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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 3 days ago

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Ville au Camp - en route to Kitchen House.

Bart nodded, a similar sentiment was expressed in his. Apparent;y one of the goals of their training was to break them down in some way, so the they could be remolded into what the Emendators needed to be. It made sense, it was easier to start from scratch, in a manner of speaking, than it was to try to step in in the middle. He assumed this was the cause of not only Nancy's outward behavior towards them, but also the hard criticism they had received in the form of these personal reviews. Not that it didn't seem to be working, but when put in that context is sounded a little sinister to him.

Food and fresh air, on the other hand, sounded like one of the best things he could get right now. "Yeah, I'll join you. I was actually gonna grab something with Sophia, but I guess I got a little side tracked." He said, and followed her as she left. He didn't feel actually feel like making food right now, but if both Sophia and Alexandra were going to make something to eat, he could surely sneak something. Along with this, he also reasoned that, since there seemed to be no Emendators here, any that were still at camp would most likely be at the kitchen house, unless they were meandering around the grounds. But if that were the case, they'd probably find one along the way anyway
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 days ago

October 31st, 1943 - Just How Things Are

Ben looked over towards Sophia and shrugged a bit. "I don't rightly know, I just do," he said before taking a puff from his cigarette. "Just be how I was born I guess," he added as he looked down at his hands. Faith seemed to be a bit upset over it and he stood up. "I'm Ben, that be the Carnivale, and the rest ain't be for me to answer. That's managements job." Another puff and he ashed the smoke a bit before looking over towards Andromeda. "Yeah I did, but yer welcome miss."

The smell in the air was nice, didn't smell like dust and sand around here. Hearing the question about the grass Ben glanced over towards James and shrugged a bit. "That be my fault, it ain't gonna grow back. Sorry," he said before he heard the scream of steal cracking. His head jerked as he spun around and looked over at Colossus. It was mostly up and the rousty's were hanging up the seats and lights. Jonesy called out, hanging on with one hand from one of the upper steal beams as a string of large lights fell to the ground, each one's glass bursting as it hit the earth far below.

"Shit," Ben muttered as he flicked his cigarette in the dirt in front of him. Stomping it out as he started to run towards the large Ferris Wheel. "Hold on!" Ben yelled as others in the Carnivale were yelling the same. Jonesy was trying, swinging to try to get his other hand up on the steel but he was slipping quickly.

"Jesus Christ!" Libby yelled as she came running out of her tent.

"On a cracker," Samson said as he lumbered towards the mammoth machine as quickly as his short legs could carry him.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sophia Harris

Location: Outside of the Kitchen House -> The Carnival Setup.
Skills: Sense Acuity (Hearing)

Sophia looked towards Faith she could easily understand her reaction Ben had grabbed one of their own without permission really, but she looked back at him when he answered her question. Still it was a bit weird to see it, maybe the other carnies had some kind of ability as well. Then she heard James coming up to them and she gave the man a friendly smile and nodded towards him, the only person she knew from her own previous life. "Hey there again James." Sophia said towards him, as she looked back over towards the Kitchen House, some more bacon wouldn't be a bad idea at all. "Some bacon would be pretty good as well." Sophia suggested looking over at Gilbert there was a lot that they should talk about actually inside.

That's when she heard the scream, that was something that was out of normal here after spending the last year here or so now and the arrival of the carnies as well. Sophia closed her eyes as she started to listen in on everything around the grounds, she could hear Alexandra and Bart talking, they were on their way over to the Kitchen House for food as well. Then she tuned to the setup, hearing Libby's voice, and Samson's as well. There was obvious trouble going on now, as Sophia then dashed ahead she wasn't sure how helpful she was going to be, but she was more than willing to lend a hand if needed to help as well.

When she got there Sophia stopped and looked up seeing Jonesy dangling above them on the feris wheel, she started to try and look around for something to lessen the fall at least. She obviously wouldn't be able to climb up on her own being one handed and all she looked over towards the group. "Do you have anything soft that could lessen the fall or any kind of climbing gear at least?" Sophia asked. She remember seeing things like that happen before all the time someone did have proper rigging equipment or set it up wrong to cause a person to end up falling to their death, but luckily it never happened while she worked construction.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alexandra Andonova

Let your kindness be like the rain,
that cares not about whom it falls upon.
- Talib al Habib

Location: Ville au Camp (Main House) - Front Porch ⇢ Carnival Setup
Skills: N/A

Alexandra looked back over her shoulder at Bart, a broad smile coming to her features when he said that he would join her. She smiled warmly at him, before she faced forward again to gaze out at the sprawling grounds. She took in a deep breath of the fresh air in through her nose. Just then, the screech of metal followed by the screams of people broke through the tranquility. Her smile quickly faded, and her head whipped to the side, following the direction of the noise. It had come somewhere in the direction of the Kitchen House, beyond her current field of vision. She glanced back at Bart, a look of genuine concern in her eyes, before she practically leapt from the front porch. She took off at a sprint as soon as her feet hit the ground.

