Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Washington D.C.: September 7th, 2020 - 1:45 PM


Luke shrugged slightly. "I'm here because my godfather got me this job," he admitted. "As to whether I stay or not... I don't know. The girls here aren't half bad," he said with a bit of a smirk, looking at her. "Would you want to maybe get a drink or something?" he asked. He didn't remember that the drinking age in the United States was 21 or maybe he just didn't care. Or quite possibly, he thought she was older than she really was. But does it matter in the end? Leighton just got asked out by a pretty boy.

"Hey, is it cold in here?" Luke then asked, shivering a bit as the temperature seemed to drop ten degrees.


Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony
On the other side of the complex, Colossus and Havok were dealing with about a dozen purifiers. The metal mutant was in his natural form, easily taking the bullets and spitting them out as if he ate them for breakfast. "You vill have to try harder!" he boasted. Havok was rocking his hips like a male stripper, sending hula hoops of destructive energy flying at the purifiers. One of them had given Havok a black eye and the corner of his mouth was bleeding, but otherwise no one was really injured yet.

"You're gonna get fucked by a hula hoop!" Havok taunted.

"Language, please!" Colossus scolded.

Now back with the girls, the three of them had all made it up onto the balcony. Sapphire's ice chutes were holding up and that was great, but they couldn't afford to just stand around. Who knew how long it would be before the purifiers made it through the ice wall, anyways? Veil glanced around for a moment, taking a millisecond to make sure they didn't need to change the plan. "Alright, I'll slide with them and use my shields, prevent them from taking any fire..."

"...Actually, I've got it," a young girl said with blonde hair. She looked up at Veil, before holding her hand out and golden bubbles appeared. They seemed to work like force fields as well. "I can get us out," the girl promised.

"...Alright. Good luck," Veil said, as the girl surrounded herself and the others with the golden bubble. The residents of the apartment complex got onto Sapphire's ice slide and it worked like a charm. It wasn't long until they had disappeared practically, jumping off the slide and running into the metro station.

"Alright, time to get out of dodge. We aren't here to kill purifiers," Veil told her team. However, they would need to lose them. They couldn't lead them back to the station.


Location: Millennium Plaza - Sidewalk --> the Sewer
Skills: Survival, Street Smarts, Hiding
Sunshine looked around for a moment. She had lived in this area for a while and she had a fairly good idea of where it was safe to hide and where it was a horrible idea. The stores were all out - they'd have security cameras and some of them would have those irritating new anti-mutant security systems. No one was putting up inhuman detection systems, the racists. She bit her lip for a moment, chewing on the side of her mouth. "No way around it," Sunshine muttered.

She then snapped her head up, looking at him. "Even if we ran to a housing development, there's cameras everywhere. The only way we can really lose them is to go somewhere that they can't see us - and since I doubt Houdini here can teleport, that means we're going to have to go underground. Literally. I've hidden in the sewers before, so we just walk around down there and pop up somewhere else nice and sound. No cameras to show where we went, they'll give up the chase, easey peasey."

And as if the clouds parted and an angelic chorus sang, Sunshine saw a sewer grate just ten feet from them. Even better, the grate looked like it was only halfway on there, meaning that they'd be able to get down without too much trouble. She smirked. "Come on, losers," she told the two guys before she ran forward and tugged the grate all the way to the side. There was a ladder and it was a little slippery, but she managed to get down into the sewer without too much trouble, hitting solid ground and thankfully not a rat colony or anything.

"Last one down, pull the cover shut!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Millenium Plaza Comic Store
Skills:My Power-Aus Atnemitsev Ogniffe

"Not quite yet! Still waiting for the day the comso's decide I'm ready to be able to open Ripa in the fabric of time/space to teleport. Hry, may even open a rip into a top hat just so that I can pull a disappearing act." Max mused at Sunshine. So, it appeared the plan was to enter the sewers and attempt to lose the law enforcement down there, thatd mean theyd all need new clothes and most likely a shower as well for when they wish to rejoin society. Max slipped the comic into his messenger bag as they ran. Max shrugged off his coat, grabbing it quickly with his hand and then turning it around so that each hand grasped a sleeve, using them to grip the sides of the stairs and just letting himself drop down after dropping his cane first. The movements were extraordinarily swift and concise, almost like an art. As soon as his leather oxford shoes hit the floor, Max twirled his coat back around, having it placed onto his shoulders once more.

