Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Port Annan (Docks)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

Vladimir gave a small smile as he noted the Firewalker and Ludwig seemed to be getting along a little better. Maybe something had occurred on the ship while he was unconscious and/or in the Captain's cabin. He had to admit a sense of curiosity as to what it might be, but knowing how fragile things of this nature could be he did not want to address it at that time. Such introspection might damage the growing camaraderie between them. They were a team now. Whatever perception of authority Vlad possessed within the Circus, they were not with their people. Constantin was not part of the Sem'ya and Ludwig was not part of the Circus. When Vladimir's father died, then he would have authority, but for now? No, the signs of growing comfort between everyone was a very welcome sight. They were pieces of a budding alliance, after all.

"For good, Master Zimmer! Ve go... To the bridge!" Vladimir began to direct his fine, ebon Brivaldi horse, Tolstoy(!) in the direction indicated by Ludwig. "Ve see food vendor on the vay, talk this to me, da? I am having the shillings." As the horse made his way to the end of the docks of Port Annan, Vladimir gave a last check to make sure that his belongings were secure to his horse's tack. When they opened up the full capacity of these beasts and the benefit of their specialized training, he didn't want to risk anything coming loose or going awry. He was traveling fairly lightly; it was best to double check these things anyway. "How long," he mused aloud, "think you that it vill take to reach destination? Knowing vhat ve know of Brivaldi horses?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Port Annan -> Towards Inn
Skills: Language -English

Colette heard the brief yell from the ship she just got off. Seems Regalia was getting her crew ready for something. Probably to take off since they didn't have plans here in Port Annan. Colette glanced around for Fyror, wondering where the man got off to. Perhaps he had his own plans? If that were the case, she would have to go about this alone. Being in a strange, new place on her own didn't frighten her before (though it did make her nervous).

She had the inn in sight. The port itself was small. That gave her some hope that if Millicent and Lord Rutherford did pass by here, someone would have seen them or know of them and where they got off to. Colette ran it through her mind what she would do exactly. It wasn't like she could take Rutherford on, but if Millicent were up for it, perhaps she could help the girl escape. Or find someway of ensuring the girl was taken care of along with her father's business.

With that in mind, Colette stepped inside the inn.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Virginia Crypt

Location: Carlisle
Skills: N/A

Virginia nodded, drying her eyes slightly. She was firm in her conviction to get them to Gretna Green. "Yes, to Gretna Green if you would," she said softly. She would play the role of this weak and wounded female until their objective was achieved. Then she would hold her head high once more and not stoop to something that wounded her own sense of dignity. It would be worth it, however, since it would mean that she could aid her friends - living and dead. "I can pay that price."

Virginia kept money on her person at all times - enough that she was confident she could pay the fee. If they didn't manage to get this ride, who knew how long it would take for them to finish the journey. Perhaps they would be too late as well. "I would like Ny to come with us. And if the trip can be made faster, I can pay a higher price... Please, I need to make me way to Gretna Gr-Green," she let her voice crack on the end, biting her lip as she looked down. Her eyes then darted back up to the men, hoping that she looked pitiful enough that they would do as she asked.

Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick - Study (Main Floor)
Skills: N/A

Maeve raised an eyebrow slightly, attempting to tell if Millicent's words were genuine or not. The girl looked like she was shaken - she had been through a lot. Still, she knew that that didn't mean Millicent's words were true. Politeness was often empty without any real sincerity behind it. "Is there somethin' wrong?" Maeve asked. She heard the tone behind Millicent's words and saw the fierceness that she struck the page with. Maeve herself couldn't read or write, so even if she peered over Millicent's shoulder she wouldn't be able to tell what had been written.

"What was it?" Maeve then added, her tone dropping slightly. She hoped that Millicent would tell her and not just brush it aside. Whatever it was, it was enough to bring out anger in this rattled woman and given her current position here as a double agent, Maeve wanted to know what it was. Perhaps it was something to make Lady Kirkpatrick aware of, when it came to her nephew's dealings. Or perhaps it was nothing important at all. Either way, she wouldn't be able to tell unless Millicent told her what she had seen.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Constantin Kolev

Location: Port Annan(Docks)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

Having invited Ludwig to join him on the horse, Constantin was in no rush to get moving since well either the German had to join him or he had to find a horse of his own. There was no way the Firewalker was leaving their guide behind, even though Vlad was already seemingly hurrying to get going the distance in the direction indicated by the cookie fellow. Constantin just gave a slight sigh as Vlad suddenly started rambling about food. Well considering the experience just before getting on them bloody boats, Constantin didn't quite feel like eating any random thing. No fishies and chips for him... What he wanted was a nice salad with tomatoes and cucumbers and cheese and maybe a boiled egg. It would do well with also having a Mesenitza like his mother made them, a nice bulgarian piece of pastry. Along with some meat... and a cup of wine. Also salt... no proper meal was had without salt dammit.

