Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Carolina Reed

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked at Annie and October for a moment, it seemed that they were all going to the Baxter Building which she didn't have a problem with at all either. As she rubbed the back of her neck, when they were all suddenly moved forward by both Oshea and Quicksilver now they were in front of the building. Seeing Johnny Storm there just coming out of his car, she gave him a slight wave she did think he was cute growing up. Carolina turned to stare at Guin knowing that her friend still didn't have her memories restored yet letting out a slight sigh. "In the real world that what he goes by because of his powers." Carolina said towards Guin.

She crossed her arms over her chest when Guin said that she didn't trust them did hurt a little bit looking over at Allison, she knew that Allison remembered everything about the real world. "Thank you." Carolina said looking over at Johnny before following shortly after him while holding Annie and October's hands as well.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Human Resistance HQ - New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

"Agent Reed is just fine." Cassandra said looking over at James, she preferred being called that anyway unless they were her friends or teammates that she actually worked with. And James wasn't a member of their team officially at all either, she looked towards Goose seeing that the cat was still alive and well made her smile slightly. She was more of a dog person but she didn't mind him either, as the others came to meet up. She looked at everyone for a moment and shrugged slightly for the most part everyone had made it back and alive and stopped the execution from happening.

"It went well here." Cass said, as she leaned back slightly turning to look at James asking more about the Reality stone and shrugged slightly it could help them or make things worse than they already were, and Klara spoke up about it as well and nodded towards her. "If it is here we could maybe use it, but it could also make things a lot worse as well. But it's your guys call."

Maria Smith

Location: New York City, New York, Human Resistance HQ.

Maria looked towards Novikova when she made a comment about James, the kid was still getting on her nerves a bit as well and his earlier remarks before getting his memories back still made her not trust him to much. "But you have an even better ass though." Maria whispered back to Novikova giving her a playful wink. She smiled slightly when Novi nodded to a little vacation once they fixed everything that Wanda had broken in the first place. "We can talk about the vacation later then." Maria said softly.

"Not to much here." Maria said towards Niah glad that her friend had made it back in one piece as well rubbing the back of her neck slightly as she walked over and sat down as the others started to speak up, whatever they were planning on doing they should get ready to go as soon as possible.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Maximillian Gray

Location: Human Resistance HQ: New York City, New York.
ConjurationUpdated Outfit

Max just listened along and nodded as they each told him what they knew about the infinity stones. Part of him wondered how it was that he didn’t know or hear about these items of legend, looking around and noticing each and every one of the members who know about them were S.H.E.I.L.D. Operatives meaning that this was one of those pieces of information that could never become public knowledge. He sighed a bit as he awaited to hear back from Dr. Strange, wondering exactly who this man was aside from a psychologist. James had brought up a rather good point, why not use the stone to recreate Reality? It was worth a shot in theory but...could someone truly have enough of a grasp to not warp it in their own vision of what reality used to be? Would their subconcious not effect the outcome and create small butterfly affects that would be felt later on in the years? All of this information was a bit too much to take in, sure he had always wanted to play hero but...this was Avengers level hero and he didn’t have the experience in either reality to hand the tapestry of fate. ”I haven’t quite gotten a response back from this Dr. Strange, all I know so far is that he is a psychologist at a nearby hospital. Does that seem to add up with the version you know of him? Also if i may ask, who is he exactly?”

Max turned to look at the stealth team, finally acknowledging their arrival and taking special note of the tabby in their possession. ”What a cutie! Here Goose, come here pspspspspspsps.” Much to his content, Goose actually came towards the chaotic mess of a gay and began to purr against him, nuzzling Max’s leg as he sat. ”Who’s a good kitty, you are” His concentration was finally broken from the cat when a new voice appeared in his head. Presumably Dr. Strange who was asking him what master he served. ”Hey...Novikova? This man’s asking me what master I serve?” All the woman could offer him was a smirk and witty retort telling him that the man wasn’t exactly called Dr. Normal. Max blew a puff of air at his fringe in slight annoyance, right he’d have to answer this one his self. Grabbing hold of that tether he had created ealier Max replied ”I’m not sure I understand the question but...humanity? I seek to make this world right again, to fix the shift in reality that has transpired and go back to the one we all originated from. There are those of us who still recall the prime reality and we need help to get the world back to where it was. Will you help us? Keep in mind this is the last time tonight I can reach out to you like this, I’m fairly tapped and need to rest, just know I’m not far from where you are and have allies with these sling ring things if you need us to get you.” He turned to James and smiled a bit ”Hey, I can’t keep playing telephone with these two guys so what’re the chances you can just text your boyfriend for me? I feel like that might be easier.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: The Palace Grounds ---> Reed Richard’s -- New York City, New York.

Antoinette watched Guin curiously when she mentioned not trusting neither her nor Carolina. Odd. It seemed Guin did not remember the old reality. ”Well at the very least, we are all on the same side,” she said confidently. She was then picked up along side Allison and they were transported to this Reed Richards. Antoinette stumbled forward a bit once they were set down but recovered in time to see Johnny Storm get out of his vehicle. Antoinette had seen a few posters and magazines with his face on it over her years growing up and travels. She supposed he was nice to look at.
Antoinette smiled at Allison and thanked Oshea before she went and stood beside Carolina and October again. She gave Carolina’s hand a gentle squeeze before she looked ahead. She wondered if after they got some answers here if they would still go look for the other team like she suggested. They were here, like Allison said her vision suggested but they could still yield more results with the others as well. After all, Carolina’s sister was with the resistance.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Palace Grounds --> The Baxter Building - New York(Outfit)
Skills: N/A

Allison looked apologetically at Carolina and Antoinette, hopefully the girls understood that Guin had no recollection of the other reality. But even still, how does knowing what happened make her the expert? She decided to drop it, but she still had no idea what to do but she would do her best, especially as she was being relied on. She knew that if Guin had any knowledge of how she was in the other reality, she would not be content to sit idly by and let others take charge.

