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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden under a cloak, the burly dwarf took her coin without question. She had been one of the many who choose to join this mercenary crew, but unlike the other whelps she was no stranger to danger. She just needed some quick coin and a steady job. Since she fled her clan home Mika had been resorting to petty thievery to get around. Most people didn't trust her and for good reason. She didn't exactly give off a jolly and friendly demeanor. But maybe that's why soldier would be better for her. She wasn't as soft as these city folks; she knew how to live off nothing and working herself raw every night. She's made a life eating nothing but grass and drinking dew, killing good and bad men for coppers. As far as Mika was concerned, joining this man's army was no different than her old life. Hopefully however she doesn't have to kill him later and run away to a new town.

Taking her money Mika went over to the trader's district. Since coming to this town she's managed to make one friend with a half-blind smith who respected Mika's strength after she helped him move and melt some ore. If her father wasn't a bastard she could've been a good smith. Alas, now she was a soldier. Using the man's forge she brought some iron herself so she could upgrade her armor and weapons. Right now she had a rather beat up leather plates, and she wanted to reinforce them with some iron studs. She didn't have the time to make full fledge plate armor and besides that she didn't like the heavy stuff; it made her too hot and sapped her strength. A brigandine would give her enough armor without roasting her alive. Once she'd finish with that Mika would start working on making herself some new bolts for her crossbow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A look of mild surprise snapped onto Monika's face when Annabeth brought up her Master, but she was flattered nonetheless. She nodded politely, but before she could reply, Skurr opened his door, inviting them all inside. Monika walked inside, stooping a little for the low door.

After the others had followed her inside, she sat Skurr down and began to examine his wound, allowing the other two the time to put forward their proposition.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Elevation
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hark was just about to dismiss Ezra a man came up two the two. "Which one of you is the employer?" He blurted "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself.” He looked at the two, "I am George Arend Lark," He said as he bowed. Hark and Ezra exchanged a glance before hard waved his hand. “You’re dismissed remember have your men formed up tomorrow morning before dawn.” As she walked away Hark studied the man, “I am Hark, commander of the Frostbourn stronghold. If you are here to join my force to combat the invading Orc hordes then you can sign over there.” He said flatly pointing at Jagger who held up the signature paper.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ALonelyParrot
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ALonelyParrot A parrotlet staring from the void

Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

George lightly walked over towards the held piece of paper, whisking the parchment into his hold. In only a short moment of slowly reading it aloud to himself, he began shaking his head.
"No good," he said aloud, "I can't exactly accept these terms, not without a few changes." He turned towards the masked man with a wry smile.
"On any day, I can choose whether or not to leave." Although George couldn't see behind the mask, he could sense the face the masquerade was making. Before the masked man could reply, George intercepted him with a wall of cunning charm and a business man's confidence.
"Now don't start having a coniption. For these changes, I'll only recieve my pay at the end of each week, a mere single silver at that. In addition, should I choose to flee without announcement, feel free to uproot my head. Any borrow equipment will be relinquished upon leaving. How does that sound?" He smiled at the masked man, gesturing his hands to signify an absolute steal of a deal.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yumi just smiled as she took out a few sugar cubes from her pocket. Always handy whenever the horses start acting up. "It's no problem. You have a fine steed here if she's about to sniff out my sweets." Looking back at Derra, Yumi sized her up. Her pox scars would make her very undesirable to most people, but her skills as a healer would make her also valuable. Being a dwarf meant that she had a strong constitution and important family ties, though Yumi wasn't sure if those ties were strong. Not to mention what the girl wanted was inherently selfless. How boring.

"Oh come now my dear, surely there's more to your life than that." Yumi started feeding Derra's horse with some sugar cubes as she petted it's snout. "Nothing wrong with being a bit selfish. Wanting to do more for yourself is what drives everyone to improve. Why settle for less when you can get more?" Once Yumi finished feeding the horse she turned back to the dwarf with a big smile. Her big, business smile. "I have a deal for you. We're both looking to work with that woman from the guild so why not go together? Allow me to work my magic and negotiate a good deal for the both of us. After all, someone as skilled as you shouldn't work for charity alone. Medicine needs to be brought and no amount of good deeds will make plants grow faster than coin can. Who knows, after this hunt I may even ask for you to stay with my caravan. We plan to go to many cities where we'll offer our services to anyone in need. Surely that'll be better than just wandering around hoping for trouble to find you, yes?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mergoux wasn't entirely sure why she'd chosen the name Ezra, only that she couldn't afford to give either her old name, or her current one. Thalia Coldstone no doubt was on record somewhere in the North for previous military service, but that had been half a century ago. She'd put that behind her. Right now all she was doing was signing up to kill some Orcs. She wasn't going to be a part of the army again, not properly. This was just out of convenience as opposed to a desire to be a part of something again.

