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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Guin Stark, Folly Valeska, and Dean Kesseli

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level

Guin tried not to make too much of a face when she heard Charlie suggest calling in the previous X-Men team. Before she went on educational leave from S.H.I.E.L.D., her primary job had been to coordinate between the X-Men and S.H.I.E.L.D. She had learned when she first arrived that much of the previous team had scattered, leaving Mary behind to rebuild. When people left like that, it wasn't generally with the hope of coming back. And while they could put a call out to the old team, they didn't have the time to wait and negotiate. Besides, that would be admitting that they were just Avengers Little League - that they weren't capable of handling issues. They were the X-Men now - the old team was a thing of the past.

"They're also kinda...old..." Dean pointed out. "Some of them are getting past their fighting days...Like beyond Wolverine being ancient, they're in their forties now...with years of mental issues and combat injuries or stuff..." he mumbled. He had been a student at the institute for the last four years or so. He wasn't blind to the fact that the old team hadn't just quit - they'd retired. Sure, some of them had gone on to join other teams, but he knew that a few of them had settled down.

"That's ageist," Guin pointed out. "Plus, my dad is just about fifty and he's still an active member of the Avengers, so don't really buy that explanation Kesseli," she pointed out. And of course, their biggest foe as a team was Magneto and he had to be pushing 90 years old. She was still wondering how he managed to conceive Pietro and Wanda in his seventies. She had heard some rumors around the mansion that Magneto and Xavier had actually been de-aged back in the eighties and it was how they met, but she wasn't sure how true it was.

Folly sighed, finding a lot of this conversation pointless and circular. "Reasoning with Jakobsen isn't possible. And Cornish isn't the one you need to be worried about - she's not the same sort of villain that he is..." she weighed in softly. She disliked the idea of sending anyone to go reason with a man who could not be reasoned with. She understood their temptation to hold onto the law, but she had let go of the idea of world governments and structure years ago. Chaos was going to reign if they didn't take action. Her ideal situation would be to have a shapeshifter take Jakobsen's place and shut the program down from within. However, her nostrils flared as she heard Allison insult Mary.

She may have been holding it together mentally, but no one called her only friend stupid. She could see Allison glaring at her and Guin had been about to go over and smack Allison for it, when Folly beat her to the chase. In the blink of an eye, Folly walked up to Allison and stomped on her foot. "The only stupid one here is you. You want to know the future?" Folly asked darkly. "You make it to the fourth year. And then die. Stupidly." She took a deep breath, maintaining eye contact with Allison before she walked back over to the other future people, not even caring if Ayita or Richard or anyone attempted to attack her. She'd heal from their attempts anyways.

Dean gulped, looking at Carolina for a moment. "...I'm not sure which one is scarier...Vengeful Allison or the psycho chick..." he whispered in Carolina's ear. "But uh guys, we really shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves...Probably what Jakobsen wants or something..." Dean added, raising his voice back to a normal volume. This time, Guin agreed with him completely. She wasn't sure what had gotten into Allison and had Folly not gone and threatened her, Guin probably would have switched with one of the Pietros and then punched her. Her impulse control was rather poor at times, but she lucked out this time around.

"...I'm not sure how well it'll work out, but I can go and try to talk to Jakobsen," Guin finally weighed in. "Rhodey's my godfather and that's our connection to him. Plus, I'm famous - but as a human. Not as a mutant. So I go in, talk to Jakobsen - and worst case scenario, I can switch with him and either ruin all of their plans and delete the data, or hell, just find the dirt...People like this are bound to cut corners. I'm not just talking dirt about his treatment of mutants - there's something else he's bound to be doing that Congress and the public won't forgive. We don't have to get him put away for this - just something."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Peridot
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Peridot Clods!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Charlie Farrier

Location: Stark Tower

Charlie looked at Mary incredulously, surprised at her outburst. He understood they were all under a lot of pressure, but she was supposed to be their leader! Acting like this was the last thing anyone needed right now, and as she ordered him to be quiet, he felt his temper flaring up.

"Don't talk to me like that!" He snapped in response, getting to his feet. "Look, I get that this situation is bad and everyone is feeling pretty tense, but that's exactly why we should take any help we can get. I don't give a damn if they're 'technically' retired! We've got the US government hunting us down and trying to kill us!" From what he could see, Mary's hesitance to accept outside help felt more like a childish "I-can-do-it-by-myself" vibe than an actual issue in finding these people are convincing them to help. He highly doubted that if they approached Gambit or Jean or Cyclops about this that they'd turn them away - their lives were at risk too. Every mutant's was.

After this, everyone else seemed to have their own outburst too. Sara piped up in a colourfully blunt manner that Charlie gathered was typical for her, and was a manner that was growing on him too. Allison rejoined their party, seemingly recovered to his relief, and echoed Sara's thoughts that Charlie was finding himself agreeing with. They couldn't attack them head on, it would just make things worse. Especially without any of the back-up he'd already suggested they try to find. Dean mentioned something about the original X-Men being too old to fight, but Guin beat Charlie to the punch in terms of correcting that. Age didn't really matter when it came to fighting potential extinction anyway. He only thought things should calm down a bit when Folly delivered a pretty crushing blow to Allison about her future. Stepping forwards, Charlie raised his hands in a hopefully placating way.

"Woah, look, everyone just needs to calm down." Looking to Allison to see how she was taking the news of her impending death, and then back to Folly with a shake of the head. "First of all: Dick move. You telling people they're gonna die isn't exactly helping the situation. You came all the way back here to try and prevent things getting worse, so maybe don't start pulling shit like that. We don't need to make enemies of each other, not with those guys out there."

Charlie now looked uncomfortably to Guin as she suggested her plan. It was one of the best ones offered so far, but still, extremely dangerous. She was his friend, and the thought of something happening to her - or to any of them - sent slivers of icy fear into his heart. "What if they have something that can prove you're a mutant? Some kind of test, or scanning system? You could be walking into a death trap." Shrugging his shoulders, Charlie wracked his brain, trying to think of something else. "Maybe we could send in an actual human instead? Someone who could let you and some others in from the outside so that you can do the rest of your plan?"

Nina van Essenhout

Location: Stark Tower

Overhearing Bruce and Lance's conversation as she worked on Hank's wounds, Nina pondered their relationship. She didn't know their background to know what problems they had, but they certainly didn't click well. Bruce seemed timid and Lance seemed bratty. "Still, there's always two sides to a story. None of my business anyway." Nina told herself, swabbing a stomach laceration down with antiseptic before beginning to stitch it together. Noticing that Lance wanted to get away from his Dad, Nina allowed him to help her out with Beast, her finishing off the stitches while Lance began a blood transfusion. They worked in silence, but that seemed best for him - Nina didn't think he wanted small talk to break the tension in the air.

Once Hank was stitched, bandaged, and happily knocked out and comfortable on some strong pain meds, Nina stepped back with a sigh, looking at the others. Thalia was being tended to, and Allison was already getting to her feet. Just as she was about to follow her into the next room, Nina took note of the blood still staining her hands. Dried streaks of it were covering her clothes and face too, evidence of Thalia's sacrifice. Nina only hoped that the woman would pull through.

Finding a sink and washing her hands thoroughly, Nina considered what her next step would be. If OMEN had this much power to pull a move like this, she could only assume that S.H.I.E.L.D was compromised too. Cassandra might be safe going back, but herself? She was a known mutant, and she doubted Jakobsen would let any mutants working for the government to slip through his fingers. Staying with the kids would be the best bet now, especially if she could provide some kind of protection for them. Finishing cleaning the blood from her body the best she could (And deciding a clean shirt could wait until later), Nina finally rejoined the majority of the others, frowning slightly as she measured the tension in the room. Tempers were beginning to flare, but catching the last few words of Guin and Charlie, Nina focused on them.

"He's got a point. We don't know what safeguards they've got in place against mutants already, but taking them down quietly like this is probably our best bet." Nina said as Charlie finished, looking to Guin. "But we may not have the time or people available to do it any other way. Perhaps you could do something that would garner enough trust for him to not even suspect you of being a mutant? Maybe bring in a "prisoner"?" Of course, the risk of immediate death would be present for said prisoner, unless OMEN were interested in interrogation or experimentation. The latter seemed more likely, on the understanding that one mutant may know where dozens more were hiding.

"I could go with you, if you wanted. If anything I can act as a bit of protection - better I die than you." The two never saw eye to eye and Nina considered Guin to be quite the brat. But she still held her life above her own. It would be foolish not to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 24 days ago

Richard Laine

Location Stark Tower

As Marygold took several deep breathes, Richard stiffened in wary apprehension. It was never a good thing when the leader of a group was showing signs of nervousness. Oh, it was expected that they would be human. But on some level, as a leader of a group you had to shut down that fear lest it corrupt and unnerve the rest. It was a tactic he had used more than once in his former occupation. It didn't help she had given a moot point with the retirement bit. There was no such thing. He had 'retired' from being the killer he was trained as, but the skills and the will still resided within him. More so than his sister who was so eager for the politician's death. While he was irked at her from bringing it up so bluntly. She had a point and more than that- she had never said his death would be hers to claim.

At least she was leaving the killing to the professional in the family. His fingers tapped out an idle pattern on a chair as he sunk into it. Yet with all the positions they were talking about, Richard felt they were missing one. There was another option aside from attacking or defend and he considered it riskier. Yet the pay out was greater. Why not simply lure out Jakobson? Give him a opportunity too good for him not to set his Sentinels on? His men? An 'innocent' suddenly set upon by these forces that were obviously danger and not of X-men origins. The X-Men coming in to drive them off, not decreeing it was Jakobsen but a little plant here and there... Rumors were a mill wheel that never stopped turning.

But Richard remained silent. Patiently biding his time. He was necessarily liked and both Marygold and the daughter of their host had a problem with him. Thus it was perhaps best he not decree that they needed to step away from the problem and take a solid period of time to clear the battle from their heads. No one here was thinking clearly. Save perhaps Charlie. The man's lips quirked as the flame-on brat criticized them all for exactly what Richard was thinking. Giving Charlie a sharp nod of agreement. Richard almost missed his sister jolt forward.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location Stark Tower

Ayita listened to the chatter in interest behind a politely blank mask. She doubted she would be of any use against those Sentinels. While she could take on a man, her powers lent her stealth. Better put to the profession Richard had been tutoring her in. More of a self defense against it. A way to disappear into the civilizations of the world. He hadn't technically done it to teach her to become what he was. Alas, years of hunting for one's food and avoiding humans made stealth a required tool that was honed very sharply. Spying Allison, Ayita stood sharply from leaning against the wall. Naked relief upon her face that her friend was alright.

