Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


@Rune_Alchemist @Duoya

The door to the dining hall creaked open as wisps of cobweb fluttered through, released from their musty confinement. In the time that Gammaton had spent in their, wracking his brain on the laws commissioned by Iva, the room had been utterly transformed into a nest only an insectoid vermin would find comfort in. Snug as a bug in a rug. Gammaton emerged, having heard his name called, only to see Iva'Krorh leave through a portal. But his goal remained right in front of him. Gammaton marveled at the natural beauty that Hayim had brought to the cold north, how very much like Hayim to meddle, with no regard for the limits of his own power, to create such natural beauty in so unnatural a location. So too did Gammaton judge Hayim's incessant bringing of gifts to the sentient mortals. These mortals who revere you but do not fear you will be your undoing one day, brother.

"Lord Brother Hayim, it is so good to see you. It has been too long," Gammaton greeted, "I suppose The Honorable Iva'Krorh has mentioned to you that I have need of you. This is true, but the fact of the matter is, Our Honorable Sibling has made it known to me that they are loathe to allow me to hold my assembly in this realm, and besides, I doubt everyone has been gathered. That being the case, my purpose here today is simply to convince you to attend The General Assembly of the Gods, and to present you with a summons."

Gammaton produced a parchment, pre-written, and presented it to Hayim. It read as such:

This summons has power to be used twice, for the specific purposes of 1) informing and 2) summoning Lord Hayim, God of the domain of Health. The summons will be used to inform Lord Hayim of the date of the First General Assembly of the Gods when such a date has been decided, and the summoning will teleport Lord Hayim to the Administrative Hive, where the First General Assembly of the Gods will be held. Once signed, the summons is binding and absolute unless a proper excuse can be given for why the Assembly date should be deferred. Should the Assembly date be deferred, the summons once again becomes binding and absolute. Once signed, the summons cannot be dropped traded or stolen, and is bound to the attendee in question, Lord Hayim.

"You simply need to sign here," Gammaton presented the parchment and a spine tipped with his black blood to Hayim. "Now, you may be wondering what such an assembly is for, other than to see all our sibling friends in one place. Unfortunately, I have come to a conclusion that is oh so very sad. It would be sad to see one of our siblings go away forever, wouldn't it? I know you are sad even when a mortal goes away to Lord Brother Azhriel's domain, never to be seen again, but there are thousands of them, and only a dozen or so of us. Yet us gods are not supposed to die, are we? Well, that is what my sad conclusion is. I fear that we, all of us, any of us, are capable of ceasing to exist. I realize this may be shocking and unbelievable, but I will lay out all my evidence at the General Assembly. Suffice it to say, all us gods, we have to work together so that none of us ever goes away forever, do you understand? It doesn't matter if Ragnagedon hates Sveiand, or Hyperion hates Oao, what I aim to confront is something that threatens all of us. And there will much work to be done, be sacrifices that must be made, and restrictions that must be imposed, for the good of us all. Do you understand, Lord Brother Hayim?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Dirka laughed madly. "I believe in learning on the job, but I'll give you two hints; one, what neutralizes fire? Two, focus on the most precious person in your life. If magicians know one sane thing, is that you NEVER forget your true family. Even if they forget you..." She started sipping her drink sadly, but the puppet simply got more into the fight. Almost as if it was angry. The fires got hotter, and more frequent. An echo was heard, and another magician entered the mind-scape. "Mad Mistress! He's regained his memories! he has yet to wake, but his mind and soul are repaired! Oh, happy days!" Dirka lept out of the chair like a leopard. "TEACH THE NEW MEAT, NOW!!" And she disappeared.

Dirka woke in her body, and saw Iva leaving the room. She quickly grabbed him, turned him and kissed his forehead. "Sorry, brother! Things are afoot! But don't be a bother, and don't worry about your toot! Another conductor conducts that song, for I can not tarry along! Bye, cerio, NESKAV! MY MATE LIVES!!!! BWAHAHAHAHH!" She yelled cheerily, before falling off the nearest balcony, only to go through a portal ti the Rift.

May Time have mercy on them all.

Terzotz laughed manically, launching himself into the air. He said an incantation, in the language of magic, and he breathed his destructive breath, but instead of blunt energy, it was acid. It sprayed in a cone, headed towards the Rat, and all around it to keep it localized. "Survive that, you pest!"

Blackness. Ink? Shadow? Night? No, this was something he saw regularly when he dreamed. Fractured. Empty. Void. All he remembered was his name, his home, and his goddess. But, wait...The black fissures were being repaired! What caused this? His...wife? Wait...what memory was this? He knew no beautiful woman such as this! Yet, she seemed...familiar. She was goddess...his goddess. But...then...how? His mind warped and fractured, but then those fractures were sealed like a large quantum puzzle. Memories came flooding back. Knowledge glowed like a river of a past life. Power the likes he could only dream of returned. He was no common village priest! She must have done so to protect him. He was in his mind, locked in it till the blackness completely faded, and he remembered who he was.

He was not Deruga, the common magician of a small village. He was Deruga, the Arch-Magus of the Teeth of madness!

When he opened his eyes, Deruga was met with a godly and beautiful sight next to him.
"Welcome back to existence and time...my husband."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~~The Illuminator~~



"Nnnnoooot helping!" The human shouted in reply, ducking rather comically under another fireball. Oh dear. This was quite bad, but all she could feel was excitement. A chance to learn, after all. She couldn't even blame or disagree with Dirka's methods. Practical application was always best, was it not? She had to think of something. She couldn't keep up this dodging. She was not physically capable of such a drawn out physical confrontation. Perhaps something to work on. A quick mental checklist.

Normally they threw dirt on fire to make sure the embers didn't spread, or water from the shoreline. So obviously...water? But there was no water here. Hm. Maybe she could create some? How could she do that? More importantly...an important person? To her? Oh, now that was a funny joke! Everyone she knew wanted her dead. The Lloi's, Kadisht's...even Bryyre would have at some point. Obviously. Perhaps her parents? But they died, and she only had vague memories of them. The only thing left, was the Library and Lord Iva. Somehow he felt far more familiar and trustworthy than any human she had ever met. Weird, but the thought passed quickly.

"Ack!" Oh that last one singed her hair a bit. "Come on, think think...!" What if thinking was he problem? What if she was thinking too hard about this? That would be a thing. "Gah! Fine!" Holding out her left hand, Lazhira focused on the symbol branded onto her hand. Something stirred whenever she did that. Focus on the library. On Iva. Breath in. Breathe out. The mark on her hand began to glow.

It was making fireballs, right? All she had to do was make a ball of water then.


"Wahaha, kisses for me?" Iva laughed. "Do remember the feeling! This might be the last time you see the Library for awhile, hehehe!" Iva cackled, watched Dirka leave, before walking over to Lazhira's now unconscious form. "Up we go." He giggled, hefting the humans, carrying her with long slow steps to the guest rooms in the library. "Bed time for you, little La-Zha." He began humming, a soft dark tune, leaving the other gods to whatever they would normally do.

"Oh what a wonderful time we're show the world, little La-Zha..." He chuckled darkly, laying the human on a bed before tapping her forehead. "I wonder what you'll do, little Child of the Library...Order or Chaos? I can't decide which would be more fun!" Leaving the room, he headed back to the experiment halls.

So many things to do, so little time. So much preparation. He still needed to meet with Anu! Ah, he was starting to feel mildly overworked. Tsk.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 19 hrs ago


She Who Is Scarred, The Curse Bringer, The Devil Maker

Another visit from Elaria had been most unexpected, and so soon no doubt. Now her little devil knelt before her, with something new to discuss. She came with a report that might benefit her, Elaria had whispered, one that was needed to be heard. Anu sat upright in her large, maroon bed. Curled at her side much like a cat, was a sleeping Calli. Her sisters were not present, for indeed they were elsewhere furthering Anu's goals in the world. She knew not when they would return, save that they would in time. For now, Calli would keep her plenty of company.

But less these thoughts dominant her attention, she looked down where Elaria still knelt and bade her to rise. She looked upon her avatar, a being that looked like she did once, in the low glow of a dim fire, minus the scars of course. She held such great power, almost on an equal footing with Calli, but one could seldom compare such powers. Both had their strengths and weaknesses after all, for Calli's strength was physical seduction, and Elaria's was a more subtle approach at the mind and heart. A delicate smile crossed her lips at such a thought, for they were such dutiful servants.

At last Anu spoke, her voice clear and commanding, "Come now dear one, tell of your story so that I might listen. I can only imagine it is of importance?" she asked in but a whisper.

Elaria shifted her stance and spoke, her strange tone abandoned in front of her Goddess, "As you are aware, I was doing as you tasked me when the strangest feeling overcame me- I was being summoned. Not by you, of course, but someone else. Intrigued, I answered and entered into the lands shadowed by Osarion. To my great surprise, a lesser devil had taken it upon himself to call for help. When I saw what the black creature pointed at, I knew right away why it had gone too such a length. It was a magician, one of Dirka's own, trespassing on your land without permission. I-"

Elaria was interrupted by Anu, her voice now sounding bored, "I fail to see how this concerns me, dear one. Lesser devils are just that, lesser. Of course it would call for help. Besides, if this magician had tarried longer, he would have died regardless." After she uttered that, Elaria's face twisted in shame, causing Anu to pause. The Goddess leaned forward with an angry look as she spoke again in a questioning tone, "You did kill this magician, did you not?"

"N-No." Elaria whispered softly, looking away from Anu to the floor.

In one quick motion Anu stood before Elaria, towering over the smaller devil. She began to speak in a harsh voice while making Elaria walk backwards, "Look at me! You let the human go? You let it live? Elaria, my dear sweet Elaria. How could you?" She backed Elaria to the wall of her room, and with her right hand she stroked the devil's cheek. In a softer voice she spoke again, "Speak quickly before I loose my temper, little whisper."

"I meant to kill him! I swear it! Please, I swear it!" Elaria's panicked voice spoke in a rush. Anu could feel her fear, whether it was a residual effect of the spire or her own intuition, she did not know however. What she did know was that it was a powerful feeling, and she liked it.

Elaria spoke again, more collected now, "Likewise, he called for help my Lady." Elaria said with fierce look in her eye.

"Explain." Anu stated.

"I commanded him to forfeit the creatures with him to your name. I commanded him to beg for life, to grovel at my feet. I would have killed him quickly if he had done so, my lady. Instead he turned his back to me, calling me a demon for the second time that night. I should have struck him down then, but my anger was overwhelming and I sought to make him suffer, for death would have been to quick. So I cursed him, using the blood magic you taught me, my lady. Before I could see if it worked, a portal opened and I could feel the full extent of Dirka's influence. They were gone before I could react." Elaria finished with a dejected voice.

Anu relaxed, feeling both satisfaction and disappointed at Elaria's account. It was reasonable that she might want to inflict greater pain upon one that had insulted her and the Goddess of Devilry. She was disappointed that the human had escaped, by Dirka's blessing no doubt. But what intrigued her more however, was the 'they' in Elaria's phrasing.

"What came through the portal, Elaria? Who helped him escape?"

At this, Elaria face lit up, her voice returning to her normal tone. "Lady Anu, two golems of crystal and a man. But this one... He felt different. Stronger perhaps? More attuned to Dirka's essence and power. Opening portals is no easy task for man, my lady. One would have to be greatly talented, using some type of power conduit or something more then human." Elaria finished speaking, leaving Anu with more questions then she had started with.

She gently stroked both of Elaria's arms, a soft smile playing at her lips, "You are sure this man was human? Could it have been a disguise?" she asked.

"He looked human, my lady. I know not if was a disguise, with it happening so quickly. But I know humans, better then most. If he was not, then it was a clever disguise, but one must take into account that the denizens of the Teeth of Madness, are crazed. Her magicians seldom think before acting, and act unpredictably. I believe what I saw was true." she finished confidently.

Anu thought for a moment, her mind jumping to conclusions and all of which she did not like. By this time, Calli had awoken and was sitting up on the bed, looking at the two with a curious look. She said nothing however, for that would have been a most grievous mistake. At last, Anu sighed, and looked down at Elaria.

