Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 18 days ago

October 31st, 1943 - Homecoming

Ruthie looked over to Gio as he came to the group and nodded towards him. "Afternoon, names Ruthie," she said before leaning back slightly as if she was listening to someone speak into her ear. Huffing slightly she sighed and nodded, holding up a finger as if to indicate to whomever she was speaking to she would get to it in a minute, that it had to wait for now. After Gilbert was done and waited to hear Gio's opinion Ruthie finally spoke up. "I ain't quoting this time, bloke damn long winded but he's askin' me to be sure this one don't pull any pranks while movin' his grave. Somethin' about he knows he shouldn't have run off after some broad but that don't mean he needs anymore gags."

The rousties didn't seem to give two hoots if Sophia and James were gonna head off, in fact they seemed oddly relieved that they were going to go their own way and let them get on their business. Picking up their stuff and they kept on moving. Ben on the other hand looked up at James as he spoke and nodded as he took a pull from his cigarette. "Ain't that the truth," he said as he blew out the smoke and rubbed the bottom of his chin. Standing up he dusted off the back of his pants before jogging over to James and walking beside him. "Wouldn't mind a cup of coffee if ya got one to spare," he said as he walked with him, looking over to Sophia and nodding slightly. "Ma'am," he said in greeting.

Libby was strolling along, seeming to lighten in her mood the further she got away from the cooch tent. Down at the waters edge the women had stopped singing and were finishing wringing out the laundry. Laying it out on rocks and over limbs of trees to dry in the sunlight and breeze that was blowing about lightly. They never seemed to say anything to each other but they did look at each other and then nod or give expressions. It was as if they had a way to speak to each other without having to speak. Maybe it was telepathy, maybe it was just three sisters who knew each other. They obviously could use their voices, they were just not doing it right then.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 11 days ago

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Peter's Grave

Bart smiled, glad to see she agreed with him. He weighed the options in front of him for a moment/ He wanted to check out the women for sure, but who knows who they might be at this point? They didn't rightly have time to search around the camp for them, whereas he reasoned it was a pretty fair guess that either Ben or this so called Management would be near the Circus set up. Additionally, he wagered that they'd eventually make their way back there anyway. Given all that, he felt comfortable with saying they should make their way back towards the carnival set up.

"Let's see if Ben isn't back at the set up." He offered, "Only thing I would be a little concerned about it the fact that we'd be leaving the grave unguarded," He said, his tone even as he elaborated, "If they do have some nefarious intent for the grave, we'd be practically letting them at it." He didn't see this as too much of a risk, but he thought it best to point out. "That said, we should know when they start heading back here, assuming they take the main road. We'll either intersect with them on the way back, or we'll see them leave once we get to the set up." Taking a few steps back towards the road, he waited for Faith's response, ready to go with her if she was on the same page as him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Andromeda Aldrich

Location: Ville au Camp - Carnival Set Up
Skills: N/A

Andromeda was shocked to see the Watch back so soon - though she guessed it wasn't really that surprising. She wasn't entirely certain how his abilities worked yet, but he could more or less return whenever he wanted from what Andromeda could understand. It wasn't too odd then for him to return during the same ~day~ that he had left. Or maybe it had just been a super quick trip and no time manipulation was needed for a quick return. The more Andromeda thought about it, the more it was giving her a headache. She would need paper, pencil, and a three hour Q&A session to even get close to understanding how the Watch's powers worked.

Yet just as she was surprised to see the Watch back, she was surprised that he hadn't brought Nancy back with him. Those two Emendators seemed to be incredibly close, acting like brother and sister even though they looked more like grandfather and granddaughter - maybe uncle and niece on a good day, she mused. With the two Emendators talking to each other, Andromeda more or less felt awkwardly out of place now as well. She didn't want to interrupt them as they were catching each other up on things that had happened - she was just a Paradox, after all - but she also didn't want to sit there and do nothing.

