Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Location: Ancient Forest?

Gronar surge towards to the gap ignoring the cries and the orders being shouted to him by the riders. He ignore them as he charge towards the the open gap. Uncaring what happen to the other two people he left behind. No true son of the Hoard was going be capture without a fight. The orc figured that once he was out he would only have to fight the night stalkers and there riders from only one front. It was at that exact moment that he was hit with the spell.

Using all the orcish will power and strength to keep pushing his body as the magic drag him down more and more. As Gronar struggled more under the weight he did not notice his sword slip from his grasp. But despise that with one last great pushed he broke through the ring of nightstalkers. Once he was clear the last of his strength was sapped he fell flat on his face. Rolling himself over to face the mage "Why don't ya cut off that magic. So kick your arses and your friends arses!" he yell at the mage.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

World Narrative

Group One: Heda and Fabios. Location:Edge of Grand Plain and Forest(???)For Fabios's attack, the second grounded elf managed to block it partially, protecting his vitals, but the following shoulder slam, send him back on the ground, groaning painfully. The other riders were getting ever more enraged. For night elves these guys didn't seem to be any different from a group of enraged orcs! They and their mounts all roared as they encircled the two outlanders. One of the huge cats pounced at Fabios, but it's rider fell off his saddle, pulling the reigns and causing the cat to veer to the left hitting another saber instead. Despite that the enemies were still many and strong as a arrow flew just by his very head, leaving a thin trace of blood on his cheek, numbness spreading from the cut.

Avol. Location:Edge of Forest(???) The sounds of battle are pulling him way further away from his camp. There's the end of the treeline in the near distance, but if he goes to check it out, he could find himself exposed without his trusty hired muscle. What he could see through the treeline out in the plain is the crackle and blue flashes of lightning.

Group Two: Ivaron, Quiana and Gronar. Location: Ancient Forest(???) With the orc down, a second veil of moonlight fell upon him, sapping any left over energy to fight as the riders hurried to tie him up in sturdy enchanted ropes. The leader of the guards who had caught them, silently listened to what Quiana and Ivaron were saying, his eyebrows locked in a suspecting manner.

“The three of you are under arrest! We shall bring you to Lord Ravencrest. He shall be the one to decide what to do with you. Even you, kinswoman. Leading unknown creature into our lands! Tie them up, we shall lead them to Suramar where they could be properly detained.” The man stated as two of the riders hopped off their sabers to tie the Druid and the Mage with ropes that had a magical glow to them. They would seal the magic of the prisoners until a proper confinement was reached. Thus the prisoners were being put on sabers for faster transport.” You better stay put, ….” The man started to say to Gronar, but didn't really have an idea what the orc was.” Any other problems and I don't mind bringing your head. WE've already have more prisoners to interrogate.”

“You, where did you learn the magical arts?” The hooded night elf who had proven himself to be a magician asked Ivaron, having sensed the arcane aura from him. This was baffling him, cause he could quite clearly sense a good refinement of the magic skills in the human.

Unknown by all, except Quiana, a presence was observing them all from the shadows of the forests. It was a familiar presence she felt. One she had not done so in years. An ancient presence, a kind, but ferocious protector of the wild. She felt the presence of Cenarius. He was not there in his physical form, but she clearly saw his face forming on the nearby bushes. He didn't say anything, but had a clearly curious expression, studying the druid.

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Edge of Ancient Forest and Plain(???)

The enemies jumped them fast and furious, as another saber also pounced on her again, she defended with her axe, smashing the beast's head in like she had done once already, the lightning of the weapon shocking the rider as he tumbled on the ground. She roared as she was about to hit the man, but an arrow came flying and hit a part of her armored gountlet, but the next arrow flew true and struck her right in the shoulder. She felt a searing pain and a weird numbing sensation as her hand was losing it's strength!” Poisoned arrows! Cowardly Dogs!” She roared and used her other arm to pull out the arrow, but the damage was done, her main hand was incapacitated.

Instead she used her still working hand to clothesline a night elf right off his panther as he dashed past her. You could hear his neck cracking and once he was on the ground, his head was turned in a weird angle, his eyes unmoving... a dead stare into nothingness. In the next moment a saber suddenly bit her working hand from behind and managed to drag her down on the ground as some more joined to maw and claw at her limbs.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rockerman403
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Rockerman403 Sneakiest Rogue

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Ivaron Andesil

Location:Ancient Forest (???)