"A most entertaining story Elaria. I have learned a great amount I must say. For now, go and rest with Calli, I must think on this. You shall be punished later for letting the human go." Anu began to walk away.

Elaria however, spoke again, prompting Anu to stop and glance at her with a curious eye. "My Lady, if I may. The curse I set upon him, if successful, shall eventually kill him, or turn him to a new creature. One with your line of thinking. It was a blood curse, he shall either die or succumb. There is little alternative besides divine intervention."

"A most intriguing idea Elaria. Perhaps this warrants further testing? Now sleep, dear one."

Elaria bowed and made her way, reluctantly to the bed. Calli grinned devilishly as prey approached. Anu left the two of them be however, and left the chamber through two ornate doors. They shut behind her with a resounding boom. She then walked silently through the dimly lit halls of Osarion, until she reached her throne room.

She walked past her skull throne and without pausing, began her descent into the pool of blood she coveted. She fully submerged herself in the dark liquid, letting it surround her. There she let her mind wander, let herself open to thoughts not perceived with open eyes. Dirka knew better then to send her servants to places they had no business in, especially her land. Had Dirka not told her minions to stay clear? Or had the minion become lost? Either way, Anu did not care. It had happened regardless of either prompt, and transgressions needed to be answered. Though they had made a deal, there was nothing in there little exchange that covered this.

Then there was the other implication. Did she trust Elaria's word? If she had seen a human man, but had felt something more, then what was she to believe? She knew not. What she truly required was more information, more solid proof. Perhaps that would be Elaria's next task. Her punishment so to speak. Yes that would work.

For now, she would rest awhile in the pool, letting her twisted thoughts dominate her mind for awhile.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Quill had decided to retreat back away from the library to consider what to do next. He felt frustrated, and although he would not admit, he felt a bit jealous. Just as he was having fun, his game abruptly ended. He was not entirely sure where his encounter was going to go, but for Quill, that was part of the enjoyment.

A part of Quill just wanted to cast aside this image, and go about something else but that last encounter still felt unsatisfying. Quill was normally did not plan ahead, however he thought that should not close this door entirely. Now that he was away from prying eyes, he could use his power more freely and manifested a journal in his hands. He waved his hand over the journal, and it was suddenly filled with all of the information that would need to recall if he had every wanted to take the form of Gerald again, including the little backstory he had created.

However, he was still unsure of what to do. He had opened up the possibility of returning to the north, but he needed to do something in the meanwhile. He could trying to sneak into the library, but he decided against that. Quill would rather not be dissected by Iva. His own indecision began to frustrate him, and so he transformed into a sparrow and simply began to fly southward. He did not know where he was going, but he did not care. He could concern himself about such a small thing later after he had cleared his mind.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

@Rune_Alchemist@Stern Algorithm

The fatigue that racked Hayim's body was not the most intense he had ever felt - certainly more than a day's worth of play, but little compared to the times he had turned much larger portions of land into meadows and forests. And, even though it was unplesant, the fact that his dear sibling was happy made it all worth it. Upon being placed on the Knowledge god's shoulder, Hayim allowed himself to relax - the emergency was prevented.

"Ah, brother Hayim its lovely! So many new things in the Library! Things to catalogue! Study! Classify! Oh I only wish I had enough time to frolic through them. So busy as of late. Gammaton wants to call an assembly of all of us Gods."

The news was somewhat troubling - Gamma was friend and sibling, but he didn't really like the way Hayim handled his lifestyle and worshipers. Still, any excuse to see his siblings (even the scary ones, like Ragna) should be taken.

"And he asked me of all gods to help him, heh! A funny idea, isn't it Hayim? Me of all gods, wanting to join an assembly of order. Hah! A laughably silly and absolutely pathetic idea."

Hayim was put down upon a table, and with that, the young god finally decided to voice his opinion of the matter.

"Yay! Hayim love play with siblings, so Hayim love assembly!"

"...ah. Anyways. I'll have to catch up later. I have more guests arriving it seems."

The sudden leaving of Iva was a tad crushing - after building a forest, Hayim was hoping for at least a little bit of playing...

No, that's selfish! Hayim was happy that Iva was no longer upset, and even if he didn't get to play at that exact time, he had an eternity in front of him to play. Oh! They could all play at the assembly! Hooray! At the thought of this, Hayim proceeded to create himself a small pen, flower stems and greenery sprouting from the wooden table, intertwining to create a small nest of sorts - for the childish Hayim, it was essentially a throne.

Nestled in his bed, Hayim was prepared to take a nap before greeting his other siblings and heading home, but it appeared that Gammaton had other ideas.

"Lord Brother Hayim, it is so good to see you. It has been too long, I suppose The Honorable Iva'Krorh has mentioned to you that I have need of you. This is true, but the fact of the matter is, Our Honorable Sibling has made it known to me that they are loathe to allow me to hold my assembly in this realm, and besides, I doubt everyone has been gathered. That being the case, my purpose here today is simply to convince you to attend The General Assembly of the Gods, and to present you with a summons."

A small parchment was rolled out, and Hayim took hold of the edges to make sure it didn't crumple or alter shape in any way. The movement caused him to spill from his nest somewhat. Looking at the parchment, Hayim was suddenly stricken with an intense feeling of pity.

Small, squiggly characters dotted the parchment, and while it seemed very precise and careful, Hayim had no idea what it meant! Seriously, human toddlers could make more descriptive pictures than this! As he attempted to decipher whatever meaning was hidden in the squiggled, repeated lines, Hayim barely caught the last part of Gammaton's speech.

"Do you understand, Lord Brother Hayim?"

While Hayim didn't plan on mentioning his brother's horrible artistic skill, Hayim now realized that he had just ignored all of what his Brother had said! That was incredibly rude! Thining quick on his leaves, Hayim responded a few seconds after Gammaton had finished speaking.

"Yay! Hayim love Assembly! Hayim can bring fruits, and vegetables, and mushrooms, and pretty flower-friends, and some bird-friends, and even some Humies!"

Hayim gently took the needle in his hand - he had a bit of an idea what 'sign here' meant, especially since Gammaton used it so often, but he wasn't clear on the specifics. So, using what little ink (?) he had, Hayim proceeded to draw his face - well, he got the petals done before he ran out of ink (?), so that would have to do! Satisfied, Hayim looked up to his brother.

"Gamma, Gamma, after Assembly is done, can we all play!?
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ten days later.

Deep under North Crown...

No consciousness. No thoughts. No time.

Only fusion.

A strange bulbous sack had formed around the two Divine Cords which had over the course of ten days woven around one another, encircling each other forming a helix. This strange cocoon of skin was pulled tightly around the strange fetal creature that laid within. This cocoon was pale like snow just like the skin of Oao's former form which laid cast aside next to this growing fetus.

It was time to hatch. As the fusion reached it's culmination the form that had grown around the bundle had reached it's emergent state. The glow which seemed to emanate through the thin skin walls dwindled down over the course of her growth. At this final stage the glow had vanished altogether leaving the mass bathed in the deep darkness of this cavern's belly.

With a visceral rip the top of the cocoon split in an X shaped tear. The skin ripped along these tear lines, the four corners of the cocoon peeling open like a blossoming flower wrought from human flesh. Pouring from the wounds in the cocoon was blood as well as a strange viscous grey yolk.

Coiled in the fetal position of the egg was the shivering new form of Oao, the frigid cavern air bringing chills as the comforting warmth of it's cocoon fell away. Now awake she started to squirm, unused to this new form and how it functioned. Like any newborn it was a struggle to even crawl. She had the innate advantage of not only being a goddess but retaining a portion of the knowledge she held from her previous incarnation. Her knowledge was not fully intact however.

Having been reborn to encompass two separate Divine Cords half of her remembered who she was but the other half remembered nothing for it held no memories to even remember. Her memories were fuzzy, half of them missing entirely while the rest were in a jumble thanks to the gaps in her recollection. The events of her life that she could still recall were not sorted quite as they should, simply falling together into a lump without a clear timeline as to when what took place when.

After a bit of time struggling she brought herself to stand upon shaky new legs. Still caked in the embryonic fluid she cast her sight into the darkness and looked upon herself. She was quite different from meek frail creature that she once was. Having taken on a domain primarily derived from humans her form in turn had taken on a more human likeness.

She was taller than before, now standing at around five feet and four inches tall. Her form was shaped into a remarkably more human design which in many aspects was strikingly similar to Anu'Varr's own. Her flesh was no longer barely thicker than string tied around the bones. Her shape was mesomorphic, her flesh filled out with accentuated curvature highlighting her more feminine features. While with Anu'Varr this was to draw out the more carnal desires in the male humans for Oao there was a different purpose to her less meager proportions.

Staring at her flesh her skin was still quite pale but it now possessed a grey tint to it. She mentally likened the color to the beam that winded around the divine light during the Divine Cord's conception. With her flesh more filled out she could see pale blue lines visible under the surface. She was familiar with humans and their veins but hers weren't quite the same. They moved, squirming very slowly to the point where it was questionable whether they were moving. What was not questionable were the other movements traveling beneath her skin. Shallow shapes that were ever so faint but definitely there could be seen moving beneath the surface. Tracing lines, questionable ripples and occasionally what appeared to be human faces twisted into expressions of sheer horror would surface just below the skin every so often. It was infrequent enough to not be commonplace but often enough that it was impossible to look at her without seeing the subtle motions taking place beneath that light grey skin, the shallow blue veins an ever constant reminder of the blood that lurks within.

It was a design with purpose, one Oao had yet to grasp but a purpose nonetheless. It's likeness to the soft feminine body of a human female served to lull those who observed it into a false sense of security. Beneath it lurked the horrors that all humans held at heart: A fear both of the unknown and of what laid within themselves.

Humans are trained by instinct to recognize the human form. Out of all creatures humans identify one another the most readily, able to distinguish one another purely by sight not to mention the other senses involved. It is the dissonance created when the image of a person is distorted, revealed as wrong, that the terror sets in. This uncanny effect combines with the natural horror one feels towards the sight of what belongs inside, things like organs, blood and bone, all things that when seen beyond a person's body provide a grave notice that things are not where they belong.

The idea that the very image of a human being, a thing that humanity is meant to empathize with, can be disassembled into bloody parts that most rarely dwell upon but are never without can terrify even the most stalwart of people. Such is the nature of Oao's body, a form in the likeness of a human's idealized form but distorted just enough to remind of the terrors that lay below. Of course further down the arms her hands tell a somewhat darker lesson on the nature of fear.

Her hands were still similar to how they were before the transformation though larger to keep their proportions matched to the size of this new form. The once thin spider-like fingers had grown thicker, ripened with blood while the finger tips had twisted into gnarled claws. When once she held two fingers now she held four, each finger now as thick as a child's forearm and long enough to wrap around the entirety of a fully grown man's head.

As for her feet they had become relatively normal for a human woman, somewhat small and fairly soft which made it easier to sneak about in silence. Her hair was the same as before, long straight hair as black as the night sky which was currently a bit sticky with blood and yolk. As for her eyes they were only slightly different from the last form. They were still as dark as the yawning infinity of the void with naught but a single point of light serving as the pupil but now that point which was once finer than the tip of a needle was now twice as large. The light which shined in the darkness within her eyes was the only light that could be found inside this embodiment of darkness, the light of the Divine Cords themselves.

Her teeth were still fine like needles which covered every side of her mouth all the way down her throat. The teeth now seemed to be constantly wet with blood now regardless of what she ingested, the blood always dripping down her fangs regardless of circumstance.

Her new form was strange to her. She was unaccustomed to being this tall or sporting this much flesh. It was like a warm coat for her bones which wobbled and squirmed. She felt bloated with all this new blood in her, her muscles now engorged with it.

Meanwhile near a mountain just south of The Deep Castle...

It had been some time since her home was destroyed at the hands of the fire tribe, those invaders who destroyed her home and took all who were dear to her.

Sitting within a circle of gentle white roses she still could not keep the memories of that fateful day from her mind. It was the worst event in her entire life and, as she believed, had Hayim not saved her that day she would not be alive to recount it.

