Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Medical Clinic
Skills: N/A

Callie hadn't slept all that well really from the night before, her chest was still really hurting as she sat at the table with some of the others. The mood was very grim, having Sapphire and Veil both in prison was a major blow to the moral in the room as she eyed Sunspot for a moment. Callie could easily tell that he was distressed at what had happened to them, she was as well she closed her eyes and sighed slightly as she took the painkillers for the first time that day she was given yesterday and took a quick drink of water. "Sunspot, I know you are annoyed, but we have to be smart about this." Callie said as she took another drink of her water and set the glass back down, she was now the acting leader for the DC Underground now.

"Not to mention, we don't know the prison that they are in right now, they could be in a Mutant Supermax, or The Raft for all we know." Callie let out another sigh. "So going in Brotherhood style is out of the question, not to mention it will paint a big old target on our backs." Callie wished that the Atlanta Station could send them Thunderbird, but she could understand they had their own problems, as her attention turned towards Colossus who suggested someone. "See if he is willing to help out." Callie said as she stood up and looked towards the others for a moment. "We will get them back, I promise. If anyone has information on any mutants in need in the area i'm all ears."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Jail
Skills N/A

Instead of leading Sapphire to the interrogation room, they took her down the hallway to where there was a phone. "You get one phone call. Make it quick."

She stared at the phone as she walked over to it, already knowing just whose number she'd be calling, and she was really glad she memorized his number. Dialing the number, as soon as she heard his voice she started talking. "Hey, Freddie? Think you can come bail a friend and me out of jail?"

"Woah, slow down Sapphire, what happened?"

She took a deep breath, "A friend of mine and I were doing a few things, and one thing led to another and we got arrested... Look, can you just come bail us out? Please? Could really use a hand considering I really really really do not like prisons..."

"Alright, it might take me a little while to get there though... But I'll come and see what I can do... See you in a little bit Sapphire... Though later I might want a bit more of an explanation than just that you were doing things that ended up getting you arrested."

"And I'll give you one later, okay? And Freddie? Thanks for helping..."

"No problem... See you in a little while then..."

"Bye..." she said, hanging up the phone before she turned to look at the guards again.

One of the guards looked at her, while the other started to whistle and looked away. The first one then grabbed Sapphire by the hair and then threw her to the ground. "On your feet, mutie!" he spat.

"Asshole..." she muttered as she got to her feet, getting a bit annoyed with the guards, but it was something that she had expected.

"What did she say?"

"I think she called you an asshole," the other guard grunted. "I guess her mutation doesn't give her brains, does it then?"

"Let me check," the first guard then said, slamming Sapphire's head into the wall.

She coughed slightly at that, falling silent now, her head was pounding because of that, and she didn't really know if she could actually talk at the moment after that. The pain was making her panicking even worse, so it caused her to be silent. The guards startled chuckling, as the second one then shoved Sapphire to the ground and started kicking her repeatedly in the rib cage. "How's the kids?" he asked his coworker.

"Oh, they're good, Lacy has her recital today."

"Really? She's growing up so fast!" She couldn't help but find it amusing that they were talking about family life while one of them was beating her up. She felt her ribs crack slightly from the force of his foot, and she kept coughing, not sure what to do in this situation. Eventually, the guards stopped, only for one to then "gently" put his foot on her throat. "So mutie trash - what did you call me again?" he asked, ready to crush Sapphire's throat.

"Shut up..." she muttered, glaring at him, knowing perfectly well that she wasn't in any sort of position to actually say or do anything else.

"That's what I thought," the guard said, before stomping on Sapphire's head and knocking her unconscious.

Jack Theriot

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

He didn't sleep too horribly, at least the best that he could, but he had been up for a little while now. Jack was flipping through his notebook, pen in hand as he looked down at the words on the page. It was going to be a long day, that much was for sure, but he didn't care too much, as long as he was doing the best that he could. One of the objects on his list was related to his actual job, and had absolutely nothing to do with the Morlocks. Every other item had either something to do with the Morlocks (or a member of them) and then there was the part about his brother.

The list reads:
Things I need to do or attempt to do at some point today!
  • Make fun of Erg when no one else is around aside from him that his real name is Leo (have to have some respect for the guy, make sure no one else can hear!)
  • Supply Run! (with newbies tagging along it seems)
  • Keep an eye on the kid and Elsa the Ice Queen who froze her tent.
  • Help Elsa over there learn to control her powers (reminder, BE CAREFUL, ice is really bad for people who are effectively like rubber and silly putty)
  • Call Casper to make sure he isn't doing something stupid
  • Try to find some more info on Colossus' missing sister and hopefully find something.
  • Research the newbies and make files for them (keep files hidden away from everyone else, want to make sure that there is no skeletons in the closets for them so that at least someone is aware about that if their are any.)

Walking past a few of the tents, he heard Max's voice coming from Blink's tent. He couldn't help but be at least slightly curious as to what it was that he was talking to Blink about, and so he wandered over to the tent. Hearing Max's question, Jack couldn't help but enter the tent in order to answer Max's question himself, since he was helping a member of a group like what Max was describing. "Sorry, I uh, couldn't help but overhear your question," Jack said as he slipped his notebook and pen into his inner jacket pocket, "The Mutant Underground might be a good fit for you then if you want to do something like that. The group helps to move mutants and protect those being targeted by Purifiers... If you want, I could talk to someone for you, I know one of them, the guy came to me for help looking for his sister by the name of Colossus."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: Morlock Tunnels
Skills N/A

Leighton woke up from her tent (yes, you heard her right, a freaking tent!) covered in ice. She did not feel cold, which was probably a blessing, but if she were to continue with her life now, she would have to gain control of this power. And she would need help. The others down here seemed capable and probably had used their abilities for longer than she had.

She stepped out and glanced around for someone she recognized. She didn't think the man with the gun would help her. Perhaps Jack? He seemed willing. She couldn't spot him right away, but she did hear voices nearby. She made her way over and found a cluster surrounding the girl named Blink. "So I hate to break up this little meeting or whatever, but as you can tell from my sleeping arrangements, I made it all icy. Is there someone I can speak to about getting all of this under control?"

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Homeless Shelter
Skills N/A

Anastasia had managed to find a mutant-friendly shelter despite the graffiti that plagued it. Granted, it was senseless acts like it that turned the world. We were just in another period of hate that humanity continued to perpetuate with every difference. Gender, race, sexuality, and now mutants. It bothered her little. She shed whatever moral grasp she had for people. They would kill her if they had the chance and there was little use in fighting against it.

She woke up from her "bed", if it could be called such, and eyed the others with her. Someone here would know where the mutant underground is. It was only a matter of finding that one and getting the information. She would have to play the part of the eager mutant hopeful, ready to take on the world.

