Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
Avatar of Flamelord


Member Seen 20 hrs ago


It was a sunny day outside, something that Alicia Hayden currently had the time to appreciate as she stood on the roof of Beacon’s HQ in Penrose. She was already transformed for what she would be doing very shortly, a state of affairs that gave her ample opportunity to feel the warmth of the sun as well as the gentle wind that ruffled her skirt and sent her hair swaying.

”Yeah, this is a good day. Perfect for a patrol,” she mused to herself with a light smile. Normally this was just the sort of thing that she had to do as part of her Beacon duties, but this patrol in particular was different from those in recent days. It would be her first with Janet and Jenna since they had unveiled their ‘White Coin’ invention, and she was looking forward to spending a bit of time with them.

She expected this would be a nice change of pace for them as well. They had been so busy in the past weeks with that invention and preparing it to be produced on a larger scale so Beacon could take advantage of it, that they might need some time out of a lab to take their mind off things. The sort of pressure they were under, even with Binky’s help she could imagine what it might be like.

It was just about time for their patrol to start, which was why she was on the roof. The twins would show sooner or later, and then they could get underway. Until then, she would relax and enjoy her day.

As predicted Janet and Jenna arrived not long after. Their absence hadn’t really been felt too much as they had still been active, presumably to not be MIA for a long period of time. One could count on their hands the number of people that knew what they had been up to for the last week. That did mean even more work for them though, keeping up with their normal duties and all. Thankfully a bulk of the White coin project was done and the restriction was time and less figuring out how to make it work. Letting out a relieved sigh Janet walked over to Alicia. ”Sorry we’re late. Trying to get back into the groove of things again.”

”it’s fine,” Alicia assured Janet as she turned to face the twins once alerted to their presence. ”There haven’t been any alerts recently, so it should just be a standard patrol. We’re slotted to head out east, around the Historic district out there.”

She would wait for them to transform before stepping over to the edge of the rooftop. Poised on the edge, Alicia glanced back over her shoulder at the duo. ” Now then, time to get going,” she said before hopping off to the nearest adjacent building in the direction of their patrol route.

Stepping off the edge of HQ the twins followed after Alicia. Despite all that had changed Alicia was still something of a mentor to the two. Being a magical girl was new enough but adding on everything else just made it even more confusing. This patrol would probably be one of the most normal things they’ve done in a while. ”Good, I could use a little break from the world ending.” Smirking slightly Jenna and her sister kept up as they crossed the cityscape of Penrose.

There was something that never got old about jumping from rooftop to rooftop, flying over the people below who would never know that you were there. It was as close as one could get to being a superhero, and in this case they kind of were. Just superheroes that everyone would forget about meeting afterwards.

The path was direct and straightforward, and Alicia led the way even as her companions kept up. She was more relaxed for now, though once they got on location they would need to be more alert for potential dangers. With Mariette and Regina and that new trouble squad, who knew if someone would try and take a shot at them.

“So, how have things been going?” she asked as they moved along, making sure her words could be heard at the same time. ”I hope you’re not too overworked and underpaid. Cause that sort of thing can really wear you down.” If it was, then she was more than willing to talk to someone about it. The well being of their sisters came first, no matter how important the White Coins were.

Skipping across the rooftops Janet responded first. ”Busy as you can imagine. I think things will start slowing down here soon. We got the process down so now it’s just refining everything so there’s not so much babysitting.”

Pulling alongside Jenna had to shake her head a bit. She wouldn’t put it so lightly but it wasn’t like anyone else could do it. ”Glad to be out here though for sure. I can only sit still for so long in that place.” Looking down she thought to herself how oblivious he had been to the fact that magical beings has been running all around him. Being brought into the fold as a magical girl was like having a spotlight blasted in your face revealing how blind they were.

”That’s good to hear.” Alicia was reassured by what they told her, and that she could be of some help even if it didn’t involve the more technical aspects of the project that they were embarked upon. Most of her expertise was in dealing with threats, not this sort of thing. Which was a shame, since the White Coins were ultimately the sort of endeavour that would really make a change in the world.

Thinking about it caused her smile to widen just a bit more. “Still, it’ll be nice when it’s finished and we can get this out there. It’s hard enough dealing with all the bad press we usually get. Maybe we’ll actually be able to change some people’s minds, if they don’t just think it’s some kind of trick.”. And though she didn’t want to be cynical, well, she had the sneaking suspicion that more than a few might think that way regardless.

”Can’t please everybody. But it’s always going to appeal more to those that don’t like the place they’re in now. Others are going to reject it either because they don’t want it or because it’s associated with Beacon. I do hope it spreads to other chapters though. Penrose can’t be the only place that could benefit” It would also help to avoid any other friction to what they were doing. Right now they were treading new ground and there wasn’t really a way to know how the rest of the organization would respond.

”True, but one can try.” Alicia let out a loud huff, before trying her best to push that out of mind. That was a good point raised, though she could only assume at least some of the chapters would hop on, if for the increased immunity to brainwashing and mind tricks and nothing else. That was relevant regardless of your attitude.

They drew near their destination at last, and she did her best to focus on the task at hand, rather than letting herself be troubled by her own darker thoughts,. This was important, and she needed her head in the game. Not off brooding on her problems.

Hopefully conversation might help with that. ”Anyway. So Jenna, have you had any luck in learning more about your magic since the last time we practiced together?

Being addressed Jenna perked up. ”Oh yeah, I think I know what’s going on.” She glanced off in the direction of the graveyard. ”I’m pretty sure I can copy other people’s power. It’s hard to explain but whenever I see someone use their power I can choose to use that same power. I’m pretty sure there is some kind of cooldown before I can switch again though which would explain why I couldn’t just copy your power during training.” Arriving in the Historic district the trio headed toward one of the taller buildings to get a vantage point. From their perch they could decide where to start their patrol.

Hearing that Jenna was getting a handle on things helped to distract from Alicia’s own worries, and she was glad for that. It meant that her intended approach was having the effect that she wanted it to, even if it might only be a short term reprieve when it came down to it. ”Good, I’m glad for you. That sounds like a neat ability, though it might be useful in some situations more than others.”

The trio ended up on top of an old clocktower, providing the height needed to survey the surrounding area. ”Alright, I think we’ll do a loop, kind of like this,” Alicia told her companions, tracing out the general path she wanted them to take with her finger on the city below. They might deviate a bit, just to check out possible disturbances, but on the whole that was the path they would take.

”Keep an eye out,” she added as they prepared to depart. ”With that whole ‘ruler of Penrose’ schtick from before Soth attacked, we want to be alert in case someone who works for Cindy tries to pick a fight.”

”Right.” Moving out they began their patrol. It meant less conversation, but since the battle against Soth the magical girls and boys in Penrose had spent a fair amount of time cleaning out the city of monsters. Didn’t mean they weren’t still around but they were in hiding.

After a while of a quiet patrol Janet struck up a question for Alicia. ”So we haven’t really had the chance to ask you much lately. How have you been doing?” It was a genuine question. Remembering back to the day they tested the White Coin Alicia had expressed some sense that she wasn’t really contributing much. It wasn’t a sentiment that Janet shared on the matter given everything that had been done for her.

Alicia led the way as they patrolled, moving on rooftops and occasionally ducking into alleyways as well as some buildings. They were on the lookout not just for monsters or dark magical girls or what have you, but signs that they had been there in the past, or that they would return. Knowing the territory a girl liked to run in was just as useful as meeting them face to face.

Fortunately, or not, the first part of the patrol was relatively uneventful. They picked up some signs of things that might be worth looking into, but there was nothing pressing going on. Which meant there was time for them to continue talking as well, at least a bit.

Slowling, Alicia flashed a smile towards Janet in turn. “I’m doing alright,” she responded swiftly. ”Just out fighting monsters, making new friends, trying to figure out how to track down the people who want to kill us, that sort of thing.” Though for someone who could read emotions, it would be obvious that there was more than she was letting on.

Humming to herself slightly Janet looked away for a moment before coming back. ”Mmm, no. I may not look it but I’m old enough to know that almost no one is just ‘doing alright’” Putting a hand on Alicia’s shoulder she slowed her down. ”Plus I’m not just going to forget the things you mentioned during our last meeting. We’re your friends, if you have something on your mind you should let us know.” Jenna returned from scoping out a small alley. While not 100% sure on what was going on, it didn’t take much to tell her that Janet was trying to talk things out.

Alicia made no effort to resist as she was slowed down by Janet, a huff escaping as she shot a rueful grin her friends way. ”Well, ‘alright’ is petty subjective so I guess we’ll have to disagree on how possible it is to just be doing alright.” Though she tried to counter the validity of Janet’s statement, she quickly realized that she probably wouldn’t walk away from this one. Not with magic powers involved.

There didn’t seem much point in lying about the reason either. They might not be able to tell if she was, but she didn’t see a reason to hurt her friends like that. ”I guess...I’m just feeling a bit useless,” she admitted, her shoulders sagging as the tension left them. ”I’ve been around for stuff basically my whole career, but I haven’t done anything that someone else couldn’t have done if they were in the same situation. That’s all.”

Mulling over the idea in her head for a while Jenna resumed walking. It was somewhat tricky to respond to that without sounding insensitive. Thinking back to her own experiences so far as a magical girl she could see how that could be felt. ”I wouldn’t say that we’ve really done anything that important until now. And even then it wasn’t because we are super smart or anything, it’s more like we cheated.” They couldn’t sit around too long so she got them to start moving again. ”Maybe it’s because of who I used to be, but being a magical girl has given me a second chance. Third if you count the trial. And I’ve been trying to find ways I could make up from the mistakes in my life. Maybe I never will, but after all the shots I’ve been given I owe it to Beacon and you to give it my best attempt. It’s not glamorous but it’s a lot better than where I used to be.” Perspective was something Janet and Jenna were blessed with. It wasn’t the only perspective but the one they had at least gave them some direction.

Seeing an opportunity to speak up Janet took it. ”Not everyone does what they do for the same reason. Redemption is kind of our motivator. I wish I could say it was for more altruistic reasons, but I don’t think we’re quite there yet.” Looking at Jenna for a moment she added. ”I know the feeling though, I do. It’s one of the reasons I decided to use the Red Coin. I didn’t feel like I was having much impact. Hell I practically hurt more people than I helped. Was it the best idea? I don’t know. But I only have forward to move so....” The girl shrugged a bit. She wished she had better encouragement to give but it was something she struggled with as well.

”Haa, it sounds dumb when I complain to you,” Alicia observed with a sigh. ”You’ve gone through a whole lot worse than I probably ever will.” If there was someone she shouldn’t be expressing this sort of thing to, it was Janet. Not after what had happened with Justine.

She followed along as they resumed walking, keeping up as they moved at a slower pace now. ”I’m not sure what you mean by cheating at it, but you’ve done something that could dynamically change the entire magical girl community. And me? Well, it just feels like I was there, like that’s all I’ve ever done.”

With a small burst of magical energy her wings shimmered into existence, spreading wide enough that she could look back at them. “Like that Justine thing. I was there, sure, but I spent most of the actual assault frozen or useless without mana. I wasn’t even there for the actual final battle to save the world and all that stuff. But I ended up as a Seraph anyway. And I guess… I don’t feel like I earned it. It’s just hollow, like the Beckoners wanted to pretend we didn’t get caught with our pants down the entire crisis.”

She came to a stop at the edge of a rooftop, hand on her hip as she stood like a sentinel in the wind. ”That fight at the graveyard was the first time that I felt like I actually deserved to be a Seraph. And then there was that whole thing with Serenity and them thinking it was something I did, and that feeling was swept away.” Not that she blamed the others for that, not knowing any better. It was just frustrating for her to deal with when she compared herself to others. ”The Beckoners know what they’re doing, I’m sure. I just don’t see what they have planned, and I guess I’m stuck.”

An air of silence hung for a moment before Jenna spoke up. ”Have you asked them?”

”Eh, I’m not sure if that would really help. Maybe, but it's hard to say.” Admiring the wings for a bit Janet managed a smile. ”I see what you’re saying though. Getting attention that isn’t really something you did. Beacon was at a low point and I’m sure they knew that people need hope. You could provide that and it’s just gotten a little out of hand. I would talk with the Beckoners, not about the why, but about how you feel. I’m sure they didn’t mean to have this happen.” Stopping she faced Alicia directly. ” Although personally I think the title fits with what you’ve accomplished. Sure maybe it’s not for some super spectacular feat that just wows the masses but you’ve honestly been like a guardian angel for me. No one else in Beacon would have fought for me like you have. I really only have you to thank for that. I’m sorry I’ve never really expressed that to you. You mean the world to me and I owe you my life.”

”I blame having been a guy. Guys suck at expressing themselves. Or at least I did. Which is probably why…” Jenna trailed off from that though as she realized it didn’t really matter. They were having a moment and she jumped over and pulled the other two into a group hug. ”No matter what the others may think you are our Seraph.”

Glad that she had managed to convey just what she meant to express, Alicia averted her gaze when they suggested she just talk to the Beckoners about it. It was a simple solution, but one that she was just nervous to attempt. She didn’t want to disrupt things, or make it look like she wasn’t up to the responsibility they had placed upon her shoulders.

Still, she supposed she didn’t have much of an excuse, not anymore. Sometimes it took an outside perspective on things to really push you into action. “I guess I should. What’s the worst that could happen, going back to being a normal member of beacon like everyone else?” With her current state in mind, she couldn’t say the idea didn’t have a certain appeal to it.

But she was distracted that by being drawn into the sudden hug as the twins professed how they felt. Stiff for a few seconds, Alicia soon gave in, eyes watering without becoming tears as she bit at her lip to hold back. ”Thanks you two. I appreciate it. Really.” She was going to need a moment or two to recover from this before she could get underway again.

Glad to have gotten that out there the twins held the hug for a while before letting go and giving Alicia a chance to pull herself together. ”Don’t mention it. If you ever need someone to talk to just let us know. It’s the least we could do.”

”I’ll remember that,” the Seraph assured them as she took some deep breaths to get herself back under control after the impromptu emotional release. She brushed her hair back, straightened her clothes a bit, and calmed down before nodded to the duo. ”So, I think we should get back to that patrol, don’t you?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Chloe?” Penny would call out as she stepped into the girl’s Apartment. “You home?” she would ask before walking further in too look for her small friend. It had been a few days since Penny had joined Beacon in a more concrete fashion. She had tried to drop by earlier to simply hang out with her friend but life had become rather busy for the cleansed Monster girl.

Granted most of it was Penny’s own fault as she had recently started remodeling her lair. In hopes of being able to start up a project she had wanted to for a long time, but that was neither here nor there.

“On the bed, dear!” Chloe called out from where she had been idly flipping through a book. It wouldn't take Penny long to find the Dark Magical girl splayed out on the bed, next to a white haired girl who was staring intently at a bedside lamp.

“Mhm...so you want me to start today?”

“The more we have, the better when the time comes, Divina.” Chloe said. “...and if you run into any Beacon, do behave. I don't want to start trouble with them, but if they try anything you have my permission to defend yourself. Understand?”

“Yes, of course. Fighting is bad.” The moth girl nodded, still not taking her eyes off the lamp, at least until she noticed Penny. “...Ah, the girl from the graveyard.”

“Penny, Divina. Divina, Penny.” Chloe briefly introduced them. “New girl. Beacon thinks I poached her with malicious intent but all I did was free her of that silly brainwashing that pathetic excuse of a man put her under.”

“Now now, it's not good to talk about the dead in such a fashion, Chloe. I'm sure you two had more in common than you think.” Chloe laughed at that, before giving Divina a light whack on the back of the head.

“Yea, probably not. Anyone who does any sort of brainwashing is rather uncouth and I want nothing to do with them.” Sitting up and turning to face Penny with a friendly smile, Chloe offered her friend a place on the bed next to her. “What brings you here today, my lovely little Penny?”

“Yeah Elroy was a piece of work alright” Penny would agree, waving a greeting at Divina as electricity started arcing over her metal chassis.
Causing it to start to digitizing before it sublimated away leaving her in her human state.

“Still annoyed that I didn’t get satisfying feedback from our clash” She would grumble as she flopped down onto the bed next to Chloe “I dropped in because I wanted to see how you were doing Chloe and I felt like taking a break, had an interesting couple of days, plus I’ve been remodeling my lair.”

“Oh” Penny would snap her fingers before pointing at Divina “If you want to avoid Beacon try to keep out of the North Eastern parks area. One of the scouts called in something over there, so they moved some more girls over to that area”

“Truly?” Divina tilted her head adjusting her glasses slightly. She walked over to Penny, studying her for a moment before giggling lightly. “Ah, thank you. I'd give you a hug but Chloe says you're a little shy and almost gave poor Aurora a swift end.”

“Don't tease her Divina.” Chloe grinned. “Only I'm allowed to do that.” She glanced over to Penny, flipping a page in the book. “Remodeling, though? What for, exactly?”

”It’s not like that” Penny would groan out “Just not comfortable with most people touching me when I’m human” she would explain before shaking her head.

“That’s right, I haven't had a chance to tell you yet!” She would cheer as she pushed herself up to sit “I’m no longer chained to Laat! Apparently Beacon’s been working on some interesting things and developed their own Coin type. It’s a white one and it purifies rather then corrupts. Comes with a Beacon membership and an upgraded Spark as well.”

“Didn’t fully work on me, as I'm still a monster girl” She went on sounding relieved at that fact, and she was. Her lack of being human was one of the things that had oddly enough brought her the most comfort out of her joining the community, she just always thought that her corruption and her inhuman nature were one and the same. She was glad to be proven wrong.

”But I haven't told them that. Still feeling out all the changes it brought on since it changed my standard form but one of the perks is that I can hold either form indefinitely. It’s nice to wake up still feeling the comforting sensation of a blanket again.” She would explain with a soft smile. “Sorry, you weren’t there for it. And I know you tried to help before, but I’m glad we didn’t push it then. Laat nearly forced me into a full transformation and I’m not sure if I could have lived with myself if He had gotten me to lash out at you.”

“Since then I’ve been working on making my lair in to a shelter of sorts. I’m not the only monster girl who’s not evil and I know there has to be other Dark magical girls like you who aren't evil, but there really isn’t a place for any of them to get help. So I figured that I would make one, now that I won’t get punished for building something up.” She would at last answer the question that had been asked of her.

Chloe listened with only mild interest as Penny started talking about something. No longer chained to Laat? Coin that purifies? How nice-There was an almost imperceptible twitch with Chloe's left eyelid. It got rid of...that corruption? That thing that made Penny, Penny? The thing Chloe had fallen in love with? Did she understand that right? And not only that, she had joined beacon as a lackey? That would explain how she knew of their whereabouts.

Chloe inhaled.

Closed the book she was reading, placing it on a nearby desk.


“That's quite the ambitious little project you have there.” In theory, it was one she even approved of. In theory. In. Theory. There were so many things wrong with it now though, it was scary, the fact beacon even had something that could purify something so easily was scary to her.


Why did the world want her to change? Why did any of them have to change.


Futile. Ah, why couldn’t she just kill them all with the press of a button.

Chloe hopped up off the bed, walking over to Divina. Even if Penny was doing this with the best of intentions, would Beacon really let them, unpurified monster girls and dark magical girls live? Doubtful. Unlike Penny...most didn't mind their mutations. Most were incredibly fine with it.

“You should get going, and if you see Aurora tell him to return here soon. And if he's late he's not getting any cake.”

With a nod, and a goodbye to Penny, Divina made for the door. Maybe she could use this to her advantage. She was in the market for girls. For people. For ones pure enough for it. Pure enough for her world. It was a dirty thing to do, leveraging your friends like this...and it certainly pained her to potentially deceive Penny like this, but it was an opportunity.

“A project I approve of.” Chloe smiled briefly. “...I would help myself, but well...Beacon currently has it out for me. I’m assuming they would be all over that place, or at least watching it closely.” She frowned, shaking her head. “If it wasn't for Divina, it'd be baseless accusations simply because everyone always blames the dark magical girls for bad times.”

“When they learn of it, you’re probably right” Penny would agree as she stretched out on the bed “I’m hoping to get the place fully set up and running before Beacon catches on though. There is a few of them, like Alicia, who would be alright with it but doubt most would be happy with it. Or me for that matter” She would explain easily, unaware of the turmoil she had caused within her friend.

“And as I still see it as baseless; Divina hasn’t asked to go back, cause I’m sure you’d let her go if she wanted too.” Penny added before shaking her head “Not everyone wants to be human, and there is nothing wrong with that. One of the things I’ll just never agree with when it comes to Beacons policies”

“Oh, before I forget! Would you mind if I moved in here?” Penny would ask, remembering one of the reasons she had wanted to see Chloe.

Well, at least it seemed like Penny was still being cautious about this. That was good. Maybe she hadn't completely lost control of her yet. Just yet. Still, her being part of beacon – having that spark, it wasn't something that Chloe was ever going to feel right with her having. So many things could go wrong. So many hurtful, painful, impure things. She didn't want Penny to be in such a position. Ah, but such pains were also part of love so who was she to complain?

But for now, she just listened with her usual smile until Penny made quite the suggestion.

“Eh?” Chloe blinked. “Move in...with me?” Chloe visibly wavered, holding a hand over her heart as her breathing quickened slightly. Penny? Move in? With her? Ahhh, her little love nest was getting a new little love, heh! Ah, it had felt so empty after Isana left.

“Ahaaha~” Before Penny could say anything, in a perhaps mildly off putting manner, Chloe had wrapped the girl up in a hug, pressing her face against hers and giggling happily. “Ah my sweet little Penny of course you can move in with me! Aaaah, we'll have so much fun! Of course Divina and Aurora also kind of live here now, but that'll be fine! Eeeh, what should we do first? Movie night? Tea party? Clothes shopping? You need to let me dress you up one of these days! I have the loveliest dress for you. Oh-I know~” She pressed her lips dangerously close to Penny's ear.

“Maybe...you want...me for your first night here?~”

Penny had some ideas about how Chloe would react to her request, and she had been nervous about asking. Being glomped had levied her worries, but hadn’t been one of the outcomes that she had been expecting. Still she returned the hug as a bit as Chloe started to gush with ideas of things to do in what Penny assumed was celebration.

‘Why do people keep wanting to dres- Wait... WHAT!?’

Penny went rigid as she first processed what Chloe had just suggested, an utterly stunned look on her face as she did. “Bwa..” She replayed the words in her head over, assuming she misheard or something. “Di..” She tried laughing it off “Haa…” She tried asking for Chloe to say it again “Wha..”

The unfortunate thing is that she was trying to do all of them at the same time, and only succeeded in babbling incoherently as she tried to make heads or tails of the situation she found herself in. All the while her face was turning brighter and brighter as a blush started to grow rampantly due to the words looping in her head.

After a few moments Penny gave up trying to verbalize a response and settled for trying burying her face in her hands as she waited for her brain to reboot.

Penny's embarrassed reaction caused Chloe to giggle impishly, not releasing the mecha girl from the hug so easily. Instead her grip seemed to tighten almost possessively on the girl, obviously not wanting to let her go. Before Penny could even question what she was doing, Chloe placed a playful kiss on Penny's cheek before hopping off the bed and clapping excitedly.

“Ah, you've made me a very happy girl, my adorable easily teased Penny.” She held a hand to the side of her face, a wide grin forming on her lips. “I almost don't even know what to do with myself.” Calming herself down a bit, Chloe knelt by the edge of the bed. “Ehe, is there anything you want to do, first my little Penny? With me or otherwise?~”

Penny tried to level a glare at Chloe, she really did, but with blushing, and trying to keep the blush hidden, the whole thing came off more as a pout then anything. “Wasn’t expecting such a reaction” she would mumbel before shaking her head while taking a steadying breath.

“Movie night doesn’t sound bad” Penny would offer up after a few moments of clearer thought, “I’d need to head back to my lair to grab what little I care to keep from there, but I was there before coming over so it wouldn’t take too long.”

“I'll get some popcorn and see if I have anything good around here. Anything you wanna see?” Chloe merely giggled at Penny's attempts at being angry. “I'm not really up to date on movies and stuff.”

“I’ve not had much of a chance to watch anything in the past year, so I’m up for whatever” Penny would explain, hoping that Chloe wasn’t a fan of horror movies as Penny really wasn’t a fan of them herself but knew better then to out herself on that fact if she wanted to avoid more teasing.

“I’ll go grab my stuff while you set up?” she asked as she sat up from the bed.

“Maybe a superhero film? I think I have a few horror flicks around here too...” Chloe tilted her head slightly to the side. “Geh, not having access to basic cable or internet...eh, never mind. I'll figure something out. See ya in a few?”

Penny hoped that her slight flinch at the mention of a horror movie went unnoticed as she replied “Yeah be right back. Also I might have a work around for the internet thing but I’ll have to play around with it later to figure it out.” With that she ventured back to her lair to grab the very limited things she wanted to keep safe and not on her person.

It was the work of only a few minutes, and a couple trips as Penny didn’t feel like changing back to speed things along, but soon Penny had everything she cared to bring with her. A couple boxes labeled ‘Scrap’, one labeled ‘Food’. Her box of clothes, her computer, her pile of blankets and a smaller box containing the pieces of Thalia’s flute.

She had set most of it in Isana’s old room, but placed the computer in the living room to play around with trying to establish an internet connection to it via wifi and her transdimensional commlink. “Moving is much easier when you can teleport between the two places” She would announce when she was done grabbing everything, sitting down on the couch as she did so.

While Penny went about getting all her stuff, Chloe set about making some popcorn, other various snacks, and getting a couple of drinks from the fridge. Unfortunately for Penny, her little flinch didn't go quite unnoticed. She wouldn't be too mean, but she couldn't not take this opportunity to tease Penny a little. She placed some popcorn on the couch next to her, and a handful of drinks on a small coffee table in front of the sofa.

“I just have someone else do the moving for me.” Chloe chuckled. “Being peoples boss is really nice, heh.” Cozying up next to Penny, Chloe wasn't shy about sitting as close as she could to the other girl. “So. I got the new one about that giant lizard, the new one in the 'Circlet' series'.” She glossed over the name quickly – it was the horror movie. “annd that super hero movie everyone was talking about.”

“Hmm, choices…Not feeling the supers movie, feels a bit too much like the day to day now” Penny would think aloud, not really minding Chloe’s proximity. “Haven't seen any of the other ‘Circlet’ movies.” Nor did she have any plans to “So giant lizard flick it is I suppose.” She would decide before she took off her jacket and threw it on one of the of the chairs in the room.

“Wonder if the appeal of giant monster films will go up or down now that I can become one?” Penny would wonder absently at the slightly absurd realization that the Monster girl had voted to owatch the Giant monster movie.

“Tsk~” Chloe didn't understand the appeal of it, and she wasn't about to miss this chance to mess with Penny just a bit more. “Alright alright, just for you.” Walking over to the TV, Chloe quickly turned on the movie before retaking her seat next to Penny. Except, it seemed like before hand someone put the discs in the wrong case before hand. While the DvD booted up, Chloe snuggled up next to Penny again. Soon the main menu for the DvD booted up - and it was most certainly not the giant monster movie.

“...oh. How did that get there.” She wondered innocently.

Penny winced as the title theme came on, and couldn’t help but give Chloe a look. She wasn’t buying the innocent look. Sadly she also knew that she had been caught out as well so she just sighed, “It’s your call in the end, but I grabbing a blanket if you're actually putting this on and you can’t stop me” She would say pointedly.

“You mean to tell me my brave little Penny is scared of some obviously fictional monsters?” Chloe teased. Chloe coyly glanced off to the side with a small smile. “You spoil me, letting me get away with this Penny. We can watch the monster one after this one. It'll make you feel better, heh.” Pressing the play button the movie started.

“Hey! You can say they are fictional all you want, but according to most people so is magic.” Penny would call out as she went to grab a blanket as threatened, it was as close to admitting it she was willing to get.