"Thank you for communicating with Peter for us, Ruthie," Andromeda said. She figured someone had to thank Ruthie, since Gio and Gilbert seemed to focused on each other to really register the medium.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Faith Masters

Location: Peter's Grave -> Towards Carnival Set-up (Main Road)
Skills: N/A

Faith tossed her head side to side in thought. She also did not want to leave the grave unattended, but what else could they do? Have one of them wait for something that may never come? Whereas they had actual things going on in the carnival. Not to mention they had no idea why the grave was important. "Yeah, I think we won't find anything else here at the moment. Maybe we can come back later after time has passed. I wish I had a power to keep surveillance on this, but we don't have a choice unless one of us wanted to wait here and I don't think that will yield anything."

"Yeah, let's head to the carnival. If we run into someone along the road we can question them, but I think we are good here for now."
Faith would wait for Bart and then make her way to the main road and head back to the set-up. Hopefully they would get their answers soon otherwise she had no idea what else to investigate. She wished Eve was here, or anyone else for that matter. She hated feeling like this, but she also didn't want to jump in head-first into a situation she did not know about. She learned her lesson the last time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

Location: Ville au Camp, The Carnival Grounds
Skills: N/A

"So does General Fuzzy like the name you've given him?" Sophia asked jokingly and laughed slightly she was just glad to get away from the other rousties that were there. She did not like the way that they had talked to her and James, and she wanted to punch them if she could, but that would probably end up making things worse for them. And they probably wouldn't even get any kind of information from them either, as Sophia walked alongside with James she stopped to look up at the Management Car. She noticed Ben there and gave the man a friendly smile as he walked over towards her and James as well, figuring that he would be willing to talk to them at least for the time being as well.

"It's Ben right?" Sophia asked as she gave him a smile and extended her hand towards him. "We can certainly get you a cup of coffee at the kitchen house." Sophia offered, figuring that it wouldn't be that bad allowing Ben into the kitchen house at least to get something from there. "Did you want something to eat as well?" Sophia offered as well, since there was a lot of food in there while looking over towards James for a moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Carnival Set Up
Skills: N/A

Gilbert's reply was rather vague, but Gio simply interpreted that as the nature of the events that transpired being confidential, not to be talked about before the current crowd, whether that be the rousties or the Paradoxes. Understandable. Likewise, he didn't want to share what he had learned right at this time either. It was no big deal, they could go over the details later, in private.

"Gio," he gave in response to Ruthie's introduction. It was only common courtesy. But the claim that she could speak to the dead would be something that he'd normally disregard as a simple ruse in order to procure money or attention. Yet, stranger things had happened before, and the one who appeared to be swayed was Gilbert. So it could be entirely reasonable that she really did possess the ability advertised. At least, that was his though process before the woman spoke up again. That was all it took to settle his mind as far as this matter stood.

"Well, there it is," Giosue said, as he gave an open-handed gesture that indicated that the facts had been laid bare. "Did Peter say why we should relocate his remains? And where would we put it anyways?" Just because she was talking to him didn't mean he was right. He wasn't going to dig up someone's body and relocate it to who knows where on a whim or unfounded paranoia. If he simply wanted to be buried somewhere close to home, he'd just have to deal with the inconvenience in the afterlife.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Gilbert Summers

Location: Ville au Camp (Carnival Setup)
Skills: N/A

"I am led to believe," began Gilbert, "that anywhere off of the grounds will suffice." This in response to Giosue's question about relocating Peter's remains. He looked to the carnival medium, Ruthie, "Though I would not assume when we have this young lady in front of us to confirm." If it was a simple matter of removing the Paradox from the Loop and Ruthie was the genuine article, then this could be as easy as rolling the body over a fence and being done with it. It was obviously not the tall Emendator's preferred option; Peter deserved more respect in death than the equivalent of tossing a frisbee over the neighbor's privacy fence.

Gilbert was pleased to note that Andromeda remembered something in the way of manners where he himself did not. He was a rather informal creature unless a more tactical approach was necessary, which occasionally manifested in the form of Gil skipping little acts of etiquette. In this case, it was doubly so because he had taken small measures to try to rule out Ruthie's gift as cold reading or other acts of mischief. "Of course. How rude of me, Andromeda." He turned once more to the carnival lady and bowed his head with a relaxed smile, "Thank you so much, Ruthie. I have forgotten my manners today. Could I interest you in some coffee, or fruit? Perhaps some regionally sourced grain alcohol? Or whatever holds your interest for a repast before we commit ourselves to matters at hand."