"Thank goodness. You are alright." The words were not said but mental relief flowed from Ayita limited telepathy to the woman who she had relinquished into the care of Banner. But her eyes became furious as Folly stamped on Allison foot. Words were one thing. But a physical attack? Moving forward, Ayita seized the woman's upper arm in a bruising grip. "You are upset." The words were stated out in the too soft voice, lacking the growl she usually had when agitated. "You are not the only one. This bastard has attacked us all and would kill, if not imprison. You do his work for him by snapping at a member of your pack when they were asked to speak their mind." The bump Ayita gave the woman as she knocked her aside moving towards Allison.

"I do not care for when a hunter is upon my trail. I care less for when someone threatens my friend." Ayita let a loose a snarl. "Do not give me a reason to see you as I see this Jakobson. He would see us all dead for no reason than being what we are. He had the aid of the-" Ayita groped for the word. "-humans? Then he has a very strong advantage. But he will suspect a trap if we speak to him and we will suspect a trap. He wants us to attack. To prove the bear is vicious, you must first beat it. The bear will prove it's horrid nature, nevermind it was merely trying to defend itself." The woman's amber eyes flickered with something close to embarrassment, but it was a true fact. Bear baiting, she had read about it in those times when she cloistered herself away from everyone. "Why let him prove our viciousness if we attack him? Let him show his own vicious side in front of all the world. Against children. 'There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.'" Gesturing towards Guin and Tony the shifter paused by Allison. "Internet spans the world does it not? And it cannot ever be fully forgotten?" She was out of her depth and territory here but fighting was best avoided and defending was worse. So why not bait and lure a trap? A arm moving about Allison in a half hug as she glowered at Folly.

Richard raised a eyebrow. So that explained all the off searches in his history...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


location: stark tower

Damon nodded at Mary then everyone lost their damn minds. one voice after another all getting louder and more upset and even one girl stepping on Allison's foot. He rubbed his face and mentally calmed himself before he let all his thoughts become a jumbled mess. Each individual had a point, some were on the side of hunting the guy down and making him pay as soon as possible others for gathering up more people and then the ones who wanted to wait. Interesting points all of them...how can they be put together to stop the fighting and work through this. Ayita seemed to be trying...something. He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"We need to plan we cant do anything without thinking it through" He slowly looked up "and Ayita has a point there....if we attack it proves him possibly right and we want as many on our side as possible." another pause "But we do not want to wait too long." He kept himself calm "so why don't we try to come up with something together instead of arguing and yelling....and generally being angry at each other?" Damon...always trying to do his best...but this probably did not help as much as he would have liked it to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Stark Tower: Main Area - Side Hallway - Main Area again

Mary listened to everyone, nodding her head as she heard the suggestions, she was doing her best to keep calm, but it wasn't working very well. Allison was the one who pushed her over the edge, and the fighting between Ayita, Allison, and Folly. She didn't know what they could do, but she knew that she needed to get away and think, clear her head, but that wasn't going to happen around this group.

"You all think you can do better than?" Mary snapped at Allison. It was very rare for her to lose her temper, since she tended to stay laid back, level headed, but not right now. She was stressing out majorly, and she had barely been holding it together ever since they got there, and someone literally just called her stupid to her face. "Fine, you know what? A lot of you tend to forget that, one, everyone makes mistakes, and two, I try to make sure I don't make the same mistake twice. Look, I was 16 years old when I joined the team, youngest member by close to 15 years! I was only 19 years old when I was literally told to rebuild the X-Men team, from scratch! That was only 2 years ago in case you don't know. Then had to figure out how to make it so that we might be able to work as a team, not to mention the first mission was a failure, not to mention the second one resulted in someone's death! Who do you think beats herself up about it all the time? Me! So I do not need to take any of this from you!" Mary yelled, before she shoved Allison slightly. Her phone started to ring, and she pulled it out, looking at the caller ID. "Now, I'll be back, got to take a phone call, calm down, and get away from your bullshit. Because guess what, Xavier doesn't have a say who is on the team, I do. So you clean up your attitude Andrews, or you're off it and get to go hide with the other students while we sort this out," she said, glaring at Allison before she answered her phone and started walking away from everyone, taking deep breaths, "Hey Remy... What's up?"

"Oh, merci beaucoup à Dieu...I saw somethin' went down at the mansion chère, been freakin' out over here...You okay? You hurt or anythin'? Just say the word and I'll be on the next flight to New York, Goldie."

"...I'm fine Remy, don't worry, you don't need to show up, the mansion blows up every few years anyway... I'm just really stressed out... Not to mention that several people started yelling and blaming me for things..." she softly so the others couldn't hear, before she headed out of the room and into another hallway as she leaned against the wall, and slid to the ground. There were tears in her eyes. "...I was thinking of calling you anyway... No one out there was really helping me calm down and I ended up kind of yelling at everyone."

"...Yeah, guessin' we were due for another mansion explosion. After a certain point, you gotta wonder if Xavier is in cahoots with a construction company or somethin' - maybe insurance fraud?" There was a slight chuckle on the other end of the line, followed by a pause as Gambit became more serious. "Well, chère, just take a few deep breaths. Whatever happened to make the mansion blow up, it ain't your fault. They're just being a bunch of connards, mon amie. If they're yellin' at ya, just means they're freakin' out and decided to take it out on ya. Why Logan was always un vrai con à Scott, even if Cyke didn't deserve it at the time..."

"...I keep screwing up Remy... No matter what I do..." Mary said, she smiled slightly when he laughed, but her mind quickly wandered back to the last mission and what had happened. She knew that she hadn't been at the job for too long, but it didn't matter, she wanted to help as many people as she possibly could, and she was failing at even doing that.

"I'll let ya in on a secret, Goldie. Everyone screws up, no matter what they do...Anyone who tells you otherwise is a lyin' connard and ain't worth your time. Just natural, mon amie. But focus on the positives, Goldie? I heard ya stopped Magneto and saved the human population from a deadly virus. Don't focus on your screw ups chère - focus on the people ya helped."

"...Someone died because I changed the team lineup at the last minute when we split up to go into the lab... I switched him and me, and one person probably thinks they'd be better off if I had died instead of him..." she said softly.

There was a pause. "Then that person is the dumbest individual to ever walk the planet, chère. You switchin' the team lineup ain't had nothin' to do with his death. Every small little change we make, it's like ripples in a pond mon amie. Maybe if you hadn't done the switch, the whole team woulda died. You just can't know that mon amie and you'll go crazy if ya let yourself think that way. But hey listen, ya tell this person to knock it off or what ya do is ya give 'em a box of crayons, tell 'em to go sit out with the other crybabies for a while. Don't need that type of stupid on the team, Goldie."

"...I might have yelled something similar to that at her before I answered your call... I can't stop thinking about that Remy, and the whole, what could have happened... I can't stop wondering if maybe they are right to blame me for everything..."

"Bien sûr que non, chère! They ain't right at all. I can promise ya that."

"...You sure about that Remy?" she asked softly, finally starting to calm down. She took several deep breaths, managing to wipe away her tears finally.

"Never been more sure of anythin' in my life, Goldie."

"...Alright, you're right... Thanks Remy..."

"Ne t'inquiète pas, chère. Je t'aime."

"See you Remy, I promise, I'll call if we need you, bye," she said as she hung up the phone, and just sat there for a few moments, taking deep breaths. What was she thinking? They needed help! She then hit herself in the head, she couldn't think like that if they were going to make it out of this with their lives. After a few more deep breaths, she felt that she was calm enough to not continue yelling at people, she wondered how people were going to react about that phone conversation, since she didn't exactly hide who had called.

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Stark Tower: Main Area

Once Mary had gone out of sight, leaving the room, Mira turned off the TV and looked at the others. This was not the time to be snapping at each other, that much was obvious, but there wasn't much else that could be done. Everyone was on edge, and at this rate they were going to start ripping each other apart instead of trying to find the right solutions, figure out ways so that they'd survive. This wasn't going to be easy, but there wasn't much else that could be done. "Wow... Never thought she was one to lose her temper easily..." Future Pietro said, before he zipped around and wrapped Folly into a hug, "Recommendation? Quit while you're ahead," he muttered to Ayita and Allison as he pulled Folly away from them.

Then, there were a grand total of three people who stared at Guin like she was crazy, her father, and both the younger, and the older versions of Pietro. "No way are you going anywhere like that by yourself!"

"That would be suicide Malo Guina, you know that, since there would not be any sort of easy way out if everything went downhill! We shouldn't send anyone in alone, no matter what. It is way too risky."

"Can't believe I'm about to say this, but I agree with the silver haired annoying speedsters over there. There is no way one person should talk to this guy alone. Especially if he caused what happened at the mansion. Guin, you are not doing that, at all!"

"Well, we don't have very many options of what to do, but sending one person in the hopes that they don't fail at their mission, and hoping that they don't need to be able to have a quick getaway, well... That isn't the best idea..." Mira said softly, deciding to add in her own thoughts on the subject. "I also agree with them that we shouldn't be fighting each other, we all have the same enemy... We need to work together to figure out what to do... And getting at each others throats is not helping..."

"Yeah, caused Mary to completely lose it, so fun. Yeah, you all are right, and everyone needs to calm down, maybe take a step back from this, or what. Take a few deep breaths and figure out the best course of action... Though at the very least if we need to send one person off, send at least one other person with them, otherwise they would be put in needless danger, and that would be reckless..." Future Pietro commented.

Mira had no idea what to do, they were outnumbered, considering the fact that Jakobsen basically had an entire army of robots and humans at his disposal, while they were just a ragtag team of mutants, this wasn't going to be very easy, no matter what they decided. She was also pretty sure that everything could go horribly wrong if they weren't careful, just like what Mary had said before she snapped at Allison. There was no way this was going to end well, unless luck was on their side. From what she knew though, that was almost never the case.

The speedsters fell silent, and a moment later, Mary came back into the room, and looked around at everyone. "...I apologize for that outburst... I lost my head there for a moment," she said, sounding a lot calmer than just a few moments before. "You all are right, we can't keep fighting each other, maybe Jakobsen wants this to happen, who knows? But we need to figure out how to deal with the actual problem here and now. I believe that possibly going to see Jakobsen, trying to draw him out, or get some more information about OMEN, is a good idea, however, you are right, and sorry Guin, but you aren't going by yourself, and neither are either of the Carolinas over there. Guin, you can go since a lot of people still think you are human, I'm coming too. As will the Future Pietro over there and Folly..."