She walked around, stretching herself out. "Wish I could be out there helping rather than sleeping on boxes on the street, wonderin' where my next meal was coming from. Gotta be more to this than running." She said to no one in particular, but hopefully someone would hear her and know of a place she can go.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 8th, 2020 - 10:15 AM

The Mutant Underground - D.C. Station:

Colossus nodded - he had wanted to go talk to Stretch anyways. He had hired the man to help find his sister and he was anxious to see if he had found anything. Piotr was almost certain in his gut that Illyana was somewhere in the United States. She had to be alive. If she wasn't... He didn't know what he would do. He had attempted to fill the void by acting as a brother to Negasonic, but it wasn't always successful. In fact, it usually wasn't. He wanted proof that Illyana was alive and well. "I will call," Colossus told Spark Plug, before walking off to somewhere a bit quieter and with better cell signal.

"I know two fucking mutants in need in the area - Veil and Sapphire!" Sunspot snapped, his head bursting into flames. Cannonball grimaced a bit, looking at his friend.

"We're going to get them back, Roberto - okay?" Cannonball promised.

"You don't know that," Negasonic pointed out. She went on her phone and was scrolling through Twitter, when something caught her eye. She followed a lot of accounts of Purifiers and the likes in the area. She had alerts on message boards they posted in sent to her email. Hatred never typically was very bright.

"Not helping, Ellie!" Cannonball snapped.

"Well, it looks like our friends in black are going to raid some of the shelters today... A mutant escaped from police custody last night and they're trying to bring her to justice." That would be significant - mostly because Purifiers weren't known for restraint. There were two or three mutant friendly shelters in Washington D.C., so the Underground would have a choice to make as to which ones they went to go and protect, if any at all.

Homeless Shelter - Mutant Friendly:

Anastasia's silent shadow wasn't too far behind. Named Fade, he had the power to turn himself invisible. Reeva generally sent him out to spy on those suspected of betraying him, but in this case he was designed to be back up for Anastasia if things went south. He wasn't making himself known, meaning that things were more or less safe for the moment. No one in the shelter went up to approach Anastasia, but she would notice a boy in the back who looked a bit roughed up. He was sporting the nice beginning of a black eye and his hoody was filled with tears and holes. Either he enjoyed getting into fights or something, but odds are... he might known something about how to find the Mutant Underground.


Location: the Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

Grimlock was silent throughout the conversation - both verbally and telepathically. In fact, no one in the Morlock tunnels had ever heard her speak. She was a mute, traumatized by the horrible treatment she had received at the hands of those who thought she was dangerous, that she was an abomination, that she was of the Devil. Blink finished braiding Grimlock's hair and then Blink got up, standing right outside of the tent in the entrance way since it would be easier to talk there.

"Stretch is right - the Mutant Underground does try to help. They move mutants across the border, into either Mexico or Canada," she explained to Max, giving him a bit more detail. She hesitated for a moment. "I actually used to be a member," she said, not giving an explanation as to why she left the Mutant Underground for the Morlocks.

She then turned to Leighton, giving her a smile as she clapped a hand on Stretch's back. "Well, we don't have any elemental manipulators here at the moment, but Stretch I think would be more than happy to help train you. He has an incentive to keep ice under control, after all." Blink smirked a bit at the man.

Over by the food, Sunshine was practically inhaling bowl after bowl of Froot Loops. Erg had to stop her from taking another portion. It was sad, but he had seen this sort of thing before. Some people, when given regular access to food after going without for so long, they just couldn't control themselves. "Wait an hour and see if your stomach handles it," he told her.

"My stomach can handle it just fine!" Sunshine protested. She even patted her belly to make a point of it and Erg smiled, chuckling a bit. Her spirit and tenacity was winning him over. "So when do I get to take some fire to my face and get to be here permanently?" she couldn't help but ask. Sure, she didn't know a lot about the Morlocks but in her mind, she knew enough. She was almost an adult anyways and could make her own choices.

"Tonight after the supply run," Erg told her. "I want to give the others time to decide what path is right for them."

Spirit Box

Location: Rehab
Skills: N/A
"Casper, pay attention!" Ben snapped. Of course, no one around them in the dingy rehab facility could hear Ben. He had died years ago in New Orleans, at the hands of some human supremacists. But thanks to Casper's mutation (do NOT call him Spirit Box, mind you, that name is used by his father only and he would gladly dance on the man's grave), Ben's spirit was tied to the mortal plane of existence. His afterlife was following his friend around, watching him battle with addiction.

Ben often wondered if this was actually hell.

"You sound like Jackie," Casper mused. He put a fur overcoat on top of his hospital gown and wiggled his toes, looking down at his flip flops for a second. "These really do not go together, do they?" he said sadly.

"Really, Cas, this is your number one priority right now?"

"I can't just leave rehab looking like I'm homeless - I'm a mutant, not a monster!" Casper protested. He then smiled a bit at the orderly. Now, for anyone else they would have taken them back into the facility, but no matter how long Casper stayed at rehab, they always heard him talking to himself. They more or less didn't care. His trust fund paid for the visits and he didn't hurt anyone.

"Do you have any boots? Leather, preferably, I think that'll look dashing with the fur," Casper requested. The orderly looked completely resigned and nodded, grabbing a pair of black boots from the back and setting them down in front of Casper. Casper clapped his hands happily, still wearing his patient bracelet, and he quickly put on the boots.

"You need to call Jack," Ben reminded him. "You need someplace to sleep that doesn't involve acting like a prostitute."

"Don't be a prude, Ben. It's only prostitution if they pay you," Casper told his dead friend, waving him off. He then took the ziplock bag of his belongings. They had added in a one month sobriety token and Casper laughed, taking it out and putting it on the counter.

"See you next week, Casper," the orderly said, taking the token back. Casper winked and blew him a kiss, before practically skipping out of the facility. He had put on a black skirt and he tore off the hospital gown, tossing it behind him and leaving him bare chested. "Oh, this feels lovely on the bits... Now, what is Jackie's number again..."

"Seriously, how am I the dead one?" Ben groaned.

"White privilege?" Casper shrugged, before dialing his brother's number. It went straight to voice mail. "Hey Jackie! It's Casper, your favorite older brother. I just got out of rehab, yay, and I need waffles and cash. Please come get me? Ben really does not like it here and I am so tempted to go back and get that orderly's number, he was cute... Kinda wish he had been a little more handsy. Anyways, call me back little bro!"