James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Carnival Setup)
Skills: N/A

"Ya know, Miss Sophia, I got no clue what he's thinkin' 'bout being called General Fuzzy." mused James. He glanced back to see if that squirrel was still behind him. James hadn't forgotten about his promise to the furry little guy, they just had a bit of a detour first. "It was just the first thing that come to mind when I was tryin' to pull a fast one on Mr. Hat, while back. Kinda stuck, with that one squirrel. He's aight." It had been alright so far, anyway, though James knew the cardinal rule that a wild animal would generally always have a bit of wild in them. No amount of preternatural communication was going to change that.

James was about to give one of his standard replies of open Southern Hospitality when Sophia beat him to the punch. He nestled his big cowboy hat back upon his head and agreed with his fellow former Newnanite, "Well hells yeah, that there's a fine idea. C'mon with, coffee an' the fixin's is exactly what you're gonna get. Somethin' besides too, if'n it takes your interest. We got plenty today." It was true, today they were in abundance. It was always the case as the day began the literal same as the previous. James arced his path to point himself and the people with him back in the direction of the Kitchen House. It seemed the appropriate place to be.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 18 days ago

October 31st, 1943 - Nap Time

For whatever reason (other than the GM needs to move a character off screen) Alexandra decided it was a good time to go take a nap. Maybe it was just too much to take in, maybe she hadn't slept well the night before. Whatever the reason she was feeling drowsy and would go take a nap. After giving a bit more concrete directions to where the waters edge was over by the swamp she excused herself and headed back to the Main House, where she would make her way into her room. Locking the door she then laid down to take a nap. Sweet dreams until later.

Libby shrugged about the entire thing. Taking a puff from her smoke she kept walking. She had over the course of the last few minutes (previous posts) moved from the Carnivale setting, down the road between the Oak Tree and the Garages and was making her way towards the where the girls were washing the laundry at the waters edge not far from Peters grave. She messed around a bit practicing a few dance steps as she went. The weather wasn't as hot as she had seen it before so she wasn't in the biggest of hurries.

Ruthie looked over at Andromeda and nodded a bit. "Well ain't like they're gonna shut up, they just get louder if I don't but you are welcome girl," she said with a bit of a smile. It was obvious she didn't like having to be a message delivery system for the dead. Looking at Gio she waited for Gilbert to answer but he didn't exactly explain why so she summed it up. "Says he's caught in a damn loop of a day and can't move on as long as his body is here. He don't care if it is just out of the grounds or back home in England. Just out of here," she said motioning around the place. Turning her attention to Gilbert she nodded. "If you got a drink, I'd have one. It drowns out the noise," she said as she rubbed the side the of her temples.

It was getting into the mid to late afternoon as Ben made his way with James and Sophia over towards the Kitchen House. "Nah, just some coffee would be nice," he said as he took another puff from his cigarette. The boy hadn't seemed to eat today, at least not since they had arrived to the camp from what could be told and the boy was rather thin. Then again a high percentage of the group was on the thinner side, save a handful who looked to be a tad on the heavier side. That seemed to be the way of things though and it didn't looks to have to do with jobs. Ruthie, Ben, and the three women all looked to be slightly underweight by more than a few pounds. Maybe it had something to do with their apparent powers?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Andromeda Aldrich

Location: Ville au Camp - Carnival Set Up
Skills: N/A

Gilbert and Giouse's discussion was bothering Andromeda - really bothering her. At first, she assumed it was just her own pride. They were the Emendators and she was the Paradox, she reminded herself. They had more experience in the bizarre and a better success rate at surviving it - especially given last time weird things happened at a circus, she had died. Yet they were continuously being rude to Ruthie and only paying attention to each other. It continued to bother her more and more, until a potential explanation came into Andromeda's mind. No, the Emendators couldn't be sexist, could they?

She tried not to think too much about that thought. It was too easy to see things that weren't there sometimes, but it continued to nag at her as Ruthie accepted the offer of a drink. It was just that they were Emendators and used to knowing everything, right? That had to be all this was. She was reading the situation incorrectly and was getting a bit bothered over something that wasn't there. She didn't think the Cards or the Dice were the sort that would tolerate sexism either and Gilbert and Giouse had to have trained Alicia at some point. Sexist people wouldn't do that, right?