Since her arrival the people of the mountain have been very welcoming and kind to her. She stayed with the wise woman alongside her three daughters. They practiced a fascinating art in which they would shape clay into ornate pots which they used to store their food and belongings. The murals engraved along the sides of the pot painted many stories of the gods, history of the world taught in the form of scenes depicted in clay. It was the cave tribe's main form of art.

While she still practiced the ways of her tribe she held great respect for these people who took her in. She could only hope to be able to repay them someday for their kindness somehow.

Stirring from her daydreams she saw that the sun was beginning to set which meant it was time to return to their village within the cavern. She picked up the clay bowl that she used to carry water to the flowers she was tending to so that she might show them off to Hayim one day. With it she began to walk back to the mountain when she felt a sudden tremor beneath her feet. Great concern flooded her heart as the tremor only continued to intensify with each passing second.

She wanted to run out and try to help the other tribe members in case the tremor was causing rock slides but the tremors had gotten so bad that she had to brace herself against a nearby tree in order to not fall. As the tremors only continued to grow in strength she looked in awe as the mountain began to shudder.

Suddenly in a terrifying spectacle two beams of intertwined light erupted through the top of the mountain sending forth showers of shattered stone raining down upon the surrounding land. Surrounding the beams was a twisted tower of jet black stone poking up through what used to be the top of the mountain. One beam was the purest shade of white while the other beam consisted of a vibrant green color.

Her fear for the lives of those who lived within the mountain was dwarfed by her fear for her own life as a hail of boulders impacted the land around her. Still the rumbling did not cease, the land thrown into turmoil by the outpouring energy. She could see upon the side of the mountain in the distance there were villagers fleeing out the mouth of the cave. What she saw mortified her.

The people who were fleeing for their lives from the cave appeared to be transforming as they ran. Their flesh was twisting and morphing into bark, their legs quickly changing into roots which grasped into the ground, bringing them to a halt. Their bodies were stretching upwards, their hair changing into branches all tipped with leaves. Their faces were twisted, expressions of horror stretched across the dark wood their skin was becoming. She could hear their screams become wholly unnatural as their vocal cords morphed into strange plant-based fibers but she could look on no longer.

Steeling herself she turned to flee lest she befall the fate the village now suffered. As she dodged around a boulder thrown eskew she could see that the rock had developed roots which stuck into the ground as well as small pink flowers which seemed to merge seamlessly onto the stony surface. Even the trees around her seemed to be actively growing before her eyes, their roots elongating as their branches reach for the lights.

She ran until a stray root erupted up from the dirt, tripping her. She scrabbled to try and stand up but it seemed another root had grown over her leg, pinning to the earth. She pulled frantically to try and free herself but her efforts were in vain against the mighty strength of the tree's roots.

Out of options and now desperate she turned to her last resort: To pray for aid.

"Dear Hayim, in this our time of greatest need I beseech thee! Please hear my prayer and save us from... Whatever this is!"

With her eyes clenched tight and her hands tightly pressed to her heart she focused on these prayers as hard as she could, hoping down to her very core that her god would save her from the fate which afflicted the unfortunate victims upon the mountain. She could not see but the edges of her arms were turning green, small leaves forming all the way down to her forearms.

She could not feel it but her body was already becoming a plant.

Meanwhile back beneath North Crown...

Newly born she felt gravely malnourished. Yet to break her body in to the rigors of this world she looked around for something to fill her empty stomach. With a shaky step she staggered forward only to stumble immediately, collapsing to her knees over something.

Looking down she saw it. It was her body, it's face locked in a permanent result of transfixed fear. It was strange to look into her own eyes now lightless knowing those were the eyes she once stared out from at the world beyond, gazing through the darkness.

Staggering on weak knees she pushed herself up from the floor and reached down to her old body. She lifted it up by it's small head, staring into the gaunt pitiable face with her own. It was similar but hers was now more flush, her cheeks filled out and her lips no longer just flat seams for the mouth to open with.

Driven with hunger her maw opened to an inhuman extent, clamping her mouth over the entirety of her old head. Her hundreds of fine teeth went to work rending the flesh from the old body as she worked her way down. It was a meager meal but her old flesh still held lingering divinity. She planned to sup the very marrow from her bones to take in any and all lingering essence.

It was her first meal. She was ravenous.


Fear of blood creates fear for the flesh.

Relevent to: - @Duoya
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"Good, good. It is time for the final trial, Skit-avon. The trial of invasion." The mage said. It had been ten days since the first trial, and Lazhia had progressed quickly. But the hardest and most rewarding trial in learning magic was at hand. He stepped a few paces away from her. He bowed in the way actors do on stage, and then smiled. "KILGOSI! STOLOSI!" and Lazhia should have been feeling pain in her head.

@Lord Zee

Dirka finished the letter on time. She was not happy that her husband had caused such a fuss, but now, she could fix it.

She sat in her garden in the Rift, reviewing the letter. She wore something simular to a bathrobe, laying on her back. She nodded her head with a smug noise and opened a portal and grabbed a wisp. She fed gave it the letter, written in her own blood, for it would create her voice from the letter, since she preferred that form of letter. She the sent it off and turned away. "Now hopefully she accepts the apology. But if she asks for compensation, gift number one should it shut down." and she walked into her lab.

Dirka dressed into her usual robe, then shrunk to human size. She went to start some alchemy experiments of turning flesh to metal. Little did she know, due to her distraction, Deruga was creeping behind her, preparing to strike. When he was close enough, he pinched her. "EEEEYYYYYAAA! KELSTA!" She yelped while jumping. Her experiment, a rat, imploded instead of turning into metal. Deruga was laughing like a made man. She turned around with the most hateful look any being could give. He still laughed. "You lame brained jeuvg! That could have destroyed you're soul! Don't you remember you're now stuck here? No more form in the other world? HUH!?" She said, now making him sober up. "Oh, I remember. But don't you remember that you told me to stop you in any way I deem fit if you go to work rather than Iva's library?" She stopped being a malevolent deity for one actual minute to give him a plain frown. He eventually poked her, and she poked him back, but harder. "OW! What in the Eye of Time was that for?" She smiled then opened a portal.
It was his turn to be angry. "Don't you dare run into that-" But it was too late, the last thing he saw before the portal closed was her flailing robe. He cursed in the magic language, and a stone hit his head. "Why does everything hate me!?"

@Rune_Alchemist@Stern Algorithm

Dirka opened the portal at the Library's entrance. She yelled at the top of her lungs. "BROTHER! LET ME IN SO I CAN GIVE A PIECE OF MY MADNESS TO BUG BOY!!!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ferron tapped against the walls of the metal pod that he was resting in, deliberating about the progress that he had achieved, as well as the best method to process. He had exhausted himself working on the dwarven colony, however his progress had allowed him to leave the colony for a few days in order to retreat within his divine realm in order to recover. He had constructed his metal pod in order to aid in his recovery, and it was currently submerged within the molten metals of the Deep Forge in order to maximize his recovery time.

He had recovered his energy as a few hours ago, however he wanted to be sure he was in the best condition for the next step of his plan. He needed to bargain with his fickle siblings in order to be able to truly complete his grand project. He was scared of this, and thought that some of his children may abandon him, however he could not shelter his precious children forever and it was best for him to moderate their influence of his creation.

The colony was still lacking in terms of biodiversity, however he had did his best in order to help alleviate this problem. This was the most exhausting task he had under taken despite its simplicity. He had creating more fungi that was to grown to supply the village with additional food, as well as medicine. He had also created special silk worms that created a metallic silk that was suitable for the creation of clothing and nets. In addition, he had cleared an area of the cave to grow trees that were adapted to the cavernous biome of the dwarves. This was the most exhaustive task, but it was one that was necessary. He had also created a reed-like plant that he various uses. There was still much work to be done in this area, however this was enough for the same colony. He would need to revisit this area whenever he planned to expand the colony however. He wandered whether he should talk to Hayim or Naswaru, or maybe both, on how to proceed in this manner.

In terms of defense, the colony was doing quite well. He had formed the militia, which had named the Ironguard, and created the guardian of the colony which was a giant turtle with a metal shell which he had named Rook. While a giant turtle was ill-suited to wander the small tunnels of the dwarves, that was not its purpose. The purpose of Rook is that within his shell is a forge, and he is able to create powerful weapons and armors should their be need. In addition, he is able to create metal golems ranging from the size of a dwarf to a size of a man. For the most time, Rook remains relatively inactive, passively observing the village and relaying that information back to Ferron. However, Rook also uses his ability to construct golems in order to train dwarves in martial combat.

In addition, he had established the Church of Silver to his arbiters while he was away. They were to maintain the Great Silver Church, the church in which dwarfkind came into existence. They were also teachers of the divine wisdom, and healers. Members of the Church of Silver must only worship Ferron, however churches to other gods were permitted to form within the colonies, so long as they respected the authority of the Silver Church. He did not trust Gammaton, he was both to ambitious and to eager to please, but he was more suited to creating a stable form of government but he would need to be really careful about the fine print with this brother.

Previously, light was provided by Ferron's majesty. However he could only illuminate the colony while in its presence. In order to prevent the colony from being cloaked in darkness, he had created a second temple, the Temple of the Great Forge. The entire temple was devouted to storing Ferron's power and then distributing it across the colony through small metal disks. The Temple of the Great Forge supplied the colony with light, and heated the forges but its power was limited. He could only supply enough power within the temple for a few weeks. During his resting, he had sent Bishop southwards in order to investigate the Verzak Desert. There he discovered the dragons and in particular, the arch-dragons. He did not want to deal with Ragnageddon directly, his sibling disliked him for merely existing. However maybe these arch-dragons could be more reasonable. If all goes well, this will become the church of those who worship both metal and fire, however if not, there was other gods that he may attempt to bargain with.

While not related to the dwarven colony, after the fear spiral had disappeared. He had sent Bishop in order to retrieve some of the ore that he had corrupted and left behind. He had found the material, which had he named dark ore, was hard to work with. It was simply to brittle to work with. However, that was within the dwarven colony as he was not able to leave it at the time, and by time he had returned to his divine forge, he was to exhausted in order to continue. Perhaps he would be able to do something with it now that he had more freedom of movement. He had also wanted to investigate the spiral event more careful due to its associated with the earth's core, but he merely did not have the time, but he was a patient god.

Finally, he had also created a few more, grand yet empty buildings that will serve as potential churches for the other gods. He had various plans but he did not wish to finalize any he yet to make any business arrangements with any of the other gods. He was considering which god that he should approach next. This was a very delicate time in his grand plan.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@A Lowly Wretch - The Spire | @Legion02 - Ragnagedon & Arch-Dragons (In Passing)

If the fallen woman would've squinted just a bit farther into the horizon, she would see a saving grace descend from the swirling clouds above. As lightning spastically ripped through the clouds, three golden strands of light appear as they descend to the surface in a synchronized swirling motion. A god had responded to the events taking place, but it was anyone but Hayim. For the last ten days, the weather god had been feverishly scouring across the land in search for new dragons to recruit into his ever growing army. That humiliating defeat regarding the two arch-dragons will not be tolerated and he'll strike back with unbreakable vengeance. He had already gathered more dragons from all across the land, most being from the fire dragons they've defeated in battle. Their army was growing ever so larger by the day. In due time, it will finally be time to strike back at the two loathsome monsters and perhaps Ragnagedon himself.

As they neared the Deep Castle's general vicinity, Drakairós had sensed a great disturbance with the native wind patterns, as well as seeing a bright green light jet into the air. There was no way they were going to let this anomaly slide by. As they finally make landfall, the three bodies coil together as they carefully examine the black monolith that looms from atop the mountain, just a few meters away from the vicinity.

"This must be the source of the disturbance." Dra said as they glance upon what's before them.

They would look at the ground within the spire's range, only to see a plentiful amount of green foliage covering what would've been dry scrubland. But once they'd look closely, they could see several strange structures made of vine and roots that seem to resemble those of human mortals. It was as if they'd been encapsulated in a petrified tomb of raw flora, as they forever show a face of pure horror at what they've become.

"I've heard that a number of gods had encountered a spire quite similar to this one ten days ago," Rós remarked curiously, "Although the effects here are... different. The ground would've been devoid of all life, with a huge crater forming in the middle as the radius would've gotten slowly wider and wider... but here, it appears as the forces of mother nature silenced all who dared to be within her direct presence."

