the one girl wolf pack is finished
Name: Rieka Blakesley, aka Lupa aka Bitch
Age (Magical Girl): 16
Age (Before Magical Girl): 19
Gender: F

Beast: She can summon animals to come to her aid, empower herself others or animals with simple physical improvements or temporarily grant them physical traits of other animals that are present. She also has an intrinsic understanding of animal body language and as a result gets along with them easily. Finally her senses are naturally sharper and her general physique sightly improved even while in her human form.
Sound: Rieka has no skill with instruments (her claws ended up made using them incredibly inconvenient anyway), and her voice is ill suited for singing which made originally getting sound powers rather unfortunate. In the short period before becoming a monster girl she mainly used via shouting/screaming at her enemy. Now she howls instead which is a minor improvement. Primarily used to in conjunction with her beast powers to provide additional buffs to her and her allies, it also gives her limited magical offense through debuffing spells and ranged sonic attacks.
Weapon: Her primary weapons are her fists, teeth and claws augmented by a pair of magical bracers that can be used to block, empower her punches or that transform into golden claws for better scratching power.
Duplication: She can spend large amounts of mana to create duplicates of herself. These duplicates are as strong and tough as her, and retain any of her physical transformations, but cannot cast spells. A single wound will destroy them, though her inherent toughness, often augmented by buffs, make striking a strong enough blow a difficult prospect.
Regeneration: She can regenerate health and recover mana much much faster than normal. Limbs can be reattached or, if mana is expended, regrown entirely. As a result she is incapable of succumbing to her wounds and can only be killed by a single decisive blow. Her wounds heal even while in combat and she also has increased stamina. Her disguise inhibits most of the wound regeneration but she is still has an impressive amount of stamina.
Dule weapon (melee): she has a pair of bracers that enhancer her brawling ability, either by adding force to her punches, being used as a blocking tool or by adding long golden blades to her claws.
Enhanced weapon: This weapon, and her natural weapons, are superior to the standard fair.
Blood magic: She can convert health to mana. With regeneration she can convert mana to health. This makes the two resource pools effectively one and the same.
Interdimensional Home: A spacious studio apartment located in another world that can be accessed after 10 seconds of concentration. The room has no door, a window looking out at an alien city, simple furniture and a fridge containing an endless supply of cheat instant meals. It also features a number of terrariums and cages where Rieka keeps a number of low maintenance or useful pets that she can borrow traits from.
Monstrous metamorphosis: extremes of emotion (or intense hunger) can cause her to lose control and unleash the beast within, her mutations overcoming her mind and body as she becomes a fully fledged werewolf. This form is even stronger, faster and tougher but she loses the ability to think rationally, becoming limited to simple fight or flight style decisions. This form is not prevented from using magic however, which can cause issues if the beast starts duplicating feral versions of herself, as they lack the magic to shift back to monster girl or human form.
Patron: Feral
Benefits: Focused, Subtle, Magical Overload, Physical prowess, Mental Link
Drawbacks: Alien Mind, Alien Tongue, Formless, Monstrous Form
Monstrous Form:
Body mutation: Nonstandard limbs (wolfish arms and legs, addition of tail and wolf ears)
Mind mutation: Devourer, Feral and as a direct result Alica, hunger for the blood of magical beings which the pair both uses to sustain themselves.
Soul mutation: Redirected Magic (Feral improves her physical traits while draining some of her magical energy in the process), second specialisation (Beast)
Fighting Style: When it comes to physically fighting Rieka is a wolf through and through, because she fights with a pack, one consisting entirely of duplicate copies of herself. Using her regeneration and blood magic in combination she can rapidly produce the mana necissery to build up a small army of clones that, thanks to her inherent toughness and strength, are more than meer decoys, capable of dishing out serious damage in melee while shrugging off attacks weaker than rifle bullets without being dissipated. All this is before her specialisations come into the mix.
With beast and sound magic she can buff both herself and her clones even furthur. Before duplication she can physically empower herself with extra muscle or with mutations borrowed from other animals, either the ones in her dimensional home (mainly herbivorous insects) or any that she can find/summon from the immediate area. After duplication she can further buff herself and her close using soundmagic, her howls empowering the pack to fight harder and to shrug off even greater blows. She can also weaken her foes with his magic or use it for ranged sonic howl attacks. Overall Alica’s magical effects aren't particularly strong individually however she can pump out a lot of them and can passively maintain a lot of buffs/clones thanks to her high mana regeneration gained from regeneration, blood magic converting the hp portion of regen into mana and her high vitality.
