Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago


Location: The Car
Skills N/A

"Sweet Veil you are awake! Hey listen you wouldn't be able to turn the car invisible now would you? It would make things a hell of a lot easier in the long run if you were able to," Sapphire called into the back of the car, sounding a bit relieved that Veil had regained consciousness. She was currently taking care to keep the car on the road as well as avoiding any cop cars when necessary. She also was purposefully ignoring the fact that Glimpse had essentially said the same thing before her, for two main reasons. One, to her Glimpse wasn't a part of the Underground at all, and two, as far as she was concerned Glimpse had effectively led them into a trap, since Emma freaking Frost was there and them being invisible would have been rendered pointless anyway.

That's when she heard Max say something about attempting to pop the tires on the cop cars in order to slow them down. It wasn't a bad idea in theory, actually if done correctly could help them get away from the police completely. However, what she saw through the rear view mirror was not something that should have happened at all. If her skin tone wasn't as pale as it was, her skin definitely would have paled. "...Did you seriously just do that?" she asked, not really too sure what to say. She was slightly afraid that if she snapped at him now that she would flip the car.

Jack Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground First Floor
Skills: Perception

Jack nodded his head in response to what the others were saying. Sure, in truth it was just a theory, and they didn't have any proof as to why the Hellfire Club would send the Purifiers after the Morlocks. All they had was the past experiences of the Morlocks, the memory of what the cause was last time in order to even think about what could have possibly happened. Jack rolled his eyes slightly at Sunshine, "I didn't exactly have anything else to use to try and stop Casper from bleeding out."

Speaking of his brother, and he noticed his eyes flicker towards the pills that Spark Plug had set down and he let out a sigh, before he walked over and picked them up. "...I'm going to be blunt, leaving these out in the open with Casper around who probably hasn't actually had any drugs in a few days for the first time in a while is a really bad idea..." he said, before he put them into his pocket. This sort of thing was something he was used to, keeping drugs or whatever out of the hands of his older brother. Made life more interesting to say the least really, well, more like a bit troublesome.

However, the pills made him think of something else, and he walked over, looking right at Magik. "Uh... Colossus? She's a drug addict. The pills, think she's hooked on the pills that you guys found... Which means her detoxing is not going to be fun at all, thought I'd warn you..."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: The Mutant Underground - First Floor -> Outside
Skills N/A

Leighton felt her anger building and she knew that would not end well with her powers. The structure of the building was already compromised, she wouldn't be the one to crumple it all down around them with further injured inside. She allowed the others to question the man, and it was easier than she thought given the fact he released a name without input. Callie used her powers on him, it seemed, so she backed off.

She had no medical know-how so helping the injured was not in her wheelhouse. What drove her nearly to the edge was Sunshine's continued attitude towards other people. People who, thus far, seemed to be on her side or have helped her in some capacity. Leighton knew that she, herself, was a bitch, but Sunshine went beyond that. "Why don't you shut up for a couple of minutes. Every word out of your mouth is an insult driven towards someone and we don't really need that right now. If you want vengeance for Erg then I'm on board, but chewing out your allies continuously is only going to drive them farther away." She would know and she knew the irony of her words.

She shook her head. "I need some air. I can't help the injured and I would only hurt them further if I tried." Leighton left them to step outside, not really caring for Sunshine's retort back at her. Maybe they both needed a minute to calm down.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Hellfire HQ - Medical
Skills N/A

Ana could feel the healing process. She pitied that it would only be for a few moments that her body could heal itself naturally, but it was useful. She heard Emma's words in her mind and knew she was correct. She would bide her time. For now. "How are the two idiots I was paired with? I don't see them here so I take it their injuries were not as severe as mine." Hopefully they were working on the next bit of their plan, but she figured they were probably standing around doing fuck all.

"So what's the next step then? I'm anxious to get going." Her body felt light again as she moved slowly to stand. The blood had worked wonderfully and she wished she could somehow have it continuously work through her. And the claws would be a useful addition, should something like that attack happen again. She could already see herself sinking them into the Ice Witch's face as her boyfriend watched.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 9th, 2020 - 8:50 PM


Emma smiled, chuckling slightly at Anastasia's description of Jinx and Requiem - though she could hardly argue with her assessment. "They are fine - I believe just embarrassed, which is fine for our purposes," she explained. Yes, she had been knocked out by those from the Mutant Underground too but Emma had wanted the entire situation to happen. She wanted the Mutant Underground riled up against Shaw, so that way they would come and eliminate him. Just handing them the incriminating information was not enough to get them to act - they had to believe that they had stolen it or been given it discretely. She doubted they would sign off on her and Reeva's dream of a new world order... the mutant homeland: Genosha.

"Tomorrow, you and the boys will need to collect a few mutants of interest for our purposes. The ideal target is to retrieve David Haller, though his sister should also do. They are being transferred to a new facility with higher security tomorrow by train... I do hope you enjoy a good train heist, darling. Of course, you will need to be careful. They are unstable - David in particular. You would most likely better know him as Legion, the son of Professor Xavier."

The Penthouse...

Sometimes, it pays to have a little bit of a temper and a poor attention span. Quite understandably, the penthouse of the Hellfire Club was in disarray but Jinx would notice something odd. One of the tiles of the floor was sticking up at an unnatural angle and if he were to pry it open more, he would find a small box with the initials K.S. engraved. It was a beautiful work of art, made from warm chestnut wood, though the insignia on it was horrifying: a swastika. Now, why would that have been here, hidden away beneath the floor?

As for Requiem, the janitorial staff and all will be up within a few minutes to begin working on repairs. Evidently they hadn't been informed by the kitchen staff about Jinx's temper or perhaps they would have insisted on waiting a few hours before beginning work. More importantly though, Requiem won't know where exactly Shaw would be but he would have a few ideas. The most likely option is that Shaw is out at dinner with some important figure, probably on his yacht in fact. He loves that boat like a child.

The Road...

For a moment, everything seemed to be in control. Veil was proud of them - they had managed to work together without her, able to escape and get into a vehicle. Max even gave a good suggestion on how to handle the police, showing his ability to use his powers beyond violence. That was how she wanted the Mutant Underground to be - an organization that relied on cleverness over brutality. And then, she heard the most horrific sound in the world. There was a sudden screech and a loud THUD as Max's ten foot long nail killed the driver of the cop car immediately behind them. The other cars swerved, the rubber of their tires burning but not all of them could stop in time. Two of the cars collided, one of them even flipping in the process and preventing the rest of the cops from pursuing them.

"...W-what have you done?" Veil whispered, her voice shaking slightly. She didn't even register Max vomiting on her legs, but even if she had, they had far bigger problems to deal with. Human-mutant tensions were approaching an all time high. This one mistake could be used to justify the slaughter of innocent mutants... to inspire more to join the Purifiers.

Of the surviving cops, one of them got on the radio and put out a simple transmission: "10-53. Code 30! I repeat, code 30! Officers down!" All the way back at the Mutant Underground, Waverley would be able to clearly hear it and the chilling response that followed.

"All available units, suspects are traveling in a black impala, license plate SL1963. You are authorized to use lethal force."