"Now hang on a second, why does he get to go!" Pietro protested, looking at Mary now, and she just shook her head in response.

"Because he is faster than you and stronger, so if things go south he can get more people out at once than you can. Deal with it Pietro, no need to be jealous of someone who is you."

"I am not jealous of him!"

"Really? Sounds like you are..."

"I am not!"

"Alright Pietro, we get it, but you need to deal with it... Now, Cassandra, if you don't mind going along, you are human, so it would make sense for you to go, and Nina, might have you go along since they wouldn't dare publicly strike against someone they know has ties to SHIELD. Sara, you can come too, and Future Carolina, since Sara isn't really as known as some of us, and Carolina made the suggestion about being able to take control of someone if need be, though I don't think we'd need it, but just to be safe. Does this sound alright with everyone? Kind of combines a few things from what several people said..."

"Doesn't sound like that bad of an idea to me, everyone else here can see about coming up with some sort of idea on how to attack OMEN best or something... Give us something to work with when we get back as opposed to starting completely from scratch."

Lance Banner

Location: Stark Tower - Medical

Lance looked over at Bethany, giving her a small smile after he stepped back from Thalia to let his dad deal with her. "We might want to see about going out to where the others are, figure out what the hell we're supposed to be doing. I mean, mansion has been destroyed and some weirdos are trying to kill us, seems like the best choice of action right now..." Lance said, before he started heading for the door.

"Lance, wait," Banner called out. He had never really operated on someone that was half dragon before, but she seemed to be healing normally. Her physiology reminded him of an Asgardian's in some respects, actually. He also wouldn't have been at all surprised if Thor knew a bunch of half dragon girls. "...I'm glad you're okay," he said, looking up at his son. "Don't go after these people, alright? O.M.E.N...They mean business. I don't want to see you get hurt..."

Turning around, Lance looked at him. "Well what do you expect me to do? Stand back and do nothing? That is crazy talk! You say not to go after them, but what are the odds that if we don't do something they'll come after us first? I am going to help take down OMEN, alright," he said with a bit of a huffy breath as he turned back around, going to the door.

"THEY'LL KILL YOU!" Banner snapped, slamming his hand down on the table with the various supplies. A scalpel fell to the floor with a soft ding-ding-ding as it clattered. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "...Sorry, buddy...Shouldn't have raised my voice..."

"Well fun fact, if I don't help, or they fail because I did nothing, and guess what? I'm dead anyway! Those people who were with us? Her included?" Lance said, motioning at Thalia, "They came from the future to stop OMEN from destroying the world and killing everyone, so no, I'm not going to just stand here, doing nothing, when I could actually be useful!"

"...That is not a fun fact, buddy..." Banner muttered. He took another deep breath, opening his eyes again and they had a slight green tint to them. "But Lance, you're not a fighter! You belong in the lab - not out there risking your life! I don't care if the whole world goes to hell as long as you're alive!"

"Look, you need to calm down, you turning into the Hulk is the last thing we need right now!" Lance said, ignoring what Banner had just said. He really wanted to yell at his dad, but he knew that it could end so horribly if he did. Lance didn't feel like he belonged in a lab, he wanted to help, and now he was basically being told to stick to science and not use his powers to help them, that bugged him, a lot.

"I can handle a little stress, damn it!" Banner snapped, taking deep breaths as he stepped back slightly from where Thalia was. "I'm a freaking Avenger, Lance. If I can't handle an end of the world crisis without Hulking out when it's inconvenient, Tony would've sent me back to the homeless shelter."

"You say that, yet how many times did you Hulk out when I was growing up? A lot! I'm helping, whether you want me to or not!" Lance snapped back, his hands were starting to have a faint glow around them.

"You can help here - IN A LAB!" Banner huffed. "Leave the fighting to the rest of them. And last I checked, you aren't even on the X-Men team yet, Lance."

"So? Like hell am I going to stick around, in a lab, with you! I don't care about the whole official team make up, what I care about is helping people, and I can actually use my powers for good, so I am helping, and you can't stop me."

Banner looked away, closing his eyes as he wrestled with the Hulk to stay in control. "No, I can't...But he can."

"Oh really? I will fight against him if I have to in order for both of you to leave me alone, and I don't care if I get beaten up or something! I am not going to stay out of this!"

He huffed, turning back to look at his son. One of his eyes seemed to be entirely green, the other was its usual shade. "...Then you're not going alone. I'm going with you, Lance."

"I don't need you to be sitting there keeping an eye on me, I'm not a kid anymore, and you might want to see about calming down before you go anywhere."

"...Could say the same to you, buddy...Unless you're planning on getting Guin to date you with a light show..." Banner mumbled. It was clear that he was going to go with Lance no matter what he said.

"Just shut up!" Lance snapped at him, his hands were glowing with a bright white light now, but he didn't care. He was pissed off and wanted his dad to just leave him alone for the first time in his life. Turning away from him, Lance took a few deep breaths, managing to get full control of his powers again. "Come on, let's see what's going on with the others..." Lance muttered to Bethany, before he headed out to where everyone else was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Stark Tower: Main Area -> Home Theater Room

Allison didn't mind the clapback she got. If anything, it further proved her point that Marygold was not a competent enough leader. Hell, her friends had to stand up for her. Especially that one new bitch that showed up. Oh she was going to die stupidly in the future? Sure! "Hey, as long as I take you with me, bitch, it would all be worth it." She responded. Not even bothering to register the foot stomp (granted, it did hurt).

That's when all hell broke loose. Mary freaked the fuck out, the others jumped to everyone's defense, Ayita came over and, like a good sister would, protected her. At least she had someone on her side. Mary stormed off and all Allison could think was "Good riddance." The room seemed tense, but given all that has happened, it made sense.

Didn't these sheep understand? They needed more than to continue to run with their tails between their legs. However, Mary came back and voiced a similar opinion, opting for a small group to go. And, of course, Allison was not part of that team. Even if it made the most sense, it still pissed her off. She needed to step away from everyone. She would regret it if she countered back. She would not sit around here and plot. She wanted to do something. She needed to do something and a good leader would have recognized that. "I'm not staying for this anymore." She told that to Ayita, mainly, but she turned and walked away from the group.

She found a room further down and entered. It was empty and it appeared to be a theater room. She plopped down on the couch and fought the urge to cry. She had to be stronger than that! She had to figure something out. She would not let the others go by themselves without back-up. She would find a way to help, everyone else be damned.

Sara Grey

Location: Stark Tower

Sara let the others fight it out. In her experience, this often led to things being cool down the road. Both sides had valid points, but she was new to the group and didn't feel right picking which side was best. On one hand, it seemed as if plans before had gone awry and perhaps it was best for someone new to take the reigns. On the other hand, they were young, inexperienced, and did save the world. That had to speak for something.

Soon, it was all calm enough for Mary to speak about a plan. It made the most sense, and she was happy to be a part of it, but there was still some cause for concern. Especially since Allison, it seemed, mimed her opinion and walked off. "She needs more time to cool down, I think, but I can see where she might be mad. We can't expect others to sit back here and not do anything while we jet off to Jakobsen. I am fine with the small group going, but there has to be more they can do. You have a competent team here. You can't expect them to sit on their butts and come up with plans all day."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Folly Valeska and Dean Kesseli

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level

Folly stared at those that were screaming at her, her eyes wide but not with any sort of pretend innocence. No, her medication had been based on the same material that had created the serum for Thalia, in order to boost Thalia's abilities enough for her plan to work. Folly had put her own sanity on the line and it was a mistake to think it only would manifest as schizophrenia. She also suffered from borderline personality disorder and hearing the things they were saying about Mary - the way they treated her friend who had only just recently come back from the dead by Folly's point of view - it had caused her to snap.

You didn't come back here for them, you should kill them all! Boris' voice urged. I concur. It'll be a fun exercise! How long until the hope fades from their eyes! Cromwell chimed in. "Nu m-am întors aici să-ți salvez idioții patetici!" Folly shouted at Charlie, before turning her attention towards Ayita next. "Și nu este pachetul meu," Folly spat. She looked at Allison last and she was filled with overwhelming hatred and anger. "Nu pot să mor, târfă!"

Calm down Folly... You know we should try to save everyone! the Mary hallucination interjected. Folly stared at the hallucination, but Boris and Cromwell were continuing to whisper in her ear. These people aren't worth saving! they interjected. Future Pietro was keeping a tight grip on her, preventing her from running a knife into Allison, Ayita, and Charlie. "Folly, relax, it is alright... Calm down."

"Nu merită salvat! Folly screamed. Yes they are Folly... Everyone is worth saving... the Mary hallucination responded softly. Folly shook her head. "Nu ei! Te-am salvat deja, așa că am terminat! Trebuie doar să salvezi Wanda și asta-i tot! Nu-mi pasă dacă toți vor merge în iad, de fapt, sper că ele ar arde!" Folly... You haven't changed the past yet... I could still die trying to take down OMEN.

Folly let out a high pitched scream, closing her eyes and trying to get out of Future Pietro's grip. Dean couldn't help but look over and stare at the outburst. While everyone else just was showing heightened tensions and outbursts of anger, Folly seemed to be certifiably insane to him. He didn't recognize the language that she was yelling in. "Folly, stop!" Future Pietro pleaded with her, still holding onto her, not letting her go.

"Uh....Hey man, is she okay?" Dean asked a bit nervously. Folly had stopped struggling but she still had a deranged look in her eyes. "You might want to stay back Dean.. Folly, you need to calm down..." Dean nodded, taking a few step backs and he positioned himself slightly so he was between Carolina and Folly, just in case Folly tried anything. Folly gradually took deep breaths and opened her eyes, switching languages. "...не волим ове људе..." Folly muttered.

"It'll be okay Folly..." he said softly.

"So is like....Is she okay now?" Dean couldn't help but ask.

"Just shut up Dean..."

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level

"...Wait, you're being serious?" Guin asked incredulously, staring at Nina. "You want me to bring a freaking prisoner? What is this, the DCU or something? No way am I going to let anyone pretend to be my prisoner when I'm going to visit Jakobsen, head of the people who want us all dead..." She had largely tuned out the mental freakout session the gypsy girl had had with Muscles. She definitely had to ask about that later. Of course, she had listened to every word of Mary's own outburst, wide eyed. She had never seen Mary that angry before. In the entire time that Guin had known Mary, Mary was laid back and easygoing. She never raised her voice. She never swore.