Ivaron gave little resistance as he was loaded onto a cat like cargo. Gentle as it may have been, it was capture and he was now a hostage. The ride was rough and the terrain never become more familiar. He had not realized how difficult this time was going to be as his captors seemed adamant to speak nothing but their native tongue, and a thick dialect of it at that. What little understanding he gleaned from the original encounter did not extend into this. It was mostly removed from the standard language as dialects are wont to do. Due to that, Ivaron understand absolutely nothing when the man who he assumed to be a magic user turned to him and spoke. After pausing to feign understanding for a few moments, the man just stared blankly at the robed Elf. As futile as it might have been, he replied in Common.

"Look, I havent the faintest idea of what youre trying to tell me, and as much as id hate to insult you, id ask you speak in the Common language. Make make this back and forth a little easier. Your native tongue is quite a fun language I understand, yet not all of us are so blessed with knowledge of it. So throw me a bone if you would." Ivaron gave a playful smile and hoped that his upbeat tone conveyed the feeling of his message. While not fearing for his life yet, Ivaron was still quite concerned and stressed about the predicament.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Ancient Forest???

Fabios roared in contempt as his shoulder hit the knife-ear, rapidly turning to bring down his weapon on the vile creature. His mordhau strike insured that blade, crossguard, grip and pommel all hit the foe at once and the consequent slicing, piercing and bludgeoning force all in one made another fantastic spray of red stuff all across the Knight. He let out a weary exhalation, momentarily recuperating after all the exerted violence. As his shoulders sagged up an down with the air going in and out he barely noticed the poisoned arrow strike his face. Quickly falling out of his stupor he squatted to reach into his backpack and produced his helm. Fabios pulled up his chainmail and cloth coif over his head before snugly placing his helmet into its rightful position. He was covered from head to toe in plate and chainmail but he knew he couldn't relax. If the elf arrows bounced off of thick steel he knew the bastards were often deadeye shots and had a decent chance of hitting him through his helmet slit or neck or some other exposed spot if he didn't stay on his toes.

The man slapped his cheek a few times to try and get some sense back into it but gave up after the fourth try, and instead turned to watch the assault upon Heda. Well, she was a big lass and thus it was quite expected that such frenzied bastards as these elves would go after her first. While he pitied the woman somewhat, he did rejoice some what as all those assaulting her exposed themselves to some nasty stabs in the back.

The Paladin quickly sheathed his two-handed blade and replaced it with his falchion knowing the shorter blade would be better in the tighter fighting his comrade was going through. He ran towards the aid of Heda giving his weapon a few flourishes to adjust to a new blade's balance, his expression now dead as the poison spread throughout him. The man would waste no time as he neared going straight to stab the closest target in the flesh. However he maintained vigilance, not only did he have to insure that he wasn't pounced from the sides he had to focus on a prayer so that the light might go and mend the wounds that were getting worse by the moment on Heda. At the same time, he had to count how many elves were still alive, because he'd like to get at least one to have a friendly chat with.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Location: Ancient Forest?

Gronar let out a grunt as another veil of moonlight was leveled upon him. The magical force forced the air from his lungs killing the next set of insults to the elves. The orc could not put up a fight as the elves began to tie him down. Said elves also struggled for a bit to move the sheer mass that is Gronar onto the back of one of the Nightsabers.

Gronar listen to what the leader of the group had to say put the orc into a dilemma. To the orc he was face with two choices. To wait his time in till he can escape. Or try to escape now while they are distracted. But Gronar figured that the mage would simply use his magic to immobilize him again. So for now he would wait for the right moment to make his escape. Completely forgetting about the other two he was with.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Avol Goldtooth

Location: Ancient Forest

Everything in Avol's body advised against investigating without Bo-Bo there to back him up. Still with his Boomstick in hand he drew ever closer to the noise that drew him from camp. As the clashing of blades against metal Avol hid himself as best as he could amongst the underbrush and watched the scene unfold before him. A group of night elves had surrounded what looked like a human and some sort of giant fighting desperately for their lives.

The human, a Paladin from the looks of him (and by the magic he seemed to cast) had fell at least one of the elves. A ferocious combatant by the looks of him and a person that he should probably stay away from. The other, the giant, seemed to already be downed although if his experiences with Bo-Bo were any indicator than he was better off staying away from her as well. The sound had barely reached his ears when the shiver went down his spine.


The cringe that made his whole body shrink up into an almost inconceivable size did almost little to no good as an elf turned in his direction with tilted head and keen senses. Unsure of his next course of action Avol readied his Boomstick and his whistle and prepared for the worst.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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World Narrative

Group One:Heda and Fabios. Location:Edge of Grand Plain and Forest(???) The battle was raging at incredible fury despite the relatively small number of the fighters. The night elves were turning ever more crazed as Fabious and Heda struggled for their safety. As the paladin struck towards the closest target to help Heda, it turned out to be the giant cat that was biting onto her sword hand. The strike hit true at the rear left leg of the beast. It let go of her and turned toward him as the beast roared. It's rider swung his longsword at Fabious in fury.