Oh my fish oh my gosh oh my gosh! That was the coolest thing I've ever done! Well, without my powers that is. Still! Ahhhhhh I did it! Ok Keep calm and cool. Max turned to Sunshine and gave her a bit of a smirk. He straightened out his shirt and wiped some invisible dust off of his pants. "So, where to Little Miss Sunshine? You know the sewers it seems, so I'll differ to your leadership." He picked up his cane and was more than glad he was wearing the gloves he made earlier, Max didnt quite expect to be spending the day in the sewers but still...it was fun.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Sewer
Skills: N/A

James shrugged at Sunshine’s response. She seemed experienced in all this so following her was probably the safest bet. When she pointed out the sewer grate, James let Max head down first. A stray bullet would do a wicked number on the others but James wasn’t nearly as concerned. Probably hurt more than he was interested in but he’d live. Made a great meat shield really.

“Nice moves!” James cheered on Max’s fancy descent and made his way down the ladder a bit slower. He grunted as he dragged the cover back on and stepped down from the ladder, looking around. “Gotta say, didn’t really expect this when I woke up this morning. At least I’m getting my workout.” James joked. He wrinkled his nose at the smell but shrugged it off. “How long have you been doing this anyways, Sunshine?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony

Callie just simply stared at Sapphire, and gave a slight shrug as she tried to warm herself up she really did hate the cold as the apartment complex occupants started to get ready and leave. She stared at the blonde girl for a moment as she made a shield similar to Veil's by the looks of it. "Lead the way boss." Callie said as she hopped onto the ice chute that Sapphire had made for them, and started to slide down rather quickly knowing that they would have to get away as soon as possible. Once she was back on the ground Callie watched the people fleeing into the subway station below.

"So should we get back to the vehicles or through the subways?" Callie asked Veil as she watched Colossus and Havok nearby attacking the Purifiers as she got her hands ready to zap any incoming Purifiers that would want to attack them, Callie watched the last of the people going into the subway station below.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: Target
Skills N/A

The fact he offered to buy her a drink was either a testament to her overall appearance looking much older than she was or to his country that allowed people to drink early. God save the Queen! "Would that I could, handsome, but I am 18 years old and in our good country here that is against the law. And I am a good girl, after all." She gave a wicked grin to return his smile. "Make it a coffee and you got yourself a deal."

And then he mentioned it feeling colder in here. She was wearing clothing that was not considered warm, but she felt fine. In fact, she felt about the same inside as she did outdoors. "No, I don't feel anything, but maybe I am just warmed by your presence? Though that does bring up that idea about coffee to warm us up some more. I am sure there's a place nearby."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony
Skills N/A

"Did he just seriously taunt them by saying they were going to get hurt by a hoola hoop? I mean, all for the jokes, but seriously, they way Havok uses his powers that makes him look like he's bad at using a hoola hoop is kind of weird," Sapphire muttered under her breath as she followed along behind Veil, a little glad that the incident involving the snow and blizzard wasn't causing any problems. Except for in the case of Spark Plug, that girl could use some ice to match her attitude towards things.

"I'd say let's take the cars, don't want to lead any of those idiots into the tunnels after the people we just got out of harms way, I mean think about it... Hopefully the car is decent in the snow though..." she said in response to Callie, but also taking note yet again of the area that they were in. It was going to end up being her fault if they ended up stuck, because she was the one who caused the blizzard. She was the one whose powers screwed up to the point of causing a blizzard, she wasn't even too sure how she'd even been able to do that at all, but at least it had proven somewhat useful.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Washington D.C.: September 7th, 2020 - 2:00 PM

@FantasyChic: Luke grinned at her. "Alright, coffee it is - I s'pose that's an alright substitute, though tea would be better," he told her. His lips were turning a bit blue and he shivered, the temperature dropping severely around the two of them. He looked a bit awkward as he rubbed his hands together for warmth. "Must be a cold spot here or something..."

@FantasyChic: "Anastasia," Reeve Payge, the Black Queen, greeted. She was sitting down on a couch, looking out her window at the gorgeous Washington D.C. skyline. One of her girls - the Frost Triplets - had gone and fetched Anastasia for this special assignment. There were a good dozen or so who lived at this compound full time, yet Reeva was the only member of Hellfire Club leadership who was there all of the time. Emma had her own school to run, Shaw had a company, and Magneto had a terrorist organization that all took up way too much of their time. "Sit down. We have much to discuss..."


Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony
Skills: N/A
Veil nodded in agreement with Sapphire. "We can't lead them back into the tunnels. If we go for the cars now, there's a chance they'll follow us," she told her team. It was still rather chilly and frigid outside thanks to Sapphire's powers and Veil shivered a bit, hoping to warm up once they got back to the Underground Station. As far as missions went, this one had been more or less typical. They hadn't had a great victory, but they had helped people escape to safety - and that was what the Mutant Underground was all about at the end of the day.

"I don't think the car has snow chains on it - but it is a four wheel drive," Veil then told Sapphire. Colossus knew more about the cars, since he tended to be the one driving between the two of them. Veil wasn't exactly an experienced or licensed driver. Havok and Colossus then ran over to the girls, with the five mutants together once more. All of the purifiers were on them, the remaining guns and weapons drawn and aimed up at them all on the balcony.

"I swear, they never run out of ammo..."


Location: Millennium Plaza - the Sewer
Skills: Survival
If her nickname hadn't been Sunshine, she might have given Grey a case of the measles for that comment. So many people liked to take advantage of the codename and assume that it had to do something with her disposition - it didn't. If she ever woke up feeling cheery and bright, then she most likely had a concussion and would need to be taken to a mutant friendly clinic in the area. "Since my mother abandoned me," Sunshine answered James.

She lead them deeper into the sewers, seemingly knowing her way around. However, after about five or ten minutes, Sunshine stopped and frowned. It looked like they had gone back to where they had started, somehow walking in circles. "That's not possible..." she said, peering around. For a split second, she saw shadows on the walls. She balled up her hands into fists, little wisps of green smoke coming off of them.

"Someone's here with us," she explained to James and Grey. This had never happened before.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Sewer
Skills: N/A

Ouch. James made a mental note to keep far, far away from that subject. He could never quite wrap his head around the idea of anyone who could drop their family like that. Of course, abuse and all that was absolutely grounds to cut people off but just cause a kid’s a bit different? James shook his head as Sunshine lead them deeper into the sewers. Admittedly, James has been forced to confront the darker side of his family since his father’s death but he shoved those thoughts away. Panicking now wouldn’t help; he could do it later on his own time.

He almost ran into the others when Sunshine suddenly stopped. He looked around as she did, confused about how she could tell someone was here. James didn’t see anyone but he figured Sunshine knew it better than he. James moved past Grey near Sunshine, trying to get a better look. That's when he finally heard the footsteps that must have caught the girl's attention. “Um, hello?” James called out. He eyed Sunshine's hands, wispy green slipping from between her fingers. It reminded him of campfire smoke.

“Not really sure what's going on but maybe we can talk about it?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Millenium Plaza Comic Store
Skills: Perception

The group had followed Sunshines lead for a while, following the twists and turns of the sewage line in hopes to find freedom. How much longer till we leave this filth hole? The stench below was far from pleasant, but not something he hadn't had to endure before. Back when he was on the run from his purifier parents, Max had to traverse the sewers to hide for a while...it was degrading and made him feel less human. Realizing he was falling out of step, he shook his head and made sure to stay one step behind Sunshine incase anything where to happen. After about 10 minutes Max could've sworn that was the same manhole they came from. No, impossible, they just all look the same. Sunshines hands began to create those wisps of green again, something was definitely wrong.

Shadows began to dance across the sewer walls, and the sounds of footsteps could be heard by them. If Sunshines disposition wasnt enough to let him know there was danger, these new lurkers were. He pressed his back against the wall of the sewer, eyes peeled for any sight of movement, and listening for any sounds that may come from around. Max held his cane in his left hand as he turned his right, palm side up. "Sucearg Singi" a flame burst into life in the palm of his hand, its light dancing against Sunshines back as he attempted to hide it from view of the shadows. The warm light brought some comfort to the young mutant, he stood ready to fight. Whatever lurked in the shadows, he would bring to light.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony

Callie started to think for a moment as soon as both Havok and Colossus caught up to them, she looked over towards Veil for a moment as she started to come up with a bit of an idea for them. "I can EMP the area, make sure our ride doesn't have anything electrical on. I hit the area, we start up the car again. Assuming they left their cars on to attack us, we make it to our ride turn it on, and then you do your invisible shield thing?" Callie suggested as she stared at Havok for a moment and shook her head slightly when Sapphire made her comment about him using his energy hoola hoops of death.

