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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

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<Snipped quote by Torack>

There you go @AndyC.

<Snipped quote by Superboy>

You know what, for good measure why don't we bind Jaimes body to that of Brainiac and Amazo while we're at it.

At this rate, I won't be surprised when Jaime becomes the Juan Above All.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Witryso
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I'll be totally honest, I wanna keep doing this, but I'm super anxious about the whole thing. I don't wanna step on anyone's toes, but...I dunno. Maybe it's just another thing I shouldn't be worried about, but I am regardless.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

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I'll be totally honest, I wanna keep doing this, but I'm super anxious about the whole thing. I don't wanna step on anyone's toes, but...I dunno. Maybe it's just another thing I shouldn't be worried about, but I am regardless.

I'm gonna tell you something a few other people in this RPG need to hear. Write with fucking confidence. If you fuck something up then so what? It can be fixed. This whole thing is so meaningless in the long run that there is no reason to be anxious at all. You're acting like an insecure fuckboi. Don't become an insecure fuckboi.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 24 min ago

I'll be totally honest, I wanna keep doing this, but I'm super anxious about the whole thing. I don't wanna step on anyone's toes, but...I dunno. Maybe it's just another thing I shouldn't be worried about, but I am regardless.

General rule of thumb is, with villains/legacies of your own character you can do w/e the fuck you want. With legacies/villains of someone else you need to ask for permission. If you want to interact, check with them first and don't just turn up, it's about telling your own stories while respecting those of other peoples. You'll get the hang of it, the first game of this type I joined I did something pretty much the same, with Iron Man as well ironically.

<Snipped quote by Witryso>

I'm gonna tell you something a few other people in this RPG need to hear. Write with fucking confidence. If you fuck something up then so what? It can be fixed. This whole thing is so meaningless in the long run that there is no reason to be anxious at all. You're acting like an insecure fuckboi. Don't become an insecure fuckboi.

Byrd for GM 2k19.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DocTachyon
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DocTachyon Teenage Neenage Neetle Teetles

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I'll be totally honest, I wanna keep doing this, but I'm super anxious about the whole thing. I don't wanna step on anyone's toes, but...I dunno. Maybe it's just another thing I shouldn't be worried about, but I am regardless.

To be straight up with you my man, you don't really have anything to worry about. You've only got one post out right now, but I'm really liking what I'm seeing. I'm generally very positive on everyone's work, but I'm really looking forward to what your Iron Man will bring to the table. You punch well within the weight class of what we expect around here.

Even if you weren't that good, you really shouldn't sweat it. We all have our doubts. I joined up with the game a little bit after it started, not more than a few weeks or so, but after launch to be sure. Everything intimidated the hell out of me. Most posts I read blew me away, and they still do. Comparing yourself to everyone else is a nonstarter, you just need to do your best and someone out there will appreciate it. Worrying about the quality of your work doesn't really matter. This is an RP forum full of curmudgeonly old men(not naming any names @Byrd Man) and people of all skill levels who are collectively throwing our writing into the void on copyrighted franchises that we will never be able to publish with. All that matters is your passion. If you believe in what you're doing, we'll all be able to feel it, and enjoy the hell out of it.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock

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Yeah, @Witryso, you can't leave before we introduce this RPG to the ultimate 'ship:

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

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Everyone starts somewhere! TBH, I was pretty intimidated when I joined Ultimate DC '13 and things have markedly improved in my confidence with writing with this group (and others of similar ilk) since. You can do it. Don't doubt yourself even if stumble and just communicate. It's no big deal. I still only have an inkling that my current ideas are going to be decent and not step on toes but Byrd told me to stop second-guessing myself so that's what I've been doing.

Trust in your ability as a RPer and you'll do swell, @Witryso.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Witryso
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I appreciate all the kind words. They mean a lot to me. I'll try to focus on my own story for right now, and I guess we'll see what happens.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

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*insert rehash of what everyone else said but with Chow Yun Fat giving a thumbs up at the end*
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Character You're Playing: Marc Spector: Moon Knight

Powers And Abilities: Ambiguous. Exceptional fighter, both hand to hand and with virtually any weapon. Some affinity for the moon, whether it’s present state has a psychological or supernatural effect on him remains unclear.

Season One Recap:
Previously on Moon Knight...