Oshea held her and they quickly made it to the Baxter Building. "Thanks love." Upon arriving, she spotted one of the other members of the Fantastic Four. She would be hard-pressed not to admit that Johnny Storm was not incredibly attractive. But she had a hot speedster on her arm. Guin, however, seemed..star-struck? Allison held in a giggle as she allowed Johnny to lead them upstairs. "Thank you," she spoke to Johnny, eager to see how Guin handles herself being next to her boy and her crush.

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Human Resistance HQ
Skills: N/A

Having been sufficiently ignored by most of the others, Tinley decided to step back and listen. After all, she was not the leader of this team, as much as it pained her. She didn't understand half the lingo being spouted off by everyone, but if what was being said was true, they had some idea of how to revert this back without needing Wanda's help. She doubted they could ask her to change it all back anyway and it seemed like forcing her wouldn't work either.

"What's the plan then? We have a large force too so are we all going to find these stones, or at least the reality stone? I doubt it will just be an easy grab also. I don't know the first thing about any of that, but if you need someone to protect and fight back I'm your girl." She hated feeling like this was outside of her wheelhouse, but this all appeared to be mystical shit and she didn't know the first thing about that stuff.

She was eager to learn, though.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: West Side Red Guard Base
Skills: N/A

Ana didn't like the looks of how this was playing out. Moreso when the sirens alerted them and made it even more difficult to move through the building. Just her luck. Her first mission and it was already playing out to be a failure, especially if they were telling the truth about not finding their target. She, of course, doubted them but it was not the time and place to do so. "Lead the way then, cherie." She responded to Mary, following her.

She eyed Casper, who attempted a bluff and then fell squarely on his face. She rolled her eyes, allowing someone else to tend to the idiot. She wouldn't be caught and held back because of his antics. She followed Mary, hoping the girl would lead them out quickly and that they wouldn't meet much more resistance. Granted, she wasn't worried as she saw how capable Mary was, plus her own talents, but still it was tiresome and needless and at this point she just wanted to be out and gone from this dreadful place.

"If anyone has some way to provide more light to this, it would not be remiss. After all, we don't want to trip over our own feet like some people."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York, New York
Skills: N/A

“I’m know Max. I just told you last call and then you’re done. I wasn’t asking you to call Casper. I know where he is and what he is doing. I’d like to say safe but when does that ever apply to him.” James sighed. “I left him a voicemail. He’ll check his phone when he checks his phone. It wasn’t a strong suit of his in the real world and I highly doubt he’ll take the time to check his messages while he’s bouncing around a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility. Its more likely we run into himbefore he even looks at the damn thing.” He shook his head with exasperate fondness in his words before he returned his attention to Max.

“Rest dude. It sounds like we have a full day ahead of us tomorrow and you’re starting to look a little thin.” James poked Max in the side. “And you’re not a fuck up. Sure you’ve made some… mistakes but you’re also bending the laws of the universe so I think you deserve a little slack. And I’m not sure how all your magic works but maybe once we fix all this, you’ll remember all these things you can do and even if it doesn;’t help you immediately, it gives you a goal to work towards. Sometimes all you need is a little direction and I think this is more than just a little. Maybe you could even remember how you learned all this so you can replicate it in our reality!”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: The Hallway - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Skill: Void Reach

Questions done with Mary's acceptance of her words, Bobbi tended to her headache. She continued to rub her temple but it seemed the universe would not be so kind this day. A sudden, flashing red light made the world distorted. The sound of alarm and footsteps brought the adrenaline in her system to a peek. Her heart was about to leap out of her chest. She began moving along behind the others until she noticed Casper trip.

She paused her journey to leaned down and help him to his feet, uttering a soft "Sorry," to him. For earlier, when he had tried to offer her help. Maybe he would connect the two. Perhaps not. Regardless of if he accepted her help, her attention then turned to Anna's request for light. She pushed her hand into the void and rummaged around until her hand clasped a small object. Pulling it through she had retrieved a small flashlight. She turned it on and offered it to Anna.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York, New York

If Strange remembered the real world... Niah straightened her back. She had missed what the plan was but Tinley had asked. If people were going to find Strange she'd go with them she thought. That was someone she knew and theoretically remembered the extra timeline. Him or Susan Storm. If Max didn't look like he was about to fall over, and was being mothered by Kingston (seriously she had missed some interesting reveals), she might have asked if he could seek her out with whatever it was that he was using.

"Be careful with Goose he's pretty particular. I have some of his treats I got from Wanda's room if you want to give him some." Niah offered the pack to Max hoping the cat wouldn't eat him. She was never certain with him and wished she could understand his meows. She didn't even know if he remembered the real world or not he might have just been aggressive to Tinley cause she never cared for him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Top Floor of the Baxter Building
Johnny just sort of chuckled slightly as they got into the elevator and he hit the button for the top floor. "At least we don't have Ben riding in this thing, well, we wouldn't exactly move very far with the rock head in the elevator, the guy is way too heavy. But there is a lovely cargo elevator that can hold his weight, so guess that's something." He created a fireball of sorts in his hand and just started tossing it around a bit.

After a few minutes, the elevator carrying them to the top floor stopped, and the doors opened. Johnny stepped out of the elevator and walked down a hallway of sorts into what appeared to be a large open lab area. "Yo Reed! You've got a few visitors!" Johnny called out, as he walked a little ways away from the group.

