March 24th, 1823

Kirkpatrick House: The man nodded and started to screw the cap back on his worn flask. Turning the container over in his hands a few times before slipping it back into his inner coat pocket. He rubbed his nose and shrugged. "Like most Ey' run 'cross. Ain't be takin' no notice of me, prefer it that way. Few things more taxin' than tryin' to talk to them kind." Standing up he started to look around before walking over to the horses and checking their straps. Tightening them where it needed it, adjusting them here and there. Giving the beasts a pat here and there. Pulling some broken carrot pieces from his outer coat pocket he would feed them one from time to time. "We ain't nothin' but beats of burden to them."
Thomas looked over at Maeve as she told him what happened. "I see..." he said before casting a glance towards Egerton. "Very well. Then we should inform the church, you join me?" he asked of Egerton and the man nodded. "Ah, very well. You, make sure that Lord Rutherford and his fiance here are tended to so they may clean themselves," he said before grabbing his cap and heading out of the back of the house towards the private stables with Egerton on tow. Rutherford nodded as they left before looking over towards Millicent and giving a ruff huff.
"Yes, you could use a freshening up before we are wed. Why don't you go with her and I will be in the parlor," he said before giving her a kiss on top of her head. She stiffened slightly before he walked off. Once he was out of the room Millicent wrapped her arms around herself and muttered something under her breath before looking over towards Maeve.
"Would you happen to have paper and quill I could use?" she asked in a whispered voice that was streaked with nervousness.
Port Annan: Fyror would nod and walk out of the kitchen and back onto the main deck. Once he was gone Silvio took a step towards Colette. "Do be careful mon chérie, I don't believe that one is thinkin' with his head," he said as he pulled a coin out of his pocket, it was the same as the one that Regalia had given Vlad. "Should you need me, go to port and inquire for a La Canela. Should you be asked if the dead can live again, show them this," he said before handing it over. He nodded slightly before following suit and making his way to the main deck.
Below deck Ludwig was still sleeping, mouth agape. Dieter, his ferret not this brother, was laying curled on the mans chest. Rising and falling with each breath the man took. As Constantin came down the little one lifted his head and watched him. Ludwig still wasn't moving. That was until Dieter, the ferret not his brother, scampered up around his neck and bit his ear.
"Ah the sting of the Veragruel!" he yelped as he bolted up right.
Dieter, his ferret not this brother, leapt off the man and onto Constantin's shoulder. It was a good thing he did, for as Ludwig shot up, the hammock spun and flipped Ludwig onto the hammock below him. Which in turn spun and spit him out onto the floor below. Laying sprawled out on the ground the man adjusted his glasses and slowly looked up.
Et Tu Dieter?" he asked with a grin.
As the ship approached the harbor Regalia looked over towards Vlad and extended her hand. Taking the knife she looked it over and slipped it into her belt. "As you have friends now on the sea," she said with a nod and turned her attention back to overseeing that the ship was anchored in harbor. "Drop the gangplank!" she ordered. When it was done she continued. "Listo u nu'ukulo'ob ka descarga u muelle. Orasi ba'ax voluntad yaantal tu yiknal leti'ob? Jach a oportunidad."
The items that had been transferred over from the smaller ship onto Regalia's vessel were not being unloaded from the ship, including the horses, onto the dock. "Lela' in kuxtal bejla'e', mina'an paache' paachil," one of the men said in passing and Regalia nodded.
"Looks like it is time for you all to go," Regalia said looking over towards Vlad.
Carlisle: Ny laughed and nodded. "Ay, wouldn't we all if that was the life we were to lead," he joked as he stood there and leaned on his cane a bit. Standing there, he took on a more serious look. "Virginia o' Virginia. You are a wolf, you will be able to deal with these sheep," he said with a smack of his lips before motioning for her to go ahead. "I will come up slowly shortly."
Over at the carriage post two middle aged men stood there, one leaning against the post as the other groomed one of the horses. They were dirty and their clothes worn. Their hair reached their shoulders. One was black and the others gray. They wore hats on their heads and the older looking of the two seemed to be puffing on a pipe of tobacco. "I tell ya she was bright as a half pence that one and twice as pretty. Would have charged her half rate just to have driven her," he said. The younger of the two but still anything but young chuckled.
"I bet you would have but she'd have nothing to do with you," he laughed as he patted the horse. "Where do you think that blasted accent of her be comin' from? Ain't nothin' I er' be hearin' b'fore."
"Beats me lad, Ain't of this island that be for' sure," he said before taking another puff from his pipe.