She came back a moment later with a large comforter and proceed to cocoon herself in it as she returned to her spot on the couch. “I fight it now, it gets worse later” Penny would quip “‘Sides you’re letting me move in” she added as if that explained it, before setting in for the movie, partially curious what brand of terror Chloe had put in.

“Heh~” Chloe giggled airily. “Feel free to hug your nearest dark magical girl for protection if you get too scared. She won't mind.”

The movie opened on a scene of two girls discussing a cursed tape. A tape that kills people in seven days, and one of them watched it a week ago. Later that night she and four other teenagers were killed in a horrific accident. The friend, morbidly curious tries to unravel the mystery. Finding the tape, she watches it – only to quickly realize she has been cursed and has seven days to live. The movie eventually ends with the heroine living by making a copy of the movie...and giving it to someone else to watch.

Penny tried her best to not let the movie get to her, partly out of an attempt to save face, partly in an attempt to now give Chloe what she wanted. Which the mechanical girl felt had something to do with the dark girls last comment, but it hit all the right points that set Penny on edge.

It dealt with Curses, which Penny knew to be real, vengeful spirits, another thing she knew to be real and was generally a more suspense horror. Penny could deal with slashers, mainly by laughing at them, but the ones that set up an atmosphere pulled Penny in all too easily.

Thus long before the movie ended Penny had latched on to Chloe, and often hid either behind the spirit witch or under the cover of the blanket she had brought out.

“Brr...” Penny would say as she shivered once the movie reached the credits her normal calm returning now that the movie had ended. “Still don’t get why people enjoy those” She would give herself another shake.

Tilting her head to the side she looked at Chloe, who she had yet to relinquish from her hold “Would you be able to do something like that with your magic?” she would ask out of morbid curiosity.

Chloe herself, obviously enjoyed the movie, and spending time with Penny.

“...Hmm, if I could find the correct spirit, I could probably do it.” Chloe replied in a fairly nonchalant fashion, enjoying the Penny hugs. “It'd be quite the effective way of getting away with murder, heh~” With an impish chuckle, she patted Penny on the head. “But it'd be quite ineffective against other magical girls, wouldn't it? They could just blast it to pieces. Suppose it'd depend on how strong it was, though. Anyways, want to put on the monster flick? I'll go make some more popcorn. Anything else you want?”

“Hmm, True” Penny would concede as she detanged herself from the mess of blanket. “Could you set the Spirit to trigger when they fell asleep?” She would ask, as she set about switching to the Monster film. She was always curious about the finer points of magical capability, mainly due to lack of it.

“Refill on drinks would be appreciated” Penny would answer as Chloe started towards the kitchen. Afterwards she would get to the DVD menu and explore some of the side menus as she waited.

“I could probably do so.” Chloe replied, grabbing something fizzy for Penny and just some water for herself. It'd be incredibly easy too, really. Just like any ambush though, it'd depend on a number of factors. “I'd really not rather mess with it unless I have to though.” Chloe sighed. “While it would be useful, it'd be incredibly dangerous. Especially if it fails, then the other person knows your coming for them giving them ample time to prepare.”

Walking back into the main room, Chloe sat the popcorn down on the coffee table, handing the drink to Penny as she took a seat next to her again.

“Why? Want to be a test subject for some new spells of mine?”

“Pass, hard pass.” Penny would say accepting the drink. She may trust Chloe but she wasn’t sure how she felt about being on the reciving end of assassination spells that were a work in progress. “At least as long as your working on spells that would end up killing me in my at any rate. I’m just trying to get a feel for what Magic can do still I guess, lots of ideas, no clue what works or not.” She would say in hopes of explaining her curiosity.

“Anyway, Now for something a bit more actiony” She would say before hitting the play button.

The giant monster movie, started off with a view of the ocean, before sinking under the waves to reveal the titular creature waking up. From there it cut to a government facility as various suits talked about the newest defense platform they had constructed, a giant mechanical replica of the monster, to deal with any more monster attacks that might befall their nation. Just as soon as they finished explaining its capabilities an alarm went off signaling a monster attack. A massive fire breathing bird was attacking. Mid way between the fight with the Robot replica and the Fire breathing bird, the original Giant Lizard decided to make an appearance, turning the fight into a three way brawl that threatened to level the metropolis. The movie ended with the Lizard returning to the Ocean heavily wounded, the Replica in dire need of repair and the Bird dead, before showing the suits again talking about how they only nearly pushed the Monster back and how next time it would be prepared.

This time Penny was much more active in her watching, oohing and awing at the monsters, openly wondering if she could incorporate any of the Replica’s weapons into herself. All the while the grin she wore just grew everytime one of the monsters ended up bringing down one of the skyscrapers that dotted the battle field.

“So brutal.” Chloe off handedly mentioned as she watched the sky scraper fall. She could appreciate the chaos, at least. While she didn't find it outright boring, it really was just more background noise than anything. It was kind of cute, seeing Penny get all engrossed with such fantastical monsters. Still, in the back of her mind...something just wasn't right. Slowly nagging at her...but for now, she ignored it. She had Penny, right? Penny was hers, right?

For now she was...

Yawning, Chloe snuggled up closer to Penny.

“Like fighting giant monsters, Penny?” She teased lightly.

“Yes!” Penny would reply earnestly “It’s exhilarating most of the time, trying to keep up with all of the shifting variables, trying to predict and out maneuver your target, the satisfaction when you land the killing strike and there is still nothing quite like the sound of combat.” She would explain nearly bouncing in her seat. It was an opinion she didn’t convey to the rest of Beacon, but had no qualms telling Chloe about. “I can understand why some of the other Monster girls are so obsessed by it.”

She let out a wistful sigh as she recalled some of her more enjoyable fights, before she turned her attention back to Chloe. “You getting tired?” She would ask not that she would be surprised if it was true. It had been a long day, even before the movies.

“Heh~” Chloe smiled, though it seemed to waver momentarily. Don't ruin the moment. Don't ruin the moment. Don't ruin the moment. “It's so cute seeing you get worked up over giant monster fights.” Ahhh, good. She managed to refrain from probably asking quite the dark question. Stretching and hopping off the couch, Chloe smiled lightly. “A bit. I met with the Mint earlier this week, and let me tell you I am so looking forward to getting free of them.” She shook her head. “...sooo, care to share a bed or would you die from embarrassment still?~”

Though she noticed the wavering smile Penny assumed it was due to exhaustion, this assumption was only reinforced when Chloe mentioned meeting up with the Mint.

Her face still went red at mention of sharing a bed, but she didn’t shoot down the idea. Part of her, a large one if she wanted to be honest, still hurt everytime she curled up in her nest alone. So, eyes looking everywhere but Chloe, Penny would quietly ask “Would it be just sleep?”

The day she was granted being blessed with such an adorable creature, was the day the universe certainly smiled upon her. Chloe took a moment to reply, having to calm herself from jumping on Penny.

“Is my little Penny asking me for what I think she is?” Chloe teased, before giving her a gentle smile. “...Do you want something more, Penny?”

There was a small war being waged within Penny, not very noticable beyond the vibrant blush, but clear within her eyes. She found Chloe attractive, hell she found a lot of the girls she interacted with attractive. The issue was that she didn’t feel comfortable with herself. That had been getting better, helped along with her self modifications and the loss of her mental corruption, yet she still struggled with it.

So when opened her mouth to speak “...” only silence emanated. For a moment blind panic started to bleed into her expression as her eyes started to take on a red glow, but slowly and carefully Penny would withdraw into the couch, closing her mouth and her eyes as she went, before she started to breath.

It was not a line she be crossing tonight.

“...No” She would whisper quietly once she re established some sense of stability “Just sleep”

“Rude~” Chloe teased lightly. “Make a girl an offer and then decide not too.” Ah, she was kind of hoping Penny said yes. Still...perhaps it was for the best. She was still uncertain about this whole thing after the news Penny had given her. She needed to sort through her own thoughts, try and suppress these more...violent impulses she was starting to get.

At least, for now.

For now.

“It's alright though, my little Penny.” Chloe walked over, giving her a light hug and a kiss on the forehead. “But we are sharing a bed tonight. I don't care what you say. You're not sleeping alone tonight, nope. I'm not having it~” Before Penny could protest, Chloe grabbed her hand and attempted to pull her off the couch and lead her over to the bed.

Penny let herself be lead to the bed, some of the anxiety dissipating as they went. She hadn’t meant to imply that she was looking for anything more, she was trying to verify that she only wanted to sleep with Chloe not sleep with her.

“Shouldn’t we change into pyjamas?” She would ask as they were on the way. She was wearing jeans at the moment and they weren’t the most comfortable things to sleep in, and besides she had actually bought some not that she would wake up in whatever she went to sleep in.
“Oh...whoops~” Chloe laughed lightly. “Silly me. I have some around here somewhere. Shall we get changed and turn in for the night?” Translation: Normally she slept in nothing but her underwear.

“Yeah” Penny would nod “Give me a moment” she would add before heading to her new room to get changed. Her night time outfit was a pair of fuzzy long pajama pants and a very large T shirt. She went and knocked on Chloes door once she had changed and waited for a response.

Aaaah, she really didn't want to wear that. She hadn't worn actual pajama's in ages. Mulling over the options, Chloe finally decided to wear. Walking over to a drawer, she pulled out a dusty set of pajama's that looked like it hadn't been worn in a long time.

“All dressed, Penny.”

A white colored shirt, with a set of striped pink and white pants. On the shirt was printed an image of a penguin on it. The frilly white pants were covered in images of fish attempting to run from the penguins in little dream bubbles.

Penny entered after getting the all clear with only a slight amount of hesitation and didn’t bother acknowledging anything other than the relief at seeing that Chloe had decided to wear pyjamas. Well, that, and the thought of how the outfit clashed with the personality of the girl wearing it. Penny did find it oddly adorable all together though.

Without much further ado the two climbed into bed and settled in for the night, with Penny curling up behind Chloe loosely holding on to her. Penny didn’t care how it would look if they were walked in on. She wasn’t in love with Chloe, not yet at any rate, but she sought the comfort her friend offered regardless.

Once settled, Chloe accepted the cuddles, grabbing one of Penny's hands. She tried her best to keep her mouth shut, but...

“I love you, you know that, Penny?” She quietly said. Ah well, it was fine. Yes, it was fine. Best to be honest.

Penny stiffened for a moment at that admission and she went to reply before her mind could fully catch up “I..” Penny first instinct was to lie. To admit to the same feeling, it would be easy. No one seemed to have noticed just how often she lied to people, or how easily, other then perhaps Alicia.

But this was Chloe, and that made all the difference. “I know… But I’m not there yet.” She would reply pulling Chloe a bit closer, but prepared to let go in case the smaller girl wanted to be. “My heart is still a mess, from... Thalia. Abandoning me. And I doubt my heads all in one piece either.” Her voice was shaky as she started to ramble hoping that she was making sense “I care for you, immensely, I do. I’m just a bit banged up right now, internally. And afraid of getting hurt again, ya know? And, and I know you wouldn't do so intentionally. Your not that kind of person. I know your not. But that doesn’t make the fear go away, ya know? I don’t want to lose you, or your friendship. And that just makes the fear worse, because you’ve always tried to be there for me. I’m not sure how I could manage if I lost that. I can’t say that I love you like that yet… It wouldn’t be fair to you, But…”

Penny swallowed hard, blinking back tears. She felt terrible for seeking this comfort from Chloe now. Almost like she was just using her friend, but she just didn’t want to lose her. Chloe was the first real friend Penny had made in the community. The first bit of consistency in her upturned world. Thus the desperate hope that Chloe would understand.

“...But I could” She would continue in a whisper, fighting the urge to tighten her hold and never let go “I know I could… I just need a bit of time to get over Thalia… So that I know. And that you know. That your not just a stand in, a replacement, because you're worth more than that!” She would not cry. No matter what Chloe said. Penny refused to let her tears fall. She would not burden her friend with that.

“Can you wait for that? For me?”

Chloe listened to Penny's voice. Each word that left her lips felt like a stab. A sharp, painful, bleeding wound upon her heart. The truth hurt, didn't it? Yes, that's what this was. A hurtful truth. That was fine, though. Much better than a blissful lie.


The longer she talked, the darker Chloe's thoughts turned. Had she not already done enough? Urgh, she shouldn't have left, but still! How could Penny just reject her like this? Wait? She had enough of that. Enough of waiting. It was wrong to desire it, but she couldn't help it. but had she not already done enough? What more could she do?

...who would she choose? Her, or beacon?

Chloe's hands tightened around Penny's.

She was losing it. Losing control over the only thing she wanted control over.

“...ahaha.” Chloe giggled lightly, taking a small bit of comfort in Penny's embrace. “I suppose you wouldn't be you, if you had just come right out and said it, would you?” Chloe smiled. What was one more lie for her? “I've waited this long, so I think I can wait a bit longer.” Leaning against Penny, she replied once more. “No matter how long it takes, my pretty Penny. I will love you.”

The only true statement she had just made.

“Now now, get some rest!” Chloe quickly switched gears. She needed to think about something else. Or not at all. “We're both tired and I have work to do...I may not be here when you get up, just so you know.”

Penny just nodded her understanding, and tightened her embrace. She didn’t fully believe that Chloe was fine, she wouldn’t have been if their positions were reversed, but she trusted two things. That Chloe would wait for her, and that Chloe loved her.

“Sleep well and dream sweet” Penny would say quietly, still fighting back tears. She doubted that Chloe would be up before her, and was glad for that. She had a lot of thinking to do when she woke up after all.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

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A post featuring @ERode as

And I as everyone's second favorite NPC!

It wasn’t coincidence that engineered this encounter. It was sheer, meaningless effort that could easily have been expediated if one side had simply called the other. But expedience involved confidence, and Amaryllis, by her very nature, preferred effort over confidence.

Four days had passed after the battle at the Crypt, and Penrose was enjoying a sunny Sunday. The streets of the downtown district were clogged with pedestrians and vehicles, all either eager to roam or eager to get somewhere else. Parents had children on their shoulders, lovers never let each other go, and groups of friends obnoxiously spread out on the sidewalks as they laughed loudly and talked louder. Amongst them, Amaryllis strode as well, circling routes that she had now walked seven times already. Dressed in a puffy bomber jacket and dark slacks, the buxom teen kept to herself even as her eyes roamed the crowds, in search of someone.

A small child, in particular, one that’d usually be bursting with enthusiasm. Futile effort, considering how short Sammy was, but Amaryllis could be stubborn too, even if her Sword was reacting to its wielder’s hesitation with the psychic-pain equivalent of mock gagging.

Sometimes, however, paths aligned, and sometimes, however, effort was rewarded. After turning the eighth time around the block, Amaryllis finally caught a glimpse of that strawberry blonde sleuth. Breathing a sigh of relief (before realizing with utmost dread that she now had to actually approach her), Amaryllis strode up behind Sammy and said, in a voice that wasn’t quite loud enough to be considered a call, “G-good morning, Sammy!”

Sammy took a few extra steps before coming to a stop. It was hard to tell how she was doing, but Amarylis could see the girl’s shoulders rise and fall as she breathed. There was nothing irregular about it, aside from the fact that Sammy was usually far too active to ever be seen standing still. Equally worrisome was that she hadn’t said anything yet. It was fair to assume Sammy wasn’t dealing with her loss very well. ”Uh…” And when she finally turned around, it only served to confirm it. She was wearing the same clothes she had worn when they last met up. They had become disheveled from her sleeping in them. It was also safe to assume that she probably hadn’t taken any baths in that time frame. And if she did, Sammy didn’t smell like it. ”I forgot to call you back.” her eyes were bloodshot. ”I’ve been working on a case to clear my head.” She pushed her palm into her eye. ”A few cases, I guess. How have you been?”

Sammy’s dishevelment was worrisome, and almost gave Amaryllis pause. Old blood, now black as the night, crusted over parts of the sleuth’s clothing and smelled absolutely rancid, while the girl herself looked, well, as if she hadn’t slept at all. “I’ve...been,” the taller girl began to say, before quickly shaking her head. Hesitation was defeat, and detours were for the weak. “No, I mean, yes. But I have coupons for this new spa that’s just opened up, but it needs me to invite someone and Rina and Emily and Penny and basically everyone else is like, not spa people, and it’ll be super awkward inviting one of my classmates and I think even Sherlock needs hot baths and massages so Sammy lets go?!”

She thrust out the crumpled, sorta damp tickets that had been cooking in her jacket pockets this entire time, eyes frenetic and anxious as she looked at Sammy, then looked away, then looked back at Sammy.

”Mmmmm…” Sammy held the crumpled piece of paper in her hand. Her expression was so blank it was hard to tell if she was looking at the tickets or through them. ”I think that makes sense.” She turned them over in her hand. ”If your classmates aren’t your friends, it could send the wrong message. And if your friends aren’t spa people, you’d just be using them.” a gust of wind nearly blew the ticket out of Sammy,s hand, but she managed to pinch it before it could fly away. ”I’ve never been to a spa before. I’m kind of curious though.I’m not sure I need one right now, but it would be a shame to let your tickets go to waste on account of me not being there.” She stumbled forward. ”Lead the way.”

Most would not consider Sammy to be a great spa partner.First of all, the spa did expect you to maintain some level of personal hygiene, so Sammy needed to be bathed before they could even go to the spa. She was asleep during her facial, and wasn’t roused much during her manicure or pedicure either. It wasn’t until they were laid out on massage tables that Sammy was able to stay awake. And awake was a generous use of the word, as her eyes were shut the entire time.

”Mmmmm…” Sammy had a smile on her face. ”I’ve deduced that this is exactly what I needed.”

The experience of being almost naked with strangers touching her body was weirder for Amaryllis, who hadn’t been practically asleep the entire time. It reminded her that she hadn’t gone to the pool ever since her contract with the Sword, and it was a whole other problem for her when the people at the spa place complimented her on her body and proportions. It wasn’t as if she got this from her own efforts, after all, so it was doubly hard for Amaryllis to make up beauty advice or whatever so that others could attain the same glowing skin that she had.

Surely it wasn’t bathing in Soth’s blood that gave her such flawless complexion?

She was happy though, that Sammy was relaxed. After the massage, they were lying on a bed of warm rocks as aromatic candles burned around them, and even Amaryllis could feel her tension melting away now. Letting out a sigh of her own, she said, “Glad you enjoyed it, Sammy. Self-care’s important, y’know? Before this, you had bags under your eyes the size of dinner plates.”

Hesitation was defeat.

“You still miss him?”

Sammy groaned. ”Had to bring it up huh?” She looked away from Amaryllis ”I mean yea, of course I miss him. He was a good boy and had a lot of good years left in him.” She placed her tiny hands over her eyes. ”I knew this sort of thing could have happened. We do dangerous work, and he was never going to live as long as a magical girl anyway. But what really got me was-” She wiped her eyes before folding her arms under her chin. ”Was that I was wrong. I was unable to deduce that something would have happened so long after the barrier was hit, and it cost him his life.” Sammy buried her face in her arms. ”I’m not use to that kind of pressure! Usually I have more than a few seconds to look over the evidence. Detectives are thinkers, not tacticians. After a few seconds of silence passed, Sammy looked over the top of her arms at her spa mate. But I did make a choice. I chose to help Beacon, and it killed him. He trusted me.” She looked away. I should have waited.”

Amaryllis sorta wanted to cry herself. There was no actual reason for her to have Sammy transport her all the way to the crypt; she could have ran herself there after getting to the general area. A detective wasn’t meant to be on the front lines. That was what the police were for. That was what a knight was for. And the more she thought about it, the more she remembered all her other failings, everything that could have been improved upon, everything that she could have had a better answer for. In the back of her mind, the Sword scraped down her spine. Self-pity was the sort of disgusting flesh-thing that the Lesser Force had no patience for either.

Sucking in a breath, Amaryllis rubbed out the tears before they could fall, and exhaled as deeply as she could. “Uh, yeah, I’m...sorry, but, I don’t think it’s...too late? It might not be too late to save Tony, you know? Because...Sammy, there are a pair of magical girls in Penrose with the ability to grant a single wish. They are elusive though, and seem to only appear before others randomly. I honestly wouldn’t know how to track them down, but...I know their power is real.”

They granted her wish, after all.

“I think that line of inquiry might be a challenge worthy of a Super Sleuth. So...yeah. Uh, what do you...think?”

Sammy didn’t do anything for a while. But then the girl turned her head around to face Amaryllis. She could see a spark in the detective’s eyes. Really?” Sammy’s eyes sparkled. ”Well, bringing him back would make me feel a lot better. Though I haven’t deduced if that would be the best use of something as powerful as a wish. Maybe bring back all of Penrose’s animals? Protect future pets from befalling such a fate?” Sammy stood up, clutching her towel in her tiny hands. ”It’s certainly something worth investigating.” She twirled aroud in place. "May this hand lens of mine reveal the truuuuuuuuuuuth!" As soon as the towel flew off of her, she was fully decked out in her magical girl attire. Her towel came to rest on Amaryllis’s head."Oh! um, woops!" she bent over and pulled the towel off of her head. "I’ve just concluded towels don’t count as apparel that gets taken in by your transformation. Brilliant discovery!"

“Brilliant indeed,” Amaryllis laughed, happy that Sammy’s energy was directed somewhere less depressing. She wasn’t wholly certain if the Wish Twins were actually going to be ok with their existence being known by a Super Sleuth, but at the same time...eh, it’ll probably work out. “But I’ll have you know, I’m, like, super serious that these twins are literally invisible. If you’re gonna find them, you’ll have to be in your best shape, Sammy.”

A pause. This wasn’t lying, was it? Probably not. Hopefully not.

“So gotta get eight hours of sleep, three balanced meals, and thirty minutes of cardio, every single day. Maximum power for maximum results, y’know?”

Sammy turned to Amaryllis ”All evidence collected thus far suggests that you are correct.” She continued to flex and contort her body into ridiculous poses.

Amaryllis was sorta afraid Sammy would pull a muscle from all this, but the deep tissue massages seemed to have done their work; the sleuth wasn’t going to suddenly die from agonizing muscle pain.

”Oh!” She turned to Amaryllis. ”I also heard a rumor that you were eating ice cream with the enemy the other day. I was going to look into it, but got caught up finding lost cats and crying over the possibility that it was true.” she kneeled beside her. ”You didn’t share a cone with beacon, did you? I mean if you did, you probably had good reason to.” She lowered her head beside Amaryllis. ”I’m… I’m not wrong about that, right?”

Blinking, the buxom bombshell balked, before breathing out. “It was less with Beacon and more with those people in particular,” Amaryllis said, “It’s...hm...basically, way back when that giant Horror popped up in the Stadium, Penny, the robot girl, helped me and Rina like...eviscerate that thing into nothingness. Afterwards, there was that whole deal with going out for food, and we decided to cash in on that after the crypt, so…”

No, this was interesting information. “You said, um...Bonky was in Beacon somewhere, yeah? Rina’s looking to take some jobs from them sometime, so maybe we...have an inside source now?”

Sammy sighed. ”I...” She started to tear up before wrapping her arms around Amaryllis’s neck, leaning into a hug. ”You’re my best friend! Aside from my boyfriend nobody takes me seriously.” She pulled her head back and wiped away her tears, but she was smiling. ”Thank you for everything. Listening to you and having a bunch of handsome men do my nails is just what I needed.”

What the hell was this? The goofiest smile popped up on Amaryllis’s face, as she realized that maybe her social skills have actually leveled up a bit. “You’re welcome,” she said, riding high off her emotions, “I’m just happy to see you smile again.”

Okay, wait, no that was too far. Suddenly sputtering, the tomato-faced girl coughed a couple of times, violently, before asking the best thing to redirect the conversation. “Wait, you have a b-boyfriend?”

Sammy blushed. ”Yea, we’ve only been together a few weeks now, but I love him.” She shifted her weight around. ”I’m kind of surprised too. He helps me train all of my cats and he’s really handsome. He was pretty upset when he heard Tony died.” She sighed. ”What’s your boyfriend like?”

“Um…” Oh dear, there goes her ears. “I...don’t have one yet…but, like, is yours a magical boy then?”

”You bet he’s magical!” Sammy rubbed her cheeks. ”Um, but Amaryllis? I realized you have a tendency to change the topic when you’re nervous.” Sammy took a breath and folded her arms. ”You’re really pretty, and when we were eating the day of the graveyard ritual, all the guys were looking at you. Even the people in this spa all think you’re really attractive.” She lifted her magnifying glass up and put it over her friend. ”You seem to actively shy away any time a guy comes near you though.” Sammy folded her arms and rested her chin on her magnifying glass. ”Hmmmm, matters of the heart are not really a detectives place to meddle.” She looked at Amaryllis. ”However, you um, you know. I know a lot of magical girls sort of give up on guys at one point or another. But you only took me to the spa because we’re friends right?”

“Um, like, yeah...it’s not like I’m gay or anything…” Amaryllies replied, before wincing, “Wait, can I even say that in 2019? Just that, you know...it’s not like this is how I actually look. Just super weird, being like this...” She gestured vaguely towards her body. “So it’s pretty blah, when people say all these things. Didn’t even work for it and all, so I’m basically just..taking credit for someone else’s work?”

”I mean…” Sammy looked down at herself. ”I’m not exactly sure why you’re complaining. I thought I was done being a six year old.” Her smile returned. ”Sorry for second guessing your intent. I guess part of me can’t believe what an excellent friend I have. ”

“Uh, yeah, haha...that’s me, unbelievable…”

She looked up at a clock hanging on the wall. Her expression became stern and serious. ”I promised a little girl I’d find her cat, then I’m going to see about locating those twins. I’d tell you to wish me luck, but I don’t need it. You can hold onto it for now.” She held up her magnifying glass and walked out the door.

Amaryllis waved Sammy good-bye, before lying back down on her hot rock bed. Focusing on her breathing once more, she cleared her mind of all unnecessary thoughts and simply...huh, that was weird. There was something inside her head still, something bothe-

“Oh shit!” Amaryllis practically backflipped up, looking to the exit at the girl who was long gone. “Sammy, your clothes!”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Second Chances

Turning to Beacon for something like this was risky. Knowing where an enemy of theirs was had the potential to turn the organization against her if she didn’t give him up. But there was not that many other places to turn. Beacon, for all their hard line views and practices, were the only ones that had some method of cleaning up a corrupted individual. How that was done was a mystery as it was never discussed with outsiders, but there was enough talk to say that even then it was a rare event. About the only other lead for the chapter in Penrose is that one of their members had specifically been purified and passed trial for having been manipulated. While not entirely the same situation, Shannon hoped she could make a good enough case to get her friend at least past being a target.

After a while of scouting the rooftops of Penrose, Shannon found a patrol of Beacon girls, and approached them. They knew who she was but they weren’t going to let just anyone walk up to them, especially considering the latest events and how she was considered KIA in the graveyard battle. "Halt, state your name and business!" One of the Beacon girls called out.

"Shannon Bron. I seek audience with Sylvia on a matter. I have information on one of the Bates twins." Outing that she knew something on Elroy was not the most appealing place to start. However, it was likely the best way to fast track to talking to someone that could make things happen.

The girls looked alarmed at the reveal; one of them continued watching her, while the rest huddled together to whisper to each other. It didn’t take long before they had an answer.
“Very well. However, we must ask you to put on this blindfold.” One of the girls tossed a small bundle of white cloth for Shannon to catch; it inscribed with golden runes that slightly shimmered. “It is for security purposes, as our HQ is hidden.” Once Shannon was done putting the cloth on, two girls placed their hands on her shoulders. At that moment, Shannon felt a feeling similar to shifting, as space seemed to warp around her. “We brought an informant,” she heard the leading girl speak, followed by the sound of doors opening before her. She was briskly led inside, and the blindfold was removed. Shannon then saw that she was in the Beacon HQ’s entrance hall, where visitors could wait on benches and sofas set against the walls. “Sorry about that. Can’t be too careful these days,” the girls earnestly explained. “Wait just a moment, and you’ll be taken to Sylvia.”

