Alexander Kherol
"You can send those men out there to death if you want to. But the Ascendancy would need men after the war as well."
~Alexander before the Battle of Proxima, foreshadowing the Ascendancy's devastating defeat~

Full name: Alexander Kherol
Age: 34
Race: Human
Affiliation: The Ascendancy of Man - Grand Admiral - Head of the Ascendancy's Military Technology R&D
"I encounter people like you all the time. You vow to bring down the Ascendancy, but have you ever thought what you would do after it? No. You soldiers are after all 'children'. The Ascendancy is a government, keeping billions upon billions fed, clothed and educated. Day after day, on thousands of star systems. Imagine if all of that vanish into the thin air. Grow out of your own shell, and think. Not for yourself, but for those people around you."
Armies and Fleets The 1st Fleet of the Ascendancy: A fleet composed of many capital ships and a handful of star-fighters and ground forces, led by Grand Admiral Alexander Kherol. The fleet composes many powerful ships, with the intention of destroying the main backbone of the enemy's fleet. The heart of the fleet is the Admiral's newly developed Mobile Fortress: the Leviathan.
Personal possession: A blaster pistol: The pistol has two modes, lethal energy blast and stun. The explanation is quite straightforward. The energy blast deals real physical damage to a person's body, while the stun only knocks out the target.
"You don't need a group of superhuman soldiers to change the galaxy."
~Alexander in an open letter to the Ascendancy's Technology R&D~
Skills and abilities:Undoubtedly the Ascendancy's most powerful weapon, Alexander is widely known for his devastating tactical abilities. A prodigy being developed at the right place, and at the right time, Alexander has the one ability that really strengthened him in his position as a military commander: the ability to predict other's intention. By just analyzing the position of the opposing enemy forces, he can predict generally accurately of what they are planning to do, and any subtle movements can catch his attention. In addition to this ability, Alexander is also keen on studying his opponents, not simply their battle tactics, but their history, philosophy, morality and so on. He tries to find out as much as possible about his enemy and exploit them. He excels at long-term wars, as the longer it takes for the enemy to defeat him, the more he knows about his opponents, and the harder it is to outwit him.
As a Grand Admiral in the Ascendancy, and famous for the Conundra campaign, it is indisputable that Alexander's ability as a fleet commander is utterly competent. His normally favorable attack vector would be to set up an extremely powerful blockade, with a mix of both heavily armored space battleships, carriers, along with lighter anti-personnel cruisers, corvettes and destroyers. He would then proceed to destroy the majority of the enemy's heavy stationary guns and ships with his field artilleries before pushing the blockade forward into a full-frontal charge at the vulnerable ships using the superior Ascendancy's Ships. The attack pattern is extremely effective when it comes to a lengthened battle, as it can devastate the enemy's number while keeping losses at a minimum. But he can also use other variety of offensive or defensive maneuvers well, and is willing to abandon the strategy if proven ineffective
Alexander is a follower of the traditional code of war. He despises too much reliance on something as a way to fight a war, and showed his disapproval of the Ascendancy's child soldier program, due to the sheer inhumane treatment of humans and simply being very unpractical. He has very low opinion on the Ascendancy's military leadership, and can count on his fingers the total number of competent individuals out there serving the Ascendancy.
In terms of personal combat skills, Alexander is fairly feeble, and can be defeated if met with a skilled opponent. But against a normal human, he is capable of withstanding against two or three opponents in a fistfight. He is also capable of using his pistol to defend himself, with the standard Ascendancy's accuracy.
Exceptional skills: Exceptional Intelligence (x3)
Exceptional Diplomacy (x1)
Exceptional Tactician (x2)
"History is cruel. You always have to prepare to accept it."
Biography Alexander was born in one of the metropolitan planet in the Core World of the Ascendancy of Man. Rumors, whether true or false, persisted in his hometown that the young boy was able to compete in local chess competitions for high school students by the age of two. Nine years later, the boy beat a chess grandmaster for the first time. By the time he was fourteen, he was able to think critically and conduct certain analysis at university level.
His reputation spread far, but through a miraculous yet brilliant twist of fate, Alexander did not perish under the Ascendancy's policies of using young children. Before the Ascendancy could forcibly kidnap this young genius, one certain nobleman, governor and politician of his planet, someone whom Alexander would look upon with respect and gratitude later in his career, offered him the opportunity to enroll in the Grand Military Academy when he reached the age of twelve. Yes, voluntarily. There, young Alexander would be given special protection from all the overly-ambitious Ascendancy's leaderships who were looking to use prodigious children as tools of their own.
There, he received over-the-top quality education that only served to further his inhuman ability. By the time he was eighteen, the normal eligible age, he went into officer training. He became a ship's midshipman aboard a Cruiser by the age of twenty, and then a captain of a Corvette by the age of twenty-one. Things go uphill very quickly for Alexander. From the command of one individual ship, he rose to the rank of Commodore, commanding three light cruisers, then to Admiral, taking charge of a fleet of seven ships, consisting of cruisers and battleships, with his own capital ship. His finest hour was during the first years of the Rau've War. Alexander was the mastermind behind Operation Conundra, in which was a successful lightning military campaign against the Rau've important military targets. It is considered by most, if not all analyst, to be a spectacular tactical victory, as it disabled the majority of the Rau've's space fleet. However, some analyst considers it a strategic defeat, but most Ascendancy's military commanders see otherwise, as subsequent military actions were the prime reason for their defeats later on. Nevertheless, Alexander was promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral by the age of thirty-two for the successful strike.
That was the peak of his career, however. As the war progressed on, Alexander could see the Ascendancy's armies slowly stagnating in its track and entrenched. Foreseeing a long-term war, the newly promoted Grand Admiral proposes a more defensive plans, intending to play the game with them, the game that he excels at. However, the high command rejected this proposal, as they found it too passive. As a result, the scale of war gradually tipped to the Rau've, as things began to go downhill for the Ascendancy. With Alexander's effort, however, he manages to lure the Rau've forces into a decisive battle at Proxima. There, he was determined to crush the Rau've's forces with his superior ships, and therefore intended to place his ships near the frontline for easy movements. This, however, was countered by the Ascendancy's high command, through lack of understanding of rules of warfare. This was the last straw for the Grand Admiral. He knew the Ascendancy was doomed, but didn't want his men to die in vain, so he counter-proposed to let his ships remain in reserve, ready to back up the troops at the front once the defense line was breached. His proposal was granted, but he did not keep his promise.
Before he knew it, the war was over. A peace treaty was signed, with the Ascendancy's army from a hulk of an army to a laughing stock. This was the wake-up call for Alexander, as he redoubled his effort to bring the Ascendancy's fleet back to its full power and glory. He campaigned for the Head of the Military Technology R&D, and developed new technology and new powerful weapons, including the powerful flying fortress: the Leviathan.