"...Is she on the phone with Gambit?" Dean mumbled, hearing her mention the name Remy as she answered the phone. He figured it made sense - anyone with a phone or a television would be able to know about the destruction of the Mansion. And while it had happened once or twice before while Dean himself had been at the school, it was still a shocking and harrowing experience.

Guin was debating running after Mary, but she knew that Mary and Gambit were close. Hopefully the phone conversation with him would be enough to calm her down. Instead, she returned her attention to hear both speedsters and her father instantly protest at her idea of going to talk to Jakobsen herself. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow - she was used to her father being overprotective, but now the speedsters as well? "Really? All three of you?"

"Yup." "Of course!" "Honestly you'd be crazy to think that at least I wouldn't, not too sure about those two, but hey, they agree with me so I'm fine with it."

Guin sighed slightly. She didn't feel like she needed more protection than she already had. "Honestly, all three of you is a bit excessive..."

"What? Did you expect one of us to drop out just because there were three people?" Future Pietro said.

Guin laughed slightly at that. "I mean, I'm just used to one person being crazy protective..."

"Does it really matter?" he said with an eye roll.

"I guess not..." She then paused, hearing Sonic weigh in on the matter softly. Sure, her going alone hadn't been explicit in her suggestion, though Guin guessed it had been implicit. If she went with anyone, she felt like it should have been with Rhodes. He was the connection to Jakobsen - the one who was friends with him. Maybe if his friend and his mutant goddaughter showed up, they'd be able to make some progress. She then nodded as Mary came back in, relieved that her friend seemed to be a lot calmer already. She couldn't help but smile slightly at the implications that Pietro was jealous of Muscles.

"Hey, Sarah Connor - if there isn't a plan, then we'd basically just be asking to get killed. We already saw what happened when we went into a situation with no plan...And let's face it, the Brotherhood went easy on us," Guin pointed out, referring to the Power Plant. They could have easily gotten killed, but the Brotherhood generally tried to avoid killing the X-Men. "Let's not act like they did in the Last Jedi, okay? No double plans and not communicating...If there's anything that movie should teach us, it's that failure happens when we don't work together and we don't listen to leadership...but also if leadership doesn't listen to us."

And then, completely out of nowhere, Guin was hit with a craving for a twinkie. She couldn't help but feel awkward about it, given the seriousness of the circumstances, and she looked over to see Pietro unwrapping one and eating it. "...Super not in line with the tone of...everything...but do you have another one?" she whispered to Pietro. Pietro said nothing, as he pulled another one out of his pocket, handing it to her. "...Thanks..."

"...If you're handing out twinkies, can I have one too?" Dean asked. Pietro rolled his eyes, but he was being nice and tossed one to Dean as well.

"...Can I have one too..." Folly then mumbled quietly.

"Might as well just ask if anyone else wants one while I'm handing them out," Pietro said, handing one over to Folly.

"I think you just became the Mom of the team, Pietro..."

Pietro rolled his eyes, saying nothing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower

Carolina watched as everything started to go into complete chaos which to her started to feel really uncomfortable with everything that was going on. Allison seemed to be completely pissed off for some odd reason, and then Folly coming over and yelled at Allison before stomping on Allison's foot. Carolina then jumped slightly when Marygold snapped at just about everyone in the room, she couldn't blame her though. They had just lost their home after all which was obviously very stressful, and the easiest person to blame was a leader as well, the Marygold stormed off. She could feel the very awkward silence fill the room as she looked at just about everyone else in the room, when Dean whispered into her ear breaking the silence for her at least.

"I'd say the crazy chick." Carolina said quietly, Allison's anger was out of character for her, and she was more used to Allison being more cheerful and making everyone happy. "I didn't think Mary would snap like that." Carolina said quietly as she looked at Dean for a moment. Then Marygold came back out after being on the phone with Gambit, which she would actually like to meet sometime, as she awkwardly stood there. "Don't worry it's alright we all are just under a lot of stress." Carolina said towards Marygold she started to come up with a plan which was quick.

She stared over at her sister for a moment, she wished that she would go with her as well, but it seemed like a good idea since her sister was human and a member of SHIELD as well. "Works for me." Carolina simply said as she watched Folly go into another outburst which made her feel a little bit scared as the woman snapped at Charlie in some other language that she didn't know and watched Dean take a step over towards her and smiled shyly towards him. Folly seemed to start to calm down as Future Pietro went to comfort her, letting out a slight sigh. Then Carolina perked up slightly at the mentioning of twinkies and couldn't help but feel a bit hungry she hadn't really eaten anything today. "I wouldn't mind having one as well." Carolina said.

Future Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower

Future Carolina stood by both Future Pietro and Folly as everything seemed to breakdown and everyone started to spout out and yell towards one another. Folly seemed to snap as she stepped closely towards Allison and Folly, then she stamped on the girl's foot and then watched as Allison stormed off. Marygold started to breakdown as well and snapped at everyone in the room, which was rare for her to ever see and rubbed the back of her neck as Marygold stepped out to take a breather. Carolina didn't blame her they all were under a lot of pressure they attacked by OMEN and the US candidate for president.

"Well this is a bit awkward." Future Carolina said quietly as she looked towards everyone as she stared at everyone, then a few second Marygold came back into the room. With a much clearer head letting out a slight sigh, things seemed to calm down now which was good for now and started to come up with a plan. Future Carolina turned to look at her sister when Marygold suggested that she went as well which made her feel uncomfortable Cass did die in her arms in the future. But it did make sense Cassandra wasn't a mutant so she'd be pretty safe for the time being.

"It's a sound plan." Future Carolina said as she gave Marygold a nod as she turned towards Folly and she started to have an episode and started to snap at just about everyone in another language. Future Carolina usually did her best to stay away from her when they did happen, and with her meds now gone. Future Pietro went in and started to calm her down which was good letting out a slight sigh as she moved over and gently laid a hand on Pietro's back and Folly's as well. "We should take a few minutes and calm down in case something else happens?" Future Carolina suggested.

Bethany Bell

Location: Stark Tower

Bethany nodded as she was about to head out the door of the lab when Banner got Lance' attention she turned around to face him as the two yet again started to get into their own personal spat. She really didn't know what to say or do, but she jumped slightly when Banner slammed his fists on a cart watching a scalpel fall to the ground. Bethany noticed Banner's eyes turning a shade of green, she really didn't want to be in the lab now anymore in the same room with the Hulk now. He'd snap her like a twig anyway as Bethany looked between the two taking a few steps away in case a brawl did end up happening.

Then thing started to calm down somewhat as she looked at Lance and nodded, this was certainly something just between the two of them and Beth didn't want to say anything. "Sounds like a plan." Bethany said quietly as she turned to leave the lab and looked around at everyone in the room things seemed to be calmed down now somewhat as she looked around. "So whats the plan now?" Bethany asked as she moved over and leaned herself up against a wall looking at everyone in the room.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Stark Tower

Cassandra put the phone away, she didn't get a reply as she turned to look at everyone in the room, and then everyone seemed to start to get into a shouting match. Which made Marygold snap and then storm out of the room to take a phone call, she leaned herself up against a wall and looked at everyone in the room. It was all chaos but she couldn't blame anyone, they were attacked and, and they were essentially just squatting at Stark Tower for the time being. A few seconds later after everyone started to calm down Marygold started to come up with a plan, turning to look at the X-Men leader as she directly addressed her.

The plan was sound, she was human and with SHIELD so they wouldn't dare arrest or attack one of their own agents, and she did want to personally talk with Jakobson as well. Mainly pertaining to the whole Coventry thing, and finding out what happened to her sister she did want to speak with him about that as well. "I have no issues with going." Cassandra said towards Marygold. "I have unfinished business to talk with him about anyway." She looked at the older future version of her sister, she'd be going as well which was probably a good choice.

"The rest should stay behind, for the time being and head to Stark's other location in case things go south for us, they wouldn't get hit by OMEN and regroup and figure out their next move, or act as backup in case something does happen." Cassandra suggested towards Marygold, it was her team after all she'd have the ultimate say on what the other group did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 24 days ago

Richard Laine

Location Stark Tower

Richard groaned as he stood with a ease that made the complaint a lie. Casting a raised brow at his little sister as Ayita looked desperately between the retreating Allison and him. Unsure and torn between her loyalties. Flicking a few fingers in a subtle dismissal, the Adder gave a grin at the look of relief that flickered across Ayita's face. Sauntering with the grace of a trained killer- it wouldn't hurt to let those who knew the signs of one to know- a broad hand clamped down on Guin's head. Toussling the Stark's hair. "Sorry brat, but you do have a prisoner. One who can make sure you get out of there if you insist on going and those two minute men get taken out." A thumb jerked the direction of the Pierto tag-team indicating of whom he spoke.

The snake slitted eyes shifted from the most likely irritated woman to Tony with a quirked brow. "I'll need to borrow a suit jacket, though. Looking my best is half my armor." Tucking the offending hand that had mussed Guin's hair into his pocket, the assassin frowned sternly at Marygold. "You're in charge of this expedition so I'm charging you with making sure Ayita stays sane and keeps her humanity if I fall." Perching back on the arm of a chair, the assassin pulled out a cigarette in on hand and lighter in the others. Putting the sin to his lips, Richard flicked the lighter several times before the cigarette caught. Blowing a stream of smoke the killer sighed in relief that he hadn't lost them during the gun battle.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location Stark Tower

Ayita blinked as Allison turned and walked quickly from the room. Should she follow? What of Brother and the plans of possible attack? Her head snapped back and forth between the two as she felt the odd indesiciveness flood her veins. She didn't like it at all. This was the very thing she had taught herself not to do. When you had a choice, you committed to one side. But with people it was not so simple. Something that irked the woman. Catching her brother's eye, the woman paused and studied the Adder. Not her brother. He was making decisions based in the best interest of the mission and thus the survival of all.

Which counted her out of course.

But her ire at her brother's overprotective nature was short lived as Richard flicked his fingers away from himself. Telling her to go. For all she wanted to bite him in the ass sometimes, Ayita did care deeply and praised the day they had stumbled across each other. Moving towards the door, the woman detoured about to pass by Damon. "Send someone if you- anyone- needs myself or Allison, please." The hesitation before the please was there as if she wasn't sure if it was right to say it. Though the woman knew Damon would know what she meant by 'someone'. For all she considered herself neither human, fauna nor mutant. Sharing far more in common with beast and bird. But always apart form them. Just as it was with humans.