"Da, da, Great Bazhooli, vill tell ya if ve spot the food." He agreed albeit reluctantly. Might as well keep the Bazhooli fed and happy so he could be effective. Grumpy and hungry Bazhooli was not a Bazhooli proper."I vill have to advice to not take fishies... no way to assure quality..." He added. It was true!

Anyways, Constantin slowly turned the horse in the proper direction too, waiting for the German to join him. Still seeing the boss doing some last checks, Constantin decided he might as well do the same. That said he wasn't really bringing much with him, so his check up was a lot faster in general as it boiled down to seeing if he had his weapons on himself more or less. Though he did gave a look in his horse's bag to confirm other misc stuff was there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

March 24th, 1823


Kirkpatrick House: The driver looked over to William and chuckled a bit. There was a slow shake of his head. "Oh no, not me," he said as he pulled out a ripped piece of linen from his pocket and blew his nose. Wiping it a few times he shoved it back into his pocket as he grunted. "Don't get me wrong, I be a fair man with a blade but that training I hear those have studied, it was never mine," he said as he walked over to the carriage and sat down slowly on the step of it. It lowering some with the weight but just barely. "Worked me whole life that I can be remembering, was no time for such things. Mouth to feed and all," he added as he glanced back to the younger man. "And you? You must be, in what?" he asked as he sat there and then turned his head slightly.

From around the back corner of the house two horses ran out with riders. One was Thomas and the other was the Lord Egerton. The dust kicking up and graveling getting spewed this way and that as he rushed passed the men and out the gate of the wall that ran around the grounds of the house. The driver sighed as he watched. "Apparently I am stuck here for far longer than I expected," he groaned a bit and leaned against the door of the carriage. With Lord Egerton gone with Thomas Kirkpatrick, it did seem like they would be there for sometime, that is if the Lord Rutherford and his fiance were going to wait on him.

Inside Millicent looked up from her writing and tilted her head towards Maeve. Looking back down she then looked back at the woman and spoke. "It is one things to be informed of something but it is another to have it confirmed tis all," she said before she went back to writing. Placing the quill down she folded the paper and sealed it. Unfastening the necklace that hung around her neck she heated a wax stick against the candle and sealed the letter, pressing the pendant into it to leave a mark before fanning the self made envelope. Blowing the candle out she rose from her place and held it out to the girl. "Would you be good enough to have this sent?" she asked. On the envelope there was a name and an address. "It must get to London post haste. It is of dire importance."

Port Annan: There was a look from Ludwig. His brow going up and nodding. It seemed like he liked the idea as his head bobbled as he held his book closer to his chest. "Oh yes, yes. Down and down, smaller and smaller, we ride and I ride. Mighty steed can rest and I can watch, watch unseen and seeing all. Yes, I ride, I ride, so small I be," he rambled on and on. Mighty steed can rest? Oh yes, he was referring to Dieter, his ferret not his brother.

Head spun around on its pivot as the mighty Vlad spoke towards Ludwig and he grinned. "Before the night! Yes, yes, before the shadows creep back! Before the sun is swallowed! We will see the Green in color!" he exclaimed before spinning and his knees buckled. Dipping he walked a wobbly walk after Constantine. He would ride with the man who walked on fire! A new adventure in a new bag! Oh yes, such wonderful things. He was about to flitter into a small creature when he stopped and jumped slightly. "Food ahoy, there is food," he said pointing in an overly dramatic fashion towards the tavern at the outskirts of town, it was just in time to spot the woman who had been on the boat with them enter it. What had happened to the man that had been with her was anyone's guess. Maybe he had gone to relieve himself? Or had entered before her? It was anyone's guess at this point.

Over in the Inn, when Colette entered she would see a small town in and tavern. There were stairs at the back that lead up to the rooms. The main part of the tavern wasn't too big but it was busy. Not as busy as it had been but still busier than normal. There was a young woman walking around serving the few tables that were there. There was a bar that ran the length of one wall with an older man behind it with a wet rag, wiping down the bar top while talking to one of the customers. As he spotted the young woman his large brows rose and he stepped out from behind it. "Afternoon miss, I be Nigel, owner and keeper here. What's can I be doin' for ya lass?" he asked her.


Carlisle: The men looked oddly at the woman and the man that was with them. "Um, yes Miss, I can get ya there but I wouldn't wish to push the horses faster. If the carriage were to break we could be delayed days and these are dark times," he said.

The younger man scoffed. "I can get ye there, for triple price without issue," he boasted.

