Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Kirkpatrick House
Skills: N/A

William nodded in thanks as he took the flask offered to him. He took a drink himself before he replied to the driver, smiling again as he handed the flask back. It was good to talk to someone who didn't have a string of titles attached to them. This was where William felt more at ease, away from all the rigidity of noble etiquette, just sharing a drink while they watch the world go by. Of course the world they were watching go by was the grand and imposing shape of Kirkpatrick House, but William would take what he could get.

"You're right there, friend. I'm just a wanderer in truth, a musician who follow those who will pay me for my craft. As it happens, Lord Rutherford has hired me to play at his wedding to Miss Wyndham, so here I am. For both of our sakes, I hope this diversion doesn't take too long."

The man looked over towards William and took the flask back from him. Taking a swig from it he hissed slightly at the burn as he swallowed before nodding. "I hope yer right. I don't exactly get paid by the hour but by the job. Longer they take less chance I have at getting another hire before nightfall. I really don't want to spend an evening Gretna Green if I ain't got'to."

William nodded again. He didn't envy the man looking for customers with the night drawing in, least of all in Gretna Green. Now that he thought of it, what was William intending to do? Once the Rutherford and Millicent were wed, then William's contract would have reached it's end, and he doubted that the happy couple would want to keep William as a companion, and in truth, he wasn't sure he could stand Egerton for longer than he absolutely had to. But that was in the future, for now, William would live in the moment.

"That makes two of us."

William glanced over his shoulder, making sure that the rest of the party had moved on before he turned back to the driver.

"So, what do you make of their Lordships?"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: La Canela Ship (Captain's Cabin)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

What he received was not exactly a straight answer, concerning the prospect of the alliance. Yet it was hopeful. Montoya had promised aid, to him at least, on behalf of her people should he require the swift ships and able crews of La Canela. If that was the extent of her involvement, it was still more than acceptable. Vladimir gave the coin a close look, admiring the handiwork of it, before tucking it away and following the Captain out and onto the main deck.

Vlad did not wish to bother nor interrupt the woman as she gave her people their orders. Such a thing would be disrespectful, just as if someone were to cut him off in the middle of coordinating an event or mounting a proper defense within the Circus. Instead, he waited until she had taken position next to the wheel and approached, careful to avoid the crew as they moved about in completion of their duties.

As it was safe to approach, Vladimir stepped up to a respectful distance from the Captain and retrieved a sizeable, sheathed knife from by his side. It was one of many, owing to his occupation. But it was obviously of Russian make and distinctly Circus in form, amazingly balanced, and multipurpose as it needed to be in his service. He bowed and held it out to Captain Montoya, still sheathed, with both hands. "Is blade of Vladimir Dmitrievich Alexandrov, vone of masterful collection of The Great Bazhooli. For please, accept token in return for kindnessing and hospitalities, and know you are having friends in Mother Russia."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Virginia Crypt

Location: Carlisle
Skills: N/A

Virginia found the mention of sands curious. To her, sands belonged in places that were warm and far away from England's shores - perhaps the Caribbean where many went to train. She had heard plenty of talk about those sandy beaches, a sight incredibly different from the rocky ones she was so used to here in the British isles. However, she had to smile at the thought of gods playing games, going from place to place. She could see her own patron, Veliona, doing something of those sorts. "That is understandable - with such a long existence as theirs, with an immortal life without an end, they need some form of entertainment," she mused.

She glanced at the carriage post as well as Ny pointed it out. She wasn't too thrilled at pretending to be a weak maiden - she didn't like the entire image it gave of the helpless female - but it was unlikely that they'd be able to obtain a ride otherwise. "I think I might have an easier time pretending to be the old man, but I shall make my best attempt to pull the wool over their eyes," Virginia replied, referencing their earlier line of conversation as she followed Ny forward. She started to think over the ways to present herself like that, attempting to fold inwards slightly as to look vulnerable and weak.

Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick
Skills: N/A

While to an extent, Maeve could appreciate the entire ~devil I know~ sentiment, she found it foolish in a lot of cases. This happened to be one of them. Lady Kirkpatrick was an unknown, yes, but Maeve was almost positive that her situation would improve with Lady Kirkpatrick's help, rather than remaining a quiet piece of arm wear for some egotistical and prickish lord. What one currently had was not always the best case and it struck her as stubborn and childish to not even press for details about Lady Kirkpatrick and what help she could afford. Oh well. Maeve shook off any remaining pity she had for the young woman. She seemed too fixated on a fate she felt pre destined for to notice possibilities to change the course.