However, the idea still was nagging away at her. "Would you like me to accompany you all?" Andromeda asked, looking at Ruthie and the two Emendators. She didn't want to overstep a boundary and insert herself into this if it wasn't the place for a Paradox.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

Location: Ville au Camp, The Carnival Grounds -> The Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

Sophia nodded slightly towards James as he answered her question, but she wasn't going to say anything else about his ability right now, since she didn't really know Ben all that well. "Some coffee it is then." She said towards Ben as Sophia continued to make her way over towards the kitchen house. She walked up the steps of it, and then walked through the door, as soon as she was inside she looked over towards Ben and James. "How do you like your coffee usually?" She asked the both of them, as she started to get the things ready for the coffee.

As she went and started up the coffee, and then looked around the kitchen house, before finding three mugs for the three of them and set it down on the table. "So where are you from originally Ben?" Sophia asked, as she decided to make a bit of small talk while they waited for the coffee to brew. She would then start to get the sugar and some crème out as well for the three of them incase they needed to get some as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 11 days ago

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Peter's Grave -> Towards Carnival Set-up (Main Road)

Bart followed along side Faith, and shrugged a little bit, "Eh, Sophia's here for surveillance, if anything major happens, she should be able to hear it." He said. Of course, he had no way to know what kind of range Sophia had, but all he had was that hope. "We're all good at different things, you know?" This was something he'd considered himself a fair bit, especially in his training with Faith. Before he came here, he was so, unbelievably outclassed by everybody else. These days, he didn't know how true that was, but one thing he really had to come to terms with was that their separate skill sets weren't a bad thing, but were instead a strength.

Walking down the road, he turned his head to Faith, measuring his next words carefully. He opened his mouth a few times, trying to get the next few words out, but found it difficult. Exhaling, he finally said quietly. "Do you think Eve is gone because of us?" He asked, rubbing his arm uncomfortably. He knew it was probably just paranoia, but that didn't stop the feeling. If there was even the smallest chance that this was somehow caused by their behavior around Golgotha and company, he didn't know how he'd be able to face the others. He hoped Faith would be able to shake this feeling from him, one way or another.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Faith Masters

Location: Towards Carnival Set-up (Main Road)
Skills: N/A

Faith had realized she didn't know much about the other's powers and that was not a good thing. If they were to work together, she really should know more about them. This may have been a good wake-up call. If they didn't have the circus thing to worry about, and the disappearance of all but one of the Emendators, then she would see about fixing that. It would have to wait though. At least until things were clear and there was no looming shadow of danger.

Bart's question struck her because she had thought it first and dismissed it. Yeah, they messed up during their mission with Eve, but was that enough to justify leaving everyone behind with no word or notice? That didn't strike her as something Eve would do. "I doubt it. Eve never struck me as the type to vanish because two under her care royally screwed up. I don't know what your feedback said, but mine didn't strike me as her being so disappointed she would just leave. There was hope there. No, I think there is more to it than we know and the circus is part of it. However little that may be."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Gilbert Summers

Location: Ville au Camp (Carnival Setup -> Kitchen House)
Skills: N/A

Given the multitude of strange experiences that Gilbert had been a part of over the millennia of his awareness, Gilbert was wary of this bunch, without doubt. That worry translated into considerable annoyance at actions that, to his grievous error, he counted as intrusive and entitled coming from these carnival people. The credibility factor was, sadly, quite wanting. He could tell himself that this was a thing which needed to happen, considering the highly unusual nature of the troupe suddenly showing up in the middle of their time loop, but he was ever the old soldier, alert and searching for the threat in any situation for the good of his unit. This unit being a dwindling number of Emendators and Paradoxes, and by differing means, each.