Kai would snarl at this sight of lush greenery.

"Graaaaagh!" he snarls disgustingly, "Too many plants! Too much green! All of this should be purged from my eye sockets immediately! All should be set aflame!"

Dra and Rós pause suddenly as they looked to one another as if they had a similar idea. They cackle in gleeful agreement as they both glance over to their fiery kin.

"Either way," the frost head began, "We should find a way to destroy this vile spire... and what not better way to destroy everything..."

He would plant his head close to Kai's ear and quietly mutters:

"Then to burn it."

Kai cocked his head towards his icy brother with a curious chirp. Are they finally listening to his ideas for once? He couldn't help but to cackle loudly in response.

"Yeeeeessss!" he hisses eagerly, "We must!"

The two heads would then glance back at their leading head, who was nodding in agreement.

"You may have the honors, Kai." he officially announces, "If you need assistance, you may call us if need be."

He'd issue a devilish grin as he simply mutters to him:

"Do your worst."

Kai would cackle devilishly as he soon takes off to the spire's range from the air. As soon as he entered the radius, he unleashes his fiery torment starting by breathing burning hot air and cinders at the flora below. They would immediately catch on fire, initiating the first phase of an upcoming forest fire. Wherever he flew, he brought down the hammer of destruction as his heat attempts to evaporate the moisture from the plants below. But that wouldn't be the only thing that would start. In the distance, the winds began to whirl towards the ground as a massive tornado begins ripping through the foliage with great speed and destructive power. Kai's destructive rampage has only just begun.

@Dealdric - Tetroz

Jimbo would screech loudly as he sees his adversary take to the skies with his massive wings. As it began to spit it's vile acid towards him, the giant rat would make a quick leap to avoid the vile substance from touching him. As he gathers his bearings, he begins to scuttle towards him from below and attempts to pounce on the metallic dragon. If he were to grip onto his metal hide, his powerful claws and massive fangs began to pierce through it with surprising strength.

Nerplaguis was mortifyingly astonished at what he was witnessing. He had to do something in order to cease the rat from killing his visitor. Yet no ordinary plague or sickness will do. No no. He needs something specific for this. He needs the god-damn rat poison - and he's all out of this stuff apparently. He makes a mad-dash over to his outside laboratory and begins scouring through the books to find the exact recipe in concocting this anti-rat substance.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

A Deal Made

A collab between @Lord Zee & @Leotamer

Anu stood before a large clump of dirt on that bright, sunny day. Some might consider such a mound to be a hovel of sorts, a lowly place for the poor and downtrodden. Yet there she stood, unblinking and unmoving as she stared with a fixed expression at the hovel before her. She had only just arrived, but was cautious to say the least. If the rumors were true, if her intelligence was sound, then before her sat a gateway to a realm unfamiliar to her. One were rock and stone dominated all. Where metals were smelted and forged into all sorts of useful items. It was the realm of Ferron, her Elder. Her hesitation to step further weighed her down, for she hated her elder siblings with intense fervor. They had let her be birthed painfully, they had come before, they helped humanity grow! But Anu was a crafty goddess, with enough common sense to know what the world would come to.


It was the only eventuality. Whether started by her, or one of her siblings, or even the mortals for all she cared- War was coming. The Sin curse had provided such lovely battles, massacres and heinous debauchery but what she was breeding in humanity would cultivate in their own destruction one way or another. She needed to be prepared for all realities, hence why she had come before Ferron's doorstep. She had bathed in her pool of blood for five days, and while she slept her thoughts and ideas spawned new creations, more servants for her bidding. Chief among these new creatures were different variants of demons. She had given them all tasks so far, but there was still one she needed most, one that would help her armies grow further.

So for now, she would swallow her hatred, swallow her pride, and come before Ferron with pleasant candor. She required his help to succeed. Would the God of Metal refuse her? If he did accept, then what would he want in return? She let out a soft sigh, it was time to find out. Wary of traps, she walked with purpose forward and entered the dirt hovel. What she found was unremarkable, and rather boorish, surely there was more to the room then nothing? She scanned the small room, looking for anything that might show her the way, when at last she fell upon the far wall. Anu smiled, it was a clever little trick, but being the God of Devilry did come with certain perks. She walked over to the door, and touched it. The moment her finger met with dirt, the wall began to collapse, revealing a stone staircase. She walked down it, the earthen door resealing behind her. The only way was forward now, and before long she entered a very large room carved into stone. Suddenly, four giant statues on either side of the room, turned their heads down to look at her. She paused, unsure of how to respond. They did not seem malevolent towards her, yet she felt if she moved any further they would react accordingly. Ahead of her was a large door, wrought of stone.

Having walked far enough for her liking, Anu shouted out, "Ferron! God of Metal and brother O'mine, I come to ask thee a favor."

As if respond to Anu shouting, the silver golem began to move. However, it did not move towards the god of devilry, but instead towards the door. As it reached the large stone door, it knocked three times and then returned to its position. After a few moments, the door creaked upon, and Ferron walked out into the cavernous room. He was not sure what to expect whenever he emerged from the restoring pod, and walked up towards the castle. Whenever he was that deep within this realm, he could not hear what occurred outside of the door, except for the golem's knocking on the door. He had set them up to knock in specific ways depending on different situations, and thus he knew that a god was at his doorstep, and yet even then, he was surprised to see that it was Anu.

Ferron paused for a moment, uncertain of if this is some trick, but considering she did not destroy his guardian golems, at least she most likely did not mean to attack him. "What brings you to the door of my realm. Of all of the gods, I expect Ragnagedon to come here before you.".

Anu watched the Silver giant like a hawk as it moved, preparing herself to attack but instead the metal giant knocked upon the door three times. In returned to its spot promptly, leaving her in a strange silence before the door creaked open, and her brother stepped through. She sank to her knees before Ferron, and in a silvery voice she spoke, "Why brother I am hurt that you would think so little of me. I can't visit my dear siblings from time to time? Do you truly believe that Ragnagedon would walk so peacefully into your own realm? No, that would be silly of course." she stood up and looked at Ferron directly, "I've come to make a request, dear brother. A simple favor if you may. Three things of you, brother. Armor, so that I am defended against our unruly siblings. A weapon, so that I might ward off attack. But most importantly, the knowledge of smithing so that I might shield my people."

The Goddess walked towards him, a wry smile on her lips, and began to circle him as she spoke again, "Your talent is without challengers, Ferron. Your skills are without equal in all realms. There is great beauty in your work, unlike anything this world as ever seen. My brother, there is no one else I would go to, to ask such a thing of. This is of course, should not be freely given. Ask of me three favors, and I shall give them in return. It is only fair, I believe. So, what say you? Will you help your young sister?"

Ferron had a tense expression as Anu begin to speak, but his face was otherwise emotionless. However, as soon as Anu mentioned something about a favor, he begin to relax. "Is that enough of your theatrics? However, I do not believe your request is unreasonable, while I question your motives, if you wish to make a trade, who I am to refuse you. If you wish this trade to proceed, these are my three conditions. You, and your servants, are to not to interfere with my children, the dwarves. You are to uphold this promise, or else I will take a mountain and drop it upon your precious Osarion and every piece of metal that you rely upon will turn to rust. I will grant an exception only to dwarves who have my protection revoked from them, those who willingly serve you not under any duress, and those who willingly enter Osarion or the surrounding territory as clearly defined by a set distance from the castle that we can discuss at a later date. Secondly, I feel like even then you may still eventually cause me troubles, and thus as additional insurance, you are to provide me with a jar capable of sealing away curses. My final condition is that knowledge of this arrangement is never revealed to anyone outside of our selves, and our closest council. It would be a great inconvenience to me should Hyperion ever discover our mutual exchange. I will warn you, I do not take lightly to being cheated, but otherwise, I believe that this can benefit both of us."

Anu listened with a coy smile upon her face. She had been willing to part with a great deal if it meant she had what was needed. She was thrilled to learn that Ferron required simple things from her, all of which could be done with relative ease. She only had minor concerns about the jar however, such a request was odd but at the same time reasonable from his perspective. Though she was not a large fan of letting such an object exist, she would have to trust that Ferron would not use it recklessly.

"Very well Ferron." she said with a cool voice, "Flattery only works on some of us I suppose. It is good to know that you are not one of them, it saves me from making a fool of myself. Your terms are reasonable, once we agree formally, you have my word that your children shall never be interfered with. If one of my subjects ever attacks a dwarf under your protection, then I shall personally slaughter them. All I require from you is a jar, brother. Now, shall make this deal formal?" Anu finished with a sly smile, her hand outstretched.

Ferron was cautious to make a deal with the goddess of devilry, however it did not bother him that she would have access to metals. He was the lord of metals, and would need to be quite foolish to oppose him with the tools of his own creation. He reached out his hand, and went to firmly shake Anu's hand. Afterwards, he focused his divine power into a bronze sphere, and then caused it to passive float towards Anu. "That sphere will teach one of your abominations how to work metals, and grant him the knowledge to teach others of his kind. He would know how to construct tools of bronze. As for your weapon and armor, I believe that I do have something that would suit you well, however I will need time to work this material, it has proven to be difficult to work with. Are you aware of the spiral that appeared in the northern lands?"

They shook hands, the deal was set. There could be no going back now. The Goddess of Devilry listened to Ferron as he spoke again, and carefully clutched the bronze sphere, admiring that such a small object could contain so much knowledge. Would Iva be jealous of such a thing she wondered? She spoke again while gazing at the sphere, "Bronze tools you say? I am woefully unfamiliar with the metallic arts brother, so tell me, in time will my people learn to forge greater tools? Say of iron? Perhaps other metals and energies as well?" she asked. Anu then looked up at Ferron to meet his gaze. The talk of the spire had not been unnoticed by Anu, for she had been there after all.

"As long as this material proves able to be wielded by my divine body, I shall wait patiently. What about the spire then? It was completely useless to me, however, Iarus might say differently. The fool." she said with spite.

In respond to Anu's first point, Ferron said dismissively, "I have granted them a foothold onto the mountain of metallurgy, if they are to climb upwards is up to them. That gem only provides knowledge, it does not restrict it." Ferron seemed unfazed by Anu trying to look him in the eye, and then proceeded, "That spire had changed many things, our brother Iarus, for example. But it had almost touched the metals of the earth, turning it into what I have referred to dark ore. Right now, the ore is to brittle to forge into weapons and armor, however I have only limited time and resources to construct a dark ore alloy. I am sure you will be pleased with the final result."

"I do hope so. I would not want your name and craftsmanship sullied by the likes of Ragnegdon or Hyperion should they choose to attack me. It would be such a shame if it broke easily, after all. Now, I shall wait here until my requests have been completed. If thou needs help, I shall provide assistance in the form of energy. Unless you can do it alone? Furthermore, I do still require a jar brother." Anu stated casually. She would have to motivate her smiths to think creatively when the time came to expand to other materials. A task she would do so gladly if it meant she had an edge.

Ferron paused, it would take some time in order to work dark ore into an strong alloy, however perhaps with Anu assistance, he could accelerate the process. After a few seconds, he had an idea. He snapped him fingers and something occurred deep within the castle. "I was informing servant in order to prepare all of the required materials, however I do believe it would be best if I worked on your armor and weapons within your castle. I will establish a forge within your territory without any additional cost, but I do require something from you in order to create your weapons and armor, a live demon. Perhaps several"

"Mhmm, whatever it takes brother. You may use as many as needed if it means success. Shall we go then?" Anu said, before turning away from Ferron, outstretching her hand and ripping a portal into existence. She then looked back at Ferron, waiting.

Ferron waited for a moment, when Bishop, his quicksilver golem, appeared behind carrying itself a chest. He picked up the chest, and then walked through the portals. The doors of the Deep Castle closing as if he left the area.