"Then once we are sure that we are clear and not followed anymore, Veil decloaks and we make it back safely." Callie finished as she looked up at the balcony above them, seeing the guns that are trained on them right now. "We have to do it sooner or later, unless you want to get a rain of bullets down on us." Callie said, eyeing the train station it could probably be their next escape route if they can get back to the car.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: Target
Skills N/A

Leighton rarely drank tea, but if it meant she got to spend more time with this cute boy she wasn't about to turn down the offer. Plus, it would get her further away from this place. She was surprised she hadn't caught some disease being near....clearance items. Since she wasn't buying anything, she decided to wait for him. "Want to ring up your purchases first then?"

Leighton still didn't feel cold. In fact, if anything, she felt warm and comfortable. But looking at him she could see he was getting colder and colder as they progressed. "Let's get you outside and into the sun quickly then. Not sure what's going on, maybe their air conditioning is on the fritz. I tend to not get cold easily though. Never have."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Hellfire HQ
Skills N/A

Anastasia sat in a rather uncomfortable chair, reading some teen gossip magazine and doing one of those quizzes to find out which Friends character you are. She was so obviously a Rachel that it didn't need doing. She hadn't expected to be called in on so quickly. Or at all. She intended to find them first so the fact the triplets came to her and told her the Hellfire club wanted to see her, she was a bit ticked off. But, in the end, she got what she came for.

She set the magazine down and followed the Black Queen into her office with Washington D.C. on the horizon. Why anyone wanted to be here was beyond her comprehension. It was full of corruption and deceit. And that was without her aid, which said a lot. Still, beggars could not be choosers if one wanted to play the power game.

She did as instructed, folding her legs perfectly at her knee and folding her hands in her lap. "I am all ears ma'am. To what do I owe this honor?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Online

Washington D.C.: September 7th, 2020 - 2:15 PM

@FantasyChic: Luke nodded, about to go ring up his things and he brushed by Leighton slightly. As soon as he touched her, his entire body seemed to turn blue from extreme cold. He was shivering to an extreme and he dropped to the ground, looking like he had been exposed to the elements in the North Pole or something for hours. A helpful employee walked by the aisles and screamed, looking at Leighton. "HELP! A MUTIE ATTACKED THIS MAN!" the employee screamed, before booking it at a run as far away from Leighton as she could.

@FantasyChic: Reeva smiled at Anastasia. She knew a lot about the younger mutant, since the Hellfire Club kept tabs on the most powerful mutants that they could find. "You know, you have real potential, Anastasia. My girls and I make it our business to identify the strongest mutants - the ones destined to rule. I work with a lot of people, but very few of them have what it takes to shape a nation - to become royalty. I think you're one of those people." Reeva then grabbed a file and handed it over to Anastasia. "You have to be bored - everything has been so easy for you. Nothing has really presented a challenge... But I think this just might, if you're willing to do this." Inside the file were records on the Mutant Underground - not just the Washington D.C. branch, but all of them nationwide.


Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony
Skills: Force Fields
"Slight problem with that plan, Spark Plug, is that all cars these days have batteries in them - if you EMP the area, then the car battery is done for and we can't drive anywhere," Havok pointed out a bit sarcastically. He wasn't exactly the nicest person around and the longer they were there, the most frustrated he felt with the Purifiers. They had gotten people to safety and instead of engaging them, Veil was ordering a retreat. Then they would have to do the same thing again next week - rescue people, run from Purifiers, rinse and repeat. "We can't keep running. We need to make a stand."

"It is not worth risk," Colossus admonished Havok. "Besides - how will it look if we attack humans?"

Havok huffed slightly. He hated being lectured on optics and Veil pinched her nose again. Sapphire was being silent, something that was both nice and annoying. The Purifiers weren't willing to wait around and they aimed their weapons up at them, firing them off at the group of mutants up on the balcony. Veil threw her hands out, creating as many shields as she could but there were cracks in them. A bullet grazed Havok and the hula hooping mutant retaliated with some fire of his own, his hula hoops of doom and destruction knocking down three Purifiers below.

One of the bullets hit Veil's shield, bouncing to the ground harmlessly below. The next one, however, went through one of the small cracks and hit Spark Plug in the chest, inches away from her heart. "NO!" Veil screamed. Spark Plug was still alive - but barely. Another bullet then almost hit Sapphire, but the ice manipulation queen managed to freeze it in its path.