Ny stood there and flapped and smacked his gums a few times as he leaned against his cane. The older man rolled his eyes slightly. "We've had terrible odd storms as of late, the roads are mud and rushing like that would just cause issues. You can't promise such things," the old man said but the younger man was having none of it.

"Oh please, any driver worth this salt can do this journey. I have made it many times," he said proudly.

Ny looked over towards Virginia and tilted his head. "By your leave Miss, you make such a call, the journey is yours," he said, leaving it to her to decide.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Kirkpatrick House
Skills: N/A

Not trained then, but the man could still clearly handle himself. William was glad that the man seemed to have warmed to him, and he watched as the driver took a seat on the step of his carriage. One thing that the other man said did pique William's interest though. A mouth to feed? His own, or someone else's? Before he could ask the question, the driver asked one of his own. William shrugged slightly as he spoke.

"I can't boast the same training that those who call houses like this their home can either, never had the time or the money for that. But I did spend time in Scandinavia, and I learnt some things."

William smiled, looking almost nostalgic for a moment, and subconsciously rubbing his right forearm. The moment was shattered by a burst of hoof-beats, and William turned to watch two men ride around the side of the house and rush past where the carriage stood, and out through the gate. William recognized one of them as Egerton, but he didn't have the chance to see the other. Regardless, he agreed with the driver. Unless Rutherford was about to leave Egerton behind, neither of them would be going anywhere anytime soon. William frowned slightly as he spoke again.

"That makes two of us."

Deciding to make the best out of their apparently prolonged stay, William turned back to the driver and smiled slightly.

"Well, if we're stuck here, then I plan to see if the kitchen has anything to spare. You're welcome to join of course, or I can bring some food or drink back here if you want to stay with the carriage?"

The driver nodded."Sounds good," he said as he stood up slowly and straightened his jacket. He figured might as well get something to eat since they seemed to be stuck there for now. Motioning for William to lead the way, he followed. He was a bit peckish after all.

William led the unusual pair towards the house, the gravel crunching beneath his boots as he walked. As they moved around the house, William allowed himself to admire it. He'd heard enough about the Kirkpatrick's to know that they were an influential family, and the ancestral home was suitably impressive. Eventually spotting the kitchen door, William strode towards it, glancing over his shoulder to check the driver was still with him before knocking three times.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Port Annan (Docks -> Inn)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

Life comes at people in strange and interesting ways. While most people attempted to weather this change in their own ways, the people of the Circus tended to move right along with that change, while still maintaining their individuality and panache. That last part was important, panache. Vital to their existence as a people. But that was not the pressing issue of the hour; Vladimir had panache and to spare. The issue was the sudden alteration of the script, by means of Ludwig. That would be the example of life coming at him in a way that was strange and/or interesting.

The thing was, Ludwig was their guide. Though he didn't make any sense to anyone else half of the time, he seemed to make perfect sense to himself. When it came down to it, that was really all that Vladimir needed him to do. The esteemed Master Zimmer was less of a guide and more of a divining rod. Whichever way the stick pointed him, he was going to go. There really wasn't a choice in the matter. The Great Bazhooli tread in the direction indicated. To do otherwise was counterproductive. And considering that Vlad was the one who had mentioned food, it was at least half his fault that they were going in the direction of the tavern at the outskirts of town. Well, decision made.

"For maybes, Constantin Firevalker. Am not believing that ve have given the fishes of England fair chance. But not now, vhen ve must ride hard over land. Is big chance. Great Bazhooli takes advice of Master Zimmer. Stopping into taveren. Taveern? Vhat is... Ta-Vren. Ahshitz, INN. Ve go to Inn. Get bites, be on vay." They were already supplied, thanks to their provisioning from their port of departure. Unfortunately, it was also the last time that Vlad had eaten, and he wound up depositing all of that across the deck of the merchant vessel they had originally booked in an example of Epic Russian Yarkblaffery. So yeah, he was hungry. "You are vith me?"

Vladimir flashed a big smile and nudged his horse in the direction of the tavern indicated by the German. Upon arrival, he handed the reins off to persons responsible for handling such beasts along with a local coin, and strode through the doors of the eatery/house of lodging.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Constantin Kolev

Location: Port Annan(Docks)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

Constantin had finally readied himself for them to start riding steadfast after Veta, in hope of locating and securing her as soon as possible when suddenly the leader had other plans and headed for the grubs after Ludwig in a most circus worthy theatrical acting pointed out an inn. The firewalker's expression was a mixed bag right now between the few different emotions rushing through his head, especially as he watched Vlad walk to the inn and that door.

