Could it be, that a Digivice was stolen? But by who?" Rosemon thought. Even though he appeared to this village as an invader, he is still a digidestined, and is still just a child in the end. Other than Reapermon endangering her and her people, it didn't seem like he was doing this out of harm for anyone here either. She needed to be careful in how to stop this.
As she was thinking, Reapermon's eyes began to have a dim glow of red once more...
She then tried to detect or sense some form of energy from somewhere, something that could determine where these two have come from. In the distance, she could sense a large number of Digimon near the cliff off the outskirts of town.
Among couldn't be...
"Lucemon...? ...But that's impossible, how could he have...?" She said to herself, utterly shocked at the unexpected surprise of sensing Lucemon in the area. It was hard to tell what the other Digimon were in such a distance, and the other human she couldn't detect at all due to said distance, but Lucemon's data was something she could recognize anywhere.
There were so many questions she now had, not the least of which being how he managed to summon a human to this world, and why would he have a Digivice to do so with. Nothing about this made any sense whatsoever!
Before she could think up on this disturbed distraction however, the Music kicked back up and she felt as shot chain from behind grazed her cheek as it flew passed her and wrapped itself around the balcony's guardrail. She turned around, only to see Reapermon reeling in the guilty chain and letting it fly him towards her.
"Grim Slasher!" He yelled out, going fast enough towards her to produce afterimages, aiming his blade to outright decapitate Rosemon. She immediately jump over it changed the rapier in her right arm back into another whip, which she uses to wrap around Reapermon's neck, causing her to fly off the balcony with him. With her other whip in her left hand she grabs at one of the thorn spires that were around the mansion's exterior while Reapermon's guilty chain loosens and retracts back into the cannon. She swings the both of them up with all her strength, sending the two rocketing upwards.
"Beauty shock!" Rosemon yelled, spinning around in the air as electricity started to run down the whip heading for Reapermon's head. Reapermon however was quick to cut the thorny vine and once again shot his Guilty chain out, now towards a giant spire atop and center the dome-like sunroof above Rosemon's office as she calls upon the giant ivy in her office, breaking out of the sun roof to try and attack Reapermon as he span around the spire. Rosemon jumped on one of the ivy then threw her whip around the spire as well, and as Reapermon was spinning in a clockwise motion, Rosemon jumped off the Ivy and span round the same spire in the opposite motion as the beginnings of the Trumpet Solo started to play.
At the same time, Ty looked up at the two as they fought, then pressed a button on his Digivice.
"Alright boys, commence Thunderstruck, I repeat, commence Thunderstruck." Ty said into it.
As the Trumpet Solo plays on, Reapermon and Rosemon are spinning around the top central tower, They attack each other at each collision point, with Reapermon also dodging and cutting the ivy that were attacking him as well. Eventually, near the mid-point of the trumpet solo, Reapermon uses his sickle to cut as Rosemon's whip, the momentum of her spinning causing her to fly away as a result. Reapermon, at the end of the trumpet solo, loosened the chain as he made one more spin around and retracted it at the right moment to send him flying towards Rosemon as well, the vines of the city now trying to attack him as the drum solo begins, Reapermon cutting through some of the vines, hopping on others like platforms until he made his way to Rosemon, and continue their fight standing on the collective vines that hovered to their level by Rosemon's command.
As the Drum solo begins, the bright sunny day started to darken as black clouds started to form above Blossomtown. As the drum solo progressed, The two mega-level digimon were fighting aggressively, dancing upon the rosey vines and moving about the city as they did. As the drum beat was getting faster and faster, so too was the fight between these two getting more and more aggressive, until they reached ground level. All the while, Ty took out his pair of sunglasses as he looked up at the already dark sky, the rain starting to fall and the sound of thunder started to rumble.
"Alright, it's time for the grand finale...LIGHT IT UP!" Ty yelled with his hands extended out high into the sky. The drums stop for a second as the two megas move to strike each other. At the moment of the collision of sickle and rapier, a bolt of lightning was seen in the air. Rosemon tried to look up to see what was happening, but with Reapermon being as aggressive as he was, he wasn't giving her a chance to do anything of the sort. Despite this, Reapermon saw that this wasn't getting anywhere, and time was clearly running out, and his eyes locked immediately to a by-standing Palmon. Jumping away from Rosemon and dashing towards the Palmon.
"No!" Rosemon yelled, and without hesitation she ran for the Palmon as well, and just as Reapermon went to grab at Palmon with his left claw, Rosemon pushed the Palmon out of the way, let the claw stab right through her and come out the other side. It was at this point that the music faded out, and there was silence. Looking behind her, amidst the binary data that was leaking, Reapermon noticed something floating in the middle of his claw, a very small green rectangular stone with a symbol on it. The Palmon from before awakened from her Hypnosis, and watches in sheer horror as this unfolds.
"L-...Lady Rosemon?"

"...This is the crest? I see. ...So that's why you were so resistant. I suppose that doesn't matter now, does it. ...For what it's worth, you were a worthy challenge, fought admirably. ...But this is goodbye for now."
"Hey, Pachuco!"
On that cue, he grabbed the Crest, and proceeded to tear his claw out from her right side as oppose to the gaping hole he made, and as the song makes it to its 3-second finale, Rosemon, her silhouette losing the complete right side of her torso as the rest of her body disintegrates to bits in the air, Palmon watching in horror and screaming as it happens. Reapermon, looking at the Palmon as it cries in terror and sadness for a few seconds, makes a high jump to the rooftop of one of the buildings and makes his leave.
The other citizens began to wake up from their dancing, but by the time they did, Ty made a run for it, leaving behind a Flagpole from where he stood, a flag with the imperial insignia on it left as a calling card, or perhaps as a claim to Rosemon's now former domain.
The Lightning began striking at the buildings consistently and without stop, setting the vines around the city on fire and eventually erupting the whole city in flames.
Outskirts of Blossomtown
Minutes earlier...
"...You are aware I can hear you over there, right? If you're going to talk about someone behind their backs, at least have decency to do so somewhere away from the person you are talking about...and after you complete the assignment you are ordered to do." Lucemon, still with the army possibly unknown to Mike and Wolfy. However, it seemed he had no reaction to what the two said in particular, simply seemed annoyed by the rudeness of their talk and nothing more. It could be that he didn't hear what was said, or it could be that he did hear them and simply did not care. As things started to get interesting down in Blossomtown, Mike would receive a communication from Ty.
"Alright boys, commence Thunderstruck, I repeat, commence Thunderstruck." Ty said, Lucemon overhearing as he did.
"...Mike, Wizardmon, it's time." He said as he turned to the two. Wizardmon nodded as he walk next to Mike. He then extended his wand, glowing with electricity, and pointing it towards the town.
"...Here goes nothing. Electro Squall!" Wizardmon yelled out, as he then waved around the wand, and as he did, the Black clouds formed above the city.
"...Mike, I'll need your help aiming the Lightning. We need to make sure it only hits the buildings." He said as to Mike as he concentrated on his spell. A thing orange screen would then appear in front of Mike, a touch screen that currently has digi-code running down it in all sorts of directions.