The attack struck the paladin like a hammer. It impacted the plate armor on his armed, denting it and heavily bruising the arm underneath, causing his right hand to temporary lose the ability to grip. As for the healing spell he used, it took effect normally on Heda.

Avol. Location:Edge of Forest(???) Avol's situation had seemingly turned from good to bad at a flip of a coin as the elf turned to see him. What did happen however was that the elf stared at his direction, unsure of the presence there. His saber growled, bur before ither could do anything, the elf attention was pulled away as the Vrykul woman's Axe seemingly called a lightning from the clear night's sky torching him along with his saber. He escaped detection.

Group Two: Ivaron, Quiana and Gronar. Location: Forest near Suramar. The situation here was quickly going to it's conclusion as the group was being loaded onto the mounts, tied up almost as sacks of potatoes. Quiana was still being observed by the great protector of the forests as a voice echoed in her head.' Worry not, despite the enigma you represent, I sense my teachings in you and none of apprentices shall come to harm in the hands of those guards. I shall send my greatest apprentice to meet you in Suramar and ensure your freedom. They will find you there along with a priestess of Elune.' The warm voice stated as the leaves all around them suddenly started dancing as if the forest came to live. The nightsabers also seemed to bow to Cenarius as his presence left the area for now.

Meanwhile the magicans were still staring at each other. Neither understanding the other as their tongues varied so much. Eventually the hooded night elf placed a finger onto Ivaron's head for a moment as blue energy entered his body, he would feel his legs weakened and a little dizzy, but after a few moment's it passed and finally the elf spoke again." Let's try this once more, where did you learn the arcane crafts?" He asked as the mage also got onto his cat. They were going to be having this discussion on the move it seemed.

"Who else can In mean aside Kur'talos Ravencrest, the master of Black Rook Hold?" The guard replied proudly." Suramar falls under his jurisdiction. You all should be thankful for your luck. You could have ended in the hands of the aristiocrats. Get moving!" He ordered as the group started riding into the night towards Suramar.

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Edge of Ancient Forest and Plain(???)

The fight was really not going the best simply because of numbers. Despite te fact they had taken about a quarter out, the remaining night elves had grown cautious of their attacks now. As Fabious freed her had, she grabbed the Axe and despite the fact it was still numbed to near paralized state, she managed to swung it in a great arch with all strength she could muster into the saber biting her other hand. It barely did any damage, but it caused it to let go of her.

As the healing of the paladin affected her, she gained some vitality and managed to free her legs albeit barely. She then took the axe with her still properly working hand and raised it high." ODYN!" She roared as she swung the axe, causing a massive lightning to strike forth and torch a distracted soldier. Then the saber she had lightly just injured when she freed herself jumped onto her, sending her, the rider and it tumbling. In the next moment something big and metal struck the back of her neck, sending her near unconscious. Then riders started jumping to literally kick her while she was being downed.

At the same time another panter jumped at Fabious, sending him on the gound as it's mighty paws were pressing hard onto his armor causing it to emit straining sounds of metal.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Edge of Ancient Forest and Plain???

The elves and their beasts really were damn nutters. Fabios wasn't sure if this was a blessing or curse for while their bloodlust made them disorganized, it made them damn well relentless. Now however wasn't the time to think of the tactical merits of insanity, it was the time to exploit them. As he plunged his falchion into the panther he made sure to ever so faintly twist it to maximize blood loss, but its rider was quick to react and hit the Paladin's hand quite nastily. He dropped the falchion with his right hand as deformed metal dug into his flesh, bending town to grab the blade with his left.

Unfortunately he didn't have time to do anything as yet another panther jumped upon him. Things were not looking so good as the gallant attempt to rescue the Vrykul had not worked too well with the woman giving less and less resistance by the moment. However, this might just work to his advantage. They would most likely kill her once there is truly no resistance and then turn their attention unto him. As they would descend upon him he could - if luck allowed - resurrect her. A giant woman going to crack the bones of the elves from behind would be quite handy.

Still, the Knight had to give attention to what was immediately before him - a giant kitty. The claws of the thing were going at him and he had to deal with it quickly lest it realize that it had to go for his joints where it's claws could probably get between the individual rings of his chainmail and puncture his flesh. He moved quickly, with an ambitious attempt to eliminate two birds with one stone. His left arm bearing his falchion would go over the head of the panther, and attempt to press it down to his breastplate. With this he would use his right arm to try and dig the sharpened fingertips of his right hand's gloves into the thing's throat, while his left hand would pivot around the elbow trying to bury the blade into the elf riding the Saber.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rockerman403
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Rockerman403 Sneakiest Rogue

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Ivaron Andesil

Location:Ancient Forest (???)