She ran as fast as she could manage without risking tripping and falling. She wouldn't be much help to anyone if she busted her butt before she even got there. She vaguely wished on the run over that she had some kind of weapon on her, just in case it was needed, you know. Then again, with hand-to-hand combat and mesmerize under her repertoire of trained skills, she supposed she didn't necessarily need one. It certainly wouldn't hurt though. She slowed her pace down to a walk, as an unexpected sight unfolded before her. It appeared as if a circus was setting up on the grounds. She would have been excited at the notion had it not been for the simple fact that strangers should not be within the loop. A feeling of wariness filled her as she slowed to a walk. Who were they, and why were they here? Better yet, where were the remaining Emendators? Did they know about this? Surely, they did. She hoped. She bit her lip as she briskly followed in behind Libby and Samson.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Gilbert Summers, "The Hat"

Location: Ville au Camp (Kitchen House -> Carnival Setup)
Skills: N/A

Of all the events that had occurred that morning thusfar, one thing was made clearly, painfully obvious: Gilbert was not making those goddamned pancakes yet. Oh, he wanted to. He had the stuff to make them. He assuredly had the talent required to make a properly balanced batter, tune the heat on the range precisely, and flip when exactly necessary. This was not his issue. What was his issue, aside from the string of people throwing their breakfast orders at him (after he had mentioned exactly what he was making), was that the newcomers of the Carnival kept the drama rolling in at a marked pace. Perhaps it was the fact that he had seen and experienced much in the millennia of his consciousness, but a man hanging for dear life from an almost complete piece of carnival machinery after the display at the Kitchen House gave Gilbert the immediate desire to facepalm.

No, this was serious. No doubt about it, and he took it as such. Gilbert was ever a friend of Humanity in all of its forms, even if he did have a dubious profession that involved slaughtering a bunch of them in glorious battle. Like, a whole, massive bunch. Lots. A giddy amount of skulls once made up his throne, splattered in the blood of his enemies. If social media had existed in that time period, it would have been his profile picture. But since coming to realization of who and what he was, he abdicated his throne and set to walking the world, experiencing and coming to love the Earth and the people upon it. Even this Carney yahoo suspended helplessly from a great iron wheel-o-screams.

But like most of the people still on the ground and the guy on Colossus, Gilbert was rather helpless to do anything, himself. In his present form, anyway. Briefly, he debated shifting form into something more lithe, slender but strong with wings. There were very real entities that existed, a number of which he had personally met and could draw inspiration from to assume such a form. Suddenly becoming Daemonic and swooping over a crowd sure as hell would spook them, he figured, especially when this was a perfect opportunity for the Paradoxes to work in concert.

Each one of them had abilities that would make them extraordinarily useful, especially in different combinations with each other - or with the Emendators. Such was this instance, if they had been practicing their abilities. Gilbert looked over to Faith, with whom he had just been conversing about breakfast (no goddamned pancakes yet...), and spoke with a sense of controlled urgency, "Come on. Someone might need to donate a little life force before this is over." A glance around to see who else was available gave him the knowledge that Bartholomew was in nearby in route. "Bart!" his voice boomed in the direction of the young man, "They might need you! Follow me!" He wasn't about to spill that the boy was a healer quite so loudly just yet. Mixed company.

He immediately crossed the short span to the temporary Carnival grounds at a run. With some relief, he noted that Alexandra was already entering the area. Coming up behind her, Gilbert asked, "Alexandra, do you think you could Travel up there and grab him? Possibly get him back down the same way?" He knew what abilities she possessed, but at that time not the extent to her fine control with them. Hence the question, and not a command.

James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Kitchen House -> Carnival Setup)
Skills: N/A

What started out as pleasant enough conversation, if a bit odd of subject matter (except for breakfast, which he was very much interested in regardless) quickly turned into a situation befitting a fire engine and really long ladder. Seeing as neither were in supply at the moment and The Hat probably couldn't pull one out of his, well... Hat, James hoped that someone had a different idea as to what they should do. It would be a travesty thing for someone to plummet to their death within a place where people were given new life and purpose. Even if he had no idea who these people were nor why they came to this place.

Then suddenly, everyone seemed to depart from the immediate area and zoom toward the scene of the potential catastrophe. James wasn't sure exactly what he could do to help, but he did wish to be nearby in case he could be of use. He experienced an expectant feeling as Gilbert began issuing a possible course of action involving the Paradoxes working together as a unit. Hells yes! Now this is what he signed up for! Using his abilities to help others, until he might one day even the scales in his own mind, against the mistakes of his life. Being all Paradox-y and whatnot.