As she was about to depart, a stranger ran up to them, gasping for breath after having seemingly run quite a way. Mergoux regarded him carefully. He had the look of someone used to working hard for their pay, but what kind of work she couldn't immediately tell. Regardless Hark hired him on the spot. Another body for the battlefield. The man had been rather flamboyant about his introduction and continued on to argue Hark's deal, promised to all those who'd signed on.

Mergoux narrowed her eyes under the helm. The man was charming, but it was obvious to her, and hopefully to her commander, that the deal now offered was a bit to sweet. It struck her as the deal a man makes when all he seeks is profit. Fight a battle, stick to the rear and survive, then filch all the best loot while everyone who actually fought is getting patched up. She decided then that she would keep an eye on the man, trusting him less even than she trusted the rest of the louts in her company.

@Elevation @ALonelyParrot
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Derra thought about the woman's offer for a moment. "I suppose, if we're already travelling in the same direction, that I can take you up on your offer. I'm not beholden to anyone at the moment, except for my word to my clan to return."

She was still unsure what she herself wanted, selfishly, as the woman had suggested. She had never thought much of what she would want for herself, having always been determined to become a healer after her pox had scarred her. Derra did also enjoy some metal working and wood carving, but those were not her greatest talents. Of course, her greatest talent was learning ways of healing the mind and body, but these were not likely to earn her a great deal of fame or fortune either. 'Travelling with a group of traders wouldn't get me fame, but it could earn me fortune, and while with them I could still learn healing to take back to the clan.'

She did like travelling, especially with Jester being such an easy pony to ride.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Elevation
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hark looked to the man and then to Jagger who just shrugged. Normally Hark would have just sent the man on his way, however under the current circumstances even if this man was only around for one battle it would be better than nothing. Hark looked at George’s hand but didn’t shake it, “Very well I’ll accept your terms.” He saw a cunning grin come across the man’s face and hark took a steps towards him until their faces were a mere inch apart. “Don’t get the idea you’re special.” Hark said in a warning tone, “If it weren’t for the fact you forfeited more than half of your months pay you’d be looking for employment elsewhere.”

Hark took on last look at the man before he tossed a single silver coin at the man, “Here is your first weeks pay then.” He looked around the courtyard and seeing there was no newcomers Hark started heading back towards Jagger and the rest of the men, “Were done here, enjoy the rest of your night.” Jagger nodded and went about dismissing the rest of the men while Hark headed for Lord Dulbur’s estate to speak to him about the places where Orcs have started their raids.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ALonelyParrot
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ALonelyParrot A parrotlet staring from the void

Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

He didn't intend to recieve the first coin that soon, but George merely shrugged inwardly as he gave an appreciative smile towards the man.

"Don't get the idea that you're special." the masked man pointed at George. This time, George actually shrugged at the mention of being "special." As long as there was some coin to be earned and some great battles to be seen, he could care less about being "special."

When the masquerade dismissed everyone, the crowd slowly dispersed out of the open square and headed in their own directions, presumably towards inns or taverns. George himself disappeared into an alley so that he could thoroughly explore the city layout, one, because it was wise to have an escape plan, and two, because it would be some time before a considerable crowd would be out. From there, he continued to wander.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Strange Rodent@Zaphander@Royaletutor59

Skurr watched the three women enter his tiny home. It briefly crossed his mind that this was the largest number of people the building had ever held at once, to say nothing of the number of women. There was the bed and one chair. Other than that, only the floor remained for seating options and a certain part of that was occupied with his packed belongings. He had little to say at this point, these had their reasons for coming. They would get down to it when they were ready. A fisherman knew how to wait for the other to move first. He didn't know what would bring these three to his door.

One at least was a regular visitor, her presence made sense. He sat on the chair without a word as the healer did her work. His eyes, however, focused on the other two. One was a complete stranger. The other, though...