Trailing after Allison, Ayita shifted into a wolf to track the scent of her friend. Finding her easily, the woman shifted back in a crack of bone and blend of flesh of fur. "Allison." Sitting gingerly on the couch. Finding it strong enough Ayita relaxed her entire weight onto it. Unsure what she could do, but eager to at least try to help.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


location: Stark tower

Damon kept quiet once again as everyone spoke. He thought over the plan mary came up with and nodded "Sounds good to me. I dont mind staying behind and helping out here" He crosses his arms and then rubbed his face. That plan could go well or poorly that was for sure, but he would listen and stay behind. If he was needed he could fly to them with his built in back ups. As he thought that the dragon on his arm seemed to move and push up against his skin straining to get out.

Damon ignored the dragon and focused in on everyone else. Though when twinkies were brought up he raised a brow and looked at the speedster "I could really go for some junk food...if you don't mind tossing me one" He gave a smile with it actually trying to be more social and well...a twinkie did actually sound good right about now. Having parasites all over the body made him hungry faster then normal.

Before he could get tossed a sugar filled treat he got his attention pulled by Ayita. "huh? oh yeah of course. If you need me just ask" His brow raising a concern forming for allison. She wasn't quite acting like herself, but he did not really feel like he knew her enough to go ask if she needed anything. Hell normally he avoided almost everyone because he was so bad at being social...but damn if he wouldn't start trying to change that. He pulled his attention back to the speedster ready to catch that twinkie, at least try to catch it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Peridot
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Peridot Clods!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Charlie Farrier

Location: Stark Tower

Charlie still couldn't believe the way the situation was falling apart. Mary was having a meltdown, and her friend from the future was flipping out, looking ready to kill. And the way Allison was being treated was ridiculous. Threatening to kick her off the team for simply disagreeing with a plan? Mary was starting to act like a dictator.

"'Xavier doesn't have a say who's on the team, I do?' Seriously? Our species is being threatened and you're having a pissing match over how the team is run?" At this point, Charlie was going from ticked off to fairly irate. Watching Mary leave while taking a phone call from Remy, one of the very people Charlie had recommended they find to help out, he shook his head incredulously, hoping to calm down a bit himself now as the conversation continued around them. Folly began screaming at him in a foreign language which he ignored, Allison left the room with Ayita soon following, and people were discussing over who to send to Jakobsen with Guin. As Mary re-entered the room, he couldn't help but notice that those who had disagreed with her - himself, Allison and Ayita - were being left behind.

Marygold was acting irrational and far too similar to the bullies of his youth, so asking her for anything would be pointless now. Instead Charlie left the room wordlessly, tracking down Allison and Ayita in the hopes that maybe they'd want to join him on his own mission.

Finding the girls pretty quickly, Charlie was too angry to even feel awkward at entering at such a comforting moment.

"What do you say we go and find some old school X-Men?" He asked them both, shaking droplets of ice from his hands that had formed in his anger. He didn't give a damn about whatever self-esteem complex Mary had about running the team. They needed as much help as they could get, and if she was too damn proud to ask for it, he'd track them down himself.

Nina van Essenhout

Location: Stark Tower

Nina didn't know what a "DCU" was, but knowing Guin, it was yet another pop culture reference. Still, at this point her attention had been drawn to the other conversations - or rather, arguments - going on in the room. Listening closely to Marygold as she yelled at the others, Nina frowned slightly as the girl stormed off. That wasn't how a leader was supposed to act, not when there were scared and exhausted kids looking to you for support and direction. All this talk about how young she was and how little experience she had... why not just find somebody better? Complaining about your own short-comings in a role didn't do anything to solve them, and just undermined her further. Mary certainly had a lot to learn.

"The prisoner plan worked in Star Wars." She murmured absent-mindedly, still watching as Mary returned to the room. No information from the phone call? She'd overheard the name Remy, and an ex-X-Man getting in touch was bound to be helpful.

"As I've already said, I'll be happy to go. But as a known mutant, they might just remove me the second I enter with you." She said to the others, considering it. It would be in a government building that they were heading to, and chances were there weren't any humans inside who were non-biased, on their side, or even unaware of what was going on. She wouldn't have many friends in there. "If I attract too much attention, I'll split up from the group. It's more important to deal with Jakobsen."

Nina looked curiously at Richard as he came over, tousling Guin's hair as if she were a child. What scheme did he have in mind now?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

@LadyRunic@Peridot@FantasyChic A voice suddenly came on in the home theater room. Excuse me, but I need to remind you that you do not have access to any part of Stark Tower aside from the Home Theater and Main Central room. As well as I am only authorized to play the Care Bears Movie in here at the moment, JARVIS said through the speakers as the large television turned on, and the Care Bears appeared on the screen.

Lance Banner, Marygold Isley, and Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Stark Tower

She was debating about how best to answer Sara's comment about everyone else sitting around doing nothing. "I know it isn't the best idea, just having everyone else sitting around, but it there isn't much else we can do at this point..." Mary then looked over at Bethany when she asked about what the plan was. "A small group of us are going to head off to see about talking to Jakobsen..." she said, before she turned to look at the others. This was actually a bigger percentage of people who were still in the room after her outburst than she had expected. The thought had crossed her mind that everyone would leave or yell at her to get the hell out of the room or something. She had expected Allison to leave, and Ayita wasn't too surprising, and she didn't know Charlie well enough to form an opinion about what he'd do.

Though she did not like what he had said about needing the others, they didn't need the older team, they had basically left this life far behind them, she wasn't going to drag them back unless they absolutely had to. She knew they'd happily come out of retirement if she asked, but she felt like they needed to try to pull this off on their own before they asked that of them. It was just the way it was going to be, and they hadn't exactly tried to fight OMEN yet, so they might not even need them.

Pietro said nothing, before he reached into his pockets, pulling out Twinkies, and handing them out to everyone who had asked for one. He carried around a lot of junk food, since he needed to keep his metabolism up constantly due to the speeds he ran at and the calories he burned. He stood a little closer to Guin, shooting a glare at Richard when he ruffled her hair, but he said nothing about it, he still didn't like the idea of Guin going off somewhere without him.

"The rest of us heading south already or wherever we'd be going doesn't make much sense, at least without a solid plan of where we're going, or how we'd get there. The Blackbird is shot, at least right now, and whose to say those robots won't try to shoot us out of the sky if we're in a Quinjet? They know we're here, and they know that we're going to try and leave, why don't we just stick around and at least try to come up with a better way for us to leave..." Lance said, speaking kind of softly, his hands shoved in his pockets as his father walked into the room.

"He's right..." the older speedster said. "Not to mention I don't think everyone would be able to move, at least immediately... Beast lost a lot of blood, and Thalia took a major beating as well... They probably won't be able to go much of anywhere right now..."

"...That makes sense... They know we're here, we can't do much about that... So we might as well get as much done here, before we even think about going elsewhere..." Mira added, speaking up. This was something that made sense, try to get as much done as possible without leaving, and possibly prepare to have to fight the robots or something before they had to fight them again.

Mary nodded her head, "Try and figure out a way to fight those Sentinels, as our powers are virtually useless against them, and if we are planning on moving to another facility, it would probably be best if we could come up with a solution to combat them, without using our powers unless we knew of a way to get them to damage those things... They could attack on transit, so we need to be careful..."

"I'll call Rhodey, see if he can get you a meeting with Jakobsen as a favor," Tony said, before he pulled out his cell phone, dialed Rhodey, and walked away, it would probably be at least an hour or so before they could talk to Jakobsen, maybe even longer than that. Mary looked over at the others, and she still felt like she should apologize again for her outburst, she had given in to stress, and she didn't know what else to do, but now was not the time to be freaking out. She was a lot calmer now, and that was about all she could hope for.

"So, Rhodey said he'll call back soon with word on that meeting with Jakobsen, said it shouldn't be more than an hour or so until he can get us more information, and tell us when that meeting is," Tony said, returning a few minutes later, holding his phone in his hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Folly Valeska

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93) ----> Holding Cells (Floor 78)

Folly nodded at Future Carolina, trying her best to keep her rattled psyche from spiraling again. The voices had calmed down and she only saw the occasional flicker of something that wasn't there when she looked out the corner of her eye. With Mary alive again, Folly couldn't help but feel rather small. It was as if she were back at the Institute, sleeping in one of the holding cells - with the only thing to brighten up the room being a single plant. I liked the plant, you know, Boris' voice whispered in her ear and Folly jumped.

"Морам се задржати," Folly murmured. Her Twinkie fell to the ground, not even unwrapped, and the manic look in her eyes intensified until there wasn't a shred of sanity left. It had only been the calm before the storm.

"Damn it," he said, holding onto her tightly, and he looked over at Stark. "Hey, you still have those holding cells meant to hold the Hulk right? Mind if I borrow one of them for a few minutes," he said, his voice sounding a bit strained, but the urgency was obvious.

"Go right ahead," Tony said, "JARVIS, let them down there and open one of the cells."

He nodded, before he raced downstairs, holding onto Folly as he ran, and eventually he locked her into one of the cells, making sure she didn't have her daggers or anything in there with her, except he did toss her a Twinkie right before he locked the doors.

УБИТИ ИХ! OMOARA-I! KILL THEM! ZABIJ ICH! The voices were screaming at her and Folly was shouting the words they were saying, as if she was just a puppet. She threw herself at the adamantium enforced cage, breaking her wrist only to reform it. There wasn't any sort of sense left in her and at one point, she even tried to strangle the Twinkie. "YOU'LL ALL BURN!" Folly screamed, jumping at the wall only to break and then start to reform her ankle.

"У реду је Фолли, смири се, молим те...Биће у реду..." he responded, trying to soothe her, to keep her calm. He knew that she was practically gone right now, but he also knew that it usually helped to just sit and wait it out.

"Држи то и биће чудан мирис на тавану!" Folly hissed, glaring at Future Pietro as she kept running towards the wall, attempting to find a weak point but there wasn't any. It had been designed by Banner himself to hold the Hulk. While Folly healed and had athletic skills from her years as an acrobat, she didn't have strength to rival the Hulk - or even come close.

"Увек ћу бити ту за тебе Фолли, ти си као сестра мени..." he responded softly.

