Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Asylum

Priya observed Alicia’s antics, spinning a tale of her sanity. ”Yeah, because sane people take a rusty can and cut themselves to prove a point.” She shook her head in mock disbelief, but truly nothing surprised her in this fucking town. ”Dead or not or whatever the hell you are, you were just bandaged and left down here. I can’t just look past that and let you go wandering off on your own, incredible healing factor or not. So we go together. I’m going to need an explanation as to why you are ‘dead’ and are still breathing and walking around because, as I've said, I’ve seen enough zombie movies to know that they take all forms and something like that in this town would not surprise me.”

As she pressed forward, attempting to push Alicia back so she could take point, she began to shake a bit. Her vision blurred like she was inside of a fog and couldn’t see much in front of her. She blinked a few times trying to shake it, but to no avail. ”As if things couldn’t get worse huh? Now I can barely see. Keep moving forward then. Stairs it is.” She stepped up, holding on to the railing to lead her up. She tried to keep an eye out, but she had no idea why her vision began to haze.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Grimm Asylum Subbasement
Skills: N/A

"Well lets just keep going c'mon Claire Bennet." Riley said towards Alicia, remembering a show that she watched a few years ago called Heroes, which was something she liked to watch before it was canceled and all that. As Riley turned towards the stairwell she started to pause as her vision started to get really blurry. And started to rub her eyes groaning a bit as she tried to clear her vision but she couldn't at all. "Well looks like i'm going blind as well." Riley muttered to herself at least she was on the same boat now as well she couldn't see anything at all either. As Riley pushed through the door to the stairwell now and slowly and cautiously made her way up the stairs.

All she cared about right now was just getting to the lobby and hopefully she would be able to meet up with Cecily and Roy as well, as she thought about dialing their number again. But she decided against it, she had to destroy her old phone pretty much and had been using the burner phone that Roy had given her. Riley stumbled forward slightly, but managed to catch her footing as Riley slowly made sure that she was getting up the stairs slowly as possible. "The lobby should be the next floor I think." Riley said softly as she tried to rub her eyes a bit more.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mali Anson

Location: Tinder's Place
Skills: Perception

Mali blinked hard. What the hell? And then she tried rubbing her eyes. No, it was still there. Only her vision seemed affected. It didn't feel like allergies, and it wasn't quite that time of year yet. And she doubted that she suddenly developed a need for glasses all of a sudden. Zoie seemed to be going through the same shit as well. Maybe it was the smoke and fog blowing over and affecting them. That seemed like the most likely explanation for all this.

Regardless, the screaming and hollering at least cut through the puzzle of the weird blurring. It wasn't interfering with he ability to actually do anything for the most part. The other people at the scene and the fate of the Tinders themselves were far more pressing issues.

"If it was them, then this is probably connected to Marc's death. Maybe Juno is already here ahead of us. Or it could be someone else entirely." She couldn't answer Zoie's rhetorical question. Hell, she was asking herself the same thing, but standing around clueless wouldn't help anything. Now that they were alone once again, they had some time to properly investigate. Not to mention Mali could let herself chill out a bit since she didn't have to worry about unfamiliar people busting in to shoot at her and/or Zoie.

Well, investigate as well as she could with what felt like a simultaneous case of mild near and farsightedness. But what happened to the Tinders? Were they dead? Kidnapped? Bound and tied somewhere hidden? Simply knocked unconscious and she'd not seen them earlier? Even if she couldn't answer most of her other questions, Mali was reasonably confident she could at least learn the truth of the matter at hand.

"Did you see anything out there Zoie? I'm going to scope this place out." Mali rubbed her eyes. Nope. Still blurred.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure you keep to it. ^_~

Indiana (Heading For Grimm): Will update next round.

Grimm, Indiana (Asylum Sub-basement): Alicia smirked as she kept walking. Yer funny chica. You ain't gonna keep me from goin' anywhere and I don't give two putas what your ass wants to know. I don't know you and I barely know her," she said motioning towards Riley. Which was the truth. She only knew who Riley was and that she lived in the same building at one point. Girl had got cut one night and the media blew it up like she had cancer. Same night her dad had come storming into her and Lorna's apartment waiving a gun around and making the front door explode with his bunny slippers.

"Yay, 3 blind mice, see how we fucking run," Alicia added as she looked around. Priya is able to look around, it's just hazy. Think like getting out of the pool after swimming a lot. Bright lights hurt, things are fuzzy but you can see. At least well enough to get around. She doesn't think she is missing any small details and it doesn't look like anyone is around right now. That is until they pass the elevator shaft, where the doors are open. It's empty, like the elevator was removed a long time ago. There's a little orange balloon floating there. "That's a nope from me," Alicia said as she spotted it. Priya, moving forward will find an unmarked door - cleaning off the dirt from the glass pane she will find the stairs are behind it but it's locked and or jammed shut.