Following instructions Shannon took a seat. Looking around the building was clearly new, which was no surprise. Though not really having much interest in how things were arranged she smiled and set her hands in her lap. ”Completely understand. Thank you.” Reclining in the chair a bit there was no way to know how long she would be sitting. Almost felt like a doctors appointment to an extent. Now that was something she hadn’t done in quite some time.

Shannon saw that after the incident at the graveyard, Beacon girls have mobilized for civilian rescue and cleanup, as the tornadoes left their marks on the streets. However, everyone seemed to be in good spirits, if exhausted. Shannon was led to a small meeting room; the kind usually seen in office buildings, with a projector fitted for the back wall. “Greetings. My name is Sylvia.” The silver-haired magical girl stood up to shake hands with her. “You fought against Soth, if I am not mistaken. Is there something we can do for you?” She asked, and took a cup of tea from another Beacon girl, before shutting the room.

Shaking the hand Shannon smiled at the warm greeting. There were only a couple of ways to answer the question presented. So as not to waste the Beacon girl's time she cut to the chase. "I did, and I'm hoping you can. I'm looking for a way that I can purify a friend of the corruptive magic he's been dealt. I am aware that you have some internal way of doing that, but more specifically the rumor is that you were able to purify one of your own not that long ago. I am not privy to how that was accomplished but is there any way that process is replicable?" Biting her lip it sounded like a tall order. Especially given who she was trying to help. Desperate times.

Sylvia sat down, and sipped her tea. “Yes, we have a method for purifying corrupted magic. That should be no secret to any member of the magical community.” She placed the cup down, and raised an eyebrow. “But it sounds to me like you are referring to something else, correct?” She sighed. “No matter what we do, rumors and gossip always finds their way out.” She clasped her fingers together. “In that case, there is no point in denying its existence; yes, we have a new, replicable method of purifying any corrupted magical girl with no complications.” She looked serious. “Who is this friend of yours? And why haven’t they given themselves up to Beacon if they do wish to be purified?”

Valid questions, though Shannon's heart jumped slightly at hearing there was something that could help Elroy. Thinking on her feet though she responded "There are a few reasons. The first is he only just woke up a day ago. I don't know if it was passed on to you but the person I'm talking about is one of the Bates, Elroy. He's a friend and I pulled him off the battlefield before anyone else could get to him in case…" She trailed off briefly. "Well, I wasn't entirely sure I could trust his wellbeing to you or anyone else there. I don't mean to offend. From what I can tell you've made some attempts at changing your stance on monster girls but I had to be sure. I also can't trust a rumor for something so important." Having got through that she could breathe again.

Sylvia squinted at the mention of the monster boy’s name. “A friend? I hope you realize that he was the cause for summoning Soth to our world? Alongside his Twin, that is.” She took a bigger sip from her tea. “We have had some policy changes, yes, but nothing can excuse him for what he’s done. He needs to face justice.” She then sighed. “Anyway, please continue.”

A smile returning to Shannon's face the girl addressed the concern.
"Ah, yes. I assumed that may be the case. However Elroy cannot be wholly held responsible. As I'm sure you know as a Twin Soul the twin will often follow the lead of the other unless something terrible was done against them by their counterpart. Something that, in this case, did occur. As a Friendship girl I know for a fact that Regina had been using her Psychic magic to manipulate him into doing what she wanted." Thankfully Janet's trial set a precedent in Beacon for mental manipulation. Double that given the monster girl had managed to brainwash several Beacon girls on top of that. Having a couple other items on her mind she resumed. "There was one other reason I'm here in his stead right now. Being a monster boy and using a Black Coin has done a number on his mental state. He is currently prone to extreme violence and I didn't think it wise to have him around others for his and others safety. He did express to me his desire to be free of that though and I for one believe him."

Sylvia nodded, deep in thought.
“Hmm...Regina was the brains of the operation, and did have the power to control minds...so it is possible she also controlled him.” She tapped the side of her teacup in rhythmic fashion.
“If that is the case...It might be a similar situation to what happened to one of our own members recently.” She listened as Shannon further explained the circumstances behind Elroy, nodding occasionally.
“You seem like a trustworthy girl, Shannon.”
She stood up, and picked something out of her pocket, offering it to her; the girl exclaimed in surprise at what she saw.
“This is a White Coin; if what you’re saying is true, and Elroy truly wishes to be free of Regina’s taint, have him use this.” However, as Shannon reached for it, Sylvia closed her fist tight.
“But a word of warning: if I later find out you lied to me, and took this to further a selfish end...I won’t show mercy again.” And with that, she slowly opened her palm, letting her take it.

Shannon had not expected several things that had just happened. Beacon was apparently way ahead of her in being prepared, and this is new? She had never heard of such a thing. Just as a surprise was that Sylvia was giving it to her here and now. Was it really that easy? When given the warning she didn't flinch. When she did finally have hold of the White Coin the girl cupped the object in her hands and stared at it for a while. Walking out with the solution she sought had never crossed her mind. "T-thank you. How-" Shaking her head she dropped the question. That wasn't important right now. Putting on a determined expression she clutched the coin. "I won't betray your trust! This is amazing. This works and you can bet you'll be the first to know." A gesture like this was no small potatoes. This thing works then there was a lot more to magic crafting than Shannon imagined. Being an Empty Pockets Puchuu girl there was no way she could ever manage something like this.

“I’m glad to hear. There’s been far too many times when we have had to drink from the foul cup of treachery,” Sylvia spoke, and averted her eyes. “Because of that, it has been tough to try to be valorous. But if Elroy’s violence can be abated, it would save many lives. And for that, I’ll put my faith in you, Shannon.” She gestured to the Beacon girl waiting outside in the corridor. “She is free to leave on her own; she is good at heart.” And so, Shannon was allowed to leave the Beacon HQ, which turned invisible as she walked outside of it.

Heading back outside Penrose with her prize in hand so to speak, Shannon shifted to the area she had left Elroy. Going back to a place in the other world after a time was a tricky thing. Stuff had a way of meandering around so you generally didn't end up just where you expected. Advantage to Shannon that she could plant objects into the ground to act as landmarks. Heading in the direction the forest was now she tried to locate the monster boy. "Elroy, I'm back!"

Elroy had not moved far from the tree where Shannon had left him. What was far more curious was that he was looking into the eyes of someone Shannon recognized.

It was his sister.

"…That doesn’t change anything. " Apparently they had been talking for a while before Shannon showed up. "You’re still in danger, and Shannon is too. And once she gets back-" Regina turned her head. "We were waiting for you."

Elroy turned his head to look at Shannon. "Scarf girl. She found us."

"He won’t listen to me, so you have to tell him." Regina held something out. "This is a Red Coin. You can use it to change your identity." She pointed towards Elroy. "I want us to use it so that we don’t get hunted down and killed."

Elroy grit his teeth. "Why don’t you just take control of me and get it over with?"

"That’s exactly why I’m not doing that!" Regina’s voice cracked. "Everything I do turns to shit, so we need to make this choice together."

Well this wasn’t what she expected to come up to. Seeing Regina wasn’t exactly something she wanted to do right now, but that didn’t mean it was a terrible thing. What was more concerning was there was yet another coin. Seemed like an odd coincidence that two new coins suddenly popped up about the same time. Hard to say which came first though. Walking up to the two she was glad at least that they were willing to talk the situation out. ”Well this is awkward. Uh, so explain to me what you mean by ‘change your identity.’”

Regina took a breath and composed herself. "A tiny detective girl was involved in an experiment with these coins. She was in a good mood so she gave me one because I looked sad." Regina looked over the coin in her hand. "If I use this coin, I can change everything about myself. It just scrambles everything. I’d have a different type of magic, different look, everything. It’s a brand new identity." Regina closed her hand around it. "But what’s important is why we need to use it."

Elroy pointed at Shannon. "Scarf girl got me something for this corruption you subjected us to."

"That’s not the point." Regina looked at Shannon this time."The archive wants to know how I enslaved those beacon girls. They put a curse on Elroy and now they have a bone spider that can write his thoughts as he has them. They are trying to use him to find me. The only way we can reliably protect this horrible secret is to become someone else. That’s what I’ve decided."

Elroy’s hands balled into fists. "Why don’t you just kill yourself then? Not like I know how you did it."

"Elroy, they are going to know what you do for the rest of your life. At any moment, they can just drop in on whatever you’re doing. If you become an obstacle to them, they’ll have no problem removing you." Regina turned the coin over in her hand. "I could have just used this coin on myself, but that wouldn’t have protected you."

"Did you bring it, Shannon?" Elroy said through clenched teeth. "What do you have?"

”Right!” Reaching into her pocket she presented the White Coin. ”Beacon apparently used something similar to clear Janet of Justene’s corruption and turn her back into a regular magical girl. That’s not an insignificant feat but I don’t know of anyone else that has that capability. It might be able to remove the curse as well.” Admittedly this was well outside her scope of knowledge. The Red Coin sounded like it could work as well.... Maybe.

Tapping her chin she considered what was going on. The bone spider thing really made a mess of things. And here she thought this would be easy. Well, after getting the coin as least. ”So if you became someone else the curse would break? Would the mental mutations still be in effect? Because that is what I’m trying to help Elroy with. Although if you’re both here then I suppose you could use it as well, if you wanted.” When did magic get so complicated? Shannon remembered when all she had to worry about is fighting monsters and keeping factions from killing each other.

Regina shook her head. "The white coin will cleanse us of our corruption, but I’m not sure if it’s going to do anything to the bone spider that was made from Elroy. It will still be alive, writing his memories every moment he’s alive. I’ll admit I don’t know a lot about it but-" Regina took a step towards Shannon. "I’m not saying we should use the white coin instead of the red coin, I’m saying we should use both."

Elroy stepped in front of Shannon. "What she hasn’t told you yet is one of the conditions that will get ‘shuffled away’ is the effect that makes us two different people. There will be no Regina and Elroy, only one of us will be left."

"Technically, it will be neither of us, but also both of us." Regina hugged herself "Whoever we were before we became magical boy and girl. The whole that both of our halves make up."

Elroy placed a hand on Shannon’s shoulder. "It’s insane, isn’t it?"

”It’s the only way to protect your future."

Shannon had a confused expression for a bit before it finally clicked. They had to use it together if they wanted to use it at all. Or at the very least, if Regina used it she would lose her Twinned Soul and in effect Elroy. That would break the curse because he would no longer exist as his own individual. Folding her arms she stared at the ground for a while. There was no easy solution here. ”I get it. Looking up at Elroy she shook her head. How did she get herself into this mess? Friendship she supposed. ”I can’t tell you what to do, but I can say this. Regina is right. If they have your thoughts then you’ll never truly be free. You may be clear of mental mutations but anything you learn could be used against you or those around you. There aren’t that many options after that if you want to keep people safe. They could just use you whenever they want.”

Saying that was hard because Shannon knew it would be pushing him to effectively end his own individual existence. But being used like a pawn forever wasn’t much better unless you isolated yourself from everything. And even then that didn’t quite eliminate the potential of being captured. Thankfully Elroy was out when she brought him here otherwise they could have been located already.

"Shannon!" Elroy put his other hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer. "Regina, I… I hate her. I despise her." Regina lowered her head, but Elroy kept speaking. "But I don’t know if it’s the mutations or me talking anymore." He was growling. "You saved my life, you’re giving me another chance with this coin." Tears were starting to stream down his face. "I can’t make choices for myself anymore. If I was in your position, I’d have left me to die at the graveyard. " His breathing was becoming more horse. "You saved this life, you care about this life, you decide what happens to it." He looked back at Regina. "They could be on their way here already, what do I do?"

When Elroy put both of his hands on her shoulders and started losing grip on what to do Shannon lip quivered. This wasn’t how things were supposed to turn out. ”Use it. Use the Red Coin. It’s your best chance.” She said quietly. She’d lost friends before in her career. Ben in the business too long to not have. But as a Friendship girl it was like losing a small piece of yourself each time. But she’d never had to tell someone else to do something like that. A life as an unwitting informant was not really a life at all. It would only lead to tragedy either by paranoia, Regina’s methods being found out, Elroy being used, or potentially him getting killed. None of those options were good. And there wasn’t much time as she suspected that Elroy was ready to snap and at least one of those things would come to pass.

Elroy hesitated. Looking directly into the forehead of the girl who gave him everything. "Alright." He wiped away his tears. "I trust you, I trust your judgement." He extended his hand and took the white coin before walking over to Regina. "I guess we’re doing it your way."

”This isn’t easy for me either." She extended her hand, with the red coin inside it. ”I think we’re going to be the first twin souls to unify."

"Whatever, let’s just make this end already."

Elroy and Regina’s hands came together, both grasping one of two magical coins. The magic swirled around them in a chaotic fashion. Coin magic was very potent, and the twins were using two at the same time. It wasn’t a surprise that the two of them were consumed by a sparkling cloud. White and red smoke, White and red thunder. The magic of the coins almost enveloped Shannon too, but the smoke soon floated away, leaving a single entity in its wake.

"Grrah!" The woman fell to one knee. "Ahhhh!" She fell onto her hands and knees. "This is…" She placed her hands on her head. "This is so weird."

Having taken some steps back from the cloud when it began to approach her Shannon watched as the magic consumed her friends. When everything cleared and a single form could be made out she huffed. It was an expected result even if she didn't like it. Stepping over once she was sure the effects were over she knelt down next to the girl and put a hand on her back gently. "How… how are you feeling?" Probably a vague question to ask but what does one ask after two people rejoin together? What do you call them on top of that? Probably the next question in a line that would come up in the next few minutes.

"Well." She looked at her arms. "I feel… Complete?" She rubbed her shoulders. " It’s weird. I thought I was going to feel more like Elroy or Regina, Just a segmented person. But it’s not really like that." She placed her hands on her face and then removed them to inspect her palms. "I remember being both of them. It’s like remembering two completely different days." She folded her hands in her lap. "Regina’s desire to find love, Elroy’s desire to be noticed. I don’t even think their past memories were complete. Regina always had to complain about her parents, and Elroy loved them. I was living two different lives, separated from the other half of my soul." She nodded. "Did that make sense? I just feel, complete now."

"I... suppose." How does one respond to that without having been through it? It sounded good at least. Other than Elroy to an extent Shannon wasn't really sure how the Bates felt about her. There had been a lot of baggage cluttering up their feelings. There was one other thing to sort out first. "So, what should I call you now?" Given they had become one and were trying to hide it would be a little weird to call her by their old names.

She tipped her head. "Well, I don’t think we have to make this any harder than it has to be." She shrugged her shoulders. "I was Regina before becoming a magical girl. We decided to call Elroy, well, Elroy because it’s the latin word for king. Because Regina means queen." She placed a hand over her face. "Funny how that worked out." She placed her hands in her lap again. "So I guess you can keep calling me Regina." She lifted her hand up to her mouth. "That’s okay right? I know you didn’t like Regina very much, but that’s always been my name. Um." She turned to face Shannon. "I’m naming myself Regina after the person I’ve always been, not Regina as you knew her." She bit one of her fingers and averted her eyes. "I’m sorry, I don’t really know how to act around you. I feel like you should be mad at me, but I also feel like you should be happy I’m still here. I guess that’s probably how the twins would have felt if they were still separated." Her lips trembled. "How do you feel about me? Do you feel mad, happy, anything? I feel some kind of emotion stirring inside you."

Ah, so an Emotion girl then? Shannon's feelings on the matter was somewhat mixed at the moment. Although with each passing moment her feelings were settling on the positive side. "No no, it's fine really. I didn't really hate Regina or anything. It was the things she would do that was problematic. But you, well I guess I'm partly starting over. You're not exactly either of them per se." Shannon's own magic was having trouble getting a read on the new Regina. Having relied on Power of Friendship to direct her in and out it failing her was somewhat nerve wracking. It was also awkward as neither seemed to know how to deal with the other. Falling back to her ordinary senses she looked over Regina and her mannerisms. It was actually rather adorable how she panicked about how Shannon felt. She'd also turned out to be rather cute in retrospect.

The girl seemed to be relaxing now. Whatever Shannon had said seemed to do the trick. "Alright, well, that’s good." A smile crossed her face. "I guess this will all be easier if we just pretend we’re meeting for the first time then. Leaving the twins out of it makes this a lot simpler." She extended her hand. "I’m Regina, how do you do?"

Smiling softly at the gesture Shannon seemed to have made up her mind. Taking the hand she shook it briefly before pulling the girl closer and giving her a hug. Letting her go she put hands on her shoulders. "You don't have to worry about your pasts. They're still a part of you. They were my friends and if you still want that then I'm yours too. Okay?" She had a warm glow about her as she spoke. Hard to say if this was just her normal friendly demeanor or something else.

Regina gave Shannon a thumbs up. "Sounds good, scarf girl!"

The nickname sticking was good. Laughing a bit she offered her hand. "There is one other thing we need to do. I told Beacon if this worked that I would let them know. And since you've been cleansed I'd like to show them the new you."

"Ahhhh!" She she put her hands on the side of her face. "I’m kind of nervous, but I guess it’s for the best. If they decide I’m okay, I shouldn’t have to hide anymore."

"They did give me the coin for Elroy to use. If they see it worked for both of the Bates I'm sure they would be ecstatic." Shannon reassured the other girl. Holding out her hand again they shifted back to the normal world and made their way back into the city to find Beacon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
Avatar of FamishedPants

FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 8 mos ago

E m i l y

"Despite all my rage, I am still just a cinnamon roll disguised as a mage."

— Emily

It had been some days after her encounter with the knight who had opened her eyes to the injustice that had taken place right beneath her nose and in that time, Lucifer had redoubled her efforts in seeking out the beasts hidden in plain sight, as well as those creeping around at dark. But it was proving a difficult task, as any monster wearing a human disguise would obviously be doing everything in its power not to stand out. She imagined those sorts would only actively break character in the moments just before they struck a victim down, which by then meant it was too late to save a life.

Merely one of the unfortunate side effects of having Jonald as her Puchuu. The hate-obsessed little ball of sadism only ever did the bare-minimum when it came to his obligations as her Puchuu, and more often than not, he tried to bend things behind the scenes to impede or otherwise cause Lucifer harm.

That is why she kept these actions secret from her patron, even if a patron’s help would be appreciated right now.

But that proved to be unnecessary as luck had sided with Emily Ackerson. The form it took was one that normally would never happen. After the event involving Amaryllis, Lucifer decided to ensure that the soup kitchen she volunteered at would be safe from any other attempts like that. So she placed her purifying artifact in the place to ward off what monsters may approach. Only a day later did she witness, by chance, someone acting rather odd as they approached the kitchen. A young man, no older than 20, whose most noticeable trait was his rather large shoes, began to show symptoms similar to a panic attack rather abruptly as he drew closer to the artifact. As if the very building was unapproachable, he paced around before deciding to head back the way he came.

Emily, luckily witnessing this event, tailed him.

Observing this being, their actions revealed thus:

  • They visited exclusively low-income, rougher parts of Penrose during the day.
  • They never ate lunch.
  • They had what sounded from a distance to be rather lively, casual chats with people for a while. A couple notable facts was that he had a morbid sense of humor and everyone he engaged in conversation to in the day was younger than him, with no exceptions.
  • They agreed to meet with one girl who had this horrible purse with an excessive amount of rhinestones on it later in the day to go to a club. Maybe it would be better to have said it was rhinestones with a purse glued onto them?
    He stopped by the graveyard for a while, though she temporarily lost track of him and couldn’t confirm what he did there exactly.

The man did not seem to be especially suspect, aside from his random visit to the graveyard and, if that girl’s purse was anything to go by, horrible taste in women. But the girl aside, since she wasn’t able to see what he did at the graveyard, she could only assume he had wanted to go check on a loved one or the sort. The fact he was speaking to younger people might’ve raised some flags were he not so young himself. She’d be surprised if he was older than 21, so it would make sense if he ended up being younger than he appeared.

Emily was beginning to feel like this had been a waste of time, but the fact of the matter was that he reacted to what had to be her artifact. She convinced herself at the very least she had to see what happened between this guy and the girl he invited out before she could give up.

She couldn’t imagine how detectives or those spies in the movies could actually stand to do this too often. Over the course of this ‘learning experience’, she found out that she had to stick unusually far back to be safe, which meant she had to keep her focus so as not to lose him in a crowd or something of that nature. On top of that, because the man didn’t eat lunch, she too had to forgo the meal, and she was feeling rather hungry as a result. Also cranky. But, for the sake of easing the fear in her heart, she watched as the man picked the girl from earlier up at their pre established rendezvous point, and then they walked their way towards the club.

This is where things began to become REALLY suspect.

The area they were in had become rather lively as night approached. People, mostly older teens and young adults, flooded the streets around the club as if they’d just been set free from prison. Unfamiliar with these sorts, she wondered if this was a daily occurrence or if something made today special. Either way, there were a lot of people here, which made her tailing from a distance increasingly difficult. She continued to be put further and further behind, until eventually she had lost them altogether. In a panic, she hurriedly pushed her way through the crowd of people and desperately tried to relocate them.

Thankfully, the shitty purse stood out among everything else. She managed to catch a look of it as the two of them… disappeared into a nearby alley? With an unsettling feeling taking over, Emily pushed her way through the people in front of her and after about a minute, managed to get into the alley.


She scanned the area for the two of them, but did not find them. Instead, all that remained was, ironically, the purse that had an effect on Emily similar to the purifying artifact’s effect on that man from earlier. She really did not want to look at it. But since this was all she had to go by, she did anyways.

There was a bit of blood on it.

That, naturally, gave rise to alarm. Ensuring that nobody was looking inside, she immediately transformed. This man had to be somewhere nearby, there was no way he simply vanished! Since she did not see him come back out of the alley, he must have continued forwards. The alleyway did not simply reach a dead end, but actually led out to the front of the club those two had spoke about going to earlier. So she quickly scanned the area for the man, but failed to find him.

She did, however, find the woman. She was entering the club.

Confused, but curious, Emily followed the girl into the place, and was assaulted by obnoxious music and more bodies squished together than she could count. Nevertheless, she ignored the sour crowd and searched for the girl, managing to find her dancing after a few minutes.

At first, Lucifer merely observed, hoping to spot the man after some time, but when it became clear that he wasn’t going to come back, she approached the young woman. Before she could get a word in, the woman spotted her and… ran right at her!

Stopping just in front of her and grabbing the magical girl’s hands, she grinned.

“Hey hey! Aren’t you, like, a cutie! And so bold, too!” she was basically hopping up and down in excitement. “Hey, are you free? You wanna hang out? I’m, like, sooooooooo bored ‘cus nobody wants to play with me! You’re not with anybody else, right?”

Against the forces of evil, Lucifer came off as arrogant and condescending. But against someone who was this pushy, and wasn’t a monster… well, she wasn’t AS confident. “U-uh, yeah, that’s right. I didn’t come here with anyone else.” she admitted.

“That’s hella awesome. I’m, like, all alone too and it would be totes great if you could be my besty for the night!” the girl squeezed Lucifer’s hands tighter and beamed a smile. “Dancin’s much more fun with a besty!”

“Oh, well, I suppose I co---”

“Awesomeness!” she cut Emily off. “We’re gonna have, like, sooooo much fun, just you wait~!”

It bugged her that the man had simply disappeared, but if nothing truly bad happened to this girl, then it was likely that he wasn’t really a monster or anything. That would’ve been the perfect time to strike, after all. Lucifer wasn’t going to be rude to some random girl, so she might as well oblige with this woman’s requests, if only for a little bit. It might be nice to vent some of the frustration that built up over a pointless tail.

Some time had passed and the girls had danced a bit. Emily was soon about to call it a night when she accidentally stepped on the woman’s foot. She looked down to confirm that was what she had done and noticed the girls rather… large feet.

The other girl noticed Emily staring and merely laughed the event off. “It’s, like, no biggy. Cuties like us, like, don’t need to look so mopey. That puppy-dog face isn’t your appeal. Like, I think you’d rock the bitch look better!”

Lucifer raised her eyes back to the woman with, well, a rather bitchy expression on her face.

“See! That’s what I’m saying! Uh, unless you’re, like, taking offense. I meant it in a good way, I swears.”

The two danced for a little longer, Emily’s mood not improving in the last, however, before they eventually decided to call it quits. “Hey, like, you’re not tired, right?” the girl asked.

“I’m pretty fired up, actually.”

“Really? You don’t like, look like it, but I mean if you wanna keep this party going, then hells yeah! More clubs, more fun! But, like, you mind if we take a short detour? I’m, like, such a clutz and forgot I dropped something nearby until now!” she laughed.

Lucifer nodded her head and motioned for the woman to lead the way. She did so, heading towards the same alleyway Lucifer had seen her and that dude from before entering earlier. Upon seeing her rhinestone-infested purse, the girl squeed and beelined for it and bent down to pick it up.

“So, like, after this,” she began to stand up. “I know a cool pla---”

The girl’s question was cut short as she turned back to Emily. The cause was Lucifer’s hand, which now covered her face. The girl’s startled expression twisted into that of terror as Lucifer spat fire her next words out.

“Let the flames of purgatory be your guide to the afterlife.” the magical girl’s palm seemed to start glowing. The girl desperately tried to break free of the grasp, but could not do so in time. “Begone, wench!” in the next instant, turquoise flames slithered along Lucifer’s arm until they reached the girl’s head, leaving nothing remaining.

The body fell to the floor.

”Dalton forgot this was supposed to be a collab.”

— Tetrad

”That’s hot.” It appeared that Emily had been witnessed. When she turned around to look at the individual, she recognized her as one of the serving girls at the party. She was holding a saucer with a single martini in one hand and a few playing cards in the other. The bright colors on their faces made them look like uno playing cards, but the back had an insignia that wasn’t standard to Mattel’s best selling card game. ”You guys looked like you were having a lot of fun. I’m almost surprised it turned out this way.” the serving girl dropped the tray and, while it was falling, snatched the martini glass out of the air. ”Then I remembered you were Lucifer. And really, isn’t sending people to hell just what the Devil would do?” Every word was delivered from a pair of smiling lips.

Lucifer narrowed her eyes at the witness and ignored the odd feeling of deja vu she got. “...You know me?” she questioned. To her, that was a red flag. Few people knew her unless they’d learned of her from Jonald, and that always brought with it complications. Needless to say, she was cautious.

The saucer landed with a loud clang, but Tetrad kept her eyes trained on Emily. ”I wouldn’t say I know you. I mean, this is the first time we’ve met right?” She held the glass up to her mouth.

“Don’t nitpick at my wording and talk.” Emily snapped, clearly agitated.

”Sure sure, I heard a few things. You sounded like a pretty interesting character, and if that smoldering body is anything to go by, you don’t disappoint.” She threw back her head and downed her drink. ”Mmmm, damn we have a good mixer tonight.” She slid the empty glass into one of the pouches on the side of her outfit before retrieving a handkerchief to wipe her mouth with. ”Anyway, I’m kind of trying to enjoy the party. So I’m not sure how you wanna do this.” She put her hands together, covering one of her hands with the fan of cards. ”Let’s do the skit where you tell me why you fried her face. Then we’ll address that B-movie one liner, which is the worst thing I’ve heard in a while.”

”Ignoring your last comment…”

In her opinion, using the word "interesting" as a description for Lucifer was evidence enough that they got their information from Jonald, in one way or another. Emily did not feel like she stood out, except for maybe her costume, and there were worse girls than her in that regard. "I’d recommend you not listen to baseless rumors and go have some actual fun back at the club" the satanic girl suggested, her gaze drifting to the body of the now-deceased girl. There was a hiss as it began to slowly melt, a black tar-like substance escaping from what had at one point been the girl's head. "But wouldn't you do the same if you found out the girl you were dancing with turned out to be a ghoul?"

