Folly Valeska

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93) ----> Holding Cells (Floor 78)
Folly nodded at Future Carolina, trying her best to keep her rattled psyche from spiraling again. The voices had calmed down and she only saw the occasional flicker of something that wasn't there when she looked out the corner of her eye. With Mary alive again, Folly couldn't help but feel rather small. It was as if she were back at the Institute, sleeping in one of the holding cells - with the only thing to brighten up the room being a single plant.
I liked the plant, you know, Boris' voice whispered in her ear and Folly jumped.
"Морам се задржати," Folly murmured. Her Twinkie fell to the ground, not even unwrapped, and the manic look in her eyes intensified until there wasn't a shred of sanity left. It had only been the calm before the storm.
"Damn it," he said, holding onto her tightly, and he looked over at Stark.
"Hey, you still have those holding cells meant to hold the Hulk right? Mind if I borrow one of them for a few minutes," he said, his voice sounding a bit strained, but the urgency was obvious.
"Go right ahead," Tony said,
"JARVIS, let them down there and open one of the cells." He nodded, before he raced downstairs, holding onto Folly as he ran, and eventually he locked her into one of the cells, making sure she didn't have her daggers or anything in there with her, except he did toss her a Twinkie right before he locked the doors.
УБИТИ ИХ! OMOARA-I! KILL THEM! ZABIJ ICH! The voices were screaming at her and Folly was shouting the words they were saying, as if she was just a puppet. She threw herself at the adamantium enforced cage, breaking her wrist only to reform it. There wasn't any sort of sense left in her and at one point, she even tried to strangle the Twinkie.
"YOU'LL ALL BURN!" Folly screamed, jumping at the wall only to break and then start to reform her ankle.
"У реду је Фолли, смири се, молим те...Биће у реду..." he responded, trying to soothe her, to keep her calm. He knew that she was practically gone right now, but he also knew that it usually helped to just sit and wait it out.
"Држи то и биће чудан мирис на тавану!" Folly hissed, glaring at Future Pietro as she kept running towards the wall, attempting to find a weak point but there wasn't any. It had been designed by Banner himself to hold the Hulk. While Folly healed and had athletic skills from her years as an acrobat, she didn't have strength to rival the Hulk - or even come close.
"Увек ћу бити ту за тебе Фолли, ти си као сестра мени..." he responded softly.
"...тако су гласни..." Folly muttered, looking down.
Don't listen to these assholes. These aren't the people you want to kill. Go after the O.M.E.N. asshats and stick a claw in their brain! Logan, you're going to confuse her...She shouldn't kill people...Folly you know that... WILL THE FUCKING GOODY TWO SHOES DEAD BRAT SHUT UP?! You're dead too Boris. So go fuck yourself. She didn't even bring us a plant! Rude! Chop her head off, Folly! She's upstairs and distracted! "Биће све у реду, не слушајте их, па осим Марије и Логана, можете их слушати..." ...He was right though about the plant. You could use one Folly! The Wolverine voice then laughed in her mind and Folly was trying to block them out.
I don't see how a damn dandelion is going to help her, Bloom. Flowers are very good for people's health! They're therepeutic Logan! You could use some too! I know this great rose, gives off a calming aroma, it'd be perfect for you."Разговарају...вртларство..." Folly mumbled.
"Наравно да јесу, зашто то не изненађује. Било која идеја зашто причају о биљкама? Или је то само зато што се осећају тако?" he asked, chuckling slightly now.
Everyone loves plants! Why wouldn't we talk about it?! the Mary hallucination said excitedly. Folly didn't need to hear the Wolverine one to know that the hallucination wasn't nearly as enthralled with gardening as the other one was.
You just want everyone to use plants all day, kid. Duh! You know Folly, you should tell Speedy that plants can even be good for pregnant women - make sure they're nice and healthy and then the kid will be too! "...У овом тренутку, Мари жели да знате да ваша жена треба да једе здраво или како год..." The scent will also be super calming for labor! "Уствари, Мари? Да ли сада желиш да причаш о томе?" he said, laughing slightly at that.