He had been in the presence of confidence artists in the past. Most were willing to have people part with excess money, some did it just for the thrill of it. Some were truly depraved or nihilistic. Not the least of which had been people who claimed to possess the ability to speak with the dead, but were in truth just unscrupulous charlatans. Those were commonplace across times and cultures, going back to the Beginning. So Gilbert felt absolutely zero guilt nor shame at putting Ruthie through a casual series of questions and social tests to ensure that she was the Genuine Article. Having Giosue there to confirm was just the bonus he needed to re-assume a less guarded posture with the woman. Death was a huge part of being an Emendator or a Paradox. In its own way, perhaps even more for a Paradox. There was no way that Gil was going to let someone prey upon their insecurities or hopes for their own ends, when he could do something about it.

Satisfied, at least for the time being, he smiled and quietly offered Ruthie his arm, the same way in which they were walking earlier. "We may definitely accommodate. Please join us in the Kitchen House." He set to leading his guest back toward the building just across the slim patch of ground to the side of the Carnival, but hadn't gotten a pace or so when a question came from Andromeda concerning her presence. "For a certainty, Andromeda. I had assumed you would be joining us. Please, please do."

Upon reaching the Kitchen House, Gilbert seemed delighted to note the presence of Sophia, Ben and James already present. "Gentlemen. Sophia." He nodded at each of them in turn. "Good to see you about." Moving to the cabinets, Gilbert located and selected one containing the very bottles and assorted containers he sought. Speaking over his shoulder to Ruthie, he observed, "The question before you, madam: Would you prefer top shelf or something with a more homemade quality?" Maybe one type of the other would have a better or more lasting effect with her. Or simply a matter of preference. Gilbert had taken to the initial stocking of this place. He could seamlessly locate just about anything and tended to be a gracious host. "Anything for you, Gio? I might have a cup of tea, myself."

Looking back to Ruthie, he set a glass upon the table and motioned to their selection of fine and not-so-fine alcohols. "Have you always had your gift?" he asked nonchalantly.

James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Kitchen House)
Skills: N/A

It was an odd feeling, having Sophia prepare coffee for him. James got a sort of strange 1950s vibe off of the whole thing, and it made him want to do something, anything, rather than sit down and wait for someone to bring him a hot beverage. But she did ask a valid question. "Oh, I'm happy as I can be takin' my coffee however you takin' yours, Miss Sophia!" he blurted, sliding over to a cupboard and rifling through it, seemingly intent upon locating something in particular. From over the din of the broad-shouldered man moving canisters and boxes about, one could hear him softly singing, "Oh Ar Ee Ohh, Oh Ar Ee Oh! Oh Ar Ee Oh-Oh; The White Stuff..."

A quiet moment passed, hovered even, until he gave an exclamation of, "Aha!" and withdrew a cylinder which promised the very Oreos inquired about by the furry, bushy-tailed rodents just earlier. James glanced around, half expecting to see General Fuzzy (or one of his cohorts) staring at him through a window. He didn't catch view immediately, so slid the canister into a back pocket and silently vowed to get it where he promised it would go. In the meantime, "Hey there, Miss Sophia? Breakfast didn't really do it for me. Imma make myself a sandwich or somethin'. You want?" As Ben had already turned down food, he gave the man a courtesy "Hmm?" and point in his direction.

At this time, he noted the arrival of others, who included Gilbert searching for alcohol. He politely returned Gil's nod but left it at that. It seemed a little early in the day, even though he was considering tapping into Alicia's stash of tequila not to long ago. But that was different. He would take a drink or two and remember his friend, and still intended to, even with this new development in the form of visitors. Moreover, Carnival people and Andromeda didn't make for a positive experience for his fellow Paradox. He should be a gentleman (or the nearest approximation) and give her an invite later, if only as a means of giving her an excuse if she didn't want to be around them.

All the same, it looked like The Hat had his own little conversation about to kick off with his own set of people, so until something of personal interest crept up or unless his opinion was invited, he decided for the meantime to stick to his own budding discussion. Supporting Sophia's question to Ben, James offered, "I'm from Georgia, m'self. South Georgia, nearabouts Lee County - real green down there. Good huntin'."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Carnival Set Up->Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

"Thank you, Miss Ruthie," for answering the question he had directed at Gil when the Emendator had failed to. It was a relief that Peter's reasons for wanting his remains removed didn't involve some dire end outcome for the Camp that they wouldn't have been able to see coming. But at the same time it was rather disappointing and vexing that he was doing this for such a selfish reason. And how does he know that he's stuck in this loop because his body's on the grounds? Sure the place itself is in a time loop, but that hasn't stopped anyone else from being able to move on. It wouldn't surprise Gio if it was Peter's own psychological hang ups that were still keeping him in this life.