Havok still was firmly unconscious, but at the very least Veil managed to cloak the car. Provided that they didn't skid and leave marks on the ground, they would be able to get back to the Mutant Underground without being followed within the next ten or so minutes. For good measure, Veil even put a protective force field around them all, just in case the cops started shooting at nothingness and hoped to get lucky.


Leighton would be able to have a moment to herself if she wished, yet Negasonic was plainly visible and if she focused for a moment, she would be able to hear her phone conversation as well. "Colossus' little sister, yeah, the dead one? She's alive. And she's here," Negasonic said, kicking a rock slightly with her foot as she paced back and forth. Whoever she was talking to on the other end of the line seemed to be a bit longwinded, as it was a while before Negasonic talked again. "Wait, Yukio, you're sure? Jesus... I'll let chrome dome know. And the pills...?" She nodded a bit, stopping in her tracks for a moment as her face paled. "Okay. Be safe, babe. I love you." She then ended the call, her shoulders dropping slightly.

The First Floor...

Vulcan started to giggle a bit, clearly suffering from some sort of serious head trauma. He didn't look like the giggling sort. "Who's Shaw? Pfft..." he shook his head slightly, only for the entire world to start to spin rapidly so he stopped. "That's like... That's like asking who Obama is!"

"Yeah, he means Sebastian Shaw - the CEO of Shaw Industries," Blink concurred. Sure, she lived down in the tunnels but they kept tabs on what happened in the world above them. She also had only become a Morlock within the last few months, previously working in the Mutant Underground in Atlanta. Before that, well... Blink didn't really like sharing that sort of information about her past with people. It was something she wanted to forget.

As Spark Plug's empathic abilities sank in, Vulcan's mood plummeted. The gleeful mutant soon was the perfect picture of despair, hardly able to hold up his head. "I don't see why you're bothering with all of this..." he mumbled, sounding pitiful and pathetic. "You're all just ants, trying to fight with a boot... Shaw's going to win regardless... I bet he's already taken care of those bitches in the Circle."

The injured mutants (largely kids) on this floor were healed, though there were still some on the second floor. For the most part, they were just afraid and wanted to know what was going to happen - were they going to stay here? Would they be attacked again? Why would someone have wanted to do that to them? They didn't even know them, so how could they hate them so much as to send someone after them? A few of the especially little ones had even started to cry.

"Jackie! It's like you have no faith in me!" Casper complained. He didn't take his eyes away from his brother really though, hoping to figure out a way to get those pills from him. He kept looking at him in his peripheral vision as he scooped out his phone and saw all of the missed texts and calls from Jinx. "Aww, I feel so loved..." he said, sending back an eloquent response to Jinx. It was the pizza emoji. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Really?" Ben asked, chuckling a little bit.

"What? I want to see how he'll respond," Casper confided in his friend.

Colossus grimaced slightly as Jack informed him that it looked like his baby sister was a drug addict. She still hadn't woken up just yet. "She is blood - family," Colossus informed the detective quietly. "I will help her, no matter what." There wasn't anything else to discuss about that really. Whatever his sister needed, Colossus would be there for her. He had been looking for her for so long that now that he had her back, the prospect of detoxing her seemed easy in comparison.

"Easy for you to say, princess," Sunshine muttered under her breath as Leighton chewed her out and then left the building. She knew that she wasn't an easy person to get along with. She just didn't care. Everyone important to her had been taken away and the person to show her kindness, to offer her a chance at a family again, had just been murdered in front of her eyes. Alone was what protected her, so if she drove people away, then maybe that was for the best. For now, all she needed was revenge on those who had taken everything away from her - the humans.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground DC Station
Skills: Empathy

Callie looked towards Jack for a moment and nodded, letting him take the pills, she didn't know his brother or him for that matter but she didn't want to be the one responsible for having his brother relapse after just getting clean. Her attention turned towards James again when he spoke before healing the wounded. "Once everyone is all healed and patched up, get everyone ready to move out, Cayden help out with that make sure they are all ready to get moving." Callie told him, now her attention was fully on Vulcan again she wasn't going to be interrogating Magik since she was one of their own as well.

"Tell us what is Shaw planning, i'm not playing around." Callie said using her empathy again to make Vulcan feel fear, as she said getting up to face him more easily. "H-h-he wants mutants sc-sc-scared, out of options," Vulcan stammered, looking incredibly pale, feeling satisfied with her answer, looking over at Waverly as she took out her camera, she decided against having sparks shoot from her hands to scare Vulcan more. Instead she continued to question Vulcan more on what he knew and what Shaw had planned.

"What does Shaw what mutants to be scared of, and who are in the Circle bitches you mentioned?" Callie asked, remaining calm still as much as she. "Th-th-the humans... H-h-he wants to be the l-l-last hope for m-m-mutants and then he'll s-s-sell sentinels to the sc-sc-scared humans. W-w-w-wins on b-b-both sides...." Vulcan answered. "E-Emma Frost and Reeva Payge...." Callie didn't know who Reeva was but Emma as far as she knew owned Frost International, looking over at both Blink and Sunshine they were attacked in the tunnels and now they had more information than they had before.

She stared at Magik and her brother Colossus as well, she needed to know what they had done to her as well. "What did you do to Magik, and what is she hooked on?" Maybe there was an easier way to get her to detox from whatever drugs that they pumped her full of with. "I didn't do anything, honest! Sh-Shaw j-j-just finds strays l-like her, g-gets them hooked on Dr-dr-drug X, and makes them into H-Hounds... M-mutant killing machines...." Callie wasn't sure what else they had done to her or what Drug X was either, but she was pretty sure what Jack had in his hand was what Vulcan had mentioned.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Car > Outside
New Outfit

The ringing in his ears continued as he sat there in the car quietly for the duration of the ride. Every once in a while he could hear some muffled voices, people saying something around him, or to him, but he was not sure what. All he could hear is ringing and the sound of drums; no not drums, his heart beating deep within him, pounding against his chest and thrumming in his ears. Max’s hands moved as if controlled by another, shaking away from his hair and sides as the inched closer and closer before him and above Veils legs. They appeared to be red, dripping with a deep ichor that slowly pooled at his tips before releasing and falling onto Veils legs. However as soon as the crimson beads would hit her they seemingly disappeared, leaving no trace behind, save for the pools of red that bathed Max’s hands, and only his hands. The blood of those he’d killed were now staining his skin as he watched in silent horror, knowing it wasn’t real, yet still transfixed by what he had done, letting his body lightly jostle in the seat as Sapphire drove them back to the Underground.