"I'll be there in a minute," his voice responded. After another few moments, Reed Richards came into view, walking up to them. He was wearing a button down shirt and slacks, as well as one of his lab coats. "Well, this is certainly a surprise, I didn't expect you to be my visitors... What can I do for you?" he asked, looking at the group.

"Know where my sister is?"

"Sue is in the next room over Johnny, all you had to do was go and look for her."

"Figured it was easier to ask, any way I'll leave you and what probably is going to be some weird scientific conversation that goes straight over my head, and go see how she's doing," Johnny responded, before he took off away from them.

"Sorry, you'll have to excuse him, he does tend to take off at a moments notice. Though surprised he didn't try to convince you to let him fly you up here, which for the record is a really bad idea, but he has tried to convince people it's fine before. Now, what can I do for the royal family? Like I said, it is a bit shocking to see you all here. Please, have a seat," he said, before his arms stretched out and he pulled up enough chairs for the entire group, and he sat down in one by a computer.

Human Resistance HQ
"Trust me when I tell you that you don't want to find those stones or even try using them unless you know how. Odds are that a human using one of those stones would either be killed instantly or get corrupted and essentially controlled by them. So yeah, you want nothing to do with them," Klara said to Tinley, shaking her head.

"The plan is currently to get more people, track others down. Yeah, we already have a large force, but considering the fact that Wanda was holding her own against most of us by herself says a lot about her power, so we're going to go find other heroes. We're going to go into two groups, as many of the heroes still are here in New York, while another large group is down in Louisiana. There is a chance that we might be able to fix things without Wanda, but the more brains we have working on this issue the better. All else fails we go see if we can force her to fix things." Hawkeye said to Tinley, bringing her up to speed fairly quickly.

Banner looked over at Novikova when she asked how they ran into the stone several years back. "We didn't exactly find the stone. The stone found us, as in Loki came to Earth with the mind stone already in his possession as it was a part of his scepter. He was able to control virtually anyone he wanted with it, and the only reason Tony didn't succumb to it's power was because in order to control the stone's power and use it with the scepter, Loki had to tap someone with it right where his arc reactor is. Then there was the Tesseract which is what Loki used to create the portal to bring his invasion force to Earth."

"I heard all about that, and that's an example of an infinity stone that is housed in a vessel of some kind. There are many different vessels that can be used to house the infinity stones, it just depends on which one. It allows the user to essentially control the stone's power as opposed to being controlled by the stone." she said, before a thought occurred to her, and she glanced over at Hawkeye for a moment. "You know, if it was the mind stone that they found, that actually could be just as useful to us as the reality stone, and much more likely to be housed in a vessel. Problem is that it would require us to get fairly close to Wanda, but if we managed to do that, we could just use the stone to mind control Wanda into changing things back. However as I said before, I do not recommend using any of the infinity stones, and we should just do things the old fashioned way of trying to hit her hard enough that she'll fix things."

"...Wait, if we do that, don't we run the risk of Wanda just changing reality to something else again, as well as making it so that we don't exist or something?" Lance pointed out, looking at everyone who was talking.

"Yeah, we do, but we run that risk no matter what, so we've got nothing to lose."

Goose meanwhile over by Max looked at the pack of treats in Niah's hands. Without hesitation, the tentacles shot out of his mouth and grabbed the pack of treats before disappearing again. "Mrow?" he said, before looking over at Max and rubbing up against him once again. Clearly the cat wants to be petted right now.

Then nearby, they'd see the signs of someone creating a sling ring portal right in front of them.

When the portal opened up, they'd see what appeared to be an office of some sort. Who just so happened to be the one stepping through it; Doctor Strange. "I am looking for Maximillian Gray, he is the one who contacted me about a potential threat to the universe or reality?"

"Really Casper? Of course you trip within the first five seconds," Jack said towards his brother with a slight eye roll. "Not to mention what you just said about Veil, I have a thought to smack you over the head right now if we weren't in a really bad position. And I have no idea where she is."

"Look, enough chit chat, we have got to go," Mary said, leading the way back where they had come from. A few guards showed up and Mary instantly raced up, used the wall by them as a spring board and spun around, kicking them in the head and knocking them out cold before she landed on her feet. "Something tells me that there are more guards coming soon..."

As if right on cue yet again, there was the sound of the footsteps coming closer, and about 10 other guards came into view, and instantly started firing off bullets at them. Jack instantly managed to get in front of Bobbi and Casper, as well as throwing an arm out to drag Ana behind him as well, before he essentially used his powers to create a wall. He hadn't been fast enough to get Mary behind him, however she created a shield out of vines, managing to be fine.

Several bullets bounced off of Jack, reflecting off of him. That is, all except for one bullet. He instantly shrunk back down to being normal size, but he instantly put a hand to his left shoulder, where blood was seeping through his clothes. "Damn... That hurts," he muttered, though there was also some blood coming from his side, and he sort of stumbled and was now leaning up against a wall.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: the Baxter Building - New York (Guin's Outfit)
Skills: N/A
Guin couldn't help but be a bit curious when Carolina revealed that Johnny Storm was still called the Human Torch in the original reality. "Huh - guess you can't improve on perfection then," she mused. The name was definitely one of the better ones in the Homo Sapien Death Match sport. Her father's was Iron Man - though on occasion in the tabloids, he was called either the Da Vinci Of Our Time or the Merchant of Death. She giggled slightly at Johnny's digs at Ben Grimm - the Thing. "Which head is made out of rock?" she asked, feigning innocence. It was a little bit disappointing when Johnny Storm left to go find his sister, but at the very least they were now in the company of the world's greatest scientific mind - Reed Richards.

