1) It says no transformations by anyone, does this mean that all Saiyan characters have to be tailless so they can't transform into the Great Aape? 2) Being that my characters that i have in mind are very much loyal to the Saiyan Empire, would my characters be allowed to show up on earth when Vegeta arrives and fight on his side? Considering that the Earth has a lot of protectors, he may just need the back-up on this one.
1) It says no transformations by anyone, does this mean that all Saiyan characters have to be tailless so they can't transform into the Great Aape? 2) Being that my characters that i have in mind are very much loyal to the Saiyan Empire, would my characters be allowed to show up on earth when Vegeta arrives and fight on his side? Considering that the Earth has a lot of protectors, he may just need the back-up on this one.
Preferably I would like to see some more earth based characters right now. As for tail transformations I will say that the moon has already been blown up
Preferably I would like to see some more earth based characters right now. As for tail transformations I will say that the moon has already been blown up
But... then how did Yang transform and accidentally kill his mom? Unless you're saying the Moon was destroyed sometime after that?
Because they show up once and aren't that threatening. Memes about then killing Yamcha aside, the only threat is the kamikaze move they pull.
So then we just make them a bit stronger than they are in canon? I mean we did that Raditz so... why not? Plus we could take a page from the video games and incorporate the different colors to distinguish which ones are stronger than others. We have the options, so why not use them?
Name: To Age: ? (Physically seems to be in his early 20's Sex: Male Race: Saiyan Appearance: Personality: Multiple.
To has a rather submissive personality, Although being the prime personality which the other 3 are an offshoot from, To is friendly enough, but his power is barely anything and resents this fact.
Ma manifests himself as a confident, well-spoken being of many words and most of them about his own superiority. He allows To to keep control of their body for the most part, but sees himself as their protector, manifesting himself as some form of Ego.
Toe is the Id of the personalities, a brash, unfeeling, sociopathic montrosity that is desperate to get out at all times. Several times, people will see To beating himself up (literally) and wonder where this came from. This is Toe's desperate attempts to break free. He manifests himself in the form of a much larger, much more brutish variant of Ma, he is an unstopable murder machine. He cares not for people, planets or agenda's. Destruction is his only goal. A Saiyans tail is not only one of their greatest strengths but also their greatest weakness. Not so much with Toe. If one grabs either To or Ma's tail, then all of their mental focus will waver and shut down, allowing Toe to take over without hesitation.
Es, upon first glance seems like the most violent and brutish of them all, being that he manifests himself in the form of the Uzaru. But, people underestimate the actually gentle giant. Es is the Super-Ego and a being of peace, of self defence and with a great love of nature. Es spends his time, mostly, within the psyche, desperately trying to keep Toe under wraps. Power Level: To's Usually hovering around the 100 mark, with it reaching as much as 600 as Ma, but once Toe takes over, it shoots up to 800 and sometimes beyond. Abilities:
Chaotic, yet controlled, mind (Due to 4 different personalities and minds rattling around inside of his head, he is almost impossible for telepaths to read or attack the chaotic mess. It also means that attempts at mind control are very difficult.)
Strength through Clarity (Es suspects that, should the 4 minds find a way to coexist and even fuse into one, unimaginable power might be achieved.)
Transformations: None Techniques:
Judgement Rain (Ma fires a large ki ball straight upwards, which splits into hundreds of smaller beams that seek their target.) Great Rage (Es blasts a large blue beam from his mouth.) Sadistic Glee (Toe's melee special attack. Grabbing his opponent by the leg or tail, he will proceed to spin them around his head before smashing them against the ground and wall a few times, before finally grabbing them in both hands and smashing their spine with his knee) Overflowing Power (Beams of ki rush across his skin as he holds both hands above his head, the beams rush up his arms to his palms and a ball of ki forms, before bringing it down to his chest, holding it whilst he taunts his opponent. He then lets loose a beam of power unlike anything the other personalities can muster.)
History: His earliest memories are of fire. Lots of fire, but the one he can remember most clearly was that pod opening and looking upon the face of the woman he would call "Mother" As the young boy exitted the pod, he quickly collapsed due to exhaustion from such an unusally long hypersleep. He next remembered being cradled in the arms of the old woman as they lay in a bed. Of her telling him how beautiful his new home was to be. As he finally grew strong enough to walk, he ventured out and onto the island. The woman began to teach him, how to fight, how fend for himself, how to act around people. Although, she quickly learned what the message of him being a monster meant. The first time that she bathed him and tried to clean his tail, she found herself in for a battle for survival as his power level had just catapulted through the roof. It was only thanks to her telepathy that she was able to calm him.