As The Hat spoke hurriedly to a few of the Paradoxes, some more quietly than others, James waited anxiously. When it seemed that Gilbert had stopped speaking, he broke in with, "Yo there, Mr. Hat, sir! What you need from me?"

"Ah yes, James! Quickly now, you... go talk to some squirrels."

"What th' ass!?" James's hand was already raising in front of him, his middle finger extended as a tower of disdain and fuckery.

"Better idea! James, see if you can get people to stretch something below to catch, if this doesn't work. Tent canvas, something. Hold it flat and tight, off of the ground."

"Yessah!" he responded, just happy to be involved. James went off, swiftly asking any and everyone he could where a disassembled tent could be located among the Carnival setup - starting with the little fellow who seemed to be in charge. He waved over any Paradoxes on scene not already doing something to help. They would need many hands if this guy fell.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Faith Masters

Location: Kitchen House -> Carnival Setup
Skills: N/A

Faith glanced around at the others. Andromeda seemed to be okay so she let it drop, but she still didn't like the fact that Ben (if that is what his name is) felt he could just grab someone without asking. Even though Andromeda could more than likely handle herself, it still is nice to ask before you grasp someone's face.

Gil called her over and Faith couldn't help but feel she was about to be scolded. Again. She held her hands up in mock surrender and walked over, closing in on Gil so he could hear her and him alone. "Look, I get I still need to learn a thing or two here, and I fully intend on learning and playing along and doing my part. But you can't stand there and tell me that was okay and that I shouldn't be concerned. She can handle herself, I know. Eve's disappearance is rattling me and no one is telling me what is going on and I don't like that."

Before Faith could move to the second part of her speech, she heard a scream among other noises. Faith nodded at Gilbert and followed him outside. She hadn't used her new ability much and she was sure becoming invisible would not be useful. Once at the scene, she saw the reason for the scream. It was...not pretty. "What do you need me to do?" She asked to Gil, but really anyone could jump in at this point. Her abilities didn't seem useful as of yet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Andromeda Aldrich

Location: Ville au Camp - Outside of the Kitchen House -> Carnival Set Up
Skills: N/A

Andromeda raised an eyebrow at James. With the atmosphere of the 1940's, his particular vocabulary was a bit jarring at times - namely with all of the cursing. As he complimented them on their appearances, Andy bit her tongue slightly, having for a moment considered going as do you. But it wasn't exactly the time or place - and she mainly just had a craving for nuts at the moment. As strange as it was, the craving was probably the most normal/ordinary thing that had happened since she had arrived at Ville au Camp.

With the scream, Andromeda rushed over along with the others. Gilbert quickly started handing out orders and Andromeda took them in. She couldn't help but wonder if her weather manipulation might help, but it was volatile and Gilbert had come up with an alternative suggestion. Faith similarly seemed to be wondering what to do and Andromeda nodded, indicating that she had the same question. She didn't want to pester Gilbert by voicing it again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 3 days ago

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Ville au Camp (Main House) - Front Porch ⇢ Carnival Setup

Screaming ripped through the air, and Bart started to follow off after Alexandra, before stumbling for a second. He was tempted to "go find an adult." As it'd been put to him earlier today. However, this apprehension was quickly assuaged as Gil yelled after him. Jumping back into action, he found himself hurrying after him. He got The Hat's meaning, screams could mean danger, and danger could mean injury, and Bartholomew Rosecliff has magic hands. "Gotcha Gil." He said, finding himself soon not far behind Faith. His eyes were drawn upwards to Colossus, and it was as if his brain shorted out for a second. This was new for sure, and he had no idea what was going on to have caused the situation in front of him.

Seeing nobody was immediately injured, he stepped out of the way. There were people better suited to mitigating the damage that could occur here, he needed to stay out of the way and be ready to take orders. He took a quick look around on the ground before him, and saw a collection of broken wooden pegs. Keeping his eyes on Jonesey, he bet down, and picked up one of the pegs, planning on investigating once this situation passed. For now, however, he prepared himself for Jonesay's fall. If they couldn't help him, Bart wanted to be ready to rush in and hopefully stabilize them. He didn't think they would die instantly from that height, but he was sure it wouldn't be fun. Bart's face contorted into a frown, and he took a few steps closer to be adjacent to where Jonesey would fall if they couldn't rescue him, wanting to be able to help as soon as possible.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 days ago

October 31st, 1943 - Look out below

Samson looked over towards Sophia and nodded. "Libby, grab some others and fetch the net for the traipses we used to have. Should be in storage, be quick girl," he said as he wobbled on his cane to get closer to what was going on before yelling at the crowd. "You all get back, get back, don't be needing no one else getting hurt," he added to some of the acts that were crowding right beneath where Jonesy was hanging.