The pack fights mostly using hunting style tactics, surrounding the foe with their numbers and trying to herd them to a disadvantage location while individual duplicates make attacks of opportunities on their prey when it is distracted. The clones are not opposed to using human wave tactics however, bum rushing a target en masse as Rieka herself pumps out a constant stream of reserves in an endurance match that the mana ritch werewolf can often win. Ranged combat wise the pack is limited to throwing things, although working together they can toss some pretty heavy stuff around. Watch out for flying cars. And flying wolf girls.
Rieka herself, when she isn't at the heart of her pack buffing or at the back reinforcing it, is an in your face brawler who will furiously try to beat the crap out of her foes with a flurry of punches, kicks, scratches and bites. Her regeneration means that she can afford to be reckless like this as long as she avoids instantly fatal blows and it gives her pack ample opportunity to attack the target from the rear. It's preferable that she be the focus of their foe’s attacks, as the clones can mostly dish out the same amount of hurt as the original, but Alica herself can soak considerable more damage.
Personality: Spunky, enthusiastic and endlessly energetic, Rieka tries her best to not let circumstances get the better of her which is as much a coping mechanism as it is her natural personality. She tries to make friends, it's lonely being a monster with another monster living inside you, but so far she hasn’t had much luck. She’s also something of a glutton for punishment, has an almost reckless disregard of her own safety and takes far to much enjoyment from fighting a good, and just, fight.
Rieka was, originally just another high school graduate from a small town who had no idea what she was going to do with her life. Half decent grades, small circle of friends, minor interest in athleticism, no real skills or special talents to speak of. It doesn't really matter anymore. She can't go back, not when she can't be comfortable in her own skin anymore. Not with the hunger gnawing at her bones.
It was while she was talking a short jog through the local woods one evening when she met her fate, stumbling across an injured young girl dressed in cutesy attire slumped against a tree with a dainty rapier resting at her side who looked to be the victim of a wild animal attack. The girl tried desperately to get Rieka to go away, warning that she was in danger, but young woman would not be dissuaded and tried to assist her, to both their detriment. The girl’s attacker revealed itself almost as soon as Rieka got to the girl’s side: a monstrous wolf, its fur black as coal, teeth the size of kitchen knives and its body covered in wounds, old and new, surged out of the undergrowth and charged the pair. Rieka was thrown aside by the surprisingly strong girl just before the beast was upon them. Rieka crashed to ground as the girl let out a sickening scream that was cut off as suddenly as it began. Unwilling to look back as the monstrous wolf began to gorge itself on the girl’s body she tried to crawl away, only to be presented with an unnaturally cute critter that then inexplicably spoke to her in an unsuitable calm tone.
“It’s going to eat you after its done with her you know, but if you sign a contract with me and became a magical girl you might just survive. I’m in need of a new girl anyway.”
Rieka could only look at her dumbfounded for a few silent moments before it added
“It’s your fault she’s dead you know, the least you could do is make sure her family has a body left to bury.” it looked past her at the monster for a moment and adding “You’d better hurry up if you want that though”
It was that guilt that sealed the deal. Magic flowed into her as she stood and turned to fast the beast which showed sudden interest in the new magical girl where before it had ignored the scared young woman. After a long, grueling battle in which the unskilled girl lost more blood than she thought she had in her she finally put down the beast thanks in no small part to the mounds it had sustained fighting the other girl, including the rapier she had trust through its chest in her dying moments. When the final blow was struck two horrible things happen. First of all the wolf shrunk as it perished, shedding fur as it revealed it’s true form: the broken body of another young girl. Second, an ethereal presence leaped out of the body at her ghosting inside her body faster than she could react. Then she blacked out.
She woke up some time later, her body forever changed. Back fur coated her arms and lower legs, claws had sprouted from her fingers and toes, her teeth had grown sharp, a long tail swept down behind her and a pair of ears could now be found perched atop her head. Worse than this was the fact that both of the other girl’s bodies had been torn apart and devoured while she was out. Judging by the fact that she was now covered in even more blood it had been her who had consumed them, and yet she was, horrifyingly, still hungry. The last thing she saw after she awoke was the strange creature that she had signed a contract with. It was some down the path from the bloody carnage, staring at her blankly.
