Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning.
Location: Forest near the Sun Elf Kingdom.
Interactions: Cadence @Helo

Ayita watched as Cade arrived from hunting, carrying a surprisingly large hare over his shoulder, waving to him with a nod, she jumped down from the branch with an agile motion. She didn't know if Cade could eat fruits as well, but they now had enough food for both of them. Just as Cade said, it would be really good for them to regain their strength before they decided to do anything else. When he mentioned going to the village in order to get her some weapons, she nodded agreeing with him.

"I'm able to defend myself but... Having weapons is always good. Especially since I don't really know what to expect. I know almost nothing regarding this world after all." She said, with a smile and a nod.

"After that, we should probably start thinking better about what we will do. We need allies. Even though there is now a price for my head, we still need allies..." she said, thinking as Cade started gathering some sticks and wood to burn.

"Let me handle the fire, you're already doing too much for me." Ayita said.

"That and... To be honest, doing nothing and just standing still makes me nervous, it always did." Ayita said, as she got a few stones on the ground and started making a circle, where they would make the fire.

"While you're going to the village, I should probably do something as well. I will scout the area just a little bit. I should be able to spot any strange tracks or signs that there was someone here. People very often move themselves way differently than wild animals do. They leave tracks, small things that are often overlooked by most people." Ayita said with a determined expression.

Even though Cade probably knew that part of the reason why she was suggesting that was just so she had an excuse to not stay at the same place doing nothing and waiting for his return, he could also see by her words that she knew what she was talking about.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Time: Streets of London- Night Avalia- Dawn/Morning
Location: Near the River Kingdom
Interactions: Random Girl

Jack walked through the dark alleyways of London, the light drizzle of rain filling the night air as he searched for his next victim. The rain pitter-patted on the cobblestone sidewalk. It was the perfect weather for his nightly proceedings: not too enjoyable to warrant crowds but also not horrible enough to clean the streets of people altogether. He was dressed as always in a classy suit and black top hat. He did well-off for himself and was able to dress like a respectable citizen. No one would pay him any mind and that's when he laid his eyes on her a lady of the night.

"That whore is gonna get what she deserves." He thought to himself, grinning with deep malice under his mask. Jack reached into the inside of his coat, grabbing the knife from the hidden pocket "This wench won't expect a thing." he continued in his head as he locked his sights on the young girl. She was looking toward the empty street, completely oblivious to the fact Jack was slowly creeping behind her. Jack stood behind her for a few moments, still unnoticed. Suddenly, he grabbed her, covering her mouth so she could not scream. He moved back with her into a dark alleyway and presented her the sharpened new blade he had just got as to give her more initiative to not struggle. The knife was held directly in front of the girl's now widened-with-terror eyes. He dragged the girl deeper into the dark alleyway before making one quick slice deep slice to the throat. The girl began to choke on her blood, struggling hard for a few moments before her body went limp. Jack laid her on the ground and cut open her dress, exposing her body. He was enjoying this moment, a hidden smile from cheek to cheek plastered across his face. "Ah isn't this fun, deary?" Jack muttered to the now-dead prostitute. Jack had just begun to slice the stomach of the girl and that's when it happened: a portal opened up sucking Jack and the corpse into it before he could comprehend the action.

"Well, where the fuck am I now." Jack said out loud as he landed on the ground, he was now surrounded by a lush forest and what was the night before was now dawn. Jack stumbled over to the corpse. "What in the literal fuck?" He said staring down at her. He looked around him but everything was unfamiliar, He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. Jack stood there for about a minute and just when he had thought nothing could get stranger, a voice filled his head as he opened his eyes and looked into the sky only to witness a large skeletal figure appear before him. It began to speak of humans and bounties among other stuff. Jack did not understand the rest of what he was hearing but he was set on finding someone who could reward him, as he already had the body of this disgrace of a human girl. So Jack did just that he grabbed the girl by the ankle and began dragging her in a random direction through the woods, hoping to find anyone or thing that could help him.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Time: Late morning
Location: Roshmi city infirmary
Interactions: @Potter
Ambience: Passing on

Two guards opened the large wooden doors of the infirmary, allowing them to go back inside. Ilan followed the healer down the courtyard in silence. It was a beautiful place. The garden was filled with blooming flowers and bushes. A fountain was placed in the centre like a compass. A willow tree sprouted from the centre, it's branches bowing down into the flowing water. He'd always liked coming here, despite what horrible things sometimes occurred behind the stone walls. The healer lead them inside and they walked through the hallways in a purposeful gentle pace, Ilan knew they would not disturb the patients that way. The sun shone through the stained glass windows, covering them in softly speckled rainbow light. He felt at peace.

"Please enter here young faun." The healer addressed him in a solemn voice. He followed her inside. The room was full of light, large windows at every corner allowed the light to spill in freely. Everything was bathed in a soft glow. There weren't many things inside the room, despite its size. It seemed to be furnished for only a single patient. There was a drawer, a bath and a bed. The scent of incense caught in his senses. It was that same familiar smell he smelled before. He narrowed his eyes and noticed there was someone laying in the bed, he almost did not recognize who it was. It was the most peaceful he'd ever seen him. Ilan realized what was going on and a chill ran down his spine. The healer kept her silence as she watched the faun inch closer to the bed ever so slowly.

Ilan forced himself to look and the closer he got, the more he wanted to look away. He kept his jade eyes fixated on the face of the human. He didn't know what he was supposed to feel, anger, sadness...
The absence of feelings alarmed him and he felt his heart starting to beat faster. He just stood there, silently, motionlessly, staring at deceased man. He thought about many things right then. This would be the fate of all humans if the people in Avalia did not rise up to help them. He looked at the man of whom he did not even know his name. Ilan wished things wouldn't have to be like this, life was so unfair.

The faun was so absorbed into his own thoughts, the gentle hand of the healer on his shoulder startled him. He jumped a little and his ears flattened to his head. He turned to the woman with wide eyes.
"Child... what must we do with his belongings?" She asked, taking his hand into hers squeezing into it. The gesture moved Ilan, who unknowingly had been on the edge of tears. A lump formed in his throat making it hard to speak. There was a small table next to the bed. Everything the human had carried with him was spread out on a linen cloth. He looked at it, noticing there was a piece of metal among them. A remnant of the metal contraption which had exploded. It must have meant a lot to him. He went through a lot of trouble to retrieve it. Ilan took the scrap into his hands. The metal was cool against his palms. It wasn't sharp and it was damaged and bent due to the explosion. He held it close.