He threw a questioning look at Ludwig, not an angry one, just quizing one." Alright, let's follow the Bazhooli... we aren't on a bloody boat anymore, food should be good." THen sighed hard and started moving hte horse in the direction of the foodplace where Vlad had paid a guy to take care of them horses." Take care of these horses, they are good animals." He said to the man and headed towards the front door of hte inn right after Vlad.

He walked to the doorway right after his glorious grand leader and casually walked through the doorway, wondering why the hell they couldn't just grab some bread or something from somewhere and be done with it, but apparently the meal was important to the Bazhooli and Constantin was going to follow until there was no one left to follow." I'm not eating any fishies and chips." He mumbled, recalling the event. He didn't trust the fish in this country anymore.

'Really wishing ve had directly headed off to search for Veta.' He though to himself. Her well-being was way more important to him than some food right now, especially since they were supposed to have some provisions they can chow in those bags of theirs. Then he sighed, at the end of the day he chose to follow Vlad, so he better suck it up, stop whinning and just do what he was told.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Virginia Crypt

Location: Carlisle
Skills: N/A

Virginia paused for a moment. She did wish for speed, but she knew that she was essentially being offered a choice between experience and arrogance. She would prefer the journey without as much hazard even if it took a bit longer. The rush to Gretna Green, to see Millicent, it was motivated by this wedding. If they arrived after it already happened and Millicent wished for Virginia to help her end it, all it would take would be a swift blow from her axe. She was flexible as to when that fatal stroke would be delivered - of course, she was going to allow Millicent to make that decision at the moment. Her mind could easily change though.

"I'll take the slow and sure journey," Virginia decided calmly. Her eyes then darted over towards the young man, doubting for a moment that he really had made that journey this often in these exact conditions. At any rate, if something were to happen she would be far less annoyed in the company of the older gentlemen and less likely to be tempted to decapitate him. "Thank you for your offer, but we can't afford a mishap," she told the younger man. She was a Crypt - they were polite.

Hopefully, they arrived at Gretna at the right time - whatever that turned out to be.

Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick - Study (Main Floor)
Skills: N/A

Maeve sighed slightly, hearing Millicent's response. She didn't ask her what she had read just to be told a vague philosophical statement. She took the letter from Millicent, unaware that it was a name and address on the front. Well, Maeve more or less assumed that was what was written there - that tended to be the case - but if someone had asked her who it was addressed to she wouldn't have known. For all she knew, Millicent could have written Maeve Brennan on the envelope and she wouldn't have known.

"Sure, I'll 'av it sent - but yer 'av ter tell me what it was you read first. Naw riddles, naw 'alf answers, since I am guessin' this is important an' that you don't want yer fiance to know aboyt it," Maeve wagered. She had a firm grip on the envelope and wasn't about to surrender it back over to Millicent. Sure, it was a bit of a gamble and it was mean, but Maeve didn't pride herself on being a nice person. She had a gut feeling that whatever Millicent had just read, it pertained to her and the reasons why Lady Kirkpatrick wished for her to be there. If not, well, then it was better safe than sorry. She had to know what it was.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Inn
Skills: Language -English

Colette entered the inn and took in her surroundings. She had not been in many bars. Well really, she had never been in one. Tables lined with various patrons, a barmaid was serving drinks and a jolly-looking elderly man was tending the bar. She had heard stories of bars filled with seedy type characters, but perhaps those were just stories. This lot seemed fairly nice.

In fact, the man greeted her. She walked over to Nigel and quickly curtsied. "A pleasure you meet you Nigel. My name is Colette. Your bar seems quite nice. I am here looking for a friend of mine and I cannot understand where she may be. Perhaps you have heard of her or her fiance? Her name is Millicent and she is to be engaged to Lord Rutherford. I have dire news for her and I must find her quickly. If you do not know, a general point in the right direction would suffice."

She had not lied, per se. She was looking for the both of them and she did have some news. However, she could not be certain Lord Rutherford did not have friends in places.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

March 24th, 1823


Kirkpatrick House: Millicent glanced back at the desk and then towards the door to check to see if anyone was there. Quickly she moved back over to the desk and slipped a large piece of parchment from under the stacks. It was the drawing of a ship and words were scribbled down around it. "This ship is of my fathers fleet and the last known location of my dearest friends parents. Why it is in this house worries me, it was stolen from my home not two days ago," she said before placing it back in the stack where it had been. She looked livid right then, angered that whomever had broken into her home had taken such a thing. Why it was there she didn't know but one thing was certain, it shouldn't be there.

The driver followed William around the back of the house and over to the steps leading up to the door. He stayed back as William knocked. It was a few moments before a portly lady with steely eyes popped the door open and looked down at them. She had a simple dress on and while he boots at one time might have been black or brown they were covered in dust and flour right then as she cleaned her hands off. "Ey, what can I be doing for ye?" she asked in an elderly voice.