Ben sighed, hitting his palm against his face. Casper blew him a kiss.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Jail
Skills N/A

When Sapphire woke up, she found herself in an interrogation room of sorts. "The asshole..." she muttered under her breath, really really pissed off now, her head pounding a lot from the force of the guy stomping on her head. There was a styrofoam cup of water in front of her and the door opened, as a dark skinned woman in a suit entered the room.

"Good morning, I'm Detective Sanchez. I'm here to ask you a few questions."

"Ask away, though not sure I'll help you at all, you can still ask though."

Detective Sanchez nodded, sitting down on the opposite side of the table. She had a Starbucks coffee with her and she set it across the table within reach of Sapphire. "If you cooperate, that's yours," Sanchez said bluntly. She then took out a file and opened it up, showing files of various mutants that the Mutant Underground had helped to escape. "Can you identify these individuals for me?"

"Never seen them," she said with a shrug, after glancing at the pictures for a moment.

Sanchez sighed, moving the Starbucks cup back to her side of the table. "I've read your file, Miss Clarke. You worked for Serval Industries for years in the private sector... for their X-Factor team. Why leave? Why go join the Mutant Underground?"

"I left X-Factor because I was getting bored and honestly working for a corporation just wasn't my thing, and what the hell is the Mutant Underground?" she asked, deciding to try and play dumb about it.

"You were arrested for working with the Mutant Underground by O.M.E.N., Miss Clarke. Playing dumb is not going to lessen your sentence. Terrorizing a neighborhood? Forcing people from their homes? Killing innocent bystanders? You had quite a day yesterday, didn't you?"

"Actually, don't believe everything you hear. The incident with O.M.E.N.? Well, I was the innocent bystander, since the organization basically abducted mutants left and right without any reason, so I'm going to call B.S. on that, and I didn't kill anyone, so not quite sure what sort of point you are trying to make here. I do not work with the Mutant Underground."

The detective then pulled photographs of the Purifiers in the hospital with severe injuries, most of them related to ice. There was also security footage of Sapphire at the apartment complex, using her abilities. "How do you explain this, then?"

"Ever heard of self-defense? I was minding my own business when those assholes shot at me. Doubt you'd believe me anyway, considering the fact that the world is kind of against people with powers. Otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to have the collars if we truly were considered equals."

Sanchez rolled her eyes slightly. She had heard these arguments time and time again. She then pulled out a photograph - it was Veil's mugshot. "Can you tell me who this is?"

"She's a friend of mine, so what? Honestly the treatment towards mutant in this day and age reminds me a lot of the Civil Rights Movement in the US, how long did it take African Americans to gain equal rights? Oh, wait, they actually join in on the treatment of mutants, even though they themselves are still treated lesser. Guess everyone finds someone that they want to feel lesser than themselves to make themselves feel better." she mused slightly.

The detective ignored the monologuing. "Who is your friend?"

"Depends on which friend you are talking about, I've got lots of friends all over the world, you have to be a bit more specific," she said with a smirk.

"The woman in the photograph. Who is she? What does she do?"

"How the hell should I know? And why would I tell you anything even if I knew what she did for a living? Honestly, you people never learn, friendship is stronger than potential death threats."

"You just said she was your friend. I want to help her, Miss Clarke. If you give me the information I need, then I can do that. She's facing a murder charge."

"Who isn't in this day and age? And don't talk that BS about wanting to help. If you wanted to help you'd know that that group who attacked us? That they tend to murder people with powers on a daily basis, similar to the Klu Klux Klan of today, so even in a hospital they probably would all have half a dozen murders a piece, so nope, not telling a damn thing until you all actually truly seem like you give a damn. Besides, as I mentioned before, I have more than a few friends," she said with an eye roll. This woman was really getting annoying in her mind.

Detective Sanchez sighed, making eye contact with Sapphire. Her eyes abruptly changed shape and color, going from a dark brown to almost pure yellow. "Let me ask you again - who is this woman?"

Oh hell, talk about a plot twist of sorts. She had a pretty good guess as to who the woman sitting across from her was, and what the hell was she doing here? "Why are you wanting to know?" she asked, she wasn't even sure she could trust the woman sitting across from her.

Sanchez' eyes returned to normal. "Because I want to help you - both of you, Miss Clarke."

"Look, I'd like to help you, but how do I know I can trust you, and how do I know there aren't people listening in on this conversation right now? I don't know if I can trust you, at all, so sorry if I'm a bit skeptical." she said, having leaned forward and dropped her voice to a whisper.

Detective Sanchez nodded a bit, standing up and pushing the cup of coffee across the table. "Thank you for your cooperation," she said, before she swept out of the room. The files had been left behind as well.

Sapphire looked at the files that she had left, and decided since she was bored, might as well look through them. As she started flipping through things, where she stopped suddenly, seeing a picture of a young girl. Glancing around slightly, she slipped the picture into her pocket, as well as a list of potential Purifier leaders. That was something she hadn't expected, at all. It was the last thing she saw that made her wonder what to do with it. It was an address, with a date and a time on it. She had no idea what it was, or whether she should tell Veil about it, but that didn't matter now as she slipped the information into her pocket as well. Before she picked up the coffee cup, and noticed that there was a shiv in it. She pocketed that as well, trying to figure out what the hell to do with it.

Jack Theriot

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

"I'd be more than happy to help you out there," Jack said to Leighton with a bit of a smile, before glancing over at the others again. "Though I do have to make a few phone calls, oh, and uh, Tome, I can see about calling my friend over with the Mutant Underground and see about getting you in with them or something if you want. I have to go stop by my office in a little bit anyway to try and get some of the stuff for him anyway... So I can put him on my call list of people I need to talk with, was planning on talking to him later anyway... Now, if you all will excuse me, I need to get outside where there is better cell service than down here, anyone who feels the need to go outside and such, you can tag along if you want to," Jack said with a slight wave before walking away from the others.

He headed out of the tunnels, since they did not have the best cell signal in them, and he really needed to see about calling his brother, wherever the hell he was. Jack hated that he was considered the sane one in the family, even though more than a few people have called him crazy at times. He just brushed it off, not even mentioning that two of his half-siblings were in a mental hospital and the other one was a drug addict. Once he reached the surface and got outside, finding himself in a tree filled area by the National Zoo, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that he had a voicemail. Putting the phone to his ear, he listened to Casper's voice mail. After it was over, he let out a sigh, getting really really mad now. Of course his brother thought he could just drop everything to go get him, why wouldn't he? Felt like that was kind of what he had been doing for most of his life or something now. He put the phone in his pocket, before he couldn't help it and ended up kicking a nearby trash can. This was going to be a long day, that much was obvious, since no matter what he did, he couldn't really help everyone, despite his best attempts it would seem. He had so much to do, and so little time to actually do it in.