She wrinkled her nose, seeing his lab coat. "What, is the EPA coming to inspect your lab today?" Guin asked. She almost never wore proper personal protective gear when she worked. Her philosophy was that she knew enough to understand the recklessness of her actions and if something happened, well, that was on her. She only wore her lab coat when working with things that scared her and she claimed to not be afraid of anything.

"Dr. Richards," she greeted. "We need you to devise a method of rewriting reality down to each and every atom," she told him bluntly. "Preferably within the next week." She knew it was unreasonable and impossible, and she expected him fully to reply along those lines. But still, that honestly was why they were here - and maybe Reed would be able to use his big brain to come up with an even better idea. Guin noticed that the blonde girl, October, seemed to be looking around dreamily at the various pieces of equipment here. Flynn and his brother, Pietro, both were relatively quiet as well.

She sighed and let go of Pietro's hand, assuming that he was still mad at her, since he wasn't even responding.

Dominika Novikova and Runa Blake

Location: The Human Resistance HQ - New York
Skills: N/A
"Mother Russia's ass," she whispered back in Maria's ear with a bit of a giggle. As was quite obvious from her name, Novikova was Russian-American. Her father was a Russian nuclear physicist and her mother was a New England socialite. Of course, she had largely been raised by her step-father, but Novikova never really felt close to him. She always had more in common with her father than anyone else in her family. He was her hero. "Doctor Strange is - was - no, is the Sorcerer Supreme of our universe... Basically, he's the Dumbledore of the wizards and witches." She wasn't really too clear on how sorcerers worked, but that was more or less her understanding of the situation. And of course, when Max pointed out to her that Strange was asking him what master he served, she had smirked and informed him: "Well, he isn't called Dr. Normal."

Banner answered her question about how they had found the stone, but what he said in addition to that gave her an idea. It was strengthened by Klara's explanation about the containment vessels for the stones and how those made them safe to manipulate and use. "Stark was protected because the arc reactor is non-organic matter..." she mumbled, drumming her fingers against her leg as she tried to think of how to use that information to their advantage. She was pretty certain that Wanda didn't wear any metal or armor on her, so if they were to get the mind stone and put it in a scepter, they could use it to control her.

Runa had been relatively quiet, listening to the conversation going on. Her main weapon, her ability over lies, had been greatly diminished in this reality. She wasn't capable of warping reality beyond the minor tricks of magic she had gained here. The strongest magic user on their side at the moment seemed to be Max - though he lacked control from what she had learned. Her face paled slightly as the Sorcerer Supreme appeared, having been summoned by Max.

Backing away slightly, she hoped that he wouldn't notice her. Wizards on Earth were supposed to guard this dimension and others from threats - she had to believe there was a very good chance that Strange would take advantage of her momentary loss of power and imprison her. So many people on Asgard back in the real reality believed that she was a force of evil, it stood to reason that Doctor Strange might as well. She wanted to speak up and warn Klara that just hitting things with a hammer rarely solved any problems, but she didn't want to cause Strange's gaze to drift over towards her.

"Help us, Stephen Strange. You're our only hope."

Casper Theriot

Location: the Hallway - Baton Rouge
Skills: Mediumship
"Excuse you, I tripped on purpose!" Casper claimed, Anastasia's not-so-subtle putdown stinging a little bit. He ordinarily was rather good at running, but sometimes it was just hard to stay balanced in high stress situations. He had never stolen an Infinity Stone and then lied about it to a super-villain before - it had a bit of a learning curve. If his father could see him now, forced into the role of the hero, he was sadly certain that Xavier would have been proud.

Or more likely, scientifically curious and wanting to push Casper to his limits, to force him to embrace the ghosts...

He banished those thoughts from his head, accepting Bobbi's hand as he got back up to his feet. "Ne t'inquiète pas," he instructed her. It was water under the bridge as far as he was concerned. Of course, maybe he should have been a little more concerned.

"LOOK OUT!" Ben screamed, as the guards came. Mary managed to take out a few of them, but more showed up and they sprayed the area with bullets. Jack had managed to deflect most of them, but Casper's baby brother ended up getting hit in the shoulder, his blood staining the hallway wall behind them. "Shit!" Casper cursed, freaking out a little bit. He didn't want to see his brother get hurt. It was his job to keep Jack safe!

"Let me at them," Ben asked.

"...Alright," Casper said softly, concentrating as he tried to do what he had done earlier with Chrysi. The blue glow surrounded his hands and his eyes started to glow as well as Ben became visible to everyone present. Giant tentacles sprouted out and Ben used them to grab the guards, snapping their necks in one swift motion.

"...Wow, that felt gross," Ben admitted, looking a little green (for a ghost).
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Carolina Reed

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

Carolina followed Johnny up into the elevator and smiled slightly and giggled towards Johnny's joke about Ben, though she had never seen any of them personally until today anyway. She stood in the elevator as it started to go up, to the top floor, she then looked around the really impressive lab that they owned. Though it wasn't really her area it did look pretty amazing to see it in person, she watched Johnny leaving to go find his sister. A few seconds later Reed Richards came up to them and waved towards him, as he offered them all a seat at the table.

Guin then told Reed what they needed, before speaking up. "Basically what Guin is saying, Wanda Maximoff, you know the princess? She used her powers and changed reality. Some of us remember, and others don't really or had to have their memories jogged a bit as well to remember." Carolina said softly looking over towards the others, and then at October and smiled towards her seeing her looking around the lab letting out a slight sigh she wasn't really sure if she still wanted to fix things or not.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Human Resistance HQ - New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

Cassandra watched Goose for a moment as he trotted over towards Max, she still wasn't sure what the cat saw in him before turning her attention back towards the conversation that was going on. "Yeah the stones should only be used as a very last resort, and only if you absolutely need to." Cass said, hopefully they would be able to make Wanda see to reason that she was doing was wrong, she didn't remember what she was like in this world.