”Hmmm.” She lifted a hand up to her chin in thought. The sarcastic smile she was wearing had vanished in an instant. Her brow was fret in thought. ”Well, I can’t just take your word for it, can I? A rumor is just an unconfirmed story after all. How did you come to such a conclusion? What was your process?”

Lucifer seemed somewhat irked by the question. “If you’re gonna try to tell me you’ve seen a human melt like that when they’ve died before, I’m gonna have to take you to a hospital.” she said dryly “But if you must know, well then…” she turned her gaze away from Tetrad, as though embarrassed. “...it’s because she had big feet.”

”Hmmmm.” She continued to hold her chin. ” It’s evident you made the right call. I was just curious how you got there. You might have intended to kill a normal human and got lucky with a monster. But I don’t think that was the case.” She closed her fan of cards and slid them into one of the pockets on her pouch. ”I’m Tetrad, by the way.” She extended her hand to shake, and her smile slowly returned. ”Did you want to stick around? The DJ is getting set up right now.”

"Well," Emily looked down at the girl's feet and, satisfied that they weren’t enlarged, finally accepted Tetrad’s handshake with a firm grasp. "I suppose a little release isn't too bad." she agreed with a brighter expression. It wasn’t yet a smile, but it was nowhere near as hostile as it had been earlier. Lucifer probably decided this girl wasn’t a threat. She was still upset she hadn’t been able to save the girl from being eaten, but at least she managed to make there would be no other victims. Emily hoped the girl could rest easy knowing that much.

”Boom!” Tetrad started to laugh. Emily wasn’t sure why, but she could feel something between her hand and Tetrad’s palm. Once Tetrad released Emily’s hand, she pulled the card that she was hiding in her palm out of her hand and slid it in with the others.

The fire girl nearly jumped, having been startled by Tetrad's outburst. Tetrad might’ve even noticed a silhouette of Lucifer made of flames quickly appear and die out just as fast behind her, as though the soul had been spooked out of her. She held a hand to her chest as she regained a steady breath. Once she had done so, her face betrayed her ire. "Could you not just do that suddenly?!”

”Sorry, just lighting up the mood.” She kicked up the saucer and caught it. ”Anyway, your Puchuu seriously sucks. I’d consider finding employment elsewhere if I was you.” She walked out of the ally with Emily. ”And I hate talking business on my leisure time, but if you need any help uncovering monsters, that’s something I’m pretty good at.” She pulled a tablet device out of one of her pouches (how many of those did she have????) and looked at the screen. ”My shift ends in about five minutes. Try not to hook up with any more ghouls before then.”

Emily tried her best not to show that she was impressed with the saucer stunt, instead attempting to focus on the conversation at hand. "That isn't a bad idea, I just wasn't afforded such an opportunity until only recently." she sighed. "That, and if he's busy talking behind my back, he probably doesn't have enough time to do it to someone else." she gave an odd excuse. But it was true she didn't want anybody else to have to deal with this horrid Puchuu. "I know you just said you don't like talking about business, but if you could elaborate on how you might be able to help with that sort of stuff, I'd appreciate hearing about it. That's the part I struggle with." she shrugged. "But that can wait until you're done."

”They know I’m checking up on you and ghouly there. No biggie.” Tetrad tapped the side of her head ”Let’s just say I have a crystal ball that isn’t really a crystal ball. I can usually tell what something is doing at the moment, and I can tell what someone’s been doing if I have enough information.” She gestured with the saucer. ”Just some divining magic.”

Lucifer found herself glancing yet again at the ghoul when Tetrad mentioned seeing into the past. She wondered how that worked, as she had never really looked too hard into that sort of thing before. "So you could see things that'd already happened? What sort of information would you need to do that?" she wound up asking.

”As much as you can.” Tetrad glanced back at the ghoul. ”Name or visual of the target, both if possible. Beyond that I’d like to know where they were, what time it was, the more specific the better. Unless they were protected by a spell, I shouldn’t have any problems.”

"I almost regret melting the ghoul's face after hearing that.” she said in a way that was difficult to discern whether or not she was being serious. "This guy--- err, well… ‘gal’ now, had briefly lost me as they visited the graveyard. Not sure if it matters now, but it has been bugging me." she confessed. "Can't really give you a name or a face, but I can tell you exactly what this ghoul was doing today.” she paused, and then looked up to Tetrad. ”If you don’t mind my asking, that is.”

”I guess I could use a break. Not like boss man’s going to miss me.” Tetrad leaned the saucer against the wall. ”The idea is to get familiar with the target. Ya know, get intimate with them. Time and space is a big thing, and I need to know as much as I can to zero in on what I want.” Tetrad walked over to the ghoul’s decapitated body. ”Name and physical appearance works most times, but having the target in front of me is an absolute gold mine.” She produced a knife and started to cut into the ghoul’s flesh. Under the skin of the girl it had devoured was tar and hair. ”Having the head intact would have made this a lot more appetizing, but I’ve dated uglier, um, things?” She scraped some of the ghoul’s tar-like blood onto her knife and held it up to her face. ”Then again, I think I’ve dated waaaaaay hotter too.” she licked the blade.

The thought of putting the black tar blood in her mouth and swirling it around like she was savoring it was seriously an unpleasant one. Lucifer had to hold back an instinctive gag. "...Geh" she hoped Tetrad didn't have to do that sort of thing often, but remained mostly quiet as the girl continued to do her thing.

After shifting the creature’s bile around in her mouth, she spit it out. ”Alright, let’s try it.” Tetrad sheathed her knife in her boot while standing up. Then she just stood there with her arms folded. It didn’t look like she was doing anything at all.

"Umm... hell---"

”I found it!” Tetrad smiled. She put her hands on her hips.

"Hii!" Emily startled, and similarly to earlier, a flash silhouette of flames escape from her back and she had to calm herself down. Emily cleared her throat. "U-uh, carry on..." she urged afterwards, still holding her chest.

”He’s being very cautious here. I can see why you had a hard time tailing him. Man, the graveyard is still a dump.” Tetrad moved one of her hands under her chin. ”Oh. Well, that makes sense.” She turned to look at Emily.

"What?" Emily asked.

”You know how ghouls are sometimes the servants of evil spell casters? You know how necromancers are like, super crazy evil spellcasters that are genuinely considered an affront to all life? That’s what your ghoul was going to meet in the cemetery.”

"That bastard! If I had seen that, then I'd have incinterated them both on the spot!" she seemed piqued, and resisted the urge to kick the ghoul's corpse.

”Oh? And what makes you think it doesn’t go any deeper?” Tetrad folded her arms. ”The necromancer could be one of many working for a Lich. You’ll never get anywhere if you just kill everything.” she chuckled.

"I know… It’s just frustrating that I messed up at a crucial moment. But I suppose for now I should be thankful you could show me this. Now that I know it's a problem, I can at least fix it." she seemed to calm herself down. "Is there anything I can do for you in return?"

”Two things, actually.” She picked up the saucer again. ”If you do go hunting these guys, I wouldn’t mind tagging along. I’d rather remove all the ghouls from my favorite hangouts, and if I get paid to do it, even better.”

"I'd be grateful for the help, actually." she eagerly agreed.

Tetrad stopped beside Emily. ”But something a bit more immediate would be joining me on the dance floor. I wanna see how many boys we can get to chase after us. We just have to make sure they have small feet. Or maybe we shouldn’t. You know what they say about guys with big feet right?”

Lucifer looked away as soon as Tetrad mentioned boys. "Ah... uh, I don't mind dancing if that's what you want..." her face reddened. She turned back to the woman. "Um, I'm not exactly sure what 'they' say though." she replied in a tone that left no doubt that she was being serious.

The serving girl just patted Emily on the shoulder. ”Just dance with me, you’ll figure the rest out.”


”If Emily gets to start with a solo post, I get to end with one.”

— Tetrad


Tetrad never thought death would look appealing to her. The metal pipe sticking through her lung was causing her excruciating pain. Though the real pain came from the fact that Tetrad had been abandoned by her only friends. At this hour, Tetrad doubted anyone would come to the school and find her. The temptation was to just close her eyes and let death take her. It was hardly an escape, as magical girls can come back after a decade or two of being dead. But there was the possibility that resurrection was another lie the puchuu told to make their girls bold and fearless. Regardless of what happened, it was more welcoming than her current predicament.

But Tetrad couldn’t give up. She could hear tapping sounds. It could be falling rouble, it could be someone’s footsteps. But to her it was hope. She was willing to endure if it meant she wouldn't die alone. At this point, that was all she could ask for. Just someone to acknowledge her departure would give her peace. Tetrad would endure the pain until she could no longer draw breath.

And then she saw it.

It was difficult to notice, but someone was looking through the roof at her. It looked a bit like a zombie, only they had a strange growth on their head. But she wasn’t alone anymore, so she hardly cared how evil they looked.

”Trixy!” The girl bellowed like a demon. ”I found her. I don’t know what you’re going to do, but I've wasted enough time on this pursuit.” She pulled her head away from the edge. That was when a maid dove into the classroom.

”Look out below!” The girl landed a few feet away from Tetrad. The moon wasn’t the best light source, but it was easy enough to make out the maid with the toothy grin. ”Hey babe, you-” Her eyes flew all the way open. ”Oh god! Your outfit!” She pointed her hands at the pipe. ”You!” She spun on her heel and looked out of the hole. ”Remedy! Get your cute little butt down here! She’s in critical condition.”

”T-th-” Tetrad wanted so badly to speak, but she couldn’t. She was unable to do anything but cry. If only she could smile, but there was too much pain.

”Hey! Easy, easy!” The maid fell onto her knees beside Tetrad. ”No need to talk, just listen to me. Stay awake.” She folded her hands in her lap. ”Remedy’s going to be here any second. So we just need to keep you awake. Um, blink once for yes, twice for no. You understand right?” Tetrad blinked twice, which caused the maid to chuckle. ”Good, your sense of humor’s intact.” The maid placed a hand on her chest. ”I’m Trixy. I work with Crimson Cradle. Who do you work for? I’m thinking a Puchuu?” Tetrad blinked once. ”Yea, heh, They make a lot of magical girls.” Tetrad didn’t know how to feel about Trixy’s response, but she was just thankful she was here.

”Here I come.” The next girl looked like a combat medic from Switzerland. That had to be Remedy. ”Alright ma’am, we’re going to get you patched up.” Remedy extended her hands over Tetrad’s body, and the pain started to dull around her injury. ”If we had a reinforcement specialist, this would be a lot easier, but you’ll have to deal with my water magic for now.” She gestured towards Trixy, and the maid took a piece of wood and stuck it inside Tetrad’s mouth. A standard procedure if you wanted to make sure your patient wasn't going to bite off their tongue. ”Trixy is going to pick you up off that spike. It’s going to hurt, but it’s going to make you better, okay?” Tetrad blinked once.

”Here we go.” Trixy slid her arms under Tetrad’s back. ”Heave, ho!”

”Eeerph!” Tetrad could feel the cold steel slide along her innards before it was finally pulled out of her back. The pain spread to her entire body, even down to her legs where she had lost sensation after falling through the roof. It felt horrible and wonderful, She was in pain, but she was alive.

”She’s stable.” Remedy still had her hands stretched over Tetrad’s body. ”I wouldn’t recommend any sudden movements until I’m done, but you’re going to live.”

Tetrad still had a hole going through her, but she could breathe with both lungs now. She spit the piece of desk out of her mouth once the pain subsided. ”I’m not sure why you helped me, but thank you.” She still felt weak, but that was probably because she wasn’t fully healed yet. ”I thought I was done for.”

”Heh!” Trixy smiled. ”What do you mean you’re not sure ‘why we helped you’? If I see a cute babe in the clutches of some monster, you know I’m going to kick it’s butt, find the babe, and take her on a nice date.” Trixy pushed her fingers together. ”Once she’s rested up and has had a nice hot bath of course!”

Remedy rolled her eyes. ”Feel free to ignore her when she gets like that. But it’s like Trixy said, being heroic just feels good. It didn’t conflict with any objectives, and you were right there for us to help.”

”My squad mates.” Tetrad closed her eyes. ”They just left me here. I could hear them outside, and they didn’t even bother to check out the school. What kind of world is it where strangers have to help you because your friends don’t?”

”About that.” Trixy scratched the back of her head. She was no longer smiling. ”Puchuu are kind of pragmatic. And by pragmatic, I mean that their girls don’t really amount to much in the end. They treat them like an old pair of gloves. Once they wear out, you just get new ones.”

”They can make as many as they need, so if one dies, they're easily replaced.” Remedy lowered her head. ”Your team mates must have shown up to fight after you, right? Your puchuu probably didn’t tell them that you were present. He was probably waiting for you to die before sending in reinforcements. If you haven’t been performing very well, it's an indiscreet way of removing you from his employ.”

Tetrad groaned. ”That makes too much sense.” It was true she was a bit inconsistent the way her magic worked. Her Puchuu had said as much, but never let on it would have her die fighting a monster she couldn’t possibly take on. ”So, Cradle was it? You guys like working for it? Them?”

“Her.” Veronica stepped out from the shadows. “Why? Are you interested in joining?”

Emily raised an eyebrow, stunned. “I can’t believe this story you’re telling me, it’s macabre!”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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It was a quiet night.

Overhead, the stars twinkled amidst the vast blackness that separated them all, while closer, yet still impossibly far away, the moon bloomed in all its imitated splendor. Up on the water tower of a roof, the Knight of Rose sat, a variety of tools and bottles beside her as she polished her sword. Part of her was relieved that there were no monster attacks on this particular night, but another part cautioned that it simply meant she wasn’t searching hard enough. Penrose was filled with them, after all: monsters, dark magical girls, monster girls, Horrors, and a whole assortment of others. If they weren’t making noise now, it simply meant they were preparing in the shadows.

Then again, such grim thoughts were unbecoming of her.

Gently, she ran a whetstone down the length of her Sword, the Lesser Force rasping in delight against her solar plexus. It had been a long time since she’d given it this sort of treatment, and even though it was superfluous kindness for a Patron that practically forced itself upon her...well, knowing what she knew now, it was for the better. The world would have ended otherwise. Lives would have been lost otherwise. If Fate deigned to make her the Hunter for this Hound, then she may as well try to make this partnership a happy one. Raising her Silverlight to the moon, Amaryllis smiled at her handiwork, before running an oiled cloth down the flat next, gently massaging the living metal before a scratch against the underside of her right thumbnail caused her to stop.

It was a quiet night. But it looked like she wasn’t alone.

Behind her, a hole in reality opened. A hole allowing passage directly onto the water tower Amaryllis currently sat on, on the other side of which appeared to be indoors, a dark hallway somewhere in what may have been an alternative world. That wasn’t as notable as the figure that came walking out of it. It was a tall, pale girl, an eyepatch over her right eye, a long dark dress over her body, a white stuffed bunny held between her arms, looking down at Amaryllis.

‘I am Mariette Pedersen. Amaryllis Evenings. I wish to speak with you,’ Mariette said, looking with an intense look towards Amaryllis where she sat. Behind the visitor the portal closed, leaving Mariette with a backdrop of the night sky and the stars blinking away in the faraway distance.

Amaryllis didn’t turn. Instead, she moved to pack up her tools instead, carefully storing them in the kit, before placing it into the cavernous depths of her Backpack. Her Sword was warning her now, looping twice, thrice in shallow cuts around her neck, but the Knight of Rose didn’t need its psychic admonition; the thick, twisted scent of a Horror lingered enough that she was surprised the area around her hadn’t been corrupted and maligned yet.

“Speak. I’m listening.”

Her hand laid upon the ivy handle of her sword, but had yet to grasp it. Overhead, rusted petals bloomed, casting shadows under the moonlight.

Mariette nodded slightly, noting the preparation of possible conflict in Amaryllis. Though, that was not the kind of meeting Mariette was here for.

‘You have recently been given the chance to make a wish with the Djinn Sisters, have you not?’ Mariette asked, looking out towards the city. ‘And you chose to selflessly use it to protect the people of Penrose from magical interference. A noble cause, I would suppose. There is no end to the amount of spirits that do not actually seek the death and destruction of humans, regardless of what the news in this city would hint at. Humans are of far less use when they’re dead, after all. Indeed, if it were all so easy…’

‘Amaryllis. Is the story of the Monkey’s Paw familiar to you?’ Mariette asked, looking down at her again.

“All wishes have a cost,” Amaryllis said, before a smile creased over her features. “Are you here to make me pay?”

‘No. I’m here to make you aware of the consequences of your wish,’ Mariette said, looking her over. ‘Or do you perhaps already know? Was it exactly what you wanted?’ Mariette asked, looking the girl over.

“It prevents a magical massacre from occurring in broad daylight while the perpetrator is miles away from the incident.” The knight gazed far out into the rows of streetlights, the black gaps inbetween. “But it’s not what I wanted. It’s simply something suitable for a wish.”

‘Hmpf. So it does. But it wasn’t what you truly wanted? Then that makes things ever so tragic,’ Mariette said, a mild tone of condolement in her voice. ‘A powerful spell was cast as a result of your wish. Since that evening, the common folk of Penrose have been safer than ever before, despite the murderers about. However, that spell…’ Mariette paused a bit, looking at the back of the knight’s head for how she’d react. ‘… has been channelled using you as its conduit. Meaning, should your current self die or be removed from Penrose, the spell will fail.’

There was a long pause.

Then, Amaryllis said, with a tone that couldn’t fully obscure her astonishment, “Is that all?”

‘Hm. If you’d call it that,’ Mariette stated. ‘The fact of the matter is that the consequences have yet to come. I figured it out. I had means at my hands a bit beyond the regular. However, given time, others will figure it out as well. What will happen then, well…’ Mariette said, still looking at Amaryllis. ‘You should be able to figure out what’ll happen. Perhaps, however, that suits you just fine? The prey converging on the hunter…’ Mariette suggested, watching for her reactions.

“I expected much worse, considering your lead up,” Amaryllis replied, turning to face Mariette for the first time, “Along the lines of ‘humans in Penrose are unable to make babies anymore due to pregnancy actually being a magical gift from a Deity’ or other such hogwash. For the cost to only be for me to be chained to this place…”

The Knight of Rose stood up, flourishing her sword against the light of the heavens.

“...well, I certainly wouldn’t mind staying here until this unnatural convergence of the magical and malignant cease. Though I must ask, Sage of the Shadowed Gate, what about ventures to Penrose’s Overcity? And if I were to be forcibly removed from the boundaries of Penrose, will the spell rebuild itself once I return?”

Mariette inspected Amaryllis as she stood, seeing her relief. ‘… The spell wouldn’t be so weak that it’d fall instantly. Temporary absences that you return from will probably be fine. The details of the spell in question are vague to me as well, but there is no doubt it’s linked to you.’ That is to say, the Djinn Sisters only told Mariette about the link to Amaryllis, she didn’t actually hear about the details Amaryllis was asking for. ‘I’d expect it to rebuild itself should you reappear, albeit I can offer no guarantee.’

“Then that’s good enough for me,” Amaryllis replied, a trace of reckless valor streaking across her eyes. “All I’ll need to do is to know not defeat, nor be converted from valiant knight to distressed maiden. Now then, can I inquire as to why you so willingly divulged such information? Seeing how it’d be to your advantage otherwise.”

‘…’ Mariette was a bit quiet as she was asked those questions, maintaining a neutral expression. ‘You believe you will triumph, then?’ She completely ignored the questions. ‘Will you amass your allies in preparation for what may come for you, or do you believe you yourself will be enough to hold them back? … Will you fight to the death the day someone stronger than you is perturbed by your magic barrier?’ So she asked.

Amaryllis flicked a strand of hair out of her eyes, her smile opening to reveal her canines. “You’re taking quite the detour here, Mariette, if you want to be friends with me.”

Mariette squeezed her stuffed bunny a little harder. ‘Hmpf. I have an image I’d like to maintain. In any case. It would seem that knowledge of your predicament has not caused you to despair at the unfairness of the world and seek out the Djinn Sisters to demand a refund, instead you seem even more determined to face what the world has in store for you. Very well. Then yes, I would ask that we could keep a measure of contact that could prove mutually beneficial. You are going to need help, after all,’ Mariette declared.

“Well aren’t you a cute one,” Amaryllis remarked, chuckling lightly. Then, casually yet suddenly, she leaned in, all traces of amusement gone. “But this is what I’d like to know. Why would a Horror need help from me?”

Mariette leaned back in the slightest, the proximity a bit unnerving when Amaryllis leaned in like that. Still, she maintained herself. ‘… Because people get so riled up when they figure out you’re the champion of a Horror. It really restricts your movements. We can watch days upon end, but as soon as we get involved, someone’s going to want to stop us. It would be beneficial to have someone untied by this… stigma,’ Mariette said. Still unnerved.

Amaryllis remained there for a moment longer, before stepping back once more, letting out a sigh. “You know there’s good reason for this, right? A Horror’s just a Horror, after all.” Another pause, and the Knight of Rose raised a finger. “But everyone’s entitled to one chance. Try not to reveal yourselves as the ultimate world-ending evil somewhere in the near future, ok?”

On account of Mariette being way in range of a fast sword-swipe, this was a mildly intimidating situation, just in case it went south. As such, it was a bit of a relief when Amaryllis said the part of having one chance. Mariette did have counter-measures in place, just in case, of course, but still. ‘That would be undesirable for the both of us. Trust me on that. … Thank you,’ Mariette said, squeezing her bunny a bit more while slipping in some honest gratitude in her tone.

“Well then, let’s make it official.”

With a swing of her hand, Amaryllis stuck her sword into the ground and raised one hand, snapping it. Overhead, the rusted roses scattered, red petals tumbling like soft rain, dissolving upon landing the ground. One breath, and she spoke. “I am Amaryllis Evening, Knight of the Rose, Bearer of the Silverlight and Slayer of the World’s Evils. Though you may not be the guiding hand of my blade, and I may not be the guiding prayer of your magic, may we strive towards the same goal when our paths align, and may we offer each a single instance of leniency when our paths collide. Upon this night, let our vow be witnessed by the Forces around, the Gods above, and the Eldritch beyond. I pledge this upon my blade, upon my heart, and upon the wish bound to my soul.”

A hand outstretched, silvered anemones bloomed around.

“What say you, Mariette Pedersen?”

‘…’ Wow. This was some performance. Mariette had looked around her with just the mildest more open eye for a bit as Amaryllis spoke, watching the scattering petals, before looking to the knight once again. Mariette was… just the slightest speechless. Still. She had to speak, didn’t she?

‘… I am Mariette Pedersen, called the Reflective Witch and… Sage of the Shadowed Gate?’ That’s what Amaryllis had called her, wasn’t it? ‘… Yes. All that which you said sounds agreeable. I pledge that vow upon bunny. He’s my closest and most beloved companion, after all.’

Amaryllis’s lips quirked up at that.

With that said, while holding bunny with her left hand Mariette reached to take Amaryllis hand with her right, assuming it being how to seal the vow. They shook once, firmly, and then the Knight of Rose let go.

“So...that all, or do you want to stay and chat about your Patron?”

‘Mmm. Suppose I could stay and chat. Just for a bit.’ Obviously, she wouldn’t say anything integral, but… just for a bit.

“Excellent.” Amaryllis inspected her sword once more, the mirrored blade reflecting Mariette’s visage for just a moment, before she hooked it to her waist, a chain of ivy keeping it in place. “I’m of the sword and you’re of portals and such, but how will this whole thing work out anyways? It’s ultimately fairly...normal for people with the same goals to work together, after all.”

Mariette sat down as Amaryllis spoke, intent on just relaxing a bit. She just so happened to find the place where Amaryllis had stuck her sword straight down into the water tower earlier, that part having a silver gleam to it, now. Mariette inspected it a bit curiously. ‘I’ll contact you if I detect something worrisome for you. I’ll know before you do, probably. Possibly not if your sought it out on your own, but still. If you wish me something…’ she considered. ‘… I’ll shortly give you a magic rock with which to contact me. It may take a day or two to get ready.’ She’d need to have Taihei make it, first. Mariette was reminded of how Justine had used a gem of some kind to communicate with her. Also how that gem had exploded trying to kill her when Mariette had outlived her usefulness… Well, at least Mariette wouldn’t be detonating anything. ‘Is that fine?’ Mariette asked.

“Oh, huh, you don’t have a smartphone or anything?”

‘I do, but you’ll find phones will rarely be able to connect to me.’

“Full time job, huh,” Amaryllis remarked. “You have my condolences.”

‘It’s alright. I’m used to it. I don’t even remember having a normal life,’ Mariette told. ‘… Do you have a normal life, still?’

A Horror was a Horror, after all. “Naturally. My Backpack only gives me nutritionally satisfying meals, so I’m getting a certificate in welding or something to make ends meet. Swords don’t have pockets, after all.”

She sat down. “Suppose you won’t miss something you don’t remember though. Ever wanted to try it?”

‘Some day, perhaps. Some day. … There was actually a girl in town that asked to adopt me, so that’d be the opening for it, I suppose,’ Mariette shared, for no real reason.

“Huh, magical girls adopting other magical girls, who woulda thought,” Amaryllis remarked, wondering the legal loopholes involved with all that. Probably didn’t really matter when most of them could be considered illegal aliens after their transformations, but still. “Guess you’ll have to hope your work ends one day, hm?”

‘… No, won’t happen,’ Mariette shook her head. ‘My patron would not let things end like that. The eventual end to my contract with my patron I predict to be far more unpleasant than that, and also far along in the future.’ That said, Mariette glanced to Amaryllis. ‘Don’t get the wrong idea from that, however. I am loyal to him. I don’t wish for the end of the connection. It’s simply the matter of our discussion that having a normal life could have been nice, too,’ Mariette said.

“Mmm,” Amaryllis hummed, expression nonchalant, “Certainly wouldn’t be impossible to have both, really. Figure my connection with my Patron’s most likely the same, except instead of plotting, they just want to feast. Trying’s free, after all.”

‘Eh…’ Mariette had an expression of “I don’t really believe that’d work” when looking over at Amaryllis now. ‘… So, just in case, as someone who doesn’t even exist in the regular world right now, how would I even start, if so…?’

“None of us exist in the regular world, really. Not like we’re registered as American citizens or anything, right? But money goes a long way, and I know a couple of people make their living off forging documents,” the Knight replied, casually, “Honestly though? Figure out a way to convince your Patron that there’s benefits that outweigh the drawbacks of living in mundane society, and you’re golden.”

Wow, she sorta couldn’t believe she was actually advocating influence from a Horror. “If I can do it with a Force that literally has nothing else going for it outside of being a stabby-thing, you can probably go way further, Mariette.”

‘…’ Mariette could see numerous problems with that arrangement. One of them being that Asengav could see straight through her, so trying to convince him without telling the truth just wouldn’t work. And, that would render her immobile, if she wanted to go back to a regular life regularly, where Asengav liked flexibility. Even worse, if she was suddenly needed somewhere else while engaging in this regular life, she’d have to stop doing what she was doing, potentially giving something up… she started wondering how much time being regular would take out of her schedule.

‘How do you spend your time as a regular girl, Amaryllis?’ Mariette asked, looking at her curiously.

“Whenever I can, really,” Amaryllis shrugged. “When I don’t need to transform, I don’t, and that’s basically just regular life from there. Try to at least make it to most of my classes and do my assignments though. Hard to tell how busy your own life is, but being a magical girl at least helps me function on less sleep than I’d need otherwise.”

She squinted, doing some mental calculations. “Assuming eight hours of sleep a day, maintaining a regular life takes maybe 20 hours a week?”

‘…’ Mariette was briefly silent, once again, considering. It was very different from how Mariette was living her life. ‘Do you have regular friends, as well? Family, too, perhaps?’ Mariette went to the next question about regular life.