"Havok, get these fuckers! We need to get Spark Plug to a clinic!"

"Shit!" Havok cursed. There was only one mutant friendly clinic in the area and luckily, it was just about five blocks away. The problem would be getting there without the Purifiers finding them.


Location: Millennium Plaza - the Sewer
Skills: N/A
Sunshine bit her lip, ready to throw measles at whoever was down there with them in the sewers when a small group of people stepped into the light. There was a girl with purple hair, alien green eyes, and a diamond on the side of her face. A step in front of her was a man with a scarred face and an odd eyepatch of sorts covering his left eye. Sunshine's eyes widened, she had heard rumors of a community of mutants living underneath the city but she had never found any evidence that they existed.

"You're the Morlocks!" Sunshine exclaimed, her voice uncomfortably echoing through the tunnels. The green glow around her hands faded away and the man chuckled a bit, looking at James and Gray. He assumed that they were Sunshine's brothers of some sorts. Most mutants tended to travel in families - even if they were not families by blood.

"Apparently we're famous," the woman mused with a slight smile.

"So it would seem, Blink," the man agreed. He looked at the trio. "My name is Erg. I am the leader of the Washington D.C. Morlocks," he introduced himself. "And if you like, you may join our community."

"What happened to your face?" Sunshine asked.

"I took the mark," Erg said simply, before he started to lead them through the tunnels. Blink winked a bit at them, motioning for them to follow. "Come on, we can get you all some food and a nice bath. What are your names? Not your human names but - y'know, your mutant ones."


"Oh, you have light powers? You'll like my friend Glow then."

"Nope. Not at all." Sunshine then shrugged slightly. People made that mistake all of the time, but she liked her name. Her friends had used it and it was what she identified with - Electra just didn't seem to describe her as well as the ironic Sunshine did. "You guys coming?" she then asked James and Gray. At the very least, hiding with the Morlocks for a few hours would keep the police from finding them. Sunshine was also incredibly hungry and not one to pass up a chance at free food.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Millenium Plaza Comic Store
Skills: Perception

Murlocks? Who are they? Suppose of Sunshine seems happy to see them, they must be good. Grey flicked his hand towards the sewage water, the fire hitting it and fizzling out with a wisp of smoke curling into the air. He began to approach the pair as She continued the conversation with what may be the only people she respects. Or not, asking what happened to someones face? Not cool. Though he seemed to take it in stride. Grey's expression quickly changed at the mention of food and a bath? Sign me up! Anything could be better than gorging on meal supplement bars. His smile only grew as Blink asked for their code names. Finally, time to shine as a hero.

He extended the hand that was previously lit with flames, first towards BlinK, then towards Erg. "I'm Tome, as in the large scholarly books. It's a pleasure to meet you Blink, Erg." Grey shuffled about nervously for a moment before deciding to ask "So...whatre your super powers? If I may ask that is. I'm a bit new to all this" he said, gesturing to all the mutants. Grey took the cane back into his right hand, choking it by the handle as he walked, so as not to create anymore noise than necessary. He followed the Murlocks as far as they would lead, curious to see what they had in store for the trio.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony

Callie turned to look at Havok and rolled her eyes slightly towards him. "Then we yank out the car battery insulate it in something, or one of us takes it to the subway, should be deep enough from the EMP. Then plug it back in, it aint that hard." Callie said sarcastically and shrugged for a moment. Hearing Colossus lecture the mutant made her shake her head slightly, she was really open for any other ideas or suggestions at this point as well. "Got any suggestions then smart one?" Callie asked Havok, as she looked up at the balcony as the Purifiers started to open fire on them again.

Veil getting her shield's up, she wanted to really shock them and be done with it Callie was about to send a bolt of lightening at them, when she felt a very sharp pain go through her chest. Looking down as Callie felt her shirt getting really wet, touching where the bullet had gone through looking at her bloodied hand. Her legs suddenly gave way as she collapsed onto the ground, everything started to feel very cold and dark as she tried to stay awake, barely she couldn't even hear Veil yell and give orders to get to the nearest clinic.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: Target
Skills N/A

Leighton was feeling on top of the world. A cute guy was about to buy her a coffee and she would be free from the bargain bin she found herself in. Save for him growing colder and colder, she would fix that shortly. As Luke came over to her he brushed against her in, what she had assumed, was a flirty touch only to have him literally turn blue and fall to the ground. If Leighton hadn't known better, she would have assumed he stepped outside in Antartica.