A few seconds later she turned towards the other end of the room when Strange stepped through the sling ring portal made her smile a bit, maybe he did remember the other reality. Cassandra gestured towards Max, while looking over towards Dr. Strange. "I'm not sure what you remember or not, and what he told you exactly, but Wanda was the one who messed up reality. We are looking for just about anyone we know who is willing to help fix it again." She told him

Maria Smith

Location: New York City, New York, Human Resistance HQ.

Maria giggled slightly towards Novikova's comment, and winked towards her she leaned back a bit as she listened to everyone else as they spoke, letting Hawkeye brief Tinley and everyone else from the stealth team on what they were going to be doing. She ran a hand through her hair as she watched Goose for a moment, remembering Harry would always call him a Demon Cat. He seemed to be pretty content and happy with Max right now as he took a treat from Niah.

"So, we try and make a vessel or whatever for a stone if we decide to snag whichever one it is to try and fix reality?" Maria asked, and then a few seconds later she turned her attention towards the sling ring portal that opened up and Dr. Strange coming through, letting Cassandra brief him. "Saves us a trip for having to hunt him down." Maria whispered towards Novi, when she made a Star Wars reference she did enjoy watching them growing up.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Maximillian Gray

Location: Human Resistance HQ: New York City, New York.
ConjurationUpdated Outfit

Max just smiled as James comforted him. It was always nice to hear someone else tell him that he wasn’t a complete screw up, even though it was hard to deny that he was. If anyone could potentially understand his predicament here it was James. The man could heal himself on a cellular level and do so to others as well, that could not be an easy task to do. He thought back to the days at the Underground as how James had expended a lot of his energy helping save the lives of those there alongside Sapphires medical expertise. Max slunk down a bit more and leaned his head on Jame’s shoulder as he stared off into the sea of people. Max was quite confused at Niah’s warning until he saw some tendrils spew out of Goose’s mouth and wrap around some treats she was holding, retracting back as he let out a small meow. Clearly this was no ordinary cat, but that would hardly stop him from giving the small bean the pets it wanted and deserved.

The team was notifying those who weren’t aware of the power that these infinity stones could hold. They seemed to be able to corrupt those who attempted to wield them, needing some form of vessel made of non organic matter to help wield its power without the worry of being influenced by its immense cosmic energy. If a vessel was all it needed, and a scepter was what was used before, then what was to stop Max from creating a cane with an open setting for the jeweled stone to sit atop of for ease of use. Would his cosmic powers work against the powers of these stones? Or will they work in tandem allowing him to wield this power with better ease than others? Before he could speak and let the others know of his idea to create a vessel for these stones, a portal similar to Klara’s and Runa’s opened up revealing an attractive older guy who presented himself as Dr. Strange. Cassandra motioned towards him and Max just began to hope that he was on their side. He stood up using his cane he’d created earlier to stablize himself as he extended a hand out for Strange to shake. ”That would be me. Maximilian Gray, a mutant with the ability for magick and Conjuration under my classifications though it appears there are a few bits and bobs that I can do outside those realms so i’ll have to reclassify my x-gene at a later time. As one of my...teammates, said we believe that the mutant Wanda Maximoff, daughter of Magneto and a sorceress in her own right, was able to warp the very fabric of reality and create her own world. Whether this point in time exists within the known reality or whether it is a paralleled one created by her by transplanting others here is unknown. I do appreciate your urgency in coming here. I was unaware of your title of Sorcerer Supreme until moments ago, it seems we are looking to either get her to change the world back somehow, find something called the infinity stones and wield them to change the world back, or find another option in fixing reality. Do you have any ideas for us?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: The Hallway - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Skill: First Aid

She offered Casper a small smile as he spoke to her in french. Wonderful. The moment of "peace" was short lived as action soon won the day. Mary was kicking heads in, people were shooting bullets, and there was plenty of shouting. All of this was doing wonders for the woman's headache. She wanted to vomit, each pulse of light worsening the effects brought on by the guns. She was thankful Jack had covered her because she was not fit for much.

A splash of something grazed her cheek. She touched the spot lightly and pulled her fingers from her face. Even in the pulse of the red alarm lights she could see - blood. She turned her gaze toward Jack and immediately went to him - damn her headache. She was using one of her tactical blades to remove the sleeves of her garb. She went to work crafting a tourniquet on him, to help stem the flow of blood. Her face was screwed up in concentration and as she worked she managed to miss the fine julienne skills Ben was displaying. "Lemme see yer side," she was saying, almost as if the voice was not her own. The soft Cajun drawl crept into her voice. She had not managed to completely stem the flow of blood but at least slow it for the time being.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Baxter Building-- New York City, New York.

