Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
Road To Grimm: Roy chuckled a bit. "Fuck no, Stan wouldn't allow that shit," Roy said confidently. "If Marvel was mixed up in this shit, then wouldn't Stan make sure it took a turn for the good guys?" he said giving his partner a bit of a smile. There was a ding in the car and Roy looked down at the dash. They were running low on gas. "We gotta find a station," he said and took the next exit. They weren't too terribly far from Grimm but the last thing he wanted was to run out 20 miles outside of town. Not with the shit he had seen on the news about Grimm last year.
"Yeah, get that but fuck, all we got at this point. Hey, fuck it, it's worth the google right?" he said pulling into a gas station and killing the engine. "Hey, gonna fill her up and grab a drink, you want anything?" he asked as he took the keys out of the ignition and slipped them into his pocket. He waited to hear if she wanted anything before getting out of the car and running inside. He would pay with cash. He wasn't leaving a credit trail, not if he could help it. Grabbing some things from the cold section and then some snack food he walked up towards the counter. He had to wait in line behind a man that was a few inches taller than him, which was saying something. Granted Roy wasn't any mammoth of a man but he stood a solid 6'1" which was well above the 5'9" height of the average American man.
"Alright, that'll be $11.34," the clerk said. The girl couldn't have been more than twenty years old, mousey blond hair pulled back in a low pony tail. She was smacking gum and looked to not want to be there. A half tucked in Shell Logoed polo and ripped jeans and wearing a bad attempt at contouring. The man handed over some cash and waited for his change. "Here ya go," she added as she handed over the change. The man took it and turned around, brushing passed Roy without a word. Roy juggled the things in his hands as the door rang signalling the guy leaving and heading into the parking lot. Dropping the things on the counter he pulled out his wallet.
"And I need $30 on pump three," Roy added. The girl nodded and started ringing him up as she popped a bubble with her gum, bopping slightly. That was when Roy noticed she had a bud in her ear, seemed she was listening more to her music than what was going on around her. He wasn't going to fault the girl. It couldn't have been the most exciting job to be the gas station attendant in the middle of no where Indiana. Granted right then, it seemed a step up from the shit he was dealing with.
Chicago, Illinois: Adelaide wiped the tears from her face and nodded slightly. "No, it's alright, you didn't know," she said with a sniffle. Taking a breath she looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "It wouldn't surprise me," she started before adding. "Not that Marc was the type of guy to have enemies. He was a good guy. Marc was the kind of guy that got along with everyone. It was just his line of work that makes me think this wasn't an accident. Marc was a Navy Seal, survived Afghanistan. He's been in the FBI for years. So also not the type to go down easy. And with my ex-husband just getting killed on live TV..." Her words trailed off. Lawson's story had hit major airways recently. A live news break about a shoot out happening over at the docks in Justice California between two men. One had been a well known arms dealer, the other had been her ex-husband, David Lawson. "David was working with Marc when he died. So yeah, I doubt this is a coincidence."
Over in the bathroom the toilet flushed and the door swung open as Zoie stepped back out, zipping up her pants and walking over to the sink. "Yeah, that Mexican fella, Caesar. He's MSS's owner. The others I didn't recognize, at least not the tall built man. The girl, she looks familiar, but I just can't place it. I know I done see her somewhere," she said as she washed her hands. Shaking them off she grabbed some paper towels and started drying them off. "What the hell ya think they're doin' here?" she asked, half just wondering out loud, half wondering what Mali was thinking. "Can't be good I figure."
"No worries, I speak Spanish," Atticus said before taking a puff form his cigarette. He had been born and raised in the southwest. Sure, English was the main language but it wasn't like the United States had an official language and growing up in states that lined the southern border you were better off learning Spanish since it was the first language more than half your classmates spoke. He listened to what Caesar had to say and nodded. "I get ya, I can get the word to him." Dropping the spent butt into the can he gave it a shake before opening a drawer in his desk and searching through it. "You just want a message sent to him or you want to talk to him directly?" he asked as he kept looking through his drawer. Finally finding a key he stood up and walked over to the shelves that lined the wall. Picking up an old looking box he brought it back over to his desk and set it down.
"Fuck yeah, love me some Maggie Smith, that old maid is fucking brutal. Life goals, to be able to stare someone down the way she can. It's like ice," Claire laughed as she drove. She listened to Keystone give her a little background on him. She was sure it wasn't the whole story but shit, no one gave the full story at first. That was learned over time. Well unless you were a girl who liked to ramble on. Claire wasn't that girl though, oh sure she rambled a lot but usually not about herself. Usually it was bitching about her brothers.
"Me? Shit, I was prize fighting down in India for a bit after I went to visit me brother out there. Ended up leaving and heading over to Europe with a friend to catch up, met Alicia when I was in London," she said as she took a hard turn. "We hit it off and when I finished that last damn world tour I came to work here in Chicago. Seemed like a nice change. Don't get me wrong. Adele is fucking aces, really down to earth gal and cusses more than my family drunk on St. Patty's Day but different town every damn night and I was spent, think this is a better fit. Well until I get back in the ring," she said as she pulled up to MSS Chicago and drove the car under the building. There was a parking deck beneath it she had to stop at a gate to get through. This places security was a lot tighter than over in Justice but then again, the Chicago location was one of the bigger and longer standing ones, scanning her card she drove in and found a parking space.
Grimm, Indiana: "You do that girl," Grace said and followed Riley out of the gun room before locking it back up. Heading behind her desk she sat down and hung the keys back up on the nail that was located on the wall behind her seat. Picking up her device she went back to playing Candy Crush, the phone wasn't ringing and she really didn't have anything else to do right then. Sure she worked at the police station but it wasn't like she was a cop. She just kept things running there at the station, taking calls, doing paper work, and making sure the small force had what they needed. When they had it that was. This wasn't exactly Chicago or even Gary.
"Heading out to the Tinders place," Tim said as he came out of his office. Looking up from her game she nodded solemnly from her game.
"Good luck."
"Yeah," he said before pushing the door open and heading outside. Seeing the girls he nodded slightly before climbing into his cruiser and starting it up. Pulling out slowly he turned onto the street and headed towards the Tinders home, it wasn't far from the Grimaldi's but that wasn't really saying anything. There were three small sections of town for housing. One was the area where the Grimaldi's house was, it was considered the rich side of town. Old money folk basically and usually all related to someone who had started the town hundreds of years ago. Then there was the middle class area a few miles away. That was where people like the Tinders and the McMillians had always lived. Then there was the poorer side of town, where Tim and people like Kai had grown up. They were all decently close together but then again, so was everything in Grimm. It was a small town after all.