Gilbert Summers

Location: Ville au Camp (Carnival Setup -> Kitchen House)
Skills: N/A
Given the multitude of strange experiences that Gilbert had been a part of over the millennia of his awareness, Gilbert was wary of this bunch, without doubt. That worry translated into considerable annoyance at actions that, to his grievous error, he counted as intrusive and entitled coming from these carnival people. The credibility factor was, sadly, quite wanting. He could tell himself that this was a thing which needed to happen, considering the highly unusual nature of the troupe suddenly showing up in the middle of their time loop, but he was ever the old soldier, alert and searching for the threat in any situation for the good of his unit. This unit being a dwindling number of Emendators and Paradoxes, and by differing means, each.
He had been in the presence of confidence artists in the past. Most were willing to have people part with excess money, some did it just for the thrill of it. Some were truly depraved or nihilistic. Not the least of which had been people who claimed to possess the ability to speak with the dead, but were in truth just unscrupulous charlatans. Those were commonplace across times and cultures, going back to the Beginning. So Gilbert felt absolutely zero guilt nor shame at putting Ruthie through a casual series of questions and social tests to ensure that she was the Genuine Article. Having Giosue there to confirm was just the bonus he needed to re-assume a less guarded posture with the woman. Death was a huge part of being an Emendator
or a Paradox. In its own way, perhaps even more for a Paradox. There was no way that Gil was going to let someone prey upon their insecurities or hopes for their own ends, when he could do something about it.
Satisfied, at least for the time being, he smiled and quietly offered Ruthie his arm, the same way in which they were walking earlier.
"We may definitely accommodate. Please join us in the Kitchen House." He set to leading his guest back toward the building just across the slim patch of ground to the side of the Carnival, but hadn't gotten a pace or so when a question came from Andromeda concerning her presence.
"For a certainty, Andromeda. I had assumed you would be joining us. Please, please do." Upon reaching the Kitchen House, Gilbert seemed delighted to note the presence of Sophia, Ben and James already present.
"Gentlemen. Sophia." He nodded at each of them in turn.
"Good to see you about." Moving to the cabinets, Gilbert located and selected one containing the very bottles and assorted containers he sought. Speaking over his shoulder to Ruthie, he observed,
"The question before you, madam: Would you prefer top shelf or something with a more homemade quality?" Maybe one type of the other would have a better or more lasting effect with her. Or simply a matter of preference. Gilbert had taken to the initial stocking of this place. He could seamlessly locate just about anything and tended to be a gracious host.
"Anything for you, Gio? I might have a cup of tea, myself." Looking back to Ruthie, he set a glass upon the table and motioned to their selection of fine and not-so-fine alcohols.
"Have you always had your gift?" he asked nonchalantly.
James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Kitchen House)
Skills: N/A
It was an odd feeling, having Sophia prepare coffee for him. James got a sort of strange 1950s vibe off of the whole thing, and it made him want to do something, anything, rather than sit down and wait for someone to bring him a hot beverage. But she did ask a valid question.
"Oh, I'm happy as I can be takin' my coffee however you takin' yours, Miss Sophia!" he blurted, sliding over to a cupboard and rifling through it, seemingly intent upon locating something in particular. From over the din of the broad-shouldered man moving canisters and boxes about, one could hear him softly singing,
"Oh Ar Ee Ohh, Oh Ar Ee Oh! Oh Ar Ee Oh-Oh; The White Stuff..." A quiet moment passed, hovered even, until he gave an exclamation of,
"Aha!" and withdrew a cylinder which promised the very Oreos inquired about by the furry, bushy-tailed rodents just earlier. James glanced around, half expecting to see General Fuzzy (or one of his cohorts) staring at him through a window. He didn't catch view immediately, so slid the canister into a back pocket and silently vowed to get it where he promised it would go. In the meantime,
"Hey there, Miss Sophia? Breakfast didn't really do it for me. Imma make myself a sandwich or somethin'. You want?" As Ben had already turned down food, he gave the man a courtesy
"Hmm?" and point in his direction.
At this time, he noted the arrival of others, who included Gilbert searching for alcohol. He politely returned Gil's nod but left it at that. It seemed a little early in the day, even though he was considering tapping into Alicia's stash of tequila not to long ago. But that was different. He would take a drink or two and remember his friend, and still intended to, even with this new development in the form of visitors. Moreover, Carnival people and Andromeda didn't make for a positive experience for his fellow Paradox. He should be a gentleman (or the nearest approximation) and give her an invite later, if only as a means of giving her an excuse if she didn't want to be around them.
All the same, it looked like The Hat had his own little conversation about to kick off with his own set of people, so until something of personal interest crept up or unless his opinion was invited, he decided for the meantime to stick to his own budding discussion. Supporting Sophia's question to Ben, James offered,
"I'm from Georgia, m'self. South Georgia, nearabouts Lee County - real green down there. Good huntin'."