A vindictive part of Gio wanted to say "Maybe we should just let Peter's remains stay on the grounds for a bit longer then. Take our time removing them." He wasn't exactly mad at Peter, but when all was said and done, he had far more important things to do. The afterlife situation of Paradoxes, let alone one who had fallen to his own disregard for the rules, was rather low on his list of concerns. So far low that it was a topic he had ceased thinking about seriously some centuries ago. But it wouldn't be right to just leave him to his fate like that, now that he had asked for help. If Gilbert wanted to have the remains removed today, he wouldn't object, but as it was, the Paradox could stand to wait a bit longer.

"Indeed. There's no reason you wouldn't be able to accompany us, Miss Andromeda," for now, "I doubt that anything of interest for you will come about, however." Gio answered before he followed Gilbert to the Kitchen House. He wasn't too cognizant of the Camp's alcohol storage, but he had full confidence that Gilbert did given the amount of time he spent in the kitchen. Certainly they could find something for such an interesting woman.

"Salutations," he casually greeted the Paradoxes and Ben, but otherwise paid them no mind. Sophia and James were on the more responsible end of the spectrum, so he felt no compulsion to keep track of what they were doing with the young man here. "A cup of tea would be delightful. And how about you, Andromeda? Would you like a cup as well, or does something else tickle your fancy?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 18 days ago

October 31st, 1943 - What's Happening Elsewhere?

Ruthie looked over towards Andromeda and before anything else she nodded. "Girl please, don't leave me alone with them two, you're the only one that makes sense in my head," she said to the pale woman with a bit of a forced chuckle. It was true. The Emendators had different perspectives not only from a gender perspective but also from a difference in beings. Not to mention she had another speaking to her that the others weren't privy to. Having the girl around was keeping the building migraine manageable.

Ben walked with Sophia and James into the kitchen house and pulled up a chair to the table. Sitting down and taking a drag from his cigarette. "Nothing in it," he said as he pulled it from his mouth. It was common to drink it black in the Carnivale, and in most parts of poorer areas. Milk and sugar were luxuries and being barely out of the Dust Bowl era in the U.S. and in the middle of a war even just getting bacon and orange juice was high luxury. "Milfay over in Oklahoma," he said as the smoke rolled out over his bottom lip. "Left awhile ago," he added as he rubbed his chin with the back of his thumb.

Libby kept making her way down to the water, she had passed Faith and Bart a bit ago on the way but she didn't pay them any mind. They seemed to be talking to themselves and she wasn't going to butt in. Right then she just wanted to get cleaned up a bit. Usually it was to cool off, a drip in the water, but with the weather being decent inside the loop that wasn't an issue. It was nice that it wasn't summer out in California or Texas. Babylon had been hell in more than one way...

Ruthie followed the group into the kitchen house, and then spotted Ben was in there with two others. Ben stood up and nodded towards her. "Ruthie," he said before pulling out a chair for her. Ruthie took a seat and gave him a passing smile as she scooted the chair closer to the table. Ben sat back down and took another puff from his cigarette.

"I'm used to the bathtub stuff but I wouldn't complain about something that didn't taste like the rust off a steal drum," she said as she adjusted the shawl around her shoulders. "No, it didn't start until..." she began but her words trailed off as she glanced towards Ben. "You mind?" she asked.

Ben shook his head. "Naw, you're story I only was there to do my thing," he said and she nodded.