His voice cracked.
"Can you take the rest and give it to the poorest in the city?"
Ilan spoke in a rapid manner, afraid his voice might give out once again. The healer nodded, a look of silent appreciation in her wise eyes.
"He has not been give his last rites, we were......unsure of his beliefs." The woman informed him. It was usually the job of the family to arrange such things. But he didn't have anyone, Ilan was the only one who knew him here in Avalia.

Ilan nodded to the woman in understanding. At least now he knew what to do. He closed his eyes and breathed softly. He hoped he could get through this without her. The last time he gave last rites....
He shook off the dreadful memory and went about his task. He gathered the humans hands into his own, flinching at the coldness of their skin touching. He swallowed and bit down on his trembling lip. He folded the hands in a prayer like fashion, placing the memorial metal inside the palms. Ilan sat down in the chair next to the bed and began to weave the flowers he'd bought earlier into a modest wreath. An activity which despite his horrific circumstances filled him with an almost otherworldly sense of serenity. His voice was shaking while he whispered quiet prayers as he weaved. When he was done he placed the wreath on the sheets between the arms of the young man.

From his bag he produced a brown glass bottle filled with a special blessed oil. He washed his hands at the basin and dripped some of the oil on his clean fingers. When he started to anoint the young man he came to the frightening realization he'd forgotten the correct order, the way his grandmother used to show him. He was blessed not to have to have done it many times, but now he could not remember. He tried the best he could and finished by bowing to the deceased. When he got back up from the bow, he for only a second saw the face of his deceased grandmother instead of the young man. He screamed despite of himself and immediately covered up his mouth, horrified, tears welling up in his eyes. He turned away from the bed and closed his eyes, his breath was shaky and he trembled where he stood.

After a minute or so he turned back around, the young man was sleeping peacefully, bathed in the soft light of the early morning sun. Ilan went back to the chair and sat himself down, staring at the floral wreath. He felt lost....
It was as if his arms started to move on their own accord. He took the lyre from his back and cradled it in his lap. His fingers started to idly play with the strings. Soon he began to play, a sad song for a bruised heart.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Forest outside of Domoros
Interactions: @Helo-Bowyn

Torvi felt a surprising sense of relief as Bowyn promised not to harm her. Was he being completely honest? It sure did seem like it to her and for the time being, that was enough. She was tired and grief stricken, these two factors alone allowed for her to trust just a bit easier. Besides, she didn’t want to be alone. Not now and she would gladly take the company of a complete stranger who seemed to talk to birds.

She watched him as again he seemed to speak to the bird. She was curious if he was just crazy or if he could actually converse with animals. After seeing the image in the sky and being sucked into another world she decided it wouldn’t be entirely surprising. Anything was possible at this point in her mind.

She took a deep breath and quickly wiped the moisture of the tears off her face, doing her best to get a grip on herself once more. She was showing weakness, her father would be quite disappointed in her if he could see her now. Never show a stranger your weaknesses unless you can use it to your advantage, that’s always what he told his daughters. Perhaps she was using it to her advantage, though, as the man in front of her agreed to give her a place to rest for a bit.

”Sounds a lot like my home.” Torvi said with a small sigh in response to Bowyn’s admission that there wasn’t really anywhere safe for her here. It was definitely concerning that she was thrown into a place that seemed dangerous for her, but if she were being honest she seemed to trade one bad situation for another. At least here death wasn’t quite an immediate concern. ”Thank you, I really accept you generous hospitality. As soon as I’m rested up I will be sure to be out of your hair, I don’t wish to bring you any trouble.” She assured him as she began to follow him, noting the name of the bird that was with him. She had no clue where she should go, though. Did she want to find a way back to her home? Was there any point in really going back or should she try and build a new life here?

”How am I such a threat to this Aklenroth when he is able to create images in the sky like that? I am one small person, I have no great power like that.” She asked the fae male as they walked, wanting to learn more about this lich king and why she was brought here. If she could ever find the people who had summoned her here then she would have some words with them. Perhaps even an axe to the chest, just like her sister received.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: A quiet stream, South of Orc Landing
Interaction with: Darius, Skar, and Myra @13org

It didn't take much time for Myra to realize she was trapped on Darius' second skin thing. While it would have been relatively easy for her to tear it, she didn't know if he was going to use it again or if somehow or if it was like a reptile's second skin and he would grow another. It did become pretty clear what the case was when Darius shouted her name, running towards her with an alarmed expression and began to put the rest of the things he used over his skin as fast as she could. Understanding he was going to use them again, Myra stopped fighting against them and simply waited for him, looking towards Darius as she did so.

Unfortunately for Darius, as he was running towards his things, he slipped on some of them, which were on the ground and stepped on a stone, making him fall on the ground and groan in pain. Even though Myra would help him if she could, she simply looked at him with a puzzled expression, still trapped in his shirt. It was then that Myra noticed Skar, walking towards her and unceremoniously ripping the thing he used over his chest to shreds, instantly freeing Myra despite Darius clear protests.

Getting what was left from it, Myra walked towards Darius, who was still groaning in pain and gently put the piece of cloth that was once his shirt on his back, looking at him curiously, almost as if she was asking if he was ok.

Darius’ groans died down and as mad as he wanted to be, he just couldn’t bring himself to even show it with Myra’s apologetic gesture. She’s lucky she’s so cute… And Skar is lucky she’s so… intimidating. He sighed as he pulled off what was left of his shirt from his back and put on a weak smile before getting up from the ground. He pat Myra on the head, while his eyes locked onto Skar whom was already seated on the ground and starting on making a fire with what she had scavenged in the woods. She had wood in all different sizes, a small bundle of tinder, and the meat Myra had offered now in her lap.

“Well I guess I’ll get as dressed as I can.” Darius looked to his shorts, socks and shoes scattered about. Depending on how long this whole journey takes, I’m gonna have to change clothes eventually. While Darius clothed himself. Skar got to work on the fire. She embers going quickly and added them to the tinder before blowing as gently as she could. After the tinder started smoking considerably, Skar set it beside her and set up the other pieces of wood. She placed the smoking tinder in her makeshift fire pit and continued to blow on the tinder. Until the bright orange glow of the embers spread into flames. Skar grabbed a knife from her waist and stuck the raw meat on the end of it before sticking it in the flame.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location:Near River Kingdom

Risa had leaped backward like a frightened kitten, upon her feet as the large flame erupted in Elsea's hands. She covered her face, peeking out of her fingers as the fire was simmered to a controlled state. She let out a sigh of relief. That easily could have been bad. Dionaea had added in some great advice as well but she knew to control a new power was easier said than done. Elsea was truly remarkable. The light from the flame bathed the cave, illuminating them all now. The warmth was a welcoming embrace after having their bodies half-submerged in cold water. Elsea's wonderful smile caught her eye first and she grinned at her. "I knew you could do it! It's so nice to see you smile!" She encouraged.