Once inside the house, Maeve nodded curtly. She truthfully did not wish to speak of Calum at the moment, but she had struck a deal with the Lady Kirkpatrick and she needed to honor its terms. "We encountered a number av rynes. We managed ter put dem ter rest, but Calum an' Rory were not so fortunate. We then secured transportashun back 'ere from these gentlemen as our carriage wus not an opshun any longer," Maeve explained. She made eye contact as she explained the situation to Lady Kirkpatrick's nephew, knowing that he still thought that she worked for him. Maeve omitted the fact that they had seen Roisin before the battle - that was something to be kept in confidence between herself and the Lady Kirkpatrick.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Constantin Kolev

Location: Regalia's Ship – Main deck -> Lower Deck
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

Constantin kept some poker face as Hazel told him what the place they were arriving at was. The land was... SO CLOSE! He could almost sense it's presence! This was his first time in such a deep water... The time they arrived with the circus at the British Isles not withstanding, but that was a special case anyway. Here it was just him, Vlad and crazy Ludwig. Taking himself out of the equation, Vlad seemed to be on a clumsy streak and Ludwig was Ludwig. They didn't seem to have his issues with water anyways." Thank you!" The fire walker replied to Hazel and thanked her. He then threw a glance at the approaching port.

"Better go wake up the Germam Fella..." He mumbled and walked down to the lower deck again. He briefly pondered if Dieter, the ferret not the brother, was still going to be paying him attention. Anyways he walked back to where they were sleeping earlier and called out loudly before the sleeping spots were even in view." Hey, Ludwig, rise and shine! We are about to arrive!" He said in loud manner as he walked there.

"Or are you awake cause some weird thing made you to wake up just in time?" He added as the place where the German fellow should be still sleeping came to view. He wouldn't be surprised at all if the German had woken up and wandered somewhere. Needless to say, Constantin's eyes first sought Dieter's last location before confirming anything else.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Kitchen -> Main Deck
Skills: Language -English

Colette could still feel herself a bit flustered, even if Silvio apologized. It was all too easy for men to assume the worst for a woman. She calmed herself down though, knowing she was in the right. Fyror remained quiet but she hoped her words reverberated with him too. He needed to understand that it was all well and good for him to help Millicent, for whatever reason he had, but that it should ultimately be Millicent's choice in the end. She aimed to give her that choice.

And she was, by no means, defenseless. She hoped she proved that to Regalia, at least. A whistle was heard from the main deck and Colette, who had finished her meal, stood up. "It seems something is happening outside. Perhaps we will be landing soon. I am eager to get off this ship and on dry land. Shall we?" She would wait for Fyror to accompany her or not, but she would make her way out on the main deck after.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 26 days ago

March 24th, 1823


Kirkpatrick House: The man nodded and started to screw the cap back on his worn flask. Turning the container over in his hands a few times before slipping it back into his inner coat pocket. He rubbed his nose and shrugged. "Like most Ey' run 'cross. Ain't be takin' no notice of me, prefer it that way. Few things more taxin' than tryin' to talk to them kind." Standing up he started to look around before walking over to the horses and checking their straps. Tightening them where it needed it, adjusting them here and there. Giving the beasts a pat here and there. Pulling some broken carrot pieces from his outer coat pocket he would feed them one from time to time. "We ain't nothin' but beats of burden to them."

Thomas looked over at Maeve as she told him what happened. "I see..." he said before casting a glance towards Egerton. "Very well. Then we should inform the church, you join me?" he asked of Egerton and the man nodded. "Ah, very well. You, make sure that Lord Rutherford and his fiance here are tended to so they may clean themselves," he said before grabbing his cap and heading out of the back of the house towards the private stables with Egerton on tow. Rutherford nodded as they left before looking over towards Millicent and giving a ruff huff.

"Yes, you could use a freshening up before we are wed. Why don't you go with her and I will be in the parlor," he said before giving her a kiss on top of her head. She stiffened slightly before he walked off. Once he was out of the room Millicent wrapped her arms around herself and muttered something under her breath before looking over towards Maeve.