Once the car had halted, and the doors unlocked, Max made his way out of the Imapala and staggered a few feet forward. He saw the rude teen from before on her cell phone, he silhouette going in and out of focus as his eyes tried hard to concentrate on the task at hand. Leighton was there as well, and seeing her brought another sick sensation to his stomach. How would he be able to face the others? Jack? James? Leighton? Everyone who had seen or heard of his previous failures now being able to bear witness to his newest mess, one that ended in murder and fuel for more anti-mutant monsters to use against his kind. How could anyone else see this as a mere accident when lives were lost? Max had stopped in his tracks as his mind raced with thoughts of past events, eventually stumbling upon the memory of the Power Plant explosion that took out thousands of peoples power. How many lives may have been lost at the plant? How many more due to lack of power for medical supplies like breathing machines at home? He kept trying to tell himself that mistakes happen, even at the hands of professionals like the X-Men. He now teetered on a fence unsure of whether or not he could forgive himself for this mistake, yes they happened, but they seemed to happen more frequently to him.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Hellfire Club HQ

Jinx felt the loose tile as he had kicked the glass, pulling his sleeves down to cover his hands in an attempt to not get his prints on the piece, kicking away any glass that may surround the tile so as to not cut himself. As he moved it out he spotted a small ornate wooden box with some initials carved into it. He tried to think on who this might belong to when he heard his lovely partners grating voice telling him to stop what he was doing and go get his hands cooled off. Gah, the name was at the tip of his tongue but all his mind kept thinking of was Kebastian Shaw, when everyone knew his name was Sebatastian Shaw. Stupid brain. ”Yeah yeah, do that in a second just...give me a moment here.” He slipped the box into his messenger bag, taking his time to place the tile back into the ground as if it was never disturbed and doing so before Emma or Ana came back to pester him. He kicked some more glass, this time to attempt to cover the area so it looked undisturbinlgly disturbed by the fray that took place.

Jinx began to make his way towards the restroom as he was instructed, nodding to Reqiuem about wanting to leave and get work done before more interruptions could appear. Though he had a sinking suspicion Shaw wouldn’t be the best person to ask, but an attack at homebase was most certainly a call for action. ”Alright, not too sure on the whole Shaw bit, but I’ll go and cool my hands off. Damned kids gonna have one hell of a bad luck streak coming to him the next time i see him.” As He made his way into the restroom he felt his pocket vibrate. Finally. Jinx turned on the tap, letting the water get cold as he fidgeted with his phone, seeing the pizza emoji that Casper had sent him. The actual fuck? He sent him back a reply text
I take it that means you want a slice of this wonderful deal. Good. It’s some premo shit and I was oh so hoping to work with you instead of giving it to someone less worthy. So, when can we meet bb?

He placed the phone back into his pocket and ran his hands under the cold water, cooling it down and leaning his head back as he felt the cold refreshing feeling pour over his burns and began to wonder why they hadn’t gone to medical themselves. Once that was dealt with he rejoined Reqiuem back in the room, patting his hands dry. ”Ready as I’ll ever be.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Driving Around ---> The Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

Luna couldn’t help but flinch at the sudden sound of crashing. She looked over her shoulder at the destruction caused and she stared for quite a long time until the scene disappeared from view. Things had just escalated from worse to fucking terrible. ”That was the nail in our coffin.” She shifted back around smelling vomit and could hardly blame the man who had probably just killed someone for the first time. Still, she couldn’t help but roll the window down a fraction. If she didn’t, she was sure she would have gotten sick next to him.
Luna kept her eyes on Veil as they drove. She had cloaked them all but wasn’t sure how long Veil would be able to keep it up with the wound. The makeshift bandage seemed to be working but it wasn’t a cure all. Once back at the Underground, Luna helped Veil out. ”Can you walk?” Luna looked over at Max as he seemed to stumble about, still clearly in shock. ”Max,” Luna said clearly but perhaps a bit harshly. It was in hopes to get him to focus on her. ”Get the computer,” she reminded him. He needed something to focus on perhaps and this could help him.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: The First Floor, Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

Cayden sighed but nodded. He didn’t like the idea of having to wait another hour without word from them but they had all done stealth missions like this before. It was required. He focused on Vulcan and what he had to say. Callie had done something to the man that caused him to start spewing things forward. It seemed everyone knew who this Sebastian Shaw fellow was and he seemed like a right git. Whoever he was, he was corrupting mutants and feeding drugs into them. Colossus’s sister was a product of this and perhaps this Vulcan. Maybe that was what Luna was here about… They had gone to see Shaw and get information after all.
Cayden snapped out of listening and watching Vulcan look like a very sad puppy dog who needed a haircut when Callie spoke to him. ”Sure thing boss,” he said before releasing Vulcan and went to offer some assistance to James. Cayden loosened his hair and then tied it back up as he knelt down across from James. ”Anything I can do to help?” With his hair securely out of the way, it would no longer be a health code violation when it came to healing the wounded.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground (Floor 1)
Skills: N/A

“We’ll get you all somewhere safer than here.” James didn’t hesitate to give out hugs and encouraging words as he could. They were only kids, they deserve someone to hold them up. He thought about his own childhood, a mutation that could go unnoticed and it had. He’d had a normal life, full of normal issues, full of normal promises, and he gave it all up to heal some poor kids after a completely unknown attack. He felt a little angry with himself for throwing it all away. He would have had a job and been above all this mess. He could have lived a normal life for as long as he could. But he only felt like that for a second, after the fifth, sixth kid he patched up, and shame lanced through him at the idea so he pushed that away again. He focused on the filming girl with a weary shake of his head.

“Everyone is in working order but would you two,” James spoke softly as he rubbed the back of one of the crying children, nodding between Cayden and Feedback. “Would you two help find their stuff if they have any? And maybe let’s get them away from you know who? I still have to get upstairs and see what the damage is there.” James stood, his legs trembling a bit as he bit back a curse. He’d done a lot already today and he knew he was overexerting himself. He just had to keep moving. As long as he kept moving, he’d be okay. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. “Everyone, this is Cayden and Feedback. They’re going to help you for now. Cayden’s super strong and Feedback can…” James paused for a second. He wasn’t 100% sure what she could do but she did pick up messages from something so he’d run with that. “Can hear danger coming so you’ll all be safe with them for now. I know everything is scary but right now, we need you to make sure you’re ready to go. Can you guys do that? Get what you have, Cayden and Feedback will help, and stand with them until everyone is back?” James gave them all a smile, murmured a quiet thanks to the other two, and made his way upstairs to continue his work.


Location: The Hellfire Club
Skills: N/A

Requiem waited as Jinx cooled down his hands, rolling his eyes at the boy’s inability to take care of himself. They boy did have a point; Shaw was another type of menace to handle but the girl came looking for him specifically. His own niece sneaking unauthorized personnel into the Hell Fire’s headquarters and causing a ruckus. Requiem sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. It was a wonder these people got anything done. As powerful as they may be, turning on each other was only a waste of their resources. Requiem shrugged off the annoyance. They saddled him with this child, whats dancing between four more?

“Then lets be on our way.” Requiem responded, grabbing his briefcase and making his way to the elevator. “The girl mentioned her Uncle so we’re going to ask him where she is. Our first priority is to recover that data. They have time on their side and he’s the most direct line. We’ll head over to his beloved yacht; we’ll likely find him indulging in his hedonistic tendencies.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 days ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground, Washington D.C. Station (First Floor)
Skills:Pop Culture, Perception

As soon as James asked for Waverley and Cayden's help gathering the kids' stuff, Waverley gave a small, silent nod, and immediately began walking away, back towards the stairs. But as she was leaving the group of kids, she cringed slightly when James hesitated as he described her mutation. She knew that her power wasn't exactly the flashiest, and it definitely wasn't what one would want one of their two personal protectors to have, but her lips couldn't help but curve up into a small smile when James managed to make her ability comforting, even when he wasn't exactly sure what it was.