Former Marine and Ex-CIA operative Marc Spector was on a mission in Luxor, Egypt with two men from his past. A former "consultant" for the CIA, Raoul Bushman, and his oldest friend, former French Foreign Legionnaire Jean Paul DuChamp. In objection to seeing this mission viciously murder innocent bystander, archaeologist Dr Peter Alraune, Spector (and with him DuChamp) turned on Bushman.

It's at this point things get a little hazy...

Did Spector die in the desert? Maybe.
Did he take a head-knock that scrambled his brains? Quite possibly.
Did things change inalterably? Absolutely.

Spector pursued the lone survivor, Dr Peter Alraune's daughter Marlene, into the desert in order to protect her from the rest of Bushman's crew DuChamp turned the violent rabble with the cannons of his Hind and Spector managed to track Marlene to the tomb of Seti III, overwatchedby the moon god Khonshu.

Spector died-and-was-resurrected/hallucinated-whilst-concussed/had-a-strange-frommage-related-fever-dream and awoke, wrapping himself in a shroud that covered a statue of Khonshu and referring to himself as "Khonshu’s Blade", but with no memory of who he was or any of his past.

Spector was reunited with DuChamp topside, away from the tomb and the pair were taken to hospital in Luxor's city where he was given care. Whilst he was there he received a strange call from a man named Samuels who asked him to come to Chicago in the guise of a job, working for his employer Steven Grant.

Spector's head trauma and loss of memory led to him not taking the usual care when going through international customs under one of his other guises, which drew the attention of a shadowy group called The Committee with ties to government agencies.

Upn reaching Chicago he was ushered away from The Committee's attempts to intercept him and was taken to Grant's home; a sizable mansion overlooking Lake Michigan.

It was later discovered that Steven Grant was merely a name Spector had used in his past to funnel money into. Samuels was his own butler who was helping Spector re-construct his mind and in the process allowing him to regain most of his memories. With his conscious mind being the sum total of Marc Spector (also representing his Id, his original basic, most primal desires), Steven Grant (representing the Super Ego, his sense of morality, and drive to be the man he believed his parents always wanted him to be) and cab driver Jake Lockley (which represented the Ego, the rational arbitrator between the Id's desires and the Super Ego's morality).

With his mind once again whole and functional, Moon Knight was able to find a non-lethal solution to Chicago's recent Werewolf problem; a man by the name of Jack Russell who was able to escape a lifetime of imprisonment within one of The Committee's facilities after regaining sufficient mystical power during a Blood Moon "supermoon".

After seeing the way this city's newest protector handled this werewolf, in a world that was dealing with the Dawn of the Age of Superheroes, Deputy Mayor and upcoming Mayoral candidate Carson Knowles decided to stick his neck out and support the city's own Moon Knight, in stark contrast to cities such as Gotham which refuse to condone costumed vigilantism.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?: This year we’ll be delving into Moon Knight’s past, whilst bringing in a few more from the rogues gallery. The present and future to be affected by a few things from this season.

Supporting Characters:
Jean Paul DuChamp - French Foreign Legion, Caporal Chef - JP DuChamp started his military career as a sniper, before later becoming one of the world’s foremost military pilots, able to pull off tough maneuvers in helicopters, light aircraft and virtually anything airborne. “Frenchie”, as Marc inarticulately would come to know him, became close friends with Spector when the pair worked on a clandestine team working dark missions. Possibly because Marc Spector seemed to have retained the most of his humanity out of any in the group.

Marlene Alraune – Marc’s girlfriend. Daughter of the deceased Dr Peter Alraune, an archaeologist/egyptologist. Has her own issues and complexities which have so far yet to be delved into.

Samuels and Nedda – Butler and housekeeper/chef of Steven Grant. Underpaid, but certainly not unappreciated for all they must undertake.

Gena Landers – Owner and operator of Gena’s Diner, a frequent haunt of Jake Lockley.

Bertrand Crawley – The verbacious vagabond whose pontificating presence is a persistent pleasure, by providing preferable perceptive passage of quality counsel to a virtuous vigilante.

Ricky and Ray Landers – Gena’s kids. Eager to be of assistance to Lockley and Crawley, much to their ever-suffering mother’s chagrin.

Anton Mogart This collector of fine antiquities is a close friend to Steven Grant. Tipped Steven off to the likely whereabouts of the Khonshu statue, which saw Spector engage in the mercenary job with Raoul Bushman.

