Just like every morning, Han Ari bounced her volleyball against the wall of her home. She had done the same every single morning she could think of, even when she had been just a child.
Even on a day like this, she would not interrupt her morning tradition. Sometimes, she did even more, like serving practice, though she would not have the time to do so today.
"Ah-ri! Breakfast is ready.", her mother yelled in Korean through the slightly opened sliding door to the garden around Ari's house. It still was early, but her preferred method of transit to her new school would not be the fastest.
Ari grabbed the volleyball and headed inside, cleaning her feet in a basin that her family had constructed because of her tendency to go outside barefoot. She dropped the ball off in a basket and seated herself at the table.
"Are you sure you want to join their volleyball club, Ah-ri? They haven't looked so good in recent years.", her mother said worried. If her daughter wasn't able to shine in a good club, her chances to get to national level were low as well.
"Yes, mother, I know that. But, if I manage to carry a bad team to the top, won't that give me even more of a chance to shine?"
Her mother sighed. "Sometimes I wished, you'd take less risks..."
"No risks, no fun.", Ari chuckled to her mother's dismay.
Soon, Ari was finished and snatched both her school bag and an additional bag with her "good-luck volleyball" inside. To be fair, it also could serve as a self-defence item...
She smirked at that thought, then she left for school. But unlike most students, she didn't go by public transit, or bike, or any motorized vehicle. No, she went on foot. And she didn't walk. She jogged.
Getting her legs moving and her heart pumping in the morning was important. Important for her health and important for her athleticism.
Soon, she reached the school and, exactly on time, entered the classroom 1A without making any fuss about her arrival. Though, as usual, when she had gotten onto the school ground, she had been stared at by students everywhere, something she was already used to, though.
She chose a seat and sat down. Arriving late to the class, her new homeroom teacher seemed a bit... frazzled.
One by one her new classmates introduced themselves until it was her turn.
She stood up, straightening herself to stand at her full height.
"Hi. My name is Han Ari. I'm fifteen years old and play volleyball. My goal is it to compete at international level. So... yeah."
Seemingly bored with her own introduction, she sat down again anxiously tapping her fingers on her desk.