Andromeda Aldrich

Location: Ville au Camp - Main House - Room 101: Sitting Room
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A
Andromeda practically wanted to gag as Gilbert declared that the overall picture still placed wisdom with his proposed actions. It sounded like something that would only be said either in a Star Wars film, Game of Thrones, or in a long long Shakespeare play. She knew that she herself had been buying into letting the Emendators call the shots, as they were experienced at this and they were all a bunch of rookies... But she had always hated it in college when people talked like that, trying to kiss up to the professor by showing the expanse of their vocabulary and syntax. It irritated her then and it irritated her now. Death couldn't change some things. She agreed with Faith's sentiment, as much as the end of it struck her as a little odd - she was always wary when people said that they needed something. It usually wasn't followed by anything good.
She felt a bit like putting a bullet between her own eyes as Giouse took what felt like a solid leap backwards. Not only was he continuing to move like a sloth, but he also was proposing that Faith wasn't trained in whatever needed to be done. She had missed some of the conversation but it seemed clear to her that Faith could save Evelina in a solo quest. Why waste time? Yes, they had all of the time in the world but her gut was telling her that it wasn't really that simple. What was stopping the Destruere from coming into the loop? The carnival people had shown up, after all. "Not to be rude but... Faith needs to go on her solo journey, no matter what, if we want to save Evelina. So let's get that crossed off the list. For the rest of us, well... It would make sense that we go learn from someone with abilities similar to my own. Neither of you can summon a tornado or cause sickness with a touch. I know that you can shift as well Gilbert, but James might benefit from someone who shifts into animals. Sophia's senses and ice also don't align well and neither really do Bart's abilities..."
"What I'm trying to say is - while we do have to work harder, we have to work smarter. I don't think doing the same method of training is going to be sufficient. I think we all need to walk a path that will be tailored to our powers if we are going to stand any chance."