"Would you happen to have paper and quill I could use?" she asked in a whispered voice that was streaked with nervousness.

Port Annan: Fyror would nod and walk out of the kitchen and back onto the main deck. Once he was gone Silvio took a step towards Colette. "Do be careful mon chérie, I don't believe that one is thinkin' with his head," he said as he pulled a coin out of his pocket, it was the same as the one that Regalia had given Vlad. "Should you need me, go to port and inquire for a La Canela. Should you be asked if the dead can live again, show them this," he said before handing it over. He nodded slightly before following suit and making his way to the main deck.

Below deck Ludwig was still sleeping, mouth agape. Dieter, his ferret not this brother, was laying curled on the mans chest. Rising and falling with each breath the man took. As Constantin came down the little one lifted his head and watched him. Ludwig still wasn't moving. That was until Dieter, the ferret not his brother, scampered up around his neck and bit his ear. "Ah the sting of the Veragruel!" he yelped as he bolted up right.

Dieter, his ferret not this brother, leapt off the man and onto Constantin's shoulder. It was a good thing he did, for as Ludwig shot up, the hammock spun and flipped Ludwig onto the hammock below him. Which in turn spun and spit him out onto the floor below. Laying sprawled out on the ground the man adjusted his glasses and slowly looked up. Et Tu Dieter?" he asked with a grin.

As the ship approached the harbor Regalia looked over towards Vlad and extended her hand. Taking the knife she looked it over and slipped it into her belt. "As you have friends now on the sea," she said with a nod and turned her attention back to overseeing that the ship was anchored in harbor. "Drop the gangplank!" she ordered. When it was done she continued. "Listo u nu'ukulo'ob ka descarga u muelle. Orasi ba'ax voluntad yaantal tu yiknal leti'ob? Jach a oportunidad."

The items that had been transferred over from the smaller ship onto Regalia's vessel were not being unloaded from the ship, including the horses, onto the dock. "Lela' in kuxtal bejla'e', mina'an paache' paachil," one of the men said in passing and Regalia nodded.

"Looks like it is time for you all to go," Regalia said looking over towards Vlad.


Carlisle: Ny laughed and nodded. "Ay, wouldn't we all if that was the life we were to lead," he joked as he stood there and leaned on his cane a bit. Standing there, he took on a more serious look. "Virginia o' Virginia. You are a wolf, you will be able to deal with these sheep," he said with a smack of his lips before motioning for her to go ahead. "I will come up slowly shortly."

Over at the carriage post two middle aged men stood there, one leaning against the post as the other groomed one of the horses. They were dirty and their clothes worn. Their hair reached their shoulders. One was black and the others gray. They wore hats on their heads and the older looking of the two seemed to be puffing on a pipe of tobacco. "I tell ya she was bright as a half pence that one and twice as pretty. Would have charged her half rate just to have driven her," he said. The younger of the two but still anything but young chuckled.

"I bet you would have but she'd have nothing to do with you," he laughed as he patted the horse. "Where do you think that blasted accent of her be comin' from? Ain't nothin' I er' be hearin' b'fore."

"Beats me lad, Ain't of this island that be for' sure," he said before taking another puff from his pipe.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Kirkpatrick House
Skills: Country Knowledge (Scotland)

William had found a kindred spirit at least. Although at times, he almost wished that the Lords did take no notice in him, rather than having to suffer through the ineptitude and slime of Egerton, and the foreboding darkness of Rutherford. When it came down to it, William and the carriage driver were cut from the same cloth. No title, and little wealth, merely using what talents they had to try and make their way in the world. As the driver moved across to tend to the horses, William followed.

The musician found himself wondering how his life could have been different. If his mother had survived, then William's childhood would have been rubbing shoulders with the wealthy, rather than roaming the wild roads and training in the frozen north. With his grandfather holding a title, he could have mingled with gentry not as an outsider, but as one of them. He wouldn't be looked down upon, only valued for his talents, and he wouldn't have to be a lonely traveler. He could be married by now, to the daughter of a wealthy merchant, or perhaps even of some member of the peerage. Probably even have children of his own...

William shook himself out of his daydream. There was no point living in 'what could have been', life was what it was. Turning back to the driver in time to catch his last remark, William nodded sagely in agreement.

"You're right again. They only care about what we can do for them. But as long as they keep paying, I don't mind too much!"