Ben looked at James. "Go with her, she knows where to go," he added after Gilbert told him to find something to stretch out beneath, pointing towards Libby who whipped her head back and motioned for James to follow her.

"Here, this truck," she said pointing as she picked up her pace and started running.

Jonesy above was trying to trying to swing to get a hand up but he couldn't. There was blood dripping from his side. It looked like from where everyone was below, like he had been stabbed or impaled by something before it was ripped out. The blood loss was making it hard for him to stay away and keep a grip. People took a step back to avoid the drizzle of blood from above.

Ben wasn't waiting. He leapt over to the bottom of the Ferris Wheel and started climbing up. "Ben!" Rita Sue called out but the boy wasn't listening as he started to move up the steel lines, climbing up as quickly as he could. "Samson, get management!" Rita added with a scowl on her face.

"Ain't gonna bother management, you know they don't come out in the day," he added and Rita huffed as she shook her head and looked back up. Gasping as Ben grabbed one of the seats and as he went to pull himself up, it broke free and started crashing down towards the ground below. "Look out!" she screamed as she scuttled back.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sophia Harris

Location: Ville au Camp Carnival Setup.
Skills: Sense Acuity (Hearing)

Sophia looked towards Samson and gave him a quick nod, she wanted to be useful and she didn't want to watch someone end up falling to their death. "Thank you." Sophia said, as she quickly turned around and started to follow behind Libby over towards the truck that held the net inside. She decided to listen to the sound again, as she winced and groaned a little bit as she could hear the sound of metal grinding up against metal. She looked over towards James and gave him a slight nod once they were there, Sophia took a moment and leaned herself up against the side.

Her ears felt like they were ringing, then the loud bang as one of the buckets came crashing down, which felt like nails on a chalkboard which was always very painful to hear. Sophia looked towards Libby and started to climb inside of it and started to grab and pull at the netting to get it out of the truck itself. Though she was struggling to get it one handed and all was a bit hard as well to pull something out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alexandra Andonova

Failure is not a crime. The crime is not trying.
- Ron Dellums

Location: Ville au Camp (Main House) - Carnival Setup
Skills: Travel, Russian

Alexandra's pace slowed, before eventually coming to a halt as her gaze took everything in. Her dark eyes landed on the source of the sudden uproar, a man dangling precariously at a considerable height from a broken off piece of metal. Her breath left her in a small exhale. Her brows creased as her gaze then flitted around to take in the other circus folk running to and fro, understandably in a frenzied panic. She didn't know these people. She didn't what they were doing here or what their intentions were. However, she couldn't overlook a person in need. People could say or think whatever they wanted, and given her past behavior, she couldn't really blame them. But, mark her words, she wasn't coldhearted. Her gaze gravitated back to the man. It wasn't really a question in her mind that she would try to help him. The question was how?

She didn't have much time to ponder the matter when a voice sounded behind her. She jumped slightly, turning around to meet Gilbert's gaze. She blinked as she let the question and its implications fully sink in. Use her powers in front of strangers? Wouldn't that be considered drawing unnecessary attention to themselves? Then again, it was a request from an Emendator, so she had to trust his judgment. Besides, she could always use Mesmerize to make the people forget that they had seen something rather unexplainable. Her gaze turned back to the man in need and the contraption he was dangling from. She noted the height and positioning and how she would have to execute her skill in order to rescue the man and live to tell the tale. Her gaze finally returned to Gilbert with a glint of determination in the brown depths of her eyes. The corner of her lips pulled up into a smirk. "I suppose we vill find out, now von't we?" she remarked. She then turned away from him and walked towards Colossus with a certain confidence to her strides. She took in a deep focusing breath before focusing her gaze on the spot right next to Jonsey. She would have to grab ahold of the piece of metal the very moment she popped up there. Otherwise, well--SPLAT. She took in several steadying breaths, before channeling her power of Travel.

Alexandra suddenly winked out of existence and appeared again much higher up in the air. As soon as she felt herself materialize, she quickly grabbed ahold of the nearest object. However, she quickly realized that her aim must have been off as instead of having the feel of metal beneath her fingertips, she had a death grip on Jonesy's foot. "Проклятье!" she cursed in Russian. She abruptly looked up to someplace higher and more secure, before using Travel again. "Yes, much better!" she exclaimed as she felt a sturdy seat now below her feet, before she peered over the side of it. "Err, or maybe not." She was much higher now then she had expected, let alone planned. She was at the top of the machine actually. Dammit, she thought.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Gilbert Summers, "The Hat"

Location: Ville au Camp (Carnival Setup)
Skills: N/A

However off or misplaced, part of Gilbert's mind considered the possibility that this entire situation was brought about by deliberate means. The one young man (of sorts), Ben, seemed to have no qualms with putting on a display that he had abilities of his own that were similar in nature to those of the Paradoxes. He couldn't believe that it would be a very far cry for whomever was in charge of this carnival to orchestrate a little "accident" to test the reactions of, and feel out the abilities within, their hosts. Perhaps it might be different if that "Ben" guy had been more amenable to conversation, explanation, or simply getting acquainted after the fact. It was all quite peculiar. Still, if they wanted a show, so be it. Such an act would not only force a conversation, if only with the base staff of the carnival, but it served to demonstrate the resolve of the persons of Ville au Camp, coloring them as people of decency and will.

