Gilbert Summers

Location: Ville au Camp (Main House, Room 101 (Sitting Room))
Skills: N/A
Gilbert was a man of many long centuries, during which he was present to many long conversations of varying levels of importance. The grand scheme of the universe, multiverse, or nigh-infinite timelines existing within them all could be best described in their own histories as a series of important conversations alternating with a series of important battles. As it turned out, Gilbert was an huge fan of both. Especially if the discussion concerned the approach of an important battle. This one seemed to be the klaxon call of a campaign on the outset. He was intrigued.
As the conversation seemed to be centered around the potential application of Faith's gifts as a Paradox, Gil quietly sat with a small smile on his face and allowed the discussion to continue past his own observations, learning as much as he could about their situation at hand. He was well aware of, and acquainted with, the persons of whom Siduri was speaking. Before she decided to meet any of them by herself, she needed a highly in-depth introduction into their world, beyond what Evelina had already shown her. And something to ensure her safety from the more aggressive elements of their culture. The one piece of Siduri's conversation that addressed him could be responded to with a simple reminder of, "My base nature has not changed, only the level of my refinement. Of course I will fight." An ounce of grief passed over him as he remembered that the most vocal person discussing his level of refinement (or lack thereof) was Evelina.
It appeared that he had inadvertently answered Giosue's question in the discussion with others in the room, but he had no problem reiterating his thoughts. "These children are not ready to fight a dragon yet, Giosue. With proper training, they might be ready to fight a war soon." Continuing, he added, "What I would like to do is strategically place each of them in different combat settings throughout history and let them take experience the hard way, but that would do nothing to develop their gifts. As powerful as we believe we are, we can only guide most of them partway. They must either teach themselves, or locate those who are better versed with their gifts then ourselves. Either way, I believe that we require a period of reflection here in the Loop, after which training should begin again."
James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Main House, Room 101 (Sitting Room))
Skills: N/A
To James, it looked like most of the people in the room agreed with each other. It was just a matter of having the conviction to move forward. The nature of life and death, whatever it meant to be a Paradox, and the squishy nature of time were all secondary to what was sitting before him. He had come from a timeline that the Bible might have referred to in Revelations. He and others carved a life for themselves in the middle of Hell with blood and sweat and raw determination to survive. Everything that he knew was destroyed and he got to see almost everyone that he cared about die, one by one or en masse, sometimes right in front of him. The only thing that truly mattered anymore was the collection of people that you took to yourself as family. Even the horribly dysfunctional people around him right now. Even if the things they needed to face were different and/or more dangerous than the living dead of his home timeline, one just needed to learn the rules. Or discover the rules. Whatever.
When Andromeda found her way over to him, he kept it very short and fairly quiet. "Hey girl, y'ok now? Get some shit worked out? Aight, nuthin over new from what we was on about befo', right? Just workin' out the hows an' whatnot. Ain't a thing certain. Give ya them tiny details later." He set a hand on her shoulder, nodding supportively. "Gonna be ok, ok? Ok. Welcome back."
Then Gilbert went and said something that made James want to slap him. Again. Drop them off in combat and let the learn the hard way? Oh, what bullshit. James lived a life of elbows and knuckles as a young man, and then all of the living dead shit? Nuh-uh. He'd lived enough time sticking around places of constant warfare and turmoil, waiting patiently for the next huge chink of drama to take more people he cared about away from him. Then he gets resurrected as a neophyte wereboar, forgetting all of the practical skills that he knew before? Sure, he'd trained up a good skill set from these people, but it was a crock of shit that he had to lose who he was to get it. And yes, he did get a piece of it back, coincidence though it might be. He still didn't handle a bow exactly like he did before. Damn good, but different technique and how the ass did his brain download all of this Russian shit? ...oh yeah... Belladonna. He had to learn it from another Paradox, a much, much older one. It just came to him pretty easily.
Giving that thought consideration, maybe the same would be true of is Paradox abilities. They had barely scratched the surface. Okay, stay with his people (because that's what these guys were now) and see this through. Maybe even be a badass real soon. That whole "dying" thing? Already did it once. Old hat. Bring this next shit on.