<Snipped quote by Liseran Thistle>
I'll fight her with this young lady...Name: Rodetta The Red
Weight:158 lbs
Abilities & Background: Rodetta is the 4th daughter of the Warlord King Ifream the Red. A noble yet ruthless conquerer who bonded his spirit and body to that of an ancient dragon, which made him incredibly powerful but aggressive and hungry for glory in battle. His daughter Rodetta inherited some of her father's fire dragon abilities, and she works as the princess guard (although she is a princess herself) for her 3 older sisters. Of all of the children, her love for battle is greatest, even equal to her vicious father.
As an heir to the Dragon-King she has an innate natural ability with fire magic. She can hurl fire balls, cover herself in a flaming aura, raise the temprature of an indoor room (the smaller the more effective), and at her very best levels of exertion she can create explosive magic fire bombs which she can detonate and also thrust her hands into the earth, and sprout a very small volcano to sprout and erupt underneath her opponent, though the greater range this is done at the weaker the attack will be. It must be noted that she can still be damaged by others fire magic but is immune to her her own and natural fire.
Dragon's Blood
Although technically a human, she has the spirit and blood passed down from her father which gives her the ability to telepathically speak to dragon's and know where they are. Also able to call upon smaller drakes and baby dragons to fight by her side(but only for short intervals). She is also resistant (but not immune) to most dragon fire breath. Her most special abiltiy is one that not even her father can do, she is able to sprout dragon wings from her back, in times of great stress, and take flight, although this is at the cost of her human reasoning, and her normal high levels of skill and strategy will be traded for a natural dragon's rage. Although she benefits from a short burst of superhuman strength, she will not be able to use any weapons that a human would, simply preferring to rely entirely on fire magic.
War Princess:
Since age 10 Rodetta has been training to do her bloodline proud as a spirit of war. She is an expert with the shield and longsword combination and is also very adept with the Pike, Great-sword, and Battle Axe. She has little training with projectile weapons as she usually relies on her fire magic, but has a base level of skill with the crossbow. She is also a master strategist, experienced in leading army units, but specializes in small attack forces of 2-6, she is prideful but is also surprisingly good at working in a team.She is in amazing fighting shape and has trained her human body to be a weapon, she is tough, agile and has the will of a dragon, which means she is absolutely impossible to intimidate. She can also speak in dwarvern and chaos tounges, as part of her research into possible enemy tribes.
Dragonpride and Ironcrest
Her sword dragon pride has no real magic qualities but it is made of silver and mythrill, which makes it consistently sharp, and able to hurt werewolves, vampires and ghouls with great effectiveness. Its material compound makes the sword nigh unbreakable. The weapon is perfectly balanced for Rodetta's strength and dexterity.
Ironcrest is made from Iron and Dragonsbone, which makes it also nearly impossible to break, and has fire proof qualities. Although quite heavy, Rodetta is highly trained with this particular shield and uses its weight for heavy offensive sheild bashes to break her opponents stance and open the guard.
Red Plate Armour
Her armour is made from the kingdom's finest steel and has been woven with dragonscale, which makes it very light weight and tough, though the armour has many weak points to allow for mobility and can be damaged because of its low density. The trade off is that she can move in the armour as if she was wearing nothing at all because of its easy access.
Small multi-spikes that she carries that she can throw on the ground to injure opponents as they walk or run over them. Good tool for assailaints that are chasing her. Rodetta's armour protects her feet from these.
Royal Javelin Of The Red
This is a spear that Rodetta fights with while her sword is sheathed. Its has the same properties as her blade but is at its most effective when thrown because of its magical ability to 'home in' on living creatures, the stronger the life force the more powerful the tracking abilites. Of course even without this ability, Rodetta is a very accurate with a javelin anyway.
while that sounds fun and all, I'm a bit busy and tied up. I won't be online at all from august 10th to the 17th, and then after that I have like two days until I return back to school. while I appreciate that everyone wants to throw hands with Anvi, I'm afraid It'll have to wait some other day.
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