"You beat him after all. The brute at the gate." He said without preamble with his eyes locked onto those of the warrior woman. "He was a tough one."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

”Indeed. Had you not culled his lackies when I fought him, I would not be here today. Thanks to you however he was defeated and the city was saved. For that reason I wish to ask for your assistance.” Annabeth took out the guild notice and handed it to Skurr. The one about investigating a mysterious beast in the fire fens. ”I’m gathering strong and able warriors, and others who can aid us, if this beast proves dangerous or if we run into trouble. Knowing that you’ve a steady hand and a strong arm I’m here to ask you to join me. What say you?”

Annabeth turned to Monika and nodded towards her. ”I’ll gladly accept you as well, if you wish to come. There’s no telling what dangers lie in wait, and I promise to share the reward equally. Your master was a wise man and I’m sure your wits and knowledge will serve us well.” she says with a smile. True she should actually find Warriors for a hunt, but she wasn’t going to deny Monika the chance if she wants to participate. Even if she doesn’t want to fight, any group needs a healer.

@Royaletutor59@Strange Rodent@Haeo
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The request certainly broke the focus that Monika was fostering for a moment. Not long enough to ruin this batch, but it was noticeable. She finished collecting these vapours carefully, before turning to Annabeth. Her hand went to the note in her pocket.
"Yes, I think I'd like that," she said slowly, "only I'm not a healer. I can heal, but It's not my specialty at all."

She thought it'd be best to let them know early. After all, everything she did to help Skurr was hurreidly researched from the extensive library that Georges had fostered.
She added an oil to the liquid sitting in a small vial, and a slight fizzing could be heard. As she handed it to Skurr, more vapour rose from the vial.
"Inhale some of this. Not all of it, mind you."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Bit by bit, moment by moment, time would pass. What was once early morning was now firmly noon. People were still going about their business but at the same time many were taking a break from the daily grind, drinking in taverns, eating meals, or other leisurely activities. But for many there was still work to be done. Some may still be continuing, others were just finishing up. Either way time goes on.

As Hark walked towards Lord Dulbur, he'd notice that this part of the town was obviously much better maintained and had actual trained guardsmen instead of the militia recruits currently manning the walls and gates. The merchants here sold higher quality goods as well, such as fine textiles, jewelry, or sweet cakes and pastries. Certainly a higher class area. As for the keep itself it was rather plain compared to some keeps Hark has been to. But plain as it was it was functional enough to serve as the final bastion against an invading army; a moat to prevent troops from climbing to the walls, plenty of sniping ports for archers, and only two entrances both which could be withdrawn. The guards stopped Hawk for a short while when he arrived to the gate to inform Lord Dulbur that he wished to have an audience. Shortly after Hawk would be allowed to meet the lord, though the rest of his men had to wait in the courtyard.

Lord Dulbur was dressed in fairly plain clothes, suitable for hard work. From his heavy breathing and the blunt sword nearby the lord must've been training. When he sees Hawk he gives him a nod and sweeps his arm over the table before him. "Commander Hawk. I imagine you're here to learn about the orcs? Fortunately I have some news." Taking a small stick Dulbur pointed towards a village to the north, about a day's journey away. "My scouts report that this village, Neworth, will likely be targeted next. Apparently there had been small bands of orcish raiders who have robbed the caravans and stolen cattle from here, likely to prob for their defenses. It's a large farming community that yields at least twelve percent of the crops this city gets in taxes, which is a considerable amount. We don't know what their exact numbers are or who leads them, but my scouts do tell me that whatever Warlord controls these bastards isn't near this village. Likely he has a separate warband operating on their own, gathering supplies and plunder to bolster themselves before they join the warlord's main army. Dulbur marked various spots where the orc attacks had taken place with a small green figure.

"Obviously I can't send my own troops as I'll be leading them towards the east to face-off against the insurgents. Those orcs may burn down a few villages, but only those traitorous bastards have the means to take my city. I don't plan to let them take one step on my lands. Dulbur pushed a medium sized blue figure, his army, towards the east to show where he'd be at. Hawk's army, represented as a small red figure, was pushed towards Neworth. "So you'll be dealing with the orcs. I don't care what means you use to destroy them, just make sure that they don't do too much damage to my villages. Burnt fields and dead peasants are useless to me. Unfortunately I don't know where the bulk of the raiders are hiding, nor when they'll be attacking Neworth. However I still have scouts at the village who may know more by the time your men get there. I expect that you and your men will be ready to leave by tomorrow at the latest." Lord Dulbur stood up as a servant entered the room with two chalices full of wine. He took one, and one was given to Hawk.