Antoinette remained silent on the elevator ride up, just taking in the people who were here and thinking of where they were less than an hour ago. The elevator doors opened up and they all shuffled out. Once Antoinette stepped out she was able to see the whole lab and everything it held. It was quite impressive, much better than the one at Xavier’s school. She smiled a little, thinking about Lance and what he would think of such a place. Antoinette stopped and grabbed onto Carolina’s arm. ”Lance, the Hulk was at the palace, we need to try and get a hold of Lance.” She remembered there was a lot of bad blood between him and his father and she wondered now how he was dealing.
Guin addressed Reed Richards and Antoinette looked over at their conversation. Hearing Guin say what they wanted out loud like that was a bit far fetched. Was something like that even possible? Finding these stones seemed more plausible suddenly. Still, they had all decided to come here so Antoinette would do the best she could to help. Antoinette sat down in one of the chairs Reed Richards provided to them. She curled her feet up under her so that she was sitting crossed legged on the chair and settled in.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York, New York

Niah flinched as Goose's tentacles took the treats from her hand. She sighed looking at Max with a pointed be safe message to it. Then looked at Barton as he updated Tinley. She nodded thankfull for being caught up as well. She figured she would help with the local team. Her mind wandered for a moment to her still-living sister. It was hard to think that she was alive, but so many memories in this world had her in it. She felt an urge to contact her and just tell her she was okay and that she loved her. Now that James was on their side she doubted someone was trying to trace them now.

When the portal opened and Dr. Strange entered Niah smiled at him. "Happy to have you join us, assuming you're on our side, otherwise I fear we're doomed." She hopped he remembered the real world, he at least acted as she remembered him so there was some hope. Her memories were still a jumble though, slowly they were clicking into place. What were the ramifications? The fear that this was her fault somehow came back to her and she really hoped Dr. Strange wouldn't blame her for it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Baxter Building - New York(Outfit)
Skills: N/A

Allison allowed the others to speak, as she had explained the situation to a lot of people prior to this. Guin revealed little about the situation apart from the nitty-gritty scientific aspect whereas Carolina laid it out front. She wouldn't be surprised if Reed Richards was on team "I don't remember the other reality", but a man of science would surely at least entertain the notion.

"We have confirmed it from her own actions today that she was the one who changed reality. We just don't know how to go about restoring it back without needing her powers to do so. Which is why we came here." She hoped that Reed would have some idea as to how to go about this, but could science match Wanda's powers and shift it back? They would need something powerful in order to shape reality again. And what's to stop someone with said means to not shape it into their own idealized vision of reality? Even herself, would she not do something to change how their old reality was? Bring Oshea back? Stop the human-mutant controversy without either side having to be the most powerful while the other was enslaved?

She could not say either way.

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Human Resistance HQ
Skills: N/A

Tinley still wanted the stones, to be fair. "What about mutants? Inhumans? Could they use the stones without issue or is it just all humankind?" If these stones could be used, then surely it was in their best interest to get them, though that didn't seem like the plan that was agreed upon.

"Have the teams been assigned already then?" Tinley didn't know if continuing to gather a large force was a good idea. Wanda was a powerful being, she knew from experience. Even if they increased their forces, Wanda would surely still be able to handle herself. The woman changed reality!

Still, she kept quiet, because this was not her team. Not her Agents. She would go along with the plan, for now. She kind of hoped to be on the Louisiana team though. She had just about enough of New York to last her a while.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: West Side Red Guard Base
Skills: N/A

Ana rolled her eyes/ "You tripped...on purpose? Do tell me how that helped our situation in any form and I will gladly apologize." She wondered how the man got dressed in the morning, though she feared for that particular answer also. Ana had not been paying much attention though as she turned the corner to see a plethora of guards, armed and ready to unleash it on them. Mary took some of them out, but the remaining guards got shots off.

They didn't hit Ana, thankfully, as she dove out of the way. She saw Jack get struck, which seemed to fuel Casper began to do something. Soon another figure appeared (Casper's imaginary friend perhaps?) and tentacles sprouted out from the ground, effectively snapping the necks of the remaining guards. "Quite right. That was disgusting but effective. We'll need to be more careful now if we want to get out of here without more bullets inside us."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Top Floor of the Baxter Building
Richards looked at the entire group, a look of confusion on his face, however after a moment, he leaned back in his chair and looked like he was deep in thought about something. "It isn't possible to create a device to literally rewrite reality. There are just too many variables in that sort of thing, that is the main point making it an infeasible solution... However, we are not at a complete loss, should what you say be true..." he mused.

"...So can you help out or not?" Pietro said, finally speaking up about everything.

"Well, in theory, the memories of the main reality, the one that you describe as being the "real" one, aren't gone entirely, merely buried within your mind. So it is possible to bring those memories forward, allowing you to remember the real world. It likely won't take too long to create such a device, a few hours perhaps since we'd be starting off from scratch. However there is the slight problem of if what you say about Wanda is true, then you all are likely in danger."

"I did say that before, Wanda literally has the entire military on her side... She could find us easily if she tried to," Flynn commented, looking at the group.

"You need a place to stay while I complete the machine..."

"They can stay here if they want to Reed, we have space," a voice said from another room as Susan Storm came into the room with her brother.

"Sue, you should be resting..."

"Pregnancy isn't going to stop me from helping out Reed, thought you knew me better then that."

"Yeah Reed lighten up a little bit. If the royals want to crash here, let them, we have plenty of space like she said. Which is just one of the many reasons I think she's smarter than you."

"...As Sue said, you are welcome to stay here while the machine is constructed..."

Human Resistance HQ
"Is no one listening to a word I said? Seriously, infinity stones, bad. Get multiple in one place; bad. No one can use one! I mean seriously Asgardians have a hard time dealing with them, multiple stones in one place could potentially destroy the entire universe, not just reality. So how about you drop that idiotic idea for right now and we try and fix things a completely different way!"

"And what way would that be?" Hawkeye asked, his arms crossed.

"Anything else, you do realize that if you mess with an infinity stone you could end up screwing things up even worse then they already are!"

Strange paused for a moment, before he began to float in the air and he sat crossed legged. His amulet began to glow a strange green as his eyes shut and his head began to twitch rapidly. He was completely silent for several minutes before he opened his eyes. "You'll need to handle this carefully or risk the extinction of the mutant race."