The talk he was hoping for with Faith, and the goddamned pancakes, would have to wait.

Much as Gilbert was straining to see if anyone or anything in particular was bearing special witness to what was going on, be it from afar or closer up with telltale expression, the cluster of happenings right around him prevented even the most basic of observation. He cast an eye up to see a seat clattering and plummeting to the ground, bt barely paid it any heed, either. Whatever didn't directly crash into him or his appeared of little interest to him. His Paradoxes were.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had inadvertently become the paternal figure of this group. Wonder flashed in his psyche as to how precisely that happened without him knowing it.

The next second or to had Gilbert looking around to the Paradoxes around him. They all had abilities that were useful in different circumstances, but the last thing he wanted was for his students to rely completely upon them. Most of the time, the will to act was more important than the power to fly or turn into a cluster of butterflies, or whatever randomness fate had assigned them. The will to act and the intelligence to do so properly was worth more than preternatural ability. "Bart, that man will need healing. Faith, be ready to shunt to others if they need it. If no else is willing, take from me." He would be able to survive it far better than these people by his reckoning, though he would hate to be put in a weakened condition when the overall situation with these people was uncertain. "Andromeda," he began curtly to her. She had been quiet so far. Gilbert had spent more one-on-one time with her than the others, and he knew her to be thoughtful and with qualities he wanted to nurture. Here was an opportunity. "Backup plan. If this starts to go south, use your instincts. The others will support you. For now, get everyone you can on that net, starting with these two." he nodded to Bart and Faith.

For himself, Gilbert intended upon staying put for the time being. Andromeda could still fall. Jonsey was close to it himself. Maybe his strength would suffice to break a fall without sustaining mortal damage, maybe it would not. Staying on scene to manage the effort and keep people back seemed the proper thing to do at the moment. If the falling seat wasn't enough to get people to clear people away, then he was certainly going to accomplish the same effect with his presence and his voice, assisting the much smaller carny manager in the effort.

James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Carnival Setup)
Skills: N/A

Meanwhile, James looked to Ben, and Gilbert, and finally Samson. He restrained himself from saying his usual, "On it, Boss" after he instructed the younger woman, Libby, to show him where the net was stored. Reflex action from years and years of service to others, be they only ever ones he chose to be of service to. If anyone was his Boss in this place, it was one of the remaining two Emendators. James tended to be a loyal man in that way. He was also a man of industrious labor, and there was definitely work to do. On the extreme quick, mind you. James wondered how long that man swinging above could hold on, even venting blood as he was. Wry humor made him answer his own question in a mumble, "...fo' the rest of his life, I'm bettin'..." Thankfully, it was not very loudly.

He locked eyes with Sophia when they made it to the truck containing the net. James was glad to have her along with him. She was the most familiar face out of the bunch, and the one he felt most comfortable around. Also, and it wasn't something that he had really thought about until this moment, but the presence of people he knew from his previous life like Sophia and Alicia probably kept him sane in his first few days as a Paradox. They helped him accept the reality of what he was now. Lord knew that spontaneously turning into a wild boar was a strain to his sense of reality.

Seeing the difficulty with which Sophia and Libby were moving the netting out of the vehicle, James decided that lending his strength to the endeavor would be better suited, initially at least, by pulling it free of whatever it was hung upon. "C'mon, c'mon." he spoke aloud, yanking handfuls of woven rope off of and out from under the various things packed around it. He was making some very decent headway, clearing a lot of it for other hands to grab onto. There just didn't seem to be enough hands on it at the moment, and there sure as hell wouldn't be enough hands to stretch it out underneath the giant wheel with any hope of saving a life. "Come on, we needin' some help with this! Time's a muthafuckin' factor, y'all!" He called to whomever was around, be they Paradox, Carney, or entity unknown. Oh, it was coming out of the truck. But it was way to slow for his liking.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Faith Masters

Location: Carnival Setup
Skills: N/A

Faith had barely practiced her shunting ability and she wasn't looking forward to a test run during the collapse of the carnival. She stared at Gil as he made the offer to use his own life force. Really the power was a blessing and a curse. To take one from someone to help another. It made her feel uneasy still.

