Character Name: Grisha
Race: Saiyan
PL: 910
Time/Date: Day 1, Morning
Location: Registration
Tagging: Open, Lena and Tobias (NPCs)
Seated at one of the open BBQs was a blonde man with a cream-colored tunic and charcoal-black trousers. His winter coat was folded over the lawn chair he was seated comfortably in. With a leg crossed over his other leg, he had been comfortably reading a book when he glanced up from it, hearing the panic that was happening across the parking lot. His blonde brows sank over his blue eyes when he saw a giant lummox and his daughter running about. Grisha had red grill lines on his face and his headdress was on fire, and he and Lena were darting about trying to put it out.
I thought I smelled burnt idiot, he thought, resting his head in his hand. He watched Grisha hold his burning crown out to Lena who snatched the nearest glass of what she thought was water from a stranger. What she hadn’t realized was the glass she had grabbed had been a martini glass. The alcohol leapt onto the flames and the blaze flared with excitement. “Ugh,” Tobias groaned. He felt the sympathy pains attacking his heart. His hand went to hide his face as he felt humiliated for them.
Grisha’s eyes bulged when he saw the fire roar even bigger. Lena screamed, “Ah! Put it out quick!”
Dropping it upon the ground, Grisha raised his foot with a frown. Lena then realized something in that moment. This was not a good idea. “No Grisha! Wait!”
When his boot came down, the entire parking lot shook. RVs, grills, lawn chairs, and people in the immediate vicinity were thrown into the air by the sudden upheaval that passed through the pavement, cracking it into chips. Tobias and Lena both had been thrown into the air. Grisha pulled his foot out of the three-foot deep crater (which wasn’t nearly as deep as he was capable of making) and saw only a dark serpent of smoke leaving the extinguished headpiece. The giant then thrust out his arm to catch Lena before she struck the asphalt and held her in his hands.
“Look! Fire out!” he told her.
Lena had a distant look on her face as she was still trying to recover from the shock of what just happened. Her blonde hair was scattered all over her head and she was staring dazed at the Saiyan. Grisha blinked and stared back, the two having a stare off until she finally blinked. Her face then flushed red in anger and Grisha extended his arms, holding her away from himself like a wet cat.
“Grisha! You could have killed everyone!” she exclaimed.
Grisha frowned sadly. “No kill. Grisha not killer.”
She saw how she had upset him and sighed. “You should watch your strength Grisha or someone may get hurt, okay?”
“Yeah! Like me you Meathead!” Tobias exclaimed. No one had saved him from falling on the ground!
Grisha gave one look at Tobias and arched his lip in disgust. He set Lena down and then reached into the hole to remove his crown. It was burnt black. The bones were fine but it would need some new fur. Lena held her hands out to take it from him as she reassured him, “I’ll hold onto it okay, so it doesn’t get messed up.”
“Okay,” Grisha replied.
“So when are we going to sign him up? We didn’t travel thousands of miles here to play around in a parking lot. We came here to win some zeni!” Tobias shouted in frustration.
“We’ll go do that now Dad, chill,” Lena answered.
“Chill!” Grisha repeated.
As Grisha and Lena turned, Tobias scowled at the giant’s back.
I can’t wait to see someone stomp your face in.As they went to stand in line, all three of their mouths’ dropped at the length of it. Immediately Tobias complained, “See? This is what happens when you wait too long!”
Lena huffed, her head and arms dropping. “I can’t even see the end of it.”
Grisha suddenly reached down and picked her up. The blonde girl squeaked as she was placed on his shoulders. Resting her hands on his head, her eyes widened in amazement at how high she was. This was what Grisha saw. She grinned down at him and laughed in excitement. “Wow Grisha. You really are tall.”
Grisha grinned proudly and boasted, “Grisha biggest!”
Lena raised a hand to her brow and peered down the line. “There’s a lot of tough looking fighters.”
Grisha’s nostrils flared as he snorted like a bull, steam leaving them. “Grisha tougher. Grisha strongest.”
“Of course you are. That’s why we’re entering you in the tournament. You better beat them Grisha!”
Grisha’s grin twisted wickedly. His hands rose and when his fist slammed into his palm, there was a small shockwave that made a few heads turn. Some of the fighters before him gazed back at Grisha and their mouths dropped.
“I may hafta’ fight that guy? Oh hell~ no,” one fighter said before he fled the line. Suddenly, the line became ten fighters shorter.
Tobias blinked as he watched the fighters briskly leave. “Hey that just made the line shorter. Tell him to do it some more.”
Lena grinned and she peered down at Grisha. “Okay Grisha set me down.”
Grisha grasped Lena beneath her arms and gently set her down. He then crouched to her level, gazing at her curiously.
“Okay Grisha. You need to act as big and scary as you can. You scared those guys back there. We want the line to get shorter. The less scaredy cats are in your way, then the easier you’ll be able to win the prize. So come on. Be scary!”
Grisha raised his hands like claws and grinned viciously, “Scary!”
“Yeah. Like a monster. Scare them. Let them know you’re the strongest there is!”
Grisha’s hands clenched into massive fists and the dust, pebbles, and loose debris upon the floor started to rise about him. Lena glanced about at the levitating debris with excitement and awe until Tobias ran over and grasped her arm. “You got him excited now!” he warned. He quickly ran a safe distance away with her.

Grisha roared as his power level started to rise. It felt like an earthquake was shaking the vicinity. Raising his fists into the air, his eyes disappeared in a white blaze as he unleashed a scream that resonated throughout the vicinity.

The concrete beneath the feet of those in line cracked in a wide 50 meter circle with multiple inner rings. Immediately after, Grisha’s power level subsided and he lowered his arms to stare menacingly at all the puny fighters who were gawking his way. Some had fallen over, shaken by the overpowering presence they felt. Others were too terrified to move.
“Eee!” one fighter shrieked before he clawed to his feet. “I’m not ready for this! I don’t know what I was thinking!”
The line started to dramatically shorten as the peons fled. Lena and Tobias walked back over to the giant, amazed at how many competitors were leaving. With an excited giggle, she ran and jumped into Grisha’s arms. “Yeah! Go Grisha! I knew you could do it!” she cheered.
Grisha grinned and gave her a gentle hug. Tobias arched a brow. “I didn’t ever once doubt that being scary would ever be difficult for him. Now let’s hurry.”
Grisha set Lena down and she happily waved him on. “Come on! Let’s get you signed up!”