Grimm, Indiana (Tinder House): "How's the hell would they know about Marc's death?" Zoie asked but really not expecting an answer. She doubted Mali knew anymore than she did at this point when it came to the angry Mexican. "Not yet but I'll keep checkin'," she yelled while Mali went and checked the inside of the house. Looking around more Mali would be able to see more signs of a struggle and splatters of blood. Only tiny ones, not ones that really stood out. Almost like someone had atomized the blood in a perfume bottle. It was really odd. Some of it lead upstairs and others lead towards a door, when once checked would lead down to the basement. Oh yay!

Grimm, Indiana (The Asylum - Main Floor): Roy looked over towards Cecily. "Yeah, this is just peachy. It's like looking through watered down bourbon," he said before walking forward slowly. He couldn't figure out which way to go. He was hoping there would be some sort of reception and well there was but yeah, this place was abandoned. The way that people were talking in town, here and there, this place wasn't supposed to be abandoned. It was supposed to be in full working order, with patients and the like. Yet this place looked like it hadn't seen operation since the 1950's at the earliest. While Ray wasn't sure which way to go, Cecily's eyes were on point and she would be able to see a case, thin, on the wall. It is fully covered with dirt but one she wipes it away, beneath the glass is a map of the Asylum with the stairs and elevators marked out. Oddly, on some of the rooms there is a mark, but sadly the map it too damaged even under the glass to be able to make it out.

Grimm, Indiana (On Way To Asylum): Will update next round.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Grimm Indiana (En Route To Nuthouse, one way or another)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A

The haze clung onto the scenery, obscuring things here and there for the intrepid duo. The source of the haze could have very well been the same woodsmoky issue from earlier, but this seemed to be different somehow. More total in coverage. Than again, they could be wrong; it's not like either of them were extremely familiar with the way smoke settled after ...whateverit was that the saw on their way in. Keystone was raised a city boy, and Caesar, for his faults, wasn't the type to set a forest ablaze unless there was a very compelling reason. Especially recently, as he had gotten into watching birds in his spare time. Kinda. When he got around to it.

But the supernatural-ish cloud over everything didn't seem to unduly phase Caesar. Of all the shit going through his head or out in the horror show that was his life, an unnatural haze ranked right up there with dropping the toast in the morning. So long as it didn't land butter side down, all was forgiven. And even if it did, they could work something out. Caesar's motivation and worried lay in another, much less trivial matter, that being a tossup between his daughter or his sanity. Caesar knew that a man with his skillset and background, if he was to crack, no one around him would be safe. So he drove on, hoping that his mind's eye wasn't steering him wrong but preparing for it if it did.

Keystone noted with some regard that the old man had decided to stop speaking, past the occasional grunt of affirmation when he got a change of direction from his larger compatriot. Considering the way the car was being manhandled, he even considered buckling two seatbelts across himself, were such things possible. Instead, he was bound by the more earthly considerations of decreased visibility, a possible insane man behind the wheel, and his own mortality as it related to these topics. Something about that balloon he saw caught in the tree branched by the side of the road, too. Just downright creepy. And a strange thing to thing about, tough it did sort of pop in there unexpected.

Still, the out-of-place SUV roared down the otherwise sleepy roads of Grimm, Indiana. From what little either of the two man had hared about this place, it was probably a better course of action to nuke it from orbit and pick through the skeleton of its ruins for anything useful later on. A small town without the small town charm; mind you it didn't seem very different than Justice, California in that regard. Just the tiny town equivalent of that fetid and festering sewer of corruption and blood. Who better to navigate it than the two foreign-born representatives of Machete Security Solutions, be they unwilling? Perhaps a clearer answer could be determined after they reached their destination - the Grimm Insane Asylum.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: The Asylum - Inside
Skills: Cool Headedness, Deduction

"...Okay, so you definitely have done that before, good to know," Cecily commented about Roy's bourbon remark. The haze that was in front of her reminded her more of looking through tinted glass, as if someone had gone and done a massive iodine stain on the world and they just couldn't quite get it clean no matter what. Given that they had entered the Asylum, she figured that maybe it was just horrible air quality in here or something. Nothing that couldn't easily be explained with science. However, the entire thing with the Asylum looking this horrible, it seemed abandoned... She was looking around, trying to find a way to get to Riley and Priya, when she spotted a thin case on the wall.