“Family thinks I’m dead.” Nice and swift, like tearing off a bandaid. “Regular friends are more like acquaintances, really. Not too social by nature, y’know? Well, closest one that I might have had as a friend also went missing, so…”

She smiled. “Fate conspires to separate me from normal people, but I probably won’t fold yet.”

‘Mmm,’ Mariette made a noise, and squeezed her bunny a bit more. ‘I think I’ve decided that having a normal life is going to be more of a hassle than it’s worth, as long as I’m under the command of my current patron. But, thank you for giving me the information to consider it.’ Mariette said, turning her head away a bit. ‘You go to school, it sounded like? Is that going to benefit you in the future, do you think?’ Mariette asked.

Amaryllis laughed. “Swords don’t have pockets. I want to do something like welding or whatever so I have cash to spend on food, and well, gotta get an education for that, y’know?” A pause, and then she tossed the ball back to Mariette. “But hey, ‘nough about me. How’s your life panning out? Interdimensional Home or something?”

‘… Yeah. Everything I could possibly need for survival is already being provided for. My patron at least ensures that, if nothing else,’ Mariette told, sitting in place and looking off into the night for now.

“Survival, huh,” Amaryllis echoed. “No entertainment?”

‘…’ Mariette was quiet for a second, and then squeezed her stuffed bunny. ‘He allows bunny,’ was Mariette’s simple answer.

“Glad to see he’s not totally heartless,” was the knight’s dry response. “No free time then? Always on the clock?”

‘I have some time off, if I accomplish my duties quickly enough. I sometimes walk through the streets when I do. But, I can’t do much, because I don’t need money for survival,’ Mariette replied.

Amaryllis winked. “And that’s why you need an education and a job. Still, no one to hang out with? Your Patron’s a one girl god?”

‘I have Eli. She’s my…’ … What is she, actually? Mariette took a moment to wonder. ‘… attendant? Subordinate? She’s assigned to follow my orders, and is loyal to me, at least. Eli had a sister, too, whom had the same role. Deni’s dead, though,’ Mariette said. On account of not scaring Amaryllis, she wasn’t going to tell about the rest of the girls, but… yeah.

Hm, yeah, pretty awkward to try to be friends with someone who’s obligated to follow your orders. “Guess we all have our difficulties,” Amaryllis replied, standing up once more. “Think I’ll call it a night and hop off now, Mari, unless you have anything else you want to say?”

‘… Yeah, there was something I did want to say,’ Mariette said, thinking back on something. She had never tried to share that with anyone. She wanted to do it, just as an experiment. To see how she’d feel. Amaryllis would serve as test subject. Mariette smiled a little. ‘That I don’t remember being normal was not true. However, I don’t believe I was ever truly normal. I never went to school. By what I know now… my father was a pretty bad man,’ Mariette said, glancing at Amaryllis as she said. ‘As far as I’m concerned, the horror saved me from him. In exchange, I serve him. What are your thoughts on that?’

Amaryllis raised her brows, very slightly, at the story Mariette just told. But her thoughts on the subject weren’t so complex as to give her pause, and at the end of the day… “Certainly wasn’t altruism,” she replied, “A normal social worker would have done the same, without expecting you to do what you do now. I think it’s fine if you’re championing your patron out of a sense of gratitude for what they’ve done, but I’m also certain that this is the ‘expected’ result for one’s actions.”

The Knight of Rose reached out for the full moon, as if to caress it, as if to take it.

“Mortal salvation for immortal servitude. Not uncommon, regardless of who the Patron is.”

‘Yeah. I figured as much,’ Mariette simply said as her response to that while standing up as well. ‘Thank you for your insight. I’ve enjoyed tonight’s conversation. I’ll contact you again, as promised,’ she continued, turning towards Amaryllis as she spoke.

“Mhmm,” Amaryllis nodded. “Don’t pull a Soth, and I figure our relationship will be just fine.”

And, like that, the Knight stepped off the tower, vanishing into the night.

Mariette remained on the tower for a bit of time, trying to look in the direction Amaryllis disappeared into. … So, while it was true she had enjoyed the conversation, she also tried to consider if it could be used against her. Mariette was pretty sure most she had said was in the past and wouldn’t impact the future, but perhaps someone could figure her out…? Hm. Perhaps refrain from sharing unnecessary information in the future, Mariette concluded.

A portal opened, and Mariette exited, after which the portal closed. The water tower once again now stood vacant under the night sky.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Sophia von Zeerover


Her patron couldn’t find the wind girl.

She couldn’t find the wind girl either.

At this point, the pirate felt a lingering sense of frustration, one which had driven her to...certain habits in her off time. Mainly, that of getting some cash and eating a one-girl feast at several places around the city of Penrose. This was to the point that she had already been asked by one restaurant to attempt an ‘eating challenge’ they were coming up with. Something about a ‘five course seafood feast, fried, grilled, and steamed’?

Meh, it sounded fun at least. But all of the eating had gotten rather onely. It didn’t feel ‘right’ to her, and the cute lass with the maid costume seemed to be more recently too ‘busy’ as she had put it. Something about ‘attempting to talk to the right people to not die’, but noting that she’d be back in a little bit to talk more to her. To be frank, the pirate did feel a sense of empathy with not wanting to die. She herself had been through it rather soon, just after waking up for the first bloody time.

But as much as that wind girl, that “Su” if she heard right, had tried to kill her...the desire to talk to her was oddly there as well. Wanting to understand what was going on, why she had tried to kill her, and all of that. What, or who perhaps, she potentially used to be could be hidden in those answers. Maybe. Right now she knew very little, and her patron did as well for that matter. Not that she blamed the ghost ship too much (if at all), as it did try to help her out of what it thought seemed like a potentially bad spot at the time. Perspective and all of that nonsense.

But there was one other thing she wanted to check...well, maybe after lunch.

”Ey, Giovanni! Got my usual hidin’ back ere’? And how’s the family doing?” the magical girl spoke, her pirate-y accent still in place, casually waltzing into one of Penrose’s local Italian Restaurants with a beaming smile on her face.

An olive-skinned man behind the counter, with a nearly bald head and suave mustache, seemed to perk up at the odd accent that he’d become accustomed to hearing by now. A new customer with good spending, and a seemingly inhuman appetite without weight gain. He’d quickly gotten to talk to her a little, at least about his family’s handmade and passed-down recipes. Was nice to see someone who appreciated the really traditional stuff, made him feel a bit more proud of his work.

”Ay, you back again this week already for the second time? Hahaha! Rosa is just about finished with the latest batch of Risotto al Gorgonzola, but she and the children are doing well! Just go ahead and find a seat, my friend, and she will be there soon.”

The headphones and hoodie-wearing girl could only grin back, before walking over to one of the closer empty tables and sitting down. It was a two-person table, but...well, she usually ate alone on days like this. Her patron had more than enough actual cash to frankly last her more lifetimes than she'd want to count, even if he didn’t have the “magic coins” he had later explained to her. Her patron also had other items, but those apparently were rewards ‘for later’ or something?

Classes had ended for Amaryllis, and she had nothing to do. It was a novel sensation, really, after all the monster hunts and Soth’s bullshit and make-up assignments the Knight of Rose had to put up with, but, well. It was nice. The sun was warm, the day was still ahead of her. Maybe she’ll go to the library. Curl up somewhere quiet. Read a book. Maybe polish her Sword a bit afterwards. Softly, she hummed, a slight bounce in her step as she passed by an Italian restaurant, an appetizing smell causing her to stop.

Looking through the glass, Amaryllis pondered her lunch options, before deciding to stop. Spas weren’t cheap, after all. She’ll make do with just her Backpack lunch. She turned away, and proceeded to walk off.

As the pirate girl let her eyes drift towards the windows, she found herself somewhat surprised to see a...oh! Oh!!! A very attractive girl looking inside, actually. Not the usual passerby she’d been accustomed to watching walk by on the street here, at least, while waiting for her food here. Hmm...maybe worth a talk? Grinning to herself this time, the hoodie-and-headphones wearing girl got up from her seat, giving a wave to Giovanni to “box it up for me to go”.

Then, with her fresh cooked food in a takeout container in a plastic bag and two sets of utensils included, the pirate girl quickly stepped out of the front door and began to run down the sidewalk. She’d seen the cutie at the window walk this way, she knew that much for sure, and her suspicions seemed to be confirmed as she saw that familiar blue hair swishing alongside that overdeveloped sway of the hips that the cute girl seemed to have. Internally she pulled herself back some, trying to appear more casual and relaxed as she tried to get up to the other girl’s pace.

”Ey’ there! How ya’ been? Saw ya lookin’ in the window not too long ago, an’ didn’t wanna’ leave a hungry girl in need.” the pirate girl said, attempting to initiate conversation in...some kind of manner or another. She wasn’t fully used to this, frankly speaking.

“Uh…” was Amaryllis’s response, her face scrunching up in a mixture of confusion and revulsion. This was a girl, but after what Sammy had brought up at the spa, the buxom student was becoming steadily aware of her own appearance. She could understand that this was a good look for guys to latch onto, but now...better not think about it too much. “Do I...k-know you?”

Her feet began to reposition themselves. If this was too much trouble, at least she could sprint.

Sophia visibly seemed to slightly recoil at her own words, internally cursing at herself for such a blunt approach. Dangit all, how was she supposed to approach people decently! She didn’t want to scare this person off, really, she just...wanted to talk to someone she supposed. Er, bombshell looks aside.

”Ah...sorry, ahm’ not the best at, er, introductions. Mah’ name is Sophia Zeerover, and ah’ just moved in around ere’ a bit ago.

Saw ya lookin’ into tha’ Italian place back ere’, like you were a bit hungry and needed a bite ta’ eat. I, ah...I jus’ felt like ah’ should offer you’ somethin’ then…”

The pirate began to stumble into her words, visibly trying to explain things in a better way then she had before. Sophia’s free hand came up without thinking, rustling the back of her hair a bit in a nervous manner as she pulled her headphones around her neck.

“Um...ok, that’s, uh...weird to do.” Not like there weren’t plenty of homeless people hungry or anything. Made Amaryllis feel worse about what she looked like now, but fine. “I’m Amaryllis, I guess. Welcome to...Penrose?”

”T-Thank ya’...and...s-sorry. Ahm’ still workin’ on how ta’ approach people, er, round’ ere’...an’ in general.

All ah’ know best ta’ try is sharin’ ah’ good, hot meal,”
the pirate said, unaware of the homeless population as much as she was unaware of a proper way to approach people.

“Uh...yeah…” Was that a tinge of sympathy she felt building inside her now? Amaryllis could certainly understand the discombobulation that accompanies moving to a new place with only strangers. “...I guess Italian does sound good, so...uh...sure. Just this once though. And, hm...promise me you’ll volunteer at the Soup Kitchen down by Bourbon Street and West 22nd. They’re terribly understaffed there.”

”Oh! Thank ya’!!! And, ah, I’ll look fer’ tha’ place ya’ just told meh’ about n’ see what ah’ can do.

Er...is ere’ any place you’d wanna stop n’ eat at? Ah’ve been lookin’ fer’ something like a park round ere’, but….no luck,”
Sophia said, seeming to perk back happily up at the acceptance of her offered meal...and the at least temporary company for the moment. It had been a lonely enough day as it was, and this was perhaps the highlight of it so far for the former corpse.

“Mm...there is one place…”

Waving Sophia to follow her, Amaryllis strode down the busy streets towards a newly-constructed plaza. Strange, white sculptures were placed there, as well as a small infographic talking about who designed the area and what it was supposed to represent, but really, the selling point of the place was that it was relatively far away from the roads and had a bunch of park benches around. No greenery, of course, but well.

“It’s a place to sit.”

Sophia looked around the plaza with a small sense of wonder, before the other girl’s words snapped her back into reality somewhat suddenly. The pirate gave a meek nod, before choosing one of the closer park benches and walking over to sit. The bag of fresh hot food crinkled a bit in the girl’s hand as she pulled it up into her lap, with her somewhat nervously fiddling with the handles of the plastic bag as she waited for her new eating companion to sit as well.

”So, ah…how’s ya’ day been? Er, unless that’s a bad question ah’ mean,” Sophia said, trying to drum up some kind of small talk.

“It’s been...alright?” Amaryllis struggled to put it into words without spoiling the fact that she fights world-ending monstrosities full-time. Sitting down, she leaned back, planting her hands behind her as she enjoyed the warmth of the sun for a moment. “Things were pretty, hm, crazy for a while, but, well...seems like its getting back on track? You?”

”Ah’ suppose things ar’ goin’ well enough so far...no-un’ at some graveyard tryin’ to kil-,” the magical girl began to say without thinking, before quickly shutting her mouth as she caught herself mid-sentence. A slight panic seemed to show on her face for a second, but as soon as it appeared she tried to push it back down and not blow her cover, ”Er...what ah’ meant to say is...that ah’ feel like ah’ got more n’ more questions than anythin’ else lately, ah’ s’pose.”

“Yeah, Penrose’s a weird place,” Amaryllis awkwardly chuckled, “Honestly, if you have a choice, I’d, like, maybe you should move to basically any other town. Except Detroit, I guess. Things get pretty, well, wild.”

”Heh...ah’ve known nothin’ but ‘pretty wild’ all mah’ days, so maybe ah’ll fit right in, eh?” Sophia said as she grinned back a little to the chuckling Amaryllis, though soon after a distinct note of melancholy would work its way into the pirate’s expression as she set the bag of food between them, ”But it’s all been...isolatin’ in ah’ sense ahz’ well.”

The pirate began to pull out the plastic utensils after pulling down the sides of the plastic bag, setting them on top of the styrofoam food container. The smell of the cheesy tastiness wafted up from the box, along with a bit of steam still trickling out of the sides. The pirate was no longer looking at Amaryllis, however, though she did seem to keep talking to her for a moment as she got the food ready.

”“Ah’ had no choice bein’ ere’ even, n’ no idea where ah’ should go from ere’. Most direction ah’ ere’ got here was a promptin’ ta’ speak ta’ someone covered in strange goop...who was huggin’ ah’ girl surrounded by cats ah’ve all things. Haha...”

“Uh...huh.” Was Amaryllis’s response to all this. That was a very specific image, after all. Like, extremely specific. As in, was this just her ego speaking, or was Sophia talking about the crypt, thus outing herself as a newcomer magical girl? “R-right...so, that food ready yet?”

The hoodie-wearing pirate girl stopped for a second, blinking as she came back down to earth, before letting out a small sigh and reaching over to the food. She popped open the lid, revealing a stunning sight for the eyes and palette:

A steamy container of what looked like rice, covered in a gooey, ooey, and cheesy-looking sauce sat before the two girls’ eyes. Topped with a bit of what Sophia assumed to be scallion, or just green onions cut up, but overall cooked to perfection with the handicraft and love of good home cooking. Even now, however, she couldn't properly understand why she was so drawn to the dish, even as it sat steaming in front of her.

”Sorry fer’ spacin’ out there, ah, Amaryllis,” the pirate sheepishly said, rubbing the back of her head lightly with her right hand before returning to the food in front of them. She handed one of the small, thin plastic-bound packets of cheap (also plastic) silverware to the other girl, before popping the other package open for herself, ”Giovanni’s wife makes ah’ great batch o’ this stuff, says it’s a family recipe er’ kids and a lotta’ regulars love. ‘Risotto Gorgonzola’, ey’ call it.”

“Mmm, smells good,” Amaryllis said, noncommittally. She couldn’t really tell what was supposed to smell good or not, but at least it seemed like something that was nice. Tearing open the package of utensils, she took a spoonful of the creamy rice and ate it.

Was hard to tell if this was revolutionary cooking, but it was certainly something new. She chewed a few times, nodded. “I...guess I can eat this. I-it’s good.”

”Mmm!” the pirate girl let out, after getting her own spoonful into her mouth, chewing happily as she let the flavors sink into her taste buds. Then eventually she came around to swallowing it before looking to Amaryllis once more, initially happy until the other girl’s words sunk in a bit, ”Ah...sorry. Ah’ know it isn’t fer’ ever’one, ah’ mean….maybe shoulda’ brought ah’ pizza instead…”

“N-no, it’s not, like, bad,” Amaryllis said quickly, shaking her head, “It’s just...interesting. I like trying out, uh, things I wouldn’t? eat normally, so...it’s edible and new so its good?”

”Oh! Ah’, thank ya’...” the pirate girl said, quickly trying to backpedal to avoid making the girl feel guilty any more than she’d seemingly accidentally done so far. After taking a couple more bits of the delicious rice-like dish, the girl took a moment to try to better collect herself and find a bit more of her...chill? She hoped it was some form of chill, at least, ”Tryin’ new things doesn’t hurt, ah’ s’pose. Though speakin’ ah’bout that sorta’ thing, ya’ got any hobbies?”

Amaryllis stayed silent for a bit, semi-automatically spooning herself more of the creamy risotto. Hobbies, hobbies, hobbies...between schoolwork and magical girlwork, what did she really have time for? “I...um, watch TV shows? And…” Did it even count? “I do some sorta sword fighting, too. You?”

Sophia felt something light up inside of her at the mention of ‘sword fighting’. If nothing else, ah, as a magical girl she did have a melee weapon...but not a sword. Blast it all. But it felt very pirate-y, very...fitting, even as an idea. Maybe she could find a fine blade somewhere to deck herself out with?

”Ah’ wish ah’ had a sword, ta’ do some fightin’ with. Jus’ an axe ta’ practice with, i s’pose. Would love ta’ find ah’ blade out ere’ that’d fit in mah’ hands though, haha!” the pirate magical girl admitted with a grin and a hearty laugh, leaning back a bit more on the bench’s back as she thought about the matter, before looking back once more, ”...But ah’ don’t got much in tha’ way ah’ve hobbies myself, wanna’ find some new un’s though.”
The pirate girl took another couple of bites of cheesy risotto, letting the hot food slide down her throat with a satisfied sigh afterwards.

”Hmm...ya’ said it’s ah’ weird stuff place round’ ere’. Ah’, got any stories ta’ tell bout’ it all?

Mah’ own story bout’ at’ goop girl n’ cats is odd enough, ah’ believe, ev’n took place in what ah’ think’s a graveyard wit’ a hole in tha’ sky er’ somethin’ similar.”

The pirate girl let out another laugh after speaking, not much believing a regular person to believe her tale to be more than just a strange dream. Nothing but one, anyways. But maybe this girl had heard of some other odd things going on around here. Even if just rumors, Sophia felt it’d be better to investigate them later in magical girl form if they seemed interesting enough. Could pass the time, killing monsters or finding hidden treasures or such.


Amaryllis blinked. Like ripping off a bandaid.

“You’re a magical girl.”

”...Eh?!” Sophia said, blinking in sheer surprise at the rather...blunt statement that had been handed out to her. No one had accused her of such, she’d just confirmed it as a dream before. Even Rosa and Giovanni’s kids had taken it as a crazy but entertaining dream like their parents had thought of it, unless…,”Look, lass, ah’ don’t know what ya’ thinkin’, callin’ meh’ that and takin’ mah’ silly dream like at’ an’ sayin’ such crazy thin’s!”

What was that saying Giovanni’s kids had said? “Takes one to know one”, or something? Yeah. The pirate girl felt that applied here right now.

”...But at this venture, yer’ statement could beh’ turned round’ back at ya’ too n’ turn, Amaryllis, if ya’ gonna’ say at’ much ta’ meh’.”


Sophia’s patron ‘shouted’ into her mind all of a sudden, causing her to grasp her head in surprised recoil. The message, however, felt like something to the end of ‘of course you dummy, she’d accuse you of that because she was actually there’. Rude.

“I mean, yeah, I, sorta like, I mean, basically I’m fine with that? You’re a magical girl, ok. Soth is a thing you encountered.” Amaryllis nodded, fully convinced now. “So you’re with Beacon or something? Transferred? Or what. Heck of a thing to stumble on for your first day, really.”


’Argh, not now ya lectrurin’ mother! I get tha’ point, ah’ll stop tellin’ tha’ bloody story fer’ now on!’

Sometimes that ghost ship was so lecturing...but at least it bloody well cared bout’ er’. She appreciated that quite a lot. But if this other girl wasn’t being hostile, then at least it was good, right? Maybe?...Maybe. She could work with ‘maybe’, or else fight her way out of things again like last time.

”Ah...dammit all, patron’s givin’ me tha’ lecture. I suppose ya’ get tha’ same once in a while, or somethin’?” Sophia admitted finally, rubbing her temple as she looked back to Amaryllis with a mixed look of exasperation (mostly aimed at her own patron), and some...actual relief of all things, ”And ah’ suppose tha’ fact ya’ not trying ta’ kill meh is a good sign, at least.

Ah’ actually woke up under ah’ sheet fer’ tha’ first time in tha’ middle of it all. Had a maid-y lass next ta’ meh, chain-y arm latchin’ isself’ ta’ meh, a ghostly ship takin’ in mah head about a ‘Soth’, an people askin’ meh’ questions. Then ah’ get a proddin from that blasted arm ta’ talk to some lass coated in goo, who was huggin’ ah’ lass with cats around er’.

Ah’ go ta’ talk to em’, then some wind-usin lass rips me away n’ tried ta’ murder meh in cold blood. Then only fer’ er’ ta’ disappear before ah’ can ask a question at all, and tha’ other lass was gone by tha’ time ah’ got back too.

It twas’ more than ah’ hell of ah’ thing ta’ stumble on, it was tha’ most blasted day ah’ve seen. And it was tha’ day ah’ was apparently ‘born’ too, of all thin’s.

So who were yeh’ at that blasted scene?”

“The lass coated in goo,” Amaryllis replied drily, taking another bite of the risotto. Would have been nice if there was something to wash it down with, in retrospect. “Coincidences, huh.”

”...Well, this is ah’n awkward meetin’ then. Ah, ya pulled off tha’ goo look well, er…honestly, though, ah’ feel glad ta’ have finally met ya’, Amaryllis,” the pirate said, attempting to salvage her words...but in the end merely gave up and just admitted what else she could. She was glad to have finally met someone from that blasted day, one of the two people she’d wanted to find again and try to talk with, ”Er, ask me anything ya’ want, ah’ mean, if ah’ can answer. Ah’ll also get ya a drink n’ dessert afta’ this, mah’ treat fer...not bein’ very good with describing ya. And fer making this awkward...”

“I’m sure I did,” Amaryllis laughed. “Had people bothering me on the streets even when I looked like I took a dive in the sewers.”

She chewed on the plastic spoon, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees, as her countenance slowly shifted back to normal. “Um, there’s no need to be so...generous though. Sorta feels like, gosh, no offense, but like you’re buying me off? Something like that...anyways, would largely be nice just to know, like, where you stand on the magical morality scale of things? Penrose sorta has a whole range of em n all…”

”Well, ah’ just wanted ta’ try ta’ make things up to ya’, since ya’ been kind enough ta’ listen to mah’ big mouth jabber on, haha!” the pirate girl said, letting out a small laugh afterwards, before shifting back into a normal sitting position grabbing another spoonful of risotto, ”Frankly, ah’ don’t ave’ any clue what’s goin’ on. Ah’ dont ave’ no interest in killin’ innocent people, er’ stamping tha’ place up like whatever appened’ back ere’ when ah’ woke up.

Ah’ aven’t even ad’ anyone ta’ really talk to bout’ any ah’ this anyway, not since...wakin’ up back ere’, really. Maid lass said she was busy ‘tryin not ta die’ fer tha moment, and ah’ve been alone since jus’ eatin’ at places n’ tryin’ ta’ figure out what in the blazes is goin’ on round’ ere’. And, frankly, what ah’ am...well, what ah’ used ta’ be, er somethin’.”

“Oh, uh, it’s not really that big of a problem if you talk a lot...otherwise, we’d just not be talking, so...y’know.” Amaryllis shrugged. “But, like I sorta implied earlier, Penrose is basically...super crazy? Would be nice if you helped stop the craziness from now on. And did volunteering, I guess...you don’t have any documentation, right? No, uh, ID or anything like that?”

”Nah’, ah’ don’t ave’ anythin’ like at’. But helpin’ keep thin’s less crazy round’ ere’ would be ah’ pleasure, soh’ ah’ll take up yer’ offer on that,” the pirate girl said, after taking a minute of silence to think about the matter, piping up in a very casual tone of voice, ”But in return, ah’d like ta’ talk to ya’ bout’ what’s been goin’ on round’ ere’, get caught up n’ all of at’. And ey’, maybe talk sum’ more with ya’ if ya’ willin’ tae’ do at’.

Cause ah’ find mah’self likin’ tha’ cut of ya jib, Amaryllis!”

It was really rather nice to find another magical girl, preferably one who got to a point but wasn’t trying to impale Sophia herself with it. That particular individual, however, she still wanted to find and talk to. Even if she had to tie her down and slap her silly to get her to calm down first. But feeling satisfied with the topic at hand, the pirate girl stuck a hand out to Amaryllis with a wide grin on her face once more.

Amaryllis extended her hand as well, not too certain about it all. Her grip was rather flimsy in the end, and by the time it was over, she nodded slowly. “Uh, sure, well, to start from as far back as I remember…”

She coughed once, cleared her throat, and closed her eyes.

“The first major event began on a weekday morning…”

Retrospectively, she shoulda got a bottle of water after all.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MadManMoon
Avatar of MadManMoon

MadManMoon Where Stories All Ring True

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A collaboration with @Crusader Lord, set approximately one week before the Graveyard Smash

...she kept walking.

Here, in this grand parade of lifeless packaging, thousands of life-size husks hung limply within plastic bags. The quality of their creation was uncanny, as if at any moment one of these dream dolls would open their eyes and stare at her.

There was something about one of these lifeless husks that caught her attention, something she couldn't quite place. She didn't recognize this girl's figure, or her hair, or her face... and yet, she couldn't take her eyes off of this doll.

Perhaps it was the large number nine stamped on its forehead.

She walked closer to it, reaching out with her hand, and...


Joanna Fujo woke to the sound of a chirping text in her inbox.

Joanna reached into the drawer of her nightstand and took out a book with a plain brown cover. She flipped past her signature on the inside and several filled pages before she came to a blank one.

Another of those dreams... Joanna thought, taking a pencil from the table. What on earth could it have meant? And who was that girl I saw? She took a few minutes to transcribe what she'd dreamed about, while it was all still fresh in her thoughts.

Maybe I'll ask Speedwagon if she's seen someone like that before, she thought, as she finished writing down everything she could remember from her dream.

With that out of the way, she looked on top of her nightstand for her phone. It only took a few seconds to get into it and read the text waiting for her.

Look alive Miss Jo-star. We're meeting Nina and Alice again today.

Right. They were still looking for Father Grundelson's murderer, the one who'd laid waste to that street without batting an eye.

Joanna went to replace her dream journal in her nightstand, but paused. She opened her phone's camera app and took pictures of the pages she'd just written, before actually putting the journal back. It'd be a lot safer that way instead of bringing it along, especially since she used Fire magic all the time.

With that part of her morning routine done, she got up from her bed and started in on the rest of it...

Nina Kujo and Alice Honorsby


"Nina, get up already or we are going to be late to the meeting!"

Alice's voice run through the small apartment as clearly as it did...well, not every morning. It wasn't so normal for Nina to sleep in like this, body weary from the prior adventures and such that had gone on. What was more startling, at least for Nina herself, was what had occured the previous night in her dreams.

Vision...of death. The feeling like one's insides were stuck in a microwave, watching the person next to her die with a gaping hole in the chest, someone's last visions being of a specter flying into their face before it all went....black...etc. It was like watching a series of horror movie perspective over and over and over again. Like a bad movie, but she'd felt every single death, every sensation, every bit of pain.

