Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
Road To Grimm: Roy smirked a bit as he hit the road and started heading back towards Grimm now that their pit stop was over and they were all gassed up. "The fact that I have been known to wear yellow spandex for fun probably means I lost my man card a while ago," he joked. Reaching down, every so often he found another piece of chex mix. Depending on where he dug it out from depended on whether he ate it or chucked it out the window.
"Ask him if he knows anything about Roberts Security? I guess that is about as good as we can do for a start," he said before taking a drink of his soda. Roy wasn't exactly sure what to ask without giving away too much. He didn't know Keystone but it seemed he was their best link to the ways of those tea sippers over on the other side of the Atlantic. "Can you grab my phone and send a text to Priya as well? Let her know we should be back in town in about twenty minutes?" he asked as he motioned to his phone on the dash board. If he was having problems opening a chex mix bag he might not want to attempt texting while driving.
Chicago, Illinois: Atticus chuckled a bit as he lit up a cigarette and took a long pull from it. "Yes you could do far worse. Two sides of the same coin. Look at all your common grounds. Just within the same religion you have the Virgin of Guadalupe and they have Saint Patrick. Both strong figures that were about uniting their people. And let us not forget St. Patrick's Battalion. 600 Irish Soldiers who were fighting with the States, who turned their back on the US to fight along side Mexico. Last I checked they were the only foreigners that have been honored on the Mexican House of Representatives Wall of Honor. Over in Ireland, the very man that lead them is immortalized holding a Mexican Flag. In fact, your Zorro legend comes from the Irishman William Lamport who advocated for the defense of Native Mexicans. Ah, two nations who have bonded over the centuries. Both Pagan beginnings with similar lores. Both have their own heel dances. Both have faced their own immigration issues. And let us not forget a love of Futbol. I could go on but I won't," he finished with a laugh as he flicked the ass from his cigarette into the can. Taking the paper he looked over it and nodded. "Understood, no trail of this." Folding it over and slipping it into his pocket he looked over towards Caesar and shook his head. "I do this for my mentor, not the church. There is no payment, consider it between Familia."
Claire chuckled. "Couldn't be any worse than Alicia singing. Girl had many talents from what I knew, singing was not one of them. I think yer good," Clair said as she looked around and then checked the time. "Oh shit, right, bag and such, let's go. I gotta move," she said before taking a quick pace towards the door and scanning her key card, pushing the door open, she held it for Keystone and made her way up the stairs. "Oh here, take these," she said handing a set of keys over. "Just take that ride, I'll just take my personal vehicle to go get me brother," she added. It was the keys to the SUV she had driven him over in. Pushing a door open on the ground floor she headed down the hall and to another door. Another scanned key card and she was in. It was a nice weapons and supply locker. "ID IGCM80, checking out for Keystone, Jonathan. Direct orders from Gonzalez, Caesar," she spoke into an mic by a computer set up. There was a little flash of light set up.
"ID... EMJKUK80... Keystone, Jonathan. Cleared for supply," a voice rang in through the speakers. Claire nodded and spun around.
"Thanks Dwayne," Claire said and then motioned around the room. "Okay, get what you need. I gotta walk you back to the garage until you get cards and ID set in around here, if you end up staying longer."
Adelaide nodded as she sniffled a bit. "Yeah, it's down in the vault and I can contact Wentworth, they should have someone in the area," she said as she pulled out her phone from her back pocket. Stopping she stood up and gave the man a little hug. "Thanks," she said quietly before stepping back and hitting a few buttons on her phone. "Afternoon Norman. No, still no leads to the break in. Listen, I need a favor..." she said before stopping as she spotted Zoie standing there with Mali. "Just a minute," she added, putting him on hold.
"Yeah, sounds good. Let me just check and then we can head out," Zoie said to Mali before turning her attention to the grieving woman on the phone. "Hey girl, anythang we can do for ya before we jet? I gots to get to Grimm to break the news to Tinders parents," Zoie said as she stepped over to Adelaide and Robert.
"No.." Adelaide said quietly. "Actually yes, could you tell Marc's parents I'll come to town tomorrow to check in with them and help with the funeral if they need it? they have my number," she added quickly after a rethought.
"Oh, sure thang," she said before saying goodbye and heading out the door. Looking around, down and up the street it seemed they were alone right then. "Okay, let's get out of town. Once we are south of Gary we can hit a drive thru, shouldn't be long," Zoie said before climbing in the car and starting it up. Fastening her seatbelt she waited for Mali to join her. While she hoped all of this settling things with Marc, having the funeral and all wouldn't take long she wasn't in a hurry to get back to Justice, she just wanted to get a point where her and Mali could take a breather and vacation a little in Chicago. It had to be safer than Justice.
Adelaide waited for them to leave before taking the man off hold. "Yeah, sorry about that. No, it's fine. Listen, you have a tech you could let me borrow? Need to do some digging on a friends death. Well yeah, him too but more so a friend from high school. Marc, Marc Tinder. You can? Great. When? Today, perfect. Thanks Norman. Right, I will. Bye," she said before hanging up and looking over at Robert. "A couple of hours at most but we can expect someone today," she told him as she slipped her phone into her back pocket.
Grimm, Indiana (Grimaldi Manor): Over at the house things were calm. Out back the garden was between the house and the pool/tennis courts. It was a large sprawl of area but nothing was too high, at most waist high. There were paths leading through the garden and connecting through out it. Near the side of it closest it to the house were several potted plants where Riley would be able to find the key. It wasn't under a pot but in a fake rock near it she could flip over and pull the key out of.
The porch was open in the back and lead up to the back door, which was locked. Just inside the glass of the door one could see the sun room and beyond that the kitchen. The lights were off inside but there were plenty of windows and natural lighting to see around. Over by the pool the water rippled a bit and a float rolled over the water. The tennis courts were surrounded by a high chain link fence and the gate was open. It looked like it had recently been repainted, which wasn't uncommon. The family tended to repaint it every couple of years during the spring.