Having gone to college and stayed in numerous buildings, as well as working in different ones, she hurried on over to it. Those sort of thin cases usually showed maps. People used to take them out and edit them as pranks in her freshman dorm, causing the RA to send a furious email a few days later about how it wasn't appropriate to draw lewd things over the fire evacuation routes. She clenched the inside of her sleeve and wiped off the case with her sleeve, not really wanting to get the dirt and dust on her hands, but at least with her clothes it would wash out easily. She squinted, trying her best to make it out clearly through the haze. She was able to see the elevators and stairs marked on the maps, as well as some markings on the room that she couldn't really see properly. Taking it out of the case wasn't going to help, from how damaged it was she wouldn't be surprised if it fell apart the instant she looked at it.

Cecily took out her phone and took the clearest image she could of the map. "Here, there's stairs marked. I don't think Riley and Priya are up here and I don't trust the elevators to be in working condition with all of this..." she studied the map for a moment, trying to locate the closest staircase to them.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Robert Adler

Location: Indiana(Heading for Grimm)
Skills: N/A

Robert wasn't a fast sleeper by a long shot. He'd never been in his life, not even when he wanted to. It wasn't doing him any favours this time that he'd already drank a few cups of coffee before they set out on the road. As Robert leaned his head against the palm of his hand, resting against the car's passenger door, he shuffled around in his seat a little while only half listening to Adelaide. Oh yeah, this Malony character sounded like a lot of fun…if you wanted to be killed by a creep. Falling asleep, Robert was not looking forward to Grimm. It sounded like a bad place where bad thing happened. But so was Chicago, and he lived there?

Why was the sun so bright, and the air so warm? Robert stood on a beach, no it was a desert. He wanted to run from something, something terrible behind him He knew that if he stood still, it was coming to take him and make his life a whole lot of pain. So why couldn't he move? Robert looked in fear down at his feet, the sand slowly pulling the insurance fraud investigator down into it's grainy jaws. He felt weak and fragile as he couldn't move, only turn to see what loomed behind him. A darkness hovering over him, flying pieces of paper dropping by him and giving him paper cuts. He knew deep in his soul what this was, and as he saw the darkness envelope him and his vision shrouded, he heard it's name.

Time. Time slipping through his fingers, his life slipping through…

Robert shot his eyes open and stiffed his whole body upon awaking, looking dazzed around him. No, this was just Adelaide's car, nothing to fear. Robert jawned and rubbed his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them as he couldn't see properly. "Uh…how long was I gone? Any closer to Grimm or an approriate time for a break?" Robert asked his driver looking over at her, though the haze remaining. "I think I might have drank too much coffee…it's messing with my eyes. Hey, are you all right?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Grimm Asylum Subbasement
Skills: N/A

Riley turned to look at Alicia though it was really hard to see her, as she tried rubbing her eyes again and groaned trying to see but just gave up. She was really thinking that it was just a bunch of dust in the air, though the place shouldn't have been this neglected at all it should still be in operation last she had heard. "Well woman, even if you don't know jack shit you should at least be able to trust us. Unless you want to navigate this place literally blind still." Riley said, as she rolled her eyes slightly as she tried to make her way towards the door.

Then she stopped seeing the balloon there again which made her really freaked out, since she wasn't expecting to see it, and yet the creepy as fuck clown that should be It's sister. Was still here somewhere, as she squinted to see the balloon a bit more floating in the elevator shaft. "Well It's ugly fucking twin is still here it seems." Riley said mostly to herself, as she stopped looking over towards Pyria as best as she could. "Did I mention that I really just want to get the fuck back home, like really fucking bad?" Riley mentioned looking between Alicia and Pyira.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
Avatar of FantasyChic

FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Asylum

If Priya had her way, she would push Alicia down the stairs and be done with it. She was used to hostility from people. She was the police, after all. What she had not expected was hostility from someone she literally saved from mummification in a creepy asylum. She glanced back at Riley, who at least seemed to share her frustrations. ”Crazy is as crazy does.” She shrugged, if Alicia wished to be like this, that was on her, dead or not.

”You’re right, at this moment I can’t make you do much. But you can be damn sure once outside I will be using the full extent of the law as I have it to find answers. You’re lucky I don’t throw you in handcuffs right now. For your own protection, you see. After all, what you faced down there must have been traumatic. You could be a danger to yourself and need to be taken to a hospital to be checked out. But I haven’t, so do not test my patience. We can get out of here together.”

Priya still could not shake the fogginess but that was the least of their concerns. She saw through the shaft another balloon. ”Ok, screw that. We are getting out of here and finding backup. This has now crossed over to “Fuck That” territory.” She wiped the dirt off a door and checked it. She saw the stairs, but it was locked. ”Shit, anyone think they can open this? Otherwise we may have to climb.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure you keep to it. ^_~

Grimm, Indiana (Entering Grimm): Adelaide looked over towards Robert and shook her head. "Don't think it's the coffee, I ain't ever had enough to do this to my vision," she admitted as they entered the town. The haze was everywhere and people were panicking the streets and running off. This was not good. For once she was glad she grew up in a small town. If this was happening everywhere, people were going to be really fucking things up in big towns like Chicago or Justice. There was also smoke in the town, not thick but looked like it blew in from somewhere else close. And the smell of smoke hung in the air. "Let's just get to the Tinders, maybe they know something," she added as she turned and dodge a family in the street. "Fuck!" she yelled as she kept going, just glad she didn't hit anyone.

