Cecily Ashworth

Location: Grimm, Indiana (Police Station)
Skills: Deduction
Despite her best efforts with the search, Cecily was coming up empty handed. She kept on trying, using different keywords and the like, but there was nothing she could find. It wasn't too surprising, given that she was using Google and a smartphone - but still, she was a little bit frustrated by it. She would have texted Keystone for help but he hadn't answered her last text, so she wasn't about to bombard him with more. All she really had was what she could think through - Riley had never really mentioned her sister being the violent type, so that she imagined would hold up to be pretty truthful for Chloe. Tinder - he was an FBI agent - so it made sense that he wasn't too easy to find on the internet, it would be dangerous for FBI agents if anyone could find their life story with a google search.
"So that came up with nothing," Cecily told Roy with a grimace. "I even checked to see if I could find things on Chloe and Tinder, since they were recently killed. I figured since we're playing by comic book rules, one of them could have faked their death but Chloe from what I know doesn't match the profile of someone who would do this. Tinder was an FBI agent, but that's as much as I really know about him. And the living star students? There's as much on them as there is information on the title for Avengers 4," she finished her explanation.
"...We probably should move, though," Cecily then added, slipping her phone into her pocket. Once they found Riley, they could ask her which of her classmates had the background to be a killer - or at least skills or motives to do so. But even then, motive could be tricky. Oliver Queen almost destroyed Starling City in Season Three of Arrow and he was supposed to be the hero. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but Riley couldn't be eliminated as a suspect. These were comic book rules. Anyone could have done this.