Her attention was quickly stolen by the crystals sparkling all around her. She gasped in adoration, moving closer to stare at them in awe. She had never seen anything so beautiful. The light of the flames danced upon the cave walls and illuminated the crystals around them, making them glitter. Jewels were a favorite of hers and she felt like she was in her element. The biggest smile spread across her face and she twirled in glee, her dress spinning around her. "Oh, it's so beautiful! Have you ever seen anything like it?!"


Risa's Parents: Elyna and Cedar

When Cedar entered the bedroom, Elyna was sitting on the edge of the bed, her face buried in her hands. Her red hair was cut shoulder-length and uncombed at the moment. She was in her night-gown still. She had been inconsolable for the last hour or so according to Oribel, her father, whose home they were residing in. He moved to sit at her side and take her in his arms. He put his head on top of her head, his chin resting in her hair. A fluffy white persian cat hopped on to the bed with a mewl, sauntering over to sit on Elyna's lap. It was Risa's cat named Pearl. She had been depressed over Risa's absence.

"My love. I have spoken to some officials. They insist that Risa come home and announce her undying loyalty to Aklenroth. If she renounces all this, they will spare her."

Elyna swallowed hard. She couldn't believe her ears. "You want her to renounce the very thing you believed in? Didn't you say she deserves hope?" She asked in disbelief.

"Elyna-"His voice choked up as he tried to begin. "You know what I truly think but Risa has no place in any of this. She's all we have left. Have Hades bring her back. Please."

"You know I can't. The dark elves will follow him there. We're lucky they haven't come to this location."Elyna said softly, her voice heavy with grief. "Drawing any attention to her will get her killed."

"I just want my baby girl back." Cedar's eyes watered as he spoke. He usually was strong for his family and never shed a tear around Elyna. Losing Helio had been hard on her and he wanted her to feel secure. With Risa apart from them and nothing they could do to help, he felt like his world was crashing down. She was their only child left.

"I know, honey, "Elyna whispered and hugged the arms that wrapped around her. "We must believe that she's strong enough to do this without us. Helio always wanted us to believe in her strength."

"I... I can't..."Cedar stammered. He couldn't bear to have her hunted down like some animal like this. Not to mention, news had traveled. Their home had been burned to the ground and the Sycamores were not to be found. The rumor was that it was brutal and there had been fatalities. He couldn't imagine anyone hurting sweet Risa. They were lucky to have made it out of there before the attack. He decided against informing his grieving wife of this information for now.

He needed to do something, even if it meant begging the lich he despised so much to spare her.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago


Time: Late Morning
Location: Near the River Kingdom
Interaction with: O'Ner@Eviledd1984 and Azriel@Tae

Xenelith, atop a hunting Ferra shook himself away from the daydream. The day hunt felt different than the one at night. His wolves weren’t hunting, they were having fun. Chasing O’Ner was more a game for them than an actual chase. It would take a seasoned hunter from Dakka to realize that though. None of Risa’s gang probably killed a deer before tonight, so he didn’t care. Fera was a lot more focused though. Then suddenly everything changed. His wolves stopped to sniff the air, then bolted in various directions. The howling began. Now they were serious.

Moments later and the Dark Elf Hunter knew why. He jumped off Ferra in time before she pounced upon the decapitated body of Jean. With her claws she was quick to tear open the tabard and chain mail. For a split second, there was absolute carnage. Then she simply laid down and began to nibble the savaged body. Like it was a toy. From the shadows of the trees the three wolves bolted and began to chew on his hands and feet as well.

His attention was instantly consumed by the house nearby. He ignored the others. Instead, he observed the nearby house. He stepped inside. It was cozy, warm. Everything one would want from a place like this. Xenelith slowly but carefully examined everything inside. He found Risa’s dress she wore the night before. He couldn’t smell it, but the dress’ scent would guide his wolves for weeks to come. Strangely, he did not find Dionaea’s dress. Outside, behind the house, the firepit was only recently extinguished. In fact, there were still embers burning. “They’re not far.” He muttered, mostly to himself. Then he turned back towards the house. “How many more of you are out there?” He asked, almost as if he expected the house to answer his question. It wouldn’t obviously. But it told him something much more frightening: the rebels were being funded by some very wealthy people. Who else would have, what he assumed to be a summer home, in the middle of nowhere?

Suddenly the hunt for the human female and the three would-be rebels paled in significance. He had to find those behind all of this. He returned to Azriel and O’Ner.

“They were here recently.” He reported. “But something is bugging me. Look at the house. There’s food, wood for a fire and clothes. It was prepared. People knew others would come here.” He explained. “Someone is helping them. Someone with power and wealth.” The return of Risa and Dionaea’s family could shed some light on that. Still, it vexed him. How could he allow such corruption to grow unchecked? Sure he had killed local rebel fairies before but apparently he missed the bigger organization behind them. “These rebels, they aren’t rogue elements anymore.” He looked back at the house. The very sight now taunted him. It was a monument to his shame. He had failed. “I’m burning it.” He muttered before he went back inside and ransacked the house. Piling on clothes and wooden furniture to light up.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location:Sun Elf Kingdom
Interactions: Ayita @13org

Cade tilted his head at Ayita as she had casually mentioned that he was doing too much for her. Although he was more than happy to allow someone else to build a fire, her words had bothered him slightly. He didn’t want her to feel like she had to keep score, as long as they both survived. “We are team now, your survival is my survival and vice versa. You have already agreed to try and save my home. If we are to fight side by side, then you are part of my clan, part of my tribe.” Cade said with sincerity. He had lost his family, but as a warrior, those that he shared battle with became like family to him. Ayita, although a stranger, stated her intentions to fight against Aklenroth, and to Cade that made her akin to a sister for him. As she built the fire to cook the meat, Cade worked on cutting the hare with his claws, although without a good knife his efforts were still fairly crude. Her plan to search out tracks while he went into the town alone made sense, but he was still worried about leaving someone so new to this world alone.