Grimm, Indiana (Tinder House): Updating next round.

Grimm, Indiana (Asylum Sub-basement): Alicia stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Riley wide eyed. "I don't know you so I should trust ya? Wow, never raise kids. Gonna tell them to get in the black van with stranger handing out candy," she laughed before she kept on her way. Going over to Priya she took a deep breath. "Fuck it, let me try," she said. She tried giving it a good hard kick just below the door knob. the first time, it didn't budge. "Aww hell no, open you fucking dick weed door," she yelled as she kicked it again and it slammed open. The door knob on the back side of the door embedding in the cinder block wall of the stair well. "Come on," she added as she kept moving and started running up the stairs. They were worn and rickety. Hold a rail, this shit looks like it'll give," she yelled as she sprinted up the stairs. The woman's eyes half glazed over as she ran. "Papi, stairs," she muttered to herself, hoping she could connect to him again while she was moving.

Grimm, Indiana (The Asylum - Main Floor): Roy looked over towards Cecily and nodded. "Yeah, I ain't getting into any elevator in this fuckin' joint even if I did think they worked," he said. This place was too much. "All this shit, yeah, I'm just picturing getting sawed in half trying to get out of an elevator stuck between floors," he added. With the way things were going, that couldn't have been far from the truth. Hell, this place probably once held a girl that was locked away and tortured by two women for shits and giggles. Okay, maybe not shits and giggles but to knock some sense into her only to knock some sense out of her before she was taken to the end of the universe. Nah, shit like that didn't really happen. Did it?

Cecily is able to read the map no problem and locate a stairwell just off to the right a few doors down. Sadly the door is jammed right now. How, not sure. Could be locked, could just be stuck due to age. Ain't opening right now though.

Grimm, Indiana (On Way To Asylum): Caesar and Keystone will arrive at the asylum this round. The haze is still going strong. Caesar is going to hear in his head Alicia telling him stairs. Inside the Asylum it looks run down like it hasn't been used in years and when they get there they will hear Cecily and Roy - mostly Roy yelling about avoiding the fucking elevator.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: The Asylum - Inside
Skills: Cool Headedness, Deduction

"Probably not the worst way to die, with what's been happening lately," Cecily quipped, using a bit of dark humor for the moment. Dying from an elevator accident was practically preferable to anything Juno could plan. She doubted that Juno would give them kind and painless deaths - not that an elevator was painless, but she was certain Juno would involve some element of torture in their plans. Her eyes were on the map though and she was able to orient herself, figuring out where the nearest staircase would be to take them off of the main floor. "Staircase is a few doors down," Cecily explained, heading over there.

She put her hand gently on the door knob and tried to give it the slightest turn, just to see if it was unlocked or not - she had watched enough horror movies to know to be careful when opening a door in the creepy, rundown asylum. However, the door was either locked or stuck or jammed or something. It wasn't going to budge open either way. She had a brief image of Roy just shooting the door knob off, but she was worried asking him to do that would just result in the door getting even more stuck. "Do you think you could open it? It's not budging," she asked her partner and father figure. "Probably don't shoot at the handle, though... Kicking it down might be a better option, though it'll draw attention to us." The haze was still clouding her vision and didn't seem to be going away.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Grimm Indiana (El Asilo/The Nuthouse!)
Skills: Observation, Tracking
Skills: Observation, Security Procedures

Keystone was coming to grips with the fact that his child's maternal grandfather was probably having a psychotic break of some sort. Now, the problem with this was, when a normal person has a shortcircuit of this nature, a couple of imposing gentlemen in crisp, white, shortsleeve overshirts would politely but firmly stuff them into a self-hugging coat and pump them so full of Thorazine that they turn into a mumbling, oozing mess, suitable for stamping and filing away with everyone else whose cheese has slipped off of their cracker; whereas Caesar was a legend in his own time, setting the standard for unrelenting violence spanning decades of horrifying albeit creatively handled, epic rendings of flesh. True, now that he was in his later years, a stretch of relative peace and legitimacy of his business might have earned him accusations of losing a step, but he was not a man with whom to fuck. It would take several men in crisp, white, shirtsleeve overshirts to take this man down, even if they caught him drunk and asleep. And if that was an exaggeration in the slightest, it was hard and fast fact that Keystone himself, who had trained his body into a powerful, living weapon, did not want to pit himself against the man in a fair fight unless he absolutely had to, size difference be damned. Hulk vs. Thor, except that the old Mexican would be channeling Quetzalcoatl instead of that oddly speaking hammerguy.