This is where she learned of the others. To was the boy she had found, but living in his head were 3 others, the first she had met several times, the smooth-talking, happy-go-lucky Ma, who was the one that came out in battle. Es she had yet to meet, due to there not being any Blutz Wave's produced by the planets moon, and Toe, who was the sadistic monster that had come out when she had grabbed his tail to try to subdue him. She raised him, teaching him the ways of combat, until now. She told him of one of his kind being here and that she couldn't tell him what to do when he met them, but it was his choice. Other:
Hope you don't mind me joining in with a pair of characters.
Name: Zhao Pan Age: 300 Years Old Sex: Female Race: Human Appearance:
In her Crab-School clothes:
In her Saiyan Battle Suit
Written Appearance: Zhao is a medium height, rather lieth built woman with scruffy, silvery white hair. Looking at her, the name "Mother of Warriors" does not spring to mind, but this is a mistake almost all come to regret. She is always seen wearing one of two things; a long, flowing martial, green arts robe with the Crab school symbol on it, or a typical Battle Suit as worn by all Saiyan Warriors. She is deceptively muscular, having a rather strong build underneath her clothes, but her body is covered in scars. Her breasts, as with all women over a certain age, have started to sag, but she doesn't let that stop her, despite most of the men she hits on mentioning such things.
Personality:Zhao is a woman that is strong, confident and above all, wise... She is also lecherous, often trying to hit on young, buff men. She is also somewhat goofy, enjoying to laugh and read magazines featuring the young, buff men she is constantly on the lookout for. That being said, once battle is upon her, you will not find a more focused and deadly individual. She may not be physically as strong as the high-class Saiyans, her power-level being dwarfed by theirs, but they still find her able to quickly turn their weaknesses against them, to the point where many of the galaxies warriors have sought to train under her.
Power Level: 700 Abilities:
Age Before Beauty (A technique that she has developed to use the Ki of the world around her to rejouvinate her body, making her constantly have the body of a woman in her late 40's, even whilst being over 300 years of age. It also allows her to heal at immense speeds, recovering from almost any injury within 24 hours, if she goes into a trance.) Minor Telepathy (Able to communicate with others on a telepathic level, including seeing into their minds and getting an idea of their most base desires, as well as their maximum potential.)
Transformations: None Techniques:
Galic Gun (The move used by the royal family of the Saiyans, few know that she created the technique and shared it with them.)
Vicegrip (An attack that targets the arms of her foe, 2 strikes at blinding speed where she chops her arms like scizzors down on the wrists of her opponents)
Lightspeed scuttle (A technique that allows her to move at unimaginable speeds, but only sideways.)
History:All those years ago, not much is known about how she came about and what happened to turn her into the martial arts master she is today... That being said, she was born and she did learn it all from somewhere. Just because people don't know it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. That being said, she doesn't know where she was born, she was raised by a Martial Arts master called Master Martia. He was a kindly old man who found the crying baby on his Dojo's doorstep one evening. He was also a great master of the elements and a powerful warrior who had, in his youth, conquered many monsters and demons. She grew up with the way of the warrior, she could fight as soon as she could stand. On her 19th birthday, the Dojo was attacked by a demon and Martia and several of the other students were killed. Zhao managed to summon up the energies of the world around her and unleashed it in a powerful blast of energy which slew the demon. This technique would later become known as "Galic Gun"
With no-where else to go, Zhao decided to become the next great martial arts master by travelling the world and learning from other masters, perfecting the Galic Gun as she travelled. She studied under great masters such as Chun, Lee and Fot. These would allow her to hone her martial arts skills to be almost unparalleled by human. At the ripe old age of 38, she stopped her traveling to settle down and become a master of her own school. This would become known as the Crab School. The Crab school never gained much mainstream notoriety, due to a woman being the master, but it did gain infamy among the other masters when they learned that, on her island in the middle of the ocean, she was... Sleeping with her male students. This quickly got a lot of attention as male students flooded to her. This didn't last long as she quickly closed the doors to her school, annoyed that students only came for the sex... Not to get her wrong, she enjoyed the sex, but she also wanted to be taken seriously. She would get her chance, but not on earth.