She knelt to the floor and checked him. "Luke, are you ok? Luke?!?" She didn't know what happened. He was almost frozen and she was just fine. Did that mean...?

She turned to find an employee staring at her before she screamed. That word again. Mutant. She stood up looking around. It was the boutique all over again. She glanced at Luke again before she turned and ran to the front entrance. She had to get out of there quickly.

What the hell was wrong with her?

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Hellfire HQ
Skills N/A

Anastasia brushed off some imaginary dust on the bottom of her dress. She listened intently, especially about "strongest mutants" and "becoming royalty". That sounded nice to her. Royalty. Truly she was born to rule. But did she trust these people? She could turn them all against each other if she had to, she supposed, so maybe it would be good to hear them out.

She took the file as it was handed to her and took a quick glance. She could ascertain what they wanted her to do, but it paid to be careful. "I take it you want me to infiltrate these? Would you rather I turn them over to your side or desecrate them entirely? I am not picky about either and, as you said, I have been quite bored. I would love a challenge."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Sewers
Skills: N/A

Okay, this situation was far more optimal than what he expected when Sushine started smoking and Grey literally caught fire. He didn’t particularly want to fight down in the sewers with some unknown group of people, especially ones that offered room and board considering he was on the run now. Oh.

The realization of the consequences of his actions hit him like a ton of bricks and it took a lot to keep himself from vomiting. What would his family say about this? Well actually most of them could go to hell but his father would have been royally disappointed. This is what he got for sticking his nose in other people’s business. Shoulda kept his head down and kept on walking. What was he going to do now? What did being on the run even mean? Would the purifiers and their ilk be hunting him like the others now?

‘Stop panicking. Bad time, bad time.’ He thought to himself. “Uh, I don’t really have a “mutant” name. You know, didn’t expect all…” He gestured at everything around them. “Still kinda thinking I’m going to wake up and it’ll have been a bad dream, not gonna lie.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony
Skills Her Powers

"Less arguing, more coming up with solutions. We can't keep running, not to mention we don't have much of a choice, Havok's idea isn't that bad, but we need to get going. Also, Veil, 4 wheel drive on a car has nothing to do with how well a car drives in the snow, only works to get the car moving, nothing to do with slipping on ice. Only works so well, studded tires are the way to go, but not exactly common this sort of season," she said, before the guns were fired off and she got a bit pissed off. Sure, Callie was a bit annoying, but she wasn't trying to kill her constantly, unlike the Purifiers, and she liked her better than them.

Her hands had that cold sort of mist around them again, and she glared at the Purifiers, "You all are so annoying! Why don't you learn to play nice," she snapped as she sent ice shards flying at the Purifiers, taking the rest of them out, and she was still annoyed with them. Glancing over at Callie, she went over and tried to freeze the injury over to stop the bleeding, but her powers went somewhat on the fritz again, as she wasn't able to do it. [color=A4FFFC]"Damn it, we need to get out of here," she said, looking over at Veil.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Washington D.C.: September 7th, 2020 - 2:30 PM

@FantasyChic: Leighton will not be stopped by anyone, as they look at her with fear and terror. Each time she takes a step, the ground beneath her freezes. By the time she has left the Target, she has turned it into a novelty ice skating rink of sorts. Outside, she'll see that things are relatively calm - that is, until she hears the sound of sirens. Police are on their way - they can't be more than a minute or so out.

@FantasyChic: Reeva gave Anastasia a smile. "These people could potentially prove... an obstacle to our plans here at the Hellfire Club. Your assignment is a tricky one. Turning them to my side will not further our cause - but if they were to be massacred by Purifiers, it would be. Turn them against each other if you have to, but they need to be decimated - and I need it to become a public rallying cry. I have contacts if you need additional support. The Mutant Underground tends to be non-violent, avoiding confrontation if possible... Let's change that."


Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony -> the Parking Lot
Skills: Force Fields
"Wake the fuck up!" Havok snapped. He saw Sapphire doing her best to help Spark Plug, but it wasn't stopping the bleeding and the wound looked real bad. Colossus started to move Havok aside, getting a bit of resistance from the mutant but he managed to get through. Colossus picked Spark Plug up into his arms and gently put pressure on the wound with a steel finger, keeping her from losing more blood. He then looked at Veil for a moment, waiting for her to give another order or direction. The Purifiers were dealt with, but they now had police to contend with.