Once commanded, she ran over to James to help with the net. "Shit...shit.." She began untangling the monstrous mess that was the net. Soon, they were making decent headway with it. Satisfied, she pulled it out and made her way to the others. "We'll need strong people to help hold it together. Or at least a decent number. Let's go!" With the net untangled and ready to go, she grabbed one side and waiting for others to grab before walking out to hold the net open.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 days ago

October 31st, 1943 - FUCK ME!

Ben kept scrambling, trying to get higher and get to Jonesy and now to the girl that was up there as well. Things were not going well and he could hear the metal screaming. Everyone could. This machine was not going to stay where it was for much longer. The girl biped in and out, for a moment holding onto to Jonesy who nearly lost his grip. He held on just long enough for her to vanish again but once she had his grip gave way. Ben leaped and caught the mans hand with one of his and the other held tight to a metal beam. The two of them were dangling.

The jerk of metal against metal, weight going down. Everything was about to come caving down. The machine shook hard. Samson taking a few steps back. "Get out of the way!" he said, starting to shoo people back. "She's coming down!" he yelled. It wasn't half a heart beat later than the entire thing started to collapse in on itself. Seats falling from the sky, breaking away and crashing into each other. Ben lost his grip for himself and to Jonesy and they both started to crash down.

Suddenly everything, mid air froze. Floating there where it was. Alexandra, Ben, and Jonesy were moved swiftly from the falling mass of metal and dropped on the ground out of the way. It was rough but they were safe. Samson's head snapped around to look at the trailer as the rest of the machine stopped its moment in time freeze and crumpled in on itself but something seemed to surround it unseen that kept it from crashing in on any others below.

Looking at the trailer marked Management was a bearded lady holding up a large umbrella that blocked out the sun. Below the umbrella was a woman dressed all in white. She stood tall for a women, about five foot eight inches in height but was thin, couldn't have weighed more than 120 pounds soaking wet. She was beyond pale, an albino with bright ballet slipper pink eyes and her hair was the color of pale lilac that hung in fine strands to her waist. She skin looked slightly wet, overly moisturized perhaps? Her eyes were narrowed as she lowed her hand.

Turning she walked slowly back into the door of the trailer and it shut behind her. The bearded lady lowered the umbrella and closed it. "Management insisted," was all the bearded woman said as she stood there, speaking to Samson. Samson gulped a bit before looking around.

"Everyone okay?" he asked quickly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Andromeda Aldrich

Location: Ville au Camp - Carnival Set Up
Skills: N/A

Apparently management were vampires, Andromeda concluded, hearing that they didn't come out in the day. She had a burning curiosity about these people now. Perhaps management meant the albino that Andromeda had seen on the side of one of the vehicles? She knew that she was fairly lucky - as albinos went, Andromeda could more or less function normally, as long as she had tons of sunscreen. Others had a more severe case of it, so to speak. She bit her lip then, watching as Alexandra was momentarily dangling from Jonesey's foot - and then as she blinked out and reappeared back up at the very top.

As Gilbert called out her name, Andromeda snapped to attention and nodded. She was a bit nervous about it - he was putting her into a semi-leadership roll - but she nodded again anyways. "On it," she said, rushing over to James and Faith and the others with the net. Faith had managed to get it pulled out of the truck and Andromeda grabbed onto a piece of it, yet before they could do much else something extraordinary happened. Andromeda's jaw dropped, looking at the spectacle. It reminded her of Jean Grey, the Phoenix, from comic books one of her college roommates' had adored. "...That's one hell of a power move..." Andromeda whispered. She hadn't seen all of the Emendator's individual abilities - Nancy had claimed to her that she could make bad movie remakes - but Andromeda hadn't seen something that powerful quite yet in terms of just manipulating reality (with the exclusion of Eve's Dice).

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 3 days ago

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Ville au Camp (Main House) - Carnival Setup
Skills: N/A

As the wheel began to come down, Bartholomew started to back track away from it, giving some space. He wouldn't be able to heal anybody if he were a splattered mess on the ground. He did, however, pause in awe as the wheel froze in midair, and the people on top were safely moved to the ground below, albeit a bit unceremonious. Completely clearing out of the way, he kept his eyes locked on the three that'd had'd been place on the ground, making sure no debris from the fallen wheel injured any of them. Once the danger passed, and the wheel had crumpled in on itself, seeming to avoid hurting anybody on the way down. He hurried over to the three on the ground, and looked at all of them. "Is everybody alright?" He asked, looking over all of them.