Even at this moment, the pale-skinned and pale-haired girl was lying in her bed, eyes barely open and her body reeling from the flashbacks from lives she'd never lived. Every bone and muscle seemed to ache like someone had taken a brick to it, but she also couldn't deny the cold sweat still clinging to her back at the time.

She knew where those people had been. At first it had been familiar, vaguely, with the other sensations being overhwleming. And while the sensations never ceased to be so, nor the second-hand emotions for that matter, eventtually the appearance of the area became clearer and clearer. That place....that damned place...the place where she'd first seen Joanna and Speedwagon with that body.

The street where it had all happened.

"Yare yare...Alice, help me out of bed," Nina said, eeking out the words weakly, her mouth dry as she looked to the doorway, just in time to see Alice walking in.

Their gaze met for just a moment of awkward silence and hesitation...before Alice continued.

"....Ugh, lemme help you up, you lazy bum. Then i'll shove some breakfast into ya and we can get going! I even have some leftovers i can heat up, i think...," Alice said, rolling her eyes and walking over to drag Nina out from on top of the bed sheets she was lying on.

No, she knew better than to argue with Nina on this. Stubborn idiot would...well, she'd go to this meeting without a doubt. That was the kind of person she is. But if she commented on it...the punch-happy girl would get agitated and complain about it all to no end until Alice stopped. She'd heard a bit the last night, however...wanted to think it was her imagination, Nina talking in her sleep like she was possessed or something.

But they'd make it. No doubt about it...


Minutes later, but not many...


The girl in question looked over at her friend, who was sitting across from her at their table outside the Pit-Stop. "Hm? What's on your mind, Joanna?"

"I was wondering if you could take a look at something for me."

Speedwagon smiled warmly. "Sure, I'd be glad to help."

"I've been keeping a dream journal since I was little, but ever since I've become a magical girl they've gotten progressively stranger. I'm seeing things in them that I'm grappling to understand..."

Speedwagon nodded and closed her eyes. "Lots of dreams are strange, Miss Jo-star. They have their own set of rules that don't always make sense to the waking mind, but they're always rooted in something in it." She opened her eyes. "It's not always obvious how at first, and sometimes the memories they draw from can only be remembered while you're asleep."

"Only while I'm asleep?" Joanna repeated.

"Memories don't just get stored in one place like books on a shelf," Speedwagon explained. "Sometimes they're never far from your thoughts, some are buried away deep within your mind and the experience is acted upon instinctually. Dreams pull their material from everything in you, trying to make as many connections between the material they got so it's harder to lose them completely."

"In that case..." Joanna pulled out a high-end smartphone from her pocket. "This is the dream I had last night, as much as I could remember of it while I woke up."

Speedwagon swiped around a few times to see how much she'd transcribed. "A few pages' worth? Looks like you got quite a bit of it down."

While Speedwagon started reading over the photographed pages, Joanna opened her backpack and pulled out a sketchpad. She flipped through the pages until she reached one in particular, showing four figures lifelessly hanging together like so many marionettes before the show. "I also drew a few of the faces I'd seen in the dream, the ones that I didn't remember seeing before. I also took pictures of them with my phone, but sometimes the photos don't capture everything."

Speedwagon nodded, a bit more grimly this time. They had a few minutes before Nina and Alice were expected to arrive, when she would have to finally face the evidence that Tattoo had left for them.

Sure enough, the expected duo of Nina and Alice could eventually be seen making their way towards the Overdrive Duo's table outside the Pit-Stop. Albeit, out of costume...but somewhat worringly as well Nina was being supported by Alice as she walked. The stoic girl's face wore the same look as it seemed to ever do most of the time, but her eyes seemed to speak to a level of tiredness beyond the scope of the normal. Like someone had beaten her to hell and back with a brick, but without any markings on her body to even indicate such a thing. Though Alice was acting seemingly as normal as usual as well, as if helping Nina like this wasn't a worrisome thing.

"Sorry we're a bit late! But...i think sleepyhead here might have had a rough night," Alice said, tonelaced with the slightest hint of worry at the end. This even as she set Nina down at the table, the pale-skinned girl moving into a proper sitting position by herself as Alice sat down next to her.

"Yare yare...," Nina muttered under her breath, semingly not happy Alice was bringing the lattermost thing up...at least in part, but she soon looked over to Joanna and Speedwagon and let out a sigh.

Joanna returned Nina's gaze. Something in her core kept resonating with this girl, clear and pure as the sound of a tuning fork after it's been struck. And now, in this moment, Joanna Fujo realized one of the ways that fate had tied them together.

She recognized that exact look in Nina Kujo's eyes. She'd seen it in the mirror several times, after having dreams she wouldn't dare exposing Speedwagon to... at least, not yet. Certainly not when they had enough weighing on their minds as it was. Joanna's expression had shifted into one of quiet understanding and compassion. "You had terrible dreams too. Memories and thoughts you don't want to remember, but ones you can't just get rid of either."

"And here we were in the middle of discussing Joanna's," Speedwagon said. "Bizarre circumstances to find ourselves in this morning." She held up her hand, and it briefly crackled with energy. "If you'd like, I can give you enough Reinforcement magic to feel properly refreshed, like you were putting on a new pair of underwear on New Year's Day."

"Ugh...so bothersome," Nina muttered under her breath, frustrated at all the sudden attention before beginning to speak again,

"I'm fine, it isn't the first time this has happened. But it isn't like i dreamt of stuff i didn't want to remember.

...Try instead reliving the last few minutes of all the people who died from that attack from evil spirits. And feeling every sensation and emotion. All night long. Yare yare, becoming that useless gooddess' magical girl makes me a magnet for this stuff..."

Alice virtually rolled her eyes at her partner's stubbornness, before motioning to Speedwagon.

"Just do it to her anyways, she'll refuse unless you force it anyways. She couldn't stop you if she wanted to, much less even stop a small puppy at this point." Nina's compatriot said, some minor irritation in her voice as she regarded Nina's stubborn actions with some disdain, though the casual manner of her delivery spoke to her experience in this area when it came to Nina personally.

'It isn't like I dreamt of stuff I didn't want to remember?' Joanna pondered. Did she think I was referring to her own memories when I said that? Or did she mean that she'd rather keep ahold of those foreign memories, no matter the pain it puts her through?

My own dreams have been intense, both in their feelings and their implications... but to personally experience death so many times over the course of a single night? To have done so several times before, and yet hold on so strongly to her will?

While Joanna was lost in thought, Speedwagon didn't waste time voicing hers. "Damn. No wonder you look so terrible." Before Nina could protest, Speedwagon'd already placed her hands over Nina's. "I'd suggest for you to hold still while I do this," she said, golden magic already crackling between them.

The power of Speedwagon's spell poured out from her hands, rippling through Nina's body in alternating waves - electrifying, soothing, invigorating, relaxing, and then going through the lot once more. But rather than dissipating as soon as each wave started its way through her system, the sensations had come together in an unexpected sort of harmony, like an orchestra slowly joining together. The power sang through her body, coursing through her muscles and bones like water rushing to fill a canyon. The sensations reached a crescendo before they started gently fading, and it left Nina feeling she could even lift this rock exponentially better rested than before.

"Maybe it's Miss Jo-star rubbing off on me here, but I call that my Morning Rescue Overdrive."

"Ah....i suppose that works rather nicely. Thanks," the stubborn magical girl said, giving a minor sigh of defeat despite keeping up her usual mask, stretching her arms and body briefly after the 'Morning Rescue Overdrive' had done its work. As much as she didn't want to show it, however, it was obvious she was feeling much better physically.

"There ya go, you grump. Heh," Alice said in response, a small smile forming on her lips as she lightly shook her head in exasperation about Nina, thje one magical girl who might call limb loss a 'flesh wound' and put off medical treatment just to she can get things done. Stupidly stubborn, but more strong willed than anyone the Red Rifle herself knew at all.

But Alice looked to Joanna and Speedwagon again before speaking once more, a bit more sobered up to start into the topic at hand, "Anywho, we do have some things to talk about. Did you two find anything so far?"

Speedwagon's expression went grim. "Well, after I patched it up with my magic, I went through Tattoo's phone. The way he was holding it when he died made me think he left us some evidence about his murder." She pulled out the phone in question and unlocked it. "It took me a bit to figure out his password, but I wanted you two so we could go over what I found on it."

She navigated the menus to access the camera roll. "Just before he called us about the attack, it turns out he took a few photos of the killer. My guess is, he was going to send them to us after he finished filling us in on what was happening. Only... he wasn't able to get that far before he died."

Speedwagon sighed, and pulled up the images. "This first one is of a Magical Girl, one of those with more power on them than stitches. The second one, as you might be able to guess from the lightshow, is one of her mid-transformation. The last one..."

And as Joanna looked at that picture, she froze. No, it... it can't be...!

"...「looks like the same girl, fresh out of her costume.」"

"....This info matches up with what i observed from that night," Alice noted, giving a nod as she leaned forward on her crossed hands, staring into Speedwagon's eyes in return with a dead serious look, "And i have information of my own as well, mainly from my encounter with the girl.

Her name is Chloe.

She seems rather unhinged in some manner as well, either from an ego of sorts or maybe as the trait of a Dark Magical Girl. Considering i've been doing this longer than most of you have maybe been alive, and with all the ones i've seen before, my gut feeling is convinced the latter is the case."

Alice then leaned back once more, letting out a small sigh and glancing at Nina before looking back to the Overdrive Duo again.

"She tried to recruit me, after a bit of stretegic flirting on my part, and her patron seems to have a mental conenction to her based on her reactions at the time.

Her patron seems to have a 'plan to cleanse the world of corruption', the kind of saturday-morning cartoon villain plan that she handed out to me with the old 'are you staisfied with your life, and the crap in this world' speech. Mentioned the plans of her 'lord' as being at a high cost but wishing nothing but the best. Also something about 'letting someone she wanted slip into the Ebon Mint's clutches' to boot, though how involved that person might be with this could ultimately be nonexistent for all we know..."

"I think we caught the tail end of that conversation, when we came up onto the rooftops that night. You was too far for us to hear anything, so this is the first we heard of what you talked about. But it wasn't hard to see where she was hovering after that lightning strike... at least..."

Speedwagon looked at Joanna. "We both know my eyesight's keener than yours at a distance, and even I had trouble making out her features from that far off." In a tone without accusation, and her gaze concerned, Speedwagon asked, "You didn't recognize her from that night, did you Miss Jo-Star? You saw her somewhere else."

And in that gaze, Joanna knew. It was left unsaid, but the message couldn't be clearer.

...Speedwagon, Joanna thought. I trust your judgement.

Joanna picked up her sketchbook, still open on the image of four girls hanging together, and turned the page over a few times. The next four she passed were more detailed sketches of those girls by themselves, bizarrely lifelike ones at that, but Joanna passed over each one without comment.

She stopped when she'd reached a drawing of another hanging girl - it was the fifth page to feature a singular subject, and out of the nine sketches of different girls Joanna had briefly shown them, it was the first page whose subject matter wasn't from that first group shot.

Speedwagon looked grim. "I had a feeling that was the face you drew."

There were four details that stood out, upon a close inspection of the sketch:

There was an oddly shaded point visible over the girl's left shoulder, an act of asymmetry that looked carefully deliberate, as it was the only time in any of the sketches where a colored pencil was used.

On her left ear, there were three dots that weren't present on the right one.

On the forehead of this lifeless girl, a single number was visible behind the parting of her hair - the number 「9」.

And finally, written underneath this 「9」 were five letters, which in another context might have been considerably less concerning.

「C H L O E」

Neither the name, number, dots, or odd shoulder marking were visible in the photo. Father Grundelson, when he had taken the photo, had been off to her right where the latter two details wouldn't be visible even if they were there. And yet, it was undeniable - this was a sketch of Chloe, outside of her transformation, drawn with 「nearly flawless accuracy.」

"...Yare yare, talk about a prophetic dream. And those aren't fun to try to ignore."

"I am getting a strange feeling about this. Call it a magical girl's hunch," Alice said, after getting up and coming over to take a look at the picture again, her brows furrowed, "Who are the other figures though? Seems this Chloe...hmm...i guess the ninth in some series of people? But for what?"

Red Rifle seemed to go into a thinking kind of mood, her face focused and intent on the picture, not noticing she was a tad too close to Joanna and Speedwagon to perhaps be doing this. Even so, Nina on the other hand seemed to be resting her chin on her crossed arms on the table. A glint of curiosity and frustration was visible in her eyes despite her best attempts to maintain her usual stoicism. Perhaps she was in thought as well?

"This is like the plot of a bad anime. And it isn't like i haven't sensed the presence of a horror here in the past while either....i don't like it, yare yare."

"I'm not sure I was dreaming in anime... compared to the other things I've been dreaming about recently, I think this time I was dreaming in something more... progressive?" Joanna said it again, testing the word. "Progressive... something." She shook her head. "It sounds like I'm on the right track, but it's definitely missing another word."

"...that said." Joanna looked over at Red Rifle. "It's more like Chloe was the fifth girl that I noticed in my dream. The details aren't as clear because I sketched the other four together, as they were hanging in my dream, so you can't really see all of the details as clearly. But here," Joanna started flipping between the group shot and the four sketches that followed it. "You can see a few distinguishing features from the group image, like their hairstyles, or more of those forehead markings... and those were drawn a bit more clearly in their individual sketches."

Indeed, on closer inspection, it looked like they all had numbers stamped on their heads, along with a name. Number 12, Abigail. Number 13, Shona. Number 14, Divina. And Number 15, Tonya. Though, none of them looked like they had any purple markings on their shoulderblades, or any distinct dots on their ears like the sketch of Chloe possessed.

Speedwagon scooted back from Alice, but just a little, before she spoke up. "If there's anything to learn from Chloe's sketch, I'd wager that the rest of the names are accurate. Only half of their names, but still..."

Alice leaned back a little, before speaking up once more.

"So we've got Chloe, a magical girl who unleashed spirits to kill people the first night i and Nina got here.

A set of 4 mystery girls we have no idea about beyond their names, who might or might not be magical girls if Chloe's presence in that dream had any bearing, and seem to be on a list of progressively higher numbered individuals from that dream.

Though...on that horror note, there was a horror-related attack on the Stadium from what i heard floating around. Also i may have read that strange newspaper that seemed to pop up recently and report on such events. What was it called again? The Penrose Co-dependent?"

The magical girl shook her head briefly from side to side, as if to chase out some other odd thoughts floating around in her head. Before she could continue, however, her compatriot spoke up once more.

"I get the feeling this is all possibly connected, even if loosely, by some means. The bodies were listed in that dream in order, and the horror presence is usually never a good sign....Yare yare daze-"

In an instant, Nina transformed into her magical girl form. The now bluette girl paused for a moment after, sighing and running a hand down her face before de-transforming again. Stupid goddess had picked the first thing she said to be her magical girl incantation...

You are missing DISC 2 for this post. Come back later once it's been found.


DISC 2 has been found. Loading post...

Several days after Soth's defeat, but not many...

To say Chloe was in a foul mood, was an understatement.

Ever since that night with Penny, she couldn’t keep it together. Needless, incessant thoughts constantly plagued her head. Beacon or her? Beacon or her? Of course, she would obviously choose her in the end. There was no way she wouldn’t...right? Chloe’s orb erratically spun, betraying the calm on her face as she waited for the Archive to show up.

Today was it. Today was the day she would finally be one step closer to her goal. They could have the dragon, do whatever they wanted to with its corpse. She just needed one tiny thing from them in return. Ah, she just wanted to kill something. But no, she couldn’t let such emotions get in the way of her work for now.

Chloe turned her gaze towards the old stone quarry. A rather claustrophobic series of caves eventually paved the way to Iesud’s hiding place. A giant, labyrinthian underground sprawl of tunnels, and once upon a time it had been quite grand, but now the once holy place had fallen, and now was going to be a grave...and her new place of residence.


This was fine. Fine.

Some of the nearby rock pulled back from a torchlit opening, one that was decidedly not part of the quarry’s tunnel systems.

Well, that was one way for Delta and Xi to make it there without being followed.

The guests of honor walked out of the eldritch opening, notably transformed. Oh? There was a third girl with the Archive girls this time – one with short brown hair, and wearing a labcoat over some kind of orange and black armor. In her left hand she carried a large briefcase, the handle of which was handcuffed to her wrist. Under that same arm she cradled a helmet that, if the color scheme was anything to go by, presumably went with the rest of the strange armor she was wearing.

Chloe was pulled out of her mildly spiraling thoughts as Delta and Xi showed up. Her gaze turned towards them, the magical orb settling down beside her head, hovering just a foot away. How did they do that? Probably something with their patron. An incredibly useful thing, to be able to pop in and out of wherever like that. Well, that was currently none of her business. For now she needed to make sure everything went as planned.

Curious though, who was the third girl?

“You girls certainly know how to get around.” Chloe quipped lightly at their appearance. “You should invite me sometime. Who's the cute little thing I haven't met yet?”

“The one in charge of the lab that’s been studying your crystal for the past few weeks,” said the new girl. Her labcoat shifted slightly in the wind to reveal the ‘λ’ symbol on her armor’s chest. “Analyst Lambda.”

“Well, a pleasure to meet you Lambda.” Despite her calm appearance, her voice was tinged with a mild bit of perhaps, irritation in her voice. “And what exactly have you learned over the course of your study, hm? I'm curious as to your thoughts on it.”

Lambda’s eyes practically shone for a moment... though it was unclear how much of that was due to sunlight glinting off of her glasses. “I’m glad you asked,” she said, before taking a deep breath. To the outside observer, it looked like Lambda was about to exude Big Exposition Energy.

Delta cut her off there, before pointedly gesturing skyward with her eyes. “If it’s all the same to you, could we have this discussion inside of the quarry?”

“Wow someone is no fun at all.” Chloe chided as Delta cut off Lambda. “But I suppose you're right. Standing out here is rather annoying.” Motioning for them to follow, Chloe led them down the slopes of the quarry towards the bottom. It was a rather well known place in Penrose, despite its somber and eerie nature. Before it closed, it was said there was a curse on the place. People working here would often suffer from bouts of anger, rage, or other such emotions, as though they had been influenced by some outside source.

Soon Chloe had lead them to a once boarded up mineshaft.

“Watch your head. The entrance is rather narrow.” True enough, the small cave system that had been carved out was just large enough for an adult male. For the most part, it all seemed natural, as though this cave had been here the entire time. Perhaps it had been, until the old workers stumbled across it. Thankfully, not long after they had been walking, the cavern opened into a small chamber.

For the most part it seemed abandoned, but several crystalline protrusions decorated the ceiling and walls, illuminating the dark interior with a pale, otherworldly light. A massive stone door of some sort was built into the opposite wall, a few feet in front of it the cavern floor gave way to smooth cut stone, obviously having been built by someone in ages past.

“Here we are, this should be good enough for now.” Chloe came to a stop in front of the door. “So, let’s get this over with, hm? I'm feeling rather impatient so hurry it up.”

“Alright, alright. Keep your pants o- no, wait, that doesn’t work when you’re wearing that,” Lambda trailed off, searching for the word. “...whatever you call that half-skirt half-thong thing. Jailbait, probably. Just keep that on for a minute while I pull out my notes.”

Lambda held her helmet out to Collector Delta. “Hold this for a minute?”

“Sure,” she said.

“So, might as well start with something that’ll get you in a better mood.” Thanks to having both hands free, Lambda made short work of the combination lock. “We’ve made a lot of progress on a new vessel for Cxatha. We call the project ‘AD A DGLGMUT.’” She retrieved a manila folder from within the briefcase.

“I'd only take it off if you helped me out of it~” Chloe flashed a rather lewd smirk, before frowning a bit. Not the time for flirty jokes. She needed to focus on the matter at hand. Chloe took the manila folder, taking a brief glance at the outside of it. Better mood? Possibly. She wasn't quite sure something could put her in a good mood unless Penny just came crashing through the wall and declared her undying love.

“I'm not even going to ask how you pronounced that.” Pulling open the folder, Chloe quickly began rifling through its contents. “How much progress, exactly?”

There were several blueprints labeled with the project name, showing various parts and angles of an imposing, thirteen foot tall automaton. Specifically, a rather buff, androgynous, humanoid automaton. Around the joints there were labels referring to something called “PASSAGALICA,” and conflicting notes about the composition of the alloy used for the majority of the body’s bulk. Some of the materials listed were just as utterly unfamiliar, particularly one very recurring one referred to as Zilvra. There were also several portions of the body that apparently were meant to have several more crystals slotted into them, and retractable armor plating over those sections.

“The crystal itself has been able to interface with, corrode, and outright commandeer a lot of the coding that’s gone into the project.” Lambda explained. “The sample itself doesn’t appear to have the processing power to run all of it at once, though. If we loaded it and the software in as it currently is, based on its current outputs... best case scenario, it would only be able to manipulate the fingers on one hand.”

“...So you want to stuff it into a mechanical body?” Chloe voiced skeptically. That was...not actually a bad idea, come to think of it. It wasn't quite what she was expecting, but it was certainly a novel idea. She had assumed using magic and such was the best way to regrow its body – but with something like this, perhaps...perhaps it could in fact, be made better than what it naturally was.

“And what exactly does that mean? Do you need a larger sample or some such?”

“Ideally speaking? We’d need several larger samples,” Lambda admitted. “Even though we found out which kinds of energy that best expedite the growth process of its neural system, as well as the one that converts energy into physical mass… our most optimistic projections predict it’ll take months before the project’s completion.”

Chloe held a hand to her chin. That was a problem. Not the time frame, no. The problem was getting a sufficiently larger crystal that could be used. Even getting one to that size was difficult. Unless she wanted to cause a large scale attack for the required energy, there was no good way to get a larger one. Doing that, was a bad idea. She didn't want to end up on some Beacon hit list just yet.

“Of course. Always with the waiting and problems.” Chloe exhaled irritably. “Nothing can ever be quite so simple, can it. Give someone everything, and then they tell you to 'wait for them'. I'm tired of waiting.” The dark magical girl grimaced, turning her gaze away from the archive girls.

“...a larger sample may be difficult.” Her gaze slowly turned towards the ornate doors. “Even those small ones took me quite a bit of time to cultivate. Skulking around and making sure I didn't get put on beacons radar was quite the difficult task.” Well, there was something they could potentially do. “...the only way to likely get one large enough...would be to take it off the dragon's body.”

Delta, who had been looking up at the massive stone door for some time, looked over at Chloe. “He’s in there, isn’t he.”

“He is. Sleeping, trying to fight off the horror eating away at him.” She glanced towards the door. ”You'll have to go in there at some point, but I can't help you once you do.”

“What exactly do you mean by that?” Xi asked. “Along the lines of ‘once we go in, he’s going to force you to attack us,’ or…?”

“Nothing so heinous. He doesn't control me, but he is still my patron, technically.” Chloe replied. “And quite the...mindless one. He'll likely attempt killing me above all else. Once he starts fighting he'll likely begin to expire, since he can't really fend off the horror if he strains himself too much. So likely he'll simply take me down with him, or attempt to.”

“Oh, good,” Xi said. “So we’d only be fighting a dragon.”

“...if Iesud thought it necessary to fight,” Delta said. She looked at Chloe with an interesting look in her eyes. “But he brought you into his service to heal him…” She gestured towards Xi and Lambda with a nod of her head. “So what if you had finally followed through on that mission?”

Chloe held a hand to her chin.

“...It's possible, but in his current state he's rather...mistrustful. Sees most humans as nothing but filth that must be cleansed. Magical entities such as yourselves are only more dangerous.” It would be a good way to ensure there was no fighting, and even better, since it would take her out of the direct line of fire.

...but if he did figure out he was being deceived, then that would be the end of anyone in the vicinity.

“If you had something that proved that you could do it, it may be easier to convince him.”

Lambda reached behind herself, and removed a white canister from her labcoat’s pocker. “Well, I did bring a small shard of the crystal you gave us, for the sake of explaining why Zilvra is so important to AD A DGLGMUT.” She carefully rotated it, revealing that it was actually transparent, filled with a strange white fluid. “There’s a second one strapped to my back. Didn’t want to risk breaching containment if you asked to study the Zilvra itself.”

“...and we could use it to contain a larger crystal.” Xi realized.

“I see...” Chloe's mouth slowly turned into a satisfied smirk. “Ah, this should do nicely then. I see no reason why he would dismiss you. If you are ready, then.” Chloe walked over to the two ancient doors, placing a hand upon it. “If you'll follow me...be ready to talk quickly and exactly.” A small pulse of spirit magic spread from Chloe's hands along the door, the ancient patterns on it lighting up as the wave of magic passed through it.

The ancient stone doors creaked, slowly opening and allowing the travelers inside.

The cavern inside was massive. Ancient stone monoliths rose from the floor, weathered with age and time. Some seemed to be depicting ancient peoples of some sort, though the pillars were far too worn and overgrown with crystalline protrusions to really see clearly, the same that were outside, dimly illuminating the cavern with their soft, slightly off-putting glow.

In the back of the cavern, something stirred.

The ground shifted as the ancient dragon rose from its slumber, Iesud, the ancient watcher and protector flourished his wings, a gust of air running through the large chamber as it eyed the intruders with a hateful glare.

“...you bring filth with you, servant.” His voice rumbled, laying his body on the ground. “What be thou purpose here?”

“They are-”

“They can speak the truth for themselves. Your words hold no weight here.” Bowing her head, Chloe ground her teeth together, motioning for Delta and the Archive girls to get on with it.

Delta stepped forwards. “Iesud. The three of us were hired by Chloe to heal her lord. According to what she’s told us, that was the reason you made her into a Magical Girl. After several weeks of study, we’ve made a breakthrough.” She looked to Lambda. “Lambda. If you will.”

“We’ve discovered a way to contain the crystals that have been feeding off of you.” She produced the smaller canister. “Inside this container is a small sample of the crystal that Chloe gave to us for study, and it’s been submerged in the raw form of a magical substance. One we call ‘Zilvra.’ Before, the crystal fed upon the emotional power of hatred and anger, inciting it in others in order to further fuel itself and its growth. But now that it’s been exposed to raw Zilvra…”

She carefully reached into the eldritch liquid with a pair of steel tongs, and removed the crystal. Where it had once been black as a moonless night, now it shone with a faint, silvery light. “Now that property has been effectively neutered.” She paused for dramatic effect. “In other words, we have a way of containing the source of your cancer.”

“So that servant of mine has finally made some progress, is that it?”For a second it seemed like this was going well. “How naive do you think I am?” The dragon slammed a claw into the earth, just shy of Lambda's face, causing a small tremor through the cavern. “A weak human serving some weaker god or force containing this where I couldn’t? Laughably implausible.” The dragons deep, gravelly voice growled, its reptilian lips seeming to curl into a snarl as it lowered its head towards Lambda. A few crystals growing off the dragon began glowing slightly.

“...Grrrggh. Yet I sense...no corruption. No affliction from that crystal. So either you speak truth, or your deception is thorough.” It raised its head up once more, its claw dragging against the ground as he returned to a natural resting position. “...Show me the process.”

“I’d be glad to,” the Analyst said. Outwardly, Lambda was holding it together remarkably well. Her hands barely trembled as she removed the larger container from behind her back, and held it in front of herself for a moment. When she opened it, the Zilvra inside was very similar in color to that of the altered crystal. “I’ll just need another sample of the crystal in order to demonstrate it.”

The dragon's head looked at his other forearm. A number of suitably sized crystals were growing from his scales. With a deep growl, the dragon placed his other claw over one of them, gripping it with his claws. With a roar of mild pain, he wrenched the entire thing from his flesh, leaving a deep gash with blackish red blood pouring from the now open wound. He tossed the red gemstone on the ground in front of Lambda.

“Have your sample.”