"Any questions?"


As the two warriors went to look for work, they'll know that the captain of the guard was looking for willing and able fighters. With the lord of the city currently out on campaign, the city's seneschal was also looking for work. That being said, the captain of the guard would be the easiest to find as the seneschal had his hands full dealing with paperwork and other requests from the various guild to the recent raid. So the duo would eventually arrive to the barracks where the captain of the guard was easy enough to spot. He stood tall among the other soldiers, with broad shoulders, a firm jawline, and a grizzled face. A veteran of his own battles. He appeared to have been drilling a lesson to his soldiers about courage, duty, and the consequences of not following them. He seemed to have noticed Johnes and Garren, and then dismisses his soldiers after he finished his speech.

The captain walked up to the two men. He dressed in a sturdy looking gambison and had a fine sword on his hip. His hands were rough and gnarled, and his right eye seemed faded. He was either blind or had a hard time seeing out of that eye. "You're not one of my soldiers. I'm guessing you're looking for work? I could use strong arms in these times. But before I hire you I'll want to make sure you're not just a bunch of cravens wearing stolen armor. Follow me." Should the two knights do as they were told, they would meet the guard captain in a dusty training field where many other soldiers were training. They were either doing squad tactics with spears and shields, target practice at the archery range, or hand-to-hand at a circular dirt area. The captain turned to the two knights. "I've no doubt that you're both skilled fighters. But what I really need now are smart men. I want you to go to one of those three training areas and show my men something new and useful. Show me that you have an understanding of your own techniques and aren't just a dullard following his instincts."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 1 day ago

The morning was drawing to a close, but the day was still stretched ahead of her. Mergoux left the square, darting nimbly between people in the crowds, swiftly vanishing from sight as she plotted her afternoon. A meal, then perhaps some hunting before she left the next day. She hadn't been in the city long, but she'd found a few dives where she likely wouldn't be recognized, or at the very least not bothered.

Her path took her down a narrow alley, dimly lit and grubby. The tall buildings drenched the cobbles in shadow, even as the sun shone overhead, almost at it's zenith. Mergoux liked this alley, as much as she allowed herself to like anything in this city. The alley attracted all the wrong kinds of attention for most folk, but for the Butcher, it was exactly what she wanted.

As she approached the halfway mark, a dirty-looking figure stepped from a doorway and blocked her path. Moments later, another stepped out behind her, effectively trapping her in. The man in front of her was weedy-looking. Obviously an abuser of some kind of substance, his breath reeking of alcohol and rotting teeth. "Alright, y'know th' drill. 'And over all yer coin, else I'll stick ya wif' ol' betsy." he grunted. 'Old Betsy' appeared to be a rather well-made looking short sword. It was rusty and chipped yes, but the underlying gleam of the metal and the ornateness of the hilt made Mergoux think it was not something the man had come in to by any legal dealing.

She felt the man behind her step closer, then felt the tip of a dagger pressed between her shoulder-blades. "Do 'as 'e said." said a gravelly voice. Judging by where it came from, the man was taller than her, likely more muscular too, but that also would likely make him slower. Mergoux felt that rush that only oncoming violence could give as she opened her mouth to speak. "No."

She jolted forwards, then pivoted suddenly, taking both men by surprise. At first the thinner man had raised his own weapon to defend himself, while the bigger one made a clumsy grab. However as she ducked under his stubby fingers, her boots ground against the cobble. Her arm raised itself, elbow moving to the appropriate height as with a dull thunk she caught the bigger man in the jaw, right where she'd heard his voice emit. The dagger fell from his hand as he staggered back, but it did not reach the ground.

Mergoux ducked, predicting the would-be-mugger's actions perfectly. She tucked and rolled as he brought down the shortsword in an overhead swing that missed entirely. Coming up with the bigger man's dagger in her left hand, now facing the skinny one, she darted forwards as the mugger attempted to recover from his overswing. Too late however as his accomplice's weapon buried itself in his side. He fell with a cry of pain as blood leaked onto his shirt, staining brown cloth red.

The big man was still splayed across the alley, groggily rubbing his possibly broken jaw. The woman had hit him harder than he could remember, stars dancing in his vision as pain throbbed in his skull. That was only the beginning though, as while his friend lay bleeding out, the Butcher loomed over him. He saw her raise her boot, blocking out what he could see of the sky as it came down on his face.