Once Cade had finished breaking down the carcass, he licked clean his paws just as a cat would. Although Cade never did care for sweet foods, he forced himself to try some of the fruit that Ayita had gathered. It was unpleasantly juicy and made an uncomfortable squishing as he bit into it, but he hid his distaste for fruit, somewhat, as he ate them. While he didn’t enjoy a single bit, he ate two whole pieces of fruit, knowing that it would have pleased his mother for him to try and eat something new. Eventually the meat was cooked and he rid his mouth of the taste of the sweet fruits with hare. He wished the situation they were in wasn’t so urgent, after breakfast was the best time for a nap, but, sadly, there was no time for naps today. With food out of the way, they still needed weapons, allies, and to figure out what kind of magic Ayita could do.

“Should I get anything else besides a tomahawk?” He asked. After some consideration he removed the halberd he wore slung across his back. He paused only for a moment, as if second guessing himself, but then offered the weapon to Ayita. “You should have this while I’m gone, I won’t need to be armed in the village.” He said. Letting another wield the halberd was not easy for Cade, the weapon had been given to him by his brother, Shadow, and he didn’t like to be without it for very long if he could help it. But it was more important that Ayita was protected in the forest, not just from Aklenroth’s forces, but creatures like trolls and ogres as well. “Until you figure out your magic, you should stay armed, these forest have dangerous creatures like trolls or goblin packs, it is not just Aklenroth’s force we have to watch for.”

Time: Morning
Location: Forest outside of Domoros
Interactions: Torvi @Tae

“Trouble,” Bowyn couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at the human’s statement. “You being in Avalia means nothing but trouble.” He shook his head at the human’s obliviousness to the situation. He did not want to be involved in whatever scheme the elves had cooked up by summoning humans here. Although he had no love or loyalty for Aklenroth, he wasn’t interested in risking his life in another hopeless stand against the lich. But the human had no knowledge of dangers this world held and sending her off informed felt like the least he could do while continuing to live with himself. With Boreas leading the way back to camp, Bowyn tried to focus on what the human would need to know so that she could survive, at least for a while. He didn’t see a scenario in which the elves would just send her home, after all the trouble it must have been to bring humans here, and he very much doubted Aklenroth intended to send humans home safely either. He had no idea how long a human normally lived, but this one looked young, like himself, and there was no long life in Avalia in store for these humans. No point in getting attached to this stranger, because to Bowyn, her fate was clearly death and he’d been around enough death.

“Aklenroth, the undead king. A lich lord who rules now and forever more. He controls the dead, raises them from rest to do his bidding. He bends death to his will, the way ice bends to mine. He killed the last human in Avalia over a hundred years ago. Perhaps you are a threat to him.” Bowyn said starring up at the sky for a minute, remembering when Aklenroth’s image had appeared. He wondered why humans were still a threat, the kings magic was so powerful, and his armies so vast and every foe who faced him and fell could then be but another pawn for him to control. Why Aklenroth would still see humans as a treat he did not know, but maybe it was just the fact that one of his laws had been broken, stomping out rebelling with the swiftest and harshest punishments sounded like Aklenroth. “True, humans have strong magic here but, in the end, you will be another example of why we must all fall in line. He will kill your kind again and make a gruesome example of those who broke his law and summoned you here. Likely, it was the elves who brought your kind here again, hopeful fools who hold on to the idea that Aklenroth’s reign will end. I know better, my home was in the shadow his necropolis casts. He will never yield, rebellion ends only in death.” With the haze of skaula wearing off the world became clear to Bowyn once more, he lived in a world without hope, surrounded and ruled by death. He pitied the human, and the others like her dragged into this world. Should he have told her a hopeful lie? Maybe that would’ve been kinder but if roles were reversed, he wouldn’t want a lie.

“Helping you, talking to you, anything short of killing you or turning you in, is basically treason.” He continued, as they continued to move through the forest. Part of what Bowyn said was to impress the dangers she would face upon Torvi, but also to remind himself that the human was both dangerous and doomed. He did not want to continue to empathize with her, and he was well aware that the skaula drew out a more sentimental nature in him. Bowyn did want to get attached to the human, to pity or relate to her struggle. He feared her presence would either get him killed, or worse, he’d have to watch another person die. They made their way to his camp, where nature provided him with the essentials of water, warmth, and shelter. “I can answer your questions, and you can rest here for a time. But I cannot risk my life for yours.”

“How uplifting, Bowyn, I’m sure the human feels very comforted.” Boreas remarked, landing on the fairy’s shoulder as soon as camp was in sight.

“Lies will not help her.” Bowyn said to the bird.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Near the River Fairy Kingdom
Interaction with: @Tae - Azriel, @Eviledd1984 - O'Ner, @Legion02 - Xenelith, @Alivefalling - Jack

Umber arrived on the scene just in time to witness Xenelith’s pets partake in an unfortunate human’s flesh. As the demon’s form floated silently above the ground, he surveyed the area looking upon it with uninterested eyes. Elsea was not here. His sights stopped at the head adorned on Azriel’s hip. He would smile if he could. Mmmm… Quick as always my Azriel. Despite his apparent enthusiasm, Umber felt a hint of disappointment. Missing the chance to physically and mentally torture a human, especially one that seemed to have so much… passion. Even now, the emotions lingered like a lasting aroma.

“Your method is effective... but it lacks the entertainment I crave… Mmm... There is another I seek.” Umber’s attention shifted to the risen vines before looking about the rest of the area. “A human woman… filled with wild anger.. rage… Much like you were as a child. To tame something like that again… I would be absolute...” Umber cut himself off and abruptly turned to his left. Demon? Umber stared through the trees. The dark elf commander’s beasts would likely react to the presence of whatever was on the approach. It was as malevolent as himself, a presence mirroring his own. “We have company. Someone at our 9 o'clock.” Umber informed as his feet planted to the ground and he faced the direction of the approaching being. He focused his speech to it and ONLY IT. “There is only death here… Approach if that’s what you seek.” Umber was sure it was a demon more than anything, but its desires, its emotions were unlike any demon he had encountered on the mainland… He glanced at Azriel and then back in the direction of the approacher. As outrageous as it seemed, this thing was possibly more violent in nature than his protege. It... rivaled his own cruelty. The very idea made him wait in silence. No one else would know Umber’s inner thoughts and feelings, but if they had, it may have shaken them to the core with how disturbed he was by this thing.

For the first time in a long time, Umber felt the uneasy creeping feeling known as anxiety.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Time: Morning
Location: Near the River Kingdom

Kyran watched Elsea struggle to create a flame. She first made a giant flame but he didn't budge. He laughed at Risa's reaction, who had not seen it coming. She was so jumpy sometimes. Finally, Elsea got it under control."Good job!" He added excitedly to the other's compliments. He had not been worried. He knew she could do it. He glanced around at the lit cave before them, duly noting the crystals but getting distracted by something more eye-catching. Risa had twirled around in glee, the most infectious smile on her face. She herself was illuminated in the light. Even soaking wet, she was truly beautiful. He found himself staring at her, forgetting the crystals existed.