Ivaron didn't particularly enjoy being hefted about like a sack of potatoes, yet here he was. Little enough could be done about the current predicament as it stood. Their companions didn't seem particularly interested in listening to anything the had to say on the matter. The finally reached over and touched Ivaron, causing his legs to go rather weak. Luckily he was still atop the mount as he wouldve collapsed. A few moments later he regained his posture and then looked towards the elf again, curious what had happened. A feeling, almost like a voice, yet also just as much a thought, reverberated in his head. His captor still spoke the thick elven tongue as Ivaron could hear, yet he had an understanding of what the words meant. It seemed strange at first until he remembered a magic of this kind. Often taught to those traveling in hostile lands or those with wild animals to help maintain a basic understanding of your intent. Generally it was successful, yet it could still lead to more confusion for the animal, thus enraging it. So it was meant as a backup means of conflict resolution. Thin eyes squinted at him as he made no response, until the elf once more repeated himself. At this moment he was being asked how he came about the magic that he knew.

"I...I'm not sure if you seem to be catching my drift now, but I am a learned mage of Stormwind. Well...originally. I received the rest of my training privately. I am unsure what importance of that has however...?" Ivaron tried his best to relax, yet the bindings chafed at his wrist while the pendant bounced at his throat. Everything was getting stranger and stranger as the woods around him seemed to come alive with a presence he could not place, and the elves were seeming to speak to it. He has never been terribly fond of the elven reverence of nature and their druidic culture.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Location: Ancient Forest?

Gronar was glad once the group of the nightsabers began to move. He was getting bored with the human and other elf just talking. He didn't understand why they even spoke to there captors. The elders of the warsong always told him if he was capture that he should only speak to insult his captors. Which he was

The orc was rattled as the nighstsaber road over every bump made the position he was in even more uncomfortable. The shaking of the nightsabers only succeed in driving up his rage. But the rage soon turned into confusion as they rode on. Now Gronar has only been to ashvale once or twice. But he thinks at this point he would come across some of the Horde's logging activity. Or at the very lease the sounds of goblin machinery. He thought as the group went along trying to spot any Horde activity.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

World Narrative

The arrival of those flug through the passages of time had not gone unnoticed in the eyes of those of powere in Kalimdor. From all corners of the world the ripples were being felt, some stronger than others, but the cause was still there non the less. Be it the mighty dragons or the wise demigods of nature. All knew something was wrong with the world.

At the center of the Kaldorei Empire at the edge of the great Well of Eternity and the capital that overlooks it. An uncomfortable sensation could be felt in the air, the Well that held the power of a World was not calm. It's waters were stormy and menacing, causing the populace of Zin-Azshari to be nervous. Still not everyone was concerned. At the fortified inner city guards stood calm at their posts. Aristocrats were working their duties as normal and all were following the will of Azshara after all.

High above the ground at the highest tower, a group of mages were working without rest. Under the watchful eye of Xavius, the spell was being woven at utmost care. He had noticed some strangeness in the flow of magic in the world. Thus he dispatched soldiers to capture the strange outlanders he discovered by scrying. They were definately important! Their arrival was not a coincidence! He had reported it already... Not to the queen of course. She was informed, but the one who truly had to be informed was the master! His new lord for whom they were building this great portal.

"IS THE PORTAL READY?" A voice filled the minds of everyone in the tower. It was a beautiful voice, but an evil one. It chilled to the bone all except Xavius. The advisor to Queen Azshara and the one overseeing this project." IT'S BEEN LONG SINCE I WAS TOLD THERE WERE ACOMPLISHMENTS ON THIS TASK. I'M SENDING SOMEONE TO AID YOU IN YOUR TASKS, PREPARE TO RECIEVE HIM." The voice echoed.

"But the portal's not stable enough yet!" A mage from the circle stated in worry. Moments later he screamed a blood chilling shriek and his head burst into pieces.

"I WILL TAKE CARE OF IT. I'M SENDING YOU ONE OF MY TRUSTED..." With that the voice vanished and untold power flowed into the portal, stabilizing it. Moments later a massive fourlegged shadow with wings came into view. The mighty demon stepped into Kalimdor with a wide grin.


Out in the wilderness, the great fight between Heda, Fabious and the Night elves ended in victory for the Kaldorei. With sheer numbers eventually the two were defeated and tied up, their weapons secured on separate mounts as they were dragged behind. Just the two of them took out a good number of the soldiers. There was about half left by the time they headed back to Zin-Azshari. The night elves wanted to skin the barbaric lowlives, but their tasks meant to them more. As they traveled by the forest, they were getting ever more nervous.