Or to put it simply, if Caesar went berserk, there would be no stopping him without massive collateral damage.

Now that he was hearing voices, specifically the voice of his recently deceased daughter, while tearing through a sleepy little town in Indiana behind the wheel of a security company SUV chock full of surveillance gear, weapons, ammo, and various sundries of professional badassery, Keystone was pretty sure that, unless he was going through some serious Twilight Zone shit, he was going to be on the wrong side of a police shootout. If, IF they got caught. He was going to follow this man exactly as he promised that he would, take care of his family, and ensure everyone's safety to the best of his ability. And if he possibly could, have another binge session of iZombie with the coroner chick. The show had grown on him.

On the other hand, Caesar had his brain full of interesting if somewhat vague ideas about what he was going to to do any unlucky fuckstick who got in his way, up to and including pulling their hearts out, barehanded, through their ass. It would involve removing his ballistic jacket, granted, but he hadn't gotten into the habit of wearing one of those until fairly recently anyway. Those things tended to get in the way of more delicate, agility-minded activities. Like pulling someone's heart out through their ass. Okay, so maybe that was a little extreme, but it did serve to illustrate the mindset that he was getting into at the time - Driven, volatile, protective, brutal. Beyond reason or comprehension, his daughter was leading him to this place. Yes, it was nuts. It was supposed to be nuts. There was a trailing thread of thought that he had finally lost his shit entirely and this was not going to end well. But to hell with this. If he was going out, he was going out like he probably should have years and years ago; snarling defiantly and covered in someone else's blood. M'hija deserved no less than his brutal and screaming best.

The SUV pulled up to the Asylum's entrance, fishtailing slightly as Caesar slammed on the brakes and jerked the wheel to the side. In case they had to leave in a hurry, he didn't want to have to worry about that whole "turning around" bullshit. Without saying a word, he mechanically opened the door and slid out, feet setting roughly on the ground amid the hazy, smoky environment. He immediately went to the hatchback door and opened it, picking through the basic tools of his occupation plus a few of his personal favorites. Keystone came back around to join him, concern notably on his face as he saw his boss and personal mentor gearing up for urban warfare. Caesar could sense the man's hesitation. "You have my back, Keystone. I know. This could all be bullshit, I know. Not that far gone. You see me going full off the deep end, do something bad? Like, really bad, not the other shit - you end me. ÂżMe entiendes? No shame. Doing me a favor, si? Put a bullet in me and aim real good with it."

Keystone nodded his head, acquiescing to the man's request. He might could do that, if it meant saving other lives that needed saving. When offered anything additional from the trunk full of goodies, Keystone responded, "Nah, Caesar. I ain't as good with hardware as you, y'understand. Take me a torch, now," pointing at an LED flashlight. "This place don't look like it's been kept up since slicin' bread caught on, if ya get me."

Caesar did indeed get him, though purely by context. The first part being whatever the hell a "torch" was, the way he meant it. He passed over a smallish LED light with a jacket clip, standard issue item since the heavy, old-school MagLites were phased out. Also one for himself, just in case. Additionally, he picked up a couple more sharp things to make himself feel better. Tiny consideration came in when he hefted two of his trademark machetes. They were the ones he had at his baby girl's funeral; he had just kept them nearby. These he strapped onto his back, over his coat. It was silly of him, probably, but he grabbed a light pack and threw a few things into it; two company issue 9mm pistols, and a few clips, holsters, and a couple more knives. Though he didn't say it, if this really was his baby girl, and she was in trouble, and he really wasn't totally nuts, she was going to feel better with something to kill someone else with. If he had a bottle of hot sauce, that would be better. Can't have everything.

The two of them exploded into the lobby of the Asylum, guns in hand. The adrenaline of the hour coursing through the both of them, they didn't quite notice anything resembling a map or directions, signs, or even those colored lines on the floor that pointed you toward places in various medical facilities. Nary a one. Now, if there was someone that needed to get shot and/or eviscerated, they were right on top of that. Okay, running in blind. Caesar took point. He heard voices coming from somewhere very nearby, and held up a hand so that his lumbering Cockney bodyguard would hold back and shut up. Yeah, those were voices. One voice that he knew he had heard before, bitching about an elevator, of all things. "Hura," he absently growled. Stepping into view, he called in a clear voice, "STAIRS?" because to hell with that "Oh, you're here? What an amazing coincidence!" cliche of a conversation. Yes they were there. No, it probably wasn't a coincidence. And he more or less trusted that these people wouldn't immediately shoot them. Either they could help or they could get out of the way. Part One of help, if that was their option, was the location of the stairs.