Mergoux walked from the alley, leaving a trail of bloody footprints behind her for a few paces, before the dirt of life in the city coated her soles once more, and she walked off to enjoy good meal at a small tavern that made especially good roasted raccoon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ALonelyParrot
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ALonelyParrot A parrotlet staring from the void

Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

George scuffled through the alley ways, taking turns this way and that with backtracking to get a better feel of the layout. On occasion, he would immediately exit the alleys and explore the main roads simply because something didn't "feel right." On others, he would scale up the walls in secluded areas and take in the overhead view simply out of whimsy. He didn't always know why his intuition worked the way it did, but his hyperactive gut was, after all, trained in both city and forest. Eventually, in about an hour or two that George couldn't track, he'd gotten a full grasp of the city, confident that he could make a dashing escape if things ever got too hairy. He jumped off a couple of crates and began walking off towards the main street before he heard a drunken voice beyond a corner just behind George.

"Alright, y'know th' drill. 'And over all yer coin, else I'll stick ya wif' ol' betsy."

Another poor soul getting mugged in the street.

"Do 'as 'e said."

"Ah, a twosome I see," George thought. However, before he could take a step towards the alley's exit, something peaked his interest. A single, granular word spoken by a strangely feminine voice.


Once those words reached George's ears, the grinding of stone beneath foot and the surprised grunts of two men travelled through the alley way. Carefully, George looked into the alley way and saw the lightning fast exchange that was occurring. Though, it was more of a butchering than an exchange. The man err... woman (George couldn't tell at that moment) moved like both like a snake and a bear, precisely dodging the attacks of the thugs while delivering skull smashing blows in retaliation. Although George was somewhat excited to have a new tale right in front of him, his stomach churned a little at the continued carnage the clear winner was giving. By the end of it, the person's boot was dug deep into the skull of the larger man, and a sizable puddle of mixed blood expanded to reach the walls of the cramped alley space. George raised his eyebrows while rapidly blinking his eyebrows. Mid-blinking, he jolted away from the corner and ran towards the main street without a sound. He never ignored his instincts when they began screaming.

A little bit into the past, moments after George turned away from the corner, Mergoux looked in both directions of the alley way to ensure that there were no onlookers at that moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Skurr listened and thought and did what he was told. Then he read the paper that the warrior had given him. It was a strange moment, sitting there and taking treatment for a head wound while being asked to help hunt a beast that would likely be at least a dozen times more difficult to deal with than the wretches from before. It was true that he had recovered quickly, far faster than some, but he had also nearly perished from infection. He was still not at full strength and was, even now, receiving treatment to help him complete his recovery.

The vapor was strong, spicy and burningly refreshing like powerful mint. He was careful to not inhale too much, powerful medicine was much like potent poison. Some could help, too much could kill. Still, it was an enervating scent and he could feel his body become just a bit more responsive as its effects began to take hold.

It was news to him that his healer was not a specialist in the practice. Still, that made her abilities all the more impressive. He had seen her almost every day, sometimes more than once, since waking from his fever. But, they had not conversed much. Skurr was not one for excessive conversation and he respected the fact that those who are at work rarely wish to be distracted by chatter. They lacked a strong personal bond but a fisherman could easily find abundant reasons to talk with a young lady. If not for his own personal... circumstances... he might have indeed tried to discover a path to a closer relationship. He wasn't the only one aware of Monika's charms.

He had noticed that there were a few of the local men who had begun to let their eyes follow his healer just a little too obviously of late. Their thoughts were too plain to see. It was generally unwise for a young lady to walk alone in this part of town. It was likely that her healing work had kept her safe thus far. But, as the men accepted the past battle and began to go back to daily life... that situation was likely to change. The sacred shield of a healer's work was beginning to fade and feminine charms were beginning to gain a greater measure of attention. It might be a very good thing for her to get out of town for a little while... or at least... to not continue the practice of visiting his home in so dangerous a neighborhood.

The only question was one of how far his recovery had progressed. He had no objections to hunting dangerous prey. That was no different than any other work day. But, he would not wish to undertake a task that he had little chance of completing. Though a faint and grey thought flitted through the back of his mind. There was no person who would miss him if he did not return.

"If my healer believes that I have recovered enough for the task, I will accept. But, whether it is her specialty or not, her ability saved my life. If she is willing to go... it will likely improve my ability to contribute."

