Mastar's face simply shrunk down into an embarrassed frown when Inkscape spoke to her directly and congratulated her on her work today. Ok, so maybe she did want to be a Ward, but the issue was her parents. She really hoped that nobody heard that. She had a reputation to maintain with her facade as of current, and sacrificing that too early would be annoying to Mastar at best.
The hero walked out of the convention center, a tarry scarf covering her face. Several reporters swarmed around the woman, but she didn't want to talk at the moment, simply moving through them fluidly with her power being as it is. All she wanted to do was to go find Ryan and get back to her home. Maybe, just maybe, she could convince her mom to let her join the Wards. Worst case scenario, she had today to draw upon as evidence. No doubt that footage of today leaked out onto Parahumans Online.
Later that day
"M-mom?" Kendall poked their head into their parents bedroom, with their hair the standard salmon color it normally was and the costume and persona they were using earlier was off. They were wearing a large shirt and pajama bottoms as her bedtime clothes, not caring to even put on a pair of socks. It was their home, nobody cared.
Kendall's mom, however, was still very much dressed. Her clothes were the business suit she wore earlier that day, a dark gray dress matching the blazer she wore. She normally would still be at work, but due to the events that transpired at the convention center, her office closed early. Everyone was urged to see if their family and loved ones were okay. Ryan and Kendall were technically the loved ones for Mrs. Banks, so it was only natural for her to go and express worry for the kids. Nevertheless, she patted the bed as a way to invite Kendall to sit with her. "Yes, pumpkin?"
Kendall hopped up onto the bed and looked at their mom. They hesitated a little bit, but finally spoke up. "Mom... I want to join the Protectorate."
"Kendall, we've been over this. That's dangerous business, being one of their Wards. With Sonar being removed from the roster to their recent failure at that Warehouse, why would you want to be a Ward? It'd only bring you down."
"Because they're great!" Kendall practically shouted the statement, being dead serious as well. "Didn't you see the news reports?! The day was saved! Sure, they needed help, but who doesn't in times like that?!" Kendall eagerly raised their hands up to their face, the clenched hands emphasizing how excited and adamant they were.
"Kendall, you're still... young! Free! You don't need a job now, especially not one as dangerous as that one!" Kendall's mom placed a hand on the teen's shoulder. "Can you even imagine what would happen if you were put in a terrible situation?!"
Kendall's face split in half, then reformed into the single structure it normally was. "I'm tough! I can take beatings that nobody else can even fathom taking!" Kendall's head trailed down her back before finding it's way back up to where it normally was. "Tiger Lily isn't even strong enough to take some of the hits I can take!"
Kendall's mom stared at her child before scowling at her. "There's something you're not telling me... Mastar."
Kendall panicked for a moment before sighing. "... yeah... I guess it is obvious, huh." Kendall fell forward onto their mother's lap face-first before simply groaning for a few seconds, finally looking back up. "Dad knows too...?"
"Oh, baby, he was the one who follows all this hero nonsense. He's a nut for it, you know that."
"... am I grounded..."
"No. In fact, I think we're going to go visit the Protectorate tomorrow."
Kendall shot back up into a sitting position. "R-really?! Why'd you play around with all that other stuff, then?!" The teen was definitely curious why their mom played with them about this nonsense. It didn't make much sense to them.
"Well, if you were mature enough to admit you were Mastar, then you're ready to become a Ward in my eyes. I just wanted to make sure that the girl running around busting up crime alone knew who they were all along."
"... dad convinced you finally, didn't he?"
"Maybe. You're still joining the Wards anyway." Kendall's mom booped her kid's nose as she pulled them in for a hug, squeezing them tightly and holding them close as she turned on the TV. "Care to watch some CSI with me, Kendy? I've been meaning to catch up."
"Of course! I would love to!"

Truly Mad
Farce looked at Mantis, who was holding Lethal Force's vial of liquid powers. Sparce had stopped talking at this point in Farce's mind, so it was no good prying at her inner dialogue trying to figure out what to do to convince him of what's happening in the twins life (lives?). She looked up at her leader with stressed eyes. "I-I'll explain what they do later... right now, we need to go home... I-I have a migraine..."
Well, maybe she didn't have one, but with Sparce's reluctance and disagreement, she definitely did have something going on in there that wasn't good. Maybe he was giving her a headache. Maybe she was up for too long? She couldn't tell or remember. She just wanted to sleep, really, was all. Sleep away the pain and stress.

Heading to the Hospital
Everything was over. The hostages were saved, the heroes survived the onslaught, and everyone could go on fighting. That's what Kyoshi strived for. She should be happy.
But the reality of it was, this wasn't what she wanted. Not entirely.
She loved helping people, it was normal, but this life she was living. As a hero full-time. It was taxing and crazy. She didn't doubt it was a fun time indeed, but she didn't necessarily like having to live this life all the time. She was glad she was going to Nick in a few days, this was exhausting and crazy. She was always happy to lend a hand, but this often was... tiring.
She was lifted into the ambulance by the emergency response team. Of course, G4M3R accompanied the girl to the hospital, he was in worse condition than she was. Hopefully, he'd be able to continue streaming after all this is over. He's not cut out for much more pain like this.
... maybe she needed a manager. Sure, they probably have one set for Kyoshi when she got to her destination, but maybe G4M3R could come with her. Get out of the spotlight. Relax for once. He needed it more than she did.