He pulled out his notebook, flipping to the list he had made. He crossed out Call Casper and scribbled in Get Casper from rehab in it's place. Jack knew he'd have to go get his brother eventually, and he partially wanted to put it off for as long as possible.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: DC, Mutant Underground Station
Skills: N/A

Callie closed her eyes for a moment and rubbed the bridge of her nose when Sunspot snapped towards her. "And, like I said we WILL get them out. Until we know where we continue our business as usual, it's what Veil and Sapphire want us to do." Callie said, trying to be as calm as possible. "Veil is my friend to." She said looking up at him directly she then turned her attention towards Nagsonic as she spoke up, she didn't really pay attention to Twitter or any other social media for that matter. She watched Colossus as he walked off to go and make the phone call. Now they had their mission to do now, theres at least three in the area that they could help out and six of them as well, as Callie looked at those in the room.

"Alright, then theres six of us, and three shelters that they will possibly hit. Get the numbers from the shelters if they have any and warn them." Callie said as she thought a bit more as to who will go where. "Colossus and Nagasonic, you go together for one. If he gets in contact with Stretch call me right away." She said, then turned towards Cannonball and Sunspot. "You two, go to the other shelter, and Havok and I will go for the other." Callie said as she looked towards him, seeing that he had been unusually quiet this entire time, and she trusted working with him the most. "Any questions?" She asked them all.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

Sleep eluded James most of the night. He woke later than most because of it, groggily coming to as the noise of people waking interrupted his uneasy sleep. He sat up, rolling the stiffness from his neck and shoulders, and struggled to his feet to stumble into the line for food and coffee. At least he still had coffee.

The lulling backnoise of the generators and people rustling in their sleep proved less of a distraction last night than the events of the day and the thoughts of its consequences eagerly filled in the gaps. Sure he’d accepted his place in the world somewhere between figuring out how much electricity he could light himself up with and testing the number of bones he could break and still walk away from but James convinced himself he was going to coast through life. His ability was practically invisible and he’d clung to his dreams of a normal life, with a large family, and his own shop. And now he’d thrown it all away and just to get a bratty girl off her feet and away from the police. At least she ended up somewhere that would take her in and care for her. The one good thing in all this.

James made his way to the same table he’d eaten at last night to eat the cereal and coffee. He watched the various Murdocks go about their mornings, enjoying the familiarity many of them had, and the uncertainty of his own future washed back over him. Not quite with the same harsh edge as last night but with a calm urgency nonetheless. He could stay here, provided they had way around his own capacities, and live with Murdocks in relative peace but the idea didn’t sit well with him. The peace and safety this place offered seemed as frail and rusted as the technology they relied upon. History never smiled on those who hide when they subscribed to the losing side. And from his understanding, the mutants weren’t willing this conflict.

James finished his meal and his coffee and shoved those thoughts away as well. Mulling it over wouldn’t do any good. He’d already decided to leave after the run. There wasn’t any reason to confuse himself further. He’d ask Erg about some other possibilities once he’d worked out the last of the stiffness in his shoulders, spending the next twenty minutes going through his pre-workout stretches routine.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: The Morlock Tunnels

Max was a bit startled when Jack popped up from behind him. As helpful as his information was, the sudden rush of thoughts hit him like bricks. What if I hadn't changed clothes? What if my hairs a mess? How can anyone live like this, not knowing who could be listening in? His cheeks began to blush, his head tilted away from Jack's as Max's eyes met with Grimlock and widened wondering if he heard any of this. He let Jack speak of a mutant underground, a group or organization that helps to get other mutants to safety. Blink began to speak in agreement with him, saying she used to be a part of them as well. Max opened his mouth, quickly closing it as he realized it wasnt his business to pry on why she left. He cleared his throat and regained some composure "Thank you. Both of you."

Jack left almost as quickly as he came, saying he was heading to the surface for some signal, and Max couldnt deny he would love a breathe of fresh air. He turned to Blink once more and mouthed a thank you to her agai. Just before chasing after Jack. When he reached him, he "accidentally" brushed his hand against Jack's, intertwining his pointer finger slightly before pulling back. Get a grip Gray. You're probably too young for him anyways. Jack appeared to be taking a call, his emotion shifting as he kicked over a trash can and Max stood there wondering what to do. After witnessing him write something on his pad, Max approached him and just gave Jack a hug. "I dont know what you're going through...but I find hugs always comfort me." He pulled back and gave him a smile. "I'd hate to be a bother but...do you mind watching over me while I meditate?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
Avatar of FantasyChic

FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: Morlock Tunnels
Skills N/A

Had Leighton not assessed the nerdy looking boy before, she would have been majorly pissed off at his obvious attempts to flirt with Jack. She had always wanted a GBF and he fit the bill nicely. "How about this. Let's have a class of sorts. I could practice my powers and you can meditate and Jack can oversee it once there's time. I seem to have all the time in the world since I can't go up on the streets just yet."

She had been feeling a lot better once she found this place. Even though the lodgings were less than desirable, she had found the people to be...accommodating. Better than what she had experienced in school. There you couldn't trust anyone else. Hell, if she were to reveal herself now, she would be the lowest of the low and she would NOT stoop to that level.

Here, she could be among others like her. She could still be on top. And maybe even more.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Homeless Shelter
Skills N/A

Anastasia could feel eyes on her and chalked it up to people being unsure of her. She couldn't fault them, of course. She was new and even in a mutant-friendly shelter, it was hard to trust. She scanned the others and her eyes landed on a boy that looked like he either was used to a fight. Hopefully, he had won.

She approached him cautiously. "Scuse me, I don't mean to bother you and feel free to brush me off, but I can't help but notice you look like you fight a lot. I'd hate to see the other guy." she joked before continuing. "I'm eager to get out there and fight back and help. Do you know of a place like that where I can go?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 8th, 2020 - 10:30 AM

The Mutant Underground - D.C. Station:

Havok raised an eyebrow at Spark Plug, smirking a bit. "I always knew you were just hoping Veil and Saph would get caught, that way you could have some personal one on one time with me," he teased her. He then mimicked a hula-hooping motion with his hips. "That's what you want, right? Some big energy?" He couldn't help it anymore and he started laughing at his own jokes, while Negasonic rolled her eyes and flipped him off before heading over to where Colossus was to let him know.

Sunspot was still blowing off steam - literally - and Cannonball gently pulled him aside, hoping to calm him down before he got too angry and did something he regretted. "She doesn't know what Veil and Sapphire would want!" Sunspot snapped, punching the wall and leaving a red hot hole. "Just take deep breaths buddy, deep breaths..."