"Sir, we are running in circles!" One of them realized as they all went on alert. Someone was playing with them, making them lost in this wilderness. They had all known the stories to keep awat from the wilds. Those were the home of superstitions and untold dangers and today they had stumbled upon one of them. Then suddenly a flap of wings as a owl flew by them. It was already daytime and they were out of their comfort ground. Then someone shrieked, by the time his comerades turned around, all they could see was him being dragged in thebushes. Then another night elf screamed, dragged into the foliage. The group fell to panic as they attacked the trees and bushes. Yet another set of screams echoed along with the deathly growls of sabers. In the end just a single night elf was left as he watched in horror the bodies of the mighty beasts sink into the ground. The last thing he saw was a giant shadow with horns as vines dragged him into the ground too, leaving only the two outlanders.

"Aristocrats have been forgetting their place..." A mighty voice resounded by the horned figure as the forest came to life to carry the unconscious Heda and Fabious away. Their savior looked at them with curiousity, especially at Heda who was similar to him in size.

Out in Suramar there was a little bit of a commotion going on as the strange creatures were brought in. People flocked in to see them as if they were some rare animals. Whispers were had and one even poked Gronar with a cane as his mount passed by them, but te guards quickly put a stop on that behavior. They were then brought directly to Lord Ravencrest for interrogation. Interrogation was had, explanations were given or withheld, but at the end of the day, 2 of the outlanders were out in cages on the plaze at Suramar. Gronar and Ivaron were chained and locked there, given some food which in Gronar's case would have been very unsufficient for his size.

Ivaron had his magic sealed by the runic cage. The moonguard, fabled for their skill in magic and taking pride in it being equal to the Aristocracy, put extra effort on his cage. From the mind interrogation, they knew he was profficient in magic to a great degree. It baffled them to no end, but refused to admit defeat even though he possesed magic they did not know about.

After a day of interrogations they were now held here in this plaza as animals on display while Lord Ravencrest decides what to do with them. At first the crowds were enthusiastic about the strage creatures, but eventually lost interrest and moved away. By the time night was well into it's peak, there were very few people remaining. Eventually at this point a pair of young night elves entered the plaza. One was a handsome youth with black hair and golden eyes, a rarity among their kin and a sign of grateness. The other a beautiful young lass who wore the robes of the temple of Elune. She seemed to be really interrested in the Ivaron and Gronar pair and quickly came over, asking the guards about them. You could see in her eyes the disgust at the way they were treated as animals." Why are they caged here and not at the prison? Why are they treated as animals? And why aren't they properly fed?" She asked the guard.

"Orders of Lord Raven crest, sister." The guard replied very respectfully." Perhaps he belived they didn't need more food."

"Then you won't mind me giving them more, right?" She replied taking no backtalk and hurrying to a stand to buy food for the two. The owner of the stall didn't take her any money. After all she was a respected priestess of Elune. She returned moments later and carefully put the bows of food and the jugs of water by their cages.

She was expecting them to understand her. They wore clothing and armor and their eyes were clearly brimming with intelligence." Can you two understand me?" She asked, curiousty dancing in her eyes." How are you two called? My name is Tyrande." She introduced herself with a kind smile." Do you need anything else?"

Elsewhere in a secret glade in an ancient forest, Heda and Fabious were dropped off, guests to a host they did not yet realize. The glade was calm, peaceful and surrounded by flowers, but most important of all, it was safe. Not a single harm came to either of them while they slept their damage off, healed by ancient magic that neighter of them would be able to even imagine about. The nature's guardians brought them food while they slep as a pile of fruits were neatly arranged on a big leaf nearby. Now their host only waited for them to wake up.

Group One: Fabious and Heda. Location: Cenarius's Glade
Group Two: Ivaron and Gronar. Location: Suramar(plaza)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Ancient Forest(???) - Cenarius Glade

Tearing the throat out of the panther and eviscerating it's ride Fabios quickly pushed the dead off of him, once more turning to the aid of Heda. "Hold on!" He screamed running at the foes upon her. However with each step, he began to feel his age. So casually with a small shortness of breath he was reminded that red hair faded to an almost blond shade. For now, he could push past this in another charge but not for long. Yet another panther pounced him but this time he could more easily swing his falchion to take it's head off; he did not have nearly as much luck fighting its rider though. The knife eared bastard was frenzies just as the other, but still semed to have enough sense to parry. Fabios tried for a feint that was avoided, than tried for a quick stab under the elf's guard. The Paladin was surprised, and not nearly prepared to have a sword clang upon his head.