Waverley crouched down next to the stairway, where she had dropped her weapon and her bag, and slid her camera back into the trusty backpack. She threw it back on over her shoulders, before leaning back down to grab her rebar. Having lived with most of the kids for a few days, she had a pretty decent idea of what belonged to who. She spent a few minutes rummaging through the first and second floor of the warehouse, absentmindedly listening to the interrogation, until one detail made her pause: Reeva Payge. That name sounded familiar to Waverley, but she couldn't for the life of her figure out from where. Eventually, she descended down the stairs, a couple bags hanging from her rebar by their straps.

"I believe this is everything," Waverley stated to Cayden as she made her way back to him and the group of kids. She let the bags gently slide off of her rebar and onto the ground. She then reached over her shoulder, and lightly pulled out an old, beat-to-hell stuffed rabbit. She crouched down in front of a little blonde girl, who didn't wait to grab the toy from Waverley's hands, pulling it into a big hug. "Can't forget Mr. Wiggle Bun Bun, can you Hannah?" Waverley said, a big smile on her face. She stood up, getting ready to help get prepared for their exodus, before a look of realization dawned on her. She turned back to look over at the interrogators, her head tilted. ""Wait, didn't Reeva Payge go to the Oscars with Chris Pratt?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: The Mutant Underground - Outside
Skills N/A

Leighton had only gone out to get some air and to prevent herself from saying or doing anything further that would get her in trouble. She had cautiously ignored Sunshine's comment because she knew the girl was hurting, much like she was. Didn't excuse the bitchy behavior, and she would know, but she could understand it. Hell, she was still getting used to not acting like a...heh...Ice Queen to everyone with a pulse. So when she came out and saw Negasonic speaking on the phone, to someone she clearly cared about, Leighton felt it would be best to clear the air with her too.

"Sounds like you care about her. Girlfriend?" she asked. "I'm sorry about earlier. I haven't felt very useful since coming here so when I was able to do something that seemed to mean something, it felt good. I suck at this apologizing crap so what I'm saying is sorry for sounding like a bitch."

As she got done with her apology of sorts, a car pulled up and she was able to see the others. However, it didn't take much to see that something had happened and it was something bad, judging by expression and the overall demeanor of everyone. "What happened?" she asked any of them. It was bad enough they lost their "home", but now it seemed they were about to be hit with more bad news.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Hellfire HQ - Medical
Skills N/A

Ana took cautious steps but did her best to mask it as she was still reeling from the attack. She listened as Emma laid out the plan for tomorrow. A train heist, it seemed. "That sounds like a lot of fun. And I'm not worried about some son of that bald, old wheelchair-bound man, powerful as he is. Anyone can be brought down with the right tools." She happened to be blessed with an assortment of them, most of which she figured would be useful.

The only concern was Jinx and Requiem. Those bumbling idiots could put a damper on any plan, so she would have to be cautious and careful with how she used them. Leaving them to their own devices was a no-go. She knew better now. Both had their strengths, to be sure, but if they were to do this right, they needed to work together. Which meant both of them needed to listen to her.

"I'll go see the boys them and prepare them. I'm sure they miss me terribly."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 9th, 2020 - 9:00 PM


"Oh, and Anastasia?" Emma called out, putting things away in medical to tidy up. She hated the mess that some of the others tended to make around the place. Fortunately for Anastasia, she was completely healed now. Wolverine's blood had done wonders. "Remember this - they will never understand you, darling," she advised. It wouldn't take long for the elevator to come once Anastasia called for it - the boys were most likely still up in the Penthouse Suite.

The Penthouse...

The name of K.S. still stubbornly refuses to come to Jinx's mind, but something else will occur to him. The box they found clearly belonged to a Nazi - and one of the members of the Inner Circle is Magneto. Could Magneto be plotting to kill someone? Maybe he stole the sentinel from Shaw, if somehow K.S. really did stand for Kesbastian Shaw as he assumed. The elevator is busy at the moment, so Requiem and Jinx will have to wait for a moment - though it looks like someone is coming up to the Penthouse Suite...


Negasonic nodded, the sarcastic and stoic teen actually gracing Leighton with a slight smile. Her phone was already in hand and she opened up the camera roll, showing her a photograph of a cute girl with pink hair. "Her name's Yukio," she told Leighton, a bit of pride in her tone. She then locked the phone and looked back up at Leighton properly. "It's okay. I like bitches - I'd rather someone be a sarcastic piece of shit to me than blow rainbows up my ass," she replied. The young mutant then gave Leighton a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry about it."

Veil climbed out of the car with Glimpse's help, doing her best to keep her expression neutral but she couldn't help it. She was horrified at what Max had done and simultaneously, she pitied him. He was just a teenager and to have taken lives like that... the weight would be enough to crush anyone's soul. "I'm fine, I can walk," she reassured her. She held the bandage in place with her hand. "I've been worse." Veil moved forward slowly, putting a hand on Max's shoulder and she gave him a slight squeeze, not saying anything at all. For once, the leader of the Mutant Underground was at a loss for words.

"Where's..." Negasonic began, noticing that Havok hadn't climbed out of the car. Her face paled slightly. "Is he dead?"

"You wish," Havok muttered, finally coming back to consciousness. His head was pounding but he managed to get out of the car as well, oblivious to the horrific tragedy that had occurred on the car ride back from the Hellfire Club Headquarters. It sounded like they had made it out of there with the computer at least, so hopefully that hadn't been a complete loss.

"You're right, I do wish that," Negasonic quipped. The genuine concern that had shown on her face was gone.

Veil, meanwhile, was looking at Leighton almost apologetically. She hadn't even noticed yet the damage that had been done to their home, her mind too preoccupied with what had transpired. "... We need to have a family meeting. I'll explain it to everyone at once."

The First Floor...

Casper's interest was piqued - he had never heard of Drug X before and he considered himself to be well versed in the latest designer drugs out on the market. Even if he hadn't done them himself, he definitely knew someone who had gotten high off of it. "Are you sure it's called Drug X? You might be confusing that for Ecstasy, it has an X sound in it... Why people think everything for mutants has to have an X in it is beyond me..."

"Who is Crisp Rat?" Colossus asked Feedback, looking incredibly confused. He wasn't the most pop culturally aware - Negasonic had to explain most of those things to him and she hadn't come back inside yet. There weren't any more radio transmissions about the car chase to pick up on either, which could be good news or bad news. Maybe the police had given up or maybe they realized Waverley could hear them somehow.

The empathic hold that Spark Plug had on Vulcan was strong as ever, prompting the frightened mutant to desperately try to make the fear go away by appeasing his captives - even Casper. "N-no, it's called Drug X... Sh-Sh-Shaw m-m-made it himself i-in Auschwitz..." Vulcan stammered.

Sunshine frowned slightly, visibly trying to figure out where she remembered that word from. It took her longer than she would have liked to admit, largely since she had never really gone to school. They made them attend classes in juvi, but the teachers there tended to just show movies rather than do anything productive. She had seen Space Jam more times than was humanly healthy for a person. "Wait... So Shaw, the dude in charge of this Hellfire Club or whatever... He's a Nazi then? Shouldn't he be ancient then? Or dead? Or maybe in jail?"

