Granted. Your income is very stable at a consistent zero dollars and zero cents. Your future nice house is the fancy hospital you'll spend the night in the day that you die.
Your wish has been granted, @The Nexerus, your wish wishing has provided you with more wishes. Unfortunately, as the power of the wish was divided among these wishes, and each has subsequently divided themselves for more wishes, you have created an infinite loop of effectively ineffective wishes as their capacity divides further unto themselves.
Granted, though all felines have conquered the world, and humans as pets, and you will be homeless as you wasted your wish to give others wishes, you will never be known of how you caused the rise of felines and could've been a hero.
I am not seeing how this is an issue. Live a silent hero, die a silent hero, @Sewer Rat.
Regardless, you have been sent to the gulag, yet instead it is the idealized memetic, perfect communist utopia that has invaded the minds of internet goers like a virus. You suffer a life of being blasted with falsified niceties and burning bright rainbow patterns whilst doing hard labor, being starved, beaten, and tortured, locked forever away even after your psyche has broken, with only the grace of time coming to collect on you when your hourglass' sand has run out.
Granted. You become your OC—but not the one you're thinking of right now. The other OC. That one you made when you were eleven and really into that show you don't watch anymore.