March 24th, 1823

Kirkpatrick House: The driver looked over to William and chuckled a bit. There was a slow shake of his head. "Oh no, not me," he said as he pulled out a ripped piece of linen from his pocket and blew his nose. Wiping it a few times he shoved it back into his pocket as he grunted. "Don't get me wrong, I be a fair man with a blade but that
training I hear those have studied, it was never mine," he said as he walked over to the carriage and sat down slowly on the step of it. It lowering some with the weight but just barely. "Worked me whole life that I can be remembering, was no time for such things. Mouth to feed and all," he added as he glanced back to the younger man. "And you? You must be, in what?" he asked as he sat there and then turned his head slightly.
From around the back corner of the house two horses ran out with riders. One was Thomas and the other was the Lord Egerton. The dust kicking up and graveling getting spewed this way and that as he rushed passed the men and out the gate of the wall that ran around the grounds of the house. The driver sighed as he watched. "Apparently I am stuck here for far longer than I expected," he groaned a bit and leaned against the door of the carriage. With Lord Egerton gone with Thomas Kirkpatrick, it did seem like they would be there for sometime, that is if the Lord Rutherford and his fiance were going to wait on him.
Inside Millicent looked up from her writing and tilted her head towards Maeve. Looking back down she then looked back at the woman and spoke.
"It is one things to be informed of something but it is another to have it confirmed tis all," she said before she went back to writing. Placing the quill down she folded the paper and sealed it. Unfastening the necklace that hung around her neck she heated a wax stick against the candle and sealed the letter, pressing the pendant into it to leave a mark before fanning the self made envelope. Blowing the candle out she rose from her place and held it out to the girl.
"Would you be good enough to have this sent?" she asked. On the envelope there was a name and an address.
"It must get to London post haste. It is of dire importance." Port Annan: There was a look from Ludwig. His brow going up and nodding. It seemed like he liked the idea as his head bobbled as he held his book closer to his chest.
"Oh yes, yes. Down and down, smaller and smaller, we ride and I ride. Mighty steed can rest and I can watch, watch unseen and seeing all. Yes, I ride, I ride, so small I be," he rambled on and on. Mighty steed can rest? Oh yes, he was referring to Dieter, his ferret not his brother.
Head spun around on its pivot as the mighty Vlad spoke towards Ludwig and he grinned.
"Before the night! Yes, yes, before the shadows creep back! Before the sun is swallowed! We will see the Green in color!" he exclaimed before spinning and his knees buckled. Dipping he walked a wobbly walk after Constantine. He would ride with the man who walked on fire! A new adventure in a new bag! Oh yes, such wonderful things. He was about to flitter into a small creature when he stopped and jumped slightly.
"Food ahoy, there is food," he said pointing in an overly dramatic fashion towards the tavern at the outskirts of town, it was just in time to spot the woman who had been on the boat with them enter it. What had happened to the man that had been with her was anyone's guess. Maybe he had gone to relieve himself? Or had entered before her? It was anyone's guess at this point.
Over in the Inn, when Colette entered she would see a small town in and tavern. There were stairs at the back that lead up to the rooms. The main part of the tavern wasn't too big but it was busy. Not as busy as it had been but still busier than normal. There was a young woman walking around serving the few tables that were there. There was a bar that ran the length of one wall with an older
man behind it with a wet rag, wiping down the bar top while talking to one of the customers. As he spotted the young woman his large brows rose and he stepped out from behind it. "Afternoon miss, I be Nigel, owner and keeper here. What's can I be doin' for ya lass?" he asked her.
Carlisle: The men looked oddly at the woman and the man that was with them. "Um, yes Miss, I can get ya there but I wouldn't wish to push the horses faster. If the carriage were to break we could be delayed days and these are dark times," he said.
The younger man scoffed. "I can get ye there, for triple price without issue," he boasted.
Ny stood there and flapped and smacked his gums a few times as he leaned against his cane. The older man rolled his eyes slightly. "We've had terrible odd storms as of late, the roads are mud and rushing like that would just cause issues. You can't promise such things," the old man said but the younger man was having none of it.
"Oh please, any driver worth this salt can do this journey. I have made it many times," he said proudly.
Ny looked over towards Virginia and tilted his head. "By your leave Miss, you make such a call, the journey is yours," he said, leaving it to her to decide.