Klara's eyes grew wide, seeing the amulet glow and she took a few steps back, almost like she was wary of the amulet itself. "Uh yeah... We need to be careful no matter what we do..." she managed to say, but it was clear she wasn't too thrilled at the fact that Strange had that amulet.

"Not really, people have started discussing which group they want to go on but if you'd like to make some executive choices about who goes where, be my guest." Hawkeye said towards Tinley.

Lance glanced over at Runa. "Hey Runa... Are you alright? What's wrong?" he asked her, a bit confused as to why she kind of went into hiding when Doctor Strange came through the portal. "It'll be okay..."

Mary turned to look over at the others, a bit relieved that Casper had managed to take out all of the guards nearby. Even if it was more than a bit over kill and not to mention he flat out killed people essentially. "You alright there Jack? Come on, we've got to get going, otherwise we will have more guards after us," she said, before she continued heading down the hallway. They'd be able to see the door that they had used to enter the facility ahead of them now.

"Thanks Bobbi, but we need to get moving, okay?" Jack said, giving her a smile before he started stumbling slightly after the direction Mary had gone. They were almost outside, and he was just hoping that he'd be able to stay standing long enough to get out and not be a hindrance for everyone else. However, that wasn't to be the case, as after a little while, he collapsed to the ground, his breathing becoming a bit shallow.

"Jack?" Mary said, looking back towards him, more then a bit concerned as to the extent of his injuries. She headed over towards him, "We need to get him out of here and to a doctor, like, right now. That bullet looks like it might have hit a major artery or something, and if we don't hurry there is a chance that he'll bleed out."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: the Baxter Building - New York (Guin's Outfit)
Skills: N/A
On some level, Guin had a bit of a smug sense of satisfaction that what they had asked her to do earlier was scientifically impossible. It didn't help their situation in any way whatsoever, but she adored being right - it was practically encoded into her DNA. She was about to say I told you so when Richards then added that there was something he could do for them, so she kept her mouth shut instead. She didn't want to be proven wrong in front of the world's smartest man alive. "Wait - the Hulk?" Guin asked, raising an eyebrow. "... Huh, he was there earlier at the Palace, wasn't he? I always thought he was a hoax - a science experiment gone wrong they tell humans about to keep them from trying to enhance themselves." She then shrugged a bit, remembering something else from the stories - the Hulk couldn't be killed.

Richards then proposed a device that would bring out the memories of those who didn't remember the world. "...Do you think you could build it to be an amplified signal that we could bounce off some satellites and send worldwide? That's one way to go about fixing things - if everyone remembers, then maybe we'll have a fighting chance. And even if we can't change reality back, at least everyone would know how things should be and we could try to reestablish a better system so.... Yay for treason."

She crossed her arms, fluttering her fingers lightly against her elbows. Sure, she had stayed up all night working on looking through different spectral scans, but that was her nature. She wasn't about to just get some sleep when she could assist Richards with building the machine. Pietro seemed to have gone back to ignoring her anyways. She had reached out to him and tried - he hadn't. There wasn't much she could do if he wasn't willing to meet her halfway. So whatever then - this was going to be fun at least. "I'd like to help you build the machine, if you don't mind."

Dominika Novikova and Runa Blake

Location: The Human Resistance HQ - New York
Skills: N/A
"Or if we go after a stone, we could just see if the Sorcerer Supreme already has a vessel on hand," Novikova pointed out. She wouldn't have been all too surprised if Stephen Strange already had something with him that could allow an individual to safely wield an infinity stone. It would also eliminate the need for trial and error - and Novikova doubted anyone here would want to be the guinea pig to see if their design really was able to protect a user from one of the stones. She was starting to get a bit annoyed with Klara as well. From what Novikova understood, her grand idea was to just smack Wanda around or to ask her nicely to change things back.

"Kid, we get it - these things are dangerous. But you don't bring a slingshot and expect to be able to take a tank down with it. An infinity stone could be just what we need to take her down," Novikova told Klara bluntly. "And if we fail, we're all willing to pay the price. We paid it before with Ultron from what Niah's told us." She doubted it would stop Klara from continuing to insist that they shouldn't pursue the stones, but she seemed to be in a minority. And as Strange announced that one of the possible outcomes was the extinction of the mutant race, Novikova only was filled with more determination to use whatever power she could to take down Wanda Maximoff and the House of M.

Runa just nodded slightly at Lance. She was fine - she just didn't want to interact with the Sorcerer Supreme. Yes, her powers in this reality were all based on Eldritch Magic and she didn't doubt that he could teach her extraordinary things... but she was worried what he would do if he knew who she really was. Unlike Asgardians like Thor and Klara, she wasn't always labeled as a friendly. The nature of her powers and her quiet demeanor tended to make people assume that she was destined for evil, incapable of doing anything that would not harm another. It was cruel but it was just the way things were - so why would Strange see her any differently?

"I'm going to go lie down - I'm tired," she then said quietly, before Runa left the room and looked for a corner she could curl up in. She didn't want to lie down anywhere too exposed. Corners were often casted in shadow and people rarely went over to them unless they wanted to avoid someone. Once she found one, she leaned against the wall and sank down to the ground, her eyes feeling incredibly heavy. It wasn't too late in the day but she was still on Australia's timezone mentally, making it challenging to stay awake... and a lot had happened. It was emotionally exhausting, if not completely draining.