In an almost boyish fashion, Keystone waved his free hand, cheerfully giving a salutation of, "Oi there, Miss Cecily!", causing Caesar to glance back at him like he was nuts. Keystone followed up with, "Yeah, stairs. We're in an 'urry."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mali Anson

Location: Tinder's Place
Skills: Perception

"Dunno, could be one of a hundred different things. Is it that weird that the CEO of a company that was buddy-buddy with Queensguard would know about the death of an FBI agent so close to home?" Perhaps a half-hearted attempt at explaining why Caesar and pals could/would know about Marc's death, but she had more important things on her mind. Like figuring out what the hell happened that had the blood vaporizing like this. She wasn't any criminology expert or whatever, so she couldn't say for certain that there wasn't a reasonable way for blood to splatter like the way if had. But, unless the Tinders were testing out a new blood-colored spray-paint on their carpet, there wasn't anything she could come up with that would explain this.

Another issue was why the haze wasn't getting any better. It didn't look like the smoke she'd been seeing earlier, and the fact that it seemed to be everywhere she looked only pissed her off. Mali rubbed her eyes again. Still nothing. She really hoped she hadn't suddenly developed cataracts.

Alright. So Mali was confronted with a choice. Either follow the bloodstains upstairs, or down into the spooky basement. Her intuition told her that the answers were more likely in the spooky basement and that checking upstairs first was likely a waste of time. However, since she was in a horror movie at the moment, the psycho killer/Satan spawn/swamp monster was also hanging down there too. Or it was like that one Home Alone movie where there actually wasn't anything down there and it was just really spooky. Regardless, she didn't want to go down there. But she didn't want to waste her time either. Finally, she decided that she would settle the decision via eenie meenie miney mo, only for it to tell her to go into the basement.

"Hey Zoie," Mali yelled across the house. "I'm going down to check out the basement. If you hear me scream, there's probably a demonic monster down there. In that case some back-up would be very much appreciated." Mali pulled the gun out of her back pocket, checked that the safety was off and took the trip into the underground. At the very least, if there was a monster down there and it tried to go after her, she would be ready to shoot at it rather than get mauled while fumbling for a weapon.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Robert Adler

Location: Indiana(Entering Grimm)
Skills: N/A

"Say what? This ain't the coffee?" Robert replied in jawning disbelief, trying to stretch his body away the best he could without taking up too much space in the car. At first he didn't register it properly, but clearly Adelaide was not in fact okay. "Okay, what else have we eaten together then…" Robert was in the process of asking, still not entirely convinced of this not being anything normal. People didn't just all of a sudden start having fuzzy vision. Right?

Clearly Robert was wrong, as he finally looked out of the car. People all around them were freaking out over something, which must have been the same haze that troubled him and Adelaide. Okay, there had to be logical and sound reason for this. Robert didn't turn to Adelaide as she almost ran over a family getting in the way, holding on for dear life. "Jesus fucking Christ Almighty!" Okay, things were getting seriously out of control faster than Catholic priest confessing in a brothel. "Okay…this ain't just some coffee…what the crap is going on, Adelaide? Is Grimm really this cursed?"

Since the haze was affecting everyone around them, surely this had to be more than a local thing. Pulling out his phone, Robert began typing away on it, trying to Google the shit out of this. "What do you bet this…fog-thingy is messing with others?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Grimm Asylum Subbasement
Skills: N/A

Riley looked towards Alicia when she turned to stare directly at her, and gave her a slight glare they literally just found her mummified in the middle of the subbasement of the asylum she could at least be a little bit grateful. "Well, you are very welcome that we found you down here by your lonesome." Riley said with a little bit of an eyeroll and shook her head, it was understandable that she probably should trust them, but they were all in this together right now as well. Riley then watched as Alicia managed to actually kick the door open, as she stepped forward looking at the dent that the doorknob made when it hit the wall.

Riley thought for a moment saying that they should work together, to get out of the building but she figured that it would be pretty much useless as well. She started to slowly go up the stairs making sure that she wasn't close to the edge of the railing and tried to stay as close to the wall as possible. Riley was still having a hard time getting up the stairs with her blurry vision, she wasn't going to run up the stairs like a madman that was Alicia and looked over towards Pyira and gave her a slight shrug as she started to head up the stairs slowly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Asylum

Priya looked over to Riley and shrugged as if to say “I don’t know what to do about this one either”. For someone recently mummified and found in the cellar of an abandoned asylum, Alicia was more put together than she would have assumed. Priya could have commended the woman if she wasn’t unsure of her. Once they got out of this ever infuriating madhouse, there would be questions and she would be damned if she allowed Alicia to just walk away. A hospital visit is in order to get checked out. Who knows how long she was down there.