'Risa. If only you could see yourself.'

"I am going to check things out. Stay here." Kyran told them. They did not have much time to enjoy the moment unfortunately. He stood up and headed back into the water towards the hole, giving the others no time to react. He dove into the water quick enough and precisely enough to make the splash quiet as he swam back to speed up his travel time. It didn't take him long to reach the hole again. Kyran peeked out quickly from the hole only to see the horror of what looked like the dark elf from the night before, along with a demon, a girl and an avian demi-human with Jean-Luc's head on the side of her hip. Blood was dripping from the neck and it was a terrible sight. He almost puked right there but had managed to compose himself. He turned around and dove back into the water returning to Risa, Dionaea and Elsea. "Jean is dead... We have no time to speak. The elf is back with reinforcements. Go deeper into the cave. We need to find an exit now and keep running while they seem distracted."

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Tae @Legion02 @FunnyGuy @Alivefalling

O'Ner Faister

"I saw the one that imprisoned me and he had ran that way? Although i am not sure if he is running back towards his comrades" O'Ner spoke to Azriel. He was not sure if now they knew of their preset, And if they should change the course of their plan. "I do not think they know of my present, So i should be able to transform into another disguise and follow them. However if they do not know of my present then i may still use this disguise" O'Ner was pondering to himself out loud.

O'Ner looked over towards Xenelith he thought for a moment of who could be helping the rebels, A interesting thought however he was at a lost on who specifically it was. "I wonder if their is any evidence of what their next course of action will be, O'Ner motioned for his comrade to pause his arsonist ways. Looking around the shack and for any evidence of their whereabouts or what their next course of action would be.

The skeletal lord turns his attention finally towards the incoming figure, By now he would have found what evidence he could on the rebels. He could sense something foul about him. This foul aura about the figure caused O'Ner's face to resembled an annoyed look on his face, "Why is he here?" He thought then noticing that he was still in his woman disguise. No doubt that the figure would notice strangely enough a human woman around some demons.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Bowyn’s camp
Interactions: @Helo-Bowyn

Torvi listened as Bowyn spoke, taking in all he was saying, some of which made her a little angry. She remained quiet, however, as she thought things over. It was unfair that she was brought into this world without her wanting it and now she was likely to die for it. Life wasn’t fair though, she knew that all too well. Life had never been fair for her, but she always eventually tried to find the positive in things.

It was the statement about humans having magic that caused her to laugh. ”Magic? I am no seeress, I have no magic.” She stated with a shake of her head. Obviously these elves who seemed to bring her here weren’t aware that most humans didn’t possess magic. It made her just that much more angry at them. They brought her here and caused her sister’s death along with her own for absolutely no reason. She could sympathize with them a bit, however. It sounded like they were only trying to protect their home from a tyrant. From someone so perverse they dared to try and bring back those that were long gone. That was a cruel atrocity that no one should have the power over.

They made it to his camp and she glanced around it for a moment. It was quaint, provided the essentials, one couldn’t ask for more than that. ”I would never expect you or anyone else to risk their life for me. So thank you for doing what you are at least.” She told him as she gave him a small smile. She was really grateful for it. ”It sounds like there are some similarities to our worlds. Both always under the threat of something it seems. The elves may be fools for what they did, but hope isn’t a bad thing. Without hope nothing will ever change.” She said with a sigh as she turned her gaze out into the forest for a long moment. Her hand idly began fiddling with her sisters necklace.

”Before I came here my village was attacked. We had been starving and so the men had left to find us food. While they were gone another raiding party came to our village. We had the choice to either do nothing, have many die or be stolen away as slaves and our village destroyed, or we could fight for our home and possibly win.” Torvi then turned her gaze back to Bowyn, still holding on to the charm. ”We chose to fight. Many died, I even lost my sister after we were sucked into the portal, but I wouldn’t change the decision we made. Because either way people were bound to die, but at least that way we were fighting for our home and even if we lost the outcome would have been the same if we didn’t fight. So I can sympathize with those that are trying to fight for a change.” She finished, not entirely agreeing with the elves method of fighting. She understood it, however, and yet she understood Bowyn not wanting to fight. Everyone had to make a decision like that at some point in their lives.

Time: Morning
Location: The hut in the forest
Interactions:@FunnyGuy-Umber @Eviledd1984-O’Ner @Legion02-Xenelith

Azriel had heard Xenelith and his beasts arrive, but her attention was focused on the waters edge. She slowly moved closer to it as she took notice of footprints. She followed the tracks with her eyes until they disappeared and she stared. She felt perhaps someone was peering back at her and she grinned sadistically at the potential onlooker. Before she could do anything, however, Umber’s voice caught her attention. ”If it were up to me I would have let you have some fun with this human. He would have been fun to torture by maybe slowly crushing his armor in on himself.” She told her friend as she patted the decapitated head at her side.

She was about to respond to his next statement when she noticed he went on alert. Her attention also turned to whatever was approaching. She sniffed a couple times, trying to scent the approaching company. Her sense of smell wasn’t as acute as some of the other Demi-Humans, but she could smell more than the average person. This scent was similar to the dead human attached to her belt. ”It smells like Human and….death…” She stated curiously.

Time: Morning
Location: The stupid wet cave
Interaction:@Alivefalling-Kyran @princess-Risa @MissCapnCrunch-Dionaea

”Thanks! I think I might be kind of getting the hang of this.” Elsea said happily, the last bit only a little bit of a lie. Some of her previous anger was beginning to fade, especially as she began to take notice of the crystals around them. ”Oh wow…” She said in awe as she totally ignored Kyran leaving to check things out.

She kept the fire going and enjoyed the light show until Kyran got back. At his words, she turned to look at him in abrupt shock and fear. He had seemed so confident...was he overestimating his powers or are these people chasing us truly that frightening? She silently thought to herself as her fear seemed to cause the fire to die a bit. She had to turn her focus back to keeping it alive as she quickly followed Kyran, hoping they would find a way out.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Time: Late morning
Location: Near the River Kingdom

Jack had been dragging this corpse for what seemed like hours. "Fuck when will I find some bloody people... I just want to... Kill, kill, kill." Jack's head twitched, getting excited at the thought. He looked back at the young girl, her face and head were torn and scraped from being dragged so long, intestines and internal organs trailed behind her like beautiful ribbons of flesh from the large slice in her stomach. "Ah... what a beautiful sight." Jack laughed to himself before he was met with an opening in a tree line. He saw what looked to be a human girl among what he could only call a demon and an angel with a human head attached to her hip along with some other odd, pointy-eared, humanoid creature. Jack felt no fear towards these beings. He had seen such creatures of the devil before and beckoned them!

