T a b u l a R a s a
A G a m e o f G o d s & C r e a t i o n

I n t h e B e g i n n i n g , t h e r e w a s o n l y t h e v o i d .
T h e V o i d y a w n e d , a n d f r o m t h e m o u t h
o f O b l i v i o n a r o s e
t h e P r i m o r d i a l s :
C h a o s , T i m e , L i f e , & D e a t h.
T h e V o i d y a w n e d , a n d f r o m t h e m o u t h
o f O b l i v i o n a r o s e
t h e P r i m o r d i a l s :
C h a o s , T i m e , L i f e , & D e a t h.
Welcome. This role play will take place at the birth of a new plane of existence. Your character is a deity, one of the children of the Primordials. You are an immortal, with incredible power to shape the world. In this game you can expect to: Create a god with divine power. Create the world, populate it with people, (or smite them), interact with your fellow deities, and pretty much anything else a god can or would want to do. The idea is to create a story, not to 'win'. Gods are immortal, but they can be killed by other gods. I would like to see players come and go, new gods rise and fall (perhaps that is too ambitious), and I would like to have a world begin and eventually end. Below are some guidelines that I have sketched out to get started. These will be revised and changed depending on the level of interest this sort of RP attracts. Thanks for reading!
I. Your god must have a clear 'Domain' This is the source and relevance of your power. Domains will change over time. In the beginning, it would make sense for domains to be aspects of nature, such as FIRE or WATER. The Primordials domains are not to be chosen, but they might be conquered...
II. Over time, your domain can change. You must be clever in how you adjust your domain. For instance, the god of Oceans might to decide to include Trade or Storms in his domain. There are a lot of good RPing implications for this I think.
II. Your god must have AMBITION. This is key in the dramatic narrative. Is your god evil? Benign? Disgustingly pure and good? Make sure you give the other players a strong sense of what drives your character.
III. There will be more guidelines in place to keep player actions balanced. GM (that's me) has final say.
IV. There will be some world-building involved, but once something is created it is no longer yours to control. Other gods may influence your creations.
V. These guidelines will most certainly be adjusted if interest is gathered.
Thanks for reading! Please, ask questions or voice opinions & ideas below!