"You all get her to the clinic. I'll hold them off. NOW GO!" Veil snapped, not leaving any room for arguments. She projected bits of force fields on her arms and legs and jumped from the balcony, slowing her fall as she hit the ground below. Her next move was to use a force field and she flipped a car over, drawing the attention of the police.

"Come, it is time to go," Colossus said, looking at Sapphire and Havok. Havok gritted his teeth and nodded, following Colossus down the stairs and out the side exit. "Nearest clinic is five blocks from here. Sapphire, make the road filled with ice - we will use car like sled," he explained in broken and accented English. As Havok glanced back into the parking lot, he could see Veil drawing more and more attention from the police. She was practically surrounded.

But they had no choice. If they didn't all leave now, Spark Plug would die.


Location: the Morlock Tunnels
Skills: Disease Manipulation
Erg looked at Max and nodded, taking his hand and shaking it. Erg's hands were rough and worn from years of hard labor, struggling to keep the Morlock community afloat in the sewers. While they had other groups living underneath different major cities, they were more or less independent from each other and provided on their own talents to survive. "Welcome, Tome," Erg said with a slight smile. "As for my powers... All in due time."

Blink rolled her eyes slightly. "He likes being mysterious."

Erg then looked at James and nodded. He could sympathize. It was hard, leaving the surface world behind but in his experience, people were happier down here where they could live openly without fear. They could be part of a community of others like them. "You do not have to stay. However, Membrane has informed me that the police have your general description and are searching the area. It would be wise for you to remain in the tunnels, at least for tonight. Tomorrow, Blink can take you wherever you wish to go."

"I can make portals," Blink explained. "I kinda blink things in and out of existence."

Sunshine, however, looked at Max and James like they were crazy. "Wait, are you guys really considering leaving this place?! You do realize we're mutants right - just because Tony Stark's daughter is a mutant doesn't mean we all get to be accepted!" Sunshine was getting pissed and a little flash of green went off by accident. James would get a runny nose. "The police might stop hunting you today, sure, but what about tomorrow? What about the next day? Do you even have a family that would really care if you were gone?"

"I mean, seriously, humans will never understand us!" Sunshine stomped her foot slightly. "Please tell me you understand that."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: The Sewers
Skills: Perception

Tome gave Sunshine a perplexed look. "As a matter of fact, I do have family that would care if I was gone. Only because they would want to make sure that I was either killed or cured first. I've no other plans for now and I wouldn't mind helping out where needed." He looked Blink and Erg up and down for a moment. "I am capable of manifesting clothing into existence...although I cant fully control my powers just yet, and the cosmos has limited me for the time being." Tome walked towards Sunshine, almost past her and towards the two other mutants, placing his hand on her shoulder and giving her a coy wink "Dont worry, I'm not leaving you just yet."

Max dug into his messenger bag and pulled out his the Vogue magazine as well as his Domino mask. He placed the mask onto his face, fitting it snugly like a porcelain mask conforms to your face. He looked at his sullied jacket and gave a slight sigh "This wont do anymore." Max tosses the jacket into the air "Sua Vestimenta Effingo!" The jacket began to disappear into the air, no trace of it left to show it ever existed. "Aus Atnemitsev Ogniffe." His hand still held out, began to have some cosmic wisps swirl around it. The same mustard yellow jacket that was on the page of the magazine, began to swirl with the same energy and flowed into his hand, creating the Jacket as he swung it over his shoulders like a cloak. "Teleportaion, that's handy and very cool. Erg, cant wait to see what you have in store."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Apartment Complex
Skills: Electricity Manipulation

Callie was barely fighting to stay conscious, she had been shot at before and had been beaten up a few times by Purifiers as well as other mutants in the past. Everything seemed so muffled as she could barely hear anything at the moment, Callie turned her head ever so slightly as she watched Veil jumping off of the balcony. She could hear some sirens in the distance, knowing that her friend was in a lot of trouble right now. She then let out a low groan as Colossus lifted her up, and felt his steel finger covering the bullet wound to try and stop the blood flow.

Doing the only thing that she could think of, using the last bit of strength that she had, and moved Colossus' finger away from her wound. She cried out in pain as Callie started to zap the area, burning the wound just enough to stop the bleeding, and her arm going limp again every part of her body felt like it was on fire right now. The bleeding would stop for now until she was taken to the clinic, still the bullet was lodged inside as well that was all that she could do for now.
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