Upon reaching Osarion, he had wasted no time finding an empty room and converting into a forge. He then proceeded to lock himself in the room for hours, along with some demons. Imbued with demons, it seemed the metal was much easier to work with, though it still required to mixed with iron, but the alloy of darkore, iron, and demons seemed to be very potent. He had coined this new alloy, demon-metal. Once he had created enough demon-metal, he then proceeded to shape it into a weapon and a suit of armor. Once he was finished, he exited the forge in order to present his work to Anu. While Ferron was not fully aware of the properties of demon-metal, he knew that this demon-metal was special. It was created from demons who had been blessed with the gift of blood magic, and thus even in there metallic form, they called out for blood. The sword would consume any blood that it came in contact with, and then siphon that blood into the armor for storage, and later consumption. Ferron had a grim curiosity about this newly created weapon, though a part of him wanted to quickly part with it. However, this was for his children's future.

While Ferron had locked himself away in deep chamber, Anu had been busy preparing her own parting gift for her dear brother. She had at last acquired a jar, and went to work creating the item that Ferron wanted. A Curse stealer, an item that would take upon any curse it came into contact with. It would be a powerful object, and capable of containing any manner of curse known. However, it would only work on an individual affected by a curse. It would do no good for a entire nation of cursed people, less they all touch open it. Likewise, if any who opened it and had no curse, they would receive one at random. If the jar broke, every curse it held would be free to attach themselves to any they came into contact with. Anu took pride in this, for though the jar would uphold its request, it was as equally dangerous as it was a godsend.

When Ferron at last came to her, Anu had been sitting upon her throne of skulls, jar held in hand and being admired. She looked to the items that Ferron held and her excitement became apparent. She got up from her Throne and made her way over to him. "I take it my demons were most... useful then?" she asked with a devilish smile. "Shall we trade items then? As requested, your Curse-Stealer. Be careful with this one, it might be a bit fragile for your liking." she spoke with veiled words. Anu then held out the jar.

He nodded, and first handed over the demon-metal weapon and armors, before taken the Curse-Stealer. "Now, I believe our business together is finished. I now need to see to other matters." he said, before turning around and going to leave the castle.

Anu called after Ferron as he walked away, "Fare thee well, God of Metal and brother o'mine." she paused before whispering under her breath, "And may we not meet again for some time, either." She turned her back to Ferron then, and went about to admire her newest items. The weapon was an ornate spear, perfectly balanced, capable of reach and etched with glowing lines of crimson. The spear head itself was immaculate and defined by a single piercing blade. The armor was equally as ornate, lightweight and stylized as the spear, perhaps even more so. The pauldrons resembled that of a demon's skull, and it hummed with the same crimson energy that composed the spear. Unable to wait any longer, she called over several servants and instructed them to fit her. As the process went on, she felt something odd, and feeling trickery, she panicked, hitting several demoness away from her in a fury. In the sudden fray, she noticed a piece of parchment fly out from her leg plates and softly come to rest on the floor. Hesitantly, she picked it up and opened it. It was not any trick of Ferron, but instead a map of the area that surrounded Osarion. The border that dictated their agreement and his people's safety. The area was much larger then she had anticipated, but she would let it slide for now. She put the parchment away, and then went back to arming herself.

When they had finished, she felt right, like the armor had been specifically crafted to fit her and her alone. It absolutely invigorated her, made her feel untouchable and stronger then ever before. The spear felt as if it was a natural extension of her body. Though she was not the Goddess of war or combat, one would make a foolish mistake to try and attack her. She had reach, and the dexterity to use it to her advantage. She admired herself once again in her pool of blood, for she was now a terrible beauty to behold. After a moment, she felt compelled to stick the spears tip into the blood, and so she did. It was an even greater surprise to see how the spear reacted, as it began to drink the blood, and in doing so she felt the armor gorge itself. She pulled the spear away, and the feeling vanished but she did feel that the blood was still there, just waiting to be used.

"Hence forth, you shall be named Darkdrinker," she said to the spear, "And this armor shall be known as mine." She then sat upon her throne with a smug look on her face. She was armed, and now it was time for her people to do so. With a thought, she pointed to the ground and from it rose a creature born of twisted flesh and muscle. It stood taller then a human, with a face like that of a skeletons with minimum flesh to house the bone. It looked around, then up to her.

"What is your name?" she asked it.

The creature said nothing for a moment before responding in a voice like gravel, "I am... Tirus?" it said questioning.

"That you are Tirus, that you are. The first and last of your kind. Now take this orb, and devour it's knowledge."

Tirus said nothing, but caught the orb as Anu threw it to him. The orb then came alive, and Tirus fed from the knowledge it gave him. His eyes became more intelligent, hardened. When the orb at last fell silent, he looked up at Anu again. This time with fierce expression.

"You are Tirus, Demon Prince of the Forge. Now go, teach and grow my armory with weapons of war.

Tirus nodded and left a smiling Anu behind. Her red eyes glowing wickedly in the dimly lit throne room of Osarion.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~~The Illuminator~~



It had been an interesting ten days. She had learned much both about magic as well as the library itself, and what Iva had intended for her. She had little time to rest, but that was fine. Lord Iva certainly was curious. Was it love she felt? No, probably not. A useless emotion to a scholar. Ones only love should be to knowledge itself. Iva should be respected of course...but it was a scholars duty to discover - and just because he was the God of knowledge, did not mean he was infallible either.

No god was. A fundamental law she quickly came to understand.

"Aw, I'm going to miss our time together." Lazhria replied with a playful smirk. "Try not to cry when I do better than your mages, heh!" Despite her playful tone, it was clear Lazhria was certainly focused and concentrated. She breathed in, centering herself. Over the course of a few days, Iva had imparted some knowledge of the human body to her and how in functioned. Things to strengthen, focus, and steady ones body and mind. She'd need to do more, but it was a good start.

A dull pain began growing in her head. Oh...was this some sort of mind trick? Lazhira smirked.

"You should know...The mind is the realm of Lord Iva." Lazhira smirked. Summoning the arcane prowess that had been imparted to her, the human filled herself with the power, focusing it in her temples. This should be easy - all that would be needed was a calm mind and a barrier and she'd get through this easily. The Sigil on her hand began glowing softly with a pale light as she began focusing

"Oh little Gammy has done such great work!" Iva sat upon his throne, laughing madly as he read over Gammaton's proposed society and laws. Oh this was wonderful, absolutely wonderful! Ah, why do something yourself when you could have others do it for you indeed. "Splendid work! Wonderful! Marvelous! Hahaha! Oh the time of enlightenment draws near! The library will swell, bloat and feed!" He picked up the small blob known as Zhavitri next to him. The B'thkor began to grow over the past few days, to such a size it was now half as tall as Lazhria.

"Heheh! I shall take you with me when we return to White Dawn. We'll have such a wonderful party. A feast! Blood! Entrails decorating the moonlit snow!-eh?!"

His enjoyment was interrupted by someone shouting.

"Dirka!" Iva would have rolled his eyes if he had any to roll across the ground. "Such a killjoy...should just ignore her. Oh but she might entertain..." Iva grabbed the edges of his throne, long, thin fingers tapping impatiently in thought. "...Oh alright! Come in, come in!"

The doors to the library opened, creaking open as warm air left brushed past Dirka. Iva hopped up from his chair, stashing the particulars of his plans for White Dawn on a table nearby. Approaching Dirka, the White flower in hand as he bowed. The B'thkor had followed, poking its body out curiously from behind Iva and staring up at Dirka.

"Sister Dirka! Brother Gammaton is here, though he just finished working for me." He stood straight. "What brings you here, hmm? Are schemes afoot or are you here checking on little Lazhria? She's fine! Still getting her beauty sleep, hehe!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Lahzia's defense was wrong. The mage laughed. "I'm sorry, dear girl, but although the mind is his domain, his area is knowledge, while this attacks your core: the soul. The mind is connected with the soul, this is true, but the soul has many rules different from the mind." The pain would increase, till she found the correct counter. He walked up to the girl.

He then smirked. "What is the most basic rule of magic? That is what you are learning."

Dirka shooed her hand at her brother. "I know what you two are up to! I saw the drawing you used to lure Hayim, and I heard about some 'meeting of the gods'. Gammaton is making a power grab, and your his instrument! Of all people, you! Oh I found this sneaking around my mountains..." She held out the corpse of a early generation of spy bug. She was angrier than ever now. "I also took a little brew earlier to make me temporarily sane, and I made something very toothy to deal with these. Now, Gammaton has to deal with me, because I won't let him control anyone! Law and order is corrupt and biased to those with the public opinion, and I won't allow it amoungst the gods! Oh, if he doesn't listen, he can still have his little 'assembly', but he'll unleash a whole new can of worms! And if you think any other flies or other things can enter my mortal domain, think again! And only I can reach the Rift without going through my mountains first. So jog on and out of the way!" She walked to the direction of Gammaton, following his presence. "And just because I have knowledge you don't, doesn't mean I'll give it! You hog it just as well, and you know it!" and she exited his throne room.

@Stern Algorithm

She entered Gammaton's quarters and her anger filled the room. She saw Gammaton, and cleared her throat. "So, pest, when were you going to speak to me? And don't hide behind lies, roach, I spent to much time dealing with the father of them to fall for them."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Naswaru The Relentless.

The dark forests of Voctao seemed to be pulsing with activity. The unrestricted ambient powers of the huntsmen god seemed to nearly force the evolution of the creatures inside his home. Over time, they would become strong and mighty creatures some would be worthy of filling the humans with dread at their mere name. While a few would fill their stories and legends of beasts beyond their wildest dreams.

Naswaru had been busy. The encounter with the spire stirred something inside of him. What he had been working on was something he thought up a long time ago but never felt the need to implement it. Sharp corrupted edges of his scales still bore the mark of what that fear could do to him, to him it was a constant reminder to keep working.

Although his trees of life, as he calls them, help him modify existing life, he has his limitations. He cannot create life, everything starts as something and is then modified. He has three trees that can each mold up to three individual creatures at a time. If the creature is what he wants and wants more of, then they are planted as a seed before growing into a fruit bearing tree. However, instead of fruit it makes eggs that will continue to produce until enough breeding pairs have been created for the sustainability of the species. After this, they are given their own area with in his realm to grow and evolve before being set free into the world. It is a process.

This particular creation has been in the works for some time due to their versatility and variants. Depending on many natural factors two parents may not have an offspring that looks like them or fills the same role. These creatures were made from humans and thus still show some human characteristics. However, they seemed to be mixed with mostly mammalian varieties. These varieties manifest parts from goats, cows, pigs, horses, felines big and small, and wolfs upon birth. While other mammalian variety’s do exist, just in more uncommon situations. They dont look human, but one can clearly see human influence in them. He even tried his best to rid them of the old curses his kin put on the humans they come from. However, he is unsure of how well he was able to do this.

Naswaru was rather fond of these and molded their society the best he could. They were strong, fast, and agile. Having the intellect of humans with rawer natural instincts to help guide them. However, these were a bit stubborn sometimes and didn’t seem to adapt to well to change in their society. At times, it would even seem like they let their rage and instincts get them in trouble where their reason would have kept them out of it. They formed and bonded through family packs and then into small clans. Each had differing beliefs and practices, but they all had a few things in common. They saw themselves as honor bound warriors devoted to keeping a balance in the natural world, to act as guardians of the forests and plains that harbor the most life. To only take what they need to survive.

Naswaru even asked them what they wished to be called, they responded in kind with Voctain (Pronounced Vock Tain) After their home. That and they seemed to be led by the strongest and smartest of them, a chieftain. Who was supported by more than a few advisors that could take his place in the event of an absence or death.

Another thing that comes with their duties is to always seek to better themselves and their craft, whatever it may be. To learn from their mistakes and each other. To hunt both grate beast and worthy human adversary’s alike. Although they are not to seek out and destroy all humanity, they will keep the balance. Sometimes they may find themselves fighting alongside humanity, or they may find themselves attacking them.

The god could only hope that the values he instilled with these would last the test of time. It had been a few days since he started this process and although creatures in his realm age and grow quickly. He was still unsure if the fledgling society was ready for the outside world. For now, he would let them grow in the large plains and forests he set aside within his realm for them. Letting them get used to living in those areas before being released, obviously he would watch over them until they were established once they were ready. After all, they were his first intelegant race he has created so far.