"A meal ma'am if yas got it. We be traveling with guests of this house," the driver said as he pulled his cap off. She looked them over and nodded.

"Come on, knock yer boots off before ya come in, don't be wanting no mud on my floors," she said as she stepped back inside. There was a mud room just inside the door where coats and capes and shoes were stowed and a scraper they could tend to their boots with. There was a floor of smells coming into the mud room and just beyond an open door-frame was a large kitchen where several servants were standing around either working or just sipping something from glasses.

Port Annan: Nigel looked over towards Colette and rose a brow. He listened to what she had to say and nodded. "Oh yes, Lord Rutherford was in here earlier today. I cannot say about your friend fer sure but he was with a pretty young lady. Dark hair and eyes, looked worn and worried, and another man of rude disposition. They left with a violin player some hours ago. If I overheard correctly they were going to get a carriage, try the post, they should know," he said in a kind voice before noting that a rather showy man had walked into his tavern.

"Good day sir, I be Nigel, owner and operator of this tavern, what can I be helpin' ya with today?" he asked in the same kind voice he had spoken to Colette with.

Outside Ludwig grinned a happy grin. So happy not sad, not mad. Never mad, never to be mad, always glad for he was not mad or sad. He had spotted an inn, food to get, yes food to get. For him and the two men, the three trio they were, off on an adventure to save the damsel in distress. Distress, with tresses, he hoped. Not bald. Or Mauled. Would be bad and so sad and he did not want to be sad. A jaunty walk with Dieter on his shoulder, his ferret not his brother, he followed the man who walked on fire quickly over to the inn and waited to get in the in to see something besides the sea.


Carlisle: The younger man huffed a bit. "Fine, whatever you want," he said as he went and sat down looking rather put out over her choice. Ny on the other hand nodded in agreement with the young Crypt lady. He was right along with her right then, it was better to be a tad safer right then than to risk being laid up for an extended period of time if things did go wrong.

"Yes Miss, let's go then," he said as he stepped over to his carriage and opened the door for them. Holding it there as Ny stepped over and looked around the inside for a moment. It wasn't a luxurious carriage that was to be sure but it was good enough. They didn't need velvet seats and curtains made of satin for this trip. They needed sturdy and strong to hold up. That is what they seemed to have. Reaching up he climbed up, tripping slightly but catching himself. Pulling himself fully into the carriage he slipped over to one side and got comfortable.

"Yes, yes, will do nicely, nicely indeed," he said as he pulled opened the linen curtains so they could see during the travel. The older man waited for Virginia to climb in and once she was situated he closed the door. One could feel the carriage dip some as he climbed up into the drivers seat. There was a moment of quiet before the sound of reigns snapping echoed and the carriage jerked forward. Just a small one to get the carriage moving out of the mud. After that it gradually gained speed as it headed north. They got to a good pace over all but it wasn't anything tremendous right then but it was doing well enough.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Kirkpatrick House
Skills: Perception

William hummed some half-forgotten tune to himself as he waited outside the door. Thankfully, the wait wasn't too long, and the door was opened. By a chef, if the flour he could see on her on her boots was any clue. At least it looked like they had come to the right place. The driver found his voice first, and William was quick to put on his most winning smile, in case it helped gain them entry. It seemed, however, that no charming was going to be necessary, the woman quick to invite them in before disheartening back inside herself.

Glancing back at the driver to make sure the other man was following him, William stepped inside the house for the first time. It was clear that they had come into the back of the house, he doubted that the gentry would get to experience the wall of smell that greeted them in the mud room. Thankfully, he didn't have the same delicate stomachs that the nobles boasted, and he doubted the driver did either. Moving over to the boot scraper, William began tending to his boots, before glancing up at the driver.

"Looks like we're in luck."

Boots suitably scraped, William stepped into the kitchen itself. Hesitating in the doorway, he glanced around for the woman who had let them in, hoping that she would be the key to them getting something to eat. Or to drink at least. Catching sight of her across the room, it seemed that she had already busied herself with preparing some plates.

Not wanting to get in the way, William stayed by the doorway, and passed the time looking around the room. He had always heard that you could tell a lot about a person by how they treated their servants, so he decided to put that to the test. To William's casual gaze, the men and women milling about in the kitchen all looked well, and from the looks of things, even seemed ot be enjoying their downtime, if the glasses a handful of them were sipping from was any clue. Deciding to wait, rather than intrude, William leaned against the frame of the doorway and watched the kitchen work.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Port Annan (Inn)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

It was a curious looking man that approached The Great Bazhooli, a man of middle class bearing and most assuredly of local color. The type of man who worked for a living but did not labor, persay, unburdened by the trappings of anything resembling nobility and yet elevated beyond the drudgery of the most common of men, plying social skills and financial knowhow to provide for himself and his people. Vladimir could respect this. It was not as dramatic a living as he would have preferred, but obviously had benefits. If only he wasn't so godawful butt-ugly, Vlad might be able to continue looking him directly in the face for more than a minute or so without having to adjust his focus to something else, anything else in the background before going for another round of polite eye contact and garrulous conversation.