His mind was twisted and dark beyond comprehension. If he was in a new realm of sorts, then there were more things to slaughter, more organs and bodies to study and inspect, all without possibly any law enforcement to tip-toe around. Excitement filled his body as he picked up speed towards the group stopping about fifteen feet from them, dropping the leg of the girl. "Hello..." He said as he removed his top-hat and bowed politely. before he composed himself placing the hat on his head again. "I am Jack. Quite lovely to meet you all!" A charming yet unnerving smile spread across his face under his mask. He clearly was not phased by any of the violence around him and was simply off the hinges."I was wondering how I could join in the hunt for humans and if I could get paid for this one I have here." He told them as he pointed to the dead girl lying on the ground.

"I have listened to the hellish creature in the sky and I have picked up on some things: I am in a new realm and the killing of humans is welcomed! I'm chuffed to bits over this and I'd love to partake."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 20 days ago

TIME: Late Morning
LOCATION: From Daka Island, en route to Sun Elf Kingdom

Sakura thought of creating her own flying shikigami to ride so she could go to the Sun Elf Kingdom, but she figured riding an Amora would be much faster and would take less effort. As she walked towards the Amora and towards her seat, the demons and dark elves bowed their heads in respect to her. She sure did look very out of place: while the demons and dark elves were rough and dark-looking with their growling and menacing faces and rowdy behavior, Sakura was their total opposite. With her seimei umbrella opened, she walked with grace and a smile on her face, nodding her head back towards the demons and dark elves that showed respect to her.

However, a demon was having none of it. He stood in front of Sakura, crossing his arms as he blocked her way. He was about seven feet tall, with red skin and eyes, black horns and a long reptilian tail. When he sneered, it showed his rows upon rows of yellow razor-sharp teeth, and he looked at Sakura with seer loathing in his black eyes.

"Excuse me," Sakura politely said. When the red demon didn't budge, she tried to walk to his side but the demon quickly blocked her again.

"Walking up here like you own the place," the red demon said. "Why in the hell should we respect a pipsqueak demon like you? Ha! As if you even consider yourself to be a demon!". He bent down to get near Sakura's face in a menacing way, but the demoness just kept looking forward with a smile on her face. "You're a good-for-nothing woman, a mere spoiled brat. Why don't you go back to your precious daddy? This is no place for a little gir-"

Before the red demon finished his sentence, Sakura closed her umbrella, infusing it with her power, and quickly slashed upwards before walking past the demon. He stood in place for a few seconds before his head fell to the ground, his black blood gushing out from his severed neck. The other demons and dark elves only looked on in fear and awe but felt no remorse for the red demon; only a fool would anger Aklenroth's daughter.

Soon, Sakura was riding the Amora along with other demons and dark elves all the way to the Sun Elf Kingdom. According to her intel, Soruklithbaal should be flying towards the Sun Elf Kingdom, where a pair of human and demihuman was. If she were to become successful in fulfilling her mission, she should be there just in time to intervene with the Dracolich's hunting.

Sakura rubbed the area on her arm where Aklenroth painlessly burned a rune on her. She needed a reminder that, even though she was alone, she could always have someone to call to in times of need. It gave her a sense of relief and security, and she has never been prouder of being the lich king's daughter. Although, the seeds of doubts began to grew within her because of what she just found. Part of her didn't want to believe Aklenroth did that to protect her from the pain she will feel upon discovering the truth.

She shook her head. Whatever it was, she was sure her father had a very good reason on hiding the truth from her. She trusted his judgement ever since, and it will do her no good if she started having doubts about her loyalty to him.

The demoness was reminded of it when she saw the image of Aklenroth on the sky at dawn a while ago, hearing his voice in her head. She was afraid at first of being seen, but the undead king made no remarks of knowing about Sakura's whereabouts. For all he knew, she was already en route to 'playing nice' with the humans which was her main mission. As her father's image on the sky disappeared, she pondered. Since his forces were already on the lookout for these humans and since he gave out a bounty to whoever would turn a human in, she was sure no human would ever be safe on Avalia unless they were protected by those who oppose him.

She looked at the earth beneath her. The glasses of the Amora were made to block out the harsh sunlight, the bane of demons, while still being to show the environment outside perfectly. The landscapes gradually changed from the black charred lands of Daka Island to more and more greens of growing plantlife as the Amora journeyed away from the land of demons. Her face didn't show it, but she was brimming with excitement from having the chance to meet an actual human.

Sakura giggled. Her playground seemed to be growing bigger and bigger.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Terneus Andros

Time: Morning
Location: Cave of wonders

"Neither should you. My judgement is swift, decisive and just." He raised an eyebrow, with quite the aloof look on his face, looking to Kenia. "Tainted? This vagrant? Inter-species?" Terneus wrinkled his nose in disgust as he bit unto his own lower lip softly, that there were an elf capable of mingling and attempting to breed with dirty beastfolk was beyond Terneus.

'How utterly revolting...' The elf thought to himself as he reached for his napkin, to place it before his own nose and mouth. This elf was more like a beast, so it had to now be refered to as such. To avoid any misunderstanding that they were related at all. The white clothed elf pondered on his next move and action, which made leaving such a more appealing option, but then he noticed how the odd elf looked around for something.

'What is it doing now?' He allowed to escape his mind, as his eyebrows swiftly began to twitch in unison on seeing the elf get down on all fours and chase one of the disgusting tree rats! Terneus widened his eyes in a mix of astonishment, disgust and being appalled.

'He's more beast than elf. This is just more than a mere physical affliction, this is a mental condition. No this isn't good, it might even be contagious. Wait contagious? Could I use this as a weapon? To turn the less supportive of the nobles into beasts to ridicule them? Then sell cures which will likely not do a thing about it. Watered herbal potions. I could earn much amas from this. Now if I could only get this beast along without becoming afflicted myself. Then again, my superior blood and mind will surely be too much for even such an affliction. It would surely know better than to try corrupt my body and amazing mind.'

The elf thought and chuckled softly, in a very smooth and satisfied way. Then set his eye on a nearby crystal, which reflected his own image in a manner which pleased him.