Blink had her arms crossed, thinking all of this through. Her mind instantly went to Magneto with the revelation that Shaw was a Nazi scientist. She was shocked that the mutant master of magnetism hadn't attempted to kill him yet. "Not necessarily. The US took in a lot of Nazi scientists, gave them new names and identities..." she explained. The program had a name too - Operation Paperclip, as if it was something benign.

Casper ran his hands through his hair. There was so much information being dumped on them that he didn't even bother to check his phone for whether or not Jinx had responded. "Fuck," he muttered. He didn't want anything to do with the Mutant Underground, but a Nazi was attacking innocent mutants. As much as he hated his father and his legacy, he couldn't just turn a blind eye to that. If there was one thing he learned from his personal hero, Captain America, it was that the only solution when it came to Nazis was to punch them in the face and throw them in prison to rot.

"...So we're going to go kill a Nazi then," Sunshine summarized. She wondered whether or not it was a crime to kill a Nazi. She certainly wasn't going to let Shaw live. The Purifiers were guilty, but Shaw had Erg's blood on his hands. Maybe they would get medals for performing a good deed, one that benefited the entire world, when they put Shaw six feet under.

"You can't run away from this - you know that, right?" Ben asked Casper. The medium replied with a nod. He didn't really know what to say or what to do - he wasn't sure where to begin when it came to fighting Nazis. The only idea going through his head at the moment was to put on some spandex, come up with a codename that was spewing with propaganda, and then go from there.

Magik still hadn't woken up just yet - they really must have done a number on her or maybe it was a side effect of the Drug X that Shaw had dosed her with. "We will not kill Shaw - he must answer for crimes against mutantkind and humanity," Colossus decided. He was certain that Veil would agree with him on that. We keep him - he could be useful," he then added, nodding at Vulcan.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago


Location: Outside of the Underground
Skills N/A

"Was that really the moment to make a joke about something like that?" Sapphire asked, snapping slightly at Glimpse when they got to the Underground. That in her mind was not the time to make a joke about something like that. In her mind it more of went along with Glimpse being a bit stuck up or something. "I mean seriously talk about being a bit of an insensitive prick!" They were already having to deal with a lot of problems, a few other things came to mind as she got out of the car. She instantly whirled to face Glimpse though.

"So, if we are going to go on about major problems today, you Miss "Oh I know what I'm doing" didn't think to mention that we'd be going up against freaking EMMA FROST!!!!! She's a powerful telepath so us being invisible probably would have lasted maybe another two seconds tops and things probably would have ended up a lot worse then they already did," she snapped at her, getting more then a little annoyed with her. Hearing Havok get up, she calmed down a little bit, figuring that she might as well apologize to him for kind of knocking him out, "Sorry for knocking you out, not sorry for punching you, since you kind of deserved it."

She then turned to look over at Veil. "I get that you are acting somewhat tough or whatever Veil, but let me help you out. Let me put that medical degree I got a few years back to use alright?" she said as she walked over to her friend.

Jack Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground First Floor
Skills: N/A

"Just saying, it isn't going to be fun," Jack responded to Colossus, shaking his head slightly before turning his attention back towards the others who were still in the room. His brother was being a bit ridiculous when it came to the drugs, and he rolled his eyes at him. The truth was that he trusted his brother around pills of any kind about as far as he could throw him, so he wasn't going to even really respond to what he had said about that. It wasn't really a secret or something.

He raised an eyebrow at Vulcan making a comment about Shaw making the drug in Auschwitz. That was a somewhat oddly specific thing to mention in his opinion. He heard Sunshine sound all too thrilled at the idea of killing Shaw if they went after him, and he shook his head at her. "I'm with Colossus on this one Sunshine, killing him is not exactly going to fix anything... And it probably won't make you feel any better about everything either..."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground DC Station
Skills: N/A

Callie hadn't even used her power that time turning to look at Vulcan as he revealed more information on Drug X, crossing her arms over her chest, she didn't think that they would be going up against a Nazi either. Callie then looked over at the Frost International keycard that was there and picked it up holding it over to Vulcan's face. "And this keycard, what does it open?" She asked looking down at Vulcan, as he answered her. "I-I-I was in charge of security in the l-l-lower levels there.... W-watching over Shaw's s-s-sentinel...." Vulcan answered, now having proof that they supplied the Sentinel that went against the Morlocks.

Callie turned to look over at Waverly, and shrugged slightly she didn't really pay attention to anything in the media and shrugged slightly, she was satisfied with what they had right now and nodded at Colossus. [color87d0f2]"I agree, but he needs to be under constant guard and blindfolded so he doesn't see where we are going next."[/color] Callie said, she didn't like this Shaw guy either and would rather see him dead actually than harm more mutants. "So, why don't we just video tap him, have him tell us everything little bit of dirty laundry he has and then send it off to the news, or online somewhere?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: The Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

Luna frowned a little at Veil’s tough demeanor but nodded all the same and let her try and hobble herself into the building. Well, what was left of the building. Luna cocked her head to the side, that did not look right. She turned to ask Negasonic what had happened here when Sapphire spoke up. Luna’s eyes instantly narrowed. ”Did you ever think I didn’t say anything because I didn’t realize she was going to be there? No, because I have been public enemy number one to you since I showed up. And where the bloody hell do you get off calling me out? I wasn’t the one who tried to freeze the bitch’s brain and blew the entire operation. I was doing everything in my power to keep her in the dark. Recon as I thought this mission was supposed to be. You Americans have a funny idea of what recon is.” Luna had enough of being pushed around. If Sapphire wanted to do this, they would do this.
Luna looked over at Leighton and Negasonic, both looking a little worse for the wear. Not to mention the building with the missing roof. ”What happened here?” It seemed both parties tonight had a bought of bad luck. Perhaps having a family meeting here was a bad idea. Luna made no motion to go inside though to see how the people were or what the damage was. If Sapphire had any say, Luna doubted very much she would be allowed back in and if something was about to happen, it would be better to remain outside while ice was being thrown around.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: The First Floor, Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

Cayden didn’t have a problem at all helping out with the kids or fetching bags. He could still hear bits of the interrogation so that was nice but Cayden soon paid full attention onto the kids. He had been in their position once and it was always nice to have an older person who understood a few things. He knew some of the kids here but he was still getting to know everyone. Cayden sat down with a few of them and smiled warmly at them. ”Have any of you ever gone camping?” The open roof concept had given him the idea for this topic of conversation. Cayden wasn’t sure if they would be staying or leaving tonight but either way, they would be doing some form of camping.
Cayden looked at Waverly when she returned and smiled at her while she distributed the bags. ”Thanks for getting all of them,” he commented. ”Pretty cool what you can do as well.” Cayden looked back at all the children’s faces though, seeing which ones needed a bit more attention. There were always some who faced a trauma that either closed off or needed complete attention or hugs like James was giving. If only they had a kitchen and baking supplies. Cookies fixed everything. At least that’s what his grandmother would say.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Car > Outside
New Outfit