"Till Ben brought me back," she said as she leaned back in her chair and turned out left forearm, there were two scars close together. It looked like someone had driven nails into her arm. "Ain't born into it like him." Her eyes went towards Ben for a minute. "Some of us gotta die to get the gift as you call it," she admitted. Ben just sat there looking at the table and every so often taking another puff. "Thought I was going mad at first, crazy. Seeing people I knew was dead. Wasn't until Gab told me what happened and I talked to Samson I started to figure it out. Didn't know I had been anything but sick, but after three days without breathe I guess I spent enough time on their side for the shit to set in." Pulling her arm back she glanced back over to Ben who was picking at a place on the wood. He was only a kid, at least in the grand scheme of things.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

Location: Ville au Camp, The Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

"Black coffee it is then." Sophia said as she started to pour three cups for herself, Ben and James as she went over and handed them their mugs one by one. When she took a moment as she heard the door open to the Kitchen House, seeing that it was Giouse, Gilbert, Andromeda and some woman that she didnt really know. "Hey there everyone." Sophia said as her eyes turned towards James offering to make a sandwich for her and gave him a smile and nodded towards him. "Sure i'd love one, whatever you are going to make." She didn't really mind she was a tad bit hungry again as well come to think of it now since her breakfast earlier in the day.

Sophia looked towards the others, it seemed like they were going for a little bit of alcohol by the looks of it as Sophia pulled up her seat at the table and sat down. Her attention turned towards Ruthie as she started to speak, and revealed a set of scars on her arm which made Sophia wince ever so slightly seeing it. Losing her hand was a bit hard enough when she was alive, as Sophia shifted a little bit in her seat. Then when Ruthie revealed her little bit of information she turned to look over at the other two Emendators within the room wondering if they had something to say which sounded more like they maybe Paradoxes like they were.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Gilbert Summers

Location: Ville au Camp (Kitchen House)
Skills: N/A

"Then you are going to want the Glen." suggested Gilbert, pulling from the cabinet an uncracked bottle of Glen Livet. It was commonly regarded as a known single-malt of high quality. Not overly rare, not some special reserve that had obscure notes of something-or-another, but clean and noteworthy quality alcohol that found a place with nobility of the era as well as special occasions for more working class folk. He introduced the contents to the open air with a steady hand and poured three fingers of the aromatic amber liquid into the glass upon the table. Gil then re-corked the bottle and left it on the table next to the glass, which he nudged in Ruthie's direction. "I will not be offended if you pour again for yourself."

The situation reminded Gilbert of an incident from not too long ago, when the new crop of Paradoxes arrived. A jar of moonshine had been brought out, made by the grandfather of someone that two of the newcomers, James and Sophia, knew personally. Sometimes he was amazed at how small the world can be. And just sometimes, he knew what details to provide to make the transition t becoming a Paradox an easier one. But what he was reminded of was Evelina's preemptive scolding about Not Tolerating Drunkenness, which gave him a sudden rush of concern for the eccentric Emendator.

His concern was waylaid by what Ruthie said next, though he did not let it show in his actions. He continued getting a kettle of water together for tea and set it upon the stove, still giving his ear over to the assertion of the woman of two incredible statements: She had died, and Ben had brought her back from it. That last part was especially interesting, if it could be believed. Evelina was one of the oldest entities in the history of humanity and possessed a power of truly unearthly quality, that being able to raise Paradoxes. And Ruthie just claimed that this boy brought her back from death. With the newfound power to interact with the deceased, no less. It was intriguing, to say the least. "How very Paradoxical." he mused, apparently giving something a decent amount of thought. He turned to Ben, a young man of apparently few words, and began to connect a few recurring thoughts, "I mean no disrespect, so please allow some latitude as I do not know how your abilities function in comparison to ours, nor am I overly aware of custom in this instance." He cleared his throat, "Could you not then, if he were willing, restore our Peter Keystone to us? Hypothetically, of course." The breadth of an ability like that made Gilbert's mind wander to other possibilities, but he kept those under his hat for the time being.

James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Kitchen House)
Skills: N/A

Just as much as James liked to talk, and he did, the discussion in the Kitchen House was getting good and he felt it best to stay out of it for now. That is, until someone asked him for his opinion on something or a topic that produced some sense of moral outrage caused him a blackneck telenovella moment. He figured it was about a coin toss, give or take. He did opt to remain quiet and see what was going to transpire first. And damn, was the conversation getting interesting. It was probably obvious that he was listening to what was going on for anyone taking the time to observe him, though why anyone would with what was being spoken about elsewhere in the room was beyond him.