'I could kiss this reflection, but it would be like cheating on myself.' He thought and then turned to Kenia. "I will have to withdraw from here, the wonders here will have to wait for wonders I will spring into motion elsewhere. This vagrant may be of use to me, I shall leave him in your care for the time being. I desire to see him delivered to my estate in three days from now, for some... experiments." Terneus said in a fine tone of voice, slightly muffled by the napkin.

"Put him in a cage with some blankets over it, make sure he doesn't die. I may find uses for his afflictions. There will ofcourse be amas in it for you, Karia." He gave a courteus motion with his hand, briefly removing the napkin from his mouth. "Now you two, I desire to continue my journey. Don't just stand there, get moving." He ordered his two knights to travel down towards the carriage with him.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Formerly Bellona
Time: Midnight - Dawn of the First Day
Location: Roshimi City
Interaction: @dreamingflowers

Belladonna looked at the faun, then at the newcomer. She watched the reaction closely and with curiosity: infirmary? That fascinated her. She needed to go along with this plan and see where it took her so she could escape the crowds. The faun's pleasant words caused her to nod and smile, though she didn't know if she could trust him. Bella glanced around swiftly, noticing more of these creatures were either beginning to lose interest in her as she followed him. She sighed with relief, though her left hand never left the pocket where she stored her gun. She had no idea if she would have to use it or not. She prayed she would not but if push came to shove... She wasn't going to allow one of these weird creatures to harm her when she hadn't asked to be in this Godforsaken city.

Bella could decipher the faun's emotions: his worried tone was badly masked and his eyes were filled with emotion and fear. She knew the look of fear, anxiety and emotion in someone’s eyes; she had robbed even places to understand it. She knew she would have to be sympathetic and kind in order to win his trust and help. The mere thought made her squirm uncomfortably in her skin and she wished she could peel it off. She had no idea if this was some kind of hell for her previous life but she wanted to escape it. Then again, maybe this was a dream and she would wake up a home and Lysandra would be nearby her, with popcorn and Ginger and Lemon tea... Her heart rate elevated briefly at the thought and a lump formed in her throat. She was a long way from home, or even Earth. She couldn't help but feel frantic at the fear Lysandra was probably experiencing.

When Bella entered the infirmary, she was taken aback by the beauty it held. For a moment, she did not follow the faun as she glanced around. Her gaze settled on the fountain. A sense of calm filled her. She had always loved water, despite nearly drowning at the ripe age of eleven. She had found peace with it as long as she didn't go in it. She shuddered at the brief memory. Her hands became clammy and heat rushed to her face. If Charis had not tried to make her cliff dive, she would not have nearly drowned. It was as simple as that. There wouldn't have been any drama, nor near death experiences. Belladonna stood there, engulfed in her memory.

Belladonna snapped back to reality and was astounded to find she was trembling. Tears were streaming down her face as she took deep, shuddering breaths. Fury, mixed with grief and untamed rage, were pulsing through her veins. Her mind was rushing with the heat of the memory and the terror of hearing the others clamoring to revive her. She took a moment to pull herself together. She sniffled, rubbed her eyes with her sleeves, and then straightened up. No, they were not here. She was far away from them and they were stuck in a high security prison. They were probably trapped with people the gang had stuck in there. The irony of the situation caused her to snicker and then clear her throat.

As part of her custody agreement with Lysandra, she had been ordered to go to counseling. She had been told to think logically during one of her panic or anxiety attacks and ground herself. Given the climate of her new situation, it was not easy. She took several more deep breaths and glanced around. She could hear the fountain water splashing playfully around in the courtyard center. She could see the beautiful willow tree, its branch hanging gracefully in the fountain water. There wasn't any noise, save for the fountain. She saw the bushes, the trees... Her mind began to slow down and take in the scenery around her. Bella took several more deep breaths and unclenched her fists, which were almost bleeding from her nails digging into them. She stretched her back to help loosen up her tight muscles and roll her neck. This provided relief for her and helped her relax more.

By the time she had stopped being an emotional idiot (which she hated), she had almost lost track of the deer. Her subconscious mind had kept working and remembered where he had gone. She sighed and took a few steps forward and hesitated. He was going through something right now. Should she interrupt him? It wouldn't hurt to understand the context of the situation. Bella strode towards where the faun had disappeared to and watched from afar. There were more humans, but this one was dead. She wondered what he had died from. She didn't want to come too close and interrupt, so she waited idly.

As the deer performed his ritual, Bella couldn't help but stare. He, or it, seemed too emotional to be spoken to right now. As if reading her mind, the faun sat down and began to play an instrument from its' bag. Bella almost smiled; the music was calming. It helped her mind ground itself more. Belladonna took a deep breath and gently walked up to the door and into the room. She took extra care to walk slowly and silently, as not to startle or upset the deer. Once in the peripheral vision, Belladonna finally spoke.

"That is beautiful. Your music is pretty cool," Bella struggled to find more comforting words and adjectives. Remember, you have to be nice and sympathetic. This man is not your enemy, or yet, at least. Be kind, like Lysandra would want you to be... You need allies and you also need food so don't be a dumbass. She breathed in and out once more, and smiled sympathetically and offered her hand for him to hold if she wished. "I'm sorry to hear about your friend passing. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Bella looked around for a chair but found none, so she stood against the wall with her arms crossed loosely. She titled her head and waited for a reply, all the while scanning the room for any dangers. She had kept a distance from the window and out of the line of vision. She was not sure if she had been followed or what the hell would happen next. Hopefully they could find food soon or else she would pass out next on this poor faun.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village

Malachi kept up his ridiculous act, staying interested in the squirrel. He listened carefully to what Terneus had to say and waited until him and his guards had fully departed before standing up. The governor wanted him caged and delivered to his state within three days. That is most certainly not happening. He thought in disgust. Still, the action made him relive a fond memory. His son had wanted him to crawl around like this as he mounted him like a horse when he was young. He smiled a little to himself as he moved back to the others.

He glanced at Kenia, "I thought he'd never leave." He sighed, running a hand through his messy blonde hair, "We all need to get cleaned up before we all actually contract diseases." Moving toward the inner part of the cave, he clapped his hands. "Come, humans. You can get off the dirty floor. I will cook you the meat and then I will show you to a spring you can clean yourselves." How much they had seen and heard was unknown to him. Kenia was sure to poke fun at what had just happened at the least and he mentally prepared himself.