He found himself quite tired after all this and decided to retire to his home in the trees for a few more days. Only now did he remember about the invitation to the meeting. With his brother of law being in the mix he could only assume they were trying to wrangle him and a few of the others in. The huntsmen never really liked to get tangled up in the politics of his kin. It was always boring and to him threatened to try to stall the natural way of things. He never really made this a point towards the others always trying to keep his neutral position and refrain from taking sides. That however, doesn’t mean he doesn’t like visiting them occasionally.

Naswaru sat in his tree, a strong limb near the top where he could see out across the vast moon lit forest. It definitely was peaceful here and it was something he enjoyed. He was even able to satisfy his hunger with one of the fruit that the tree produced. Soon he knew the others would call for him again. Keeping them waiting wasn’t something he wanted to do. After his rest he would surely attempt to visit his kin and see if this meeting was still going on.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Gammaton hung in the musty darkness of the dining hall that he had transformed into a veritable bug's nest during his week of activity. He had finished the laws for the Honorable Iva'Krorh's new vision for their society, The White Dawn. Gammaton had also passed out summons scrolls to whatever gods and goddesses had passed by the library at Iva's request. Though he felt a need to go out into the world and continue to seek out the remaining gods, he had decided to stay a few more days to rest. He had tapped into the vision of his spy flies to see the fruit of his and Iva'Krorh's handiwork. It seemed that while he had remained in the library, some major events had happened in the world, including a massive dragon invasion from the south, pillaging fire tribes, and a strange spiral of light.

Suddenly the doors of the room burst open, breaking Gammaton out of his revelry. Before, he had regretted not setting out on his mission sooner, now he was glad he hadn't left yet. "Ah, Lady Dirka, what a pleasant surprise," Gammaton said, not moving from his silk hammock, "I was only informed after you had left that we had entered the Library at roughly the same time. Shame we missed each other. But now you're back, and there is so much for us to talk about." Gammaton rolled out of his hammock, the wings encased behind his elytra unfolding and fluttering for a moment just enough to smooth his decent. The claws on his feet clicked against the stone floor as he landed. In the corner lay a corpse that Iva had been kind enough to offer to Gammaton. By now it was thoroughly rotten. The abdomen had been surgically sliced open by Iva's hand, while Gammaton's pens had been copiously stabbed into the corpse's offals. The occasional spy fly emerged from it, flying about randomly, whether to pioneer and seek out new sources of food, or to return into the rotting folds to mate or lay eggs. The corpse was, of course, crawling with feasting maggots that writhed among the flies that milled about, too oblivious to leave.

"You wound me with accusations of deception, Lady Dirka. I am not our brother, Lord Iarus. But if you already doubt me, then I suppose my words are meaningless." As Gammaton spoke, he wove another parchment and slammed it on the table, plucking another spine from his back and scribed feverishly. When he finished, he wordlessly slid the document over to Dirka. It read thusly:

This NDA (non-deception agreement) is a one-way contract in which Gammaton, God of the Domain of Law, swears that in the following discussion between Gammaton and Dirka, Goddess of the Domain of Magic, Gammaton will remain completely truthful.

The discussion ends when either god has left the room, after which this contract is no longer binding.

Gammaton retains the right to withhold information, by declaring "I Choose not to answer that question", so that the discussion does not become a one-way interrogation.

Dirka has the right to inspect the validity of the magic of this contract to verify its purpose and integrity.

By signing the contract, Dirka acknowledges that the contract is honest and binding according to the limits previously stated, and that Gammaton will be incapable of deception for the duration of the conversation.

By signing, Gammaton agrees to be bound by this contract for the duration in which said contract is binding.

At the bottom were two lines for signatures, one already signed by Gammaton. He offered her a pen from his back, his insect face unreadable of human expressions.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


The passing days were spent in a flurry - after it became very apparent that no one wanted to play, and Iva was guaranteed to not have any more issues, Hayim made his way back to Akhuz and then to a human village near the east of the main continent. His visits to the various tribes had taken a slight pause, so it was a good idea to get back on track. The tribes were the first in awhile to have the honor of Hayim spending the night, a right usually reserved for those who had chosen to come with him to Akhuz. Ten days passed in this fashion, with eight of the villages receiving one of the seedlings that Hayim had made to aid them while Hayim was gone.

The other two villages no longer existed on that realm, having been accepted into the meadows of Akhuz.

By the end of the eighth day, Hayim had regrown his strength enough to begin his normal level of divinity - and spawn more seedlings, of course. Hayim's goal to put a seedling in every Human community would take a long time, but would be well worth it. If he didn't need to heal them on his visits, their would be far more time left over to play! Unfortunately, the period allowed for Hayim to produce Seedlings was cut short once more, on the tenth day.

Hayim experienced the need to sleep, similar to many mortals - this was what allowed him to listen to the thousands of prayers he received daily, in only the span of a few hours. They were organized based on importance, urgency, and severity. Most passed through subconsciously - completely ignored, only altering his actions slightly and the village he chooses to stay at that day. It was only in matters of life and death where he truly heard these messages - and the knowledge that someone was being slowly twisted out of their form was quick to shake the young god to alertness.

Snapping awake in the early hours of twilight, Hayim knew that there were people who needed his help - and the prayers were familiar. A boy who was deformed from an accident, a woman who had nearly died from disease. A girl whose village was destroyed from his absence. The god quickly rushed to the nearest bush - luckily, there were many bushes similar to it in the area he wished to go. Unlike before, he sensed nothing about the spire's nature from the exit of his realm. Perhaps Fear was simply more contrary to his nature, or maybe the domain of this spire was just too similar to him already - whatever the case, Hayim exited Akhuz, completely unaware of the spire until he was already in it's presence.

While it was unfelt in Akhuz, Hayim could sense it much easier within the confines of it's demesne. The beams of twirling light could be seen in the distance, but they proved of little concern to the god. Looking around frantically, Hayim found there to be a complete lack of life. Well, animal life - no animals were seen in the immediate area, and certainly no humans. It took nearly a minute of examination to finally notice the odd shape of the bushes, how the shrubs almost looked rodent-like.

How the trees were screaming in agony and fear.

Hayim immediately rushed to the first tree, the features too distorted to discern gender. Touching it, he forced his essence into it, as he did all of his healing. The foots retracted, the branches growing more numerous and less thick - but it was far more energy than normal, and Hayim knew that the effects were only temporary. As soon as he stopped dripping his divine power into the human, they would revert back to the twisted form of bark and pain. There was only one cause of this.

The spire - those spires that forced such drastic changes, like the one that had elicited such fear from him and all life near it. Now, the spires did more than simply move away his friends - Plant-friends prospered, but animals suffered. The Humans...

Hayim decided what to do. He'd heal each creature, individually, and lead them away from the spire. Then, he could find another god to solve the spire issue. He had no idea who solved the last one, but maybe Iva would know what to do? If not, Dirka could probably pull some trick. Hayim was about to touch the tree and enact this plan, before a mighty roar stayed his petal. Looking to the horizon, Hayim was both shocked and appalled.

Drakairós swooped above the treeline, in the long serpentine body that he occasionally took - Hayim was not fond of this, as it was always difficult to tell the bodies apart. With a single motion of the dragon's head, a burst of flame erupted from the god and slammed into the surrounding vegetation, setting it alight. The fantastical nature of the display nearly distracted Hayim from the very, very real fact that the plants were not just plant-friends (and burning them was bad enough already...), but that they were animal-friends and Humans too! The young god immediately began to jump up and down, screaming at the dragon-god.


Of course, the tiny god was not heard by Drakairós, and the god immediately began to turn around and perform another sweep. Hayim knew that his old plan would no longer cut it - not with Drakairós burning the forest faster than he can save it. There was only one way to stop this - stop the spire, and hope that they'd realize that they were burning humans.

Hayim would have to do damage control after stopping the spire.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Stern Algorithm

Dirka glared at Gammaton. "Skivesta." and with a snap of her fingers the parchment burned. She then slammed her own parchment on the table, one equally binding. She took feather, and stabbed her arm with it. She then signed her own parchment and gave it to him. "Read it and weep, maggot." The paper read as followed:

Smiled at him cruelly. "Something you do, used against you. Keep it, it's magic already has hold on me, worm. Also, if you think those flies can get into my mountains and Rift, think again. I made a special plant and accompanying bird just for those spies. And if you're curious why I didn't sign the contract, is because there is always a reason to lie, and if I truly wanted to take that option from you, I'd be you, and then I wouldn't be me then would I? So bye, a**hole!" and she left the dining hall back to Iva's main room.


She entered the room with a twisted smile on her face. She then went up to Iva and formally bowed. If that didn't shock Iva, who knows what would. She then squealed giddily. "I just gave told Gammaton off! He he! And I was the one to give the contract this time. Ha!" She then calmed down and looked at the god with a smile. "So, hows you're prophet doing? I forgot to tell the mage I left in charge to update me on her progress. Now that I think about it, would you like to come with me to see?"


Terzotz was growing impatient with the rodent. He used another spell, one of binding to hold it in place. "Ha! Worm your way out of that you over-sized squirrel!" Then he sprayed the acid once again, this time certain it would hit it's mark. "Game, set, and match!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~~The Illuminator~~


@Dealdric@Stern Algorithm

Through all of their interaction, Iva simply stayed quiet, letting it play out as it will. Dirka wouldn't be swayed so easily by words. Neither would they, usually. Unlike Dirka though - he knew the value of knowledge it seemed. Whereas Dirka was raw emotion, he was more...knowledgeably mad? Whatever. A moot thought. The Illuminator had nothing to add to the conversation, save for a chuckle when Dirka so rudely and predictably brushed Gammaton off.

"Well, you heard her Gammaton," Iva replied with a bow. "Perhaps you shouldn't press the issue, hmm? No one likes an annoying bug flying about. As well..." Iva tilted his head at an odd angle. "...we've reached the end of our business terms. You should take your leave, before the Library finds your presence offensive..." If he had a face, he'd be smiling. "Oh look at this place! Absolutely filthy...hmph. We're displeased. Look at it. Ugh! So much cleaning! Well, no, not really. The B'thkor eat everything. They'll have it licked clean in no time." Gammaton should probably do as suggested, unless he wished to invoke Iva's wrath.

Turning to Dirka, he continued.

"Hee! I shall pass! Little La-Zha can't get so comfortable. Her path will be a lonely one, where not even I can always be present. She should figure this out herself...for now I have a party to plan!" Out of nowhere, he reached behind his head and with a flourish pulled out a bouquet of colorful flowers. "And you my dear Dirka are invited! Oh it shall be wonderful! Blood! screams! Maybe an orgy or two! OOh, and can't forget the star of the party - me!"

Besides, if La-zha was successful...then they would be meeting very, very, soon.

"Heh," Lazhria smirked. So she was wrong. An attack on her 'soul'. Not a thing she was very familiar with. A simple protective barrier around her mind wouldn't work, then. "Something important, huh? Someone important, then?" Lazhria echoed Dirka's words on the first day. Another dilemma, but she would cling to the only thing she still believed to be worth it.

"That's a silly rule." She winced, though her smirk didn't fade as the pain in her head growing more by the second. "But I guess you mages are driven more by raw emotion." Instead of a person, there was only one thing she could think of that fit that description. The symbol on her hand flashed silver as she began focusing on the Library once more.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


@Dealdric @Rune_Alchemist

Gammaton balked at Dirka's immolation of the contract. He had, after all, exposed himself to her willingly in good faith, only to have the gesture thrown back in his face. As she left the room, he read her contract, then re-read it. Poorly written, the terms were unclear. Furious, he made to crumple it, but held himself back, deciding instead to roll it up and tuck it beneath his shell; after all, contracts were sacred and not to be mistreated. At a loss for words and fuming, Gammaton behaved uncharacteristically. He flipped the massive table in anger and cast a spell, "Speaker of the House", which allowed his voice to carry throughout the building, or at least insofar as Iva'Krorh would allow such an innocuous spell to travel in his realm.

"DIRKA! SISTER!" Gammaton called out, dropping formality and making an...emotional plea, "Why do you hate me so? What have I done to earn your ire? If it's the flies, then I apologize! Neither Iva'Krorh nor I have control of their movements. They go where they will to survive, and I use them only to check the goings on of the mortals. Make as many countermeasures as you want against them! I can share their vision with you if Iva agrees and if that is your desire!

