Health: 800/800
Mana: 1777/2200
Alisea had intended to watch the frontline handle this grind. After all, with River watching over them HP was an endless resource. All the boars turned on Dirk, just as they should; however, after a single convergence the boars scattered again. And one was moving straight toward her.
Immediately the magess began to invoke Shadow Bind. She could feel the tingle of gathering magic, the nerves in her avatar feeling the ticklish buzz it created. It was a feeling she was growing accustomed to--enough so that she could tell the spell wouldn't be charged before the boar had reached her.
It would reach Kyo.
Alisea canceled the spell, pushed Kyo away and toward Reylan, and swung out with her fist to deliver a Stunning Punch at the same time the boar charged through her. The two forces connected and Alisea was thrown back. Her body hit the ground and tumbled like a rag doll. When the rolling finally stopped, she lay very still.
"Wake up. Do you intend to be late for your vocal lessons?"
"What? Did you forget to tell me something?"
"No, it's not that-"
"'That is not it.' Refined speech, Alice."
"... Yes ma'am."
"Well? What do you have to tell me?"
"Alice, if you have nothing-"
"Will Dad bring Evan to the next recital?"
"... I see no reason that should matter. Whether your brother is there or off performing some strange ritual, you will sing and sing well."
"... Yes, ma'am."
Light crept back into Alisea's vision. Her mind came swimming back out of unconsciousness and feeling returned to her body. She blinked several times as she tried to recall what she was doing. She was laying down. Her arms were oddly skewed, though not in a painful way; on the contrary, a strange warmth that had filled her was just fading from her body. Where was she?
The loud squeal of a boar as Aster's blade cut into it was a swift reminder.
Alisea jumped to her feet. Kyo had been hovering over her, her face fraught with fear for her friend; now she stumbled back, relief evident in her features. Alisea glanced around quickly to get a handle on the situation around her. Dirk and the rest were still handling the frontline well; Uchaka had moved to intercept the boar charging their gunmen; and Aster was stalling the boar that had stunned her. That irksome beast seemed a good target to vent her newfound rage.
"Thank you, Kyo. You really helped me; that monster made me remember something unpleasant. Stay safe by our Mister, now!" Gathering her magic once more, Alisea rushed even closer to the boar as she cast Shadow Bind, ensuring it wouldn't move anywhere while she and Aster worked it down.
Reaching the immobile boar, Alisea hopped atop its back, planted her hands on either side of its spine, and cast Ice Lance. Two sharp blades of ice erupted from her palms and drove into the boar's body. From this perch, Alisea had no intention of letting go.
Alisea used Stunning Punch in reaction to Boar 4's charge
Spent a minute stunned (blacked out)
Cast Shadow Bind on Boar 4
Mounted Boar 4
Cast Ice Lance on Boar 4