Casper Theriot

Location: the Hallway -> Outside - Baton Rouge
Skills: Mediumship
Casper's baby brother had been shot, so he wasn't entirely focused on coming up with some sort of witty reason for why tripping on purpose was a strategic move. He managed to move through the building without tripping over himself this time, and his heart skipped a beat as Jack collapsed to the ground. He did not want to have to explain to his sorta-maybe-not-kidnapped child that her father/kidnapper/whoever had died on the mission. He also didn't want to have his brother eternally haunt him as a ghost. "Jackie!" he exclaimed. His hands were glowing blue again and Ben managed to pick up Jack with his tentacles as gently as he could.

"Come on, move it!" Ben shouted and everyone would be able to hear him.

"What he said!" Casper then added, hoping that Ben's grip was at least stopping the bleeding for Jack. He didn't know how long it would take for them to get to a hospital, but back in the real world (coincidentally the only one he remembered), it was incredibly difficult to get medical treatment for mutants. A lot of hospitals would just refuse to see them. He imagined that things would be only worse here in Baton Rouge - they weren't exactly in a center of liberal thinking and pro-mutant feelings, or were they? There was so much about this world that he just didn't know.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Carolina Reed

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked listened to Reed Richards as he spoke, she didn't know a whole lot about science at all which at times did confuse her as well, anything to do with art and the like she was really good with just not science. She frowned slightly when he said that there wouldn't be able to make a device of some kind to fix what Wanda had mess up. Feeling Annie next to her she smiled towards her best friend and October as well. But she did perk up a bit at the mentioning of the device that he could make that would be able to restore the memories of everyone else which was really good.

Carolina frowned slightly when Guin talked about the Hulk, and turned to look over at her. "In the real world, you and Lance Banner are really close friends." Carolina pointed out, though she wasn't sure how Lance's relationship was with his father here as well, looking over at Annie and nodded towards her. "If we could get either Lance or Bruce here it'd make things easier." Carolina said just as she heard Susan's voice coming over seeing her she smiled, they would be able to stay here. "I recently remember both realities, so if you need scans from me or something for the device i'm willing to help." Carolina said.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Human Resistance HQ - New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

Cassandra nodded and agreed with Klara that using the stones were a really bad thing, but they didn't have anything else to go on, and Wanda wouldn't really be willing to give up and fix reality. Cass looked at Tinley for a moment and shook her head slightly she was pretty sure that if you weren't a living being and using the stones would work. "I don't think any of us using a stone mutant, or otherwise would work out very well." Cassandra said, and listened to Klara, she didn't like the idea of using them but they didn't have much of a choice at this point.

"I agree, that using them is a really bad idea. But we don't really have any other choice if Wanda isn't willing to fix things either." She said as she rubbed her eyes a little bit, still wondering if her sister was okay. She looked towards Dr. Strange seeing him using his amulet, she didn't like what he had said once he came out of his trance it would result in the death of all mutants. "Though we should try and avoid what Strange warned us, and avoid another Age of Ultron as well." Cass said, as she remembered reading through those files, she had died and replaced by a robot, shuddering slightly at that before looking back at Tinley. "Unless you need me in Louisiana i'll stay here and recruit here in New York."

Maria Smith

Location: New York City, New York, Human Resistance HQ.

Maria wasn't sure what else to really say or point out at the moment as she went and sat down at the nearby table, she leaned back a little bit listening to Klara's warning about using the stones. She also did agree that using them was a really bad idea as well, she ran a hand through her hair and looked over at Novikova, she wanted to avoid any bad futures as best as possible. Though she didn't want another Ultron to come out of it either, she heard Dr. Strange's warning which did not bode well with her either if they didn't do this right then mutants wont exist at all.

"I can borrow Novi's powers like she had suggested earlier, and go to Louisiana with whoever else is going and help restore memories of those we are trying to do the recruitment drive." Maria said, she didn't really want to go with both James or Max they both just rubbed her the wrong way but she didn't really have a choice, and she didn't want Novi to deal with them either.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York, New York

Niah cringed at Cass's mention of the Age of Ultron. There had been so much lost life. She looked at Strange. His comment about risking the mutant race was nervewracking. He had warned them when they were working on building the time machine that using the stones was a really bad plan. She had no desire to get involved in that. She also wanted to ask him some questions, but it wasn't a good time...or place.

"I don't want to be involved in anything to do with the stones either." Niah said. "I'll stay here in New York as well. I'm good on anymore traveling." Runa leaving to take a nap seemed like a good idea to her as well, but there was too much important stuff to plan and figure out. They needed to know who all they could possibly recruit into whatever the overall plan was going to be. How could they possibly convince Wanda to reset the universe to the way it was? And avoid some catastrophy...again.

Niah rubbed at her temples, her head hurt. Too many memories. Too much responsibility. She wished she didn't have to deal with any of this. She should have just stayed at a small forensic lab doing what she enjoyed. Then she wouldn't have ever made friends with everyone who was dead and lost. Yet again she was impressed by those who shouldered leadership.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Baxter Building-- New York City, New York.

Antoinette fiddled with the sleeves of her shirt, thinking about Lance and all of the others from school. They weren’t all here, with the palace group but they had all been split up it seemed. Lance was with the resistance and she vaguely remembered seeing others that she recognized as well. It would be nice to be able to get in touch with them. After all, they were all on the same side again. ”Thank you Mr. Richards. Someplace neutral to rest for awhile would be nice,” Antoinette said gratefully. ”You wouldn’t happen to have a phone I could borrow do you?” She looked from him to the others that claimed this place as their home as well.
The device he would be working on wasn’t one they originally wanted but if they could get everyone they saw and knew on the same page about remembering the old reality, well then they would be halfway there. Maybe then this reality would collapse in on itself or they could create a new world with neither humans nor mutants running scared. ”Oh yes! I remember both as well, should you need more information,” Antoinette volunteered after Carolina did.
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