Pausing, William glanced back at the track that led away from the house, before turning back to the driver.

"Do you think we'll run into any trouble on the road between here and Gretna Green?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Constantin Kolev

Location: Regalia's Ship – Lower Deck -> Main Deck -> Port Annan(Docks)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

Sure enough Constantin found the German still sleeping there with a cookie expression on his face. Apparently his calls had done nothing to wake up the man from his slumber. The firewalker could only wonder if Ludwig's dreams were as crazy as his... or maybe his dreams were normal instead? Ahh the random phylosophical questions about the nature of reality that one realized randomly. Was this the nature of inspiration?"Hmm...?"

Anyways nature of reality aside, the fact of a not waking Ludwig was putting him in a situation where he had to take more drastic measures. Just in time Dieter the ferret not the brother came to the rescue though. Constantin watched as the animal bit the german and then hopped onto his shoulder for safety while the violent process of waking up Ludwig happened." Nice vork, I vill find some foodstuffs for you, sir." The firewalker said and turned to the animal on his shoulder. He was liking the little guy. Then turned back to the German." Ve have arrived at Port Annan. Time to leave the deathtrap and move to Mother Earth. Come on." He informed Ludwig and headed back to the main deck.

They had arrived and he saw stuff being unloaded. Overall Constantin was a really happy camper as he was one of the first to storm out the ship in fast but careful gait as he walked down the plankes. There was a mixture of feeling in his heart as he stepped on solid ground. After a long moment he came to his knees." Sveet solid ground, Ishall never again take thee for granted!" He proclaimed happily.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Virginia Crypt

Location: Carlisle
Skills: N/A

Ny's comparison of her to a wolf would have brought a smile to her face under any other circumstance - but her brother's life had been threatened with a slaughtered wolf so very recently. It was an uncomfortable reminder that while the Russian Circus was protecting James, there were those who sought his premature death. Death was not something to fear, but it was a delight she wanted to postpone for James. He had so much to enjoy in this lifetime still, so much to see and experience and accomplish. She then gave Ny a nod and took a moment, closing her eyes.

She then opened them again, letting her shoulders slump slightly and she lowered her head as she walked forward. The pride and poise she normally carried were gone, replaced with what she hoped was a suitable approximation of a scared and helpless woman. As she approached the carriage post and took in the two middle age men, her stomach churned slightly with distaste but she had to do her very best.

"G-g-g-gentleman, might I trouble you?" Virginia called out, trying to keep her voice soft and weak. "I-I-I am in need of some help..."

Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick
Skills: N/A

Maeve nodded. "Of course, m'lord," she replied to her employer. An idea struck her for a moment and her eyes darted over towards Millicent, before she decided that it ultimately was not worth the risk. There was no sense in helping people who refused to help themselves - and besides, she had her own family to think about. She didn't dare do anything that would jeopardize Roisin's future. There weren't very many paths out there for the deaf and she had been lucky enough to get Roisin secured - miracles were rare, she couldn't chance it.

"Aye, it may take me a bit ter fend yer some since I only started workin' 'ere recently, but I wud be shocked if there wasn't paper an' quill in this 'ouse," Maeve told Millicent, nodding at her. It would be a bit awkward if Lady Kirkpatrick didn't have anything on hand - places like this in Maeve's experience tended to be the place where letters were routinely sent and lists compiled. It came with the wealth and status.

"Come on, we can go fend some together an' then I'll 'elp yer get washed up."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: La Canela Ship -> Port Annan (Docks)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

"Indeed, is time to go." agreed Vladimir, rising from his bow to Captain Montoya. "Mission is vone of haste, and if this is success, it vill be because of the speed and grace of La Canela, peoples whom I vould call friend." He rose, smiling a crooked little smile. A little quieter, he spoke more directly to the Captain herself, "Understand, even as I depart, piece of my heart stays vith Captain Montoya. Spasibo, Kapitan. Is my dearest vish that ve continue conversations another day, not far from this vone. You must tell me then, how man from your vorld shows interest and respect for beautiful voman, as I vish not to make offense nor become peppered vith bullets. Da?" Ever the optimist.