“Disgusting” was all it said before it disappeared into the forest. The next time she saw it it had a new girl who it had sent to kill her. It ended up being one of the few things she had enjoyed eating since her transformation.
After the next few weeks she got to understand her new predicament. The spirit, something she eventually found out was a being know as a lesser force, had possessed her body and now drove her to hunt and consume other magical beings. For the most part she still had control of her body and mind, at least until the hunger got bad enough or she broke down emotionally, but the specter, that she ended up calling Feral, rudely inserted itself into her mind as a kind of brutal instinct that wordlessly helped her find pray and fight it. She tried her damnedest to avoid hunting anything/one innocent and has so far has succeeded with a few near misses. Eventually she was guided towards the city, a concrete jungle bursting with potential pray.
Incantation: awoo!
Additional Info:
When it comes to normal food she is actually a vegetarian, but her speciality dish is, by necessity, monster mash stew.
Age (Magical Girl): 16
Age (Before Magical Girl): 19
Gender: F

Beast: She can summon animals to come to her aid, empower herself others or animals with simple physical improvements or temporarily grant them physical traits of other animals that are present. She also has an intrinsic understanding of animal body language and as a result gets along with them easily. Finally her senses are naturally sharper and her general physique sightly improved even while in her human form.
Sound: Rieka has no skill with instruments (her claws ended up made using them incredibly inconvenient anyway), and her voice is ill suited for singing which made originally getting sound powers rather unfortunate. In the short period before becoming a monster girl she mainly used via shouting/screaming at her enemy. Now she howls instead which is a minor improvement. Primarily used to in conjunction with her beast powers to provide additional buffs to her and her allies, it also gives her limited magical offense through debuffing spells and ranged sonic attacks.
Weapon: Her primary weapons are her fists, teeth and claws augmented by a pair of magical bracers that can be used to block, empower her punches or that transform into golden claws for better scratching power.
Duplication: She can spend large amounts of mana to create duplicates of herself. These duplicates are as strong and tough as her, and retain any of her physical transformations, but cannot cast spells. A single wound will destroy them, though her inherent toughness, often augmented by buffs, make striking a strong enough blow a difficult prospect.
Regeneration: She can regenerate health and recover mana much much faster than normal. Limbs can be reattached or, if mana is expended, regrown entirely. As a result she is incapable of succumbing to her wounds and can only be killed by a single decisive blow. Her wounds heal even while in combat and she also has increased stamina. Her disguise inhibits most of the wound regeneration but she is still has an impressive amount of stamina.
Dule weapon (melee): she has a pair of bracers that enhancer her brawling ability, either by adding force to her punches, being used as a blocking tool or by adding long golden blades to her claws.
Enhanced weapon: This weapon, and her natural weapons, are superior to the standard fair.
Blood magic: She can convert health to mana. With regeneration she can convert mana to health. This makes the two resource pools effectively one and the same.
Interdimensional Home: A spacious studio apartment located in another world that can be accessed after 10 seconds of concentration. The room has no door, a window looking out at an alien city, simple furniture and a fridge containing an endless supply of cheat instant meals. It also features a number of terrariums and cages where Rieka keeps a number of low maintenance or useful pets that she can borrow traits from.
Monstrous metamorphosis: extremes of emotion (or intense hunger) can cause her to lose control and unleash the beast within, her mutations overcoming her mind and body as she becomes a fully fledged werewolf. This form is even stronger, faster and tougher but she loses the ability to think rationally, becoming limited to simple fight or flight style decisions. This form is not prevented from using magic however, which can cause issues if the beast starts duplicating feral versions of herself, as they lack the magic to shift back to monster girl or human form.
Patron: Feral
Benefits: Focused, Subtle, Magical Overload, Physical prowess, Mental Link
Drawbacks: Alien Mind, Alien Tongue, Formless, Monstrous Form
Monstrous Form:
Body mutation: Nonstandard limbs (wolfish arms and legs, addition of tail and wolf ears)
Mind mutation: Devourer, Feral and as a direct result Alica, hunger for the blood of magical beings which the pair both uses to sustain themselves.