He did nod at Sophia when she mentioned that she would want a little something to eat as well. What noise he made then came about as he readied slices of bread, cheese, and ham into stacks and dealt them together like edible cards, into the final form of a basic sandwich. The application of condiments was left undone, but the appropriate jars were left out so as to provide quick access for those that might prefer them. It was a far cry from the more epicurean endeavors of his previous life, that being the tradeoff for becomomg who he was now. However, his mind was only on that subject for a paltry half-second as it appeared that game changing revelations were afoot in the Kitchen House that day.

He quietly slid a sandwich on a bread plate over to Sophia and silently offered one to Ben. No way he was interrupting this exchange. Yet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Faith Masters

Location: Towards Carnival Set-up (Main Road) -> Near Water
Skills: N/A

Faith had been moving about in her own headspace, she missed the woman passing her by. She was determined to find something wrong about the situation. She stopped and turned to ey the girl passing by. She was one of the women who took the laundry and sang. Creepy still. She quickly snagged Bart's shirt to pull him back. "Hold on there buddy. We just completely missed one of those girls. I say we circle back and question her."

She turned around to jog toward her. She didn't want to alarm the girl though so she slowed down as she got closer to her. "Excuse me? Hi, sorry to bother you. I'm Faith and this is Bart. We live here. I take it you are part of the circus? That must be exciting. Anyway, do you mind if we ask you some questions?" She would not be deterred either way. Perhaps the girl knew things, perhaps not, but they were getting nowhere thus far and they needed to find something of value. Eve deserved that much.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Andromeda Aldrich

Location: Ville au Camp - Carnival Set Up -> the Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

Thankfully for Andromeda, her new line of thought - determining whether or not the two Emendators were sexist - was actually proving to be a sufficient distraction from the unease the Carnival gave her. She had almost convinced herself that she was wrong, until Giouse mentioned that nothing of interest would come up for her in these conversations. Did these people know so little about her? She had dedicated her life to studying the strange and unusual - and she had been killed at a Circus, where some of those present had abilities. How would she find nothing of interest, good or bad, here?

"Black coffee, please," Andromeda replied, when asked what she wanted to drink. However, her mind then soon was focused on Ben and Ruthie. He had brought Ruthie back to life and then she had gained these abilities. It was pretty much the same thing with the Paradoxes, wasn't it? Eve had brought them back to life and then they developed powers. It was how Andromeda could now probably passably change her name to Storm or Plaguebearer.

But while Gilbert was wondering if Ben could bring Peter back to life, Andromeda had another thought. If Eve was gone... could Ben be the next Dice? Was that even possible, for an Emendator to just... transfer over to someone else? She bit her lip slightly, thinking it over. "How'd you get your abilities, Ben?" Andy then asked softly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

"At this rate we're going to end up dirtying all the dishes in the house by the time everyone's been served," Gio chided, but moved to prepare the grounds for Andromeda's coffee regardless. In a way, it was only mildly inconvenient. The water was already being boiled for tea, some of it could be used for coffee, but that didn't stop him from thinking over how to delegate the task of cleaning all the used dishes after the conversation was over in the back of his head. Time loop or no, it wouldn't do to have a pile of unwashed glasses sitting around. Chances were that he'd have to do it if he wanted them done properly, but the only bothered him slightly.

Despite the mundane nature of his complaint, the forefront of Gio's thoughts were centered around the real discussion at hand. He hadn't been planning on asking her anything of interest, she seemed like she had been quizzed quite enough when he arrived at the scene. He thought she'd just have her drink and then sent on her merry way. Evidently Gilbert had other plans. Plans that immediately bore fruit. The Watch really had no idea what to make of this information. He could immediately invent all sorts of explanations for all this, but all the possible explanations left him with no real recourse on how they should move forward with what they did know now. It made him almost consider changing his choice of beverage to something with more punch as well.

In the middle of pouring grounds into the glass container of the coffee maker, the Emendator stopped and shot his peer a glare from his peripheral vision at the pun, but otherwise said nothing and continued what he had been doing. He had his own questions as well, but it'd do no good to overburden the conversation with too many at once. He had time. Perhaps they would answer him without having to utter a word.
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