He dipped his head slightly and turned to witness his people meeting up with their belongings on land, below. Or just Constantin. And by "Meeting Up", he meant, "Pledge Undying Servitude to the Earth". Seeing this brought about a chuckle from The Great Bazhooli, who turned back around to declare (with a wink and a flourish, no less), "So dramatic, this man." A playful raise of his eyebrows to punctuate his thought and he began to stride down the gangplank. As Vlad neared the ground, he drew two of his finer knives, twirled them in his hands in a flamboyant effort to exercise his manual dexterity, and replaced them just as quickly.

Assessing the situation with their belongings, Vladimir slung his bags about the flanks of his swift, coal-black stallion. He checked to make sure that everything was secure for overland travel, tightening a few things as needed, and glanced back at the ship. Hopefully, he would see this vessel again. The Captain had made an impression on him. Maybe he should have left off by kissing her hand or some other token piece of affection, but decided against it as he was not fully aware of La Canela custom. Again, the peppering with bullets came to mind. But would it be worth it? Perhaps, in the name of adventure, passion, and panache. But they did have a mission to return to, and now their Alliance had another group willing to lend their support. His own frenzied pursuit of adventures more personal would have to wait.

Vlad recovered a knife to replace the one he had given to Montoya, and mounted his horse, Tolstoy. "Okay! Vhere is to the Greens of Gretna?" He glanced around, "And the Master Zimmer?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Main Deck -> Port Annan
Skills: Language -English

Colette stepped out of the kitchen, thankful for the food provided, and was called over to the side by Silvio. She took a glance at Fyror, knowing full well she had similar thoughts. She didn't believe Fyror meant any harm to Millicent, but he could prove trouble if he were to meet Rutherford. She nodded at Silvio, "I agree and thank you for your words." What Colette hadn't expected was the coin. She took it in her hand and examined it. She was unsure, but if help was needed the crew of the ship seemed capable.

Colette made her way to the gangplank, observing the port they entered. It felt like she had been sailing for years. She would be thankful to be on solid ground again. She put the coin away safely before she walked over to Regalia. "Thank you again for your aid. And your advice." She gave the woman a curtsy and turned to walk down (carefully) the gangplank to the port.

From there, she had no idea where to go. First order of business would be to inquire after Millicent and Lord Rutherford.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 26 days ago

March 24th, 1823


Kirkpatrick House: The man shook his head some. "Nay, I be doubtin' it. Truly I do. Now if we 'aye been comin' in from the South and someone been tryin' to stop sumthin' then maybe but with us being this far north, trouble not likely be followin'. Not of the beatin' heart type that is. Soulless less predictable it seems though," he said as he fed one of the horses another carrot bit. Looking over at William he continued. "And you, will ye be stayin' with them? Or ye be wantin' to hitch a ride back this way?" he asked.

"Thank you," Millicent said quietly as she looked towards the woman. She looked frightened, and out of place but a bit more at ease than she had when the others were around. "I'm sorry but I think I missed your name," she said as they started looking for a quill and ink for her to write with. Maeve was right, it wouldn't be long until they were able to find one. There was a study on the main floor of the house, one that Thomas had come out of when they entered. She would be able to find ink and quill and paper there, it would take a bit of shifting things around in a drawer to be able to locate it.

Port Annan: It seemed that Constantin was very glad to be back on solid ground. Several on the ship chuckling and Marco just shaking his head in an amused manner. "Land lubers," he chuckled to himself from the wheel of the ship. Fyror gave a quick and polite thanks to Regalia before making his way down the gangplank and onto the docks. He stood there waiting for the others as he looked around. The town was small for a port city and there could be seen a tavern and inn down the road a bit from the docks towards the edge of town.

Regalia rose a brow at the long winded and dramatic speech and exit the man made. It just seemed to be his way. "And to you, keep the wind at your back, should you need us," she said as Silvio came over to her.

"Yes, should you need us," he said towards Colette." They left it at that and said no more as the group left their ship. All save one. Where was the Master Zimmerman? And Dieter, the ferret not his brother? It wasn't long before he was rushing out, in his wibbly wobbly fashion, knees buckling as he rushed to catch up and nearly took a tumble down the gangplank before stopping in his tracks, rushing back onto the ship and hugging Regalia and Silvio. grinning sheepishly towards them and exchanging some unheard words before rushing right back off the ship and onto the dock.

"Right, um, what were we doing again?" he asked, still coming out of it from his nap apparently.


