Washington D.C.: September 7th, 2020 - 1:45 PM
Luke shrugged slightly. "I'm here because my godfather got me this job," he admitted. "As to whether I stay or not... I don't know. The girls here aren't half bad," he said with a bit of a smirk, looking at her. "Would you want to maybe get a drink or something?" he asked. He didn't remember that the drinking age in the United States was 21 or maybe he just didn't care. Or quite possibly, he thought she was older than she really was. But does it matter in the end? Leighton just got asked out by a pretty boy.
"Hey, is it cold in here?" Luke then asked, shivering a bit as the temperature seemed to drop ten degrees.

Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony
"You're gonna get fucked by a hula hoop!" Havok taunted.
"Language, please!" Colossus scolded.
Now back with the girls, the three of them had all made it up onto the balcony. Sapphire's ice chutes were holding up and that was great, but they couldn't afford to just stand around. Who knew how long it would be before the purifiers made it through the ice wall, anyways? Veil glanced around for a moment, taking a millisecond to make sure they didn't need to change the plan. "Alright, I'll slide with them and use my shields, prevent them from taking any fire..."
"...Actually, I've got it," a young girl said with blonde hair. She looked up at Veil, before holding her hand out and golden bubbles appeared. They seemed to work like force fields as well. "I can get us out," the girl promised.
"...Alright. Good luck," Veil said, as the girl surrounded herself and the others with the golden bubble. The residents of the apartment complex got onto Sapphire's ice slide and it worked like a charm. It wasn't long until they had disappeared practically, jumping off the slide and running into the metro station.
"Alright, time to get out of dodge. We aren't here to kill purifiers," Veil told her team. However, they would need to lose them. They couldn't lead them back to the station.

Location: Millennium Plaza - Sidewalk --> the Sewer
Skills: Survival, Street Smarts, Hiding
She then snapped her head up, looking at him. "Even if we ran to a housing development, there's cameras everywhere. The only way we can really lose them is to go somewhere that they can't see us - and since I doubt Houdini here can teleport, that means we're going to have to go underground. Literally. I've hidden in the sewers before, so we just walk around down there and pop up somewhere else nice and sound. No cameras to show where we went, they'll give up the chase, easey peasey."
And as if the clouds parted and an angelic chorus sang, Sunshine saw a sewer grate just ten feet from them. Even better, the grate looked like it was only halfway on there, meaning that they'd be able to get down without too much trouble. She smirked. "Come on, losers," she told the two guys before she ran forward and tugged the grate all the way to the side. There was a ladder and it was a little slippery, but she managed to get down into the sewer without too much trouble, hitting solid ground and thankfully not a rat colony or anything.
"Last one down, pull the cover shut!"