The man dropped to his knees, clutching his head with one hand and raising his blade in another as vision blurred and his breathing quickened. He looked up to the approaching elf, about to spit a curse before again a sword thrashed him on the head. Keeling over backwards, all the Knight could do was mutter a prayer in hopes whatever his failings were would be forgiven before death.

Fabios awoke, proper consciousness returning to him. He did not rest well. Dreams tormented him with images of his fatherland burning, of comrades falling, of failure.

Still, he did not open his eyes. This was certainly no after life, not one he would believe in. So, it would seem he was captured. Yet, oddly enough a few movements revealed he was not deprived of his plate armour. The Knight lay breathing for some time, trying to see if he could get a sniff of someone else present. There was someone here, but they weren't active. Quickly he sat upright, examining his surroundings. It was some glade, that much was certain and near him lay the prone body of Heda, his recent acquaintance. His weapons were also present which was odd. Perhaps they were to be interrogated and with his arms being so near to be given the impression they were spoken to as equals, as allies? This was all extremely suspicious, and thus the Paladin acted fast. He ran and grabbed his two-handed sword placing it under his left armpit. He held his falchion between his teeth and placed one pistol under the other armpit while taking to loading the other.

All while this was done he ran over to Heda, stopping the loading momentarily to slap her on either cheek. "Wake up! Now! Any bloody thing might be here its not the time for a damn nap!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Suramar(plaza)

The longer Gronar was here the more he hated the place. First he was parade around like some fresh kill. Not to mention getting poked by some kid was just the start. Afterwards during interrogation he prided himself that he was able to avoid give any information to his interrogators. The orc instead insulted his interrogators, there families, and their children. This earn him a beating by the his captors. After which he proceeded to insult them again for there weak ass punches. Which got him sent to the outside cages.

He been in the out side cage for a while now slowly starving from the meager portions that they gave him. Worst of all no booze so he can't get drunk to pass the time. That was in till a familiar looking night elf arrived carrying food. The extra food she brought was a welcome aid. She proceed to introduce her self as Tyrande. This is caused Gronar to paused 'Tryande. That name sounds familiar.' he thought before he finished up the given food.

"My name is Gronar. I can use some booze." He replied to the priestess.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Suramar(Plaza).- The crowds were pretty much scattered at this point. They had left around the time the priestess of Elune gave the food to the orc. She waited patiently for the two prisoners to finish their meals. She felt happy that she had helped though the young man that acompanied her had narrowed his golden eyes in displeased and menacing manner.

"Nice to meet you, Gronar." The priestess greeted him and threw a look at the other prisoner, but he seemed to have fallen asleep." If I may ask, what are you, Gronar? I've never seen or heard about your kind anywhere in these lands. How did you end up here?" The priestess asked in curiosity. She had never seen anything similar to this greenskined warrior. She well realizedthe massive amount of raw strength these arms must hold. Just one hand of his was going to be enough to grab both of hers at the same time. Perhaps only the tauren would have been able to match him in raw muscle strength." Alright, Gronar." She said and actually went to buy a jug of wine.

"Tyrande! There's no need to treat such a... creature like that!" The golden eyed night elf shouted." You've already done enough!"

Just as she was about to argue back with her childhood friend, the other prisoner who was so much smaller than Gronar and even herself suddenly glashed in light and vanished, causing a massive amount of surprise and shock in the guards.

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Ancient Forest(???) - Cenarius Glade

Heda's dreams were filled with the mead halls of her clan. The laughter and the merryment she had seen as a child. It was a pleasing dream, she wouldn't mind having more often. Sadly every good thing had it's end as something called out for her and with the slap on her face she woke up soon after." Do that again and I will return in kind, Fabios." She growled a reply as she moved to a sitting position. Frankly her head was pulsing, but overall she was healed." Where are we...?" She asked, holding her head as she looked around. She was surprised.

"Huh..." She let out a surprised sound as she saw the peaceful glade. She wasn't sure who it was, but this place was the domain of someone... She had seen forest guardians domains before. Though never entered one, just studied them from distance." Relax, paladin. No harm will reach us here. We are guests of a forest guardian of some kind I think. Could be a keeper or maybe dryads..." She had just started speaking when there was a sound of moving leaves as a massive shadow entered the glade. From the waist up he looked like a night elf with a mighty pair of elk horns, his lower bdy was that of a mighty elk. The very presence of this being exuded the mighty power and comfidence he had. Though despite his stern expression he also gave a calming feeling. her eyes went wide open as she fell on a single knee." Ancient one, Cenarius! I'm Heda Runeclaw, this is the paladin Fabios." She hurried to intoduce the two of them. She felt it, this immensely powerful ancient being. There was no point in angering him or lying.