Seriously, he didn't know what was so offputting about the man's appearance, it just was. Maybe it was the dental status of the man. Maybe it was the mutton chop sideburns that looked like they could be weaponized. (Possibly something to look into?) Maybe it was the man's comparative height to weight that, combined with the eye bags and lack of neck made him think quite unfondly of a great, BRARPing toad. Far be it for him to be as rude as to say so aloud, however. He would just have to get used to it. After all, their acquaintance was lasted for all of one sentence that included an initial greeting. Vlad wasn't really giving the guy a chance. He shook off such thoughts that were obviously rooted in negativity and entered into an exchange that spoke to the mans business and his own need of said business.

"Nigel Ownerand!" he began, taking the man's hand into his with friendly gusto, simultaneously pressing a coin into his palm. It was good to meet the man; Nigel Ownerand, Operator of this Tavern. It was also very good that he learned from the man's opening the proper pronunciation of the word "tavern", which had recently been a bothersome mystery for him. That little piece of knowledge was more than enough to allow for The Great Bazhooli to overcome his psychological aversion to Mr. Ownerand's appearance. And good on Vlad, too - growing as a person. "I am Master Vladimir Dmitrievich Alexandrov, and is very pleasing to make the meeting of you." He swept off his tall hat and gave the man a grandiose bow, stepping back to do so. "Myself and my peoples are on a trek of importance, and require the foodthings before next part on the road. Vhatever is plentiful, vhatever is ready. If for please? No fishes. My friend has no tolerance for the fishes today." With an eyebrow raise, he confided, "For me, I am liking your country's Fishes & Chips. But is not for him. Eh." Vlad gave a shrug and waved away the thought. Having two more vith me. Thank you very much."

Vladimir gave a look around the tavern, curious as to who may be nearby. Partially out of curiosity and partially out of caution. There was no telling who might be sizing them up as he spoke so openly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Constantin Kolev

Location: Port Annan(Docks)->Port Annan(Inn)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive),Perception(General)

Sure enough, as soon as Constantin made his way into the inn, the first thing he heard was Vlad booming voice, that filled his ears and made them almost hurt, mostly because he was really close and the stuff being spoken wasn't of amusement. The firewalker just sighed as he entered deeper into the inn, slightly unamused at hte jab of him not liking the fishes and chips. There was a reason for it and that boiled down to there was no way to ensure the fish used was actually fresh. And the people using the fish had no way to ensure the guys who sold it, actually gave it fresh.

Anyway, the discussion about fishes aside, he threw a quickl look about the place. It was a place like any other, people were just eating and drinking their worries away. As far as he could spot, there was nothing big of interest going on, except maybe the woman who had arrived with them on the ship, she appeared to have been speaking with the man whom Vlad was now really Vladly speaking with. Constantin thus returned his attention to Vlad and his ongoing quest to be outspoken, loud and Russian anyways he goes.

"Don't mind me, I'm just the guy with no tolerance for fishies today." Constantin shrugged his shoulders as he made his way to Vlad." A good meal is important, but Great Bazhooli, ve are short on time. Ve should stop dallying, get the food, eat it and head off, no? Veta's still out there and despite all, I'm groving increasingly vorried." He reminded.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

March 24th, 1823


Kirkpatrick House: The driver nodded as he gripped his hat. "Yes ma'am, of course," he said to the woman who had instructed them to clean off their boots. Stepping slowly up the stairs he raked the souls of his boots against the scraper, making sure to tend to the sides as well. Glancing towards William he gave a nod of agreement. "Does seem that way," he said before heading into the kitchen but staying back against the wall as the woman who had invited them in was busy fixing plates. "Go on, have a seat," she said as she pointed to some stools over on the other side of the main island in the kitchen. "Fetch me the kettle," she said towards one of the younger girls in the room who was covered in flour.

"Yes Cook," she said as she took the edge of her apron and wrapped it over the wire handle of the kettle that was sitting on top of the wood burning stove. Grunting a bit she picked it up and brought it over, pouring the steaming water into two cups. Loose leaves spinning around in the water as it started to change color rapidly. "Anythang else?" the girl asked before dropping the kettle back on the stove.

"Fetch me sum rations from the basement pantry," Cook said and the girl nodded. Walking into the adjoining pantry and lifting the trap door up before stepping down and vanishing out of sight. Looking over towards the men she continued. "Anything in yer tea?" she asked.