Lambda’s eyes practically sparkled. “Oh, this’ll do very nicely,” she said. She briefly paused as she noted all of the blood, both on the crystal and coming from the wound… but the Analyst decided to roll with it. Possibly because there was no reason for her to believe that Iesud would have ripped it out the way he had if he worried about bleeding out from a relatively small wound on his massive body.

Lambda removed another canister from her hip, retrieving a sponge. “Delta? Could you put my helmet on while I clean off this blood?”

When Lambda finished, she placed the soaked sponge back into its canister and sealed it. “There we go,” she said, her voice slightly modulated through the helmet’s comm unit. She retrieved the metal tongs once more and lifted the cleaned crystal. “Now then. Not sure how strong Magical Girl teeth are, so you might want to keep your jaws slack for this. There’s a slight chance the sonic feedback could shatter them like sugar glass.” With that, she began lowering the crystal into the Zilvra.

Within seconds of contact with the Zilvra, the crystal jerked upwards, not unlike a child who’d just tested the waters with their toes. In direct defiance of this metaphor, the Zilvra lurched up after it with a strange sound that both resonated and crackled at once, and dragged it under the surface.

The Zilvra went abruptly still, but not silent. The sound only grew clearer and louder, and then the eldritch liquid began to swirl in towards the canister’s center, into the crystal. For lack of a better description, it looked as though the Zilvra was draining into the crystal… if not for the fact that liquid of a different color was ejected during this strange spinning spectacle. A moment passed, and soon all of the liquid in the canister was just as white as that in the smaller canister. At that point, the liquid stilled once again, only this time it fell silent.

“...and there you have it. ” Lambda brandished the resulting crystal, now glowing with a soft silvery light as the Zilvra had been moments ago. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

“...grrhhhk-” A painful sounding wheeze, accompanied by a pained, raspy rumble as the dragon watched the event unfold. “...Hrk-you seem to be truthful.” He finally replied, barely even acknowledging the wound on his body. The blood had already coagulated unnaturally fast, and seemed to be hardening? “...very well then. I accept your proposal. You rid my body of this cancer – I'll repay you with as much money as your little mortal hearts desire.”

“In that case, we’ll come back in a few days to work out the finer details of our arrangement,” Xi said, and inclined her head respectfully.

“Then leave for now.” Iesud growled. “Leave me to my rest. Succeed at your task and I shall return the favor.” He waved a claw, lowering his massive body back to the earth. “Show them the way out, servant. Return once you are ready to begin.”

“Of course.” Chloe replied coolly, motioning for the Archive girls to follow. She lead them back to the door, closing the massive structure behind her. Once she was certain Iesud no longer was watching, Chloe sighed, running a hand through her hair irritably.

“Well, I'm glad that went well – but ugh, what do I get? Nothing.” The dark magical girl growled, folding her arms and shifting her stance to put most of her weight on her right foot. “Damn it I shouldn't let that damn dragon do that...just endure it for now, Chloe. You'll get your reward soon...” Realizing she was talking to herself, she turned back to the Archive girls.

“Tch, not that you girls would care. We done here?”

“Yeah, your boss is kind of an asshole," Lambda admitted. Her body language was a lot more casual at this point. "No clue how much of that is due to having that many crystals fucking up his biochemistry, though. I'm a doctor, not... an actual doctor. And besides, I really need to get back to the lab. I have no idea how long I've got until this dragon's blood coagulates, and I'd like to try and salvage at least some of it." She looked between her fellow Archive members, and shrugged. “So… yeah, I’m ready to bounce.”

"I'll take her," Delta said, walking past Lambda back through the caverns.

Scribe Xi lingered for a moment, clearly thinking something through.

“...to hell with it.” She looked over at Chloe. “You want to go get something to eat?”

“...As much as I'd enjoy a dinner with a cute girl like you, I don't think its a good idea right now.” Chloe said with a huff. She started walking, but stopped suddenly before taking even a few steps. Turning on her heels and losing the transformation, Chloe shrugged dismissively. “...you know what? Why not. I've got nothing better to do anyways. So yes, lets get something to eat. You’ll be buying since you offered?~”

“Yeah, I’m buying,” Xi said, dropping her own transformation.

“Great.” Chloe hooked her arm around Xi's. “Take me to some place nice. I need something good after my past few days.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

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Mini post, featuring The independent and some Beacon Grillz

Shannon was unsure at first if the location was correct, but it was immediately confirmed as Beacon girls appeared out of thin air, surprised that she had returned with someone else. It seemed Sylvia had expected her arrival, as she soon came to greet the plucky girl. However, she did not expect that she would have succeeded.
“So you actually did it,” she spoke in awe, and nodded. “This is incredible. So you are Regina Bates?” She took Regina’s hand, and examined her. “No doubt about it; you used the White Coin, and it worked. There’s no time to waste; come, follow me. Nella, arrange a press conference with the P.I.”

Soon, magical girls from both the Beacon and the local newsletter had come together at the rooftop of the town hall. Sylvia spoke from a podium:
“I would now like to make an announcement. But first, I would like to call forth a special guest: Regina Bates.” She waited until Regina stepped next to her, and continued: “You might remember her as a monster queen, a terrible, corrupt being who threatened the safety of not only the Penrose, but the world at large.” She then took her hand. “But that is no longer, for she has been fully cleansed, and given new light in her heart, just like Janet Howell. Such a great feat has been accomplished, thanks to a White Coin.”

She lifted the Coin in her hand, allowing everyone to see and for the press to make notes.
“The White Coin has allowed Beacon to rise above the challenges of today, and face adversity with newly lit courage. A new dawn is upon Beacon. No longer will we need to fear for betrayal, or doubt our neighbor and sister in battle; ShineSpark shall repel any attacks of the mind and soul. We will bring light to every corner, and reach out to all in need, even the foulest of fiends, for the Coin will purge them of evil, and redeem them. Beacon’s age has now begun.” Beacon girls in the audience applauded fiercely, and Sylvia nodded.
“I am now available for answering questions.”

The way Sylvia talked Shannon wondered if she had made a mistake having the Bates use the Red Coin. Mistake maybe wasn’t the right word, but perhaps they both could have still been their own person. Too late to know now. Should have asked more questions about the White Coin in the beginning. Whatever the case she had helped and retained a friend. Standing in the crowd the energy was uplifting. Regina felt whole which was something Shannon didn’t wish to rob her of. She could only imagine what it was like to be split in two and put back together. Despite being okay with the situation it was probably going to still take time to know just how to feel and act around the girl.

On the outskirts of the gathering Janet and Jenna stood watch on opposing sides. This was supposed to be a happy announcement but given the way things have gone as of late they weren’t going to allow something to let their guard down. Jenna did take a moment while questions were coming in to ask one of her own. ”What about Elroy? Is he still running around?” The monster king nearly having killed Penny she wanted to know if he would come back for whatever reason.

Regina’s legs wobbled, but she managed to stand close enough to the podium to speak. "Um." She cleared her throat. Clearly, public speaking wasn’t her strong suit. "We sort of fused? It’s um, hard to explain." She nodded, and so did Sylvia. "But Shannon witnessed it. I’m both of them." She stepped away from the mic and wiped some sweat off her brow.

Fused? That was interesting. Definitely something the Howell sisters would like to look into as scientists. "When we get back to HQ please meet us in the clinic, Regina." She said with a smile. They didn't want to give away they were proficient in magic crafting though. Thankfully being Reinforcement spec kind of made them designated medics in the organization. So a doctor's visit made perfect cover for an examination.

”Uh, excuse me,” came a voice from the crowd, high pitched, childlike, and feminine, though the speaker remained unseen within the numerous other attendees. The words were uncertain and measured, characteristic of a lack of familiarity with asking questions in an open forum. ”Y-you something about a ‘ShineSpark’. Is that a, uh… another Spark? I-if… so, how is it different to the other Spark, since the Bates could get around it before? What… kind of changes did you make?”

Sylvia had expected that question with a smile on her lips. “It is the difference between night and day itself. When the old Spark would fail us at our time of need, the ShineSpark will not. It is a new light that will repel the vile machinations of the damned and destitute, and a shield to protect all of Beacon henceforth. Black Coins are rendered mere trinkets before its awesome power, and twisters of the heart will find no solace from our bosoms, as they will now burn with the fury of a thousand suns!” The Beacon girls clapped again, and Sylvia nodded. “In short, the ShineSpark defines Beacon and its mission: dauntless, resolute, and unbreakable.” Another magical girl whispered to her ear, and she nodded. “Unfortunately that is all the time we will have for questions. But fear not; the Beacon will now be watching over Penrose with renewed vigor. Thank you.” And with that, Sylvia stepped off the podium, and the forces of Beacon left, having made their announcement.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The light, shining intensely, was sudden, and washed up over Lily's eyes like a tide of brilliant yellow, causing her to cover her eyes with her forearm. She felt slightly groggy, as if she had just woken up.
Why is it so bright, and hot, and...Huh?
She blinked, and sat up from the yellow and blue towel...Wait, a towel? Despite her confusion, she could immediately tell that she was no longer in Penrose. Then, as she took in her surroundings, she understood; she was on a beautiful tropical island, with a bright sun hotly illuminating the sparkling, clear blue ocean that stretched into the horizon. She sunk her fingers into the sand; it was fine and clean, with no rocks to be seen. Behind her, she could see a jungle, with lush green vegetation. However, this was not any boring tropical paradise one would find in the Caribbean or Hawaii; the sky was different, with shades of blue that seemed to change, like the hues of the northern lights, not to mention the various planets and moons that could be seen with the naked eye. The jungle also seemed slightly unnatural, with blooming flowers as wide as palm leaves, and coconuts as huge as volleyballs.

"Whoahhh, it's so pretty, but...Where am I?" She attempted calling Ixion, but it was no use; she couldn't feel her Patron's presence at all.
She turned to look to her side...and she blushed heavily, her heart beating fast, as she saw someone familiar; it was Alex sleeping on a beach towel...and he was in a pair of swimming trunks.
"Th-this...This is a dream right?" She looked at herself, and blushed even further; her appearance had also changed drastically.

"B-But I'm transformed...I should be a magical girl, so...Why am I in a swimsuit?"
She asked out loud, causing Alex to wake up. In response, she covered herself up with her hands, looking like she might faint at any moment from how embarrassed, yet happy, she was feeling.
"A-Alex...When I suggested a date...this wasn't what I meant. This is, like, advanced dating!" Alex would note that her swimsuit was actually more modest than her dancer outfit as a regular magical girl.

Then, other girls on the beach began waking up on similar towels, and Lily saw that everyone else also had swimsuits. She realized she only recognized one among them; she had seen her rescuing some magical girls after Justine's defeat. But back then, she was dressed modestly in a classy suit; in contrast, her bikini hid little of her mature and voluptuous body, causing Lily to grimace a bit in envy. Nonetheless, she needed information, and so she had to confront the attractive woman.
"Um, excuse me miss, but do you know where we are? And am I dreaming? Wait, don't answer that."
She pinched her arm, and scrunched up her face, before she opened her mouth in realization.
"Oh! I'm Lily Lightning, by the way. We met in the sea outside Penrose, after Justine was stopped. I think I didn't get your name back then."

Veronica was sitting in a beach chair, looking more fabulous than anyone with her awesome bikini, transparent shirt, socks combo. She was sitting in the shade thanks to a parasol behind her chair. Veronica didn’t move much as she listened to Lily prattle on. It was evident that she wasn’t too pleased with the current situation.

”Not another inch!” Betty dove between Lily and Veronica with her hand on her katana. She might have been easier to take seriously if she wasn’t wearing the tiniest frilled swimsuit.

“We have no enemies here Betty, put that thing away before you hurt someone.” Betty lowered her head, but followed her orders. Veronica’s chair seemed to slide closer to Lily. “I am unfortunately no more enlightened than you are. All I can say is that we do not appear to be in any immediate danger. These swimsuits seem to offer the same amount of protection your outfit normally would.” She squinted her eyes. “Most people tend to forget my face. The fact that you remember it is… Disconcerting.” She glanced at the other girls on the island before looking back at Lily. “Regardless, I am the one they call Vermillion Veronica. Ignore any connotations that name might have to you. The magical world is changing, and so is my role in it.”

”Normies got nothin’ on my swimsuit game.”

— Tetrad

It finally happened.

Her memories had been erased, that was the only explanation. Waking up on a beach with no memory of how she had gotten there. The dread she felt was similar to the time her friends had abandoned her while serving the puchuu. Only it was different this time. She hadn’t been set up, she just made a large gamble that didn’t pay off. She let down Veronica, Trixy, and the rest of the cradle by almost allowing their deepest secrets to come out. But no harm was done. She had been inflicted with amnesia to protect the Cradle’s secrets. It was just disappointing that 2 weeks into her new job and she had already managed to screw up again.

But wait.

If she had amnesia, then how could she remember everything save for how she got here? Tetrad breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. So long as she had her memories, there was nothing to worry about. Tetrad probably just had one too many rum and colas before going to bed. Not that it had ever been a problem before. But how often do you wake up in a race-themed swimsuit that you don't remember buying? It seemed like the appearance of all of her accessories changed to fit the look. Pretty snazzy!

”I’m on a beach, and I look pretty damn good. Only one thing to do here.” She looked at everyone around herself. ”Hmmm, Alex seems to be friends with Lily. No point getting involved with that.” Tetrad took a few steps away from Alexander before spinning on her heel and marching back towards him. ”Hey stud, Need help getting up? Heh, interpret that however you want.” She offered him a hand. ”I’m Tetrad. Who might you be?” She knew his name, but decided it was better to let him think she didn’t anyway. ”Also anyone know what's with the reception in this place? I can't get anything with my tablet.”

Helga woke up with a great yawn and stretch of her arms, followed by rubbing her face with the back of her palm.
"Oh man, it's sweltering in here. I guess I should change to a Chinese dress, like Su wants...Wait, whoah."
She noticed something very peculiar, and felt her twin drills.
"Why is there a flower in my hair?" She looked at the yellow decoration, and then down the rest of her body; she wasn't fazed at all.

"Must be part of this swimsuit. Huh." She looked around, and a big smile formed on her face. "Wait, does this mean-" She immediately leaned over to touch Su's shoulder, and slightly rocked her back and forth.
"Hey, Su, wake up!”

”Mmmmmm.” Su had been taking the night shift, and was rather appreciative of her beauty sleep. Typically, being woken up early would annoy her, but a gentle shake from Helga was one of the more pleasant things to wake up to. Su stretched her arms over her head with a yawn. Half way through her yawn, she realized that a few things weren’t right. Namely the temperature, that she wasn’t wearing her pajamas, and that was Helga’s hand on her bare shoulder. ”Uh!” Su forced her eyes open, only to reveal very quickly that the situation was a lot different than what she was picturing. She turned her head to look at Helga. ”Where are we?”

“We're on a beach! Boteg gave us a vacation!" Helga stood up and went to Mika, waking her up too.
"A vacation, Mika, Lupa! A vacation! Woo-hoo!"


"Yeeh...Keep the *yawn* racket down...will ya?"

The ghost twins mumbled in their sleep, their forms still transparent despite their change in wardrobe.

”The ghost twins too?” That was when Su noticed that everyone was in swimwear. She was pretty sure she was transformed, but when she looked at herself, she was wearing a black bikini with red accents. Her hair ties were missing, but that was alright. She felt she looked more mature without them, and was considering ditching them for a while.

“He did?” Mika sprung to her feet. “He gave us swimsuits too?” Mika looked over her cat-themed bikini before hugging herself. “Hey Lupa! What did Boteg give you? Let me see!”

“Huh?” Lupa was also wearing a black bikini, but it focused on having exotic cuts instead of interesting material variations.

“You mean the Popsicle? It was laying in the sand. I just kind of rinsed it off. Did you want some of it?”


Su was not quite as relaxed as everyone else who was surrounding her. She couldn’t help but feel something was off about this entire situation. Su had a mental link with boteg, but was unable to contact him. Moreover, she found that she was unable to shift into the overcity from here. Her magic still worked though, as she was able to summon a breeze. ”Interesting.” She approached Helga. ”Yellow looks good on you.The flower’s a nice touch too.” Su really didn’t want to incite panic, especially with everyone enjoying themselves already. But she needed to figure out what was going on. ”I don’t remember buying this swimsuit for myself, Is that one of yours?”

Lupa and Mika ran up to the jojos other strangers on the island. “Watch this Lupa! I’m going to wake them up!” Mika pounced onto Joanna’s stomach. Helga giggled, and decided to also jump; she jumped up a ridiculously tall palm tree, and peered into the horizon. "Looks like we're on one of several smaller islands surrounding a bigger island; it looks like a star!" She stuck her tongue out as she squinted. "Central island might be a bit too far to be jumped from ashore, but it's easy to swim." Then she looked down. "Ooh, what's that?"

"Wh-hah? An island?" Sylvia had already walked away from the group as the rest of the Beacon girls woke up, examining the surrounding perimeter with her hands on her hips.

"I don't have time to spend on a stupid vacation! I have so much work to do. And the Beckoners won't answer me! There's the project wrap-up, the distribution and PR, and-"

"Relax, boss! The world doesn't end even if you're away from it all for a little bit!" Sally hugged the shorter magical girl from behind, pressing her unforgettable assets against the back of her neck.

Her smile then turned to a duck face.
"Well, maybe that wasn't the best choice of words, now that I think about. But I'm sure everything's going to work out. I mean, maybe we're here because I won a magical lottery prize for a vacation or something?"

Sylvia looked unamused, and her hands dropped to her sides, making no effort to remove herself. "There is no such thing like a magical lottery. Besides, you didn't even enter one."

"That is true, huh." Sally looked around with her finger against her lips in a quizzical expression.
"Still, this doesn't look like we're in danger or anything. What do you think, Kimble?"

The catgirl was on all fours while peering over Alicia, looking worried until she woke up.

"M-Mistress, you're alive!" She wagged her tail happily with a cat smile, and glanced back at Sally.
"I like it here! It's warm and sunnyah!"

Sylvia sighed. "Well, it could be worse, I guess," she stated, and picked up Tabitha from the sand; she had fainted as soon as she woke up, with blood trickling from her nose.

Sylvia placed Tabitha on one of the numerous beach chairs lined up. "Well, let's start exploring already, see if we can find anyone else here. And..." She bit her lip.
"If it's safe, I suppose we can hold a small break." It was then that she discovered something. "Wait, something's written on this..."

Rina was the first to wake up out of her group, and just like on other islands, found herself in a tropical climate with the appropriate attire, but no explanation. However, she soon found a mysterious sign. It resembled the kind used at holiday resorts, with colourful lettering and a cartoon dolphin wearing a sombrero.

"Welcome to Isla Paradiso! For more information, visit the help desk at the central island. For every participant who reaches the help desk without getting wet, you get a prize!" There was a similar sign on every other islands as well, and on every island one could not reach the central island by jumping without ending up in the ocean due to the distance between islands; clever use of magical powers would help in solving the simplistic challenge.

Thalia woke up in a shaded jungle, on top of a makeshift bed of palm leaves. There were colourful, exotic flowers growing everywhere, from the bushy ground to the very canopy.
"Hello there. Have you woken up?" There was a young woman kneeling next to her; the mysterious magical girl spoke to the monster girl with a voice she would recognise.
"I am Cindy Ford. I remember you from the time I made my declaration in Penrose. You wished to be my subject, correct?" She offered a giant coconut to her; it was opened, and the smell of fresh coconut juice wafted in the air.

"Here, take it. It's delicious." She then stood up, and peered behind a large tree at the distant clamor going on at the beach. "We should move on; when I was exploring this island, I saw a bigger island surrounded by smaller islands just like this one. According to that sign over there, maybe we can find answers to our current predicament there." She offered her hand.
"Do not worry, for I will protect you and guide you to freedom; that is my duty as leader."

There was a vast sea. The sound of flowing waves hitting the beach sounded over the area. Palm trees fitted the island perfectly content on providing the most tropical of sceneries. On this beach, several children ran happily barefoot in the sand, laughing among themselves as they passed a ball between one another. Two were out floating and resting in the waves, while another was seeking down within the oceans waves for what she might find while one stood on lookout for her, the floating girls coming with unhelpful comments as they did. One girl was simply sitting in the grounded part of the water, staring out into the distance and enjoying herself. One was trying to keep track of the others, while another was sunbathing and resting as if life in general had been exhausting.

And, in the shadows of the tropical trees sat their mistress in a beach chair, resting with her attendant standing to her immediate left, and another girl in a similar chair not too far to her right.

‘Yah!’ Victoria shouted out, lobbing the beach ball towards one of her companions.

‘CHA!’ Jelena jumped into the air, and smashed it down with a metal arm towards the third of their number.

‘Woah!’ Mayra made a noise as she missed the ball with her fist… but then hit it with her tail!

‘Hey! No fair! No using limbs you have, but we don’t!’ Jelena complained, frowning as she caught the returned ball and glared at Mayra.

‘Hahahahahahaha! Sorry~!’ Mayra grinned and stuck out her tongue a bit, smiling at the two of them.

‘… Hm. Hold on. Mayra. Aren’t you…’ Victoria suddenly paused, examining their companion. ‘… A whole lot less dragon and a whole lot more human than usually?’

‘Huh, I am?’ Mayra asked, and looked down at herself.

‘Haha, I guess I am!’ Mayra commented with a smile, inspecting her arms. Most of her dragon-scales had been replaced with human skin, and she was wearing an extremely small black bikini on her tanned skin, though she still had the horns and tail of a dragon.

The two other girls squinted at the unperturbed dragon girl, when Victoria’s eyes drifted over towards Jelena. ‘Speaking of which, aren’t you supposed to be limbless?’

Jelena grinned viciously and postured with her body. ‘Feast your eyes! I am Jelena 2.0! No longer having to build my own limbs from metal, I have had a robotic body built for myself! This, combined with this one-piece swimsuit, means I can enjoy the beach like any other of you!’ Jelena boasted.

‘… You’re gonna sink like a rock,’ Victoria blankly commented on the metal body.

‘Yupp, yupp!’ Mayra agreed happily.

‘Hmpf!’ Jelena made an unhappy sound, looking at Victoria. ‘Compared to us, you’re…’

Victoria took a step back, putting her hands behind her back and pushing out her chest a bit, showing off the red bikini she had ended up in. ‘Mmm. Sorry for being normal.’

‘Huff. It’s okay. I’d prefer to be normal, too,’ Jelena commented, when suddenly Mayra stole the beachball and the two others had to blink awake.

‘Enough of that! Let’s play, let’s play!’ Mayra called cheerfully, and the two other girls skipped the issue and ran after, continuing their game.

Meanwhile, a bit away, in the water.

‘I must say…’ Suzette said, lying on her stomach on a floating banana filled with air, her limbs in the water below, staring at Josefin, who was standing with her ankles in the water, staring down with a worried look into the sea. ‘I didn’t expect you to expose so much skin, Jose. You might actually be able to seduce some guys like that. Some guys that doesn’t mind the trip to jail, anyway,’ Suzette said, ending with a smirk.

Josefin stuck out her tongue at Suzette.

‘I’ll have you know I’m way older than I look. I am, on the other hand, not in the slightest surprised by your look! You look like you eat boys for breakfast!’ Josefin playfully accused back, to which Suzette merely held up two peace-signs with her fingers and stuck out her tongue in return.

‘How about you, miss actually-literally-eats-boys-for-breakfast?’ Suzette turned to look over at Ronja… and frowned a bit. Ronja was floating on her back on top of another floating thing… which just happened to be her own giant spider-butt. ‘You can float on that? … Besides that, did you usually have a crotch?’

‘Mmm, I wonder,’ Ronja stated, the monster looking up in the sky under a straw hat. ‘Still, it does allow me to be a bit more sexy than usual. Does this look good? I can’t really confirm with my own eyes, anymore, but…’ Ronja said, sitting up and stroking her legs together a bit, making Suzette jolt back a bit.

‘Yeah… sure. You look… lovely,’ Suzette told her, a bit unnerved by the appearance of her monster companion. Ronja giggled and sat back again, while Suzette sighed out and looked at Josefin, who was still looking into the water.

‘What are you looking for, Jose?’ Suzette asked.

‘Taihei dove into the water some time ago-’ Josefin explained. ‘-and she hasn’t come back. I’m getting worried.’

‘Taihei, huh…’ Suzette whimpered as she sounded out. ‘I don’t even want to imagine how she looks in a swimsuit. Heck, that monster doesn’t normally wear any clothes, anyway…’

‘Don’t speak too soon,’ Ronja said with a smirk. ‘She may have transformed to give her more appeal, just like me.’

‘Eh, I doubt it,’ Suzette said with a shrug. ‘With her luck, she probably somehow managed to become even more horrify-’

Then suddenly there was a splash, as a girl ascended from the water and almost knocked Suzette’s banana over, the girl swimming into the shallower area before standing up in front of Josefin…

‘Taihei! You’re back!’ Josefin said happily.


The blue-haired girl with fins sticking out here and there on her turned to face Suzette with a slight blush, acknowledging the statement.

‘I agree. I can’t believe it, either,’ Taihei replied.

‘… Eh?’ Suzette frowned, looking over Taihei’s much more humanoid than normal body. ‘Why’s there marks all over your body?’ the empath asked. Indeed, there was a red line around Taihei’s left leg, there were countless marks around her right arm, and her face was just all red.

‘Oh…’ Taihei said, looking down on herself. ‘So, I got my leg tangled in seaweed, which held me in place. While I was held in place, a shoal of clownfishes suddenly got exceedingly violent and started trying to eat me up, doing damage to me in the process. When I finally got loose from them, a stinging jellyfish crashed and got stuck in my face, so I had to get that off before I could get back to the surface. If I hadn’t been an aquatic monster, I would surely have drowned,’ Taihei said, blankly.

‘… I take it back. You’re definitely Taihei,’ Suzette said with an equally blank expression of dealing with what she’d been told.

‘Did you have to take on such a mission!? I was worried! You know what happens when you go off alone!’ Josefin pleaded to her friend. Taihei looked back to her.

‘I’m an aquatic monster-girl. It makes sense that I be the one to explore the bottom of this ocean for clues as to where we’ve ended up,’ Taihei simply stated.

‘I know, but…!’ Josefin pleaded, but eh, what can you do.

Meanwhile, on the beach, feeling like she had just changed to her one-piece swimsuit was Tullia, walking about feeling awkward.

‘Are you okay?’ Freya asked her from diagonally behind, causing Tullia to completely flinch and spin around on the spot, calming down first after identifying who had spoken.

‘Oh, Freya… You scared me,’ Tullia sighed out, and then looked over Freya. ‘… You look different. You have… feet,’ Tullia commented, and the monster-girl spoken to gave the slightest of a smile.

‘I do. Seems like whoever put us here wanted us monsters to be a bit more charming,’ Freya said, leaning on one of her legs that she usually didn’t have.

‘… You look good,’ Tullia commented with a smile.

‘Thanks. You don’t look bad, yourself,’ Freya replied.

‘I look plain. I was afraid of exposing too much skin, but, uh…’ Tullia said, and looked over at the green-haired girl sitting in the water nearby. ‘I guess that wasn’t a worry.’

‘If you’re speaking about me, I’m an immortal spirit with millenium on you who have no shame of my bare form,’ Lea said, leaned back and enjoying the water.

‘Humans do not have a long enough lifespan to realize the tvilialty of such things,’ the sprite magical girl continued, in a tone of superiority.

‘R-right…’ Tullia said, feeling uncharacteristically embarrassed. She was a monster-hunter who wouldn’t even flinch taking down the most enormous of dragons… yet wearing a swimsuit felt like it was among the hardest she had ever done.

‘Lea, any word from the outside world?’ Freya asked, bringing the subject back to their situation.

‘None. We are locked in this world. Overcity Shift does not work. I can’t contact Asengav. Frankly, we’re stuck here, for now. So I’m taking this rare moment to relax instead of devoting my entire being to my lord, thank you very much,’ Lea said, her eyes closed.