"That's right, well spotted and learned. You two are my guests. I saved you from the soldiers of the night elves. The aristocrats have started to forget their place." Cenarius said intrigued by the pair." You appear to know me, but I do not know even what the two of you are, though you clearly share resemblence to each other despite the size difference. I've never seen beings like the two of you. Where have you two come from?" He asked with a small smile." No rush. You are probably hungry after your ordeals. Please eat freely." He added and gestured to the pile of fruits. Just a little few moments later a roasted deer also appeared, carried in by a pair of dryads who left in a hurry after that." Ever being has a place in the cycle of life. Do not worry and eat your fill. We have a lot to ttalk about, my Guests."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade

Fabios gave a light laugh as Heda proposed reciprocity on what was done: "What, you're going to stop me napping when its possible we're in danger? Oh I'd be glad my dear lady!" With one firearm loaded he placed it in the rightful holster, promptly getting to the next one. The Knight was somewhat cheery, eager to once more go at the throat of foes but he was also very wary of... well, everything to be frank. Hadn't he lost? Sure he'd taken a lot of damn knife ears with him but as far as he could remember he got walloped in the head before going down. Turning his attention back to Heda momentarily he shrugged. "Damned if I know, we're probably quite close because I don't feel any older so we were only out for the usual couples of hours, so we couldn't have been taken very far - assuming we're not important enough to be taken to some nasty portal."

Continuing in his preparation for a fight he paused the loading of his pistol to snugly return his helmet to where it should be, remembering the recent cost of being caught off guard without it. However, an eyebrow was raised as Heda seemed to get an idea of where they were. "Ye? You know last time I thought some forest buggers were my friends was not too long in memory. Some centaur lasses aren't going to look very good to me in the near future, I'll be frank, so I'll keep a sword close to hand for the bastards if you don't mind."

The Paladin's words were cut short, as in the periphery of his vision he saw something quite massive approaching. He looked up, mouth beginning to frame "oh shit" as he saw Cenarius in his full majesty He kept quiet for now, looking to Heda to speak considering it was quite likely that Cenarius would not have the best impression of the man at the moment. Instead he would stay near the Vrykul, looking suspiciously at the provided foodstuffs with his hand darting to his blade as from nowhere more dryads came. He wouldn't eat right away, only trying things after Heda had them, for you never knew with elves and their ilk. Of course, someone like Cenarius would clearly be able to see what Fabios was doing, but he felt a little certainty he wouldn't start coughing up his molten kidneys was more important than dignifying who he was with.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Location: Suramar(plaza)

The orc was not expecting that question from the elf mouth. Were was he then? Gronar wonder if he was in ashvale then. With the current evidence pointing that he is not actual in ashvale. "I am an orc. You sound like you never seen us before. I mean Orgrimmar should be south of here." He reliped to the priestess. "As I got here, I fighting a bunch a zombies found a portal. Assumed that is were they were coming from. And jumped in. Ended up here." He retold his tale as simply as possible to Tyrande.

Gornar hope for free booze was swiftly crushed by some golden-eyed elf. "Oi! Listen here gold-eyes. I'm not some wild creature. Call me that again and I will call a Mak'gora upon you." He said at the elf. All the while ignoring the dispersing human. It didn't matter to him if one more human disappear. "Don't worry about that humans disappear. They do that sometimes. I consider it a good thing." The orc tried to explain to the elves to calm them.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Suramar(Plaza).-"I've indeed never seen an Orc before, Gronar." Tyrande confirmed with a nod of her face, her voice revealed complete sincerity. She indeed had no knowledge of him or his people." And I'm pretty sure the location you speak of doesn't exist anywhere near Suramar. Unless it's to the edge of Kalimdor or outside the empire..." She added slowly, thinking about it, but no." Still no one I know has heard or mentioned orcs before..."

"Zombies? What's that?" She was confused here. Necromancy wasn't really a craft here quite yet. In fact it was yet to be invented and put in motion by the Legion here, but there was no way she'd know that... or Gronar for that matter."A portal you say? Did the men of word Ravencrest hear this?" She asked and looked at the guards nearby.

"The one who just vanished was speaking about something like that a vortex of magic and time or something, but they believed him as much as they'd believe a troll... The execution is being scheduled for a few days from now, after all information is extracted from this beast." The guard replied while a mage arrived to check how the human vanished. They knew a great power pulled him out, but didn't know how and who.

"Why you..." The golden eyed nightelf narrowed his eyes in anger as his fists clenched. The cage around Gronar was starting to heat up as magic was woven, but the priestess suddenly put a hand on his and the magic was stopped by the younger nightelf before the woman realizes what he was doing.