In the other room, Negasonic was just tapping her foot, watching Colossus as he dialed up Stretch. "He may not answer phone - bad signal in tunnels," Colossus explained to his apprentice.

The Surface - Sidewalk Outside the National Zoo:

No one seems to be paying attention to Max, Leighton, or Jack. Jack's phone will start to ring again. And Leighton will seemingly have a little cloud of fog around her - the impact of her ice powers trying to activate against the humidity of Washington D.C. Maybe it's time to head back into the tunnels? Or who knows, maybe go into the zoo - it's free since it's a national zoo - and see the pandas! They are adorable if you ask me....

Homeless Shelter - Mutant Friendly:

The boy in the hoodie glanced at Anastasia for a moment, trying to assess whether or not she could be trusted. Sometimes, Purifiers would sneak into these shelters in order to flush out the mutants. However, there was no hiding the fact that he got into fights pretty frequently. It was hard to have this many bruises without getting into a scrap or too pretty often. Eventually, the boy nodded. "Yeah, there is... There's a girl, she likes to hangout at this dive bar three blocks from here. Her girlfriend works for a group like that - called the Underground. You can't miss her. Pink hair, really smiley. Her name's Yukio."


Location: the Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

Sunshine spotted James doing some parts of his workout routine and she paused for a moment, watching him. The concept of having a workout routine was so foreign to her. She had lived on the streets almost her entire life - no one there had the luxury of being able to exercise for fun. They got into shape by running from the police, by hiding from the Purifiers and any other group that would try to do them harm. She closed her eyes for a second and she could still bring back the faint scent of Chitauri blood and smoke to her senses from the day she fled New York City - from the Incident.

She walked on over to James, brushing a bit of knotted hair out of her face. "Thanks," she told him simply. She knew she could have ended up in bad shape after the incident at the comic book store. He didn't have to do that - he could have turned and walked the other way. At the same time though, Sunshine was suspicious of him. Most people wanted something in exchange for help. The Morlocks wanted them to join the community and help them to survive, that much was obvious. But what did James want from her?

"What do you want in exchange?" she then asked him. She didn't have much on her, but she had a Yo-Yo. She really liked her Yo-Yo, but she didn't want to be in someone's debt if she could help it. Her head turned slightly as she heard some people leave the tunnels - it looked like Stretchy Man and his boyfriend were going out to make out or something. She just rolled her eyes slightly. People were so gross.

Spirit Box

Location: Rehab -> Streets of D.C.
Skills: Mediumship
Casper was outside of rehab now, spinning a bit around on the streets. He could have kissed the sky, it was such a gorgeous day in his opinion. Of course, the main reason he was so happy was that he was out of rehab. There were some lovely people there but he never enjoyed being forced to stay clean. Sobriety was overrated. And besides, the drugs helped to keep them out - well, all except for Ben. He didn't mind the ghost of his best friend tagging along, especially since Ben's observational skills were far better than his own. "Look behind you, I think someone's following us," Ben pointed out.

Casper spun around, spotting two people in suits a little ways away. "Don't be so paranoid Ben, there's no way they're following us - why would they?" Casper shook his head, before picking a direction at random and he started walking down the street, away from the people Ben had spotted. "Well, your father is one of the most well known mutant rights activists and you DID just loudly declare you were a mutant a few minutes ago."

"My father is not a mutant rights activist. If he was, he wouldn't have put me through all of that shit - what about my rights Ben?" Casper argued, still ignoring the potential stalkers behind them. Ben just sighed, knowing that it was useless to get into this argument with Casper. Casper hated his father, no matter how much good the man had done for the world, he would always just see the worst in the old man.

"Do you think Jack's even coming? Also, shouldn't we wait by the rehab facility for him?"

"He's coming. He's my baby brother," Casper said, though the smile faded slightly from his face. "And we're not wandering that far off... If he's half a good a cop as he claims to be, then he'll find us easily."

"He's not a cop. You know that right? It's important to me that you know that."

"Wait, he isn't? What is he then? Did he quit? Was he a dirty cop? I could see my brother being a dirty cop - framing someone who was guilty since they didn't have enough evidence. Total Jack move."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Jail
Skills N/A

"Sapphire - you okay?" Veil asked, squinting as she tried to clearly see her friend. The black eyes weren't helping. At least they were being held in a cell together - that much was a positive. Two trays of food had been shoved in under the door a little bit before Sapphire returned, the food largely looking like mush.

"I'm fine... Managed to get my one phone call before being beaten to a pulp, so that was fun..."

"Hey, at least you got a phone call... Come on, there's mush for dinner."

"Yeah, no way in hell I'm eating that crap, it's worse than what we usually have by a lot."

Veil laughed slightly, but it was painful to even chuckle. She started poking around the food on the tray, before she pulled out a tiny piece of glass. "Ground up glass in the food... Nice."

"Like I said, it is hazardous to your health, so no way in hell am I even touching it."

Pushing a bit of her hair out of her eyes, Veil nodded. She stacked the trays and left them by the door so that way the guards could collect them. "What did they ask you about?" she couldn't help but ask. "Or well... I didn't get a lot of questions. Mostly a lot of blows."

"Not much really, aside from basically them knocking me out cold before being dragged and waking up in interrogation... Though I will say this, the woman seemed really interested in learning about you, I didn't say anything of course, bit of annoyance when the woman basically said I was arrested by OMEN because of helping with the Underground, which I did deny and turned things around, pointing out the facts that OMEN basically kidnapped people anyway."

"Fuck O.M.E.N.," Veil mused in agreement. She shifted slightly, before she slowly lied back onto the bed. Everything hurt when she moved and she was really hoping that they'd be let out of there soon. "Is anyone coming to bail us out?"

"Yup, called my buddy Freddie Flynn over at SHIELD, so that'll be fun, he said he'll come to bail us out."

She chuckled slightly, before Veil winced from the pain. "You have it bad for Flynn," she said. It wasn't a question - just a statement of fact. She had never seen Sapphire be as warm with someone as she was with Flynn.

"I do not! He's a friend!" she protested with a bit of an eye roll.

"Oh really? Then why do you call him Freddie?"

"Ever heard of something like a nickname? Honestly, his full name is freaking Frederick, who the hell names their kid that anyway!"

"I think the parents of Flynn," Veil suggested cheekily.

"It is a stupid name, and Fred is just as dumb of a nickname, Freddie just sounds better. Could have called him by his last name, but honestly? It is way too much fun to tease him about his name."

Veil nodded slightly, but she was fairly certain that her friend was in love with this S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. She knew that Flynn had helped to protect Sapphire when she was trapped in an O.M.E.N. facility - even though he had been a part of O.M.E.N. himself at the time. But if he broke her friend's heart or even dared to look at someone else, Veil would kill him. "Alright, just keep on pretending that he doesn't warm your icy heart."