His eyes lingered on Ben for a moment. He'd never seen anybody climb like that before, and given what just happened, he wouldn't be surprised if there were something odd about this group. He hadn't had time to think about it, but the fact that people were here in the first place didn't seem to make any sense. As far as he understood the timeloop, new things like this really shouldn't happen. Unless Eve had been gone making new paradoxes, and this was a new batch, he didn't understand how they could be here in the first place. "Sorry to be rude but... who are you people?" He asked, a tone of surprise in his voice as he tried to work out what could possibly be going on. He tacked on at the end, "My name's Bartholomew." He said slowly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sophia Harris

Location: Ville au Camp Carnival Setup.
Skills: N/A

Sophia gave James a slight nod, and eventually Faith came over and joined them as well, with Libby and whichever of the carnies that were there came to help as well. A few seconds later after untangling the ropes of the tarp, Faith and her along with the others managed to pull the tarp out of the back of the truck. Sophia watched as Alexandra quickly went to work and teleported up to try and help them, only for her to reappear to dangle on Jonesy's foot. Then she teleported back up to the top of one of the seats, Sophia wasn't sure how much longer the ferris wheel was going to take. Then the worse of it happened, Jonesy lost his grip and started to fall, just as Ben managed to grab onto him, her ears started to ring and the back of her neck shuddered as she could hear the metal grinding against each other.

The whole thing started to come crashing down, Alexandra, Ben and Jonesy were all freefalling now only to have them stop in midair along with the collapsing ferris wheel. Sophia turned to look at Gilbert wondering if he was doing something, but clearly it didn't look like he was doing anything like that. Her eyes wondered over to the trailer that said 'Management' and stared at the palest woman Sophia had ever seen, and stared at Andromeda as well. Sophia stared at the woman's outfit noting how it looked, reminded her of some kind of ghost as well.

The others were gently laid on the ground just as the rest of the wreckage came crashing down, though it looked like it was controlled so that no one else got hurt. Sophia looked concerned towards Alexandra and the others as she dropped what she was doing and made her way over towards them. Seeing that no one else was injured Sophia closed her eyes and sighed just as Bart came over towards them, and extended her right hand towards Alexandra and her left hand to help Jonesy up to their feet. "Entertainment for the night I guess?" Sophia answered Bart as she looked back towards the trailer that said 'Management' just as the door closed, she hadn't the slightest clue what to think of these people at all or what they even wanted.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Gilbert Summers, "The Hat"

Location: Ville au Camp (Carnival Setup -> Kitchen House)
Skills: N/A

This was not a usual turn of events, even for Emendators. Moreover, it seemed to be a little too tidy for Gilbert's liking, much like the exchange with the younger fellow, Ben, earlier at the Kitchen House. On the one hand, everyone was safe and relatively unharmed, the wound from the roustabout Jonsey aside, not to mention that the giant piece of revolving machinery didn't claim anyone's life as it collapsed. These were all good things. But on the other hand, this was an issue that obviously could have been handled at leisure by the pale lady that everyone had thusfar referred to as "Management". He had suspicions that a lot of this could be a setup of some kind; a deception designed to reveal their hands, metaphorically speaking, and gauge their abilities. It was just the kind of dry run test that he might perform, with some things considered. Or on the other side of things, it was one amazing display of power on behalf of this "Management" lady. Perhaps that was the intended goal - demonstration of power.

Or, it could all be innocuous and totally coincidental. In truth, Gilbert did not know, or could he. His sight into human history was garbled and fuzzy with some of these people, the ramifications of this fact unknown. What he did know was that he had a crop of fairly recent Paradoxes and the number of Emendators on the Plantation was getting fewer by the hour. They were not at full strength, by far. If this was a situation that was bound for hostility, they were already at disadvantage.

For right now, if this was deception, it was being maintained by all parties concerned. If it was not, the emergency had passed, and clearly would have passed just fine without their involvement. Every piece of the effort put to assist on the part of the Paradoxes was pointless; wasted actions that served to reveal things about themselves, whether that was the purpose or whether it was not. Gilbert tipped his hat down to Samson after the diminutive fellow asked if everyone was okay, though his next words were for one of his Paradoxes, not their guests: "Bart? Their man Jonesy is injured." It certainly appeared that way, with all the drops of crimson he was venting while swinging from the big, iron wheel. "Please help him, I do not want any more dead patches on the grounds if we can help it."

Returning his attention to Samson, Gilbert switched his manner and tone to something more open, saying, "That was exciting, was it not? I am glad that is over; a lot of people could have gotten hurt. Or worse." He nodded, seemingly affirming his concern. "Well, if you will excuse me, sir?" Gilbert turned around and solidly strode back in the direction of the Kitchen House. They wanted to wait until nightfall to talk? Fine. No one was damaged beyond repair and he had things to do that day. The first thing involved flour, milk, eggs, and pecans. These people could obviously handle themselves.