"...тако су гласни..." Folly muttered, looking down. Don't listen to these assholes. These aren't the people you want to kill. Go after the O.M.E.N. asshats and stick a claw in their brain! Logan, you're going to confuse her...She shouldn't kill people...Folly you know that... WILL THE FUCKING GOODY TWO SHOES DEAD BRAT SHUT UP?! You're dead too Boris. So go fuck yourself. She didn't even bring us a plant! Rude! Chop her head off, Folly! She's upstairs and distracted!

"Биће све у реду, не слушајте их, па осим Марије и Логана, можете их слушати..."

...He was right though about the plant. You could use one Folly! The Wolverine voice then laughed in her mind and Folly was trying to block them out. I don't see how a damn dandelion is going to help her, Bloom. Flowers are very good for people's health! They're therepeutic Logan! You could use some too! I know this great rose, gives off a calming aroma, it'd be perfect for you."Разговарају...вртларство..." Folly mumbled.

"Наравно да јесу, зашто то не изненађује. Било која идеја зашто причају о биљкама? Или је то само зато што се осећају тако?" he asked, chuckling slightly now.

Everyone loves plants! Why wouldn't we talk about it?! the Mary hallucination said excitedly. Folly didn't need to hear the Wolverine one to know that the hallucination wasn't nearly as enthralled with gardening as the other one was. You just want everyone to use plants all day, kid. Duh! You know Folly, you should tell Speedy that plants can even be good for pregnant women - make sure they're nice and healthy and then the kid will be too! "...У овом тренутку, Мари жели да знате да ваша жена треба да једе здраво или како год..." The scent will also be super calming for labor!

"Уствари, Мари? Да ли сада желиш да причаш о томе?" he said, laughing slightly at that.

You're the one that got MY best friend pregnant when we have almost no medical resources, so yes, we are talking about which plants you need to go out and find! Folly, here's the list... I'm sure the only plant Quicksilver wants is weed, Bloom. That's so lame if it's true... "...Она има листу биљака да се добије и веома је узнемирена да ли јој је најбољи супруга трудна када је једва медицинско снабдевање на резерви... А Логан мисли да ти је пот..."

"Хвала Логан, али не, не пушим ништа, а не као да бих могао уствари да се уздигнем на висок, осећам се као да смо већ имали овај разговор!" he said, still laughing.

True, guess that's more your wife's thing, 'Silver. Folly's eyes widened and she couldn't help but giggle, looking at Pietro to see if he had heard what Logan said. Oh Speedy is so going to kick you for that Logan! Folly nodded, still looking at Pietro. "...Хоћеш ли да пробас Логана за оно што је управо рекао?" Folly whispered, giggling still.

"...What did he say Folly?" he asked her, but he was pretty sure it involved Guin in some way, since she was known to do drugs or something. He also didn't like people bringing that up constantly.

Folly stopped giggling when Future Pietro switched out of Serbian. She curled up slightly, tucking her knees in to her chest. She then looked around her cell, trying to avoid answering his question but it was bugging at her and eventually, she sighed, rolling to the side. "He said it was more your wife's thing..." Folly whispered, before starting to cry. "H-he said it, not me...."

"Можда бих требао да га ударим због тога, брзо бих се брзо исцелио." he said, switching back to Serbian.

If Speedy does get hurt, I've got a plant for that... Folly sniffled, wiping her eyes since she didn't want them to turn red and puffy - even though it hardly lasted for her. "M-maybe...I think he's gone now...It's just Mary and she's talking about plants again..."

"Okay... You feeling better now Folly?"

Folly just nodded, sniffling still.

Dean Kesseli

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)

Dean's eyes widened, seeing Folly go from crazy to calm to batshit crazy in the span of a minute. He couldn't help but feel incredibly glad that Future Pietro had taken her off to go and calm down somewhere. Why'd they bring someone like that back from the future? He couldn't help but wonder if that had been a good idea - and in the future, did they need guardian consent to take a crazy person with them somewhere? "WAIT I'VE GOT IT!" Dean blurted.

He then ate his Twinkie at record speed, grinning a bit with excitement. Everyone had been bickering about what to have the others do and something had come to him, sparked by wondering what sort of forms the future people had to sign to get Folly with them! For once, bureaucracy would help, rather than hurt! "So um I'm gonna be straight here. Super glad to not be on the team going to go talk with America's Sweetheart or whatever...But there's things we can do other than fight and plan."

"When I went to sleep away camp when I was eleven, there was a drive by shooter nearby and it made the news...So once we were all rounded up in the lodge, the camp called all of our parents and told them we were fine, and said they could come get us if they wanted," Dean explained. "Isn't this kinda like that? I mean...I'm guessing Gambit called Marygold to check up on her - but our parents don't even know we're alive...And the parents of all the kids we pulled out of the school don't know..."

He fidgeted a bit, wishing that he had another Twinkie. "But also, there's mutants all over the country that hide and stuff, right? But there's also ones that can't hide...Who have noticeable mutations or whatever...Instead of going off to fight O.M.E.N. or whatever while the small team is off trying to talk to Jakobsen, maybe we should try and warn all the mutants in the country...And this may seem dumb, but I think the perfect place for that is Reddit. There's tons of private mutant communities on there and we can warn them in there. We've got enough people here good with tech that we could probably mask our IP address or whatever..."

"Wow I'm talking a lot....I-I guess my point is that we should call our families and the students' families...Arrange for parents to come pick up their kids if they want to...Contact any mutants we know and warn them...And then post warnings in mutant groups online..." His stomach then grumbled. He hadn't been aware that his hands had been blurring from nerves as he talked.

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)

"Don't you dare reference Star Wars," Guin muttered under her breath, having heard what Nina said. Had it been anyone else, she could have appreciated the reference. But it was Nina and so on principle, Guin had to hate it. Her anger and irritation was only increased when Richard ruffled her hair - and part of her imagined he had taken a sample of it for some sort of test, the way he instantly put his hand in his pocket. She relaxed slightly when Pietro moved closer to her and she inched a bit closer to him.

"...That's actually not a horrible idea," Guin said, glancing at Dean. It'd be something for the others to deal with. Between that and figuring out strategies to fight Sentinels, she figured it'd be plenty of things for them to do. She also noticed two others split off and go wandering around her home. She knew that JARVIS would have restricted their access, but she still had a horrifying image of Ayita, Charlie, and Allison finding her bedroom and destroying everything in a stress induced breakdown.

She then got an idea of her own. JARVIS. "JARVIS, access the Blackbird's computer and see if you can analyze those Sentinels we encountered for weaknesses," Guin instructed the AI. "Of course, Ms. Stark, though that will take me some time," JARVIS responded. "Thanks, man," Guin replied. She figured it'd take a while, but at least it was another thing they could be doing.

Guin then finally turned to Pietro. They had about an hour until her godfather called back with a meeting time - and with everything that was happening, she was definitely scared. She knew that he loved Star Trek, as much as he pretended to prefer Star Wars for her (she has a Star Wars tattoo). "QamuSHa," she whispered to him with a wink. It was Klingon for I love you.

Pietro was a little surprised at that. He didn't know that Guin knew how to say that in Klingon, and he was one of the people who could be considered fluent in the made up language. "QamuSHa... I didn't know you knew how to say that..." he whispered back with a smile.

Guin shrugged, grinning at him. "I'm kind of a genius...Also I learned that phrase from Star Trek fanfics I've read - of course, I read mostly Star Wars but on occasion you just need to switch things up a little." She didn't mention of course the fanfics that she herself had written. Pietro didn't need to know about those.

"Well, whatever... It doesn't surprise me that you'd just sit there reading fanfics all day or something," he said with a slight smirk.

"Oh yeah, I would just sit there and read them, nothing else at all," Guin commented with an eye roll. She and Pietro had tended to tunnel vision on each other lately and it was definitely starting to happen again. She was pretty much focusing on him and their whispered conversation, rather than anything else.

"Whatever," he said with a laugh. He was smiling, and wondered what fanfics Guin was reading, but he knew better than to just flat out ask her about that. It would be kind of weird if he did.

Guin giggled slightly. "And before you ask, I read a lot of Kirk and Spock fics - they're my OTP of that series," she whispered with a smile. Yeah, she was completely tunnel visioning on him. OMEN who?

"...I totally agree with you on that one, they so are, the Original Series is definitely the best out of all of them, and those two together are amazing," he said with another small laugh.

"Don't break up with me, but I actually did like Into Darkness," Guin said quietly. "But yeah, the Original is the best. Always tends to be. Very rare if that isn't the case."

"You only liked Into Darkness because of Cumberbatch I'm guessing, it was a horrible movie though..."

"...He's freaking hot, Piet."

Pietro went slightly rigid, he was the jealous type, like, the really jealous type. He did not like it at all when Guin said things like that about other people, especially since he was already fighting slight jealousy when it came to his future counterpart.

"Not as hot as you are, of course," Guin whispered. She tended to be a bit oblivious at times - namely with the fact that Lance liked her - but she also hadn't noticed Pietro being jealous really before. This time, however, she spotted it - and she continued to tunnel vision on him. It helped that they were standing off to the edge of the group, allowing them to have their own private whispered conversation.

Pietro gave her a smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Stark Tower: Home Theater Room

Allison ignored the robotic voice as it came on, even when it played the dreaded movie. Ayita had walked in and, again, Allison fought the urge to break into tears. Out of everyone, Ayita was one she still considered a friend and ally. If anyone could help Allison, it was Ayita.

"Damn her, Ayita! She's throwing more people into danger. For what? We saved humanity and then the fucking next president decides he needs to capture us and experiment on us. And what's the plan? Sending more people to him. It's idiotic. It's thinking like that that got...." Allison paused. She took a breath and let it out slowly.

"It's thinking like that that got Oshea killed."

It was a blow, but a blow that needed to be dealt. She had been thinking it and now it was out in the open. She hadn't even noticed Charlie entered as she glanced back up. Charlie, a friend sure, but not one she expected to come check on her. He seemed just as fed up with the others as she felt. "Hey Charlie. Sorry about that..." But Charlie was not done. He had an idea. And not a bad one. The other X-men should be made aware, if they didn't already know. They were out of their league now. Maybe it was time to call in back-up, especially if Mary planned to throw more pople into Jakobsen's trap.

"Yeah, that's not a bad plan. I imagine the others won't be thrilled about it, so we would have to do it secretly."

Sara Grey

Location: Stark Tower

Sara also felt fed up. She was pleased as punch to be able to be one to go on the mission, but how Mary could just say everyone else needed to stand back and wait and think of plans and weaknesses rather than acting was bordering on stupid. Not only that, but the future girl was nearing metnal incompetency. Sara backed away when she started freaking out, ready to handle her should she decide to act on her whims.