Max could hear the vague sounds of someone asking him to get the computer but he couldn’t quite tell who. His mind was still a bit of a haze from the shock of the previous events, now just repeating the same two words over and over again. Right. Computer. Right. Computer. Right... His feet shuffled slightly in the dirt lot, feeling the gravel crunch beneath his shoes as he adjusted his weight. There was a slight pinch on his shoulder, anchoring him back down and allowing the ringing to slowly subside and be replaced with the sound of Sapphire and Glimpse arguing once more. Their warbled voices now coming in clear as a slight twitch began to appear on Max’s right eye. He could feel anger and frustration bubbling up inside of him, it was this type of in fighting that caused problems like the ones that transpired at the Hellfire Club. As their arguing continued Max just stood there until he had enough of it. ”ENOUGH!” A small fire flared up near the two bickering mutants, intense heat flashing up against their bodies before subsiding and fizzling out. ”I am sick and tired of your constant bitching! We get it, you’re cold and hate new people and take time to warm to up because you don’t like change. Oh woe is ME! Seriously! You act like a spoiled child who fights and kicks until she gets her way! You don’t have to like us, you don’t even have to care for us, but you do need to care about the mission. I don’t know who this Emma Frost is or why you’re so worked up about it but did you see that building? It was huge! There was no way of knowing who we would see or what might happen. That was the whole point of RECON. Not attack and provoke. Now this Emma lady you’re so afraid of has our faces, powers, and who knows what more and she can most likely use that against us all because you had to go flying off the handles. I hope you’re happy, i hope you’re happy now! So if you don’t mind I’m going to take this computer that I salvaged and see if anyone inside can help with it. Until then maybe try to cool off you icey bitch!”

Max quickly turned on his heel and made his way to the car. He opened up the trunk, removing the computer he had placed in there and storming off towards the inside of the Mutant Underground. His face was stern and twisted into a scowl as he made his way past Negasonic and Leighton, offering a slight smile but nothing more as he stomped past and entered the Underground hideout. ”Mission wasn’t a total bust, I managed to steal a whole ass computer from there and hopefully there will be something on this damned hard drive that will make all of this mess worth it.” Max placed the computer down on the ground and took a few more steps in, looking around and noticing a few new faces. ”What happened here? And why are you here? Not that I’m complaining on seeing you guys again but...I wasn’t exactly expecting to see you so soon, like next day soon.” There was still hints of anger within his voice, residual feelings left behind from the explosion of emotion he just had outside along with the beating in his chest as his adrenaline ran high. Those who were a bit more perceptive though could probably tell that this anger wasn’t directed at any of them, rather it was directed at the results of his first mission.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Hellfire Club HQ

Jinx fiddled around in his mind at the idea of Magneto again, one of his previous suspects but the more evidence he found the more he wondered if the Master of Magnetism was truly this sloppy. As Requiem hit the elevator button, there was slight pause. Now that was odd. Jinx had just used the elevator so it should have respodended rather quickly, was the cleaning crew coming so soon? Or maybe...Jinx’s mind switched at the thought of Emma approaching the pair and began to push his thoughts on the case further and further away as he started to think on the cute security guard he had met the day before. The way his eyes seemed to shimmer, his soft hair, that button nose and ofcourse that cute smile. Yes this guy seemed like he’d make a fine toy to play with, he only hoped that he was a mutant because otherwise he wouldn’t have much of a use for him other than pure entertainment.

Throughly distracted, Jinx absent mindedly blew a bubble with him gum and heard the loud pop, snapping him back towards reality and staring at Requiem. ”What? Did you say something?” He reeled his gum back into his mouth, the pink elastic substance smacking around in there as he waited for the elevator to open up. ”So, what do you think about that Anastasia chick? Her powers seemed rather usefull back there even if those she turned ended up being useless shots in the end...buuut it did removed a few pieces from the playing board for that fight which was nice. Bit of a glass canon though, her and Emma alike. Strong minds weak bodies i guess amiright? But man, i really thought she had blondie there for a second when she yeeted him out of that window. Who knew the kid could fly? And...create...candy? I’m not too sure what his powers are, maybe he’s like a power absorber and he got a few hits before entering? I don’t know, it’s all real weird if you ask me.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 days ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground, Washington D.C. Station (First Floor)

Waverley furrowed her eyebrows at Colossus' question, tilting her head ever so slightly. Being so fully submerged with pop culture and television trivia, it always gave her some amount of satisfaction to teach people any information they might be lacking. It's like it fed some starved, hidden superiority complex deep within her bones. But Chris Pratt? Everyone knew Chris Pratt. Even Waverley's sister, who never so much as touched a celebrity gossip magazine, knew who he was.

"He's-" Waverley began, ready to run through the actor's history, from his start in Everwood to his work in Parks and Rec, but she stopped herself. This information, she realized, was not, in fact, helpful in any way, shape, or form, and would, in fact, be interrupting a very important interrogation of a super villain who did, in fact, appear to have very important things to tell them. "It's really not important," she concluded, turning her attention back to the bags, the kids, and Cayden. She lifted the bags up one at a time, distributing each one to its designated child, helping the little ones get the bags on. When she heard Cayden's comment, a smile spread across her lips.

"Thanks," she replied, slipping the straps of a kid's backpack over his shoulders. "It's not exactly super strength, but we gotta make the best of what we got, right?" Waverley gave a small chuckle as she lightly patted the back of the kid's backpack to signal that he was set to go. When she was about to move onto the next child, however, someone she didn't recognize busted into the Mutant Underground base, or at least what remained of it. He was somewhat regal-looking, adorned in a leather jacket, with a computer in hand. Not a laptop, a full on computer tower. Waverley stood back up, rebar in hand, and stepped out in front of the kids, holding her arms out to make herself as big of a target as possible in attempt to protect the kids. She expected a fight to break out, but it never did. After a few seconds of nothing, Waverley realized no one else appeared ready to fight the thin young man, and lowered her arms, looking confused once again. She hesitantly leaned over to Cayden, her voice somewhat lowered. "Who is he?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground (Stairs to Floor 2)
Skills: N/A

James sighed as he paused on the stairs. He could feel the exhaustion seeping into his muscles as he stood there. How many people had he healed today? If someone else needed anything more than a patch up, he might honestly pass out. His stomach grumbled and he frowned at it. Healing powers may be great but they relied on his own reserves too and 16 children plus a beaten up Jack and nearly dead Casper was a lot to handle. He felt his legs wobble a little and decided very quickly he should probably take a break before gravity demanded it. He sat down on the steps to watch the interrogation of their attackers.

Just in time to see Max burst through the doors and his eyebrows shot up. He wouldn’t claim to know Max well but he hadn’t seen anger on his before. It was weird; he’d only ever seen embarrassment or… well, mostly embarrassment on him considering he did burn down a building. Pride maybe? Definitely vanity. But anger seemed out of place for him. “Those two,” James jerked his head over at the unconscious girl and Vulcan, “Showed up outta nowhere and started blasting away. There was also a Purifier attack at the same time down in the Morlock tunnels. We’ve just been getting people back on their feet.” James explained, the weariness creeping into his voice even as he tried to battle it back.


Location: The Hellfire Club
Skills: N/A

“Nothing you need to be concerned with. Just follow along.” Requiem replied as they waited for the elevator. He mostly ignored inx’s rambling; the boy was likely still hyper from their encounter with the misfits and needed to let off steam but he did pull Requiem’s attention to their newest… ally. Considering her connection to Frost, it was likely she was more of a leash than anything else. She was useful, he supposed, although he wasn’t impressed with the girl’s performance. She managed to convert one of the most useless members of their little band of renegades, put out some fire, and get herself impaled. Oh and she tossed the thief nearly out the window,he should credit her that. Too bad she failed the follow through.