Carlisle: Ny was glad he held back a few steps from Virginia because he had to hide his face to keep from laughing. It wasn't that she was funny in a haha sense, but it was humorous to him to see her change so drastically so quickly. Not that he was buying it, but then again he didn't have to, the people she was speaking to did and men, well are stupid. Especially when in front of a pretty woman who seemed to be in distress. They either tend to want to help or take advantage. Either way would work for him, they could turn either in their favor he figured.

The younger of the two older than Virginia men looked over to her and bowed up slightly, the older of the two rolled his eyes at his counter part. Thankfully it seemed that the older one would be doing the speaking as he spoke up before the younger one finished slicking his hair down. "What can we do for ya lass?" he asked as he stood up and walked slowly over towards her. "Are ya' in some trouble?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Kirkpatrick House
Skills: Perception

William had been half-expecting the answer, even before it came. He knew of Gretna Green well enough, the place was famous as a site for love struck English couples to wed, away from disapproving parents. Although the marriage between Rutherford and Millicent seemed to be for more nefarious reasons, he wasn't surprised that it was there that Rutherford intended for it to take place. Even so, he wasn't reassured by the carriage driver confirming his suspicions. One thing that the other man said did pique William's interest though. Trouble that could be following? Was there those who were against the marriage? Who would go so far as to pursue the engaged couple?

A question from the carriage driver tore William's attention back to the present, and he quickly regained his composure, smiling slightly as he replied.

"I haven't yet decided, but I may take you up on that offer. I'll pay of course."

As he spoke, William found himself properly looking at the man for the first time. He looked old, and worn out, and William didn't blame him. He hardly envied the life of a carriage driver, travelling from town to town, honouring whatever fare you could find. Both men were travelers, but William, William was free. He didn't see any scars on the man, but he didn't doubt that he had them. The world was hard and cruel, unless you were rich enough to lounge around in grand country houses all your life, you would have scars, one way or another. Only a moment had passed, and William glanced back towards the house before continuing.

"Certainly a strange thing, that Ryne attack. Can't be a common sight around these parts, not these days at least."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Constantin Kolev

Location: Port Annan(Docks)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive), Perception

Ahh Earth, sweet mother of all, so glad was this Firewalker to walk it's soil again. Well sort of he was on the docks right now. The dock was sort of old looking and a second look revealed some loose looking boards." ... Hell no." He stated as he picked himself up, hurrying to his horse and setting it up to be ready for departure, hopping on it a few moments later after he made sure the saddle was well secured. Better on a horse than on a boat! This was his decision and it will forever be! He wanted nothing to do with ports or ships anymore.

As he looked at Vlad, he looked back at the ship." Should shov up soon, I voke him up, so..." Constantin stated as sure enough the comedy routine started with Ludwig showed up. Then rolled down and about until he showed his oblivious face to them, asking what they were doing. The firewalker sighed and looked at the German or more precisely for Dieter, the ferret not the brother." My ferret friend, I have not forgotten my promise. I vill get them foodstuffs for you." He said and looked at Ludwig again.

"Ve heading to the Gretna Greens place." He replied to the German." You do knov the vay there, da?" He asked, the German technically led them here, so he probably knew the way.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Port Annan (Docks)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

Another leg of their most recent adventure in the world had been traveled. The length and breadth of what had just transpired was not fully lost on Vladimir, though it was possible that in his mildly egocentric way of looking at things, certain areas of nuance would have to be reflected upon later for complete understanding. These things could be retrospected later on. For now, they had the next part of their journey to begin. And for Constantin's good fortune, it was upon horseback. Both seasoned Brivaldi riders, this would be swift passage of land and time for the talented Russians. But not until they cleared their immediate surroundings. The least thing they needed was a trampled group of otherwise busy Englanders holding up their progress. And naturally, the possible injury to innocent people was highly negative, in the seasoned performer's reckoning.

