
Location: Jail
Skills N/A
When Sapphire woke up, she found herself in an interrogation room of sorts.
"The asshole..." she muttered under her breath, really really pissed off now, her head pounding a lot from the force of the guy stomping on her head. There was a styrofoam cup of water in front of her and the door opened, as a dark skinned woman in a suit entered the room.
"Good morning, I'm Detective Sanchez. I'm here to ask you a few questions."
"Ask away, though not sure I'll help you at all, you can still ask though." Detective Sanchez nodded, sitting down on the opposite side of the table. She had a Starbucks coffee with her and she set it across the table within reach of Sapphire. "If you cooperate, that's yours," Sanchez said bluntly. She then took out a file and opened it up, showing files of various mutants that the Mutant Underground had helped to escape. "Can you identify these individuals for me?"
"Never seen them," she said with a shrug, after glancing at the pictures for a moment.
Sanchez sighed, moving the Starbucks cup back to her side of the table. "I've read your file, Miss Clarke. You worked for Serval Industries for years in the private sector... for their X-Factor team. Why leave? Why go join the Mutant Underground?"
"I left X-Factor because I was getting bored and honestly working for a corporation just wasn't my thing, and what the hell is the Mutant Underground?" she asked, deciding to try and play dumb about it.
"You were arrested for working with the Mutant Underground by O.M.E.N., Miss Clarke. Playing dumb is not going to lessen your sentence. Terrorizing a neighborhood? Forcing people from their homes? Killing innocent bystanders? You had quite a day yesterday, didn't you?"
"Actually, don't believe everything you hear. The incident with O.M.E.N.? Well, I was the innocent bystander, since the organization basically abducted mutants left and right without any reason, so I'm going to call B.S. on that, and I didn't kill anyone, so not quite sure what sort of point you are trying to make here. I do not work with the Mutant Underground." The detective then pulled photographs of the Purifiers in the hospital with severe injuries, most of them related to ice. There was also security footage of Sapphire at the apartment complex, using her abilities. "How do you explain this, then?"
"Ever heard of self-defense? I was minding my own business when those assholes shot at me. Doubt you'd believe me anyway, considering the fact that the world is kind of against people with powers. Otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to have the collars if we truly were considered equals." Sanchez rolled her eyes slightly. She had heard these arguments time and time again. She then pulled out a photograph - it was Veil's mugshot. "Can you tell me who this is?"
"She's a friend of mine, so what? Honestly the treatment towards mutant in this day and age reminds me a lot of the Civil Rights Movement in the US, how long did it take African Americans to gain equal rights? Oh, wait, they actually join in on the treatment of mutants, even though they themselves are still treated lesser. Guess everyone finds someone that they want to feel lesser than themselves to make themselves feel better." she mused slightly.
The detective ignored the monologuing. "Who is your friend?"
"Depends on which friend you are talking about, I've got lots of friends all over the world, you have to be a bit more specific," she said with a smirk.
"The woman in the photograph. Who is she? What does she do?"
"How the hell should I know? And why would I tell you anything even if I knew what she did for a living? Honestly, you people never learn, friendship is stronger than potential death threats." "You just said she was your friend. I want to help her, Miss Clarke. If you give me the information I need, then I can do that. She's facing a murder charge."
"Who isn't in this day and age? And don't talk that BS about wanting to help. If you wanted to help you'd know that that group who attacked us? That they tend to murder people with powers on a daily basis, similar to the Klu Klux Klan of today, so even in a hospital they probably would all have half a dozen murders a piece, so nope, not telling a damn thing until you all actually truly seem like you give a damn. Besides, as I mentioned before, I have more than a few friends," she said with an eye roll. This woman was really getting annoying in her mind.
Detective Sanchez sighed, making eye contact with Sapphire. Her eyes abruptly changed shape and color, going from a dark brown to almost pure yellow. "Let me ask you again - who is this woman?"
Oh hell, talk about a plot twist of sorts. She had a pretty good guess as to who the woman sitting across from her was, and what the hell was she doing here?
"Why are you wanting to know?" she asked, she wasn't even sure she could trust the woman sitting across from her.
Sanchez' eyes returned to normal. "Because I want to help you - both of you, Miss Clarke."
"Look, I'd like to help you, but how do I know I can trust you, and how do I know there aren't people listening in on this conversation right now? I don't know if I can trust you, at all, so sorry if I'm a bit skeptical." she said, having leaned forward and dropped her voice to a whisper.
Detective Sanchez nodded a bit, standing up and pushing the cup of coffee across the table. "Thank you for your cooperation," she said, before she swept out of the room. The files had been left behind as well.
Sapphire looked at the files that she had left, and decided since she was bored, might as well look through them. As she started flipping through things, where she stopped suddenly, seeing a picture of a young girl. Glancing around slightly, she slipped the picture into her pocket, as well as a list of potential Purifier leaders. That was something she hadn't expected, at all. It was the last thing she saw that made her wonder what to do with it. It was an address, with a date and a time on it. She had no idea what it was, or whether she should tell Veil about it, but that didn't matter now as she slipped the information into her pocket as well. Before she picked up the coffee cup, and noticed that there was a shiv in it. She pocketed that as well, trying to figure out what the hell to do with it.
Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A
"I'd be more than happy to help you out there," Jack said to Leighton with a bit of a smile, before glancing over at the others again.
"Though I do have to make a few phone calls, oh, and uh, Tome, I can see about calling my friend over with the Mutant Underground and see about getting you in with them or something if you want. I have to go stop by my office in a little bit anyway to try and get some of the stuff for him anyway... So I can put him on my call list of people I need to talk with, was planning on talking to him later anyway... Now, if you all will excuse me, I need to get outside where there is better cell service than down here, anyone who feels the need to go outside and such, you can tag along if you want to," Jack said with a slight wave before walking away from the others.
He headed out of the tunnels, since they did not have the best cell signal in them, and he really needed to see about calling his brother, wherever the hell he was. Jack hated that he was considered the sane one in the family, even though more than a few people have called him crazy at times. He just brushed it off, not even mentioning that two of his half-siblings were in a mental hospital and the other one was a drug addict. Once he reached the surface and got outside, finding himself in a tree filled area by the National Zoo, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that he had a voicemail. Putting the phone to his ear, he listened to Casper's voice mail. After it was over, he let out a sigh, getting really really mad now. Of course his brother thought he could just drop everything to go get him, why wouldn't he? Felt like that was kind of what he had been doing for most of his life or something now. He put the phone in his pocket, before he couldn't help it and ended up kicking a nearby trash can. This was going to be a long day, that much was obvious, since no matter what he did, he couldn't really help everyone, despite his best attempts it would seem. He had so much to do, and so little time to actually do it in.
He pulled out his notebook, flipping to the list he had made. He crossed out
Call Casper and scribbled in
Get Casper from rehab in it's place. Jack knew he'd have to go get his brother eventually, and he partially wanted to put it off for as long as possible.