Raoul Bushman - Raoul Bushman was a ranking “Specialist” in Marc’s final mission with the CIA. He leads his own band of mercenaries presently around Northern Africa/Sinai Peninsula with hopes of one day gaining the kind of power to build a nation beneath his feet.

The Profile – Contracted to work for The Committee, the private consortium who take care of CIA concerns that they would prefer never came to public knowledge. The Profile can read people’s past and tendencies by observing body language to a remarkable degree of accuracy. This mutant power, however, does not seem to extend to the Moon Knight however for some reason.

Detective Sergeant Flint – A Chicago PD detective who works (generally night shift) in Central Division. Pulled into the Moon Knight’s orbit last season due to the Werewolf case. Despite orders from high up within the Chicago PD to work with the Moon Knight, he remains somewhat skeptical and has been spending his own hours trying to identify the masked vigilante.

Dr Will Magnus – Formerly a promising scientist at STAR Labs Chicago, Dr Magnus went independent and opened his own laboratories in Chicago; Magnus Labs. Dr Magnus assists the Chicago Police on larger cases operating at cost as a forensic scientist/technician.

Carson Knowles – Deputy Mayor of Chicago. Previously worked as District Attorney and before that, a war hero. This political high-flyer has his eyes on the mayoral seat in Chicago in the upcoming election and to get there he’s hitched his wagon to the Moon Knight, picking up on a social trend for costumed vigilante’s in a world which is bearing witness to the birth of the superhero.

Post Catalogue:
1. Waxing and Waning | 2. Time... For A Story... | 3. New Moon
4. Out Of The Umbra | 5. Phases - A Post In Four Parts | 6. More Phases - Another Post In Four Parts
7. The Word: Consume | 8. Confusion and Transformation | 9. Pool Talk: Detective and Otherwise
10. Tales From the House of the Moon | 11. Rise of Spector | 12. Difference of IDeas
13. The Stalker Called Moon Knight | 14. Wolf-Beast vs Moon Knight
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Witryso
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey, is it possible to re-write my first post? Knowing what I know now, I think I wanna take it in a different direction. Is that allowed?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Gimme some time to pad out that post catalogue and make the odd edit, but for the most part the meat of it isn't going to change.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hey, is it possible to re-write my first post? Knowing what I know now, I think I wanna take it in a different direction. Is that allowed?

Nope, sorry. Comics rules apply here. Only way to go back is to A) make a deal with the devil, B) get shot with a "time bullet," or C) talk to @Sep and get Iris to fuck the timeline for you.

... or, y'know, do whatever. I doubt the butterfly wing flaps of re-writing your first post are going to create any tsunamis down the road, continuity-wise.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 24 min ago

Hey, is it possible to re-write my first post? Knowing what I know now, I think I wanna take it in a different direction. Is that allowed?

Speak to the GMs. Though I don't see necessarily why you would need too. Sure he's maybe gunning for Osborne at this very second, but a lot can happen in your next post.

<Snipped quote by Witryso>

Nope, sorry. Comics rules apply here. Only way to go back is to A) make a deal with the devil, B) get shot with a "time bullet," or C) talk to @Sep and get Iris to fuck the timeline for you.

... or, y'know, do whatever. I doubt the butterfly wing flaps of re-writing your first post are going to create any tsunamis down the road, continuity-wise.

Iris has barely touched on time travel yet, but it is possible. I gave a hint at it, and a couple of other things last season.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Witryso>

Nope, sorry. Comics rules apply here. Only way to go back is to A) make a deal with the devil, B) get shot with a "time bullet," or C) talk to @Sep and get Iris to fuck the timeline for you.

... or, y'know, do whatever. I doubt the butterfly wing flaps of re-writing your first post are going to create any tsunamis down the road, continuity-wise.

*Booster Gold cries as Rip Hunter drags him away by the ear*
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Witryso
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I just wanna start fresh, and leaving my first post untouched seems really out of place, because it doesn't go anywhere if I pursue the new idea I have, so it stands out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

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<Snipped quote by Eddie Brock>

*Booster Gold cries as Rip Hunter drags him away by the ear*

*Clark raises an eyebrow as he flies around the Earth backwards at the speed of light*

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

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I just wanna start fresh, and leaving my first post untouched seems really out of place, because it doesn't go anywhere if I pursue the new idea I have, so it stands out.

For real, I don't think anyone's going to mind.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock

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<Snipped quote by Witryso>

For real, I don't think anyone's going to mind.

*cries in Uatu*
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