‘Hm, very well,’ Freya nodded, and then looked over at Tullia… who was looking over with wide eyes at where Victoria, Jelena and Mayra were playing. There was something sad in her look. ‘Tullia. Is something the matter?’ Freya asked.

‘… Before this mission, me and Victoria did everything together,’ Tullia started, looking over at them. ‘Eating. Fighting. Sleeping. I thought we had a good partnership going. Yet, since the start of this mission, she’s been hanging out with Jelena and Mayra way more than with me. I’m starting to wonder. Did we ever have a partnership? Was it just that we had been assigned to work together? Was all I thought we had just in my head?’ … So Tullia couldn’t help but wonder.

There was a multitude of things Freya could answer that with, she picked to sigh and slap Tullia in the back so she stumbled in surprise in the direction of Victoria. When she looked at Freya in surprise, Freya smiled back at her. ‘C’mon, let’s join them.’

‘Y-yes, ma’am!’ Tullia stuttered forward, and the two ended up running over towards the three younger-seeming members of the group, and compliments about how they looked were immediately exchanged and the atmosphere was good…

Good, huh.

Mariette sat silently on a beach-chair in the shadow of a tropical tree, staring at her playing companions while holding onto a black stuffed bunny. She looked down on the swimsuit she had been put in. She’d never have picked to wear something like this herself, yet here she was, wearing it.

She looked to her left, where Eli stood. Eli shivered to somewhat, looking a bit different than usual. She wasn’t a harpy right now, just in the shape of a regular young (slime-)girl in a kid’s swimsuit…

… So, the questions were of course, why are they here, and how did it happen?

‘It seems we’re trapped. I can’t communicate with the outside, and my instruments within here are highly limited,’ said the girl in the beachchair to Mariette’s right.

‘Is it the act of someone who wishes us ill?’ Mariette asked.

‘Not necessarily us, specifically. I’m picking up signals indicating that most of the Magical Girl population of Penrose have been summoned here. Could be that it just took everyone it could find in an area,’ the girl replied.

‘Despite this, whatever it is clearly knew to group us all together, something very few should have been able to know,’ Mariette considered.

‘Indeed, that is strange,’ the girl pondered.

‘I would have understood if it was just me and the rest of the girls, because we were all staying in the mansion… but you,’ Mariette asked, and turned to look at the girl next to her. ‘Why are you here?’ she asked, frowning at the girl.

‘Oh, I don’t know. Maybe…’ the girl said with a smirk, before turning her back somewhat towards Mariette and suggesting with a sultry tone. ‘Maybe I just wanted to show off my swimsuit?’

‘… Hmpf,’ Mariette sat back in her beach chair again. ‘The rest shouldn’t even know you exist.’

‘That’s right. And seeing how my abilities are more or less useless here…’ the girl said as she stood up and stretched for a bit. ‘I guess I’ll go get myself lost in the forest before I become associated with you,’ she told.

‘…’ Mariette simply aimed a stare at the girl as she turned to walk.

‘Don’t worry. My knack for staying out of trouble should still work here. I’ll return if there’s any trouble. Stay safe,’ the blue-haired girl said, and then she wandered off.

… Very concerning that she ended up here, too.

‘Mistress, what do we do?’ Eli asked her. Mariette sighed out, and looked over her forces, who seemed to all be playing right now…

‘I’ll let the forces take a break. With my portal abilities and your Darkness magic, we’re the superior information-gatherers of this group. Eli. Let’s go,’ so Mariette said, confirming she could still open portals to look over the island they had landed on. Eli simply smiled at her, for regardless of the situation, her mistress was always so calm.

‘At once, mistress.’
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

What the hell was going on here.

Why the hell was she in this swimsuit.

And why the hell was she on a beach.

Just what the hell.

Rina rubbed the back of her head, feeling a little unsure about this swimsuit. At least it had come with a jacket, but seriously, just what the hell was happening here? Last thing she remembered was totally not staring at her phone trying to work up the courage to ask Mika on a second date. Next thing she knew she woke up on some beach island with some sign with some pretty annoyingly bright lettering. Prize for getting to the central island without getting wet?

Prize huh...

No, she needed to focus on what was going on here.

"...tsk, this is like some lame anime or something." She sighed, quickly testing to see if she could summon her bow and swords. Seemed like this swimsuit doubled as her magical girl form, but why? Decided best to see if she could wake up any of the others, Rina walked over to Amaryllis.

"Hey, Shakespeare!" Rina gave her a light shove. "We got a problem."

"Hmm, sand, check."

Chloe looked out over the ocean.

"Water, Check."

Quickly, she looked down towards her own body.

"Totally adorable swimsuit as expected of me - check." Chloe folded her arms, racking her brain over what happened. She was in the middle of a meeting with the girls, discussing their soon to be next plan of action...that was the last thing she remembered. But what in the world? A beach resort? Was this heaven? No, it couldn't be. If it was Penny would be here and they'd be doing things.

So was this Hell instead. More fun for her, then.

"Aaaah. Well whatever I don't care. I needed a break anyways." Chloe chuckled to herself. Besides, anything that happened on a tropical island, stayed on a tropical island. Still...it was extremely disconcerting. To be yanked from her home like this with none of the other girls. Divina was probably beside herself with worry...or doing her best to keep Aurora in line. She wasn't worried, of course. They could handle themselves.

Taking a brief look over the others, there was no one here she really recognized...but who was she to say no to some beauties in swimsuits? Time to mingle~

"Heeeeey!" Walking up to the others, Chloe waved energetically, greeting them with a rather suggestive smirk. "Dunno what's going on here, but I'll take eye candy any day, heh. Any of you beauties happen to be free for a bit of fun on this mysterious deserted island?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

The sudden noise shook Alexander awake "Ergggg...what is wrong with my...bed?" By the time he reached the word 'bed' his brain had finished booting up and fully realized that he in fact, wasn't in his bed. This realatazation caused him to bolt up and take a look around to see sand and water "...how...?" Alexander was completely baffled. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice

"A-Alex...When I suggested a date...this wasn't what I meant. This is, like, advanced dating!"

'Wait...Lily?' Sure enough turning his head to the source showed him...


Alexander didn't realize, but his Beast magic flared up at the sight of her, and two blond fluffy ears popped up on his head 'What...what the fuck is wrong with me?' Alexander thought to himself 'Why does my body feel like it's on fire? Am I sick or something?' He tried to shake off the strange feeling, but his cheeks became flushed "L-Lily, where are we, how did we-?" then that he noticed what he was wearing "...what? What!? Why am I wearing swim trunks!? I've never seen these before!" Before he could further ponder the implications in waking up wearing some clothing that he didn't remember putting on, he heard another voice, this time an unfamiliar one

”Hey stud, Need help getting up? Heh, interpret that however you want.”

'Was that a drug joke? Eh, whatever' He took her outstretched hand as she helped him up

”I’m Tetrad. Who might you be?” She introduced herself

"Alexander" He spared a glance to Lily to see her talking with some other girls, as social butterflies like her tended to do "I kind of thought it was only Lily and me here. Not sure if there being others here is a good thing or a bad thing"

”Also anyone know what's with the reception in this place? I can't get anything with my tablet.”

That made Alexander freeze. While he didn't have a whole lot of experience with wireless doodads, something about that rubbed him the wrong way. Seconds later, he realized why "...Please don't tell me this is another dimension, or something."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Online

The air smelled sweet, floral, and the sun was warm in a manner that soaked into her bones without coaxing sweat. Beneath her, the sand crinkled comfortingly against her back, while the cool breeze brought with it the refreshing saltiness of the ocean, waves ebbing and flowing. When was the last time she had such a wonderful slumber? When was the last time she could relax so much? Stirring gently out of her sleep, Amaryllis pulled herself up as she yawned, rubbing the drowsiness from her eyes. She breathed in the floral wind one last time, before her amethyst eyes scanned the scene before her, from the other magical girls still lying on the ground to Rina’s new outfit to the wholly alien landscape around her.


She’s gotta get back.

“Yeah, this really is a bi- Buwh?!”

Looking down at her own attire, Amaryllis’s cheeks flushed red at just how scandalous they were. She hadn’t thought it was possible to get any skimpier than her usual magical girl outfit, but now even her naked hips were exposed, nevermind how tightly the synthetic fibers pressed against her skin. Even though the gods were kind enough to give her a jacket, that could only cover either her top or her bottom, not both, and leaving one exposed was already scandalous enough. Swallowing once, the Midsummer Blossom shrugged off her jacket and tried to wrap it around her chest, using the extra length to then cover her b- nope, that certainly didn’t work either when her proportions were like this!

With a defeated sigh, Amaryllis put on her white-and-red jacket once more, looking for buttons or zippers or something to close it up…but of course, those didn’t even exist! What was the point of a jacket that couldn’t close up? Even her skimpy magical girl outfit didn’t have THAT problem. Maybe if she just…wore her jacket backwards then…no, that’d also be hella weird. Shooting a semi-envious glance at Rina’s jacket with the big, functional zipper and the puffy, extra-largeness of it all, the buxom swordswoman took a couple of deep breaths, willing the heat in her face to dissipate, before saying, “Yeah, uh, super big problem.”

She turned to face the skies, a deep, star-studded blue that didn’t actually have the sun she felt in her dreams.

“Doesn’t even look like we’re on Earth anymore…but, uh, maybe we could go to that c-central island, Rina? Seems like, uh, that’s where the help desk is…really’d be nice if we could just get back through there…”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 8 mos ago

S a m a n t h a

Samantha Howard

Eventually, it was Samantha's turn to rouse from her slumber. As she stood up, it took approximately two seconds for her to go from being on high alert because of the unfamiliar surroundings and how she had gotten there, to confusion when she noticed that there were other girls on the island and they were all wearing swimsuits. She wasn't sure why, but she expected being kidnapped to be less... lighthearted? She was concerned, but everyone else seemed rather okay with the situation, so she imagined there was not any immediate danger. So for now, she remained completely calm.

Spying Veronica, the girl naturally decided she would approach her employer, whom she hoped would have a better idea of their situation. Though a mere second after Sil thought to do this, Veronica herself confirmed to another girl that that was simply not the case. A shame, but if Veronica wasn't in the know about things, then perhaps it would be best to keep her guard up after all?

Samantha's inclination was to keep a cold exterior up anyways, so that wasn't a particularly difficult plan to follow through on. She wore an apathetic expression as she glanced at the others.

"Heeeeey!" a voice called out.

Samantha recognized the girl's voice instantaneously. Chloe. She could not forget that girl's voice no matter how hard she tried. But even if she could, doing so could potentially be an even bigger mistake than the one she made when she was sparring with Veronica. Chloe was an important, unique girl, after all. Sam knew this much since their encounter at Chloe's apartment. She was capable of things Sil had not seen other magical girls do before, and that alone was something to keep an eye out for. The fact that she hadn't once heard anybody else recognize this was, quite honestly, baffling to the assassin.

Was everyone else just stupid?

Maybe it was arrogant to think that she alone was the only one who could comprehend the importance of Chloe. That, in a sense, she was almost a sort of 'chosen one' who could recognize greatness. But if there was one thing she had become certain of in her time as a magical girl, it was this:

Not many of them appreciated a good cup of coffee.

Fools, all of them!

"Dunno what's going on here, but I'll take eye candy any day, heh. Any of you beauties happen to be free for a bit of fun on this mysterious deserted island?"

Now that Chloe had spoken a few more words, Samantha remembered that she was a bit difficult to interact with. But maybe it was simply because Samantha never quite could understand the point of flirting and the sort. Wasn't it kinda dumb? A proud girl like Samantha could only find such trivial things irritating. She should hurriedly put a stop to this before it got out of hand, after all. She approached Chloe with narrowed eyes and a fire in them reminiscent of those woman with short hair who felt a need to speak to the manager of a fast food establishment because a new employee accidentally forgot to take off the pickles.

"You know," Samantha turned a palm up. Happening to glance at it and perhaps seeing something that wasn't typical, the girl's eyes snaked along her own arm and down towards her body as she spoke. The volume and confidence of her voice soon followed suit. "...You should really..." It became really hard to even hear her as she tried, and failed, to continue speaking in a strong enough voice to understand. "...try to not be so... aggressive....in...your...." Even magically-enhanced hearing couldn't discern whether she simply finished her sentence in a really low voice or gave up, but with her face turning red as a beet and any semblance of confidence having evaporated on the spot, there was one thing that likely became apparent to anyone watching:

Samantha had realized that she, too, was wearing a swimsuit.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago


The sen felt....good. Warm. Maybe a bit too warm actually. The glare from her window was growing to be annoying, earning a displeased groan as she slowly shifted to try and avoid it. which didn't work for the most part, until something moved in the way to obscure said sunlight.

Now that was weird. So was the sudden realization that she didn't feel like she was in her bed anymore. In fact, this felt like some kind of beach chair...

Eyes flickered open to find that she was, indeed not in her bed. Instead she was on the beach, and she had no idea how she had gotten here. At least the fact that she was quickly able to locate Kimble and several other Beacon girls with her was a good sign. It probably wasn't a kidnapping attempt, if it was then it was the strangest one she had ever seen. There were only a few other options she could think of, but deciding on one seemed like futile at this point.

"Of course I am," she assured Kimble as she rose to her feet, before leaning over to scratch behind the catgirl's ears. "That would be a pretty lackluster way to go out."

Now fully awake, she could take stock of the situation. They were on some kind of beach, there were several girls here, it was hot but it looked beautiful, and at some point along the way she had wound up in a swimsuit like everyone else. She wasn't sure the one piece was what she necessarily would have gone for at first choice, but 'choice' didn't seem like something they had right now.

She nodded in agreement with Sylvia's assessment as she took charge of the situation. Find out what was going on first, then address potential relaxation once they knew there was no threat. "Sounds good to me," she concurred as she joined the cluster of Beacon girls.

Following Sylvia's gaze to what she had noticed, reading the sign earning a small frown from the Seraph. "Well that's convenient," she noted before looking around at those present. "Well, if we feel like playing along it shouldn't be too hard to get there without getting wet. Penny has a boat and if that's not available, I'm sure we can figure out something anyway." For example, Summer's powers could get pretty ridiculous. Where there was a will, there was a way.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Light and sound. There was a roar of waves mixed with the murmur of voices. Under the shade of an umbrella Janet and Jenna lay out on two towels. The disturbance caused Jenna to reach around and grope around for her blanket to cover herself. After a little searching all the managed to grab was the towel. Taking that and rolling over she managed to pull the covering out from underneath her. In the process however she displaced herself from the shade and unto the how sand around the umbrella. Taking a breath she managed to catch a might bit of sand and woke suddenly, sputtering and spitting trying to get the grit out of her mouth. Eyes adjusting to the bright sun she peered at the jungle on one side and then whipped around to see the ocean on the other. What exactly was going on wasn't nearly on her might just yet as she had to alert her sister. "Janet, Janet wake up we've been..." Shoving her sister to rouse her she stared at her twin baffled.

Literally shaken from slumber Janet flailed slightly before giving in and opening her eyes. Nothing that she saw was familiar. Umbrella, sand, water, jungle, Jenna... Jenna? Looking up at the one that woke her she tried to understand what she was looking at. In the time that they had used the Red Coin it's effects on their mental state had slowly but steadily guided them toward chivalry. It complemented their vow of Charity but also had other more subtle effects. Like for instance their behavior and choice of wear. They would not tempt another by wearing revealing clothing among others. Even as normal girls they would dress proper, often opting to don dresses or at least a shirt and some form of pants for something more casual. However, here and now the twins found their bodies shockingly exposed for all the world to see. Armor replaced by jackets that would hardly serve as a covering and the clothing beneath having become nothing but a two piece set of bikini. Their near perfect forms ordinarily dressed for battle now dressed for fun in the sun.

Both letting out a brief scream of surprise at their appearance they soon covered their own mouths as realizing that other Beacon members were nearby. They too were in swimsuits of varying degrees of appropriate. How did they get here? Why was everyone dressed for the beach? Where could they find some clothes? After being frozen for far too long the two approached the others. "S-so uh... W-what's going on right now... exactly?" Painfully aware of how little she was wearing Janet was uncharacteristically nervous. Jenna seemed to be adjusting a little quicker but she still had her arms crossed as if it would hide anything.

Being a girl with Enhanced Sustenance had its perks. It meant that sleeping was an occasional thing. And for a Puchuu girl that meant more time to work and get the sweet rush of accomplishment. But even someone like Shannon needed some sleep every now and then. Having gone to sleep in the apartment she had been staying in since arriving in Penrose she was brought out of slumber when her Awareness kicked in. Something was wrong, well, off more like it. Sitting up and quickly taking in her surroundings she was very clearly on a beach that was not of earth. Additionally there were others there that she hadn't met, but were all wearing swimsuits. That was good as it probably meant that they weren't all there to fight. Spotting a sign she read it over and at least got some kind of direction.

Sliding her legs under her Shannon got to get feet but stopped briefly. The feel of her clothes was odd and a quick once over she found that she was wearing a one piece swimsuit that you would expect from someone competing. Sitting by her feet was also a rather thin white shirt of some kind. Picking it up it was actually more like the top of a sailor's outfit. It wouldn't actually hide much when worn but for Shannon that didn't really matter. Draping the extra garment over her arm she joined the mishmash of girls that appeared to also be or had only just woken themselves.

"Hey there. Did I win an all expenses paid vacation or something?" Attempting to shift failed pretty quickly. Attempting to reach her Paree didn't get anywhere either but that wasn't really an indication of anything, Puchuu were fickle like that. Looking off in the direction of the center island she considered a way to get to the island without getting wet. She could make a land bridge. Chain islands tended to be shallow and have sand bars in between. Or make a raft. She could actually kick a trees roots straight out of the ground without much effort. But greetings were in order. "I'm Shannon by the way. Pleasure to meet you." The girl offered a hand to anyone that would accept it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 6 days ago

.:Starting in the Sun:.

There is always something to be said about waking up slowly, to slowly find oneself in that state of half awareness that is a mix of soothing and comfort, to slowly regain connection to the rest of the waking world. For Penny such an occurrence was a rarity, and normally one she would have fought to maintain, but the sound of voices drifting in from the distance shattered that chance.

When her eyes snapped open she was expecting to see the roof of her lair, as the last thing that came to her mind was her having finally finished remodeling it in to a sanctuary. Thus the sight of a bright blue sky and a beach umbrella stunned her. Sitting up Penny noticed that she was on a beach, and her confusion only grew. Looking around she caught sight of the other members of Beacon further down the beach, and a forest behind her.

“What the…?” she wondered aloud before jerking back in surprise at her voice, It sounded normal, but even without looking Penny could tell she was in her unsealed state. Looking down at herself Penny was caught in a mix of embarrassment and confusion.

She looked human, but none of her tattoos were visible. She poked her stomach and she could feel both unflinching steel and soft skin. She could pull up her HUD but the hum wasn’t there. It made no sense. Leaning back in the chair she was in Penny did her best to keep breathing as she fought down the urge to freak out.

Taking another glance at the beacon members down the way, Penny decided to try something out to solve her confusion and with a bit of focus she felt her hand disconnect. Glancing down at it she felt relief to see her disconnected hand had reverted to its metallic state. A quick glance also revealed that the inside of her arm was still as she expected it to be.

She let out a sigh of relief as she let her hand reconnect. Watching it quickly return to her human looking one.
“So someone has put quite the potent illusion on me…” she murmured, wondering all the while why someone might do that. Glancing again at the Beacon members she closed her right eye and triggered the magnifying aug in her left eye.

Before quickly shutting her eye and hiding her face in her hand as she fought off a blush. Everyone was in swimsuits. This was going to be hell for Penny, it was quite easy to ignore the skimpy outfits of people in the middle of a fight to the death, but a beach vacation was another thing altogether.

With a sigh of resignation she stood up, noticing the sheer pareo she had, and trekked over to the rest of her comrades, determined to just play it cool for as long as she could.

She ended up arriving just in time to overhear Alicia mention something about her having a Boat. “Why would we need Earthbastion?” She would ask walking closer to take a look at the sign everyone else was looking at.

“Not really sure” Penny would answer Janet as she turned to look at the twins. “But the center island might be able to answer that”

-=Ǝ Paradise E=-

Aurelio had woken up not on the beach, like most of the other on the island had, but just barely into the forest. He had woken up on a bed in a small bamboo hut and the first thing he had tried was teleporting back to HQ. He was mildly concerned when that failed.

Getting up he found a small cooler at the foot of the bed that had a variety of glass bottles of soda in it, kept nice and cold by a large amount of ice and a table with some chairs at the far end of the hut but nothing else of any importance.

Raising his arm he snapped and three other him’s poofed into existence, to his mild surprise, and it was at this moment that he and himself noticed what it was he was wearing.

“Not bad…” He would murmur as they examined their enforced outfit.

“No idea where we got it though.” said another as he checked over the jacket

“Not as good looking as the suit,” continued the third as he examined the top hat, surprised, and glad that a deck of cards was still hidden inside

“But the sandals are comfy.” finished the last as he tapped the new foot wear against the dirt floor.

“Hey, I think I hear others” broke in one of them gesturing at the door as he did.

The rest of the Aurelio’s stopped and turned towards the door to the hut and after a moment they could in fact make out voices, ones they recognized.

“Seems we got a vacation?” said the original with a smile at the odd turn of luck.

“Sounds like a plan to us!” said two of them with enthusiasm.

“Shall we share the drinks?” The third inquired as he gestured to the cooler

With a collective nod the squad of magicians left the hut, stopping for a moment to take in the breath taking beauty of this island paradise.

“Hey everyone!” They called out with wide grins as they approached, the two in the back hoisting the cooler up as the continued “We’ve brought drinks!”

The two carrying it cooler brought it over and placed near the majority of the beach chairs, one of them grabbing a cream soda before stepping away from it.

One of the clones wandered over to take a look at the sign that was still the center of attention.

While the main man walked over to Sally “Seems our date has gotten an upgrade wouldn’t you say?” he would ask with an easy smile and a chuckle.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 8 mos ago

E m i l y

"This is my chance to make stronger bonds with my sisters!"

— Emily

A yawn.

Emily slowly stirred, waking up without much urgency at first. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and then scanned her immediate area, raising an eyebrow in confusion. She did not remember falling asleep, and she most certainly did not remember doing so on a beach. A weird, alien-like beach at that. The odd scenery caused her to hop to her feet, but upon seeing other girls there wearing nothing but swimsuits, she hardly felt the need to be on alert. They seemed to be in the same situation she was.

Oh, I hope whatever happened didn't take me mid-shift!

Even in this foreign place with no real clue what was going on, Emily couldn't help but worry about the soup kitchen she volunteered at. But after taking a second to think about it, she did remember finishing work and heading home. Anything after that was fuzzy, so her best guess is that she was... abducted? after that. So long as she had finished her duties, then this was fine. She could deal with whatever oddities were thrown her way, probably.

"Ah..." Emily approached a familiar face, stopping beside her. It was Amaryllis, but she'd just been shoved by another girl. Emily figured they must have been really close, because she was sure that is what nicknames meant. She wished she had such a strong bond between another girl like that, so she was a bit envious of the two. "Is there really a problem?" she asked innocently. "I think she looks cute! It's a nice look!" she complimented, then, as if remembering something, looked at herself.

As with everyone else, she found she too was wearing appropriate apparel for a day out on the beach. The swimsuit she was wearing was almost plain, at least compared to her normal getup. It was a white two-piece with green trims, but it had a red bow in the center of the top. A transparent veil on the bottom half and a cute flower-like accessory on her head were the most noteworthy additions, but she also had a single pink wrist-cuff on one side, and a bracelet on the other. Given how her typical clothing looked, she couldn't find it in herself to complain about this.

Around this time is when Emily noticed the sign. She briefly took a moment to herself to go see what it said, and couldn't help but express a bit of excitement. She was a bit embarrassed at the fact she thought the other girl was speaking about Amaryllis' swimsuit and not that they were all on an island suddenly. But, well, even if she might be a bit awkward, she really did appreciate any time she could interact with her sisters in a non-violent way. Such chances were, quite unfortunately, rare for her... at least they used to be. This seemed to be changing over the course of the last couple of weeks, and Emily was grateful for it.

"Oh!" one of the other girls woke up and had introduced herself to everyone as Shannon. Nobody else seemed to jump at the opportunity to take her hand in greeting, so Emily struck while the iron was still hot! "Hello, Shannon! I'm, um, Emily...! Very pleased to meet you!" she hoped she wasn't coming off as too excited as she accepted the other girls' hand and gave it a good shake. "I hope we can all get through this challenge together!"




Among magical girls, there were some who were especially keen on picking up minute details. This trait had many uses, but was often best used as an early-warning system. A person who doesn't cast a shadow, for example, was likely plotting something nefarious and to know this before it occurred could save one's life. Small giveaways that betray a trap that had been laid, a nervous tick, an inconsistency in the background. Yes, magical girls who were especially skilled in awareness were often able to respond to threats a lot quicker and more efficient than the standard girl. But that doesn't mean normal girls were defenseless against surprises and the sort. It was merely that they often had less time to react and were more vulnerable. But, perhaps as a basic instinct, every girl could sense a threat to their lives when it wasn't actively concealed. A sloppy, loud attack... a missile quickly approaching...?

This primal instinct that told a person that something bad was going to happen likely kicked on for everyone who consisted of what may be referred to as "group 4". A shiver down the spine, or goosebumps... something gave it away. And for those who decided to look to the sky, they would see just what that 'something' was.

A projectile of sorts was rocketing towards their island at incredible speed. It looked almost like a fireball -- obvious evidence that the drag it experienced on its way down had caused it to suffer intense heat. Had it come from space? At the very least, it looked like it did. A shuttle reentering Earth's atmosphere was the best comparison one might be able to offer, but it was much smaller in size.

Its descent came to an explosive close on the edge of the island.

The collision was almost enough to bust a person's ear drums, and the sand it kicked up made it seem as though a bomb went off. A minute or so passed before the air was clear enough to see just what the object was. Inside the center of the crater it had created, there was something that would likely shock all of the people who witnessed it. Because unless their eyes were playing tricks on him, at the epicenter was...

A huge boogie board.

H i l a r i a

"'Saving' the best introduction for last~!"

— Hilaria

Suddenly, a white-haired girl hopped into the crater, approaching the thing and reaching out to grab it. The moment she touched it, a loud hiss escaped from the point of contact and she drew her hand back. She had to have suffered severe burns, but only a moment later, her hand would return to normal.

She wore a slim white jacket that wasn't zipped up over a two-piece string bikini. It almost seemed too small, and thusly highlighted the girl's ample assets. Other details included a cute little flowers and a few shotgun shells strapped to her legs, but otherwise the bikini itself wasn't especially eye-catching. On Hilaria, however, it was definitely a head-turner.

"Ah~!" she didn't seem the least bit worried. She looked happy, even. "Maybe I put a little too much 'oomph' into it, hmm~?" she raised a finger to her lips before tilting her head sideways, happening to see the other girls. She left the boogie board for now and made a beeline for the group that had formed.

Hilaria clapped her hands together as she stopped in front of the others, tilting her head to the side. "Hey hey~! Are you guys the ones who kidnapped me, I wonder~?" she paused and gave everyone a once over. "No~ No~ You all are too cute to be plotting, I think~! But, then, who stole Hilaria~?" she scratched her head, unable to find an answer. "Oh well~ It doesn't really matter, does it~?"

Though she had been speaking to nobody in particular, Hilaria hadn't been able to move her eyes from Mika. She was obviously checking the girl out, but it strangely did not feel as though there was any perverted intentions behind the act. Presumably because she find Mika to be acceptable in some way, shape, or form, the girl continued, addressing Mika specifically this time. "Hey, you~! Do you like challenges~? Hilaria does~! How do you do with heights, I wonder~?"
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