You're the one that got MY best friend pregnant when we have almost no medical resources, so yes, we are talking about which plants you need to go out and find! Folly, here's the list... I'm sure the only plant Quicksilver wants is weed, Bloom. That's so lame if it's true... "...Она има листу биљака да се добије и веома је узнемирена да ли јој је најбољи супруга трудна када је једва медицинско снабдевање на резерви... А Логан мисли да ти је пот..." "Хвала Логан, али не, не пушим ништа, а не као да бих могао уствари да се уздигнем на висок, осећам се као да смо већ имали овај разговор!" he said, still laughing.
True, guess that's more your wife's thing, 'Silver. Folly's eyes widened and she couldn't help but giggle, looking at Pietro to see if he had heard what Logan said.
Oh Speedy is so going to kick you for that Logan! Folly nodded, still looking at Pietro.
"...Хоћеш ли да пробас Логана за оно што је управо рекао?" Folly whispered, giggling still.
"...What did he say Folly?" he asked her, but he was pretty sure it involved Guin in some way, since she was known to do drugs or something. He also didn't like people bringing that up constantly.
Folly stopped giggling when Future Pietro switched out of Serbian. She curled up slightly, tucking her knees in to her chest. She then looked around her cell, trying to avoid answering his question but it was bugging at her and eventually, she sighed, rolling to the side.
"He said it was more your wife's thing..." Folly whispered, before starting to cry.
"H-he said it, not me...." "Можда бих требао да га ударим због тога, брзо бих се брзо исцелио." he said, switching back to Serbian.
If Speedy does get hurt, I've got a plant for that... Folly sniffled, wiping her eyes since she didn't want them to turn red and puffy - even though it hardly lasted for her.
"M-maybe...I think he's gone now...It's just Mary and she's talking about plants again..." "Okay... You feeling better now Folly?" Folly just nodded, sniffling still.
Dean Kesseli

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)
Dean's eyes widened, seeing Folly go from crazy to calm to batshit crazy in the span of a minute. He couldn't help but feel incredibly glad that Future Pietro had taken her off to go and calm down somewhere. Why'd they bring someone like that back from the future? He couldn't help but wonder if that had been a good idea - and in the future, did they need guardian consent to take a crazy person with them somewhere?
"WAIT I'VE GOT IT!" Dean blurted.
He then ate his Twinkie at record speed, grinning a bit with excitement. Everyone had been bickering about what to have the others do and something had come to him, sparked by wondering what sort of forms the future people had to sign to get Folly with them! For once, bureaucracy would help, rather than hurt!
"So um I'm gonna be straight here. Super glad to not be on the team going to go talk with America's Sweetheart or whatever...But there's things we can do other than fight and plan." "When I went to sleep away camp when I was eleven, there was a drive by shooter nearby and it made the news...So once we were all rounded up in the lodge, the camp called all of our parents and told them we were fine, and said they could come get us if they wanted," Dean explained.
"Isn't this kinda like that? I mean...I'm guessing Gambit called Marygold to check up on her - but our parents don't even know we're alive...And the parents of all the kids we pulled out of the school don't know..." He fidgeted a bit, wishing that he had another Twinkie.
"But also, there's mutants all over the country that hide and stuff, right? But there's also ones that can't hide...Who have noticeable mutations or whatever...Instead of going off to fight O.M.E.N. or whatever while the small team is off trying to talk to Jakobsen, maybe we should try and warn all the mutants in the country...And this may seem dumb, but I think the perfect place for that is Reddit. There's tons of private mutant communities on there and we can warn them in there. We've got enough people here good with tech that we could probably mask our IP address or whatever..." "Wow I'm talking a lot....I-I guess my point is that we should call our families and the students' families...Arrange for parents to come pick up their kids if they want to...Contact any mutants we know and warn them...And then post warnings in mutant groups online..." His stomach then grumbled. He hadn't been aware that his hands had been blurring from nerves as he talked.
Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)
"Don't you dare reference Star Wars," Guin muttered under her breath, having heard what Nina said. Had it been anyone else, she could have appreciated the reference. But it was Nina and so on principle, Guin had to hate it. Her anger and irritation was only increased when Richard ruffled her hair - and part of her imagined he had taken a sample of it for some sort of test, the way he instantly put his hand in his pocket. She relaxed slightly when Pietro moved closer to her and she inched a bit closer to him.
"...That's actually not a horrible idea," Guin said, glancing at Dean. It'd be something for the others to deal with. Between that and figuring out strategies to fight Sentinels, she figured it'd be plenty of things for them to do. She also noticed two others split off and go wandering around her home. She knew that JARVIS would have restricted their access, but she still had a horrifying image of Ayita, Charlie, and Allison finding her bedroom and destroying everything in a stress induced breakdown.
She then got an idea of her own.
JARVIS. "JARVIS, access the Blackbird's computer and see if you can analyze those Sentinels we encountered for weaknesses," Guin instructed the AI.
"Of course, Ms. Stark, though that will take me some time," JARVIS responded.
"Thanks, man," Guin replied. She figured it'd take a while, but at least it was another thing they could be doing.
Guin then finally turned to Pietro. They had about an hour until her godfather called back with a meeting time - and with everything that was happening, she was definitely scared. She knew that he loved Star Trek, as much as he pretended to prefer Star Wars for her (she has a Star Wars tattoo).
"QamuSHa," she whispered to him with a wink. It was Klingon for
I love you. Pietro was a little surprised at that. He didn't know that Guin knew how to say that in Klingon, and he was one of the people who could be considered fluent in the made up language.
"QamuSHa... I didn't know you knew how to say that..." he whispered back with a smile.
Guin shrugged, grinning at him.
"I'm kind of a genius...Also I learned that phrase from Star Trek fanfics I've read - of course, I read mostly Star Wars but on occasion you just need to switch things up a little." She didn't mention of course the fanfics that she herself had written. Pietro didn't need to know about those.
"Well, whatever... It doesn't surprise me that you'd just sit there reading fanfics all day or something," he said with a slight smirk.
"Oh yeah, I would just sit there and read them, nothing else at all," Guin commented with an eye roll. She and Pietro had tended to tunnel vision on each other lately and it was definitely starting to happen again. She was pretty much focusing on him and their whispered conversation, rather than anything else.
"Whatever," he said with a laugh. He was smiling, and wondered what fanfics Guin was reading, but he knew better than to just flat out ask her about that. It would be kind of weird if he did.
Guin giggled slightly.
"And before you ask, I read a lot of Kirk and Spock fics - they're my OTP of that series," she whispered with a smile. Yeah, she was completely tunnel visioning on him. OMEN who?
"...I totally agree with you on that one, they so are, the Original Series is definitely the best out of all of them, and those two together are amazing," he said with another small laugh.
"Don't break up with me, but I actually did like Into Darkness," Guin said quietly.
"But yeah, the Original is the best. Always tends to be. Very rare if that isn't the case." "You only liked Into Darkness because of Cumberbatch I'm guessing, it was a horrible movie though..." "...He's freaking hot, Piet." Pietro went slightly rigid, he was the jealous type, like, the really jealous type. He did not like it at all when Guin said things like that about other people, especially since he was already fighting slight jealousy when it came to his future counterpart.
"Not as hot as you are, of course," Guin whispered. She tended to be a bit oblivious at times - namely with the fact that Lance liked her - but she also hadn't noticed Pietro being jealous really before. This time, however, she spotted it - and she continued to tunnel vision on him. It helped that they were standing off to the edge of the group, allowing them to have their own private whispered conversation.
Pietro gave her a smile.