“She does remind me of Ms. Frost.” With all her inherent weaknesses. Arrogant and reckless, eager to prove herself better than those around her with little regard to her own position. Requiem chuckled quietly to himself. She’ll learn soon enough that often times circumstances entirely unrelated to her are what cause her usefulness to change. Too often do soldiers forget they are disposable and Requiem firmly believed the Kings and Queens saw themselves as the only irreplaceable pieces to their plots. Even a queen loses interest in her favorites if better circumstances appear.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: The Mutant Underground - Outside
Skills N/A

Leighton felt herself stifle a blush as Negasonic kissed her cheek. But the others arrived before she could say much. Luna asked them point-blank what happened. "During our training, we were attacked by two people. One Colossus seemed to know, his sister or family member I believe? The other attempted to break the support pillars to bring the whole building crashing down, but we stopped him. Totally kicked him in the face too. It was awesome! Ah, anyway. We took care of them both, they are inside questioning the dude now, but then the Morlocks came with injured people. They were attacked too. Erg is..dead. As for the roof, Negasonic here took care of that, or it would have collapsed and been worse."

After she spoke, Max had his blow-up. Leighton had to admit, she was impressed. And she echoed his words in reference to the Ice Bitch. She didn't know what happened, but it was clear tensions were high. She would step in in defense of Max if Sapphire attempted anything, but hopefully it would not turn to that. Granted, she made a simple comment and got chewed out, so she was expecting a fight. "Let's all go inside and see how they are fairing in getting answers and tending to the wounded. We all need to calm down some." Granted, she was feeling remarkably calmer now.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Hellfire HQ - Medical
Skills N/A

Ana took in Emma's words as the elevator doors closed. She felt a lot better, Wolverine's blood doing wonders in her system. As it ascended to her destination, she weighed what she would do. She could easily handle this alone, but she knew better. As much as it pained her to admit, she needed the two idiots' help on this mission. Well, she needed them, at the very least. Help was a stretch. Still, it was better to have someone watching her back should things go sideways, even if they were the cause.

The elevator arrived and opened in time for her to see the two she was just thinking about. What were the odds? "Hello boys? All better now. What were you talking about? Good things, I hope?" She had a feeling she might have been the topic, but couldn't be bothered to care as much. Their opinions meant nothing to her. "Saddle up, boys. We have a new mission. Hope you like trains." She held the elevator door from closing for them to enter, and would brief them on the ride down as to what they were meant to do.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 9th, 2020 - 9:10 PM

The Penthouse...

The train heist won't be happening until the next day, so it's more or less up to the trio to decide what they want to do that evening. Since they are members of the Hellfire Club, there is a limo they can take to travel in style to whatever destination they choose. No one else will try to get into the elevator (the staff are busy cleaning up the mess) and they won't run into anyone interesting on their way out. It's dark outside though, which means that the air is thankfully a lot cooler - Washington D.C.'s heat can be brutal in September.


Veil was naturally more durable than the average person, but she had been shot in the chest not too long ago. No matter what she said about being fine to walk on her own, it wasn't really the case. It didn't help that she had been injured pretty badly not too long ago and then spent a night being abused by the local police in prison. She stumbled slightly, one hand pressed firmly up against her chest, as Sapphire screamed at Glimpse over not alerting them that Emma Frost would be present. "Hey, hey," Veil said weakly, trying to get Sapphire to snap out of it quickly. She knew her best friend - a light touch worked better than a scolding one. "That's enough - both of you," she emphasized. She doubted Glimpse and Sapphire would ever be friends, but hopefully they'd eventually get to a point where they could coexist.

But while there were huge tensions between the two women, Veil was disappointed in Max most out of all of them. Some of her feeling was colored by the horror that he had committed - and she could already feel the change against mutants in the wind because of it. They weren't some high profile team like the X-Men, people who were adored despite their mutant status... No, they were the mutants that existed outside of the law, running a group all about smuggling people illegally out of the country. "Max!" Veil snapped, trying to get his attention. "We do not talk to each other that way - I expect better from you. You should know better than anyone that we all make mistakes in battle."

Havok hadn't really reacted much to Sapphire's apology, mostly giving her a shrug that communicated it's cool. However, hearing Max yell at one of his long time friends and call her a bitch in anger, rather than joking camaraderie? That crossed a line with him. "Don't you fucking ever call one of my friends a bitch again, got it?!" he snapped.

"Havok, ENOUGH!" Veil shouted.

Negasonic wasn't even on her phone for once, staring a bit in awe at the battle of wills unfolding in front of them. She wasn't shocked that Sapphire wasn't getting along well with the new additions - she knew it had something to do with Sapphire's past, but the two of them weren't close so the young mutant had about zero clue what it was. "Finally, my world is getting interesting..." Negasonic muttered under her breath. She wasn't stupid.

Havok hesitated for a moment, before he nodded slightly.

"Good," Veil said, sounding out of breath. There was something else she needed to address though - "Leighton - good initiative," she praised. She didn't know the girl very well, but at the very least she was able to read the incredibly tense situation. The news Leighton delivered about what had happened when they were gone didn't bring a smile to Veil's face. It only brought regret - maybe it had been a mistake to go off to vet Glimpse's information. Maybe they shouldn't have tried to play hero.

"Sapphire... Once we discuss everything with the others, I'll be your patient... But right now, I gotta be the leader," she mumbled. Veil took a dizzy step forward, before collapsing to the ground.

The First Floor...

"I dunno, killing Nazis seems like the patriotic thing to do," Sunshine countered. "Isn't that what got Captain America famous or something? I bet it makes him feel good."

"Hmm... We could contact YouTube, ask them to come film?" Colossus asked. He didn't really quite understand the concept of YouTube - or really anything relating to social media or modern day technology. His knowledge on Chris Pratt (or severe lack thereof) was emblematic of his knowledge on just about everything in pop culture. It drove his technology loving counterpart, Negasonic, crazy at times.

"...You don't have to get someone down here to put it on YouTube, you just upload it," Blink corrected Colossus awkwardly. She was a bit skeptical about whether or not Spark Plug's idea would work - the Hellfire Club seemed to be incredibly connected. She didn't doubt that their lawyers would be able to get a video thrown out of court. "I don't know if a video would be enough to take down people like this," she offered. "They've got money, resources... Lawyers, probably even judges in their pocket..."

Over to the side, not too far away from where the grownups and all were talking, the kids were hanging out with the quirky lesbian and the guy with awesome hair. A few of the kids raised their hands when Cayden asked them if they had ever gone camping. "I did once!" one of them offered, a bit more outgoing than the rest. "But then I burned down the tent and Daddy said I had to go away..." Cayden would most likely not really know who Max was, as Max had just arrived at the Mutant Underground the previous evening. They had so many mutants coming and going that it got hard to keep track of sometimes.