Soul mutation: Redirected Magic (Feral improves her physical traits while draining some of her magical energy in the process), second specialisation (Beast)
Fighting Style: When it comes to physically fighting Rieka is a wolf through and through, because she fights with a pack, one consisting entirely of duplicate copies of herself. Using her regeneration and blood magic in combination she can rapidly produce the mana necissery to build up a small army of clones that, thanks to her inherent toughness and strength, are more than meer decoys, capable of dishing out serious damage in melee while shrugging off attacks weaker than rifle bullets without being dissipated. All this is before her specialisations come into the mix.
With beast and sound magic she can buff both herself and her clones even furthur. Before duplication she can physically empower herself with extra muscle or with mutations borrowed from other animals, either the ones in her dimensional home (mainly herbivorous insects) or any that she can find/summon from the immediate area. After duplication she can further buff herself and her close using soundmagic, her howls empowering the pack to fight harder and to shrug off even greater blows. She can also weaken her foes with his magic or use it for ranged sonic howl attacks. Overall Alica’s magical effects aren't particularly strong individually however she can pump out a lot of them and can passively maintain a lot of buffs/clones thanks to her high mana regeneration gained from regeneration, blood magic converting the hp portion of regen into mana and her high vitality.
The pack fights mostly using hunting style tactics, surrounding the foe with their numbers and trying to herd them to a disadvantage location while individual duplicates make attacks of opportunities on their prey when it is distracted. The clones are not opposed to using human wave tactics however, bum rushing a target en masse as Rieka herself pumps out a constant stream of reserves in an endurance match that the mana ritch werewolf can often win. Ranged combat wise the pack is limited to throwing things, although working together they can toss some pretty heavy stuff around. Watch out for flying cars. And flying wolf girls.
Rieka herself, when she isn't at the heart of her pack buffing or at the back reinforcing it, is an in your face brawler who will furiously try to beat the crap out of her foes with a flurry of punches, kicks, scratches and bites. Her regeneration means that she can afford to be reckless like this as long as she avoids instantly fatal blows and it gives her pack ample opportunity to attack the target from the rear. It's preferable that she be the focus of their foe’s attacks, as the clones can mostly dish out the same amount of hurt as the original, but Alica herself can soak considerable more damage.
STR: 4
AGI: 4
VIT: 4
MAG: 3
LCK: 3
Transformed/True form
STR: 14
AGI: 10
VIT: 12
MAG: 6
LCK: 6
Monstrous Metamorphosis
STR: 16
AGI: 12
VIT: 14
MAG: 6
LCK: 6
STR: 4
AGI: 4
VIT: 4
MAG: 3
LCK: 3
Transformed/True form
STR: 14
AGI: 10
VIT: 12
MAG: 6
LCK: 6
Monstrous Metamorphosis
STR: 16
AGI: 12
VIT: 14
MAG: 6
LCK: 6
Personality: Spunky, enthusiastic and endlessly energetic, Rieka tries her best to not let circumstances get the better of her which is as much a coping mechanism as it is her natural personality. She tries to make friends, it's lonely being a monster with another monster living inside you, but so far she hasn’t had much luck. She’s also something of a glutton for punishment, has an almost reckless disregard of her own safety and takes far to much enjoyment from fighting a good, and just, fight.
Rieka was, originally just another high school graduate from a small town who had no idea what she was going to do with her life. Half decent grades, small circle of friends, minor interest in athleticism, no real skills or special talents to speak of. It doesn't really matter anymore. She can't go back, not when she can't be comfortable in her own skin anymore. Not with the hunger gnawing at her bones.
It was while she was talking a short jog through the local woods one evening when she met her fate, stumbling across an injured young girl dressed in cutesy attire slumped against a tree with a dainty rapier resting at her side who looked to be the victim of a wild animal attack. The girl tried desperately to get Rieka to go away, warning that she was in danger, but young woman would not be dissuaded and tried to assist her, to both their detriment. The girl’s attacker revealed itself almost as soon as Rieka got to the girl’s side: a monstrous wolf, its fur black as coal, teeth the size of kitchen knives and its body covered in wounds, old and new, surged out of the undergrowth and charged the pair. Rieka was thrown aside by the surprisingly strong girl just before the beast was upon them. Rieka crashed to ground as the girl let out a sickening scream that was cut off as suddenly as it began. Unwilling to look back as the monstrous wolf began to gorge itself on the girl’s body she tried to crawl away, only to be presented with an unnaturally cute critter that then inexplicably spoke to her in an unsuitable calm tone.
