What creator or piece of media directly influences your stories and characterizations for this game?
I don't know if I can nail down a particular creator. As a film scholar and a lover of movies and TV, I tend to write in a more cinematic fashion that focuses more on angles than typical fiction writing (though this is, in some way, inspired by my love of comics as well). As a film student/nerd, I also love breaking conventional rules while writing. The most apparent example is the fight scene in the unnamed Chinese Restaurant for Iron Fist. Instead of describing the action in the kitchen, I attempted to describe the sounds and kept the proverbial camera in the restaurant interior until Iron Fist came out to interrogate the criminal.
If I had to point to particular examples that have influenced my writing, it's easy to point to the Daredevil and Iron Fist shows. While not superb, I think the Iron Fist show humanized Daniel Rand in an interesting way and built up believable relationships with some characters. Daredevil I think does a more marvelous job of humanizing the character while emphasizing the consequences of being a citizen and a vigilante (especially in this last season) that I've already been playing with in regards to Daniel Rand's dual-identity.
As for other sources of inspiration? Edgar Wright, Joss Whedon, Shakespeare... It isn't obvious by any means, but I try to incorporate their characterizations and modes of storytelling whenever I write (specifically their complexities).