The squirrel meat had been tossed aside. Once he collected it all, he began to ponder the best way to cook it. Starting a fire would probably take some time and possibly alert others normally, but his light magic could be manipulated to be radiative enough to do the trick. He dangled the meat in his fingers in one hand and began to create a mild amount of light energy in the other, cooking the meat. Using magic came naturally to Malachi at this point in his life. Emotions he had buried were easy to resurface a little at a time.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Time: Past Midnight
Location: Forest near the Sun Elf Village

The roar of the dracolich would fill the area of Sun Elf Village. Soruklithbaal had returned with his sights set on finding the two humans who he had lost track of before, but instead, another human had caught his sights through the breaks of the branches in the trees as he flew over the forest, along with a demi-human companion. The skeletal body of the dracolich would be visible as he circled overhead, trying to decide on a good place to break in and attack the pair. He finally decided to backtrack, turning around and flying one way then returning at a higher speed, aiming a breath of flames toward the two as he angled his head toward the ground. The flames were aimed through a break in the trees, brightening and heating up the area simultaneously. Another roar escaped his mouth as the flames went at the two.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by hide on mana
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hide on mana Rusty Veteran Roleplayer

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Time: Dawn
Location: Roshmi City Marketplace
Interactions: Ilan @dreamingflowers & Bellona @Potter

Kuroi kept a close eye on the human and the faun, making sure they didn't stray too far from his sight. As curious as he was though, he had a few purchases he needed to make before he set off from his journey. The vulpine sniffed the air for a bit, doing his best to single out the scents of the human and the faun. Although the latter was harder to detect amongst the collective scents of Demihumans, the human was much easier to identify, thus he would definitely keep her scent in mind. Looking at them through the heads of the crowd once more, Kuroi quickly navigated his way past the street vendors and into the nearby potion shop, grabbing his small pouch of Amas.

"Hello? Potion seller? I require your strongest potions." Kuroi said, looking forth at the cat behind the counter. The vulpine dropped his small pouch of money on the counter and continued, "I need a potion that can cure illnesses and poisons, two that will help me tank through any magical spells if I'm forced to fight, and then six potions that can heal my wounds and rejuvenate me; three stronger than the others."

Kuroi had made it a point to always wear a mask when entering the cat's shop. Although one couldn't blame Gofra for believing Kuroi to be more feminine than he really was, it definitely was something the vulpine wasn't fond of (especially if the said shopkeeper was known for attempting to woo his female customers). After all, what problem was there with looking pretty despite being masculine? It was merely his culture!

Gofra snapped his fingers and gave a proud smile to the duelist, "I have just the thing for you my androgynous friend!" The vendor turned around and quickly collected a variety of potions from a large shelf, making sure to double-check their prices and utility. After a few seconds of confirming he had picked out the elixirs that would interest Kuroi the most, he put them down on the counter and pushed them towards him. "The green potion shall take away any illness that ails you or any poison that one dares inflict upon you! Fourteen Amas!" He said, pushing the potion towards Kuroi again. "These six red potions shall mend your body to be in good shape. The smaller ones shall close flesh wounds and alleviate your pain. The larger ones shall make any nastier wounds you receive go away. 27 Amas for all six of them!"

Kuroi opened his pouch of money, waiting for the total cost of what he wished to buy. He had no trouble spending his former net worth on a variety of potions. After all, he was quite wealthy now.

"And last but not least, I offer you two potions to help resist any conjurer's magic that dare cross your path! Ten amas for both my foxy friend!" He says, giving a small smirk to the masked duelist. "That will be fifty-one Amas in total." He finished.

Kuroi shrugged and merely took out two Amas, one bronze and one platinum. He tied his pouch back onto his belt before putting both of them on the counter and collecting all his potions. "Thank you, Gofra." Kuroi said before putting away his newly-purchased elixirs and exiting the building.

(14 + 10 + 18 + 9 = 51 Amas)

(Green + Black x2 + Large Red x3 + Medium Red x3)

The transaction hadn't taken more than a few minutes, giving Kuroi enough time to spot the human and the faun leaving the marketplace to go towards the infirmary. The vulpine's curiosity had not been sated, and now that he had mostly everything he needed to set off on his journey, he began to follow the faun and the human to their destination. Upon arriving at the building, Kuroi stopped in his tracks, deciding it best not to enter and to merely stalk from outside where his presence would be more natural. He looked around quickly, hoping to find some sort of street vendor where he could purchase a few rations for his journey. Alas, there was no vendor and Kuroi instead decided to sit down on a nearby bench, one conveniently placed so he could look inside the infirmary.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Online

Baraian Paladice

Time: Dawn
Location: Roshmi

The dark elf methodically strode forth through the crowd, brushing past one after the other as he saw the faun and the short individual stride into the infirmary. Clad in his white coat, he momentarily passed by a androgynous masked individual. The dark elf's facial expression was stern, his eyes however were on high alert as he eyed the two guards outside of the infirmary, guarding the wooden door.

The whitehooded dark elf gave each of them a glance, which they in turn replied with glances of their own, blinking slightly then widening on looking the dark elf over. The dark elf could see both of them swallowing and then looked away, allowing him passage inside. As he entered the courtyard, which held much colourful vegetation and flowing water, the dark elf couldn't help but give off a slight 'Hmph' as he looked around. He really disliked the places like this, not for the wounded who was cared for within, but for the artificial display of nature which he found to be quite perverse.

Then he came upon the finely decorated stained glass windows, which held so many various colours. The dark elf strode forth on firm steps, not overly hurried, nor too relaxed. The many colours the windows reflected cast upon his white garment until he finally came out of bounds from them and walked further into the place, as he could hear music being played by strings. A lyre? It certainly sounded too light to be a harp.

Then a voice could be heard, it sounded feminine to his ears. He proceeded nontheless forwards til he came into the very room from which the music and the voice came from, within the room he could see the faun and the short hooded individual, then on a sickbed were a man with rounded ears. The dark elf narrowed his eyes slightly before he moved up towards the bed, reaching out his left hand to the neck of the man on the bed. Checking it for any pulse. There were none. The hooded dark elf quickly glanced to the faun and the short girl, then grabbed a dagger inside of his coat and jammed it into the chest of the bedridden human with one swift stabbing motion, then pulling the dagger back out.

"Pick him up Faun. You two are coming with me." The hooded dark elf said in a firm tone of voice, there was no hint of malice or arrogance, but severity and seriousness. Blood from the dead human dripped from the dagger which he held firmly in his hand. "Who else knows of this man?" He asked in a dark tone of voice, looking to the faun and the short figure while he went over to pull the window covers before the nearby window.
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