Inside the Palace
"Prince Pietro is engaged to Tony Stark's daughter, Guinevere," Jade recalled, glancing at Niah. She was glancing around the room herself, making notes under her breath. While she didn't have any powers, Jade's deductive mind had carved her out a career as a private investigator. "But this is good - we know that Princess Wanda did this and we have her pressure point now - her brother."
Just then, there was the sound of someone else at the door to the room, and it opened up. "I thought I heard voices of people who don't quite belong here," Klara's voice called before she stepped into the room, her sword hanging at her side and a sling ring was currently in her hand. "So, did you find anything interesting about this place? Well, we can talk about that later, but you might want to know that the fighting outside is over, there are people inside the Palace again, so if you want a quick exit, speak now, as the longer we stay here the quicker we'll get caught."
Goose had been rubbing his head up against Niah, purring, before he ate a few of the treats that she had given him. When he saw Klara he jumped out of Niah's arms and went to investigate the new person. "...Is that what I think it is? Why the hell is there a freaking Flerken here? Awww he's so cute! I haven't seen one of these guys in what feels like forever! Be careful though, you don't want to have him scratch you, as you will definitely feel it in the morning... Now, back to getting out of here. If you want I can use my sling ring to portal us directly back to the HQ." she said, having bent down and picked Goose up sort of snuggling with the cat.
Outside the Palace
"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she could, I mean from what I can tell her power is Chaos Magic which is a fairly unstable thing, she could probably accomplish more than people give her credit for if you ask me," Flynn said with a shrug, before looking at Carolina before she went into her astral form. "Just be careful, who knows what she'll do if she catches you trying to possess her again or something..."
Pietro looked dazed for a moment, before shaking his head and looking more of confused then anything. "...Wait, what just happened? Wanda what did you just do?" he said, looking at his sister before looking over at Allison, hearing her words about things. "Why would Wanda change the world for me of all people?" He then switched to his mental link, deciding to just talk to Guin for a few moments. Guina... I don't know what to do, but I don't want you to hurt Wanda, but I don't want Wanda to hurt you either... with his words, Guin would easily be able to tell that he was more or less torn about what to do in this situation. It was almost like Guin and Wanda at this rate were playing a game of tug-o-war and he was caught in the middle, or maybe a game of ping pong and he was the ball.
"You are my brother and I care about you," she responded, before coughing up some blood from how many injuries she had gotten between the attacks from Guin and Allison. "However, I will not lose you again my brother," Wanda added, before her hands started glowing slightly, and there was a slight flash of red once more. "Let's get out of here Pietro."
His eyes sort of went red, before he nodded his head simply, raced over and picked Wanda up, and took off again, leaving the others in the dust. Oshea had been fairly quiet for the most part, just sort of looking at the two of them. "...So what should we do now? Since those two kind of took off and she did some weird thing with her powers or something..."
The Resistance
"I'm glad you're okay Runa," Lance said, giving her a slight smile before he turned to look at the others, rolling his eyes slightly at Cass' words. "And no, not necessarily. She might not actually need another source to potentially boost her own power. I think you might be under estimating her strength. She's caused a lot of problems in the past, but not really anything of this scale sure, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Or she just never thought to attempt something like this before. You are making assumptions, and in a case like this it is likely you should be better prepared for her potentially accomplishing it without any aid, otherwise you likely would be under prepared to actually fight her. Like that's just common sense. It is better to over estimate an opponent than to under estimate her. Thing is we don't know just how powerful she is, but honestly, when you think about other powerful forces that have come to Earth in some way or whatever, then would it really be that surprising for her to actually pull it off?"
"For the record only one of those brothers is actually related to Xavier, the other one is kind of the oddball and isn't considered crazy," Wolverine said to Max with a slight shrug, before looking at James. "You want my honest opinion? That plan is horrible. Why do you think attacking SHIELD would fix this? It's not going to, the only way to do it is to go against Wanda Maximoff directly if she did cause this."
Hawkeye sighed slightly, glancing around the room. "We don't have the resources to attack SHIELD bases," he then said bluntly. "We were lucky to make it out of the encounter at the Palace - the SHIELD bases are heavily guarded and the mutants there are bred for combat. I want everyone to prepare for recruiting tomorrow, divvy up into teams, and then take a break for lunch. You've earned it."

"No need to throw accusations around Ana, it might make people think you are up to something," Mary said to her with a bit of an eye roll. Turning to look at the others, she seemed to think for a moment, before answering them. "If you are lying about having the crown or not, there likely will be more repercussions for you all... But I think that if you were lying, you'd probably have a reason for it, so honestly, not going to pry too much into it... However I do suggest that we get out of this room now, we've been here for a little while, and if we stay here much longer, it might end horribly."
"We don't have the crown," Jack said bluntly, knowing perfectly well that he was more used to these sorts of things then Casper was. Also part of him really wanted to smack Casper across the head, because to him that didn't sound too convincing in his mind.
"Alright, if you say so, now let's get out of here," she said, before she headed back to the door, poking her head out, and seeing that it was all clear at the moment.