Or is it my very nature that you despise? I have always respected you sister, for does not magic have its contracts? Does not magic follow its own laws? We are like two sides of the same coin, but I am the lesser for magic is divine and belongs to the realm of gods, but law is mundane and belongs to the realm of the mortals.

Do you think me like Brother Hyperion? No, but Brother Hyperion is blinded by his own light. Do you think I seek order? I seek balance, for is law not the contractual balance between the few (order) and the many (chaos)? There is chaos in order and there is order in chaos. I believed that such contradictions would be pleasing to you.

Or perhaps it is my grasping for power? Yes, I admit that I am trying to acquire power, but power is but a means. All of us gods have desires, especially the desire to protect, whether that be our creations or the mortals we choose to favor, and we need power to protect. But my goal is nothing more than the protection of us gods from forces we do not understand that threaten our very existence! Please, sister! At least hear me out! At least let me explain to you that which threatens us before you snub me!"

Gammaton stood among the newly exacerbated mess, his abdomen pulsed very quickly, a sign of his heavy breathing. If he had hair on his head it would be disheveled. He listened numbly as Iva began to shoo him out of the Library.

"A-apologies, Honorable Iva'Krorh," Gammaton said, calming slightly, "I will...vacate the premises." Gammaton made to leave, but handed Iva a summons scroll and a spine from his back."Please sign it in your own time. You have nothing to lose from attending."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Forbidden Love Part I

A collab between @Lord Zee & @Lmpkio

A long time ago, north of The Braided Jungle, and southwest of the Teeth of Madness, there resided a large forest. It had no such name, or great title, but those that lived there called it home. And a fine home it was, full of clean drinking water, plentiful food and most importantly, peace. In those days, no God had walked this land, and there was no notion of war, hate or sin. The humans that called it home were pacifists, living in harmony with nature as life had always intended man to do so. They were a good people, who sought balance above all else. They only took what was needed and gave back whenever they could. They helped one another, they cared for another, and all was good. But like all great stories, it was never going to last.

To the far west, in the black land of Osarion, the Goddess of Devilry sent out the Three. Seri, Rowa, and Maya, powerful succubi sisters, and the firsts of their kind. They were tasked with one single purpose, to spread their corruption to man. Though they had never left Osarion before, it was deemed necessary by the Goddess to further their species and return with success. Eager to impress Anu, they left. Seri, the oldest of the three went North, for she loved the cold. Rowa, the second oldest of the three went east, for she yearned to see what resided there, and finally there was Maya, the youngest of the three. Now she had a choice to go south, past the wretched Hive jungle, then down in the direction of Verzak and The Ruiner, or she could go west towards the Mad Musician's realm. It wasn't at all hard to choose, and so with nothing but herself, she traveled that way.

Many days and nights she walked, meeting little else then animals and beasts. She found herself growing hungry for the first time in her life, for being near Anu was eternal sustenance. Now she was forced to find her own, and after a few more days of searching without success, she stumbled upon a village. Nestled next to a mighty river, there had to be at least one hundred humans or more, and these ones were no strangers to danger. Many tribesmen held spears, hatchets, all sorts of tools. She would have to be cautious, and a plan was developed. In the coming days, one person would go to sleep at night, never to be seen again in the morning. At first, there was no alarm in the village, but soon it became apparent something was afoot. More men began to stay out, watching for intruders or any sign of what plagued them. Many feared an animal, a few thoughts of vengeful spirits but not one was correct in their assumptions.

Maya had been very busy feasting upon the essence of man, and when she at last grew full, it was time to truly cause fun. She took a woman, a young adult by the looks of it, she couldn't really tell, nor care for that matter and she transformed her through pleasure, creating her first disciple. The new succubus was an eager young one, and Maya taught her much and in doing so, they swiftly gained a following. These new succubi, these disciples of Maya, would in turn be converted to cultists of Anu. They would spread the succubus gene on, in time, once they matured. Satisfied, Maya left them to terrorize the humans of that land and traveled west further. She followed the river up north, into new lands not ventured by any agents of Anu. Weeks passed with no signs of humans, or other life, besides endless plains and great swathes of beasts. She took little comfort in such beauty, for she was by far the prettiest creature that any would ever see, save Anu herself of course. Eventually, Maya began to grow hungry again, and quickened her pace, for in the far distance she could see the vague outline of a forest.

But these succubi weren't the only lifeforms to tread first upon the rich virgin soil. Hyperion had also placed his eyes on this rich forest and believed it was a sanctuary that must be preserved. And by preserved, he means to occupy the space for his own Angels of Light to purify what they'd call "sacred" and flush out any dark corrupting figures from within. He, as well, sent out three elite angelic warriors; Ariel, Zuphalas, and Lucius respectably. These angels rarely ever set foot outside of the boundaries of Terratoria and often not very far from the island, save for one. In fact, the last time they did was back during the first crusade in the beginning years of the war. However, their skills in their respected portions had made them worthy enough to occasionally go out on reconnaissance missions to scout out the environment of interest. They are to scout out the jungle and report back to him once they've gathered enough information, thus opening the way to Angelic occupation.

Ariel had been researching regarding the fundamentals of nature and had become very experienced within the field of taxonomy. She had discovered a variety of fauna and flora and has continued to identify and record any new species within her wake. Zuphalas is often called a rational environmentalist and has always requested to limit their civilizational expanse to a certain point or creating creative methods to coincide with mother nature herself. He abhors when the mortals cutdown trees to make way for non-ecofriendly methods regarding housing and agriculture. And then there was Lucius, one of Hyperion's most trusted advisors and generals. He had fought valiantly with his angelic brethren during the crusades and had made himself quite the reputation as the "Light-Bringer". While highly respected within his class, he had often bashed heads with Hyperion regarding strategy and was also the leading figure in convincing to halt the God of Light's crusades against darkness. He seemed to sympathize with those shrouded in darkness, thinking that they have room to change for the better, only forcing himself to slay them for the good graces of Hyperion.

For any hints of heresy, big or small, is a sentence to ruin.

The three angels had been busy, staying together as they've scoured the jungles for many days and nights. Ariel had so far discovered roughly 56 new species of flora and roughly 34 new fauna. Zuphalas had been studying how the local tribesman were coinciding in nature, giving him several ideas on how to amalgamate nature with artificial structures. And Lucius? Well, he's just there to provide a defensive force against any foes that dare attack them. However, their progress had been bogged significantly due to the amount of new discoveries and Ariel having to stop every time to document the object or creature in question. This had begun to take a toll on Lucius, who eventually found it best for them to split up for at least a few good hours. The taxonomist would head northward, whilst the environmentalist went westward, and the group leader goes south.

Lucius had been trekking through the forest for quite some time. The dense foliage made it troubling for him to move adequately in his bulky silver armor and it was surprisingly humid here. It almost felt like he's going to faint any minute or get bogged down in deep mud. The other angels had it easy, wearing traditional gowns and "scientific" attire, which makes them much more flexible through such an environment. He somewhat envied them. Regardless, after hours of trotting through the brush, it would be nice for him to stop and rest somewhere before continuing forward. And luckily for him, as he steps from behind a large tree, he finds a small forest lagoon just waiting for him to show up. He was welcomed to clear glistening blue water, with a waterfall running down a steep cliffside, and the sunlight casting her warm glow to the lake. Thank Hyperion! He would begin to take his clunky armor off piece by piece, revealing his short brunette hair, his radiant yellow eyes, and a divinely chiseled physique, as he slowly begins to wade into the water. The cool waters breathed a new life into the angelic warrior as he plunges his entire body in. With an exasperated sigh, Lucius blissfully swims from one end of the lagoon towards the other as he slowly begins to regain his strength for the road ahead. He's going to need it too.

Maya had entered the great forest upon the second day since spotting it on the horizon prior. It was old, older then even Anu and the air was weighted down by the sounds of nature. She wandered upon a game trail, worn down over time by the wandering feet of animals, and she occasionally bumped into them as well, but such creatures feared her for what she was, and this pleased Maya greatly. She walked the trail until it faded into overgrowth, but it did not stop her, for her will was strong and she hungered once more. That hunger was a powerful thing, urging her body to find sustenance before starvation kicked in and she did not want to find out what became of a succubus then. Her heightened senses and perception did little to help in that place, for she picked up animal after animal with no sign of any human inhabitation. Maya began to doubt that there were any humans living in the forest, and by nightfall, with her search still in vain, she settled down upon a bed of leaves, cradled within the fork of a tree's gnarled roots. The earthen smell was powerful here, but she was beginning to get used to it. She shut her eyes eventually, letting the sounds of night tuck her into a restless sleep.

She awoke at first light with a start. It took her groggy brain but a second to remember where she was, and why she was there. Hunger pains stabbed at her as she stretched, today she needed to find something to devour, or she feared the worst. She quickly walked off, silently as she could be through the thick undergrowth.

The forest seemed to be a never-ending expanse of brown and green, occasionally mixed with some other color. It was incredibly disorientating for a being such as her, for she liked places that she knew, that she could control. And the sounds of nature were most irritating, for they never ceased and continued to paint a very different picture then what Maya was feeling altogether. She was a creature of beauty, a beauty so profound that nothing could match her, save Anu, and grudgingly, Calli. The life that constantly surrounded her, paid no attention to her, when they should have been groveling at her feet. Then again, one could not expect a great amount from animals and insects. They were even dumber than humans, and that was saying something.

The succubus was just about to curse out a very loud songbird, when the fresh smell of water hit her senses. She quickly shut her mouth and made her way in that direction instead, for where there was water there might be more suitable prey. Or this forest was completely empty, a very souring prospect. As she grew closer, the sound of running water became more apparent, which brightened her mood. Though she did not need to take a bath (for Succubus only have a naturally intoxicating aroma, and not the foul smells commonly associated with man), the thought was enticing. A chance to let her problems wash away, if only for a bit. She stepped out from a large tree and froze in her tracks, before quickly hiding herself. She peeked out her head again to look at what startled her, and to her great surprise, she was not alone. In fact, there was a man- well it looked like a man, but with wings. Great white wings, like the birds she had come to know on her travels. This perplexed her, for she did not know of humans who grew wings! Her lavender eyes wandered some more, quickly falling upon the armor near the shore of the blue waters. She frowned slightly, was this winged man a warrior? She would have to be most careful approaching, there was no telling what could befall her if she overstepped her boundaries.

She hid behind the tree again, thinking of a plan. She had a gut feeling that this man would not hesitate to kill her in her current form. There was something about those wings... she just couldn't place it, but it felt very wrong. She had to act fast, for fear she would be found. So, in a moment of inspiration, Maya cast an illusion upon herself. Her black horns disappeared, leaving behind only her wavy golden hair, which flowed down to the small of her back. Her pointed ears became rounded like a human, and so too did her teeth. Her ceremonial symbols, and Anu's mark left her pale skin, and her ethereal beauty dimmed to be that of a most pretty human woman. For all intents and purposes, Maya now looked like a human and in this form even her powers were locked away. She would have to revert her form to use them.

Extremely dissatisfied that she had to stoop to such a low level, she shut her eyes and a took a deep breath. Carefully, she stepped out from the tree, wearing nothing but the silken gown she had departed Osarion with. She swiftly moved to a nearby rock and sat down upon it, moving her attention to the winged man. She then spoke aloud so that he might hear her, "Um... Hello! Enjoying the water?" she said meekly, not sure of herself just yet.

Lucius surfaced as he plopped himself on a nearby rock, scrubbing his robust form as his dampened wings slowly dry in the wind. He's not going to fly for at least a few long minutes, not like he needed to though. It's only a minor inconvenience for him, unless he happened to be ambushed by the enemy. But just as he considered jumping back into the lake, he'd hear a feminine voice coming to his right. His blood ran cold for a second, not expecting company to arrive so soon, before he gained back his composure. He turns slowly to see an elegant woman sitting on a rock, who seemed curious with him. She was an absolutely gorgeous thing, with her long golden hair flowing elegantly down like a river of silk upon her pale snow-white skin. Her amethyst eyes were instinctually unique for a human, a pair of bright jewels shining amongst the sunlight's warm glow, and her form was dainty yet poise. Yet despite these slight oddities, the angel didn't feel any suspicious feelings regarding her. To him, she's simply a female mortal with unique eyes and nothing more. Lucius casted a warm friendly smile as he stood up, exposing his entire naked form as he turns to greet her. He didn't seem ashamed in showing his radiant form either. After all, he often baths in the company of his companions, male and female alike, in the barracks' local sauna.