Vlad gave a final wave behind him, though he did not turn around to face the sailors of La Canela. Forward, ever forward. If fate decreed that they would meet again, it would be so. He hoped that it would. But first, Epic Questing! Agreeing with his friend the Firewalker, Vladimir addressed Ludwig, "Da, Master Zimmer! Ve continue to Green of Gretna, for family and friends. You know vay, ve use Vay of Ludvig! Is good. On vay, maybe you can tell me more of good Captain. You are friends, yes?" The Great Bazhooli reined his mighty horse, Tolstoy(!), toward the nearest piece of proper road. They did need to get moving. It occurred to him that he had not eaten since before yarkblaffing the contents of his stomach upon the deck of that merchant vessel. A little something along the way wouldn't hurt. Maybe if they passed something convenient; they really did have to move.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Port Annan -> Towards Inn
Skills: Language -English, Perception

She stepped off in unfamiliar territory, but that only solidified her reserve. She patted the coin she received and strode forward. She had to find a lead of some sort and the best place to start would be where travelers all gather. Common ground for everyone. She scanned the docks area first to find it and she had no trouble spotting the inn. An inn was commonplace in most cities. People moved and traveled and all needed a place to stay. If Millicent passed through here, then either they knew her or someone in there did.

As she walked, her thoughts raced to the others. Fyror had been unnaturally quiet. The other men on the ship had their own reasons and goals, as interesting as they were. She would not bother them. She needed to do this, more or less, on her own. Well, that wasn't true. She had allies, it seemed. Though she wondered what they meant. How would they help her if she was elsewhere and the ship would sail onward to other places. She wouldn't worry about that now, she had a mission.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Virginia Crypt

Location: Carlisle
Skills: N/A

Virginia felt sick to her stomach, having to act like some feeble and helpless creature. There was a name in the Crypt Family for those pathetic monsters who clung to pastels and manipulated those around them, betraying everything honorable, virtuous, and macabre: Deborah. Or as it was often shortened by the younger family members: Debbie. She never again wanted to have to put on this sort of facade again. She would have rather pretended to be something more respectful, such as an axe murderer or an apothecary.

"Y-y-yes, I-I am afraid that I am," Virginia squeaked. "I would hate to bother you gentlemen but... I am in need of a ride - as far as you can get me towards Gretna Green. I would be most thankful for any assistance and p-p-perhaps we could arrange some sort of payment?" she looked up at them slightly, hoping that she looked pitiful and that her eyes seemed to be round and vulnerable. If they did end up wanting more promiscuous favors upon arrival, then she could very well no longer daydream about playing the role of an axe murderer.

She just wanted to help dear Millicent and poor Veta if at all possible.

Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick - Study (Main Floor)
Skills: N/A

Maeve chuckled slightly at Millicent's realization she had had not caught her name. "Aye, cos I didn't give it," she replied curtly. Leading Millicent into the study on the main floor, Maeve started searching through the room. She located a drawer and opened it up, sifting about until she found ink, quill, and paper. Studies always tended to have this sort of thing on hand somewhere and Maeve straightened up, setting down the objects so that way Millicent might use them. Maeve would be of little use with that sort of thing anyways.

"Name's Neasa O'Connor, miss," Maeve then explained. She kept wavering between feeling pity for Millicent and feeling annoyance for her. On one hand, it was obvious that she was not comfortable in the company of the others. And on the other hand, Millicent's problems were her own - they weren't Maeve's problems so that meant she didn't have to care about them. There would be nothing gained by helping this little woman, especially since Roisin's future in Rome was secured. Why help others without any sort of reward, anyways? It was dumb in Maeve's opinion.

"'ere yer are - should be everythin' yer need ter write wi'."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 26 days ago

March 24th, 1823


Kirkpatrick House: The driver nodded. "No, not since long before any of us were around, first attack this size I have heard of in my life time," the man said as he adjusted one of the buckles. It was true, things like this didn't happen anymore. The attacks in England and now Scotland were things that hadn't happened in long before this man was born. Even dealing with a Soulless was rare enough in this day and age to be the main reason not everyone trained anymore, the reason why there were so few trained people. To why nearly everyone that was trained hadn't even seen a Soulless in their life. It was more of a status thing than survival anymore, even if it was still practical as history seemed to repeat itself.

Inside Millicent cracked a small smile. It was a nervous one but it was there. The girl was right, now thinking on it, she hadn't said it. "Well it is a pleasure to know it now ma'am," she said to Maeve. Millicent didn't give hers. The bluestocking figured if she wanted to know it she would have asked. This woman didn't seem to hold things back and spoke quickly, like the older woman. Moving to the desk, she sat down.