"He is just a friend Veil, nothing more than that," she said, still denying it completely, though it was still somewhat a lie. She did have a thing for Flynn, but she was not going to admit it at all to Veil.

Jack Theriot

Location: Outside the National Zoo
Skills: N/A

Jack was a little surprised by Max's hug, but he didn't really say anything else about it. He just wasn't exactly in the mood for jokes or hugs or anything like that right now. "I'd love to help you both out right now, but I've apparently got more important things to deal with... Namely my older brother the drug addict is apparently getting out of rehab today and needs me to go get him... Hence why I got pissed off and I still wonder how in my family it is the youngest who seems to be the responsible one..." Jack said, shaking his head before he heard his phone ring and pulled it back out of his pocket and answered it. "This is Jack Theriot..." he said, wondering if it was Casper calling again or someone else.

"This is Piotr. I have favor to ask, Stretch."

"Oh hey, sure, shoot, what can I do for you aside from the thing I'm already still working on... How can I help you?"

There was a slight pause at the other end of the line. "Two underground members were taken by police. We need your help."

"Oh, that certainly is a bit of a problem..."

"Valery Simmons - she is called Veil - and Demetria Clarke - she is called Sapphire."

"So, what, you want me to see about getting them out of jail without breaking them out or something since I feel like someone has probably suggested that sort of thing."

"If you could, that would be much appreciated. But we are having trouble finding them - we need your help."

"Alright, so see about finding the prison or whatever where they are held in, and then see about getting them out, sounds like a fun challenge, I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you. We are in your debt." The call then disconnected.

"Well this should be fun..." he said, turning to look at the other two, and noticing the mist around Leighton. "You might want to get back down into the tunnels, that sort of thing isn't exactly seen as the best... I have to go get my brother the idiot and then I have to go stop by my office. Feel free to tag along if you want to, I just need to get going... Hopefully I can also get a hold of Casper," he continued, before he dialed Casper and started walking away.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: DC, Mutant Underground Station
Skills: N/A

Callie gave Havok a really annoyed look and visibly rolled her eyes. "You do know i'm super hella gay, and I don't like dick right?" Callie said, she had never been sexually attracted to guys at all. "And if you make a sex joke I swear to god I will shock you and send you flying like what Palpatine did to Windu in Star Wars." Callie said of course she wouldn't do it at least to people who had gotten on her bad side, she turned to look at Sunspot seeing him beating the poor wall up and sighed slightly. She then started to walk down and make her way towards the others to get their attentions. "Alright, so stay in constant contact with each other if you get overwhelmed call for help and watch each other's backs. Text each of us the addresses we are going to as well."

Callie then started to make her way to where the cars were and spotted her own car and smiled. "We are taking my ride." Callie said towards him as she pulled out her car keys and got inside. Before joining the Underground Callie worked as a car mechanic and enjoyed her job quiet a bit as well but she wanted to help, and make a difference for people like her as well. Once she was in Callie started up her car and waited for Havok to get in.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: The Morlock Tunnels

Max listened in on the phone call as he attempted to meditate. From the half he could hear, it appeared one or more people were locked away in Jail, an unknown jail. Could this be the mutant underground that he was speaking about earlier? Did they suffer a loss? Regardless of who it was, Max understood that Jack was only one man, and although he has the power to stretch, he may end up stretching himself to thin and like every other elastic thing, either break, or snap back at someone close to him. "Sounds to me like you have a buffet of problems and need a team to help you finish the plate." he spoke with his eyes closed, still in his meditative stance. "Now, if I was a betting man I'd say you have one or more mutants missing from the underground, locked away in an anti mutant facility and you need to help them out of there, what's more you have your brother to deal with and a previous favor as well as attempting to help me to get the underground."

Max slowly stood up, dusting and dirt off his newly made pants and jacket as he continued to speak. "Now, I know the Morlocks need those generators fixed, but they seem to be running fine at the moment, and they have Glow to help out if they falter. Why dont we get Caduceus on board with us to help you out first. It appears his gene allows him to heal others, could come in handy if your friends are injured. I'm sure Mrs. Frost, nope that names taken, uh Elsa, wouldn't mind tagging along. You did say you need training, and what better place to do so than on the job. I ofcourse will also be joining you, I have martial arts skills as well as some conjurey and evocation. You seem so willing to help others, let at least me help you. Besides..." Max pulled out a camera from his bag and then attached a lenses to it. "I've been dying to use this telescopic lenses that came with my camera, could be good for surveillance, and scoping out a place before going in."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

The sound of footsteps approaching caught James’s attention but Sunshine was the last person he expected to see when he looked up. She’d made her way off last night and since they’d only met hours earlier, he’d expected that to be that. Maybe she was like an outdoor cat, one that needed their independence for a while but liked to circle back to something familiar periodically. James shrugged mentally. Probably shouldn’t make assumptions on people’s characters less than a day into meeting them.

“Oh uh, I don’t want anything?” James responded slowly, confusion evident in his voice. Even if he did want something, James wouldn’t trade injury for something like that. Actually, he might depending on the circumstances like I fix you, you free me deal but this didn’t qualify for that. “Looked like a pretty nasty bash though. Still feeling okay right? Need a top off?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: Outside the National Zoo
Skills N/A

Leighton let the nickname slide. Hell, she liked the Frozen movies as much as the next girl, but she didn't want this perpetual cloud (literally and figuratively) following her. So she summoned what she could inside of her to dispel it. Somehow, she was able to feel the power inside of her and she whisked the cloud away. Able to control it now. "Ha! Look at that. I did it without any help. Not to toot my own horn but that was easy! Imagine what I could do with training."

Still, that would not come in the form she wanted. With her and Jack alone, possibly in an intense match, with barely any clothes. No, instead, it seemed his friends, the Underground (what is with these people and wanting to be under things. It was so much nicer up here!). If he was going to go, it was best he had help. "I mean, I guess I got nothing else planned. I'll have to move things around, but I can go help save some lives."

Though Leighton did really want to go to the zoo. It was right there. And pandas! She would love to see the pandas. But they could wait.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Homeless Shelter
Skills N/A

Anastasia felt he was sizing her up. She maintained that she may not look like much, but she was willing to do what needed to be done to get the information she required. And sure enough, the boy coughed it up. She would have to go to this dive bar and find the girl. "Thanks. I'll go check it out. Stay safe out there." She didn't care one way or another if the boy continued to fight or not. He would most likely get himself killed or captured eventually. It was not her problem.