But she seemed healthy when she kicked the door in, allowing them access to the stairs. Though, judging by their appearance, maybe it wasn’t as safe as she thought. ”No way in hell I am touching those. I’m no germaphobe but I guarantee they haven’t seen water and soap in years.” She followed Alicia quickly up the stairs, making sure she never left her sight. She figured Riley could keep up so she wasn’t too concerned about her.

Her biggest concern was whoever was leaving balloons everywhere because that was who they were chasing. And if they were no longer in the basement, that meant they were coming up to them potentially. Priya kept an eye out, just in case someone decided to get the jump on them.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure you keep to it. ^_~

Grimm, Indiana (Heading To Tinder House): "If this is the coffee then I really gotta change brands," Adelaide said as she continued to drive through town. Sadly, as Robert tried to google for answers, there wasn't enough of a wireless connection to get an actual connection where they were. It was a dead end on that route right now. Maybe they were going through a dead zone, maybe it was just hitting the fan. Probably both. "Yeah, it is but nothing like this normally. I mean this is weird even for us," she added as she pulled up to the Tinder house and spotted cars. Her brow perking as the front door was open and a cop car was there. "Maybe they already know about Marc," she said as she threw the SUV into park. "Honestly at this point I would be more worried about the people it wasn't messing with," she added as she opened the driver door and slowly got out.

Grimm, Indiana (Tinder House): Zoie quirked a brow. "Yeah, got it, Monsters go and find a priest," she said as she made her way up the stairs to check the upstairs. "If I scream, run," she added as she bounded up the stairs to try to get a quick look around and see where the splattering of blood was going that she spotted. It was easy enough for Mali to find a light to turn on to the stairs heading down at the basement. And this is where shit took a page out of horror movies. A little orange balloon started floating up the stair case, blocking the view to the basement below. As it floated to one side of the stairwell, one could see something at the bottom. It had a bright face, it was big, it was ugly, it was a clown. "Girls stick together!" the she-clown grunted in a voice that sounded like she had been smoking five packs a day for the last twenty years. A smell coming off her, like burnt jet fuel and strawberry quick.

Grimm, Indiana (Asylum Stairs, basement level): Alicia would have said something, she would have made some snarky comment, she would have mouthed off but you know what? She can't. You know why? Because LLA FUCKING HATES ALICIA! GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! SERIOUSLY! First time, fine. Second time, you gotta be joking. Third time? WHY LLA WHY? WHY DO YOU HATE MY CHICA? ~takes a deep breath~ It's okay, it's okay. I'm calm, I'm calm. Now... Alicia is heading up the stairs and while she doesn't care about germs, and it is a good thing she doesn't because the stairs give out under one of her feet. Crumbling to dust and the three stairs above her go out as well. Gripping the railing she holds on as her feet dangle to the open remains of concrete and dust billowing up from below her. "MALPARIDA!" Alicia screams as she locks her fingers around the bending metal. The scream is loud enough for those on the main floor to hear and it echos in Caesar's mind. She ain't dead yet but seriously? LLA, go suck it! Oh and Priya isn't seeing any clues but she is able to stop herself from hitting the fallen part of the stair well and keep her and Riley from going over the edge.

Grimm, Indiana (The Asylum - Main Floor): Roy looked over towards Cecily and nodded, following her towards where she said the stairs were. It was locked or jammed or something from what she was saying. "Yeah, I can try," he said, about ready to give it a go when a very angry Mexican and very thickly built British man came barreling around. He stopped and placed a hand on Cecily's shoulder, motioning for her to step back. "Yeah, stairs," he said pointing to the door. "Jammed, want to give it a go big guy or mad guy, I got even odds on either," he said. Caesar looked like he could stare at the damn door and it would open out of fear, the Brit looked like he could eat his way through the door. Either way, it was better than having to try it himself and the last thing Roy wanted to do right then was get in between those two and whatever the hell it was they were after. "Just be careful, my partner and Riley is in here somewhere, so don't just kill whatever moves," he suggested.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: The Asylum - Main Floor
Skills: Deduction, Cool Headedness

Cecily was thankfully able to stay calm with Caesar and Keystone emerged out of nowhere, screaming about the stairs. Her eyes widened slightly out of reflex even then. They had guns in their hand, so of course showing up and yelling like that was going to unsettle the forensic technician extraordinaire a little bit. She let out a slight breath as Keystone gave a bit more pleasant a greeting and not really knowing how to respond, she waved back slightly. Roy didn't need to put a hand on her shoulder for her to back up, more than willing to get out of Caesar and Keystone's way when it came to the stairs.