"Thank you," she said before she started to write down a small note. Her head tilted to the side as she spotted something under a stack of papers. Millicent's curiosity got the better of her, she really shouldn't be snooping in anothers office but she didn't think when she pulled it out and took a look at it. Lips thinned a bit before shoving it back to where it had been. The first words she had written she scratched out as she got an angered look on her features. "Ham ga tsan", she said under her breath before leaning over and writing quickly.

Port Annan: There was a yell from the ship, it was Regalia but she wasn't speaking to those that had been on board, and she wasn't speaking in English. She was back to the language they seemed to share that was unfamiliar and the crew was quickly getting to work. This wasn't their port, only a stopping point.

Ludwig, dip and dive and reached into his bag as Dieter, his ferret not this brother, perched on his shoulder with his paws on the mans head. Flipping through one of his journals he looked and looked. "Oh yes, to the green to the green, stop it all stop it all, make haste, no waste, we go to the east and avoid the west," he muttered to himself before looking up from his book and then up to the sky and then around and around, his finger out as he pointed to nothing at all and everything there was. Until he stopped. "That way," he said pointing towards the Mouth of Annan, where the river washed into the bay. Then he stopped. "But first this way!" he said pointing down the street towards the outskirts of town. "Gotta get to the bridge first," he chuckled.


Carlisle: The two men exchanged a look between them that looked to speak of confusion. Even more so when Ny came up and looked around. "To the Green miss?" the older one of the two asked, not so much out of not understanding what she said but not understanding why she would want to go there.

"Who the hell are you?" the younger one said towards Ny.

Ny kept looking around, leaning heavy against his cane. "Ny," was all he said but the older man was still looking at Virginia.

"Um, yes we can get you there, would take a few hours but can be managed young one. The cost is two pounds, is that something you can pay?" he asked. "Is that something you really want to pay? Gretna is no play for one such as yourself."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Constantin Kolev

Location: Port Annan(Docks)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

Constantin patiently waited for the unstable German fellow to get ready and point the direction. In the meantime had had started moving his horse to the closest proper road on he docks, after following Vlad's example. It was the best course of action as he bloody well didn't want to stay near the water anymore. He had some really strong words to say to the water if a situation called for him to get near it again. he noted the noise from the ship. Wondered what was being spoken there.

Anyways Ludwig pointed out the way... twice cause the first one needed some adjustments apparently due terrain requirements, the man was like a crazy compass, always pointing out at different directions. So far he was the crazy magical compass that pointed out what they needed though. Constantin stroke his beard for a moment before looking at Ludwig and Dieter.

"If you vant, you can ride vith me." He stated, realizing the fact that earlier Ludwig was tiny and carried by their horses as well. Also allowing for the German fellow to ride with him was about the biggest current sign of acknowledgement he was ready to give to anyone outside of the circus. He didn't like sharing a horse withanyone except family." Though vould be best if you pull a shrinking trick again as to not strain the horses. Ve've got a lot to travel." He added.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Kirkpatrick House
Skills: N/A

William nodded himself. The man was right, perhaps William was too laid back about the scene of carnage they had stumbled across. So many of his songs and stories seemed to revolve around the creatures that stalked shadows and nightmares that they were never far from his mind. But to see so many of them in the flesh? Or as close to it as those monsters could be to 'flesh'. That was a rare sight. William had been driven to train by his father's... he hesitated to call it paranoia, but that seemed to be the label that fitted best. But even with his training, he could count the times he had used it on one hand. Well, that wasn't strictly true. He used Gislid regularly during his travels, and he'd even used Ingulf from time to time, although he didn't tend to enjoy it. Now he cast his mind back, he'd even dabbled in Hadd. He shuddered at the thought. He lived for stories, but some of the things he saw in those dreams? They were enough, even for him.

Realising he hadn't responded to the driver, William felt his curiosity pique.

"Have you trained? If you don't mind me asking."

William wouldn't be surprised if the man wasn't. He knew that not everyone trained anymore, and if they hadn't just stumbled across the bloodshed that they had, then William would struggle to argue why it was even necessary anymore. But looking at the man standing in front of him, with his worn face, and a life of travelling through the open spaces between places people actually wanted to spend time, William couldn't help but think that he at least knew how to handle himself. He hadn't looked, but he'd be suprsied if there wasn't a weapon resting somewhere within easy reach.
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