She exited the shelter, cautious of her environment and the eyes still on her. She would have to watch out for Purifiers. With her new goal in sight, she made her way over to the dive bar. She continued to think of her overall plan. She would most likely have to befriend this Yukio girl in order to get an in. She had done worse before. It would be a cakewalk, if she was as smiley and friendly as described.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 8th, 2020 - 10:45 AM

The Mutant Underground - D.C. Station:

The others split up, following Callie's orders. Negasonic texted the list of addresses to a group chat, with each of the teams indicating which one they'd want. Colossus also added into the group chat that Stretch was looking into finding Veil and Sapphire, and that the investigator would call back once he had some information for them. "Hold on, gotta do something real quick," Havok said as he got into Callie's car.

He renamed the group chat Havok's Dirty Bitches and cackled, looking over at Spark Plug for a second to see if it got a rise out of her. He then copied and pasted in the address of the shelter they were headed to, bringing it up in one of the navigation apps on his phone. "Alright, says we should be there in about 13 minutes, as long as we avoid traffic," he told Spark Plug.

The Surface - Sidewalk Outside the National Zoo:

People are passing them by on the sidewalk, but no one is paying them any real attention. A little dark skinned girl is licking an ice cream cone, excitedly skipping along as she enthusiastically tells her parents all the facts she can remember about the snow leopards at the zoo. "Did ya know a snow leopard can leap SIX TIMES the length of its body, Daddy?!" the little girl excitedly chirped, as the weary parents headed into the zoo proper. Of course, the dear little thing was loud enough that Max, Jack, and Leighton would be able to hear a faint "they even eat blue sheep!"

The Cherry Bomb - a.k.a. the Dive Bar...:

The dive bar that the kid told her about? It won't be hard to miss. The neon sign advertising it as the Cherry Bomb is only outdone by the variety of pride flags that are being used as curtains. Once inside, she'll notice that there is a karaoke area in the back and that there isn't really anyone trying to card people. It's a risky business tactic, but that is neither here nor there. Currently singing along to Summer Lovin' is a cheerful looking pink haired girl. Little sparks of electricity were jumping off of her hands as she danced along to the song. Anastasia will be able to figure out that she is most likely Yukio.


Location: Jail
Skills: N/A
Although Veil knew that they had more important things to talk about than Sapphire's love life, she couldn't help it. The wounds that they had inflicted on her during that interrogation were incredibly painful, with the black eyes being so swollen that she could barely see her friend. Sapphire could have fallen silent and hidden underneath her bed and Veil wouldn't be able to really know if she was alone in the room or not. Besides, not every moment of her life could be dedicated towards helping mutants in need.

Sometimes, she needed to giggle with her friend over hot guys. Or girls. Veil didn't have a preference either way, though she knew that Sapphire most certainly did. "Okay, so if he is just a friend... Let's play a game then, shall we? Fuck, marry, kill. Freddie Flynn, Iron Man, and the Hulk. Go," Veil prompted her, smirking slightly. She used to play that sort of game at the Institute growing up - but back then, it had been Cyclops, Gambit, and Wolverine. She always picked to sleep with Wolverine. She usually picked Cyclops to kill and Gambit to marry. There was just something about the douchebag in shades that threw her off. And Gambit, being Cajun, at least spoke to her French-Canadian background.

There was no indication that the guards were coming for them - which could be good or bad depending on how you looked at it. It meant that they wouldn't have another round of beatings, but also that Sapphire's "friend" wasn't there to bail them out yet. She hoped that he would make it there before the police decided to transfer them to a more permanent facility. Veil didn't want to end up in Mutant Super-Max. People who went there were hardly ever heard from again - and she knew of only one successful escape attempt by a mutant named Blink.


Location: the Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A
Sunshine shook her head slightly, tipping it forward slightly so that way James could see better. Her injuries were gone. There was a slight bruise where she had been hit, but it wasn't anything that she couldn't live with. She had been in juvenile detention for a while and had spent almost her entire life living on the streets - if she couldn't deal with a bruise, then she wouldn't have survived this long. "Nah, I'm good," she told him. The confusion in his voice caused her to giggle slightly. She had figured that he would have gotten how the world worked in her opinion - but nope, he seemed to be soft and naive and nice and squishy. "But I guess I owe you one - so if you hate someone and want to bring them some Swine Flu as a gift, just let me know."

She took her Yo-Yo out, putting the loop around her finger and Sunshine let it drop. Just before it hit the ground, it snapped right back up into her hand and she smiled slightly. It had always been her favorite toy. Her mother's boyfriends would always bring her a Yo-Yo, especially if they wanted alone time with her mother and needed Sunshine to entertain herself for about half an hour. Letting the Yo-Yo continually rise and fall, the experience was calming to her. However, the silence didn't last that long as Erg came on over.

"We should be conducting the supply run shortly - Blink believes that the supplies you want are in an old warehouse across town. She'll Blink you and a few others inside. How many do you need to take with you to accomplish this?" Erg asked James bluntly.

"Count me in!" Sunshine chimed in instantly. "I'm great at stealing things." She looked a bit proud of herself for that statement, causing Erg to chuckle a bit.

Spirit Box

Location: Streets of D.C.
Skills: Mediumship
Casper's phone started to ring and he didn't even notice. It was in his hand and Ben stared at him, the ghost trying to figure out if he really needed to prompt Casper this much to engage with reality. He knew that his friend wasn't stupid, despite popular opinion - he just had the observational skills of a blind mouse. Shaking his head a bit, Ben sighed, resigning himself to his afterlife of being a babysitter to his friend. "Casper, your phone."

"My phone? Oh... OH!" Casper chuckled a bit. Ben hit his hand against his forehead, still not quite believing that this was happening. Sure, people had looked for their phone before when it was in their hand - but Casper didn't even realize his phone was ringing as he held it. Wouldn't he feel the vibrations or something? It really made Ben wonder what exactly went on in Casper's mind...

Accepting the call, Casper put his phone to his ear, but not before spotting that he had a low battery warning. And no charger. That hadn't been on him when they checked him into rehab and given that he was pretty certain he had no stuff left - he didn't remember whose place he had been crashing at left - there was no chance of getting that charger back. Maybe he had left it at a rave or something? It seemed likely. "Heeeey Jackie!" Casper greeted enthusiastically. "See, told you he'd call," Casper added to Ben.

"I am so relieved," Ben muttered, rolling his eyes. "At least when Jack is around, I won't be the only one nagging at you to get your act together."

"Shut up, Ben," he muttered, not really caring that Jack was hearing what likely sounded like a one sided conversation. Some people made the mistake of assuming that Casper was schizophrenic. He wasn't. At least, not yet. His family's mental health history wasn't the greatest though, earning a solid D- in terms of stability. "You're not getting any waffles if you're mean to me."