"Oh, no ma'am, take it strong and dark is all if ya don't mind," the driver said as he walked over towards one of the stools and sat down. " 'Preciates it, been a long mornin'."

"The fact we gots dead bodies in the lawn since you arrives tells me it was. What be happenin'? I saw the Lord take out of here not long ago with another."

Port Annan: Nigel smiled broadly and patted the man on the back, his large eye brows flickering every time he moved in the slightest. "Well I be able's to get ya something. No worries there, you be wantin' to sit down and eats or you be needin' it fer travels?" he asked before glancing towards Constantin and the rather wobbly fellow that walked in behind him.

"Oh fish and chips, chips and fish, and nuts, be having nuts and sweets? Yummy sweets. For Dieter! My ferret, not my brother. He liked sweets but made his teeth hurt, so no sweets for him but for my ferret and me too!" Ludwig rambled and Nigel gave the man an odd look.

"Ferret? Um, right, please, come have a seat," Nigel said as he motioned towards the bar. "How about I pack you right up?" he said before going behind the bar and then through the door at the end of it into the kitchen. Ludwig walked over there. Nearly hitting someone in the shoulder but spinning around and plopping down on a seat. He grinned as he sat there, patting his knees in time to some music that only he could hear in his ears. His head bobbing up and down as he took a deep breath.


Carlisle: Will update next round.
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Virginia Crypt

Location: Carlisle
Skills: N/A

"Yes, it is whatever I want," Virginia replied curtly. She knew that it went against her image of the damsel in distress, but the haughtiness and sense of entitlement from the young man was putting her off. In the Crypt family, manners mattered - just as much as at least a cursory knowledge of ancient poisons and the rhythms of the Mamushka. It was such an odd concept to her that while her family was ridiculed for being macabre and peculiar, other families were down right monstrous in terms of egotism and entitlement. Which one was really worse at the end of the day? Virginia would gladly dance with the dark forces but at least she was not insufferable such as some of the Ton were. She had honor and integrity.

As the carriage was opened, Virginia smiled approvingly. It was sturdy and practical. Yes, the finer things in life were fun but they never tended to be too durable. She got inside and made herself comfortable, ensuring to sit up straight. She hated slouching as her back always ached the next day. The pace of the carriage was acceptable for the moment and her eyes were focused not on the inside, but the outside. She always adored looking out a carriage during a ride - it was just wonderful to see the world go by. Too many people deprived themselves of that sense of wonder.

"I would like to get to know you better," Virginia told her traveling companion. "And I have found that I can learn a lot about a person by asking this - what is something about you I would find shocking or surprising?"

Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick - Study (Main Floor)
Skills: N/A

Although she couldn't read, Maeve had no trouble once provided with the drawing of the ship. There were things scribbled around it that she didn't understand, but Millicent helped to fill in the gaps. While Maeve had been expecting something trivial and frivolous, befitting of the upper class, instead it turned out to be something a bit shady and nefarious. From what Maeve could tell, Lady Kirkpatrick's nephew had something to do with a murder of sorts - maybe an intentional wreckage of the ship or an abduction? "T'anks for showin' me," Maeve said with sincerity.

However she had struck a bargain with Millicent and thus she would see that her end of it was fulfilled. "I'll go an' see if I can git this sent roi away," Maeve told her, before she left the study and began searching for a way to get this sent. She had been honest when she told Millicent she hadn't been working here very long. Lady Kirkpatrick had just brought her into the household today, after all. In time she would learn how things operated but at the moment, Millicent's guess as to how to get this sent was as good as hers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Inn -> Port Annan
Skills: Language -English

Colette was happy to find out that her hunch was correct and Lord Rutherford had passed by here. And in this very inn too! What were the odds? Now she just had to pick up their trail. "Thank you most kindly, sir. That is very helpful. I will be on my way then, but I know where to stay and spend my time should I ever come back here." She gave the kind, older man a curtsy before she turned to leave, noting the arrival of the colorful men who were with her on the ship. She knew that Nigel's day was about to get a lot more lively.

She exited the inn and glanced around. Her grasp of the English language was good, but definitely not the best. What did Nigel mean by post? Should she have asked what Nigel meant? It would be obvious once she saw it right? She began to walk away from the inn and docks. Keeping an eager eye out for something that resembled a post of some kind. Or perhaps she would run into the man himself, or Millicent. It was that kind of day.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Kirkpatrick House
Skills: N/A

Not wanting to ignore the invitation to take a seat, William followed after the driver and took a stool of his own. He enjoyed the bustle of the kitchen at work, and he allowed himself to be lost in the noise of it for a moment. All his life, he had found music in the world, but not only flowing from instruments, but from life itself. The whistle of the kettle, the creaking of the floorboards, the footsteps of the kitchen staff, it was music, it was a rhythm, an overlapping mess of sounds that in William's head seemed to come together. William absentmindedly tapped his finger against his thigh to the beat as he watched the cook pour out two cups. He smiled in thanks, nodding slightly as he reached out and pulled the cup closer to him.