"Illidan, that's enough!" Tyrande stated, slightly disappointed by her childhood friend. In the temple they were teaching her that all life was sacred and so was Cenarius. She was going to try speaking to the Head priestess of the temple to plead Lord Ravencrest for mercy for Gronar... and talk to Malfurion about it, maybe Cenarius had a way." Gronar, I will try to plead the Lord for mercy. I will come by later to visit you again." She said with a kind smile.

"Tyrande!" Illidan objected, but she just waved him off and asked him to escort her back to the temple. As they were leaving, he threw an furious glare at Gronar as strong pain would strike the orc's body just for a moment, but not strong enough to make him cry out.

(Gronar is now left alone without visitors, but still heavily guarded for roughly 12 hours(daytime). Food would be given to him as per the priestess's demand. Should he falls asleep his dreams would be plagued by nightmares of fighting the Legion. You have free reign to decide what monologuing and flashbacks and the like to do if any. Around sunset on the next day, he would spot the priestess heading his way with another young man around her age. Someone near identical facewise to the golden eyed one, but this one had the usual for his race silver eyes. He also wore really simple clothing in natural colors without any trinkets.)

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Ancient Forest(???) - Cenarius Glade

Seeing Fabios's attitude the demigod burst in laughter, it was like the entire forest came to joyful life. Trees were swaying, birds chirping and so on. Eventually he stopped laughing, but simply nodded. Heda on the other side waited no second suggestion, she tore away a hind leg from the roasted animal which to her size was like holding a chicken leg. She then started eating from it in huge hungry bites until there was nothing left of it. The Forest god looked with curiosity as she did so and even more so when the tattooes on her body glowed as she began shrinking until she was about half her size, now being closer sizewise to a nightelf. Cenarius was now really surprised cause that was not the magic of the night elves.

"That magic you are using..." He said as he studied the patterns on her body." Resemble the likes of the Earthen." He stated and looked at the Paladin." While your's is a lot... purer... divine in origin, but you are not a follower of the Moon Goddess." Cenarius mused to himself. It was like he could see through Fabios and the paladin felt that he was indeed seen through even his secret, but the demigod did not say it aloud.

As she also devoured a foodd and drank some water, Heda let out a satisfied moan as she bowed to Cenarius, she threw a look at the paladin and whispered.' Pay some proper respect, you are in the presence of one of Azeroth's oldest defenders.' She warned the paladin.

"Now that you both have eaten some, I suppose we should talk. I'd very much like to hear how two such strange creatures such as the two of you appeared in these lands." The Demigod's voice grew stern.

"Excuse me, Cenarius, but where exactly are we?" Heda asked.

"Kalimdor of course. Not too far from Zin-Azshari, which the well oversees." Was the reply and that reply struck her like a speeding dragon. Her knees nearly lost the ability to support her body.

'Avoid location names...just speak vaguely without names... will explain later...'She whispered in human so only Fabios will hear and understand.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade

An eyebrow was raised at the laughter of the massive goatman, but the Paladin didn't bother commenting too much on it. Once Heda had a few bites of a chicken leg he likewise took one, though not bearing the same enthusiasm for his consumption. He scoffed as Cenarius inquired about the source of magic, with an amused roll of the shoulders. "Well, Lord, I don't think that's too surprising what with me not being an elf. Not me to tell a leaf-lover what to believe in but I'll stay away from that business if I can. No offence intended and all that.

He turned his head as Heda chastised him for his attitude, and leaned in to reciprocate a whisper. "You do realize folk like that can hear you? Even a normal elf would probably catch a word or two what with the knife ears, this one's thousands of years old with a lot of power. Anyway, I defend the world same as him and never ask for any respect."

Fabios considered what Cenarius said afterwards, and much like Heda felt a lot of surprised. He did not know nearly as much history as other folk of the world but he knew for certain that something wasn't quite right with the places and times the guardian was referring to. As Heda told him to not speak with names of locations, a gut feeling he didn't like came upon the Knight.

The Paladin was charismatic even if he said so himself, but he wasn't quite ready for how to respond. For now, he decided to switch to Thalassian when speaking to Cenarius so at least he would have some excuse for not properly being able to articulate things. "You do not have a word for the likes of me, or the powers I use, I believe." He said, his speech in the tongue of Night Elves imperfect in accent but of proper syntax. "Human, we are called in our language." he said while pointing to himself and Heda. As Fabios spoke, he couldn't help get the feeling that, if indeed they had gone to the past, then the fact his speech might be a more modern version of the elven language would stand out like a sore thumb. He could only hope that thanks to their longevity the knife ears didn't change it too much over time.
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