“It’s going to eat you after its done with her you know, but if you sign a contract with me and became a magical girl you might just survive. I’m in need of a new girl anyway.”
Rieka could only look at her dumbfounded for a few silent moments before it added
“It’s your fault she’s dead you know, the least you could do is make sure her family has a body left to bury.” it looked past her at the monster for a moment and adding “You’d better hurry up if you want that though”
It was that guilt that sealed the deal. Magic flowed into her as she stood and turned to fast the beast which showed sudden interest in the new magical girl where before it had ignored the scared young woman. After a long, grueling battle in which the unskilled girl lost more blood than she thought she had in her she finally put down the beast thanks in no small part to the mounds it had sustained fighting the other girl, including the rapier she had trust through its chest in her dying moments. When the final blow was struck two horrible things happen. First of all the wolf shrunk as it perished, shedding fur as it revealed it’s true form: the broken body of another young girl. Second, an ethereal presence leaped out of the body at her ghosting inside her body faster than she could react. Then she blacked out.
She woke up some time later, her body forever changed. Back fur coated her arms and lower legs, claws had sprouted from her fingers and toes, her teeth had grown sharp, a long tail swept down behind her and a pair of ears could now be found perched atop her head. Worse than this was the fact that both of the other girl’s bodies had been torn apart and devoured while she was out. Judging by the fact that she was now covered in even more blood it had been her who had consumed them, and yet she was, horrifyingly, still hungry. The last thing she saw after she awoke was the strange creature that she had signed a contract with. It was some down the path from the bloody carnage, staring at her blankly.
“Disgusting” was all it said before it disappeared into the forest. The next time she saw it it had a new girl who it had sent to kill her. It ended up being one of the few things she had enjoyed eating since her transformation.
After the next few weeks she got to understand her new predicament. The spirit, something she eventually found out was a being know as a lesser force, had possessed her body and now drove her to hunt and consume other magical beings. For the most part she still had control of her body and mind, at least until the hunger got bad enough or she broke down emotionally, but the specter, that she ended up calling Feral, rudely inserted itself into her mind as a kind of brutal instinct that wordlessly helped her find pray and fight it. She tried her damnedest to avoid hunting anything/one innocent and has so far has succeeded with a few near misses. Eventually she was guided towards the city, a concrete jungle bursting with potential pray.
Incantation: awoo!
Additional Info:
When it comes to normal food she is actually a vegetarian, but her speciality dish is, by necessity, monster mash stew.
Type: Lesser force
Name: Feral
Personality: Feral is an apt description of its personality, which is precisely the reason Rieka gave the thing possessing her that name. The completely alien mind of the spirit thirsts for the blood of magical beings and communicates primarily by forcing this urge upon Alicia, driving her to hunt that most dangerous of pray. It's only other communications are feeling based, as it subconsciously urges Rieka to go this way, avoid this thing, attack this thing in this way and so on.
History: Feral seems to be a kind of ancient spirit embodying the concept of either predators or the hunt that has hopped from host to host, be it magical girl, monster or other mythical creature, and then driving them to hunt down other magical beings to further sustain itself.
Resources: Feral has nothing other than Rieka at its disposal.
Additional Info: Feral is possessing Rieka and if she dies it will attempt to possess something/one else nearby
Name: Feral
Personality: Feral is an apt description of its personality, which is precisely the reason Rieka gave the thing possessing her that name. The completely alien mind of the spirit thirsts for the blood of magical beings and communicates primarily by forcing this urge upon Alicia, driving her to hunt that most dangerous of pray. It's only other communications are feeling based, as it subconsciously urges Rieka to go this way, avoid this thing, attack this thing in this way and so on.
History: Feral seems to be a kind of ancient spirit embodying the concept of either predators or the hunt that has hopped from host to host, be it magical girl, monster or other mythical creature, and then driving them to hunt down other magical beings to further sustain itself.
Resources: Feral has nothing other than Rieka at its disposal.