"I'll take it dark as well. Thank you, ma'am. For your hospitality as well as the tea."

William had expected the question before long, and he mulled over his answer for a moment. He knew that Soulless attacks were rare in these parts, and announcing that there had just been a sizable one almost a stones throw from the house could lead to a panic. Not only that, it might not be his business to discuss the comings and goings of the houses gentry. But then again, Lady Kirkpatrick hardly seemed to be a lady that would tolerate weak-willed servants, nor did she seem the type to leave a house like this vulnerable to a Soulless attack, no matter how slim the chances of that were. And was he really under any obligation to any of the Lords or Lady's? He'd accepted the offer of payment from Rutherford, but he didn't have any loyalty to him, and from his conversation with the driver, he didn't suspect the man would rat him out for gossiping.

His mind had been whirring, but only an instant had passed. Making his decision, William glanced up from his drink towards the woman, smiling slightly.

"We were travelling in the area when we stumbled across Lady Kirkpatrick and the remains of her carriage. It seems that she ran into some Soulless, but they were already dealt with by the time we arrived. I'm sorry to say that the corpses we have with us were two of her companions. As for where the Lord of the house has gone off to, I'm afraid I can't shed any light on that."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Port Annan (Inn)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

THAT WAS IT! Vladimir had finally pinned down the thing which was giving him such utter and near-total revulsion of the man earlier! It was ...the eyebrows. They looked as things which were designed to act independently of the will of the person to whom they were attached, prehensile as the tail of a monkey, waving and flagellating about in a manner most unseemly, as if a ragged breeze were directing them to chaos. The only problem being that they were fully inside of a building, where there was no breeze. The eyes of The Great Bazhooli widened and his head turned to the side, contemplating the hasty use of the door they had just used to enter the establishment of the now thoroughly offputting Nigel Ownerand, when the most blessed of mercies snapped him out of the frightening discomfort of the toadlike man and his monstrous facial accessories. It was Constantin. He was complaining. Vlad was overjoyed to hear the sounds of his dissatisfaction.

"...sveet merciful heavens, thank you..." he mumbled, free of the spell of horror placed upon his senses. Now a little more himself, Vladimir turned to his fellow of the Circus, "For certain, Constantin. You vorry too much, da? Come, ve take food, ve go. Might be last time for decent meal before getting to the Green of Gretna. If ve are needed - needed? Ve need to be at best. Not veak or vobbly. Strong! Fal'shbort! Steady of arm! Vone does not starve horse before big journey. Vorry not, young Firevalker. Eat fast, ride fast, not choke on rations from horseback vhile tearing down road. Bad vay to have adventure. Come! ...but vith panache." Vlad sauntered to the area at the bar indicated by the proprietor, next to the completely not nuts Ludwig.

Calling through the kitchen door (be it open or not), "And maybe something sveet for road?" He nodded once thoughtfully, "Da. Something sveet for road."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Constantin Kolev

Location: Port Annan(Inn)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

Constantin decided to refrain from making comments right now as Ludwig dashed ahead and started speaking in what the firewalker was going to refer to as Ludwigian dialect from now on. You sort of understood what was it about, but couldn't quite be always certain for teh full meaning behind the words spoken. The firewalker well understood that whatever was the logic running the German man's mind, it wasn't quite the same as the rest of them. Didn't make him any less useful or smart it appeared from his observations so far, it was just wired differently... probably. Well he had promised something good for the ferret, so hopefully there was going to be a good treat to repay Dieter, the ferret not the brother.

"Da, da." Constantin stated with low tone as he followed suit to the bar thing. leaned over, waiting as Vlad started being lound again." Ve should also get a bottle of strong alcohol if they have any." Constnatin suddenly stated, throwing a look at Vlad." Alcohol is alvays of use... varm up body. Especially useful should ve have a close meeting with cold vaters again..." He added, recalling the case with the frozen lake." Tough if it strong enough ve can also use it to help make big fire." He exaplined.

All in all, he just wanted to get going, but at the end the last word was Vlad's so as long as Vlad wanted to stay around, so was he going to." As for sweets, I suggest dried fruits if avaible... tasty, useful and they last." He thre in another suggestion. Dried fruits were a lasting thing if they were avaible. Also a bag of dried fruits was going to be easy to carry along. That was under the condition there were dried fruits here which who knew if there were. Though taking along some normal apples would be good as well.
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