James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Carnival Setup)
Skills: N/A

Meanwhile, James looked upon the scene of twisted, falling metal and the near death experience of one of his fellow Paradoxes and two of the carnival folk, not to mention all of the people below (including Gilbert, as it turned out) who could have gotten crushed by the debris, and was exposed to true fear. He dropped the net he was holding and took a step or two toward the scene, impotent to really do anything about the descending Ferris Wheel nor the people whose lives it was about to take. When it ceased falling, and the people hanging from its side safely deposited nearby, James cocked his head to the side in the same manner as a highly confused German Shepherd. "Wait. What th' ass just happened?" he questioned aloud, looking around as if someone had an answer forthcoming. Whatever just happened, it put most of the abilities of the Emendators and Paradoxes to shame with its utter, raw display of effortless power. Most of them. Well, certainly his, but he was still a young Paradox yet.

James answered the observation that Andromeda had just made, about the "power move", with a direct affirmation of her assessment of the whole situation. "Yuh huh, girl. Straight out Magneto stuff's what that is, right there. Hot damn, this one wacky game show." The highly impressed blackneck removed his stetson and wiped sweat from his brow, then set it back atop his head. "And I'll tell you somethin' else, too: That there's a really white lady. Mmm hmm. She even got you beat, Andy. Looks good on you though, real talk." James suddenly realized something, putting a couple of overheard facts together. "Oh, that's why she's wantin' the meet & greet at nighttime. Makes sense now! Okay... Hey, everyone good here? Let's get this net back in the truck, I don't think we got use for it now anyways."
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alexandra Andonova

Failure is not a crime. The crime is not trying.
- Ron Dellums

Location: Ville au Camp (The Grounds) - Carnival Setup
Skills: Perception

Alexandra gripped the railing, her knuckles turning white as she saw Jonesy slip. "Nooo!" she screamed in horror. Her breath left her and her heart skipped a beat as she saw another man, who she hadn't noticed on the ferris wheel before, daringly leap out to catch the man. Her breath came back in sharply when he caught the man and managed to grip a metal beam with his free hand at the same time. Now she had two dangling people to rescue. She was unsure if her ability could work on two people. She certainly hoped it would.

"Hold on!" she called out to them, before rolling her eyes at herself. "Well, duh. Of course, you are." She shook her head. She needed to focus. She took in a deep breath, before opening herself up to her ability again. However, her concentration was quickly broken as the whole ferris wheel began to shake. "Holy hell on a wheel," she exclaimed, alarm flashing through her dark eyes. The thing was going to come down. The realization dawned on her a moment before everything started to cave in on itself and a moment before she could even think to use her ability to at least save herself.

It was an odd feeling, the wind biting at your skin as you fall to your death. Alexandra closed her eyes, a tear slipping across her cheek. She had only just gotten her life back and yet it was about to be taken from her once more. It was a cruel fate indeed. Yet, she suddenly felt something shift before she hit the ground much lighter than she had anticipated. Her eyes fluttered open, and she let out a sound that was part relief and part a strangled cry. She took in several shuttering breaths as she sat up from where she was on the ground. She was alive. But, what about-- She quickly glanced around and saw to her relief that Ben and Jonesy and everyone else appeared to be safe and sound. They were all alive, but how? She looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of the ferris wheel frozen in place before it safely crumpled in on itself. She looked around, searching the crowd in order to try to figure out whose ability managed such a feat.

That was when her gaze landed on the trailer marked "Management," and in the doorway, she saw the skinny albino woman. Had she done this? Had she saved them? She noted the look of seeming annoyance on the woman's face before she disappeared once more into the trailer. Alexandra's gaze came up and over sharply as she heard Sophia. She smiled softly at the woman and took her hand, letting the woman help her to her feet. She glanced over at Bart, before she turned to Ben and offered him a hand up. "That was quite the impressive move up there."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Faith Masters

Location: Carnival Setup -> Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

In a matter of minutes that felt like years, the structure began to crumble with all the inhabitants on there falling. She was sure this would not end well, prepared to deal out her new power if need be. It was falling quickly, before she knew it and could move out of the way, it had stopped. The others, in varying stages of shock and surprise, dropped down before it fell to the ground in on itself. Faith glanced at the management trailer and saw the beared woman and some other girl in all white. It seemed one or the other had intervened. All Faith knew was that with that sort of power, she had to be an Emendator. Surely?

Once she was satisfied that the others were not in need of her ability, she left the others and followed behind Gil. "Wait up Gil, I'll help." He did, after all, want to talk and have her "help" with the pancaked. He seemed quite fond of getting them. She stepped inside the kitchen house, still processing the recent events from up until Eve's disappearance. It was all coming quickly and she didn't know what to make of it or even if Gil could. He was her best bet at the moment.
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