There was then the sound of someone screaming and Cecily had no idea who it was. Roy had pretty much told them all of the information needed and Cecily could tell that Caesar wasn't really in a talking mood, so she stayed quiet. It felt a little bit awkward to see him now too, given that she had left his place in Mexico under less than ideal circumstances. Did he even know that Natasha had died? She bit her lip slightly, really hoping that they would take Roy's advice and not just shoot anything that moved. Why did she have to be in such stressful situations all the time lately? She missed the days of being able to curl up with a laptop and binge watch Netflix without a care in the world.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Grimm Indiana (El Asilo/The Nuthouse!)
Skills: Pistols
Skills: Body Conditioning, Athletics, Stamina, Xiaolin Techniques

It's funny how things worked out sometimes. Caesar hadn't expected to see either of these two in Grimm, Indiana, let alone together in the place that he had been, for lack of a better term, summoned toward. While confusion was a big part of it, the coincidence did serve to mentally reinforce the notion that something of importance was happening here. Apparently, something that involved his daughter and whatever secrets were floating about in this creepyass town. At the moment though, none of that mattered. He heard his daughter's voice telling him to find the stairs, and now swearing at him. Yup, that was his M'hija. He must be getting close; the sound seemed to echo in his actual ears as well.

Upon getting the information and go-ahead to make the door bend to their will, Caesar looked to his much larger, far more British associate, grunting and nodding in the direction of the offending portal to the stairwell. The response was spirited and immediate. Keystone also heard something, though it was uncertain exactly what it was. All he knew was that his possibly recently insane boss claimed to hear the voice of his dead daughter urging him to come here and find the stairs so far, they found stairs, and now there was a yell from behind a stuck door. He was now steadfast in the belief that something was happening, if not exactly the face value answer. He'd figure it out as things revealed themselves. For now, open the door.

The problem was, no matter how spirited and no matter how immediate the response was, Keystone was ever the Big Bad Wolf, doomed to blow ineffectively against the house of brick and mortar. He gave his best effort, leaning against it, really gripping hard and bearing down. He funneled his Chi. he grunted, strained, and tuned every muscle of his powerful form upon the comparatively frail-seeming door, but to no avail. It stood as a bulwark against mighty Keystone and his pecs of steel.

The big man had never been beaten by a mere door before. He recalled the time that he ripped one off its hinges and beat a man almost completely to death with a door tougher than this one. No, this made no sense. Of course this was an an old asylum. Even the doors were acting crazy He turned to Caesar with an alarmed, confused look on his face, and was promptly, albeit nonverbally, instructed to move to one side. The grizzled Mexican would not be denied his moment. There had to be a way to outflank the door, that evil portcullis that stood between him and his daughter. Caesar hadn't time to think. He needed to get down there. With a sneer upon his lips, Caesar raised his .45 handgun. Keystone gave a quick, "Shite. Plug your ears, then," to Cecily before his more senior partner fired a single round into the locking mechanism at a downward angle, then booted the damned thing open with a flurry of shrapnel. "PAPI'S HERE!" reverberated along the stairwell, and with smoking gun in hand Caesar stepped through.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Robert Adler

Location: Indiana(Entering Grimm)
Skills: N/A

Robert was having no luck in that car it seemed; First he couldn't read some easy-peasy files on the ride down south because he got car sick, then he had some terrifying nightmares that frankly hit a little too close for comfort, and now? Now he couldn't get online on his phone to do something useful. Robert sighed and grumbled in annoyance at his phone, giving it a few futile moments of a last attempt, before just giving up on the whole thing digging his phone back into a pocket. Clearly this wasn't a good time to be sitting on the phone. "Had anyone but you just told me that, I'd given them the benefit of the doubt. But you? I'm starting to warm up to Chicago again." Robert told Adelaide as they pulled up to what he presumed was their intended destination. His vision was still all weird and wonky, but the house looked normal…

Until Robert also noticed the cop car and the open door. Why were the cops there? Then again at the mention of Marc, it could make sense that they were there to inform of his demise. Robert sure didn't know, he didn't know anyone from Grimm or how things worked there. Getting out of the car with Adelaide, Robert rounded the car and stood leaning against it for a moment, just taking a look at the whole scene clad in that annoying haze. "How come? You think they're too nuts to be affected by…whatever it is?" Robert asked her, though it was more of a rhetorical question than anything. Why did she think this was affecting some, but not everyone? Though why did Robert assume it didn't? Robert really should have majored in something other than Law, perhaps chemistry or psychology, something that could explain the haze. "So who's these guys anyway? The Tinders? They know anything about this haze?"

Haze. Robert was already starting to dislike that word for all it was worth. Haze. Like his entire life was just one big, fat, unsuccessful haze.
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