"I am, fair maiden." the angel replied politely, with not a single hint of shame or discomfort in his voice, "Quite the lovely day for a swim, don't you agree?"

The winged man stood, showing himself in a very modest way, one that Maya could not help but look at. Usually humans were afraid of nudity, but this winged man showed no sign of being uncomfortable with himself, or even in the presence of the opposite sex. It was incredibly intriguing, and even more so appealing. She liked confidence, and though his body was not that of a God's, it was far better than any man she had ever seen before. Though she hated to admit it, the winged man was attractive, but she was hungry and there was nothing that would stop her from fulfilling her appetite now. She would have to play a part, and there were so many options to choose from. She could be playful and witty, charming and smart, meek and embarrassed, or any such combination and more. She briefly avoided the man's gaze as she thought, looking at the inviting water.

Maya suddenly looked back up at the winged man, her eyes twinkling in the sunlight as her lips curved into a welcoming smile. She had decided to be playful and witty. "I would agree," Maya said surer of herself, "Oh noble winged man." she finished with a small giggle. Maya then stood up, and moved closer to the water's edge, dipping her feet into the cool blue water. Small minnows came to nibble at her toes, and at the feeling she could not help but smile widely.

After a moment she spoke, "Mhmm, so what they say is true, the water is delicious. I must admit, I had not expected to meet anyone here, but I don't think you'd mind the company?" Maya said, slowly moving both straps of her dress off her shoulders. The dress then fell, revealing further her currently modest figure. Without so much as waiting, she waded into the water. It sent shivers up her spine, as the water was cooler deep down, something she had not assumed. She laughed again, exclaiming, "Oh, this feels so wonderful!" she then turned back to the winged man and beamed an inviting smile at him. Maya was playing a dangerous game, but weren't her kind dangerous themselves? All she had to do was act like a human, and say human things, then the winged man would be her meal. And a fine one indeed.

"Neither have I." Lucius nodded nonchalantly with a smile as he gestured her to come, "But please, make yourself at home."

The angel observed the woman take off her light dress as she slowly made it into the water herself, with her alluring pale skin shining nicely in the glancing light. She appeared to be enjoying herself once she got used to the chilling, yet crisp, blue waters. He'd watch her from ashore for a minute before he got hooked in by her inviting look. He couldn't resist the youthful face of sheer radiant beauty and the unique violet eyes that seemed to hypnotize him somewhat. She was an intriguing mortal, one unlike any he had ever seen. Nevertheless, he soon gave into her gaze as he plunged into the waters head first, diving several feet into the depths as he swam towards her from below. He would emerge a few seconds later as he gazed into the woman's eyes with his own illuminating orbs while he slowly swims around her in a seemingly lazy manner. The wings on his back were made into good use as make-shift floaters, allowing him to kick back and relax on the water's buoyant surface without wasting much energy keeping himself afloat. Why waste precious energy when relaxing anyways?

"If I may ask, my lady," he asks politely, "What is your name? Are you from around here by any chance?"

Maya watched the Angel with roaming eyes, taking in his splendor up close with a soft grin. When he asked her his questions, Maya had to think for a moment. Could she use her real name? Could this man know of her and her sisters? Where could she say she was from? Ideas came to mind, but not wanting to seem awkward in front of him, she opened her mouth to speak, "Oh, you can ask all you'd like, but names are fickle things and need to be worked for." she said with a pleasant laugh. It was time to have some fun with the man, she liked some entertainment before a meal anyways. "Here is a relative term my dear. Where is here? Do you mean this pool? Perhaps the forest itself? Surely you can see I am neither dryad nor nymph." she finished with another high laugh. "Mhmm." she began gently swimming around him. "I'm afraid I've been too harsh, I will say this; Rephrase your question, make it more specific and your reward shall be my name. Does that sound fair?" she asked, stopping in front of him with a large childish grin on her face.

She was just beginning to enjoy herself, it wasn't every day one got a delicacy. She wanted to savor this moment for as long as she could, but not long enough so that he might catch on or flee.

Lucius studied the woman carefully as she stated her simple riddle. He couldn't blame himself for thinking that she might've been a native of this unknown forest. A dryad and nymph were a few of the ideas he considered her to be and they fit well with how she looked. The attire, the eyes, they matched said description. Apparently, this doesn't seem to be the case, for she unintentionally claims not be part of the forest at all. He chuckles lightly upon seeing the woman's youthful grin and sighed before he finally spoke.

"Very well." he concedes as he gazes into her eyes for a few seconds before responding, "If you are not a native of this vast forest - then where in the vast realm of Tabrasa do you hail from?"

"Better, much better." Maya purred as she swam around him. "It's true, I am not native to this forest. I hail from a land far away and without name, in the shadow of a vast mountain. There my tribe dwells, without me now. Surely you will ask why I left, so I'll tell you now. It was boring, I wanted to explore, to adventure upon this earth! To meet people and exchange teaching for learning. My sisters... they felt the same as I except for our eldest. She wished we would not go, but it's alright. I know in my heart I will see her again." she finished softly. It had been a long time since she had talked to a person, and before she realized it, Maya had gone ahead and revealed that she had sisters. A silly mistake, but when she looked at the man again, and gazed into his eyes she did not feel silly, she felt respected. He was a good listener, much better than her sisters. In fact, his eyes were the loveliest shade of yellow she had ever seen, and it was a thought that she wasn't entirely comfortable with either. Thoughts of another creature having any beauty comparable to one of her own kind, was unwelcome, yet at the same time there was something so alluring about those eyes. She could not help but feel that if she looked long enough, she would become lost and drift away forever.

Maya blinked, quickly averting her gaze from the winged man's. Her cheeks flushed, and Maya hoped the man would not notice, so she spoke again, "Of course, where were we? Ah, yes! My name. You may call me Maya. Now, what should I call you?"

The angel listened wondrously to the woman's history, not letting his gaze daze off her deep-purple pupils for even a second. Yet the more he listened, the more did he feel some connection to her. It was something he hadn't felt in a very long time, one that felt rather alien to him. His gaze would only cease once the woman, Maya, turned her gaze away, flushing brightly in a warm pink hue. It was rather charming to see her this way, perhaps even wholesome. He couldn't help but to chuckle quietly in amusement before the woman turned around to reveal her name. Maya. It was a nice name, one very fitting for her. The angel couldn't see her be named anything else. The perfect name for a perfect specimen. Then it was his turn to reveal his birthname.

"Lucius." the angel remarked softly.

"Lucius." Maya repeated warmly, "I like that name." she beamed a smile at him. Her flushed cheeks cooled off to her normal paleness as she looked to Lucius again. There was something about this one that sent small shivers up her spine. Electrifying. Though they had just met, she felt a connection unlike she had ever felt before. In that moment she lost thoughts of wanting to sustain herself, to kill him so soon would leave her with only sadness. She wanted to know more about him, where he came from, why he was here. But she also knew that whatever Lucius told her, she could not be so certain it was true. For if she could lie, so could he, and she would not be able to tell the difference. But she also knew it would be worth it, it felt right to talk to him.

"So tell me, Lucius. Where might you be from? What's your story? I've never seen someone with wings before!" she finished with a youthful laugh.

The winged-man chuckled at her engaging response before glancing at her.

"Very well," he responds casually before beginning his tale, "Like you, I also hail from a land far from here. I come from an island to the west, one called Terratoria, blessed under a coating of light and green. Where I come from, peace is nearly assured, free from the chaotic world outside where everyone considers one another as equals. There is no poverty, no internal discord, and everyone plays an equally vital role from within. Civilization thrives underneath a vast mountain, where we and our god thrive from above. We winged men are known as angels, born brothers and sisters alike, and we serve our god as divine warriors to spread peace and order through the realm. Yet I aspire to one day free my wings from Terratoria and go on a trip around the realm, just to explore at my leisure and comfort... but as a general, I must unfortunately hold my duty to my god's name, who he claims that I'm too 'valuable' to lose."

He'd sigh as he looks out into the rich blue sky above.

"Oh, if only I could..." he quietly mutters to himself, audible enough for the woman to hear.

She listened intently, floating in comfort beside the man as her gaze never left his face. She had never heard of Terratoria before, but something about it seemed wrong. Perhaps it was the peace, or the freedom from chaos that fogged her perception of it. Chaos was a vital part of life, had Anu not taught her that? And what was peace but living without war? She had no concept of what equality was, for she had always lived a life of luxury beside her own God. All other beings in Anu's realm were beneath her, and she could never see them living as equals, it just wasn't right. But the thought of it being right did not leave Maya's mind at all. Could there be a different world out there where such things were normal?

Maya also caught the longing in Lucius' voice as he finished speaking. There was a certain sadness to it, for she to, knew what it was like to be valuable. She had her own duties to preform for her mistress. She found herself wondering what life would be like if she could go anywhere, be anyone. To live without having to do anything for anybody. His words stoked something in her heart, something long buried before her birth. A time when the entire world was big and bright and full of wonders. It felt like a dream, and one she longed to return too suddenly. Who knew that such a stranger's words would give rise to feelings that she knew not existed within her? Yet, there they were all the same.

"Your Terratoria sounds lovely, Lucius." Maya began softly, "But it seems to me you carry a great burden. The Gods demand much of their chosen ones, to live constantly on their whims and callings. I can see why you would want to travel, the world is full of wonders just waiting to be found. she paused again, swimming closer to Lucius. She looked into his yellow eyes again and her heart skittered, for now she saw her own soul reflected at her. She felt closer to him in that moment then she had ever felt before with anyone, even Anu. What was she doing? How could she even think such a thing? But she continued anyways, regardless of her duty. This chance meeting with an angel was more than just fate, it was destiny. She had never considered the possibility that another soul would be the same as hers. They were two completely different beings with different ideologies yet found each other in the vast world of Tabrasa. An event with odds ever stacked against them.

"Tell me something Lucius... she whispered delicately, "Have you ever felt... Connected to someone before?"

The angel gazed at the woman surprisingly as he began to stiffen up. However, Lucius wasn't stiffening up out of fear, but of something else. A peculiar sense of raw feeling began to spread throughout his divine body. Why is it that now, at this point in his career having fought in some of the most hostile conditions and fought hordes of succubi, that this is leaking out of him so easily? It was a feeling he had kept under wraps for so long, burdened by the professionalism and standards he had to keep under the watchful eye of Hyperion. There was something more about this lady then he can simply fathom, more beyond her physical looks. She seems to understand him - on a rather personal level - despite not knowing a thing about angels in the first place. The oddity seemed uncanny yet welcoming all the same. So, when Maya brought up the question regarding connections, he began to hesitate as his cheeks began to flush a bright red.

"Pro-Professionally...?" he stammers softly, his lower lip quivering slightly as he attempts to uphold the last bits of restraint in his failing body, "I consider myself... connected to my angelic brethren."

But he had the overwhelming feeling that he already knew what the young woman really meant.

Maya giggled softly as Lucius stammered. She took note of his quivering lips, the way his face grew red and the way he looked at her. He was trying so hard to contain himself, to be calm and collected in the face of something he had never probably been trained for. Her mouth curved into a smile as she pressed herself into Lucius chest. Their bodies touched, and Maya melted at the contact of skin. She looked up at Lucius now, her eyes full of passion as she bit her lip gently.

"Relax, Lucius. Relax." She whispered ever so softly, before leaning in to kiss his lips.

As soon as Maya pressed her palms on his gleaming pecks, it was all over for Lucius. The sensation was utterly electrifying, as his heart began to beat faster than his adrenaline could ever muster in battle. Never had he felt a sensation quite like this before. And once she leaned over to lock her sultry lips with his, it was simply the final nail in the coffin as the angel's eye glowed bright in lustrous passion. His professional ties that kept him in check had finally been compromised. And on this high off love, he embraces her in his muscular arms as they descend beneath the surface...

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