Now, back over where everyone is, Sunshine couldn't help but let out a surprised laugh seeing Max there. It made sense. He seemed to be a walking disaster magnet. He had showed up and Erg died. Now he was here, another target of this Hellfire Club - what if Max was somehow working for those people? Could he be a Nazi spy? "... They killed Erg," she informed him bluntly, her hands curling into fists. There was anger in her eyes and even a bit of water welling up in them as she said that.

Casper awkwardly gave Max a little bit of a wave. "You look like my old man just sent you to fight Krakoa - what happened with you, man?" he asked, before Casper's eyes widened in horror. While he wasn't telepathic, he was cursed with the ability to communicate with the dead. The ghosts of the officers Max had killed were standing on either side of the mutant, angrily shouting at their killer.

"I HAD A FAMILY!!!!!!"



If the ghosts' rage was not terrible enough, they were all mutilated and grotesque. Ghosts didn't look how people did when they were alive - they resembled how they were when they died. Some of them were missing limbs. Most of them were horribly bloody, bones sticking out of their skin at odd angles. "I-I... I c-c-can't..." Casper stammered, before he took off at a run out the front entrance, trying to put as much distance between him and the ghosts hovering around Max as he could.

That was hardly the only unusual thing that happened, though. Illyana's eyes fluttered open and she stared up into the face of her older brother. "Piotr...?" she cried softly.

"Да, Иллиана, это я ..."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago


Location: Outside of the Underground
Skills Thermokinesis

Sapphire glared at Glimpse, not even flinching as she instantly jumped to her own defense. Of course she would do that, it was to be expected. "You say Oh, I didn't know, oh I couldn't have known! Bullshit, we went there on your words, we went there on your information. We essentially were going in there blind, trusting your information to get us in and out. For someone who acts like a damn Know-It-All you sure are an idiot. Thought Shaw was some family friend? Shouldn't you know if he had an associate who is a known telepath? Seriously, think you are a bigger idiot than that kid. If it wasn't obvious, I don't trust anyone, and oh guess what, not one of you have given me a damn reason why I should trust you with my life. It is your fault that Veil got shot, because you didn't think to get more information before asking us to help you investigate Shaw. The entire operation was a bust the instant we walked in there, so yeah, I do get the right to call you out, since you sit up on your high horse and need to learn that there are consequences to every little thing you do in this town. Or is it because you don't have daddy around to help you out that you think you are the best person in the world to solve every damn problem and never see that you did anything wrong. No one asked for you to be around, we were helping you. So don't you dare try to pin this blame on me, since at least me attacking her gave us a chance to get everyone out, it was your ineptitude that resulted in Veil getting shot, us rushing out like that and everything that snowballed afterwards is on you." Sapphire was tired of the newbies to the Underground. Who were they to instantly think they knew how things worked? They didn't, and she was about to whirl around and snap at Max, before Havok sort of beat her to it, which was more then a little surprising. She hadn't expected him to defend her like that. However the air around Sapphire, Glimpse and Veil started to get rather chilly, as Sapphire was using her powers, whether by choice or by accident, who really was to say.

When Veil collapsed, Sapphire went over to her and picked her up, still not caring too much that the air was cold around them. Actually the cold air was good for Veil, as the cold was causing her bleeding to slow down somewhat. "Who are you to tell anyone to calm down. After all, you are the one who doesn't actually seem to care about anyone," she said a bit coldly to Leighton as she walked inside. This all was making her see how things were likely going to end, at least in a way. She wasn't too sure if she could stand being in the same area as 3 of the 4 new people (Max, Leighton and Glimpse) and that could pose a major problem if they chose to stay with the Underground. However that was a thought for another time, and she called back over her shoulder towards Havok, the only conscious person she could stand at the moment, "Go grab the medical supplies for me would you?" With that last remark, she looked around, frowning slightly at the fact that everyone seemed to kind of be near the one place that she actually could set Veil down, but looks like she was stuck with it, and basically ignoring the conversations and everyone else, she set Veil on the couch.

Jack Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground First Floor -> Outside
Skills: N/A

Jack was a little surprised that Max didn't seem in the best mood, and he figured that now likely wasn't the best time to question what had happened with the other Underground group or whatever as someone else he didn't really recognize came into the building carrying someone else. Then his brother seemed to have a panic attack or something, and Jack instantly didn't care about what was going on around him. His brother needed him now, otherwise he'd likely go get high on drugs again or something. "If you all will excuse me for a moment, I'm going to go after him," he said simply to the others, before he chased after his brother. "Casper wait! Are you okay?" he asked as he caught up to his older brother.

"C-C-Can't...." Casper mumbled, pulling on his hair.

"It's okay Casper, alright? What happened?" he asked him, grabbing his wrists to stop him from pulling his hair or potentially hurting himself.

"H-He k-killed people, Jackie," Casper whispered, his eyes darting around frantically. "T-too many ghosts..."

"What do you mean? It's okay Casper, you're fine... They can't hurt you or do anything, you know that right?"

Casper shook his head, starting to sob quietly. Jack let out a sigh, looking at his older brother, and sometimes wishing that things could be somewhat normal or whatever. He also wished that this was the first time that something like that had happened. "It's okay Casper," he said again, before he gave his brother a hug, figuring that he probably needed one right now.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: The Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

At the mention of Luna’s father, she snapped. ”Don’t you dare say anything about him. You know nothing, nothing of my life except what you choose to understand from the papers you selfish prat. Just because you chose to use my upbringing as a mark against me, just shows how little you care about yourself. I was sent here by someone who thought you were all competent enough to help. I wish you could see far enough past your own oversized ego that I was simply trying to help. And congratulations because I already took the blame for Veil getting shot but thank you for making that blatantly obvious for everyone else.” Luna knew a lot of the blame had been placed on her, hell she placed most of it on herself as well but the fact still remained that Sapphire attacked first. She didn’t trust and she reacted but if she didn’t want to admit to that yet, than fine, let her sit on her own high horse and claim superiority over Luna.
Luna flinched at Max’s flare of power and sudden yelling. Luna had to admit it did feel nice to have at least one person on her side even if it was unnecessary but it was true. If it wasn’t for Max, the whole mission would have been an even bigger bust. Luna was also bombarded by other information of what had happened. It seemed they had been rather busy with randoms breaking in and the Morlocks, whoever those were, showing up with their own problems. It was going to be a rather full house inside. Luna hung back though while everyone went in, she needed to make a phone call to the man who sent her here in the first place.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: The First Floor, Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

Cayden grinned and chuckled at Waverly’s comment before he refocused on the kids. His eyes widened at the kid mentioning burning a tent. ”Well lucky for you, we won’t be in a tent and we have a couple people who can put out fires in a hurry. I figure, what with upstairs being converted into an open roof concept, we could rest up there tonight, look at the stars and see what pictures we can find. What do you say? I may even know a few good camp stories for you.” Cayden looked at all the kids, smiling happily. Yes, despite everything, Cayden was still smiling and happy.
The front door slammed open and Cayden looked over, shifting a bit to shield a couple of kids just encase this was another raid. He saw a man walk in, he looked familiar but he looked at Waverly when she jumped to defend, a bit more on edge than Cayden. He smirked at her and shook his head. ”I can’t remember his name but I recognize him from yesterday. He came from the same place James did. Which would be the Morlocks I believe.” The man seemed to be carrying a computer. Was that from the recon? What happened there?
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