@Zaphander@Strange Rodent@Royaletutor59
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Awkward was a shitty way to view silence, Monika thought. It could be like this one, a little tense, but the type of tense you get when good things are about to happen. She laughed on her breath at the reaction the room gave her when she revealed that she wasn't a healer. Supposedly those who know nothing of something are easily impressed, and whether it was that, or the fact she didn't really speak much that surprised them would be a mystery to her.

As for the suggestion that Skurr might go...
She had watched his speedy recovery in some amount of awe. Recovery is not usually half so quick. She had no clue whether it was by her own efforts or his personal health, she thought it'd likely be a mix of the two. If he continued at this pace, he would be well long before any real danger was encountered. Something about this made her suspicious.

Regardless, this mission was a chance. What for, she knew not, but certainly something. Quietly, while packing up her apparatus, she said, "You're quite healed so far, I don't see any problems if you keep the speed up."
She thought for a second. What was able to go wrong?
"Just try to pace yourself. If you start feeling faint, maybe rest your blood."
She said. Not sternly, but with an authority.

@Haeo @Zaphander
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Annabeth smiled and clapped her hands together. "Excellent!" Walking over to Skurr, Annabeth took his hand and shook it. "I'm glad that you're going with me! We should leave as soon as possible so we won't have to come back when it's dark. Gather what you need and I shall meet you at the front gate!" Annabeth turned to the other two women and nodded her head towards them. "Feel free to follow me if you wish, I have most everything I need. Otherwise go gather what you need, and I shall meet you at the gate as well!" With one final bow Annabeth left the small shack and headed out. However she didn't get far before she noticed two strange looking folk; a dwarven woman and a foreigner. Annabeth doesn't remember seeing them, but they're too colorful to just be normal travelers! So Annabeth approached the two women with a smile and a wave.

"Hello there! You two women wouldn't happen to be adventurous types would you?"

@Arreyis@Ryonara@Royaletutor59@Strange Rodent@Haeo
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Royaletutor59
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Royaletutor59 The Constantly Sleepy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Smiling at the exchange, Elithiana gave Skurr and Monika a bow. “It’ll be an honour to work with you both, I’m glad that our group has two such talented members as yourselves.” As Annabeth took her leave, El gave her a nod goodbye and turned to the other two. “I shall take my leave here as well to go and prepare, we’ll meet up again later where Annabeth said.”

Leaving the house, she made her way over to Ava, giving the horse an affectionate pat before mounting her and making her way towards the inn to rent a room for a few days. Considering her love for sleeping under the stars, she hasn’t even set foot in the inn thus far, but with the adventure they’re about to take part in…well…she doesn’t want to take everything with her just in case something happens. Her instruments has sentimental value after all, and too much stuff might slow Ava down so she’s planning to store everything but the necessities in the room until after they return.

Room rented, she made swift work of unloading her saddlebags, leaving only the necessary items, equipped her weapons and tied her hair up in a quick ponytail so that it wouldn’t get in the way in the event of a fight before quickly mounting Ava again and making her way towards the gate where Annabeth said to meet up. Keeping an eye out for any other possible recruits, of course she’d consult Annabeth before actually recruiting anybody, but more numbers when dealing with a possibly large threat cant hurt.

@Zaphander@Strange Rodent@Haeo
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by YeetMeister
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YeetMeister Capitalism Enthusiast

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Braeden Forrester

Braeden and his guard moved into the city cautiously and quietly. They spread out forming a loose circle around Braeden. Brenn stood at Braeden's side, barking orders to Braeden's guard. Braeden himself stood silent, observing the city before him. "Quite underwhelming, don't you think?" Anthor laughed. "My lord, this is Tamberle! The famed city of bridges!" Braeden nodded slowly. "Yes, I see that, but we traveled all this way on that godforsaken boat to reach this?" Darran slipped out of his place in the circle to join in. "I see where you are coming from my lord, but you must be respectful. Many here would be quite insulted by such talk. They might be coaxed into more...drastic...actions?" Braeden laughed. "If they did manage to attack me, you all would cut them down within seconds. I don't have to hold my tongue around the people of this city." Brenn chuckled. "I believe he was referring to the city guard, Braeden." Braeden decided he would remain quiet about the city from thereon out. Anthor clapped Braeden on his back. "Have no fear, my lord! This is merely a stop for the night. We'll move on tomorrow." Brenn interjected. "The only reason we're staying is so Anthor can find some...companionship tonight." All four friends laughed. Braeden frowned. "If only we could find a guide..."
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