Additional Info: Feral is possessing Rieka and if she dies it will attempt to possess something/one else nearby
20 - 20 - 6 - 16 - 4 - 14 - 4 - 14 - 16 - 14
1g, 3s, 4b
Emergency origin
Overdeveloped (+1 vit)
Psychic (+2 mag +2 LCK) S for Sound (+ 1 agi, + 2 MAG, + 1 LCK)
Fists(+2 STR)
Skimpy(+1 agility)
Gold for regeneration
origin choice of +1 weapon stats, enhanced weapon (+1 STR)
origin choice of +1 weapon stats, melee (+1 str + 1 vit, buffed by enhanced weapon to become +2 str + 2 vit)
Familiar, S switch to Interdimensional home.
Big damn hero - origin switch to blood magic ( + 1 vit)
Monstrous metamorphosis (+2 Str + 2 AGI + 2 Vit when active)
Patron choices:
Lesser force
Benefits: Focus, subtle, magical overload, Physical prowess (+1 to physical stats), mental link
Drawbacks: Alien Mind, Alien Tongue, Formless, Monstrous Form
Monster girl from magical overload
Body mutation: Nonstandard limbs (wolfish arms, legs, tail and ears
Mind mutation: Devourer. Tasty tasty monster meat or a more spiritual hunger for the hunt.
Soul mutation: Redirected Magic (-3 mag, +2 STR, VTI and AGI), second specialisation: Beast (+1 STR +1 agi + 1 luck)
Perks =
+ 5 Str
+ 2 Agi
+ 3 Mag
+ 4 Vit
+ 1 LCK
3 bronze and 1 silver remaining for +5 stats
+ 1 Str
+ 3 Mag
+ 1 Vit
Physical prowess, second specialisation and Redirected magic from patron
+ 4 Str
+ 4 Agi
+ 3 Vit
- 3 Mag
+ 1 LCK
Beast and blood magic grant out of transformation/disguised stats
STR: 4
AGI: 4
VIT: 4
MAG: 3
LCK: 3
Transformed(true form) stats
STR: 14
AGI: 10
VIT: 12
MAG: 6
LCK: 6
Monstrous metamorphosis stats
STR: 16
AGI: 12
VIT: 14
MAG: 6
LCK: 6
1g, 3s, 4b
Emergency origin
Overdeveloped (+1 vit)
Psychic (+2 mag +2 LCK) S for Sound (+ 1 agi, + 2 MAG, + 1 LCK)
Fists(+2 STR)
Skimpy(+1 agility)
Gold for regeneration
origin choice of +1 weapon stats, enhanced weapon (+1 STR)
origin choice of +1 weapon stats, melee (+1 str + 1 vit, buffed by enhanced weapon to become +2 str + 2 vit)
Familiar, S switch to Interdimensional home.
Big damn hero - origin switch to blood magic ( + 1 vit)
Monstrous metamorphosis (+2 Str + 2 AGI + 2 Vit when active)
Patron choices:
Lesser force
Benefits: Focus, subtle, magical overload, Physical prowess (+1 to physical stats), mental link
Drawbacks: Alien Mind, Alien Tongue, Formless, Monstrous Form
Monster girl from magical overload
Body mutation: Nonstandard limbs (wolfish arms, legs, tail and ears
Mind mutation: Devourer. Tasty tasty monster meat or a more spiritual hunger for the hunt.
Soul mutation: Redirected Magic (-3 mag, +2 STR, VTI and AGI), second specialisation: Beast (+1 STR +1 agi + 1 luck)
Perks =
+ 5 Str
+ 2 Agi
+ 3 Mag
+ 4 Vit
+ 1 LCK
3 bronze and 1 silver remaining for +5 stats
+ 1 Str
+ 3 Mag
+ 1 Vit
Physical prowess, second specialisation and Redirected magic from patron
+ 4 Str
+ 4 Agi
+ 3 Vit
- 3 Mag
+ 1 LCK
Beast and blood magic grant out of transformation/disguised stats
STR: 4
AGI: 4
VIT: 4
MAG: 3
LCK: 3
Transformed(true form) stats
STR: 14
AGI: 10
VIT: 12
MAG: 6
LCK: 6
Monstrous metamorphosis stats
STR: 16
AGI: 12
VIT: 14
MAG: 6
LCK: 6