One day, in the evening, the Crab school was gifted with a brief visit from a Saiyan Royal Entourage that stopped at the planet, on that remote island for supplies. Several elites found her school and her. The Prince of Saiyans, one young Prince Vegeta (As all heirs to the Saiyan throne are called.) went looking for his honour-guard, only to find them all knocked out and a single human woman sitting among their bodies, slightly battered and bruised, but happily drinking tea. The two got into a fight about this, with the Prince easily gaining the upper hand. Had it not been for the Galic Gun technique and her ability to pull it off right at the precise moment, she would have most certainly been killed. Prince Vegeta decided to take the woman with him, Intrigued how a woman with a pitiful Power level of 500 could take on his elite 3,000 power level bodyguards. Turned out that skill was never taken into account when it came to Power Levels.
Taken to the Saiyan Homeworld, she was reveared among the warriors as any master of her art would be, she engaged in many sparing sessions with the Prince, even when he became King, she would continue to train Saiyans for over 100 years, 3 generations of Royal Family studied under her tutelage, the Galic Gun being passed on to them. Many of the greatest Saiyan Warriors studied under her. She eventually earned the title of "Mother of Warriors." Due to her also being very good with children and helping to nursemaid some of them. Eventually, the King would send another raiding party to Earth to see if there were any more masters he could take, like her. She set course for Earth, but on the way, whilst stopping for supplies, found an ancient pod at the bottom of a lake. surfacing the pod, she found a message in an ancient dialect of Saiyan, telling her not to open it. She elected to ignore this, knowing that she had a ship and that the pod wasn't space-worthy. If the monster could be controlled, then she had a valuable student, if not, she could abandon it here... (Continued in To's History) Other:
Name: To Age: ? (Physically seems to be in his early 20's Sex: Male Race: Saiyan Appearance: Personality: Multiple.
To has a rather submissive personality, Although being the prime personality which the other 3 are an offshoot from, To is friendly enough, but his power is barely anything and resents this fact.
Ma manifests himself as a confident, well-spoken being of many words and most of them about his own superiority. He allows To to keep control of their body for the most part, but sees himself as their protector, manifesting himself as some form of Ego.
Toe is the Id of the personalities, a brash, unfeeling, sociopathic montrosity that is desperate to get out at all times. Several times, people will see To beating himself up (literally) and wonder where this came from. This is Toe's desperate attempts to break free. He manifests himself in the form of a much larger, much more brutish variant of Ma, he is an unstopable murder machine. He cares not for people, planets or agenda's. Destruction is his only goal. A Saiyans tail is not only one of their greatest strengths but also their greatest weakness. Not so much with Toe. If one grabs either To or Ma's tail, then all of their mental focus will waver and shut down, allowing Toe to take over without hesitation.
Es, upon first glance seems like the most violent and brutish of them all, being that he manifests himself in the form of the Uzaru. But, people underestimate the actually gentle giant. Es is the Super-Ego and a being of peace, of self defence and with a great love of nature. Es spends his time, mostly, within the psyche, desperately trying to keep Toe under wraps. Power Level: To's Usually hovering around the 100 mark, with it reaching as much as 600 as Ma, but once Toe takes over, it shoots up to 800 and sometimes beyond. Abilities:
Chaotic, yet controlled, mind (Due to 4 different personalities and minds rattling around inside of his head, he is almost impossible for telepaths to read or attack the chaotic mess. It also means that attempts at mind control are very difficult.)
Strength through Clarity (Es suspects that, should the 4 minds find a way to coexist and even fuse into one, unimaginable power might be achieved.)