"I can't get waffles anyways, I'm dead!"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Jail
Skills N/A

Sapphire giggled slightly at that, not sure how to react to what Veil was saying. Sure, maybe she did have a thing for Flynn, but could you really blame her? Not to mention she still didn't want to admit it to Veil out loud, especially since she didn't know if Flynn felt the same way about her. It had been months since she last saw him, so for all she knew he might be dating someone else right now! Though that certainly would make their interactions kind of awkward if that was the case. She was trying to get that idea out of her head.

Hearing Veil's suggestion for a game made her roll her eyes. What were they teenage girls or something? "Don't you think we're a little bit old to be playing games like that Veil? Well whatever, not like there is anything better to do or anything whilke we sit here and basically rot away in a jail cell... Kill the Hulk, though last I checked that is near to impossible... As for the other two, um..." she said, not really wanting to say what was going through her mind right now, and she was majorly blushing at the moment.

Jack Theriot

Location: Outside the National Zoo
Skills: N/A

"Hey Casper, where are you?" Jack asked, glad that Casper had answered the phone. He heard his conversation of sorts on the other end, but it wasn't that surprising to him. His brother's friend was a ghost that followed him around, and honestly he actually was glad that his brother had a ghost following him constantly. Since that meant that at least someone was there who could talk to Casper and hopefully attempt to stop him from doing something stupid.

"Ben, I can't find a street sign, can you...? Typical. This is why we can't have nice things.... Jackie, I'm outside. Not far from rehab. There's no street signs - it looks like someone ate them...? I'm hungry... Do you have waffles with you? Rehab food is the worst and that's saying something, since I've had my father's cooking."

"No I don't have any waffles with me! Look, do you know how to get to the National Zoo from where you are? Or do you need me to go over there or whatever?"

"Damn it, Ben, there's no waffles... Don't be a monster, of course that's high priority! Where else do you get a delicious meal that has a smile on it...? No, that is not the same and you know it!" Casper seemed to be fighting with his ghost friend on the other end of the line. "Do you think the zoo has waffles? I love the pandas. They're so cute! Do you think they have any of the babies right now? I'd love to be a panda. It seems like such a nice life..."

"Look, you can go see the pandas at the zoo if you want, but currently that is where I am, over by the National Zoo... Do you think you know your way here or do you want me to come get you? And if you want me to come get you, then you need to tell me where you are more specifically, like your surroundings maybe?"

"Do you think they'll let us feed the pandas? I've always wanted to do that," his brother admitted. "Alright, alright... Um... I see skies of blue... clouds of white... The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night...And I think to myself what a wonderful world... You can't hold the phone, you're a ghost. All ghosts have butterfingers don't ya know that?"

"Whatever, doesn't matter... I know where the rehab center is, not like I haven't been there before... Just try not to wander too far away so that I can find you."

"...What if I already started walking? Oww Ben don't yell!"

"Of course you did... Look, just stay put, and tell me what sort of buildings you are by please so that I can figure out where you are..."

"...Oooh it's a Sephora! Bye Jackie! See you soon!" There was then a click as Casper ended the call.

Jack let out a bit of a sigh before he turned his attention to Leighton and Max again. "I'm not exactly sure a jail break or whatever is necessary... Well, first job would be to figure out where they are being held, shouldn't be too hard to do that... I have my resources and I am a private investigator, so I should be able to figure it out not too difficultly... Though of course I still have to go find my brother, who decided to walk away from the area I was supposed to get him from, so that's fun... Anyway, you can see if anyone else wants to play detective or whatever before the supply run so..."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: DC, Mutant Underground Station
Skills: N/A

Callie took a moment as soon as Havok was in she drove out of the little garage that they had, and then took a moment to look at the group chat that they had now, and of course Havok decided to change the name to it. And seeing as they were mostly men in the group except for her and Negasonic. "Well damn Havok I didn't think you actually liked guys either." Callie said referring to the name of the group chat as she looked at him. Callie then went and continued to focus on the road ahead of them, it would take a few minutes to get to the location and she was grateful Colossus would be able to get in contact with his friend.

She took a moment to start to think about Veil and Sapphire and how they were doing, and hoped that neither of them were dead either as well. "So, am I being a good leader?" Callie asked Havok, she had no clue at all right now and everything that had happened and what Sunspot had said also made her question if she would be a good leader. She decided to also roll down the window to get a little bit of air in as well to get some fresh air.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: The Morlock Tunnels

"Impressive, you should think of a codename, something we can call you by. Seeing as how you havent given us your name yet, which makes it a bit harder to speak to you. Speaking of playing detective..." Max's voice trailed off as he placed a hand on his chin, trying to the of the best angle to obtain this from. He snapped his fingers as an idea creeped into his mind. "Aus Atnemitsev Ogniff" Max's eyes began to glow with the familiar cosmic energy, his hands held palms out on his sides. The swirl of energy began to encircle him, tangling around every piece of his body as his creation began to take form. "What do you think? Im a regular Sherlock Holmes, eh? I'll go back down and get James and my cane. Be right back,"

Max hurried down the ladder they used to get up, beginning to wander through the sewers in search for the Morlock base. How hard could it be? He just came from them. The sounds of dripping water and the tapping of his shoes were the only noises that stood out in the silence of the underground. He began to squint his eyes, searching for the way back. "I cant get anywhere without any lighting down here. Sucearg Singi!" Max flicked his hand out, palm up, to conjure a flame into his hand for some light. A small candles worth of fire appeared in the center of his palm as he let out a groan of frustration. "Oh come on!" It was at this point he was glad that neither Jack, nor anyone, was there to see him struggling for once. He pressed forward in search of the Morlock hideout, walking in what felt like circles for some time. "Have I seen that slime before? I feel like I have...Ugh why cant the sewers just have a map like a subway." He resigned himself to standing still for a while "Helloo. Grimlock? James? Blink?..."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

James's horror at Sunshine's offer quickly disappeared as Erg's question kick started the gears in his head. Carrying the equipment he needed for the wiring and the lights would be easy enough but the additional gear needed for the generators would be heavy and bulky. He'd prefer a whole generator but he probably couldn't count on that. One extra person to carry stuff plus one more just in case they actually found a few larger pieces.

“Well, you probably know the logistics of this kinda stuff better than I but I need at least two more people to carry equipment.” James said slowly as he considered. “Maybe another person or two to help keep an eye on things while we look? I know you said it was pretty lightly guarded so you'd know better than me on that front. So, two more than myself at minimum for some heavy-ish lifting depending on what we find.” James looked at Sunshine and back at Erg. She was definitely enthusiastic at least. “When do we head out?”
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