Soon, Folly was dragged away and things went back to normal-ish. Before Sara could speak up, Dean voiced his idea. And it was a good one. At least, for everyone. She knew her family would be concerned about her. Maybe even to the point they would think they were right in not sending her to Xavier. But she had to be here. Especially now.

She let her anger pass. Mary was inexperienced and surely dealing with a lot right now, but she could also see Allison and Charlie's frustration. Perhaps they could come up with other gameplans the rest could do. "It's a good idea Dean. We should get on it soon since I imagine the news has traveled fast already."

Sara also fought an eye-roll and Guin and Pietro's continued flirting back and forth despite the dreaded circumstances they were in. Granted, people often found solace in their loved ones, humor, and hobbies when danger was on the horizon, so she couldn't blame them one bit. Though it was now bordering on annoying. "Think you two could give it a rest until we actually have some things in motion. Are we preparing for this trip or not?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower

Carolina listened towards everyone as they spoke, her attention turned towards Dean when he came up with an idea for those that were staying behind. And to her it wasn't that bad of a plan, she did think of contacting her own parents along with her sister when they had the chance to. "I could help if you'd like Dean." Carolina offered looking over towards him, she could get all the numbers and contact info off of the other students and then have them start contacting their family and friends. They certainly were going to be worried about them as well.

It would certainly take a bit of time, and also spreading the word through an anonymous Reddit posting would spread the word more as well, she did occasionally surf through mutant reddit threads out of boredom as well in her free time. She looked among everyone else in the room as she noticed Charlie, Ayita and Allison all leave the room. She really didn't like the idea of them going off on their own, she had a feeling that they are going to do something against Mary's wishes. And Carolina so far respected Marygold's leadership as well, her breakdown was a given thing since they lost their home and it was bound to happen in someway as well.

Future Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower

"Thank you." Future Carolina said towards Tony and started to follow shortly behind Future Pietro and Folly, the girl was certainly going very batshit crazy now. She couldn't help but be slightly scared about the girl, but didn't say anything as Pietro tried to calm her down, she was having some kind of conversation with herself by the sounds of it. She didn't know a thing as they spoke in Serbian she did feel a bit awkward but she could be useful incase Folly did actually break and attack someone. "So uhm what are you guys talking about?" Future Carolina asked looking between Pietro and Folly as they walked towards the separate room for a holding cell to keep Folly in till she calmed down.

Carolina was a bit nervous about going on the mission as well, as she looked over towards Pietro for a moment since he was also going along with her and some of the others as well. "So thoughts on meeting with Jakobson?" Future Carolina asked as she looked back over her shoulder for a moment looking at her sister before turning down the hallway. Carolina did want to kill him, if she could at least but she also knew that it would be bad as well for them if they actually did kill him in public.

Bethany Bell

Location: Stark Tower

Bethany looked at Marygold as she brought up her plan on meeting with Jakobson and she couldn't help but shudder slightly at the thought of meeting with the man that tried to kill them at the mansion. Bethany didn't think it was a good idea with them going on and attacking him. She shrugged slightly she wasn't sure if she was allowed to go on it or not, she'd rather stay where it was safe as she looked at Lance as he started to speak up. She knew that the Sentinels would be waiting for them if they tried to leave the city itself so staying put would probably be the best bet for now.

Then Dean came up with an idea which didn't sound all that bad to her, as she looked over towards Carolina as she mentioned about helping out as well. She shrugged slightly she wouldn't mind helping out as well before speaking up looking over towards Dean and Carolina for a moment. "If you want me to help out I can as well." She offered rubbing the back of her neck slightly as she looked towards Lance to see what he wanted to do.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Stark Tower

Cassandra leaned forward slightly as she started to think of a way to take down the Sentinels as well, her prototype grenades did work, and they went down with the Blackbird's conventional weapons as well. "When we were at the mansion and used the grenades I made it was a bit effective. And they went down with the Blackbird's weapons as well on our way here, so if we can either use an EMP or a heavy caliber weapon of some kind it would be an alternative." Cassandra said as Guin asked for JARVIS to scan the Sentinels for weaknesses from the Blackbird's computers.

"And we are at Stark Tower, we could cook up a weapon incase during the meeting Jakobson brings in some Sentinels to the meeting something that could be small and act as an EMP of some kind if they are at the meeting." Cass suggested she wasn't sure how effective or if Stark would actually be willing to make or use some weapons to go against the Sentinels.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 24 days ago

Richard Laine

Location Stark Tower

Richard reminded himself to have a talk with Marygold before Ayita was given the order to attack by Allison. While he did have a close tie to his sister that was being rebuilt after years apart. The girl- woman, he reminded himself- was utterly loyal to the younger girl. Puffing out another acidic cloud of smoke, the Adder considered his options. Remain here, or see what the minions were up to? Minions being Charlie, Allison and his bird-brained sister. Though in all honesty, Ayita reminded him of the raptors from Jurassic Park. Keen, deadly, and very, very intelligent about how to corner prey.

Though, listening to Dean the Adder found himself nodding along. "Looks like you don't need to don the red shirt yet, boyo." The assassin muttered about the cigarette. His eyes narrowed in thought. "Though if we need to warn mutants- some of them might not been keen on others of their kind or humans. For that... I'm going to suggest sending Ayita. While she may not like humans, or mutants. She thinks like an outsider and has remained among you, when she could have very easily slipped away." Giving a shurg, the man puffed out another stream of smoke.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location Stark Tower

She had seen many things in her life. The blood of another 'human' being was on her hands. More however, Ayita had weathered hard winters in the north with little to eat for years. She was not some pup who was learning that water could not be walked upon! Her brother had been training her in the art of fighting- and Cassandra had been a willing aid in this en devour. Yet when a unknown voice entered the room and some delightfully, horrendous, inaccurate show popped up upon the ungodly sized screen the woman did the only thing which she did not think to live down later.

Ayita gave a terrified yelp of surprise. Her nerves had already been shot through for the day and some disembodied, spying voice was now invading with a terrible show that she was tempted to rip to shreds. Her body had jumped literally from her seat in shock as she blinked at the screen with a glower that spoke volumes. Shifting uneasily, the woman snarled at the stupid bears before sitting once more. This time, putting both Charlie and Allison between her and whatever horror was playing across the screen. "I don't know what those are... But they are in no way 'bears'. They don't deserve the name. I would say 'teddie' is more accurate. Or even 'garbage'. Why couldn't it have been about something useful!?" The woman muttered unhappily before turning her attention to Charlie's suggestion. "I can do secret though Richard will need to know. He won't say anything to the others." The younger Laine admitted. Knowing her brother if he did know it would be better in the long run. Less of him in a panic over her being taken as a prisoner by this mad man.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Damon unpeeled his twinkie and started nomming it the white filling that made the pastry so great started to spurt out the end but he shoved the rest in his mouth before it could make a huge mess. While this was happening he was listening intently to people once more. The outburst of dean had him pause mid chew like a panicked gerbil. He took a moment finished up the twinkie and let everyone else speak first.

The he inhaled "So...since I do not have anyone to call" He mentally shoved the last image he had of his mom with her shooting up out of his mind. "I can help...i can lend my phone or emotional support...whatever is needed" He gave a thumbs up then exhaled a bit. The only one that would probably want to know about his well being would be Xavier. "Oh or if im needed to call others I would be down for that too" He refused to let the fact that it was not his choice that he had no one to call effect him. He refused.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Peridot
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Peridot Clods!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Charlie Farrier

Location: Stark Tower

Charlie had winced as the Care Bears suddenly started blaring on the movie screen, noticing Ayita's reaction and wondering if she was going to rip the room to shreds. Was this supposed to be some kind of prank, performed by Guin or her Dad? Or was the AI just so stupid that it thought this was an appropriate time to start playing a babies movie? Easing gently past Ayita, Charlie switched the movie off, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of it.

"I'm glad you both agree. Glad someone does, anyway." He muttered, walking back to the girls. "Richard may be able to help us out, actually. He's been around a bit, he might have contacts of people who can help us. Not Brotherhood contacts, but, y'know... neutral ones." He paused, thinking on the X-Men that had left already. They knew Gambit and Rogue were in New Orleans, and it probably wouldn't be difficult to catch wind of where they were. He recalled Gambit enjoyed his gambling, and stories towards the best poker player in the state would get them there. Then there was Jean and Cyclops. "One of the new kids, Sara? She's Jean Gray's niece. She must have a phone number or address so we can contact her." Then there was Wolverine and Storm. The former would probably stay underground or meet the threat head on, and Charlie had a feeling that they'd be meeting up with him at some point anyway. Storm was totally unknown, but surely the Professor or Beast had an idea where she was?

After relaying all of those thoughts to Ayita and Allison, Charlie took one of the chairs opposite them, wondering what to do first. Their biggest problem at the moment was on how to get out of the city without being spotted and taken down by the Sentinels. He was sure they were waiting on the city's edge, watching for their pray to scurry out into apparent safety.

Nina van Essenhout

Location: Stark Tower

As more ideas bounced around the room, Nina considered their two major problems at the moment. One, how to fight the Sentinels? And two, the issue of getting the kids out of the tower and to safety (Though they seemed pretty safe where they were, in her opinion. Stark Tower was pretty big, was their any reason they couldn't remain until OMEN had been dealt with?). The former problem was the key to solving both, however. They had been built to adapt to each mutant's individual ability, able to overcome most attacks performed by them. But attacks involving guns, or even brute force seemed to work. Nina wondered how strong they were, and if she were able to put one down with her own strength. Could they even adapt in that manner? They clearly hadn't changed anything to defend themselves against the guns from the Blackbird.

Whatever the case, it was bound to need some form of experimentation, and Nina doubted they had the time or resources to capture one of the metallic giants to perform such tests. Though, Cassandra's ideas seemed pretty good, and Nina nodded in agreement.

"Weapons do seem to be our best option at the moment. For weaknesses, all I could suggest is the neck and joint areas. Those are typically the weakest points on other bipeds." Hitting joints meant taking out limbs, while if the neck went, so did the head. That usually put down most things.