Transformations: None Techniques:
Judgement Rain (Ma fires a large ki ball straight upwards, which splits into hundreds of smaller beams that seek their target.) Great Rage (Es blasts a large blue beam from his mouth.) Galik Gun
History: His earliest memories are of fire. Lots of fire, but the one he can remember most clearly was that pod opening and looking upon the face of the woman he would call "Mother" As the young boy exitted the pod, he quickly collapsed due to exhaustion from such an unusally long hypersleep. He next remembered being cradled in the arms of the old woman as they sat in the pod, space racing past them. Of her telling him how beautiful his new home was to be... But when they arrived... Dust... Rocks in space, little more. He saw her weep for the lost home, but her look in her eye said that she would find a new home, find a new way to get avenge her home and whoever had done this to it. It had to be an immensely strong being, and so an even more immensely strong fighter was needed. Taking him under her wing, they settled on a tropical world where she taught him how to fight, how fend for himself... Although, she quickly learned what the message of him being a monster meant. The first time that she bathed him and tried to clean his tail, she found herself in for a battle for survival as his power level had just catapulted through the roof. It was only thanks to her telepathy that she was able to calm him.
This is where she learned of the others. To was the boy she had found, but living in his head were 3 others, the first she had met several times, the smooth-talking, happy-go-lucky Ma, who was the one that came out in battle. Es she had yet to meet, due to there not being any Blutz Wave's produced by the planets moon, and Toe, who was the sadistic monster that had come out when she had grabbed his tail to try to subdue him. She raised him, teaching him the ways of combat, until now, when she has picked up a Saiyan distress signal coming from Earth, another Saiyan must be there, with any luck, it would be the king and she would be able to rejoin the empire, as well as introduce him to her trump-card. She and To are now making full speed towards Earth. Other:
@Weird Tales That is fair... Gonna have to give me a bit to decide which one, then, because they are pretty tight together. Would i be permitted to use one as a non-combative NPC?
Right, because Saiyans were well known for having an Earthling woman they worshipped like a deity and learned all their martial arts from despite being several times more powerful than her. Also she invented the Galick Gun instead of Vegeta... Because.
I know skill a thing but it doesn't just completely invalidate power levels, especially when the difference is that huge. Otherwise Goku should have beaten Frieza no problem because he trained all his life while Frieza at that point never trained a day of his life.
@Double The history of the Kamehameha is well documented, the history of the Galik Gun is not. Hell, as far as i remember, he's only actually used it twice. After looking it up, i was incorrect, over the course of Z, he used the move a grand total of 3 times (Fun fact, this means that, in Super, Future Trunks used the move more than his father did in Z, using it 4 times) His move of choice was always Final Flash or Final Burst Cannon. So, don't treat the move as if it has some epicly important implications. It is stated during the first fight between Goku and Vegeta that the move is very similar to Kamehameha, so it would make sense that the Galick Gun was invented by someone familiar with the Kamehameha.
Also, i'm essentially answering the question of "What if the saiyans had kidnapped Roshi and made him train them in his form of combat?" There's no goddess worship, more like the respect that everyone gives to Roshi. Hell, even after Krillen far surpassed him in Z, he chose to train with Roshi when getting ready for the Androids.
@mattmanganon Maybe the Galick Gun isn't as important but it's still an absurd pill to swallow. Saiyans have absolutely zero respect for anyone that isn't one of them. That goes double for Vegeta in particular. And you failed to answer my second point regarding skill over power levels. If skill really does trump battle power, then riddle me this, Batman: Where was Zhao when Planet Vegeta was blown up? Why didn't she just march on up to Frieza and whoop his ass because of all her skill and training somehow being more effective than Frieza's power level?
@Double Look, i respect our differing opinions on the matter, but i would rather not get into an argument with you in chat, so i will simply post my usual rebuttal to arguments along these lines:
RP's like this are less of a game and more of a group story-telling activity where we work together to try and amuse ourselves and each other with characters encountering situations as set out by the GM. Plenty of people argue over what is and is not an "Overpowered character" when the answer is simple. In freeform RP's, there is no such thing as an overpowered character, just someone who wants to play an overpowered character. OP characters are created when someone decides to start ignoring the rules of narrative, one of the key rules being "If character X needs to lose a fight to character Y, then they will do so, regardless of how much stronger character X is." E.G. If Broly needs to lose a fight to Krillen in order to facilitate the narrative, then Broly's going to lose.
@mattmanganon I'm sorry to say that I don't consider that to be a valid argument. When one character is clearly going to be overpowered for no other reason than "plot" then other players are prone to losing their motivation to continue playing. After all, what's the point in trying if you already know a specific character is just going to magically be stronger for no justifiable reason whatsoever? There's adhering to a narrative, and then there's just asking me to accept something that is flat out impossible.