@Unoedipal@Phonic @SSW 
Core District: High Building's Roof.
Love and duty. How they kept each other at bay, one often sacrificed for another. Both were noble and beauty things but one should never mix the two, or turn one into the other. In legend duty was something that transcended love, and love was something that transcended duty.
To truly shine in one regard one had to sacrifice the other.
If he had been asked which he chose then he would say that there was no love to dull this sword.
If he were asked what his father chose…
The bright light of the fireworks that they released atop this building brought a gasp from the knight and a squee from the fairy. All the more beautiful with his magical sight. He could see the cloud of dust separate from the lights, almost shimmering as it fell in a wave. It fell from the released blaze, dirt and ash mixed in with the fireworks.
Burial dust and crematory ash, what showered upon them was a means to sanctify the area that was prepared as the grounds for a confrontation.
While he kept it primarily as a generally neutral battleground there was no shame in this preparation he felt. This would be a place where things not of the normal world would confront each other, separated in a battlefield where only those involved and with magic could intrude upon. A place where they could fight without restraint.
The comment of his servant brought him to turn away from the signal. Yes no matter how pretty it was for a moment the sight of that pleasant face, carrying a wholesome sort of quietness that left him without worry was more of a wonder. Quite literally at that too. Indeed, he felt as though there were no other servant as reliable or trustworthy as his.
“A good feeling? Then it shall be a nice night for sure. I hope that this night is a proper one. The last ones were fun yet… strange I must admit.”He shook his head. His feelings on their encounters prior was mixed. It was… far from satisfying. He had not felt much terror, trusting in Ywain. Yes even when he was the target of that murderous intent, he felt safe.
“Ywain. What is more beautiful to you? The lights of the city, or the vastness of a forest? Truth be told The quiet sounds of a lake are the nicest to me. But the sounds of the critters and creatures crying out and swimming make it feel quite lonely if I were to go alone. Were it not for Elaine or you, I do not think I would enjoy it much.”A place that while not ideal for him like the parks. Would be ok for his work.
Even in this modern age in this city full of lights even at night such a display was like a star that shone under the moon as though proudly exclaiming that even in its smallness it could outdo its light. Even if only for a moment that one spark…
If those servants were a moon, or even a sun, then what would it take for him to become a firework with its glow that burns brighter if only for a moment?
“Oh, Noon, Noon. I see a pair coming! That magical energy… that’s definitely a servant.”Magical energy in his eyes brought him a vision that reached farther beyond human limits. His presence hardened as he took on the mantle of a knight once more. He could see them. An old man and… was that?... he couldn’t say but. The man who was no doubt a servant was someone he felt a danger from.
“Yeah… Here we go. Elaine. What are my orders?”“Yeah, sure. Comin' right up, you workaholic! Why can’t you ask me to do more fun things? I’m your Fairy Godmother you know. We’re supposed to grant wishes of fun you know. Why not ask for a princess? I’m sure there’s one among the servants somewhere. Or maybe even the masters.”She shed her guise as a human, and rested her hands over Noon’s ears.
“I don’t really know why you need me to remind you.”“Attain the Holy Grail and seat of Paris. Defeat this foe and bring glory to me.”The words, her voice that wasn’t her voice soaked into his brain. A throbbing sensation, not quite pain anchored his mind as it came to a halt. His magic circuits heated up and blazed to life. The orange glow came from him and his magical energy as he felt the throbbing build up. It was painting over him, washing away everything that was him and rebuilding him. With barely an instance passed his transformation was complete.
“Gawain.” he announced as he twisted the blade in its sheath. Out came forth in a brilliant shine of flickering flame his sword, a torch and beacon as bright as the fireworks that they released earlier. Only then as a completed blade did he speak words to acknowledge the command.
“Yes, my lord.”He was always worrying about things, always looking thinking on how to improve himself and yet coming short. He simply wasn’t well geared towards innovation, or a genius in unorthodox means in utilizing his abilities. If anything out of all the Triswich she’d been with so far he was the most inflexible, the most uncreative.
Yet despite that the rigidity that was born of his lacks, that straightforwardness was in turn what made her not worry. His sincereness in how he pursued what he was given, and the burden he was made to carry was second to none. Really, he really was an idiot.
It’s ok, you just need to do what you do. I’ll watch you. Now… let’s see what they’re like.
“Noon Triswich.” he confirmed in response to the man's greeting and declaration.
“Master of Sir Ywain of the Round Table under the class of Saber.”“Likewise I represent my lord and set to claim Paris and the Grail in their stead. If it were a matter of fighting Noon Triswich and his own ambitions then I would invite you to strive for victory. But as the blade of my lord victory is the only outcome that can be.” Blade in hand, nonetheless he offered a smile.
“Stories are something I have been told a many. I am better at listening, and I am not sure if I would have anything you have not heard. But even a known story can be different with a new teller, right?”“Hey hey, you wanna come up here? Or do you want us to come down? He won’t mind you know. It’s all the same for me either way. Although I guess if I wanted to give a comment it’d be easier to fight up here but it’s cold and the wind’s strong! Hey Noon, go down there.”“There’s no sense in making such a man have to walk up here. Ywain, we’ll meet them down there.”The two took each other by the hand wordlessly and then leapt off the roof. Floating down, caressed by the wind, they came to land without disturbance before their challenges. It went without saying that he trusted Ywain to defend him against any foul play or sudden hostility. But he did not expect such either to exist in the first place. Naive? Expecting? In a sense it did not matter to him. What laid between the beginning and end of a fight was a record that did not matter. All that was needed was that he claim victory.
“With battle there is always the chance of loss. Either of one’s life, or of things more important than that. No matter how short or long one’s life is there are always regrets, and always desires. As the one that shall claim victory I shall listen and I shall tell as you wish. Until you are satisfied.”Still carrying the smile, there was no insult meant in his words and arrogance.
“Ah this is gonna take all night isn’t it?” chimed a Fairy who took to fluttering by the side of Noon. With a stretch she let out a exasperated groan that swiftly gave way to a giggle.
“Just so you know if you guys take too long I’ll be chiming in as the ref to make sure we don’t waste the entire night alright?... Hmm hmmm, if you promise some snacks or somewhere warmer I miiiiight let it go on for longer than it should. Wink wink.”