"I still think splitting up the kids would be the best idea in order to get them out safely. Are there any underground passageways that aren't being watched, perhaps? Sewers, waterlines?" Nina directed the question towards JARVIS, knowing the AI would have access to the schematics of the city... and any extra ones Tony may have added by himself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

One Hour Later

@LadyRunic@Peridot@FantasyChic During the hour, Charlie, Ayita and Allison would not be able to gather much info about other mutants nearby, aside from perhaps the old team. However, Xavier came into the room, and he looked at the three of them. "I know what the three of you are planning on doing, and they will not talk to me, and I do not know their locations, or have any contact information for them. If you wish to go after them, I will not stop you. Just know that at this moment in time the only person with access to where everyone is should she ask is Marygold. This might be a situation that requires more aid, so do what you believe to be the right choice. Many people in this building are not acting rationally, due to stress and panic, but if what you are doing is what you believe in, then I am not going to stop you." he said simply.

Lance Banner, Marygold Isley, and Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Stark Tower

"...Alright, sounds like a plan... It might take a little while to get the word out to the parents, since we'll have to ask each kid how to get a hold of them or something," Mary said, nodding her head in response to Dean's suggestion, it made sense to her. "And weaponry definitely does more damage than our powers do..."

After a little while, Future Pietro brought Folly back upstairs, glad that she had calmed down, but they really needed her medicine if she was going to stay there with them. He looked over at Banner, "Hey, any chance I give you something, could you reverse engineer it? We kind of ran out of her meds in our time era, and the tools necessary to make it..."

Banner hesitated. "Well, uh, what are we talking about? Synthesis can take weeks for most modern drugs...."

"Honestly, I tended to skip the whole science mumbo jumbo, but here," he said, pulling out the vial he was caring. It had a very small dose of Folly's medication in it, not enough to last maybe an hour at the most, he had been carrying it mainly for an emergency.

Banner looked at it. "....You do realize none of my PhD's make me psychic, right?" he asked. "Do you have a structure or something? Notes on the synthesis pathway you used?"

"Eh, probably do, give me a moment," he said before he started going through his pockets, pulling out random things, before eventually pulling out an old tablet that looked like it was from Stark Industries. He messed with it for a few moments, "Here you go," he said, handing it over, and it pulled up the information he requested.

Banner scanned through the tablet, noting the initials of the different people who worked on it. "...It'll take me a week to make this."

"...Alright... I know this stuff takes a while..."

Banner nodded. "I'll do my best....I think I can program a robot to do the first twelve couplings for me...."

"Alright... Thank you..."

Banner then handed him back the medication. "Whoever this G.S. is, they were thorough in their notes....I've got all the spectral data here. Keep it in case she needs that." he said, before he headed off to the lab.

Tony's phone rang, and he wandered off a little ways away from the others. During the hour, just to spite Sara because of her comment, Pietro pulled Guin a little ways away from the group and started kissing her, much to Tony's annoyance, though it was only for a few minutes thankfully. After a moment, he returned to the group. "Alright, says that you guys are in with Jakobsen in about 45 minutes, his campaign office isn't too far from here, that'll be where he meets with you."

Mary nodded, "Alright, good to know, at least we can wait a little while longer before we go talk to the madman who ordered the attack on us. she said, and Thalia came out of the medical area. Her body still had some injuries, but she was definitely doing a lot better, but probably still not in the best shape to join them to meet with Jakobsen.

Mira nodded her head looking at the ground at this whole concept or whatever. This plan was bad, but it was the best that they had, no matter what, it was at least something. "I can get to work building something that might work against the Sentinels, do something with my time at least." Tony said, before he wandered off to his area in the building.

Lance was glad that his dad had gotten something to do, the guy drove him crazy, a lot. He had remained pretty quiet during the past hour, wandering over with his hands shoved in his pockets to a corner of the room by the window. He remembered when Guin kind of dubbed it his "Pouting Corner" or something like that when they were younger. She called it that since it was the one side of the room he tended to go to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Folly Valeska

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)

Folly couldn't help but feel a bit sad, having returned to the top floor with Future Pietro. She had thought that she'd be better equipped to handle her brain chemistry without her medication, but its absence had already resulted in one near outburst. At least no one had gotten hurt - aside from the blonde girl whose foot Folly had stomped on. "O să-mi cer scuze lui Allison..." Folly then whispered to Future Pietro. She couldn't help but feel guilty too that Dr. Banner was focusing on making medication for her, rather than devoting his genius to fighting the Sentinels.

Even though she knew why she had been selected to go back in time, Folly couldn't help but feel she was a poor choice. It was easy for people to mistake Pietro or Thalia as the powerhouses of the group - but she was the only one that could heal quickly enough to adapt to any situation. She was the secret weapon of the group and her madness, as much as she feared it, only made her stronger when she fought against Sentinels and agents of O.M.E.N. Her weaknesses became strengths as she took up the mantle Wolverine had left to her.

"Bine, du-te," he responded with a smile.

Folly nodded, before she went off at a sprint towards the hallway and she went down there, recalling the descriptions from Future Guin. She stumbled upon the home theater room and she walked inside, stopping with wide eyes as she spotted Professor X. The last time she had been face to face with him, he had thrown her out of the mansion. She shut her eyes then, remembering the events that had lead up to it. She had stabbed a member of the X-Men - it had been an accident. Mary had almost gotten hurt. And Professor X had Wolverine take her away, dropping her off at a mental facility.

She was shaking and wringing her hands as she forced herself to open her eyes. "...Allison," she whispered. "I am sorry for attacking you. My medication is....was...I..." She then decided she couldn't take it anymore and she ran out of the room as quickly as she had entered, taking deep breaths by herself in the hallway.

Dean Kesseli

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)

Dean had called his parents and insisted that they let him stick around with everyone else for a little while. He was eighteen years old, he had reminded them, and he thought this was finally something he could be good at. He hadn't ever felt as much a sense of purpose and belonging than he did when he was calling the younger student's parents, letting them know that little Sara-Maria or Vasili or Blake were alright. As he was reassuring one of the more panicked parents, after a call where he had to pretend that they were just an ordinary boarding school that got mixed up in the crossfire, he actually smiled slightly.

The guidance counselors at the school had always been asking him what he wanted to do with his life - and his best answer, so far, was to make his own band. But now he had a more tentative idea of what he wanted to do - he wanted to help others. And he didn't mean joining the X-Men and becoming a fighter. He wanted to help people in a different way. Maybe as a first responder or a member of the Peace Corps or something. He hadn't applied to any colleges so he couldn't help but feel that this was a good option for him. Otherwise, he figured he'd just end up hanging around the mansion for the rest of his life.

"That's all of last names L-Z," Dean announced, as he hanged up his final phone call. He then ate a twinkie that he had snatched from Pietro earlier, feeling a bit hungry.

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)

Guin was blushing faintly still from when Pietro had pulled her aside for an impromptu make out session - but she would have been lying if she claimed she hadn't been into it. She had been a more than willing participant. She nodded as Mary and Tony told them the plans for the next hour or so. It seemed to be the only way they could handle these things - one hour at a time. "Yeah, we should probably figure out what I'm going to say to him...though winging it is more my style," Guin admitted with a shrug. She then saw Lance standing off in his pouting corner. "Hold on a sec though, guys..."

She then walked across the room, until she was standing next to Lance in the corner. She put her arm around him. "How're you holding up, Lando?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just too many people... Why do you ask?" he said, not looking at her, just staring out the window.

"Robots trying to kill us, you talking with your father, my boyfriend coming from the future where apparently we're married, the mansion blowing up...It's been a shitstorm of a day," Guin explained. "Want to make sure my best bud is okay."

"Yeah, well I'm fine, just kind of want to be left alone..." he muttered. Pietro was glaring in their direction, but he had yet to move from his spot. "My dad was being a little ridiculous... You missed the big blow up in the lab, almost had a Hulk problem to add on top of our other ones..."

Guin couldn't help but laugh slightly at that. "Did he do the entire I'm always angry speech too?" she asked, doing a Michael Keaton voice for part of her sentence. Lance's father was ridiculous almost all of the time, in her opinion. When he wasn't working on something in the lab, he always seemed to be at one extreme of the emotional spectrum - and pretending that that wasn't at all the case. She didn't notice Pietro glaring at them and she still had her arm around Lance.

"No, but he doesn't seem to want to leave me alone, as always..." he said with a small smile. Now Pietro zipped over, pulling Guin slightly away from Lance.

Guin couldn't help but be a little bit surprised, turning to look at Pietro who now had his arm around her. "...Hi Pietro," she said awkwardly. She then turned back to Lance. "Well, I doubt he'll ever really change...He seems to have a static personality, y'know. Still can't believe he and Aunt Nat tried dating, that was weird..."

"Yeah... He freaks out too much... You'd think he'd learn that I can handle myself..." Lance said, his voice barely above a whisper, Pietro was still glaring at him.

"I think he's always going to see you as that little kid who'd never been to New York before, synthesizing crystals in one of our labs," Guin answered honestly. She noticed Lance's voice drop and she glanced at Pietro, seeing the look of anger in his face. "...Okay, what's going on between you two?"

"Nothing..." Lance muttered.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with Guina."

Guin raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Then explain to me why you two are clearly hating each other, despite having never met before - and I'd really prefer it if you'd at least try to get along, since Piet, Lance is like a brother to me and Lance, you know Piet's the most serious and healthy relationship I've had."

"Whatever... Can you leave me alone in my corner now?"

"Fine with me," Pietro said, before he started dragging Guin away.

"Let go of me," Guin grumbled. "And he's freaking out Piet and needs a friend, I don't get why you're glaring at him but I'm not going to abandon him...."

"He asked to be left alone, so leave the guy alone."

"What's gotten into you?" Guin muttered, entirely oblivious to the obvious - that Lance had a thing for her and Pietro knew it. She knew Pietro was the jealous type and while she could normally pick up on it, she didn't see it in this instance. She only ever really saw Lance as a friend and a pseudo-brother, nothing more, so it didn't occur to her. "Why are you being so possessive..."

"...Honestly I thought it was obvious... You do realize that guy has a thing for you right? And I'm pretty sure your dad knows it too."

"...That's just crazy talk, Pietro. He's basically my brother."

"Just saying, wouldn't be surprised, he likes you Guin, saw that the instant I met him. He is literally as obvious as can be, and you are the only one, I swear, who can't see it."

Guin couldn't help but have a quick series of flashbacks to all of the times she had ever snuggled up with Lance on the couch to watch a movie and fell asleep next to him. "...Whatever. Even if that's true, you can't just glare at him Piet! He's my best friend!"

"Yes I can."

"...If you keep on glaring at him and being mean to him, no more Star Trek and Kisses time," Guin said, crossing her arms even though he hadn't let go of her.
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