Name/Title:Nicholas Petrovska
(Friends also call him Nick)
Personality: Did he even deserve the right to a Servant? What would he do if his Servant deemed him unworthy?These fears are thoughts that have, and likely will continue without his Servant's support, plagued his mind. Yet he can't deny that part of the reason he was in Fusang City was to get a Servant of his own. Even though it perhaps is more of a technical thing in this current day and age, he would opt to have his Servant call him anything but 'Master' until he felt that he deserved the title. Although proving himself would be a separate issue entirely.
Nicholas is a modest person, not quite willing to boast about personal matters or anything of the sort. Perhaps you could consider him somewhat introverted. There are cases where he wants to speak up but can't bring himself to.
While True Names of Summoned Servants are registered, and he would go through the natural process of legalizing said Servant so that he wouldn't be considered a criminal, he is not entirely keen on discussing True Names in casual conversation. Of course, since his Servant would be registered, it's not like it would be difficult to know who his Servant is. But it doesn't change his concerns.
Elemental Affinity: Earth, Wind (to a lesser extent)
Magecraft/Abilities:He does have knowledge of general magecraft. More basic spells (such as detecting the basic stats of enemy servants) were drilled (figuratively, thankfully) into his head by his parents. Even if there wasn't a Grail War going on, it was important to be able to protect yourself. You know how some parents enroll their children in martial arts so that they can have that knowledge to protect themselves? Consider it like that, but for a mage.
One of the more notable magical fields that his family became known for was Earth Manipulation. By releasing magical energy into the ground he could cause the ground itself to produce small eruptions that are similar in function to landmines. As his elemental affinity would infer, he would have knowledge of elemental spells relating to grounding, cultivation of energy and energy embedding.
Biography:Nicholas was a kid who was meant to 'be something above the standards of mediocrity', according to his grandparents. Reinforcing this ideal his parents built upon him the expectation that one day he would actually do something great. It was due to his parents that he could feel a great deal of pressure growing up, but at the same time he couldn't deny one thing.
He was fond of Magecraft. Being an eager student he did his best to learn the basics of the craft despite the fact that the non-magic world didn't really contain classes on the subject. So his family made sure to accommodate for that issue, as a standard magus family could afford. Of course, the Clock Tower was always an option in terms of education. But the Petrovskas had some concerns which caused them to not trust the Clock Tower with the heir to the family.
When his parents were questioned on why they would re-direct the conversation away from the subject, saying it was over a 'silly little thing'. Instead he received private tutoring which did wonders for him, but at the same time contributed to his introverted perspective of the world. His favorite place to spend time in would be his family's miniature private library, and while most ordinary kids were eager to play outside/virtual games he was eager to read.. as dorky as that sounded.
Things changed when a 'city full of Servants' was constructed and ready for newcomers. Hearing of Fusang City was not entirely pleasant for the household. They weren't entirely sure if the city itself was safe, they knew that there were Servants there.. but until he had a Servant how much danger would he be exposed to if some Servant decided to attack him to blow off steam?
So in order to satisfy his parent's concerns he had to first prove to them that he had the ability to care for himself, at least to the degree that an upcoming university student would. Therefore, around the household he became increasingly more independent while picking up a few 'household skills'. For example, while he wasn't a master chef by any means he at least knew how to make staple foods that would ensure he didn't go hungry. As long as there was a supermarket nearby.
Before actually leaving for Fusang City he actually took a trip through his community to take in the scenery before his departure. And when he had wandered through those streets he came across a yard sale where a interesting book seemed to be partially hidden underneath some rags. Something about the book felt special, and so without intending to he actually bought himself a catalyst (he had no knowledge that it was a book that belonged to his future Servant).
His family established a connection to a school in Fusang City (which I'll just call Fusang University) with him being a transfer student. While not completely technologically inept his family could hardly be considered 'tech wizards'. In fact, he probably knows more about electronics then the majority of the household due to his inherent exposure to it. But regardless of the difficulty his family was able to do it, and upon getting to Fusang City he was tasked with finding his quarters along with touring Fusang City at his leisure.
Due to the fact that his family expected him to get a Servant they were aware of the fact that Servants might need.. space. Because, while they couldn't name the Servant that would be summoned, they imagined that some Servants like Casters would require a workplace. Therefore, they managed to use their resources to gain access to a larger living space. However, in turn for that, his parents expected that he start to do something to build up financial resources through his own work.
So his solution to that was to work at the school's library. He was approved to work there, and so outside of school he works semi-flexible hours at the library. And outside of that.. there's the whole of Fusang City to explore!
When he first arrived in the city he did not set out to immediately summon a Servant, largely due to the idea that he felt he needed to be prepared to have a Servant. Of course not intended to be taken in a demeaning way, but owning a Servant was akin to getting a new roommate. Except this roommate was a spirit of a renowned figure from some point in humanity's history.
Family History:His bloodline is connected to someone great, but perhaps not in a direct sense. His family lines go as far back as Vera Petrovna de Zhelihovsky, who was the sister of Helena Blavatsky and had allegedly even witnessed the Mahatma that Blavatsky believed in. Between two husbands she had a total of two sons and three daughters over the course of her life, and his family branch came from one of those siblings.
From that point in the family lineage his line developed traces in the Americas and Europe, more specifically England. It took hundreds of years, but they never gave up. They took their time to gather resources while remaining somewhat skeptical of the Mage Association. And while they were not on the same level as the highest tier of mage families, they retained some degree of influence in the world of mages.
(Note: I already have a Servant in mind for my Master, Helena Blavatsky. If you do feel like playing Blavatsky and have the ability to then I'd be glad to pair up with you. Also, for those who are Masters without Servants, if you want to make a different arrangement such as my making/playing with a character sheet for a Servant of your choice in exchange for my pairing then we can talk about it.)