Gilbert Summers, "The Hat"

Location: Ville au Camp (Kitchen House -> Carnival Setup)
Skills: N/A
Of all the events that had occurred that morning thusfar, one thing was made clearly, painfully obvious:
Gilbert was not making those goddamned pancakes yet. Oh, he wanted to. He had the stuff to make them. He assuredly had the talent required to make a properly balanced batter, tune the heat on the range precisely, and flip when exactly necessary. This was not his issue. What was his issue, aside from the string of people throwing their breakfast orders at him (after he had mentioned exactly what he
was making), was that the newcomers of the Carnival kept the drama rolling in at a marked pace. Perhaps it was the fact that he had seen and experienced much in the millennia of his consciousness, but a man hanging for dear life from an almost complete piece of carnival machinery
after the display at the Kitchen House gave Gilbert the immediate desire to facepalm.
No, this was serious. No doubt about it, and he took it as such. Gilbert was ever a friend of Humanity in all of its forms, even if he did have a dubious profession that involved slaughtering a bunch of them in glorious battle. Like, a whole, massive bunch. Lots. A giddy amount of skulls once made up his throne, splattered in the blood of his enemies. If social media had existed in that time period, it would have been his profile picture. But since coming to realization of who and what he was, he abdicated his throne and set to walking the world, experiencing and coming to love the Earth and the people upon it. Even this Carney yahoo suspended helplessly from a great iron wheel-o-screams.
But like most of the people still on the ground and the guy on Colossus, Gilbert was rather helpless to do anything, himself. In his present form, anyway. Briefly, he debated shifting form into something more lithe, slender but strong with wings. There were very real entities that existed, a number of which he had personally met and could draw inspiration from to assume such a form. Suddenly becoming Daemonic and swooping over a crowd sure as hell would spook them, he figured, especially when this was a perfect opportunity for the Paradoxes to work in concert.
Each one of them had abilities that would make them extraordinarily useful, especially in different combinations with each other - or with the Emendators. Such was this instance, if they had been practicing their abilities. Gilbert looked over to Faith, with whom he had just been conversing about breakfast (no goddamned pancakes yet...), and spoke with a sense of controlled urgency,
"Come on. Someone might need to donate a little life force before this is over." A glance around to see who else was available gave him the knowledge that Bartholomew was in nearby in route.
"Bart!" his voice boomed in the direction of the young man,
"They might need you! Follow me!" He wasn't about to spill that the boy was a healer quite so loudly just yet. Mixed company.
He immediately crossed the short span to the temporary Carnival grounds at a run. With some relief, he noted that Alexandra was already entering the area. Coming up behind her, Gilbert asked,
"Alexandra, do you think you could Travel up there and grab him? Possibly get him back down the same way?" He knew what abilities she possessed, but at that time not the extent to her fine control with them. Hence the question, and not a command.
James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Kitchen House -> Carnival Setup)
Skills: N/A
What started out as pleasant enough conversation, if a bit odd of subject matter (except for breakfast, which he was very much interested in regardless) quickly turned into a situation befitting a fire engine and really long ladder. Seeing as neither were in supply at the moment and The Hat probably couldn't pull one out of his, well... Hat, James hoped that someone had a different idea as to what they should do. It would be a travesty thing for someone to plummet to their death within a place where people were given new life and purpose. Even if he had no idea who these people were nor why they came to this place.
Then suddenly, everyone seemed to depart from the immediate area and zoom toward the scene of the potential catastrophe. James wasn't sure exactly what he could do to help, but he did wish to be nearby in case he could be of use. He experienced an expectant feeling as Gilbert began issuing a possible course of action involving the Paradoxes working together as a unit. Hells yes! Now
this is what he signed up for! Using his abilities to help others, until he might one day even the scales in his own mind, against the mistakes of his life. Being all Paradox-y and whatnot.
As The Hat spoke hurriedly to a few of the Paradoxes, some more quietly than others, James waited anxiously. When it seemed that Gilbert had stopped speaking, he broke in with,
"Yo there, Mr. Hat, sir! What you need from me?" "Ah yes, James! Quickly now, you... go talk to some squirrels." "What th' ass!?" James's hand was already raising in front of him, his middle finger extended as a tower of disdain and fuckery.
"Better idea! James, see if you can get people to stretch something below to catch, if this doesn't work. Tent canvas, something. Hold it flat and tight, off of the ground." "Yessah!" he responded, just happy to be involved. James went off, swiftly asking any and everyone he could where a disassembled tent could be located among the Carnival setup - starting with the little fellow who seemed to be in charge. He waved over any Paradoxes on scene not already doing something to help. They would need many hands if this guy fell.